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Question #4998: The duty of a man is to get cucked astrally


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
So I'm about to get my first job after graduating university and now I have literally no idea what to do. I did make some friends and dated a few girls but aside from that, nothing spectacular happened. What is the endgame for a man now? I feel like the only thing to do left now is to save money and then maybe find someone and have kids but I feel like it's just rigged. The modern woman loves a dog more than she loves a man, by the time I meet a roastie's checklist I literally achieve the Magnum Opus. A God can show up at her house but if he's less than 6 feet tall she'll be like "ewww". We're expected to earn for a family, be handsome, sometimes tall, be humorous and charming, fuck like a machine and take the lead and all that. We literally need to be 1 inch away from becoming Heroes like HPS Maxine to date the average western woman, and when we stop meeting the criteria we are replaceable. We are just not valued for who we are as humans, we are valued for what we can provide to society and to women. We men are literally cattle and we pretend we have a choice and free will. Every other choice but participating in this butchery is an even greater disgrace. I've had people tell me that this is a man's duty and that I shouldn't complain. Bro, if it is then I'd rather kill myself and maybe wait to be reincarnated into a better life (hopefully as a cat, I love cats). How is it my duty to care for selfish drones and forsake my entire identity for the hivemind? I literally don't see how being a man is any fun, we truly live in a society. So while I'm having this breakdown of galactic proportions, I'd really love to ask what the fuck is a man supposed to do with his life in the modern world? Am I foolish for not wanting to participate in society? What would the Gods suggest I do? What would They themselves do? Thanks for reading and I hope I made you laugh with my awkward ahh jokes.
Being a man is not easy, mainly because most men inherently have absolutely nothing to offer. There is a reason why high value men get the attention of most women. As a man you literally start at 0, and you can't change that or be mad at it because it goes for all men. But you can also see that there aren't really any high value men in their 20s or even 30s. It's a process to become that, and nobody wants to put in the work. People just see the end result and call it unfair.

You can never reincarnate as anything but a human or a man, so either give up completely, or fight to become more than you are.
It is also likely that you are so convinced of this that you are attracted to these particular events and these particular women.

The world is extremely multifaceted, people in it are more so, yes, most people live according to some patterns, but I personally have seen examples of the opposite, where a woman took on the function of earning or achieving something while the man just drank beer and lay on the couch, and yes she chose him and loved him, etc. etc.
Unfortunately, society is arranged in such a way that both men and women are hit indiscriminately and undermined at their weakest points.

We are made to believe that the true standards in a man and a woman are to be the supermodel of the day. But in the end, as you say, we are people. Both man and woman must work to improve themselves.

In ancient times, even if there were not certain devious dogmas typical of today, both men and women were expected to evolve themselves, day by day. In Sparta, sportsmanship and schooling were fundamental, and also in SS Hitler's Germany. And everyone was expected to respect it.

You have to get rid of all this unnecessary negativity because it is detrimental to your advancement. It is not true that women only look at those who are 6 feet tall. This bullshit is deliberate and implemented by Jews.

Change your mindset and you will change the way you see and approach the world. Many things will be difficult at first but slowly you will succeed.

I suggest specific feeling magical work from your hang ups with the Ansuz Rune coupled with a determined affirmation, which you could also do by going into a trance. Tuesday, June 25, is a good time to start it. For minimum 40 days.

Remember that being a man is wonderful, our ancient Civilizations were built by men. Men have both physical and mental strength that without it so much progress would not have been made. The men and women of other times, must become our role models upon which we can be inspired to improve.
You must understand things as a whole, you and all other humans and things are a cog in the wheel that is constantly in motion and brakes in a specific way so that other things can flourish.

Women should be completely demanding, it's always been that way.
Most men don't even have the chance to touch a woman unless it's their own mother.

If it hadn't been for their demands, even in the midst of Christianity, which gave all kinds of beings the opportunity to exist and have relationships (monogamy and marriage).
The species is still standing, thanks to this, before one man took care of dozens of women, male polygamy created strong men and women, not everyone should get married and have children when their genetics are weak.

Meditate, meditate and beg to be born better next time, so that your future children aren't reborn weak and suffering.

Another thing, women carry great compassion for all kinds of people and lives, they are much more complex than you think, no woman here dislikes men, while the opposite seems to happen
And do you want a modern woman?

Just look at what you need as the best partner, if a woman behave like that, she is trash, just leave her.

You have to be her everything, if it doesn't work, you are wasting your time, leave her.

I don't look at modern women, it's like dating an animal, only a certain type of woman can get my attention.
And it's not my duty to be what the modern woman expects, I'm myself, I have my qualities and I improve myself in a certain way.

You are the person that has to show some valuable qualities in order to have the honor to be approcied by me, it's not me that I have to become a God to have a small chance to date you, who are a nobody.

Other men? If you notice that she behave like a hoe, leave her, if she shows traits of loyalty, tell other men to go fuck themselves and that she is yours. Prepare to fight in case.

It might work.

However, for the type of woman that I personaly aim, I don't need all this "game mechanics" crap.
Hello, I am the poster of the question, I had to create an account to reply. I understand that men start at 0, that is perfectly fine by me, but why should women free ride? Compared to them, we have to put in way more work to become something, whereas they start with quite a lot of value by default. That is the main issue. The trade simply doesn't really favor me in any way. I can become the mogger of dreams, and that's great, I'd love to become that, but when I see that most women want winners, it just feels cheap. This guy busted his ass off to win, the price of winning is actually extremely high for any serious endeavor, and women just go to him instead of trying to maybe make someone a winner. I don't mean she should baby sit him, but a lot of guys could actually become quite good humans if they had someone encouraging them by their side. Loneliness is worse than death for some of us, and despite being painted as compassionate and what not, their "pickiness" reeks of nothing but selfishness.
That is why I meditate, maybe I can change my POV. In the meantime, it's true that counterexamples exist, but these are rare and these kinds of exceptions only confirm the rule.

