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Question #4349: Please help me, brothers and sisters


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have been a Satanic for 8 years, residing in Algeria, and I am 25 years old
- 3 years ago, the police stormed my room without a valid reason.
They found a room containing the temple and ritual swords.
So they took me to the court of first instance, and when the judge asked me, I told them that my religion is Satanism, and that the law of our country guarantees freedom of belief, and our country has approved the human rights decree.
The judge charged me with necessarily mocking a known religion, even though I told him that I respect all religions. He wrote that, and in addition to that, he charged me with carrying a knife and sorcery.
- These charges were for a year in prison .
- I then appealed this ruling, so my case was escalated to the Judicial Council.
- When I met the judge there, he granted me an acquittal from necessarily mocking known religion, because I told him that I respect all religions and I have the right to believe in what I want. He also granted me an acquittal from carrying a knife because the swords were in the house and I did not carry them while I was outside. He also granted me an acquittal from sorcery. Because there is no evidence that people come to me in order for me to read their palms in exchange for money or anything like that.
- After he released me from all of the above, he charged me with new charges, which were establishing a temple without a license, and sentenced me to 3 years in prison.
- So I appealed, because this ruling is also invalid, because the law says if you open any temple or even a store without a license and the landmarks are visible, meaning there is a sign at the top of the building with the address of the temple and you see people entering this building here, then you are accused. It is true, but the judge wrote that they They found a room inside a temple, and not the entire building is a temple, and there is no plaque on top of the building.
- After I appealed and explained this, my case went to the Supreme Court. It takes 4 to 5 years for a decision to be issued from here, and perhaps more.
- But the good thing about this is that I am being tried while I am out of prison, and I thank the gods about this.
- Now 3 years have passed, and there are approximately two years left before the final ruling is issued. If they applied the law objectively, it would be an acquittal, but I am afraid of their rebellion, as the other judges did.
- I am thinking about religious asylum in a country like Spain, Canada, or Germany, but I want your opinion on the matter.
- When I show them the court papers and tell them that I am Satan, will they respect my belief and accept my asylum, or will they rebel like those before them did? I asked you this question because there are those of you who live there and know their mentality better than me.
-There are two years left before the final ruling is issued. I must leave this country and apply for religious asylum in another country.
- This is better than wasting 3 years in prison.
- Please give me advice that might enlighten me. This topic has really exhausted me.
Hail Satan for ever .
Never tell anyone you are a Satanist! This is clearly defined in the JoS. You should never have told anyone. "Freedom of religion" doesn't make any of us invincible. We can't act like children and think that everything will be fine just because of legal rights. We need to be careful.

Your best bet is to keep your mouth closed from here on out, do not argue when in court about your "freedom of religion", and do a freeing the soul working to ensure your freedom, then Tyr rune to ensure the court ruling goes in your favor so you are free.
I am happy that Sister Lydia answers my question. I respect you very much. It is true that I have realized that, and now I have been focusing on myself only for 3 years, but my question is, should I immigrate or stay in my country? .
If I stay in my country, I may be sentenced and go to prison. Should I stay in my country and make my faith stronger in the gods that whatever the outcome is, it is my good?
I am happy that Sister Lydia answers my question. I respect you very much. It is true that I have realized that, and now I have been focusing on myself only for 3 years, but my question is, should I immigrate or stay in my country? .
If I stay in my country, I may be sentenced and go to prison. Should I stay in my country and make my faith stronger in the gods that whatever the outcome is, it is my good?
You will probably be fine especially by doing the workings and asking for help from the Gods (Abigor/Eligos would be good to request help from as He presides over court rulings), but hopefully a member from your country could give input here, as I am not as familiar with how strict things can be there.

