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Question #5282: Am I possessed?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I don't know where to start with this. Two years back I had attempted a seance at a local cemetery via ouija board. I am not an SS, however I have ran out of places to turn to. The seance was to contact a deceased friends father. To cut a long story short it ended in tears with the most vile things possible coming from that board. Hearing noises around us we ran and left the board behind. Cut to a few weeks later, I'm shaving and I look into the mirror to see myself rotted through. Black and purple welts all over as if I had been dead for a long time. Grinning ear to ear. I lose control of my hand and end up slicing pretty deep into my face. Still have the scar today.

Ever since I haven't been right. I haven't seen the thing again. I have very evil thoughts and urges and they have only gotten worse overtime. All giving me a sense of euphoria when I give into them. I've been in and out of jail a few times since then. Last big incident was when my best friend at the time was arguing with me. I don't remember over what. I just remember this urge came over me to k*** her. To rip her apart. Before I knew it I was on her trying to choke the life out of her. I was feeling ecstatic like I was a god until whatever spell was over me wore off and I let go, completely fucking horrified at what I had tried to do. Ended up getting some time for assault after that. I'm on parole now.

Sometimes I still see that image in the mirror but only for a moment. Other times I hear things moving around the house and sometimes objects move on their own.

Please. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to k*** some one but if I don't do anything I know I will. Can Satan help me?
If you go through initiation and work for the gods you can definitely forget about many negative things.

You have obviously caught a lot of negativity and may have attracted some not so good entities by doing such “experiments”
That sounds very serious, I think a good way is to do self-hypnosis.
And dedicate it to Satan, he'll remove this obstacle and you'll be able to move forward in peace.
Or at least nothing very bad will happen
Firstly, dedicate to Father Satan, in turn, protecting your soul from enemy attacks.

Once that's done, you would have to practice simple Void Meditation. Just focusing calmly on stuff around you like looking at a specific object for one, then two, then three minutes and so on or even the ceiling would help, anything to get your mind off of the enemy entity that's currently harassing you.

I advise this because you'd want to ground yourself in order to let the enemy's energy dissipate on it's own: it relies and feeds on your fear, in which they use it to attack you.

...Being able to cut someone or something completely off, at will in one's mind is the first step in psychic self-defense. Unwanted entities feed off fear and our giving them our attention. It is important to focus our minds elsewhere and totally ignore unwanted or bothersome entities. Without a steady supply of psychic energy, nearly all will leave.

I've been there before, and it took a while to figure out that the enemy is useless when it's host has tackled their fear and moved on from them. Trust me when I say that even when my soul and aura was at it's dirtiest, I only got depressive thoughts and it vanished because I knew how to banish them via doing Returning Curses 1, 2 (a much more advanced Aura Cleaning method, should be done when no nearby people/animals/plants around) and Void Meditation once I got back to my own two feet.

Adding to the above if that doesn't work out (you can feel the enemy presence near you), call upon Father Satan or one of his demons in the JoS website by focusing on them. You don't have to know what their sigils look like, just knowing in your heart that you're contacting them is enough.

Or, once you have the courage to do so, banish the enemy entity yourself by burning it with electric blue fire while focusing on it with intent that it's burning brightly in the astral and dying. Here's an affirmation, ie, words of power, to help you with banishing it for good, as well as using Father Satan's name to banish negative energies (it's harmful to the enemy, but when focused on us with positive intent with a positive affirmation, empowers us instead):

Vibrate SATANAS ×9 (in your mind, especially if you don't live alone)

Affirm ×4:
"By Father Satan's will, you are no more."

The enemy entity would probably yell nonsensical thoughts at you, even say that it would leave you alone after this, but ignore it and focus your anger and hatred upon this foolish idiot, knowing that it ruined your life and you have to clean up the mess it created for you to clean up.

Just don't do it too often, ie, letting your anger get the better of you and attacking it every chance you get: pushing your spiritual limits would make you feel sick or nauseous, and I don't want you to think that attacking the enemy is a no-go, no. Pushing yourself to the limit IS the no-go.

Then, practice Void Meditation and focus on reality again. Trust me when I say that the enemy wouldn't bother you too much so long as you're not thinking or worrying about them, hence why I advise you to focus on reality and letting your mind wander to something more positive.

I'd like to advise that you should be focusing on earthly matters even if your situation isn't the best right now, trust me. Hell, you can even ask Father Satan to help alleviate your situation, so long as you can give something in return once you're ready.

When we ask assistance from a Demon, it is only proper to offer something in return. Be prepared to give something in return. This is something both you and the Demon should agree upon. Remember, the Elder Gods value one's word, honesty, integrity and one's honor as the utmost importance. NEVER agree to anything you know you cannot follow through on. Giving something often involves fighting against the enemy in some way.