We are made to believe that the true standards in a man and a woman are to be the supermodel of the day. But in the end, as you say, we are people. Both man and woman must work to improve themselves.
Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Instead of waiting for the winner to arrive, they should strive to be winners themselves too, or if they want a partner that is a winner, they should help someone with potential become one.
And thanks for the working, I'll give it a try.

Most men don't even have the chance to touch a woman unless it's their own mother.
Is this fair? Just your opinion. Not trying to poke at you, since you are pretty much right, but I'm curious.

Meditate, meditate and beg to be born better next time, so that your future children aren't reborn weak and suffering.
If this is my only course of action, I am extremely disappointed in both myself and SS as a whole for not providing a better solution than to do what literally xians do: beg for their thoughtform of a god to do something while waiting on their asses.

I don't look at modern women, it's like dating an animal, only a certain type of woman can get my attention.
Cold, I like it. Know your worth, brother.
I just hope you have success. I don't know how you select the women you talk to, but I hope there is a decent chance you find them and they're not unicorns or other fantasies that you find only once every 3 sabbats.

Another thing, women carry great compassion for all kinds of people and lives, they are much more complex than you think, no woman here dislikes men, while the opposite seems to happen
(I forgor to reply above and I don't know how to move this up, my bad)
Maybe, no woman HERE dislikes men, but I've met many OUTSIDE who do. In this forum, everyone is level headed and knows what the fuck they're doing. But once one leaves the door of their house it's just a concrete jungle. Here everyone understands that we have our flaws, we have our strengths and we do our best to manage them together. Outside of this forum though, I've met fantastic women and terrible women, the latter more than the former. Thus, I don't think they carry great compassion at all, at least based on my experience. Maybe the women in your area are nice, I don't know.
Hello, I am the poster of the question, I had to create an account to reply. I understand that men start at 0, that is perfectly fine by me, but why should women free ride? Compared to them, we have to put in way more work to become something, whereas they start with quite a lot of value by default. That is the main issue. The trade simply doesn't really favor me in any way. I can become the mogger of dreams, and that's great, I'd love to become that, but when I see that most women want winners, it just feels cheap. This guy busted his ass off to win, the price of winning is actually extremely high for any serious endeavor, and women just go to him instead of trying to maybe make someone a winner. I don't mean she should baby sit him, but a lot of guys could actually become quite good humans if they had someone encouraging them by their side. Loneliness is worse than death for some of us, and despite being painted as compassionate and what not, their "pickiness" reeks of nothing but selfishness.

That is why I meditate, maybe I can change my POV. In the meantime, it's true that counterexamples exist, but these are rare and these kinds of exceptions only confirm the rule.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Instead of waiting for the winner to arrive, they should strive to be winners themselves too, or if they want a partner that is a winner, they should help someone with potential become one.
And thanks for the working, I'll give it a try.

Is this fair? Just your opinion. Not trying to poke at you, since you are pretty much right, but I'm curious.

If this is my only course of action, I am extremely disappointed in both myself and SS as a whole for not providing a better solution than to do what literally xians do: beg for their thoughtform of a god to do something while waiting on their asses.

Cold, I like it. Know your worth, brother.
I just hope you have success. I don't know how you select the women you talk to, but I hope there is a decent chance you find them and they're not unicorns or other fantasies that you find only once every 3 sabbats.

(I forgor to reply above and I don't know how to move this up, my bad)
Maybe, no woman HERE dislikes men, but I've met many OUTSIDE who do. In this forum, everyone is level headed and knows what the fuck they're doing. But once one leaves the door of their house it's just a concrete jungle. Here everyone understands that we have our flaws, we have our strengths and we do our best to manage them together. Outside of this forum though, I've met fantastic women and terrible women, the latter more than the former. Thus, I don't think they carry great compassion at all, at least based on my experience. Maybe the women in your area are nice, I don't know.
Women also start from 0, as I said in my post, the women I give my attention to must have X characteristics.

This is also the case with other men of value, you don't just have to have a big ass or something.

Obviously in a world of clowns, hopeless cases, simps, etc, most women may have less difficulty than a man of equal or lower value, but in the end it's still andropods going after other andropods, nothing special, no semblance of value.

However, how an holy name you have...
Hello, I am the poster of the question, I had to create an account to reply. I understand that men start at 0, that is perfectly fine by me, but why should women free ride? Compared to them, we have to put in way more work to become something, whereas they start with quite a lot of value by default. That is the main issue. The trade simply doesn't really favor me in any way. I can become the mogger of dreams, and that's great, I'd love to become that, but when I see that most women want winners, it just feels cheap. This guy busted his ass off to win, the price of winning is actually extremely high for any serious endeavor, and women just go to him instead of trying to maybe make someone a winner. I don't mean she should baby sit him, but a lot of guys could actually become quite good humans if they had someone encouraging them by their side. Loneliness is worse than death for some of us, and despite being painted as compassionate and what not, their "pickiness" reeks of nothing but selfishness.

That is why I meditate, maybe I can change my POV. In the meantime, it's true that counterexamples exist, but these are rare and these kinds of exceptions only confirm the rule.

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Instead of waiting for the winner to arrive, they should strive to be winners themselves too, or if they want a partner that is a winner, they should help someone with potential become one.
And thanks for the working, I'll give it a try.

