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Question #4316: Should women go to war


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Should average woman go to war or be trained to fight?Skills like using a gun and everything people learn to do in wars?
One side is always going to win in war and women on the other side will die anyways or wish they did so is it not better to die with honor and dignity?
What should women do in wars?Also is it not offensive for men to go to war when women dont?
Women should absolutely never go to war. Women need to be safe and protected. Induvidual women are extremely more important and valuable than individual men for the survival of a population.

For example, if you have 49 men and one woman, the population would die because the woman would be impregnated one time, and would have one child every 9 months which is not enough to maintain the population and replace the number of people who die.

But 1 man and 49 women, the one man would be able to impregnate all of them and now there are 49 people born every 9 months, and they could have a maximum of doubling the total population size every year. There would be no risk of the population not being able to sustain itself.

Of course those are extreme examples, and neither situation is healthy. But it shows a reason how women are so much more valuable, because women have the miracle of being able to create life. A man can not create a child.

The women are also the ones who take care of the children, and educate them on how to do everything. And in this way they create the new generation of humanity.

It has always been this way. Men are simply more disposable. Men do the work, men do difficult and dangerous jobs, men fight in wars, and not all of them survive. One man dying does not do much harm to the population, the only loss is himself. But one woman dying decreases the population by herself, by all of the children that she would have had, and all of the grandchildren that she would have had. The total loss in that way is a much larger number of people. Also with other children besides her own who she may have worked to educate and teach how to do everything.

Women have also always been the keepers of history, who remembered all of the historical knowledge. And who knew all of the spiritual and magical knowledge, and taught all of these lessons to the children. An educated and knowledgeable woman dying is like the loss of a whole school, as she would have taught these to the children if she was here.

The women protect and take care of the children. And the men protect and take care of the women. This is the natural order, for the safety and protection of humanity.
Women should absolutely have skills, knowledge, and ability in self defense. Women should have knowledge and training on how to use firearms. When a man is not there, women need to have full ability to protect both themselves and their children without depending only on a man to protect them. Proper use of a firearm is an important skill that all people should have, just like all people should be very good at cooking. Because we all need to eat, and we all may need to defend ourselves. So the skills for feeding and for protecting ourselves are necessary for all people.
This is too unrealistic. Humans are not rats. Few men and a lot of women, having a lot of children in a short time, how do you raise these children? With so many women and children and so few men, I doubt whether these children will grow up to be normal people.

If there is a war, the first consideration is how to win it. If there is a shortage of soldiers, let women join the army. If you lose the war by reducing the number of soldiers because of some strange idea, then it doesn't matter how many children you have after the war, you just wait for the next war to kill them all again.
Women should absolutely have skills, knowledge, and ability in self defense. Women should have knowledge and training on how to use firearms. When a man is not there, women need to have full ability to protect both themselves and their children without depending only on a man to protect them. Proper use of a firearm is an important skill that all people should have, just like all people should be very good at cooking. Because we all need to eat, and we all may need to defend ourselves. So the skills for feeding and for protecting ourselves are necessary for all people.
Agreed. My father taught me how to use a gun and he also trained me in self-defense, even though I use none of these skills in real life. It's important to at least have the skills. And if a man can't cook, he calls him a helpless baby, lol.

Everyone should know how to take care of themselves, even if they never have the need to apply the knowledge.

Should average woman go to war or be trained to fight?Skills like using a gun and everything people learn to do in wars?
One side is always going to win in war and women on the other side will die anyways or wish they did so is it not better to die with honor and dignity?
What should women do in wars?Also is it not offensive for men to go to war when women dont?
When women go to war and do only masculine things, then it decreases femininity. All of society will be held back if we are all focused on the martial. There needs to be balance. But in case of times of emergency, women should know how to defend themselves.
D'accordo. Mio padre mi ha insegnato a usare una pistola e mi ha anche addestrato all'autodifesa, anche se non uso nessuna di queste abilità nella vita reale. È importante almeno avere le capacità. E se un uomo non può cucinare, lo chiama un bambino indifeso, lol.

