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Question #5134: Pls Recommend Black Magic for Sexual Assaulter


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
It happened when I was young and I had forgetten about it until I was much older as a trauma response. This person was never punished. I’m having a hard time being intimate (not sure if it is vaginismus or something like that) and I really want to have a healthy sexual life. I think I need to curse him, something along the lines of being crippled or dead, so I can find peace. Spells for revenge as well as healing would be very much appreciated.
It happened when I was young and I had forgetten about it until I was much older as a trauma response. This person was never punished. I’m having a hard time being intimate (not sure if it is vaginismus or something like that) and I really want to have a healthy sexual life. I think I need to curse him, something along the lines of being crippled or dead, so I can find peace. Spells for revenge as well as healing would be very much appreciated.
I am always both sad and happy when I read similar messages. Sad for what happened (I share similar life experience, abuse and trauma, surfacing later in life), happy because I meet a person who has the will, power and strength to resist, live and oppose to sexual abuse to heal and break free.
So I really try to take care of this posts, for what I can and know, as a form of sustaining damaged people, who did not commit any fault, and nothing here is your fault, ever! Only people who unfortunately suffered this, can understand the impact it has on life. I try to be empathic.

Just stay strong, you will know there are dark days but, you are not alone, you are NOT responsible for anything that happened, and Satan is at your side for help. Everything is set for the best healing process.

Said this, I will relate my experience.
Punishing sexual abuser is not easy for me. I am working on it since years and I am getting some results, slowly, and with patience. The reason why black magick had few effect is that I needed to fix my feeling guilty, as my unconscious mind turned the responsibility of what happened to myself. So black magick is at risk of rebound, or failing (mine failed at first), or even damaging myself.
After fixing my guilt, things started to improve and my Runes started to have power against the abuser, I think I'll get him gone in a few years or hopefully months.
Another point is: first I needed to cut all ties, and detach chakra links with freeing the soul meditation. Because, an abuser forms strong links to the victim's souls and sucks energy as a vampire. When you curse and hit the abuser, he will "recharge" with your own energies, so you basically and partially fight against yourself. Cleaning guilt and severing links, will nullify or reduce this problem.
Then I have been able to start a spiritual fight, but I also supported this with physical actions (moving away, cutting relationship, therapy, etc.).

In any case, there IS a solution, if you are not yet able to channel black magick, I am sure your GD will drive you to the point of being able to.

Last, I found Uruz rune suits well for destroying male energies of the abuser, and I think also physically.
While for justice and punishment I'd use Tiwaz, or both together.
My 2 cents, hope this helps.
I'm so sorry you had that experience. It's horrible. But your intention is not accompanied by noble impulses. Satan is not leading the path you wish to follow. Instead of violence and cruelty Satan is guiding toward Wisdom, Perfection, and Power. Any other path does not cultivate these qualities in you, but only plunges you into «darkness» where such qualities are characteristic of abominable beings. It is difficult to realize this in the rush of hatred for one's abusers and under the pressure of traumatic experiences.

Think 100 times whether revenge will make you a better person and whether you are not guilty of allowing yourself to be humiliated, that you subsequently become like the one who offends you by using methods to restore Justice as a weapon of recklessness. There is another way out, you will find it if you wish. The Gods will show you the Way.

The main thing is not to ignore the possibility of guidance from the Gods. It is of the utmost importance. There are Valor, Bravery, Honor, Justice, — these are aspects of Being, which should be comprehended for years, before they become really accurate and rightful, unlike the deeds of Evil Beings.

There have been similar posts here before. Read this thread, please.
I'm so sorry you had that experience. It's horrible. But your intention is not accompanied by noble impulses. Satan is not leading the path you wish to follow. Instead of violence and cruelty Satan is guiding toward Wisdom, Perfection, and Power. Any other path does not cultivate these qualities in you, but only plunges you into «darkness» where such qualities are characteristic of abominable beings. It is difficult to realize this in the rush of hatred for one's abusers and under the pressure of traumatic experiences.

Think 100 times whether revenge will make you a better person and whether you are not guilty of allowing yourself to be humiliated, that you subsequently become like the one who offends you by using methods to restore Justice as a weapon of recklessness. There is another way out, you will find it if you wish. The Gods will show you the Way.

The main thing is not to ignore the possibility of guidance from the Gods. It is of the utmost importance. There are Valor, Bravery, Honor, Justice, — these are aspects of Being, which should be comprehended for years, before they become really accurate and rightful, unlike the deeds of Evil Beings.

There have been similar posts here before. Read this thread, please.
This is not applicable to someone who has been sexually assaulted as a young child by an adult. Vengeance and destruction is a necessary part of life in such a case.