Is this fair? Just your opinion. Not trying to poke at you, since you are pretty much right, but I'm curious.

If this is my only course of action, I am extremely disappointed in both myself and SS as a whole for not providing a better solution than to do what literally xians do: beg for their thoughtform of a god to do something while waiting on their asses.

Cold, I like it. Know your worth, brother.
I just hope you have success. I don't know how you select the women you talk to, but I hope there is a decent chance you find them and they're not unicorns or other fantasies that you find only once every 3 sabbats.

(I forgor to reply above and I don't know how to move this up, my bad)
Maybe, no woman HERE dislikes men, but I've met many OUTSIDE who do. In this forum, everyone is level headed and knows what the fuck they're doing. But once one leaves the door of their house it's just a concrete jungle. Here everyone understands that we have our flaws, we have our strengths and we do our best to manage them together. Outside of this forum though, I've met fantastic women and terrible women, the latter more than the former. Thus, I don't think they carry great compassion at all, at least based on my experience. Maybe the women in your area are nice, I don't know.
This is a completely normal phenomenon and it is connected with instincts and nature, the more developed and technologically advanced society is, the more comfortable life is in it, the more blurred these boundaries are.

Moreover, why should they choose not the best of the best if they have the opportunity to choose? If you were offered several girls to choose from, would you choose the best of them? The answer is obvious. What's the problem with girls?
Is this fair? Just your opinion. Not trying to poke at you, since you are pretty much right, but I'm curious.

If this is my only course of action, I am extremely disappointed in both myself and SS as a whole for not providing a better solution than to do what literally xians do: beg for their thoughtform of a god to do something while waiting on their asses.
"I didn't tell you to ask for a good renaissance from someone specific.

Yes, that's fair enough, but it used to happen a long time ago because only one man had 3 or even 7 wives, and there were no others of lesser genetics.

Satanism gives you the tools to attract anyone you want, simply getting a quality wife won't change your genetics.
You can have children without having favorable genetics, your problem is simply solved, so there's no reason to be "disappointed" with Satanism.
Yes, that's fair enough, but it used to happen a long time ago because only one man had 3 or even 7 wives, and there were no others of lesser genetics.
Fair, this is the answer I was looking for, thanks.

Moreover, why should they choose not the best of the best if they have the opportunity to choose? If you were offered several girls to choose from, would you choose the best of them? The answer is obvious. What's the problem with girls?
Also fair. There's no problem with them, I I may just have a severe case of skill issue then.

This is also the case with other men of value, you don't just have to have a big ass or something.
lmao. Getting a big ass is not even that hard, I'm a dude and I have a cake. But I get your point.

However, how an holy name you have...
I thought about it for several minutes, no joke, but I don't expect to be posting much. And if I am, then so be it, every group has the:
>Extroverted leader
>Intelligent nerd
>Gym bro
>Eastern European
And I'm the last one
Upon reading the original post, there were essentially 2 questions that was being asked. First: What am I suppose to do with myself? and Second: How do I get women to want me? Before going into answering these the first thing anyone should do when seeking answers is to let go of preconceived notions. This is to open the mind to seeing things from different perspectives outside the usual.

For the First Question:

The moment a man questions his purpose is the time one needs to reflect back on their life and the choices one made. From the moment they were born until this point in time what have you done? What have you achieved? You look towards the future with both anxiety and fear because it looks bleak in your eyes. Question why. Most likely, you are lost because you have never seen the proper example of what a man is and what they are capable of in the truest sense. This isn't about money, fame or amount of women. This is about the internal fulfillment that a man is capable of doing by striving towards a higher purpose. A man is a builder in a different way than women. Man by design is a directive force. This means constantly performing and acting in order to go higher. In order to do so, a man must first look within and ask themselves, what makes me a man?

This is where needs to strive towards purpose. Purpose is often misunderstood as something a man needs to "find". That isn't actually the case. Purpose is something you embody, something that centers the actions you take as well as the action in of itself. The mind needs stability, as without it there is only disorder and chaos. To do so you need to create for yourself goals and ambition. This gives your mind direction and focuses itself to take steps in that direction. It doesn't need to be the one and only goal in your life, you can choose to fulfill as many goals as you want. The point I am trying to make is that you need to set one to start walking right now. I can give you one right now since you are here -> Aim to achieve an intermediate level in spiritual understanding and power.

By locking on to a goal you put all your focus on achieving it. When an important goal is pursued with resolution and dedication and all ones varied activities fit together into a unified flow experience, the result is that harmony is brought to consciousness. Someone who is in harmony, no matter what he does, no matter what is happening to him, knows that all his psychic energy is not being wasted on doubt, regret, guilt and fear. It is always being usefully employed. When the consciousness is in harmony, there is no room for mental negativity. This is the internal fulfillment, knowing that you are achieving something by working towards a goal.

The Second Question:

When it comes to "getting women", there is a misunderstanding on how this happens. This is often due to poor social role models and examples when growing up. For the longest time, I wondered "why do women not choose me" or when I do find someone it ends up being a disastrous experience. This is due to a lack of both understanding of social dynamics in both parties as well as maturity. As a man, there isn't a need to "understand" what a woman wants in a man. Now what do I mean by this. Just as men have preferences, women too have preferences. Preferences doesn't mean "I want a man with a big dick and 6 ft tall" or "I want a woman with titties the size of a beach ball".

As a man one simply needs to do what men should do and strive for success and achievement. Women have their own problems with attracting men but that isn't our problem to deal with, its theirs. Don't make it your problem and don't make their problem the reason for your failure. All you need to do is find a woman that is supportive of your goals and direction. That should be the minimum requirement. After that just find one that fits your preference. Learn how to speak clearly, learn to be assertive and confident. If there are none around you don't mope and complain about why women suck because obviously you aren't looking in the right place. There are plenty of women in good relationships and plenty of men with good relationships. The problem isn't that women aren't good. The problem is that you aren't in the right place.

