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#511 porn addiction


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have a bad/unhealthy relationship with porn, I tried to quit many times before and failed. Right know I'm trying again and I'm away from it for 11 days. The thing is I don't masturbate, and don't have a sexual life too. So quiting means nothing sexual for me. I don't masturbate because it is likely leads me to porn. And after some time I always lose my motivation because I don't have anything sexual at all. I feel like I'm trapped. I wanted to ask you, what do you think I should do?, what do you think about this situation? And I also wonder what do you think about porn, or even how it is for satanizm?
I have a bad/unhealthy relationship with porn, I tried to quit many times before and failed. Right know I'm trying again and I'm away from it for 11 days. The thing is I don't masturbate, and don't have a sexual life too. So quiting means nothing sexual for me. I don't masturbate because it is likely leads me to porn. And after some time I always lose my motivation because I don't have anything sexual at all. I feel like I'm trapped. I wanted to ask you, what do you think I should do?, what do you think about this situation? And I also wonder what do you think about porn, or even how it is for satanizm?

Masturbation doesn't lead to porn, and if that's your desire, you shouldn't abstain sexually or anything. You can have orgasms without being afraid to turn to porn. Porn is an extreme. (FREE) sex life is the right middle ground, forced sexual abstinence is another wrong extreme.

You shouldn't think that a middle ground can take you to the extreme, on the contrary, from what you tell me, precisely because you abstain completely it seems that you only have porn as an alternative to having a "sexual life". Maybe if you avoided forced abstention, instead, you would be able to avoid going to that extreme.
Masturbation doesn't lead to porn, and if that's your desire, you shouldn't abstain sexually or anything. You can have orgasms without being afraid to turn to porn. Porn is an extreme. (FREE) sex life is the right middle ground, forced sexual abstinence is another wrong extreme.

You shouldn't think that a middle ground can take you to the extreme, on the contrary, from what you tell me, precisely because you abstain completely it seems that you only have porn as an alternative to having a "sexual life". Maybe if you avoided forced abstention, instead, you would be able to avoid going to that extreme.

One last thing I would like to add is that there is not only the extreme of things. Free sex life does NOT mean spending 22 hours a day masturbating or having sex with every breathing being. I wanted to explain this.
I have a bad/unhealthy relationship with porn, I tried to quit many times before and failed. Right know I'm trying again and I'm away from it for 11 days. The thing is I don't masturbate, and don't have a sexual life too. So quiting means nothing sexual for me. I don't masturbate because it is likely leads me to porn. And after some time I always lose my motivation because I don't have anything sexual at all. I feel like I'm trapped. I wanted to ask you, what do you think I should do?, what do you think about this situation? And I also wonder what do you think about porn, or even how it is for satanizm?
I think your biggest problem is sexualization of things and thinking that sex is a good achievable goal. Everything is heavily sexualized nowadays, so it's no surprise on that part, but there is no reason you should have to count days you spend without porn if you didn't care enough about it. You don't have anything going on sexually precisely because it seems your focus is that. Like, what if you don't have anything sexually? It's not the end of the world. Focus on something else and masturbate when the energy is a bit too much to handle. Don't use sex as a motivator, it will get you literally nowhere. Being able to attract a partner is almost entirely random, focus on things you can control. Control your mind, set yourself goals and aspirations that give you purpose. If your only purpose is having sex, you've failed as a person. Being a decent person means being able to go beyond our animal instincts. Don't let sex control your life. If you have nothing going on sexually, that's fine. You have the freedom to replace that with something else.

As for tge last question, porn is bad, that's all. The industry is riddled with jews. I've read accounts defending porn that is not jewish but that is just mental gymnastics and extremely hypocritical. Porn is bad period.
Only someone not being aware of the possibilities of magick can say it like so...

Other than that, many valid points were raised.
Brother the rituals don't do shit to meI'm cooked πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Glad the message had some value in it tho xD.
Porn is bad. There are spirits that can attach to you through it. The same thing that's done to music, there are spells put into it. Like professional jewish porn, they know what energies they're invoking and plaguing humanity with. Lust and agony are the favorite varieties of energy for the enemy, which they use to drain us and feed from. Best thing to do is find someone to have a relationship with and turn your understanding and experiencing of sex from lust to love, calm down and gain your power back. Instead of getting off, focus on giving loving energy to someone else.

Good luck.
-Ave Satanas-
Okay. First off I go against the grain here. So Don't take my word as some kind of gods word.
What is porn? what is considered porn? Where are we going to make the cut off for porn?
If I draw the image of a naked woman is that porn? As an aspiring artist all I need is six lines. Some splotches of color. What about the thousands of statues in ancient Greece? Are those porn? Is the picture of a naked woman porn? Is the picture of a naked woman having sex porn? Again as an aspiring artist I NEED to look at naked people to understand the anatomy.
I'm much like the original poster. If I don't look at anything sexual I will, and have, gone months without even thinking about anything sexual. As a person who is also trying to have children I can attest that not doing anything sexual does massive damage to you in the long run. I've taken the tests, and done the homework to back this up. My wife also looks at porn, again because we've done the tests and know this. We have almost polar opposite work shifts and don't get to see each other. There's been an understanding for years that we both do it. When we get the chance we get romantic. What do we do in the meantime? Everyone keeps pointing to research about how bad it is. That research is done by the same people telling you the earth is dying to carbon, and the only way through covid is a series of vaccines. It might have value in it. It might not. You are NEVER going to completely remove porn from the earth. Never. Depending on what your definition of porn is.