Fighting Back:

No Satanist should ever have to put up with or take abuse. The average person absorbs the negative energy and suffers accordingly after the negativity has built up. The offending individual benefits by venting hostility or negativity on others and often thrives on it. The people who unknowingly absorb the energy can suffer anything from depression to illness and get caught in a vortex of negative energy, while providing the offensive individual with a negative outlet. The above meditation puts a stop to this, but remember, it must be reinforced frequently.

About Black Magick:

However, if someone is seriously out to harm you or deprive you of justice, you have an obligation to fight back. Satanists are not victims.

Someone using Black Magick on their rapist and knowing all the facts = 'being just as bad as their rapist' and corrupting their soul thereof is Wicca-logic. This has nothing to do with Satanism. The person in the thread you link to was just contemplating doing torture on 'a guy I don't like' and sounded vague in general. VERY different case.

If the OP wants to practice this, they need to build themselves up first through opening the Chakras and daily Yoga, cleansing such as Returning Curses and FRTR. Dedication is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. Do not jump the gun on Black Magick. The soul must be powerful enough to evoke destructive energy and repel it from oneself which requires cleansing daily. One can ask the Gods for help.

The OP, however, has to be surer than sure this happened because memory can be unreliable. 'Repressed memories' can also be conditioned and be stimulated by others.
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This is not applicable to someone who has been sexually assaulted as a young child by an adult. Vengeance and destruction is a necessary part of life in such a case.
100% agree. And thanks for posting this, as I also sometimes need to hear this, to not let my mind falter and think to "let it go" without any form of revenge (as justice is now always possible).

The OP, however, has to be surer than sure this happened because memory can be unreliable. 'Repressed memories' can also be conditioned and be stimulated by others.
I have spent months under therapy. I was guided to the right therapist, with extended experience in sexual abuse. He played several times with my emotions to trigger some reactions, and only then he was sure my memories are reliable, so I can also be sure, as proved.
Your way of thinking is very xian.
Xians turn the other cheek and ignore abusers. Some would even not care if somebody broke into their home and was killing their family members or such.

I suggest you deprogram your mind from xian thinking.

Revenge for such things as what OP mentioned are valid. The fact that they want to bring somebody who abused them to justice is justifiable and honorable! I wish them a lot of luck on this path.
Your way of thinking is very xian.
Xians turn the other cheek and ignore abusers. Some would even not care if somebody broke into their home and was killing their family members or such.

I suggest you deprogram your mind from xian thinking.

Revenge for such things as what OP mentioned are valid. The fact that they want to bring somebody who abused them to justice is justifiable and honorable! I wish them a lot of luck on this path.
I doubt you understood the message of my post. It's not about Christian thinking, because fortunately I got rid of it several years ago. Probably, you saw in it what you wanted to see, by virtue of your understanding. In turn, I advise you not to jump to conclusions.

It was not a matter of turning the other cheek or ignoring the abusers and turning a blind eye to the violence and disrespect. Nor was it about being forgiving and getting away with any injustice that happens to a person.

The point is that if you do kill someone with Magic, and your revenge is «accomplished», most likely it will not be the solution you really needed.

If we look for an answer to this in more traditional texts, then the use of Black Magic is justified in cases of self-defense, destruction of obstacles to practice, destruction of enemies of the Dharma. At the moment it is the Jews and their servants.

The worst humiliation one can inflict on one's enemies is to become stronger than them, in spite of them, to overcome them like trash by the wayside of life. This will inflict such an offense on them that it will literally destroy them.

Yes, indeed, a person can use Black Magic to destroy their enemies who have done them harm. But the truth is that many who ask Black Magic questions here do not understand how to be guided by these tools and what they may end up sacrificing if they misjudge the situation. Instead of rising above themselves and their ideas about the world, acquiring Power, Perfection, a sense of the world around them, a person spends their own resources on destruction. Such incidents are part of the Soul's own Karma and must be gotten rid of, but in more effective ways.

Destruction is a part of the Universe and Nature and makes a balance of importance with Creation. However, people are often mistaken when they think that this particular action will make them more perfect and stronger. This does not mean that one should neglect the use of Black Magic. It means that one is subject to cycles of suffering and resentment. With progressive Spiritual Advancement, these Energy Blocks/Seals naturally dissipate. The Powerful Essence is on a very different level of Being, its Philosophy is centered on infinite growth. But again, let's make this point clear: for the Mighty Being, existence also has both opposite poles, Destruction and Creation. But this has a more sublime, Metaphysical character and is not compensating for one's suffering. Otherwise it is the substitution of cause for effect. That is, a person suffers not because someone once offended him. This offense and other feelings have a very deep character. They are «compacted» in the Soul. And Black Magic will not solve the problem, it will only level the irritant, but not the cause of these feelings and suffering. There is another Way.