Last Note:

This is going to be a harsh truth. I write this with sincerity as its a mindset that I see too often. Grow up. The idea that men are replaceable the moment they lose value, the idea that men aren't valued just for being human, and the idea that men need to be valued by what they contribute to society are all natural and how the world works. Wanting to die and reincarnate into something else just to escape that reality simply proves an internal weakness you have and ones own worthlessness. You want to be valuable? That is something one proves, not one that is given or assumed. Our great HP Maxine proved her worth and was rewarded. This wasn't done in a day or without effort. She worked every day in a world that tirelessly tried to get her to quit even through death. And men can't even be bothered to help their family with housework yet want to be treated like kings. Tell me what man had worked even 1% of what HP Maxine has done for this world let alone "one inch away". A Man that was one inch away from the kind of Hero HP Maxine represent would be rewarded far more than "dating the modern woman" which in my opinion would be a gross disrespect of his value if it was.

Lastly, if you read this far, don't let yourself be beaten down without getting back up. Life is a wonderful thing and the moment you understand that not just in your mind but in your being, you will want to have more, work for more, and achieve more.

Hail Satan
Women have inherently more value because they are creators of new life which is something civilizations are built on. A man produces spermatozoa, and much like these, you must race to be the best, lest you fail and someone else takes the win. Deal with it.
Hello, I am the poster of the question, I had to create an account to reply. I understand that men start at 0, that is perfectly fine by me, but why should women free ride? Compared to them, we have to put in way more work to become something, whereas they start with quite a lot of value by default. That is the main issue. The trade simply doesn't really favor me in any way. I can become the mogger of dreams, and that's great, I'd love to become that, but when I see that most women want winners, it just feels cheap. This guy busted his ass off to win, the price of winning is actually extremely high for any serious endeavor, and women just go to him instead of trying to maybe make someone a winner. I don't mean she should baby sit him, but a lot of guys could actually become quite good humans if they had someone encouraging them by their side. Loneliness is worse than death for some of us, and despite being painted as compassionate and what not, their "pickiness" reeks of nothing but selfishness.
Women get a "free ride" because they are the prize. Biologically, every man wants the best woman for them, so it's supply and demand. The perceived value of women is higher than that of most men when they are between the ages of 18 to 40, after which it is surpassed by the value of men. The reason for that is because by that point, most men are in the position to get the kind of partner they want, so competition is much less. Women are at the end of their biological window by the age of 40, so any that want to start a family and haven't have pretty much missed the train.

Women cannot afford to wait and take chances on random guys to make them winners. Women who want a family are in a hurry just due to biology; past a certain age childbirth is extremely dangerous for them, or just impossible. People want what they want. You have standards for the women you are interested in right? Why won't you go out with women you consider lesser than your standard? Is that not unfair from their point of view? Women generally take the most successful person they can find. The woman who takes chances on 2 or 3 guys in her life, trying to make them winners will likely find herself with no real man in the end.

It's not even selfishness, but basic economics. If a woman has access to men who will provide her with a certain lifestyle, why would she ever look elsewhere for men who are lower in the hierarchy? To give them a chance? Because they are "nice guys?" You can be a nice guy and a valuable man. The nice guy thing is a cover for men who literally have nothing else to offer, so they preach it like the bible.
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It's not even selfishness, but basic economics. If a woman has access to men who will provide her with a certain lifestyle, why would she ever look elsewhere for men who are lower in the hierarchy? To give them a chance? Because they are "nice guys?" You can be a nice guy and a valuable man. The nice guy thing is a cover for men who literally have nothing else to offer, so they preach it like the bible.

Money is not everything and this is a much more complex subject. Syanstry (personality, astrological influence,..), past bonds, etc. Not to mention that a lot of "wealthy" man are workaholics / has lack of freetime, rude, cocky and jew-like. So they aren't wealthy at all. And so on. Of course a functioning Woman will choose the best for her, but money is only one variable in the equation.
Money is not everything and this is a much more complex subject. Syanstry (personality, astrological influence,..), past bonds, etc. Not to mention that a lot of "wealthy" man are workaholics / has lack of freetime, rude, cocky and jew-like. So they aren't wealthy at all. And so on. Of course a functioning Woman will choose the best for her, but money is only one variable in the equation.
Yes, the above in the matter of provide is only an half truth, if it's all an interest mechanic like that, I'll prefer to remain single, and probably I'll become evil towards certain women.

I want real love, the rest is just necessary bullshit.
Money is not everything and this is a much more complex subject. Syanstry (personality, astrological influence,..), past bonds, etc. Not to mention that a lot of "wealthy" man are workaholics / has lack of freetime, rude, cocky and jew-like. So they aren't wealthy at all. And so on. Of course a functioning Woman will choose the best for her, but money is only one variable in the equation.
I didn't say money, I said lifestyle. Being the kind of man for your woman that she never wants to look at another man.
Do you think that it is a chance for a woman, just because she is a woman, to seduce and marry any rich, handsome man she wishes, and to fall into her trap with the lowest quality men whenever she wants? None of the issues that you consider women lucky or men disadvantaged by themselves will bring happiness to a woman.
This is real and truly unsatisfying. On the contrary, I think it makes you feel unloved and worthless.

Happiness and a beautiful relationship are hard to find when expected from a person. This applies to both men and women. To gain a truly valuable place in life, both men and women must strive.
I think there is a common misconception to be addressed here.

