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Of how the God's travel between the altars they have in earth

David Chacón

Jul 4, 2020
Costa Rica
Months ago I have read this passage in the Odissey and I think give for one post, it is found in the 8 book of the odyssey if someone want to search in their own odyssey. This is the passage:
Ares went off to Thrace, while Aphrodite
smiled as she went to Cyprus, to the island
of Paphos, where she had a fragrant altar
and sanctuary. The Graces washed her there,
and rubbed her with the magic oil that glows
upon immortals, and they dressed her up
in gorgeous clothes. She looked astonishing.

The passage talk about my beloved goddess Aphrodite 🥵💞. And this give to think the God's travel between Altar to altar for visit us, pitifully in Greek i don't know if there are altars, may be yes, but if not is for the fucking jews that destroy them. Fortunately in India yes are altars because I have see altars to Kali and others Indian God's in video. The God's protect India 🙏🇮🇳.
I have thinking about if the God's of India doing the same thing in India, and they travel through the numerous altars they have in India, that is great. In Egypt in don't know if happen the same thing or not because I don't know if there the fucking jews also destroyed the altars of the Egyptian gods.
The Gods don't "materially" travel from altar to altar. You don't have to read these texts as if they were describing real scenarios. A lot of them are histories to teach ethics or other hidden spiritual teachings.
I conscious they no travel materially between altars, may be spiritualy, and what the fuck you say me I not can read the Odyssey???
Months ago I have read this passage in the Odissey and I think give for one post, it is found in the 8 book of the odyssey if someone want to search in their own odyssey. This is the passage:
Ares went off to Thrace, while Aphrodite
smiled as she went to Cyprus, to the island
of Paphos, where she had a fragrant altar
and sanctuary. The Graces washed her there,
and rubbed her with the magic oil that glows
upon immortals, and they dressed her up
in gorgeous clothes. She looked astonishing.

The passage talk about my beloved goddess Aphrodite 🥵💞. And this give to think the God's travel between Altar to altar for visit us, pitifully in Greek i don't know if there are altars, may be yes, but if not is for the fucking jews that destroy them. Fortunately in India yes are altars because I have see altars to Kali and others Indian God's in video. The God's protect India 🙏🇮🇳.
Show respect and seriousness while talking about the Gods. We need to rectify from this poor behaviors towards the Gods.

The events listed in these books are allegorical passages, and not meant to be interpretated litterally, these are occult codes.
I understand completely your last reply without translate 😠 really i not put my other cheek anymore here is completely annoying. I don't know why my hostility growing every moment more. Here only no do that, or try to make believe something or change my ideals 🤦🏻‍♂️
Months ago I have read this passage in the Odissey and I think give for one post, it is found in the 8 book of the odyssey if someone want to search in their own odyssey. This is the passage:
Ares went off to Thrace, while Aphrodite
smiled as she went to Cyprus, to the island
of Paphos, where she had a fragrant altar
and sanctuary. The Graces washed her there,
and rubbed her with the magic oil that glows
upon immortals, and they dressed her up
in gorgeous clothes. She looked astonishing.

The passage talk about my beloved goddess Aphrodite 🥵💞. And this give to think the God's travel between Altar to altar for visit us, pitifully in Greek i don't know if there are altars, may be yes, but if not is for the fucking jews that destroy them. Fortunately in India yes are altars because I have see altars to Kali and others Indian God's in video. The God's protect India 🙏🇮🇳.
ok i learned this so my conclusion is you must learning about reincarnation and forms
and about god travel from altar to altar this for making people believe how to value Original Gods (real one) using rituals in Altar.
if u was know about reincarnation and forms u can combine my words and analyze it with Duaat and u will get the anwer what what's u dont know.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