Now for the nitty gritty. Do I feel the porn industry manipulates and controls women? Yes. Does that need to stop? Yes. Do they have women literally captured and treated as slaves for the purpose of porn? Yes. Does that need to stop? Yes. Does society force women to have to sell their bodies in order to have a comfortable life? Yes. Does it need to stop? Yes. Okay. We're all in agreement so far. Do they portray non-romantic relations in porn that could be considered derogative? That's where things get fun. My answer is yes. But that comes down to definitions.

As for the original post. The way it was explained to me is that there IS no Sin, or Evil that a person can do. Stay with me here. Can you drink? Yep. Sure can. Can you go too far? Yep. Sure can. Where do we define where too far is? When you have to have something to make it through the day you have a problem. When you can't go without that thing for a week, you have a problem. The problem isn't the thing. Its the attachment. Its the reliance on that thing. We try to be someone who others can rely on. Not someone who has to rely on a thing. For me the question is can you go today without looking at porn / drinking that / eating that / taking drugs / whatever? Can you go a week if you wanted to? Every once in a while do it. Just to prove you can. The rest of the time do what you want. We used to joke about it by saying "Everything has a price and a pleasure. If your willing to pay the price, have the pleasure." I already know a dozen other people are going to disagree. So there's my two cents.
It has to be porn? I mean, there is full of pretty pictures of woman mostly everywhere on Internet and is not porn. Sometimes erotic pictures too.
Brother the rituals don't do shit to meI'm cooked πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Glad the message had some value in it tho xD.
People like you should observe more than anything else. We don't need people confusing others.
People like you should observe more than anything else. We don't need people confusing others.
I disagree, even trolls should be allowed to say shit openly. The truth should be strong enough to hold on its own. If an opinion confuses people, it just means it holds at least the same degree of truth as the claim it is compared against, otherwise it wouldn't confuse, it would simply be discarded. I am not claiming that I say the truth, but a lot of what I say can actually be observed in reality, at least in mine. No spell has ever replaced me just not meditating and actually doing it (like instead of a money spell I can just work, the amount of time it takes to sit and repeat a mantra 108 times properly is insane), and especially when it comes to attracting a partner. As a man, the universe gives you a quick middle finger in that regard, sitting and doing Venus Squares is useless, the time spent fantasizing about an "ideal" partner that has "synastry" with you can be spent actually going out and talking to some women. I've tried doing both, but the spell ate away at the time I had to approach women, and it didn't change anything anyway, it just made me feel good about myself for like 2 weeks. The chances of me getting a date are roughly the same as they were before.

I did give the spells a fair trial period, considering I am still skeptical of a lot of things said here. The meditations are great, but they have been proven to be great even without the spiritual jargon. If the path is good, I think it is fair to expect something to change in a relatively fair amount of time, but it has not done so in any significant way in my experience. Now I remain as one of the few people in here that have not obtained benefits nor talked to any Gods, and that's okay. I like that the mods still approve my messages because this is what freedom of speech is. If I am ignorant, then it should be easy enough to prove.
I disagree, even trolls should be allowed to say shit openly. The truth should be strong enough to hold on its own. If an opinion confuses people, it just means it holds at least the same degree of truth as the claim it is compared against, otherwise it wouldn't confuse, it would simply be discarded.
A lie or half-truth does not contain the same amount of truth as Truth. Lack of trueness is opposed to having trueness.
I am not claiming that I say the truth, but a lot of what I say can actually be observed in reality, at least in mine. No spell has ever replaced me just not meditating and actually doing it (like instead of a money spell I can just work, the amount of time it takes to sit and repeat a mantra 108 times properly is insane), and especially when it comes to attracting a partner. As a man, the universe gives you a quick middle finger in that regard, sitting and doing Venus Squares is useless, the time spent fantasizing about an "ideal" partner that has "synastry" with you can be spent actually going out and talking to some women. I've tried doing both, but the spell ate away at the time I had to approach women, and it didn't change anything anyway, it just made me feel good about myself for like 2 weeks. The chances of me getting a date are roughly the same as they were before.