Just because you are about to graduate university and you are of that age, it doesn't mean you are a man... yet. A man is something you become at the end of the personal growth path that leads you to acquire many of those qualities and developments that, according to you, make you desirable to women. Just having the right to vote and drink alcohol because your body is biologically mature, it doesn't make anyone an adult nor a man.

You grow into a man. You don't grow into a man by avoiding obstacles and believing everything it would be better if it was already on a silver plate for you. You grow into a man by overcoming challenges, both within and outside of yourself, and by achieving self-mastery and mastering a few key areas of life. In the past, High Priest Hooded Cobra talked about what being a man means.

I also think there's an inherent misconception that women automatically have value or that they are women already just because they got boobs and they're fertile. Far from it. As a Spiritual Satanist, you may want to choose a real woman. Being a real woman also goes beyond menial biological maturity. If you read High Priestess Lydia or Lady Maxine, you'll find out what being a real woman is. You don't want low-quality, so-called "women" that have nothing to offer but offspring.

You want someone that will transmit beneficial genes to your children. Genes go beyond appearance. They encapsulate personality traits and behaviour. They revolve around your entire level of evolution and advancement in every area of life, being the material encoding of the soul. A "woman" who spends her life watching pet videos on TIkTok, considering your level related to how many TikTok followers you have, and wasting all your money in unnecessary expenses, is a very low-quality woman, no matter how good she looks.

Consider your children will receive a significant amount of DNA from the female you procreate with. This is roughly 50% of her DNA. Do you want your children to be dumb, lack empathy and otherwise be disappointing on all levels but be attractive, or do you want your children to be blessed with as many beneficial qualities as possible on all levels? It's our responsibility to make sure new generations are better than we are, and not worth. To make them better, the very first level of this is for their parents to be of as high quality as possible.

The genetic make-up is the slowest thing to change, independently from how ideal of a society you live in. It can take an exceedingly high amount of resources (i.e. time, money, dedication, etc). Why waste time and effort on that just because of self-defeatist mindsets, when all those resources could instead be invested on rising yourself and your family higher? Also, the best way to solve a problem is to prevent it in the first place. Create a high-quality person, and rise their quality even higher!

What men can offer is mainly external in most cases because the universal masculine deals with external aspects of life: wealth, protection, stability, career, sociality, etc. What women can offer, usually deals with internal affairs: the home, the family, psychological support, nurturing in general, motherhood. Just see the main planets ruling masculinity (Mars, Sun) and femininity (Moon, Venus).

Let me ask you one question: what is the purpose of life if you're not working to improve yourself and your community?

If everything we had was easily won, it would have zero value as your pain, blood, sweat and tears haven't gone into it. And you would be bored forever, and have no will to live. Just think of how many people have things just thrown at them for no reason... they discard them just as easily, because there is no value in them. They had to make zero sacrifices to acquire. The thing they had to sacrifice themselves for, they will cling to very hard. They will get angry if someone mishandles them or damage them, have a fit if they somehow lose them.

If you can answer that question, you will have a starting point for self-awareness (i.e. understand what you want to achieve in your life) and goal-setting. When you set goals, you give your life structure, lessening the hold confusion and absent-mindedness have on your mind and emotions.
The extension of resources certainly generates fertility in women.
Biologically, resources and good genetics in men are more than the basis for all perfection.

Forcing women to choose less because of "humility" is a characteristic of weak and repressed Christians.
That's why women's sexuality degenerated so much, they were limited to old idiots, and their value to them was less than two sheep.
In this way, women were repressed in a way that was destructive, even for the species.
Women get a "free ride" because they are the prize. Biologically, every man wants the best woman for them, so it's supply and demand. The perceived value of women is higher than that of most men when they are between the ages of 18 to 40, after which it is surpassed by the value of men. The reason for that is because by that point, most men are in the position to get the kind of partner they want, so competition is much less. Women are at the end of their biological window by the age of 40, so any that want to start a family and haven't have pretty much missed the train.
I don't think the biological clock makes them valuable by default, especially considering the modern woman. And it's not that we get to 40 and we become Tom Cruise or whatever. It's true their biological clock is much stricter, but life after 40 for a man is nowhere near "getting the partner that they want". Keeping a fit body and a sharp mind also becomes harder for us, we're not the hot studs we used to be in our twenties, and women also want the best man for themselves. Besides, as you said, there aren't many high value men in their 20s or 30s, should women wait all that time? Most won't. And men after 40 are not wiser or more experienced, generally they may be, but immaturity can come in all sizes and all ages. All in all, I don't really see how they're the prize just because they can bear children. If someone ever designs artificial wombs they will literally become useless by this very definition.

You have standards for the women you are interested in right?
If being a woman and being nice can be considered standards, I guess I do. Irony aside, the logistics of finding the person one wants with all the checklist boxes ticked is still in favor of women, as they are reasonably the only ones who can have this demand. I never said this is wrong, I'm just questioning the legitimacy of them having this power. Biology is just not enough for me. As I said, if someone ever makes an artificial womb that works like a real one, what happens to women? They'd become de facto men.

Money is not everything and this is a much more complex subject. Syanstry (personality, astrological influence,..), past bonds, etc. Not to mention that a lot of "wealthy" man are workaholics / has lack of freetime, rude, cocky and jew-like. So they aren't wealthy at all. And so on. Of course a functioning Woman will choose the best for her, but money is only one variable in the equation.
I guess wealth comes in all forms, I agree with that. However, material wealth is the easiest to gauge at a first glance. Synastries and past bonds are irrelevant in charming anyone, and they only matter when the relationship is already somewhat established.

