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I need advice for this experiment

Solar Plexus

Aug 23, 2024
I love elemental magic and elements itself.

I felt drawn to elements even from my childhood. I tried a lot of magickal workings with elements, and their power was unbelievable. I used the water element to cast a love spell and saw the result just after 2 days! Evoked water, programmed it, and directed the water element. Used the fire element to incite lust, and the result was great—it just took 5 days. Elements are really the strongest form of magick.
Sometimes I mixed elemental energies with regular energies then directed, it also worked.

Thanks for reading till there.

Now I want to use the Earth element for material success. I do have experience with the element Earth, but now I don't have magickal experience with Earth, and I gotta apply the energy for myself here. This is why I need advice. I have 3 questions.

  1. Can I do wealth magickal working with invoking Earth and programming it as we do with regular energy, and is it even possible?

In JoS, it is said:

"Earth Magick is amplified through invoking and directing the earth element and includes:
Money, fertility, abundance, material gain, wealth, healing, communication with nature spirits, financial gain, earnings increases, possessions, riches, indulgence, pleasure. The earth element is used in death rituals and can be used along with death energy, used in binding rituals, and to absorb, conceal, for self-control, endurance, and patience."

  1. Which affirmation is better? a or b

a) "Energies of Element Earth attract me large amounts of money in a positive way for me."

b) "I get large amounts of money in a positive way for me."

  1. What to visualize? Before visualizing the desired outcome, should I visualize brown Earth energy around me? When I work with water, I visualize a blue-like color, for example.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts.
"Can I do wealth magickal working with invoking Earth and programming it as we do with regular energy, and is it even possible?"

Yes, I'm not sure where the confusion is on this. Even physical matter is made of energy with a specific frequency determining it's properties.

"Which affirmation is better? a or b"

Affirmations really just represent our intentions, therefore there shouldn't be any significant difference between the affirmations examples you gave, unless you think there is. If you think there's a difference, there is.
For every work of magic, an important element is that you believe in what you are doing and that what you are doing is giving results.
well the affirmation is what feels best for you and easiest for you to remember. as for the color i would recommend ether gold or green if your in a country that uses those colors for their money. Gold is generally a color associated with power and wealth so it's a good defalt.
good luck.

Hail Father Satan
well the affirmation is what feels best for you and easiest for you to remember. as for the color i would recommend ether gold or green if your in a country that uses those colors for their money. Gold is generally a color associated with power and wealth so it's a good defalt.
good luck.

Hail Father Satan
Most members seem uninterested in elemental magic, yet it delivers fast and effective results. Personally, I don't plan to return to runes or other forms of magic, except for Karma removal and financial workings, which yield good results and are rooted in Sanskrit. Elements are significantly stronger; I would argue they are the strongest. Even when using regular energy for magical work, incorporating the corresponding element can tremendously amplify the effectiveness of the work.
Do elements disrupt the balance of your soul? Yes, they do. However, I refuse to impose limitations on myself, which can accelerate anyone's progress.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