Tutti dovrebbero sapere come prendersi cura di se stessi, anche se non hanno mai bisogno di applicare le conoscenze.

Quando le donne vanno in guerra e fanno solo cose maschili, allora diminuisce la femminilità. Tutta la società sarà trattenuta se siamo tutti concentrati sul marziale. Ci deve essere equilibrio. Ma in caso di emergenza, le donne dovrebbero sapere come difendersi.
Io, nel mio piccolo, credo che l'uomo e la donna siano due facce della stessa medaglia. Lasciate che siano la compensazione dell'altro. Come è sempre stato, anche in natura, la donna è colei che ha il miracolo di procreare e quindi di garantire la continuazione della specie a cui appartiene; l'uomo, invece, ha sempre fornito cibo, protetto e amato la sua famiglia, garantendone la longevità. Ovviamente in questi giorni, a mio parere, le donne devono avere almeno una conoscenza di base dell'autodifesa e dell'uso delle armi, nel caso in cui si trovino di fronte a un pericolo e abbiano bisogno di proteggere se stesse e i loro figli. È sbagliato pensare che sia una competizione come fanno molti comuni: "non è giusto che la donna rimanga a casa e io lavori" o esempi simili, o donne che lottano per l'uguaglianza di genere quando è giusto che ognuno abbia il suo ruolo, è l'equilibrio delle cose. Ci devono essere collaborazione e sostegno, incoraggiamento e forza. Dobbiamo essere uniti e fare tutto il possibile affinché la guerra sia vinta in modo che i nostri figli possano avere un futuro migliore sotto la guida di Padre Satana e degli Dei.
Massively and considered the norm as in pisszrael - no.

Individual women can be very strong and militant, if they want to be, no one can forbid them).
Sorry, I don't know why the previous comment was published in another language. I am rewriting for correctness.

I, in my small way, believe that man and woman are two sides of the same coin. Let them be each other's compensation.
As has always been the case, even in nature, the woman is the one who has the miracle of procreating and therefore guaranteeing the continuation of the species to which she belongs; man, on the other hand, has always provided food, protected and loved his family, ensuring their longevity.

Obviously these days, in my opinion, women need to have at least a basic understanding of self-defense and the use of weapons, in case they are faced with danger and need to protect themselves and their children.

It is wrong to think that it is a competition as many municipalities do: "it is not right that the woman stays at home and I work" or similar examples, or women fighting for gender equality when it is right that everyone has their role, it's the balance of things.

There must be collaboration and support, encouragement and strength. We must be united and do everything we can to ensure that the war is won so that our children can have a better future under the guidance of Father Satan and the Gods.
I just want to share what war really is: it is wounds, torture, wounds to all places, i.e. the genitals and all those organs that are responsible for genital health, healthy child bearing, painless periods and any periods at all (imagine her being shot in the genitals - the next period she will rupture and bleed out, the woman will die in terrible suffering). Their organ is not meant to be wounded or injured, doctors make a lot of cautions so she doesn't bleed out after surgery, if they do surgery, because this organ is prone to bleeding and any torture and wounding of this organ can lead to death and insane monthly suffering. War is also war rape as wars are often waged by jews and psychopaths on the highest positions. Men, a question for you, do you really want YOUR mothers, wives and daughters to go there (because the women of your nation are YOUR women for whom you are responsible)?