Yes, the above in the matter of provide is only an half truth, if it's all an interest mechanic like that, I'll prefer to remain single, and probably I'll become evil towards certain women.

I want real love, the rest is just necessary bullshit.
This is exactly what I'm trying to figure out here. How much of it all is just an "interest mechanic" and how much of it is actually love. For all we know, maybe it's all really just genetics and mechanics and we're just coping big time here.

Do you think that it is a chance for a woman, just because she is a woman, to seduce and marry any rich, handsome man she wishes, and to fall into her trap with the lowest quality men whenever she wants? None of the issues that you consider women lucky or men disadvantaged by themselves will bring happiness to a woman.
This is real and truly unsatisfying. On the contrary, I think it makes you feel unloved and worthless.

Happiness and a beautiful relationship are hard to find when expected from a person. This applies to both men and women. To gain a truly valuable place in life, both men and women must strive.
You'd be surprised, bro. It can go both ways, but women have it easier to do that. The meme of "what pussy will do to a motherfucker" may be taken as irony but it's just a way to satirize how horny we can get. I do agree with you, though, I think happiness comes from the struggle and growth. It's easier to grow alongside someone, and that can prove way more satisfying and bonding than just waiting at the finish line for Tyrone to sweep you off your feet and fuck him.

Just because you are about to graduate university and you are of that age, it doesn't mean you are a man... yet. A man is something you become at the end of the personal growth path that leads you to acquire many of those qualities and developments that, according to you, make you desirable to women. Just having the right to vote and drink alcohol because your body is biologically mature, it doesn't make anyone an adult nor a man.

You grow into a man. You don't grow into a man by avoiding obstacles and believing everything it would be better if it was already on a silver plate for you. You grow into a man by overcoming challenges, both within and outside of yourself, and by achieving self-mastery and mastering a few key areas of life. In the past, High Priest Hooded Cobra talked about what being a man means
Fair, I'll take it. It's true that I am still too young to understand everything there is, but I am still allowed to question things. Besides, I never said I disliked struggle. Far from it. I don't expect things to fall on my lap, I just want to know that the things I want to break my back for are worth it. In this case, I want to know what to do with my life regarding the partner issue. Even if I do a love spell and I get "the most suitable partner" for me, it still means nothing if the affection we exchange is nothing but an exchange of interests, aka I put the money and she puts the pussy. I don't want that at all. The issue is that since women tend to demand wealthy, handsome men, it just feels like the relationship is only based on those things and on literally nothing else, which to me makes it pointless. It means that at any point I'm replaceable and my presence is as irrelevant as anyone else's, therefore, it's not love, it's just "putting up with this dude until I find a better one".

I also think there's an inherent misconception that women automatically have value or that they are women already just because they got boobs and they're fertile. Far from it. As a Spiritual Satanist, you may want to choose a real woman. Being a real woman also goes beyond menial biological maturity. If you read High Priestess Lydia or Lady Maxine, you'll find out what being a real woman is. You don't want low-quality, so-called "women" that have nothing to offer but offspring.
I wholly agree with this and this is exactly my point. Women should not be the prize by default just because they have a womb and breasts. Yet it feels like they are, and men are just meant to struggle an entire lifetime to please a mindless tiktok drone like the ones you describe.

what is the purpose of life if you're not working to improve yourself and your community?
I'll use this as signature once I am allowed to use it. Evolving is the only purpose of life. I like your perspective of continuous growth.

The extension of resources certainly generates fertility in women.
Biologically, resources and good genetics in men are more than the basis for all perfection.

Forcing women to choose less because of "humility" is a characteristic of weak and repressed Christians.
That's why women's sexuality degenerated so much, they were limited to old idiots, and their value to them was less than two sheep.
In this way, women were repressed in a way that was destructive, even for the species.
As far as I know, fertility is mostly biological. Resources just set the woman up for success, but babies were born during plagues and wars, and those conditions were less than ideal. And, as I said, I'm not asking them to downgrade, I just want to know whether these demands translate in actual love and affection or if it's just a purely resourceful exchange.

I'm taking this moment to thank everyone for the good answers, I'm having a blast discussing this thing. Some of your answers forced me to rethink some things I said. I dedicate the next beer to you all (0% alcohol lemon beer because alcohol is for NPCs, I will die on this hill xD).
Upon reading the original post, there were essentially 2 questions that was being asked. First: What am I suppose to do with myself? and Second: How do I get women to want me? Before going into answering these the first thing anyone should do when seeking answers is to let go of preconceived notions. This is to open the mind to seeing things from different perspectives outside the usual.

For the First Question:

The moment a man questions his purpose is the time one needs to reflect back on their life and the choices one made. From the moment they were born until this point in time what have you done? What have you achieved? You look towards the future with both anxiety and fear because it looks bleak in your eyes. Question why. Most likely, you are lost because you have never seen the proper example of what a man is and what they are capable of in the truest sense. This isn't about money, fame or amount of women. This is about the internal fulfillment that a man is capable of doing by striving towards a higher purpose. A man is a builder in a different way than women. Man by design is a directive force. This means constantly performing and acting in order to go higher. In order to do so, a man must first look within and ask themselves, what makes me a man?

This is where needs to strive towards purpose. Purpose is often misunderstood as something a man needs to "find". That isn't actually the case. Purpose is something you embody, something that centers the actions you take as well as the action in of itself. The mind needs stability, as without it there is only disorder and chaos. To do so you need to create for yourself goals and ambition. This gives your mind direction and focuses itself to take steps in that direction. It doesn't need to be the one and only goal in your life, you can choose to fulfill as many goals as you want. The point I am trying to make is that you need to set one to start walking right now. I can give you one right now since you are here -> Aim to achieve an intermediate level in spiritual understanding and power.