Justice is immutable. One restores what is broken. If someone has offended, he is already broken, just deceiving himself that he is good for something other than what he is. No strong man knows weakness: nowhere, in anything, never. His impeccability is the absolute shield of the World, his Truth is the spear. In such a case, Justice is done when the Spirit has risen above all things. In other cases, it is self-deception, the fear of breaking the twig that holds the Ego together.

Yes, new people need to grow in power before preforming any black magick rituals. However, you're still thinking in an xian way.

Who cares if a rotten degenerate dies? If that person caused immense trauma and damage to ones body and soul that takes YEARS, if not decades, to deal with, I believe it is justified that black magick causes that sick person harm.

We do not "love" about people who are so low that most are monsters, if not worse.

If black magick was so wrong, it wouldn't be available in the first place.

Tell me, if a degenerate person, who has no hope of redemption in ones life, causes you immense harm and possibly even to your loved one and gets away with it so that even the law doesn't care, deserves to live to cause others harm??

If you answered yes to the above question then you still have an xian mindset.

Xians invite abuse into their life, we are not xians.
Yes, new people need to grow in power before preforming any black magick rituals. However, you're still thinking in an xian way.

Who cares if a rotten degenerate dies? If that person caused immense trauma and damage to ones body and soul that takes YEARS, if not decades, to deal with, I believe it is justified that black magick causes that sick person harm.

We do not "love" about people who are so low that most are monsters, if not worse.

If black magick was so wrong, it wouldn't be available in the first place.

Tell me, if a degenerate person, who has no hope of redemption in ones life, causes you immense harm and possibly even to your loved one and gets away with it so that even the law doesn't care, deserves to live to cause others harm??

If you answered yes to the above question then you still have an xian mindset.

Xians invite abuse into their life, we are not xians.
You are fixated on your worldview and are very self-righteous about it. You don't quite understand what I'm trying to tell you. You would if you had a broader sense of the world.

You see what is convenient for your Mind to see, due to your development, experience and awareness. You are projecting your own beliefs onto me, and finding xian signs in a position you don't fully understand. There is no Christian premise here. It's just that you think your vision is the only correct one, denying other visions, when in fact you are in a cruel illusion and unable to go deeper, understanding the subject from the inside out.

Justice is not limited to revenge alone, although Retribution is a form of it. Justice is very broad and encompasses many dimensions, from the lowly to the high. Justice is non-binary and beyond the kind of concepts you write about. There is no doubt that Black Magic is one of those measures. It's pointless to deny its value, just as it's pointless to deny the stupidity of forgiveness. It makes sense. By the way, if you noticed, I mentioned this thought in the post above. The only question is how correctly that measure is perceived by the individual, and how his perception affects his life, condition and reality.

You are very limiting the essence of such things, even your post is filled with resentment, which is a significant hindrance to practice if it manifests regularly. If you had actual practice in this direction, you would understand.

I've had such experiences and they are not based on basic Witchcraft techniques. The situation you describe happened to me once. A person (it was not a Jew) who had hurt me and my family, some time after the Magical work, eventually lost a relative, lost a lot of health and even lost his business. What did this give me? Almost nothing. It would have been better if his relative had stayed alive, but Karma turned that way. This result gave me no more Happiness, Freedom, Knowledge and Power. Did this man deserve this fate? I don't know, but I will answer you: who am I to judge what a particular person deserves? Or who are you to judge such things? Does this mean that from my point of view Black Magic is bad? NO! But try to understand. A thought pattern that is centered on the fact that someone must die is misleading if the Creation component is missing. Balance is important here. A person becomes more Powerful when he overcomes his own limitations and unravels his tangle of Karma.

An Adept who is initiated into the Art of Black Magic and other «Dark» Arts understands the degree of responsibility, has the emotional control and Energy Balance in his Soul that prevents him from thinking in the manner you describe. The problem is not in Black Magic as such, it is a workable toolkit in itself, the problem lies in people themselves.

Black Magic is not difficult to master, but the point is that true mastery of the methods is a side effect of the growth of Wisdom and Awareness. Which in itself contradicts the role of a human killer. There are cases when such a thing is justified, but mostly they all lie in the plane of Spiritual Warfare and Vendetta. But it should be understood that Magic, especially Black Magic, is not just a weapon of death, it is a Philosophy, very deep and far from primitive. This is the complexity of its use. But it can and must be used. But not always.
*Various long winded, vaguely Buddhist sounding posts in this thread*
Can you imagine how someone who's suffered sexual assault as a child would think, if you were to tell some of the things you've said in this thread to their face? Do you think they would react positively to any of this?

Talking down to someone, telling them they don't understand, the poor dear.

