Who is she in Greek or Norse myths?
Which goddess is she?
She from my research and experience is a complex goddess. She refuses to be defined in a box. She definitely embodies the empowered feminine. However given her identity, the name Morrigan is a personal name for this Celtic goddess and the other goddesses connected or linked to her is the Morrigna. Like Badb, Macha, Nemain, Fea, Anu, Nemetona. She was known as Bellona in Roman pantheon and Enyo Greek pantheon. She resembles the Celtic version of the Valkyrie.
She’s a goddess of war, prophecy, death and Sovereignty. She as been associated with passion and sexuality too and did have children but is not a motherhood type of goddess. She was associated with hospitality as well.
She is not just a symbol of the “soul” or some archetype etc. she’s very real. She stands for those who are marginalized, like empowered women, girls and others.
My experience with her has been exhilarating and she has been with me for 20 years or more. Always been there. She inspires me, encourages me to make the right choices but of course I decide to do opposite, I tend to suffer the consequences of poor choices. It’s a learning experience. I am currently in the process of making something called Order of the Morrigan, or something similar, it’s a work in process and will embody the teachings of Spiritual Satanism.
I intend to use a language that people can understand as Md feel comfortable with. A lot of people are tired of a patriarchal figure due to their experience with the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I am approaching people with compassion and understanding due to fears they have about SS, especially Satan Himself.
Anyway the Demon that’s closely associated with Morrigan is complex. But I can assure you about one thing, Morrigan is known to appear with spectres, goblins, sprites of the glen and demons of the air or stirs up energy and can be a source of a haunting. I have had positive experiences in this respect.
Her appearance is she’s able to have either black raven hair or Red hair. green eyes or pure black eyes. Snow White skin. She’s able to appear with raven black wings if she wishes.
Her animals are the crow, the raven, snake, eel, heifer, wolf and horse.
Her number is 9
Planet is Mars
So I know some of you may have disagreements, that’s ok. But these are what’s revealed to me.
Another thing I should address is her lineage. She is known as the daughter of Ernmas which means “she-husbandman” but from the word ernbas meaning “violent, slaughter, death”or literally “death by iron”, iarn “ iron” and bas “death”.
Paternal lineage Delbaeth known as son of Neit, a war God called Roman Neto and green Ares. Delbaeth is likely from delbaid”to shape, form or fashion” perhaps kind of a creator god or delb “shape or form”, and Aed “fire”. So Delbaeth would mean “fire-shaped”
The primary progentors of the Morrigna triad are Violent, Death and the Shaper.
Aed is a sun god. So technically her ancestry is interesting.. Her foster Mothers was Danann and Bechuille were also she-husbandmen.
I could write a whole book. So point is being a goddess of war and Sovereignty is important to note. She supposedly connected to the Land. She grants kingship. Which of course is allegorical.
Anyway I hope this clears stuff up for you.