By locking on to a goal you put all your focus on achieving it. When an important goal is pursued with resolution and dedication and all ones varied activities fit together into a unified flow experience, the result is that harmony is brought to consciousness. Someone who is in harmony, no matter what he does, no matter what is happening to him, knows that all his psychic energy is not being wasted on doubt, regret, guilt and fear. It is always being usefully employed. When the consciousness is in harmony, there is no room for mental negativity. This is the internal fulfillment, knowing that you are achieving something by working towards a goal.

The Second Question:

When it comes to "getting women", there is a misunderstanding on how this happens. This is often due to poor social role models and examples when growing up. For the longest time, I wondered "why do women not choose me" or when I do find someone it ends up being a disastrous experience. This is due to a lack of both understanding of social dynamics in both parties as well as maturity. As a man, there isn't a need to "understand" what a woman wants in a man. Now what do I mean by this. Just as men have preferences, women too have preferences. Preferences doesn't mean "I want a man with a big dick and 6 ft tall" or "I want a woman with titties the size of a beach ball".

As a man one simply needs to do what men should do and strive for success and achievement. Women have their own problems with attracting men but that isn't our problem to deal with, its theirs. Don't make it your problem and don't make their problem the reason for your failure. All you need to do is find a woman that is supportive of your goals and direction. That should be the minimum requirement. After that just find one that fits your preference. Learn how to speak clearly, learn to be assertive and confident. If there are none around you don't mope and complain about why women suck because obviously you aren't looking in the right place. There are plenty of women in good relationships and plenty of men with good relationships. The problem isn't that women aren't good. The problem is that you aren't in the right place.

Last Note:

This is going to be a harsh truth. I write this with sincerity as its a mindset that I see too often. Grow up. The idea that men are replaceable the moment they lose value, the idea that men aren't valued just for being human, and the idea that men need to be valued by what they contribute to society are all natural and how the world works. Wanting to die and reincarnate into something else just to escape that reality simply proves an internal weakness you have and ones own worthlessness. You want to be valuable? That is something one proves, not one that is given or assumed. Our great HP Maxine proved her worth and was rewarded. This wasn't done in a day or without effort. She worked every day in a world that tirelessly tried to get her to quit even through death. And men can't even be bothered to help their family with housework yet want to be treated like kings. Tell me what man had worked even 1% of what HP Maxine has done for this world let alone "one inch away". A Man that was one inch away from the kind of Hero HP Maxine represent would be rewarded far more than "dating the modern woman" which in my opinion would be a gross disrespect of his value if it was.

Lastly, if you read this far, don't let yourself be beaten down without getting back up. Life is a wonderful thing and the moment you understand that not just in your mind but in your being, you will want to have more, work for more, and achieve more.

Hail Satan
I apologise for not replying to your post in the previous answer, I didn't see it when I hit the notifications. As for the first question, I have no comments, you're pretty much right. My family did have sone issues, male role models were non existent in my life and I was literally raised by the internet, with both the good and the bad. My spiritual understanding will come in time as I practice, but from what I read around here, I can expect little to nothing for a while other than sensations while meditating and what not.
As for the second, it seems oddly simple, but I'm skeptical. If it were that simple I doubt I'd be complaining. Sure, confidence and assertiveness work wonders, but those are qualities I'd like to have anyway, not just to catch someone's attention.
As for the last note, I don't really understand how you can believe two contradictory ideas at the same time. If we're inherently worthless, dying is inocuous by definition. Cherishing a worthless existence is the biggest form of cope I have ever read/heard. If suicide is a crime against oneself, it is because everyone is at least worth something. I do apologise for the phrasing. Comparing anyone against HPS Maxine is unfair for anyone being compared against her. It was hyperbole. Still, you said that a man who would have done what she did would be rewarded more, yet it really doesn't matter nor it has to be that way. After all, his life is still worthless and he's still repleaceable, right?
Thank you for the last motivational words. Though it's difficult to believe them after you essentially said my life is worthless. Still, great reply overall, thank you and sorry once more for not replying before.
I apologise for not replying to your post in the previous answer, I didn't see it when I hit the notifications. As for the first question, I have no comments, you're pretty much right. My family did have sone issues, male role models were non existent in my life and I was literally raised by the internet, with both the good and the bad. My spiritual understanding will come in time as I practice, but from what I read around here, I can expect little to nothing for a while other than sensations while meditating and what not.
As for the second, it seems oddly simple, but I'm skeptical. If it were that simple I doubt I'd be complaining. Sure, confidence and assertiveness work wonders, but those are qualities I'd like to have anyway, not just to catch someone's attention.
As for the last note, I don't really understand how you can believe two contradictory ideas at the same time. If we're inherently worthless, dying is inocuous by definition. Cherishing a worthless existence is the biggest form of cope I have ever read/heard. If suicide is a crime against oneself, it is because everyone is at least worth something. I do apologise for the phrasing. Comparing anyone against HPS Maxine is unfair for anyone being compared against her. It was hyperbole. Still, you said that a man who would have done what she did would be rewarded more, yet it really doesn't matter nor it has to be that way. After all, his life is still worthless and he's still repleaceable, right?
Thank you for the last motivational words. Though it's difficult to believe them after you essentially said my life is worthless. Still, great reply overall, thank you and sorry once more for not replying before.
It only feels contradictory because the idea of "someone being worthless" is locked in as a permanent status rather than a changeable one. Someones value is something that goes up as well as something that can go down. One is worthless because "they provide nothing of value". Someone has worth because they "have value". And then worth goes into varying degrees of little worth to infinite worth. The more one strives towards achieving success and earning value the more "worth" they become.

