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Question #4674: "The Energy" or "I am":


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I'm probably over-complicating this matter but I'd like a clear answer for it.

I've noticed both being used - The energy or I am. Obviously for black magick you don't want to connect.

But in normal magic people use such as a runic working as an example.

What is the principle difference between using "The energy...[affirmation]" and "I am...[affirmation]"?

One seems like the "tool" or the "specific energy" while the other, "I am", seems like an overall exertion of removing or adding something through your own energy reserves.

Is there really a difference among both? I noticed with some of the workings like freeing the soul possessing "I am". But on the other hand the same thing occurring with Runes whereby people speak specifically of "The [Runic] Energy."

Does it matter or is there more to it?
For black magic it’s better to use “The energy” wording as so doing ensures that your own soul and energy doesn’t get tied up in it and affected adversely. Ownership phrases such as “I am” tie your soul and energies into things when used repetitiously.
It doesn't matter except in very specific circumstances. You can go with whichever you intuit feels more "correct" but the difference is usually neglible.

For regular magick, your subconscious understands what you're referring to already. For example, if you wanted to attract the "perfect" girlfriend, you most likely have a rough mental conception of what that "perfect" looks like. And you will simply attract that if your concentration, and more importantly FEELING and DESIRE is strong enough. If you do not have a strong conception, then you'll have to create it first by "rehearsing" a "scene" in your mind. Of what it will look like or how you will feel or behave differently if you had it. Incorporate all of your senses and astral body into this "rehearsal".

You should also write affirmations in the present tense (i.e., as if they have already happened or been acquired), which makes it feel more like "reality" rather than a hopeful wishing or fantasy.

The more you believe it is already true, and that you have already acquired it, the more powerful this belief acts to bring the working to life. If you are filled with doubt it will work against you. So don't think about the working all day either, which implies a lack of faith and desperation + doubt.
I'm probably over-complicating this matter but I'd like a clear answer for it.

I've noticed both being used - The energy or I am. Obviously for black magick you don't want to connect.

But in normal magic people use such as a runic working as an example.

What is the principle difference between using "The energy...[affirmation]" and "I am...[affirmation]"?

One seems like the "tool" or the "specific energy" while the other, "I am", seems like an overall exertion of removing or adding something through your own energy reserves.

Is there really a difference among both? I noticed with some of the workings like freeing the soul possessing "I am". But on the other hand the same thing occurring with Runes whereby people speak specifically of "The [Runic] Energy."

Does it matter or is there more to it?

This is some misconception about you being able to use "black magic" without repercussions. Actually, it's like any other sorcery.

In plan, you when you pick up a destructive force, you become by default its conduit, this is karma, so you want to use destructive force at all, as you are already under the influence. You get involved in events, you get attached to the force and also to those you are dealing with, because there is karma resisting your will. Action begets opposition.

Think about how to protect yourself, for example, develop a plan of protective meditations, competent and regular. You are then creating counteraction to what you are using.

You know how to play with fire, it is safe as long as you know its essence and the limits of your protection, including the variables of nature.

Any magic always touches you IF you initially, intentionally perceive yourself as "I am someone who acts".
By affirming “I am” you are evoking the energy in your very being, and it has direct impact on you;
there is no distinction between letting the energy act by itself, or working "with one's own energies (the ones you refer to as "reserves") the energy you are able to evoke, the quality of it, and how you direct it, is about your soul and not a particular energy reserve, whether you are directing this energy into, or out of, your being.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
