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Question #4878: Feeling disgusted and dirty after watching porn


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I know that porn is bad but sometimes (very rarely) I watch it and then feel disgusted and dirty. It has always been this way even when I was clueless about the damages of porn. Now It's a feeling that can last all day long. Why do we feel like this? Even if I meditate and clean my aura I still feel bad and nauseous.
unconsciously you know it's bad for you.
Don't watch porn videos - they're bad for you and your brain. This is a much-discussed topic and you can get information quickly just by searching here on the forum, where it is taught how to deprogram it.
Even if you watch it rarely, it can become frequent and then daily and it can be difficult to get out of this addiction, so stop while you have time and do a lot of cleaning.
this kind of content ruins your soul.
Inside your body, there is a sexual elixir, it is stored in the sacral chakra and it has a quality.

If your sexual chakra is properly used and purified, the elixir becomes nourishing and beneficial.

But if you drain your sexual power unwisely, the elixir turns into poison and poisons your sanity and well-being.

Read this topic, practising it will help you:

Purify your sacral chakra with SURYA or RAUM, affirming that it is totally purified.
You can also perform a freeing the soul work, to free yourself from all kinds of negative energies and bindings related to your sexuality.
It is normal, pornography is a tool designed to break the human spirit through basic, instinctive human needs, and also through degeneracy and connection to low-level souls, as most actresses in pornography are.

Other types of pornography also produce similar results, albeit initially to a lesser degree. Examples are pornography in mp.3 format, or interactive, joi or even the use of instagram and other social networking sites to masturbate.

What needs to be done is to free the chakras from these connections, fluences and energies, and focus on something more positive, or even use it as a method of meditation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