Yes, I'd imagine someone who has suffered such a thing would feel very self-righteous about seeing the perpetrator of such a crime punished. Sexual assault of children is one of the most loathsome, disgusting acts imaginable, and in my view absolutely warrants administration of the death penalty. Via the legal system first, but if that isn't possible then absolutely through magickal means.

Unfortunately, if you take a look at society today, if you really look, you'll notice something about many of the type of people who commit such crimes. Few of them, if any fear retribution of any kind, and so they gleefully violate any child they choose to, knowing full well it's highly unlikely they're face any consequences for their actions. It's their word against the child's, and in many cases where it's a younger family member they've violated, they know the child will not be believed by the other family members, and so they're safe to do as they please. I've actually unfortunately had to see this occur myself more than once, so I can assure you it does happen.

So in such cases, where the person is not believed, and where the legal system will not help someone get justice, if the person is lucky enough to have come here, dedicated and thus gained access to the tools that will give them the ability to access their RIGHT to administer justice themselves, through magickal means? I believe they ought to do so, if they decide themselves it's what they want to do.

All I can see in the posts you've made on this subject, is a lot of longwinded Buddhist sounding nonsense, basically telling SS that we should be above revenge, because apparently being spiritually advanced means that we have to ignore abuses, to rise above it, correct?

Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you in the most strongest possible terms on that one. I'm sure you'll be able to rise above it.
You are fixated on your worldview and are very self-righteous about it. You don't quite understand what I'm trying to tell you. You would if you had a broader sense of the world.

You see what is convenient for your Mind to see, due to your development, experience and awareness. You are projecting your own beliefs onto me, and finding xian signs in a position you don't fully understand. There is no Christian premise here. It's just that you think your vision is the only correct one, denying other visions, when in fact you are in a cruel illusion and unable to go deeper, understanding the subject from the inside out.

Justice is not limited to revenge alone, although Retribution is a form of it. Justice is very broad and encompasses many dimensions, from the lowly to the high. Justice is non-binary and beyond the kind of concepts you write about. There is no doubt that Black Magic is one of those measures. It's pointless to deny its value, just as it's pointless to deny the stupidity of forgiveness. It makes sense. By the way, if you noticed, I mentioned this thought in the post above. The only question is how correctly that measure is perceived by the individual, and how his perception affects his life, condition and reality.

You are very limiting the essence of such things, even your post is filled with resentment, which is a significant hindrance to practice if it manifests regularly. If you had actual practice in this direction, you would understand.

I've had such experiences and they are not based on basic Witchcraft techniques. The situation you describe happened to me once. A person (it was not a Jew) who had hurt me and my family, some time after the Magical work, eventually lost a relative, lost a lot of health and even lost his business. What did this give me? Almost nothing. It would have been better if his relative had stayed alive, but Karma turned that way. This result gave me no more Happiness, Freedom, Knowledge and Power. Did this man deserve this fate? I don't know, but I will answer you: who am I to judge what a particular person deserves? Or who are you to judge such things? Does this mean that from my point of view Black Magic is bad? NO! But try to understand. A thought pattern that is centered on the fact that someone must die is misleading if the Creation component is missing. Balance is important here. A person becomes more Powerful when he overcomes his own limitations and unravels his tangle of Karma.

An Adept who is initiated into the Art of Black Magic and other «Dark» Arts understands the degree of responsibility, has the emotional control and Energy Balance in his Soul that prevents him from thinking in the manner you describe. The problem is not in Black Magic as such, it is a workable toolkit in itself, the problem lies in people themselves.

Black Magic is not difficult to master, but the point is that true mastery of the methods is a side effect of the growth of Wisdom and Awareness. Which in itself contradicts the role of a human killer. There are cases when such a thing is justified, but mostly they all lie in the plane of Spiritual Warfare and Vendetta. But it should be understood that Magic, especially Black Magic, is not just a weapon of death, it is a Philosophy, very deep and far from primitive. This is the complexity of its use. But it can and must be used. But not always.
Like lightning wings said u still have not deprogrammed yourself from the Christian nonsense that u are spewing out in a satanic forum .This "rise above enemies and progress yourself "is all just a typical Christian and new age mentality .You need to deprogram from it rather than adamantly clinging to it .If somebody has abused a person ,then that person should punish the abuser with whatever way they want to .Punishment to abuser is satanic and satanists do NOT tolerate abusers or let them go .Before trying to correct us ,better go to joyofsatan.org and there is a topic called Satanic witchcraft .Go read this topic thoroughly .

To the OP who had asked this question ,do NOT be brainwashed by people who claim to be satanists yet are living a Christian life .Satanists do NOT let go of forgive their enemies who did such an evil thing and has not been punished .Punishing evil people and establishing justice is one of the main core ethic of Satanism .You need to use the combination of Thurisaz,Tiwaz,Hagal,Uruz to punish the abuser .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