With your current situation, I wouldn't be surprised that Father Satan would wait for you to get on your feet before repaying Him, from my experience.

While doing this, expect that the enemy wouldn't just let their attacks up, so I advise you to do Aura of Protection (AoP), while learning how to use the Runes and timing your magick with the moon, too. Oh, and the current calendar for the year with all the VoC Moons that you can avoid, as well as some astrology, zodiac signs, and planetary facts you can use for your current workings. Even if the members here in the forums advise fifteen minutes or so doing your AoP for one working, I advise you to do four minutes or so since you're still recovering from enemy attacks, and that you shouldn't push yourself too much if you can't do any more.

Sure, you can do another AoP later in the day or night, just make sure it's few hours spaced in-between and that you don't feel any pain anywhere just by trying to focus your energy to do an AoP. It means you've reached your limit and your spiritual body is telling you to stop and let it recover.

My final advice: Just don't worry too much, okay?

It's why Void Meditation is important. Not only will it help you clear your thoughts from the enemy and current low, self-esteem, but it'll also let your mind focus on more positive ones like AoP and your spiritual, physical, and mental wellbeing. Don't forget to eat, sleep, and sit a bit and do Void if your emotions get the better of you if it's overwhelming to be in the physical realm at first. You can have a bit of a break before tackling the day, okay?
Yes, the above poster has it right.

Tune out of it so that you will not feed these things.
Train to control your mind with void meditation.
Lastly, you need to extensively clean your whole being and then apply aura of protection. This is a standard everyday practice that helps alleviate all such issues making them less than trivial.

Not being a dedicated Spiritual Satanist means you are easy prey for such things, even when you do the above in earnest as you have at best very limited help from our Gods. It is best not to mess around with spiritual beings without support and being ignorant about the topic--your life is a testament to this statement...
Pointing out necessary excerpts from a recent sermon...

HPS Maxine has said before that much: Tune them out like a radio. Yes, they all exist somewhere, and they do definitely "Try to cause humans issues". Spiritual Satanists are immune to these entities. You are mostly immune when you dedicate to Satan and the Gods. The Gods are supposed to handle these entities, not you. They are there to support and help. They exist in the same dimension and they will handle these pests.

In the same way one is afraid of a certain form of bug, and if one dwells on them all day, they "see them everywhere" and eventually you develop paranoia or schizophrenia thinking every little sound is a texas size cockroach, those who do not control their mind will create monsters in their head due to fear of the unknown.

No, it is not Greys and Reptilians that you are not succeeding at everything or maybe you have some anxiety; the chances are cataclysmically low it is the case. If that were the case, the Spiritual Protection methods will alleviate all these problems.

It's because you have emotional issues to address and a lot of growth. Normal and good, we all have. The grown Spiritual Satanist is not intimidated by these "beings", because the Gods are more powerful. By more powerful I mean they run the universe; these other entities are simply bandits going around and harassing anyone who is falling to their level. They hold no power over anything else.
Over the years I have also seen that many so called "Open minded spiritualists" are in many cases unfortunately suffering from powerful mental illnesses, aggravated by false knowledge and false focus. Others who want to mentally destroy them, tell them to focus on these hostile entities, do Rituals to "connect" them to them, and overall they infest their minds and tell them all sorts of nonsense, so they lose grip with reality altogether. That's how they destroy people.
Alright, some aliens are trying to stop humanity from advancing, big deal. Did you do your meditations today or you will whine about bug headed fucks from another dimension that you spilled your milk again, like a baby that pretends they do not go to bed because of boogeyman? Is it so necessary to focus on the boogeyman or to go to bed? If you went to bed you would understand boogeyman is not actually threatening you. And that there is no point to dwell on boogeyman, because you are not sleeping as a result.

These represent a danger only to the following:

1. Solitary wanna-be Occult practicioners, who are not with the Gods. These can end up at their mercy.
2. Those who cannot control their over-active imagination and tune into these, making their own damnation. That is mostly in their mind it's not always realistic "attacks".
3. Those who do not have any access to things like aura cleaning or aura of protection.
4. Cases of enemy spiritualists who are at the risk of total ruin through proxies like "New Age" etc, which leave open gateways for these vile entities to attack them. Those also under the enemy programs which forbid spirituality, but they "try it anyway", can have terrible experiences through this. Many "New Agers" have been "abductees" and have had their lives ruined by these - they were dumb enough to worship them, they hide behind the "Angelic Identities" of the Jews. Getting screwed is something they specialize.

Everyone who is a decent Spiritual Satanist and does not focus on these at all, is fully protected from these. Nothing to worry about. The Gods are in one's life for a reason. They cannot do nothing to people like this; unless of course people do mistakes to open themselves to these.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