Please don't compare this to cooking and similar nonsense. Cooking is not a woman's or man's job, it is not difficult or life threatening. Anyone can do it, and comparing it to war is like a modern cartoon where everything is possible from what is impossible in real life. War is a transcendent difficulty, only men of a special age and state of health are able to do something there or survive at all. in 99% of the world it is illegal to carry any kind of weapon, and we don't live in America after all, but in those 99% of countries, so what I say here is about these not about 1-2 kilometers of human rights. In hand-to-hand combat, it's simply impossible even for many men, while woman will just get mutilated, destroyed and die in torment and vain in this situation. "Everyone must have skills" - yes, they do have skills and no, these skills never help them in real situations, because aside of skills, physical health, strength and agility is needed and there is absolutely none and none will ever be because her physical energies are spent on other things, and it is beyond her power to direct them in a manly way, no matter how hard she tries. If it were that simple, and everyone, just by practicing, could do it, they would have done it long ago. Reality is not feminist cartoon, even for demi-Gods. Some things are impossible despite of how they "should be done". All the special services and police of the world warn about that and no unfortunate one listens. In addition, monsters who continue to fight, seeing a woman in front of them, are murderers and should be burned at the stake, because this is not war, but mass murder of the most beautiful thing in the world. "Independence" is very dangerous lie. No one is capable of being self-sufficient in this world, as nature created humans only for interdependence and collectivity, which alone fosters special human qualities such as nobility and honor, which are social and only develop in a collective. It is not something one chooses or can change.

Transsexuals try to mutilate and forcibly change themselves by having surgeries, but even then their energy is vastly different from that of the real opposite sex. You can call it whatever you want, but the gentle, beautiful and loving essence is still there. My heart was torn watching these. They are baby cats...

Keeping women out of war just for the sake of reproduction is also the wrong approach, as many women do not reproduce, they are sick, cannot tolerate physical sex and have no desire or energy for it, are unable to bear a child or give birth, are lesbians, are disabled, and are racially mixed and for any other reason not fit to reproduce. They and many men exist to advance civilization and serve the race in other ways. There are many ways, and the key is to find your own way to best serve your race by utilizing your strengths, which by no means are reproduction for everyone. This path must also be loved enough to make life worth living, which is also by no means reproduction for everyone, and for most not only and not so much reproduction.

I believe it is utterly useless for women to go and die in vain, utilizing only their weakest sides. It will only make things worse in war. Female energy is totally incompatible with this, look at the open borders of Europe. As soon as they started taking women into men's professions, their countries were overrun with rapists, murderers and conquerors. And I in utter humility beg our women not to go to war, because other than the heartbreak for men and deep grief, which I'm sure will make me crazy, it will bring absolutely nothing to no one. To see woman in danger is the only thing man can't survive.
The question often arises because of a psyop that is expected to be existent in our world. Women going to war, men are more likely to go and enrol in war. In reality it is just a marketing scheme to influence men to go to war. The females are rarely deployed in the armed conflict, but should be placed in desk military jobs that can have contact with the soliders. I will expose some facts on another level, and the nuance here is complex. If you are running a country or you are a commander, you should be able to employ in certain positions women "to go to war", but this is done to entice soldiers, morale and market people to enroll. Most people cannot do anything else exceptional in their lives but go to fucking war, only now unfortunately most purpose of any war is absolute a LIE and not ethical. There's nothing to even die for in this fucking world in a war, but for the safety of your family and lineage, which is the war every man endures in all forms in life.

However, in an ideal scenario this is a strategic move, and it is not a debate of the power of a woman in armed conflict, but a marketing asset and element of ease among the active soldiers. This element needs to be present, because there is another issue present here. A solider in foreign or innate land will need to have a sense of proximity with a feminine element and won't even mention why.

Females are needed in war but in other ways than armed conflict. Females should fight the psychological war. They have an active job of keeping themselves and families safe and protecting the lineage and the soldier knowing this as a fact. Select few are also needed to be in proximity of the soldiers consciousness - active memory and acknowledgement of females forces a man to be a MAN - have a sense of control over the unimaginable chaos of war.

In war, you have to be reminded that you are not a pussy but a man. Sorry to put it directly, you have to remember that you possess a dick, and you are a dominating and brave, assertive force that is able to take lives, execute and be an assassin as much as accepting death when it comes. This in levels cannot happen but in relation to a female anyway - lover, mother, family, children etc. are all product of female and male working together.

For a war to be won, men and women need to work together and play their role societally and individually.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