I did give the spells a fair trial period, considering I am still skeptical of a lot of things said here. The meditations are great, but they have been proven to be great even without the spiritual jargon. If the path is good, I think it is fair to expect something to change in a relatively fair amount of time, but it has not done so in any significant way in my experience. Now I remain as one of the few people in here that have not obtained benefits nor talked to any Gods, and that's okay. I like that the mods still approve my messages because this is what freedom of speech is. If I am ignorant, then it should be easy enough to prove.
Much of what you share is based on lack of experience and misconceptions. And having only one kind of experience is the same as lacking experience. I wish you luck in shedding such notions.
It has to be porn? I mean, there is full of pretty pictures of woman mostly everywhere on Internet and is not porn. Sometimes erotic pictures too.
I mean, that makes sense.. However I don't think statues facilitate a ton of males jerking off for hours a day though. Porn is a honeypot for energy - that's what makes it different - it is designed to harvest someone's sexual attention. Just like concerts and big sporting events it is designed to direct the collective energies of a bunch of people that it is sapping out of them. It has bad intentions and bad effects on humanity. Lust serves a purpose, I'm sure, but much like any addiction or vice it easily spirals out of control and inhibits your consciousness. Porn is like a curse upon humanity - because it was literally, from it's inception and mass commercialization, designed to be. It does so much damage to humanity, and I dare say, much more harm than good.

I could write an essay here, and maybe I will come back later and do that, of all the negative effects porn has on us.. some of which some of us in this thread may not even have considered and are not aware of. These are very real effects too and not just hair-splitting, speculative, theoretical arguments.

On the topic of good effects or uses it has.. sure, maybe there are some.. I wont try to quantify them - my stance on the issue is clear here already, so I wont waste time trying to argue about this. I think habitually watching and thinking about porn is about as useful as having a cigarette smoking or alcohol drinking habit. You may be gaining pleasure from it and it may somehow ease some of your struggles in life and blanket things but it is ultimately not your friend and is doing you harm and you don't really need it and are better off without it. Much like doing heroin, porn is not something most people can regulate in their lives. It's a powerful attractive force because it produces pleasure in the brain without having to do any work to get it.

Even if you have faith that porn can be a non-destructive, mostly non negative thing - the reality is that it right now isn't among humanity and in my mind probably will never be. Most humans are not enlightened enough to handle it.. maybe we can compare this situation to drugs and alcohol being given to the native americans, and how they handled it? Or like giving matches to children.

On a final note here I would like to say that, myself included, none of us that are arguing our viewpoint that porn is primarily a negative thing, are doing this simply to win a debate or tell you that you are wrong. We are not trying to create a fuss here for no reason - we genuinely believe what we are saying and are trying to share wisdom, out of compassion, with our fellow SS. It's not about being right or winning or being the boss, or anything stupid, we are just trying to help you. Yes you all have a right and a duty to think for yourselves and what we hold to be truths may not prove to be such in your own current experience of life. Consider both sides and act carefully.
A lie or half-truth does not contain the same amount of truth as Truth. Lack of trueness is opposed to having trueness.
Fair assessment.

Much of what you share is based on lack of experience and misconceptions
Is your worldview void of misconceptions and full of experience? Have you experienced it all? How do you know you have a worldview without misconceptions? You are still human, and that is a bold statement, no matter how you look at it. Why is my worldview full of misconceptions and yours isn't? We all live througj different things, they're equally valid.
I would also add the following. OP putting equivalency to sexuality and masturbation+porn is just wrong. Jewish porn is not even pornography by literal meaning. Literally, pornography means "writing about prostitutes" (translated from Ancient Greek it appears given Google did not lie to me) which is not bad by itself and CAN be something sexual. But given the content in that jewish porn, we can say that it actually is the destroyer of people's sexuality. So in reality one gets a negative amount of sexuality when watching porn, and even more negative when a person masturbates to it. Without jewish porn and no masturbation, a person would have zero of that. But zero is better than a negative amount which destroys life force.

This might sound slightly contradicting for some people by me saying that jewish porn actually is not sexual, but antisexual. But it is easy to prove. So let me prove this. All of us can agree that man and woman having consensual sex is something sexual and positive for both of them under normal, usual scenarios. However, jewish porn destroys this sacred act, and is especially harmful to men. When a man's brain is fried out by the jewish porn content, the man has a harder time to get an erection, and to have satisfying sex with a real woman. Clearly, this also does not become satisfying for the real woman, either. So from this we can see that porn did the evil job by reducing both man's sexuality and woman's, too, since she is forced to experience the porn side effects that were inserted into a man for the jews manufacturing porn in such a way that it would destroy a person's sexuality by implanting wrong expectations.
I have a bad/unhealthy relationship with porn, I tried to quit many times before and failed. Right know I'm trying again and I'm away from it for 11 days. The thing is I don't masturbate, and don't have a sexual life too. So quiting means nothing sexual for me. I don't masturbate because it is likely leads me to porn. And after some time I always lose my motivation because I don't have anything sexual at all. I feel like I'm trapped. I wanted to ask you, what do you think I should do?, what do you think about this situation? And I also wonder what do you think about porn, or even how it is for satanizm?
Give free rein to your sexuality

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