If you feel immigration is best, make sure you can get a good paying job, otherwise you'll have other problems. You probably won't be granted religious asylum as Spiritual Satanism is not yet recognized as an official religion.
Best to keep any further comment as silent. Silence is golden. Consider the outcome and possible alternatives. Ask Satan for assistance and any personal Demons. Keep your soul pure and protected.
I have been a Satanic for 8 years, residing in Algeria, and I am 25 years old
- 3 years ago, the police stormed my room without a valid reason.
They found a room containing the temple and ritual swords.
So they took me to the court of first instance, and when the judge asked me, I told them that my religion is Satanism, and that the law of our country guarantees freedom of belief, and our country has approved the human rights decree.
The judge charged me with necessarily mocking a known religion, even though I told him that I respect all religions. He wrote that, and in addition to that, he charged me with carrying a knife and sorcery.
- These charges were for a year in prison .
- I then appealed this ruling, so my case was escalated to the Judicial Council.
- When I met the judge there, he granted me an acquittal from necessarily mocking known religion, because I told him that I respect all religions and I have the right to believe in what I want. He also granted me an acquittal from carrying a knife because the swords were in the house and I did not carry them while I was outside. He also granted me an acquittal from sorcery. Because there is no evidence that people come to me in order for me to read their palms in exchange for money or anything like that.
- After he released me from all of the above, he charged me with new charges, which were establishing a temple without a license, and sentenced me to 3 years in prison.
- So I appealed, because this ruling is also invalid, because the law says if you open any temple or even a store without a license and the landmarks are visible, meaning there is a sign at the top of the building with the address of the temple and you see people entering this building here, then you are accused. It is true, but the judge wrote that they They found a room inside a temple, and not the entire building is a temple, and there is no plaque on top of the building.
- After I appealed and explained this, my case went to the Supreme Court. It takes 4 to 5 years for a decision to be issued from here, and perhaps more.
- But the good thing about this is that I am being tried while I am out of prison, and I thank the gods about this.
- Now 3 years have passed, and there are approximately two years left before the final ruling is issued. If they applied the law objectively, it would be an acquittal, but I am afraid of their rebellion, as the other judges did.
- I am thinking about religious asylum in a country like Spain, Canada, or Germany, but I want your opinion on the matter.
- When I show them the court papers and tell them that I am Satan, will they respect my belief and accept my asylum, or will they rebel like those before them did? I asked you this question because there are those of you who live there and know their mentality better than me.
-There are two years left before the final ruling is issued. I must leave this country and apply for religious asylum in another country.
- This is better than wasting 3 years in prison.
- Please give me advice that might enlighten me. This topic has really exhausted me.
Hail Satan for ever .
You have a very good case for applying for political asylum on religious grounds.

The most important thing is to collect all the legal documents of your country (court orders), certificates of detention, police reports and other documents testifying to the obscurantism of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system of your country.

If you are not a white man, then I would not recommend Spain, Canada or Germany to you, I think you need to narrow down your search and consider such a secular country as South Africa.
من الأفضل إبقاء أي تعليق آخر صامتًا. السكوت من ذهب. النظر في النتيجة والبدائل الممكنة. اطلب من الشيطان المساعدة وأي شياطين شخصية. حافظ على روحك نقية ومحمية.
فعلت ذلك عندما كنت صغيرا، ولكن من هذه التجربة تعلمت الكثير من الأشياء. عندما علمت أن أمامي خمس سنوات حتى يتم الحكم عليّ وأنني قد أسجن، شرعت بقوة في البحث عن استقراري. توقفت عن العادات السيئة وأكملت دراستي وحصلت على الشهادات وحصلت على وظيفة واكتشفت... هناك الكثير عن نفسي وعن طريقنا، وكانت الآلهة ترشدني دائمًا بطريقة ستبقى في روحي حتى في الحياة التالية ولكن بصراحة أحياناً أشعر بالضعف بسبب كثرة الضغوط ولكن أرى أن هذه الضغوط تعمل على تقويتي لمواجهة التحديات القادمة، والآن أعمل على الهجرة، ربما لو لم تكن هذه المشكلة ربما لا أفعل تفعيل هذه الطاقات، بصراحة أرى أن أهدافي تتوافق مع دولة متقدمة لأنني أريد أن أخدم الآلهة على مستويات عالية.
لديك حكم جيد جدًا لتقديم حكم قضائي للسلطة القضائية الدينية.

الشيء الأكثر أهمية هو جمع جميع الوثائق القانونية لبلدك (أوامر المحكمة)، وشهادات الاحتجاز، وتقارير الشرطة وغيرها من الوثائق التي تشهد على ظلامية وكالات مكافحة الجريمة ونظام ضبط في بلدك.

إذا لم تكن رجلاً أبيض، فلنوصيك بإسبانيا أو كندا أو ألمانيا، فهناك أنت بحاجة إلى تضييق نطاق بحثك والنظر في دولة علمانية مثل جنوب ألمانيا.

لديك حالة جيدة جدًا لتقديم طلب اللجوء السياسي لأسباب دينية.

الشيء الأكثر أهمية هو جمع جميع الوثائق القانونية لبلدك (أوامر المحكمة)، وشهادات الاحتجاز، وتقارير الشرطة وغيرها من الوثائق التي تشهد على ظلامية وكالات إنفاذ القانون والنظام القضائي في بلدك.

إذا لم تكن رجلاً أبيض، فلن أوصيك بإسبانيا أو كندا أو ألمانيا، وأعتقد أنك بحاجة إلى تضييق نطاق بحثك والنظر في دولة علمانية مثل جنوب إفريقيا.
أنا لست أسودًا ولست أبيضًا، أنا فقط بني قليلًا. لم أفكر في جنوب أفريقيا. سأبحث عنه، شكرًا لك
I sincerely wish you the most positive outcome possible in your favor, Stolas216.
You could say you are Pagan if anybody asks, since technically is correct and still can very well explain the persecution without further complications.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
