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Question #5277: Am I getting something fundamentally wrong about the Yezidis and Satan?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have spent a long time dealing with the Yezidis, who have been and still are denigrated as "devil worshippers". It is said that they worship their creator, that is Satan, in Melek Tawus. This is indeed true. However, they themselves never utter the name "Satan" in public and keep their "black book" strictly under lock and key.

Jon Lange writes in the chapter „Authenticity of The Black Book“: „It is largely accepted that the text is a forgery, possibly written by a non-Yezidi, for a Western demand for their literature. This was probably due to the fact that the Yezidi are an illiterate people and that it is against the law for most of them to learn to read and write.57 As in ancient Egypt, the only people in their community who are allowed to read are the priests (or mirs) who fulfil the role of ancient scribes. The Yezidi are still labelled the 'people without a book,'58 for they possess nothing like the Koran or Bible, but rely on their cultural and religious identity being maintained through an oral tradition.59 … The Yezidis themselves stress that their oral tradition is more important than their books: many of the main tenets of their faith were passed down orally from generation to generation, with the narrative characteristics of this type of culture. As one writer pointed out, 'When they are taxed by the Christians and Turks with having no books, they say it is because God has so peculiarly enlightened their minds as to render books and a written law unnecessary.'62 (Unlike Christians and Muslims, who are believers, the Yezidis are knowers; they know rather than believe.) They state: 'Yezidi is oral, not literary.' Further, 'There are religious texts, like the Black Book, but they are not crucial ... our faith is really handed down by kawwals, sort of musical preachers.'63This would make sense as there is a better chance of remembering something that is to be sung, especially if it is attached to a tune, like the words of a song, if the musical accompaniment is known. For a non-literate people it is the only means of remembrance. That the Black Book (and Book of the Revelation64), both being published in the early 1900s, were compiled by non-Yezidis for mutual gain 15 unequivocally accepted. In any case, in terms of content, the texts do correspond to the religious oral tradition, and thus keep a value of authenticity. Further, to maintain this tradition, as weil as to keep the bloodlines pure, it was considered unlawful for any Yezidi to marry beyond their clan. This rule of endogamy (which forbids marrying outside the community) is today still rigidly adhered to. OnIy recently a young Yezidi girl was stoned to death by her menfolk in lraq; she had fallen in love with a Muslim and was trying to convert.65“
Jon Lange, The Black Book of the Yezidis, ©2017, page 9-10

In "Joy of Satan" it is said that you can perform special satanic rituals that increase your financial wealth. But what about the Yezidis, who worship Satan? There is no trace of financial wealth. The people are rather poor. Moreover, most of them are illiterate and the Yazidi people have been persecuted, oppressed and destroyed for centuries. Where is Satan's help for his own people or am I fundamentally misunderstanding something?

Thank you for your answer!

Hail Satan!
I don't see any problem with this. The "Black Book" that the above excerpt refers to is the Mashaf Resh, and that text is obviously corrupted and Spiritual Satanists we do not accept it. You will not find it anywhere in the JoS site. We only accept the Al-Jilwah which has been confirmed by Satan to come from Him (but still contains some corruptions). This Jon Lange probably has no idea what he's talking about. Just because it's been published by non-Yezidis doesn't mean the author didn't get it from the Yezidis. Just because that person doesn't think the Yezidis would do that doesn't mean it's true. High Priestess Maxine has written a rebuttal to the claim that the Al-Jilwah is supposedly a "forgery":

Read this page too:

However even if it was a forgery it doesn't mean it's of no use to us. As most of its parts still apply to our situation as Satanists. See this sermon:

But note, that the Al-Jilwah and the Quret Al-Yezid are mostly inspirational and are not akin to the Christian Bible. We don't follow them as books to have unquestioning faith in them, as it says we communicate directly with Satan. We don't have anything that is like the Bible or the Quran.

In "Joy of Satan" it is said that you can perform special satanic rituals that increase your financial wealth. But what about the Yezidis, who worship Satan? There is no trace of financial wealth. The people are rather poor.