This then when one starts to think like this starts to wonder what is the "standard of worth" that a person is being judged upon. This is divided into personal worth, societal/ community worth and then worth in the eyes of the Gods. There is probably more nuanced standards but these are the main three from my experience.

The reason suicide is looked down upon is because its the ultimate form of weakness and escapism. Unless one is in mortal danger at a true dead end, there is always at least one method available to someone in order to improve their situation. By choosing suicide you prove to your self without any doubt a lack of both courage and internal strength to overcome lifes ordeals. This cements itself in the psyche and becomes a very powerful self damaging scar that carries over the lifetimes.
I am not surprised that people think about suicide or become extremely evil.

The whole thing is presented as absolute crap, and at this point it becomes acceptable in people's minds to brutally eliminate competition, beat and rape women, or make them wear hijabs and other restrictive measures.
All for this competition crap.

Men start from 0 as women do. Women can generally be considered more important, in case you have to choose who to have die in a war or something, just because 10000 women can give birth to 10000 children, faster than 10000 men with few women.
But this is not the case taken individually, and anyway the ability to create life is useless without a man.
Everyone starts from 0, no one excluded.

The solution that no one says has always been to be yourself and develop according to one's nature, and the most compatible partner will be attracted by nature. And this is applicable at all levels, since even an idiot in the lgbt community can find one.
Does it suck? Yes, they both suck, and they are perfect together.

Always looking for the 'best' according to social standards is just a distraction that makes you think you can find better than the compatibility of personalities.
This has created this obnoxious 'game'/system that hits on people's unconscious points leading them to wickedness and madness.

Why do you think in the past all the women in a country were not the king's sluts or part of an his great harem?
Because the relationship is based on a communion of personalities that grow together in their journey, in wealth or absolute poverty, it transcends material things, because however bad a situation may be, you find a solution to survive.

Why a person in the favelas manages to have five children, and a person living in the 'first world' does not?

In the 'first world' most people are degenerate and always try to have the top in some way, have the villa and the pool and shit like that. As if these are really important.

Males on the other hand waste their time on video games, weed, etc... but the women in question are also andrapodas, and so if instead of looking for a billionaire (total delusion), they looked for someone on their level, they could have 5 kids too. Andrapoda with andrapoda.
Besides, many of these andrapoda females just want to exploit and nothing more, and since they have no soul they will only look for a source of money from someone stupid enough, to arrogantly keep their vices, and their asses alive.

It is a matter of kindred personalities, always look for someone with a compatible personality of your level.

People are deluded that they want to look for someone superior, when in fact they have to become superior in personality before they want to look for something with a superior personality. So competition for women is bullshit, because for your level, if you are yourself, you will attract the best for you (or what you are karmically predisposed to, but of your level). No one has to become a God to unlock the feminine world, just be yourself and live according to your nature, and you will unlock the feminine world corresponding to your level.

The level indicates personalities in their spiritual advancement.

Evolving and growing yourself will give you access to a more advanced level of women than your current one.
If you have already found your soul mate, then you can grow together towards the higher levels of existence.

Money is something that comes later, and is not related to love, but one should still try to have more money, but for oneself and to have a more comfortable material life. And a woman will have to fall in love with you and your personality regardless of how much money you have, otherwise discard her.

If this is not true, then we can live in complete competition like literal tigers or lions, force the females we are interested in to mate, k*** the competition and their male offspring, cover our females with hijabs to avoid the concurrence of other men, and punish them when they show signs of 'infidelity'.
These are ways people think of to find security and stability in their lives, when they think this rotten system is true. If it were true then we would not even live in a community, since helping other males is the same as helping an enemy.

Personally, I think there is a more natural approach, where one, if one is oneself and evolves according to one's nature, attracts compatible company of the same spiritual level.
It only feels contradictory because the idea of "someone being worthless" is locked in as a permanent status rather than a changeable one. Someones value is something that goes up as well as something that can go down. One is worthless because "they provide nothing of value". Someone has worth because they "have value". And then worth goes into varying degrees of little worth to infinite worth. The more one strives towards achieving success and earning value the more "worth" they become.

This then when one starts to think like this starts to wonder what is the "standard of worth" that a person is being judged upon. This is divided into personal worth, societal/ community worth and then worth in the eyes of the Gods. There is probably more nuanced standards but these are the main three from my experience.

The reason suicide is looked down upon is because its the ultimate form of weakness and escapism. Unless one is in mortal danger at a true dead end, there is always at least one method available to someone in order to improve their situation. By choosing suicide you prove to your self without any doubt a lack of both courage and internal strength to overcome lifes ordeals. This cements itself in the psyche and becomes a very powerful self damaging scar that carries over the lifetimes.
I see, with this mutable concept at least the issue of men being worthless is kind of solved. Men are indeed worthless, but we at least get the "chance" not to be, if I understand it correctly. So a man that would have done what HPS Maxine has done wouldn't be worthless, since he kind of created value for himself. The standards of value that you mention seem to be fair, but the first 2 are easily corruptible while the latter would be inmutable. The Gods can see it all clearly, therefore your value in their eyes would mostly remain objectively precise. The other 2 can really change. Personal value, if we understand it as one's perception of oneself can range from being trivial to being permanently unsatisfactory. And the second really depends on the society we live in. In the current one a lot of bullshit is standardized. I think those 2 can be good only in a world where everyone follows the Gods as role models.
As for suicide, I can understand the perspective. I am not an advocate for it either, I just kinda pushed the argument in a purely logical way with the info I had at the moment. All in all, though, your reply clarifies some of my doubts, thank you very much.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