It doesn't say anything like that. We use magick, i.e. our own powers to bring wealth and not depend on the Gods. As the JoS site says, Satan and the Gods help us to awaken our own powers by giving us spiritual techniques and we use the knowledge gained by Satan. It's not about "worship". They don't like or care about slavish fawning. Christian "worship" doesn't cause Satan to give you money, contrary to the very common misconception people have.

Moreover, most of them are illiterate and the Yazidi people have been persecuted, oppressed and destroyed for centuries. Where is Satan's help for his own people or am I fundamentally misunderstanding something?

If you read the JoS site you will see that the enemies of Satan has controlled the earth for millennia. They still control the earth, but they are slowly getting destroyed. Nobody said that Satan is all-powerful.

Another thing, on the JoS page on the Yezidis it also says that their texts and doctrines have been corrupted over time and nowadays the Yezidis bear almost no resemblance to the original Satanic Yezidis. Their doctrines have been altered and today they are more like Christians or Muslims than Satanists. Somebody posted a "Yezidi" ceremony that calls upon "Allah", "virgin mary" and other enemy beings. They believe that Melek Taus is just the favorite angel of Allah, not a God of his own. Even the text Quret Al-Yezid says on one part that Melek Taus is an archangel and before that it says he's a God, thus contradicting itself and proving that it's corrupted in some places.
Many Gentiles are not in a good place right now. We are doing what we can to remedy that.
All Gentiles are Satan's people, what is unique with Ezidi people is it wasn't thousands of years ago the last time they contacted with Gods but it was after Islam. There was someone ''open'' enough to receive orders to protect themselves against enemy and keep their beliefs a secret. What they are facing is no different than any Pagan society went through. As a note, all written texts about their religion comes from outsiders as it is forbidden for them to do that. I'd also say that their traditions are rather lost and corrupted to some degree because of Muslims at the moment.
I think what I like most about this question is it brings me back to the beginning of my journey into Satanism.
So let's see.
Before I read Langes version of the black book of the Yezidis I read "Devil Worship - The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidis" by Isya Joseph.
(Yeah I know, f*ckin jew).
Anyways both are basically similar with the exception being Lange's version has the black book, The Arabic manuscript,and bibliography.
It's quite the dive down the rabbit hole to say the least.

As far as the claim the text is considered a forgery = whatever, you can argue it's as old as the new testament, but f*uck the new testament, and scr*w king james too. Read demonology by that prick, basically he pulled his face out of some Jews lap long enough to tell the rest of us to help him s*ck jew d*ck.

(My apologies for the abrasive language.)

You're confusing the part of the book mentioning an English group of retards walking around a particular stone speaking incantations, investing monies, becoming successful, and thanking Melek Taus for their progress with Jos writings.
This is absolutely garbage.
If Father Satan Lucifer, Melek Taus, Shiva, Ptah, Poseidon, Odin, Enki or whatever name you wish to put upon our Father was to favor some ass crack Brits to make a few dollars while what's left of the Yezidis die on some hill or be sold into slavery was even remotely true he would be no God.

Read it again, and dig through the notes and sources if you have to for a better understanding of things but the book was written so you can make an honest assessment of what you've read in relation to weather or not the Yezidis worshiped Father or not .
Devil worshippers? Not hardly.
Persecuted for knowing Father is God?
Murdered and/or enslaved for refusing islam and the rest of the abrahamic filth?
Being genocided for knowing the truth before almost all?
I say yes.
I also say they're a people deserving of humans intervening in Father's name.

In addition to finding our ways through Father's world in hopes of ascension and with the advancement of JOS firmly in mind, it is my sincere hope that some of Father's people find their ways to help what's left of these pioneers of truth.
You can find them scattered throughout the world, with smatterings of them in most major cities in the US, and a good number of them settled in Nebraska.

I'm embarrassed to say I've forgotten more about the Yezidis than most know.
If what's left of my memory serves me I believe they're on the 56th attempt of someone trying to genocide them.
I don't think any group of humans has to date now or could ever survive such campaigns against them in futures.
Father has always been with them.

Their continued existence proves this as such.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
