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Question #3723: What Do Healthy Polyamorous Relationships Look Like?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
So there have been many people looking for relationships with a Demon. While this usually doesn't go too well, either through delusion or just plain primal desires, there is an emphasis on monogamy.

I know that any monogamous relationship, human and Demon alike, should be treated with utmost respect and devotion. But what about someone who is polyamorous?

The idea is including others in the relationship, but what about favoritism and children?

I want kids. But I also don't want them thinking their father doesn't love them because he has multiple children with other women. How does that work without at least somewhat incorporating monogamy?

Basically, what can one expect from a healthy polyamorous relationship (especially with children involved)?
Look up the State of Utah under the Moron Mormon church history. If want a history of the polygamist and what polygamy is like lol...🤣
Polyamory is 99.99% just a promotion by jews to purposefully work to destroy and erase all family structure, and destroy and erase all of civilization. So that all of civilization would collapse and there would be nothing stopping jews from owning everybody as brain chipped cattle.

Strong and healthy families are the support for strong and healthy communities, which build strong and healthy countries and civilizations. When your immune system is healthy and strong, a bacteria is instantly removed and is no threat. But if you had no immune system, a bacteria could make a disease and be deadly.
Your children will resent you for spending time with your other children and not them. A healthy family environment has mother, father, children all under one roof. Look at step families, divorced parents where the father lives with his new wife and even if he has joint custody of his first children, he still has obligations to his new children too, which takes time away from his first children. It seems to work for some families, but then those children usually don't have strong values and spend more time with friends, many of whom are degenerates.

That aside, there are cases where it works with multiple wives and all children all under one roof. I really don't think that would have a good psychological impact on the children though, and over time the wives would probably get tired of not having a husband all to herself and probably find another man. Bonds are weak when there's multiple people involved, most humans are made for one-on-one partner bonding.

All of the above considered, a man who is pure Nordic Aryan will hopefully have as many children as possible. There might be women willing to be in such a relationship for the sake of boosting the population with pure Nordic White children (especially any women who understands the flooding of non-whites into her country), but the man would need to be able to financially afford all of this. And he would have to be understanding if one or more of his wives over time finds someone else, because one man cannot attend to all the emotional/partnership needs of multiple wives.
Polyamory is unnatural. Humans are sexually dimorphic species and the most they can do is Polygamy. polyamory is a system for a species that are same in height,physical strength and hormones. This is observed in Bonoboes as i can remember. We are very different. Mostly in our society Men are physically stronger and have different hormones than women (10 times more testosterone). So the most that is observed naturally (historically that is) in society is a powerful Leader/General type hoarding a bunch of wives.
I don't believe this is possible for most people. This is extremely rare for this to work with no problems, like far less than 1%.
I think it's less than 1%... among those people that claim to be polyamorous. So much less within the entire population. Similar stats to self-proclaimed "night owls", in my opinion.
I think only the Gods can be truly polygamous, we humans are generally incapable of handling the emotions involved.

Personally, I find monogamy more pleasing, the idea that something as unique and pleasant as love can only be experienced between two people makes me so happy.
I think it's less than 1%... among those people that claim to be polyamorous. So much less within the entire population. Similar stats to self-proclaimed "night owls", in my opinion.
People don't like when I say that life choices are 100% bad and will never give a good result for anybody, so I left space for an extremely rare exception. But I have never heard of anybody that this worked for where everybody involved had a good result.
People don't like when I say that life choices are 100% bad and will never give a good result for anybody, so I left space for an extremely rare exception. But I have never heard of anybody that this worked for where everybody involved had a good result.
When I tell it it's the same, or they claim something dramatic about me out of nowhere:ROFLMAO:
You can see a partner as a unique frequency of energy that you have fallen in love with. If you then also fall in love with another woman in the course of your life, I don't see why you couldn't have both.
It is not even a question of creating a hierarchy between them, since you love them in a unique and different way.
It is just a matter of having the means to do so.

As for the children, you raise them normally as you would with a single wife. All under the same roof.

I start from the assumption that the man is the only one who has multiple partners, while the woman has only one man, like a harem.
All I see and encounter almost on dating profiles or in real life is things like "ENM and partnered " "looking for a third" " polyam with nesting partner" blah blah. Alot of people are basically out to satisfy fetishes and selfish desires and ego boosts rather than actually have a meaningful connection with someone. It's quite disheartening. Hookup culture is the worst and dating compared to over a decade ago has gone downhill so much.
You can see a partner as a unique frequency of energy that you have fallen in love with. If you then also fall in love with another woman in the course of your life, I don't see why you couldn't have both.
It is not even a question of creating a hierarchy between them, since you love them in a unique and different way.
It is just a matter of having the means to do so.

As for the children, you raise them normally as you would with a single wife. All under the same roof.

I start from the assumption that the man is the only one who has multiple partners, while the woman has only one man, like a harem.
Harsh comment: I would suggest watching less anime and focusing on reality and divinity.
So-called polyamory is generally unnatural. It is more reflective of a low state of mind that can't control its impulses, and cannot commit, than of our inherent programming as a species. They are coomers.

The only method that can work, but potentially very messy, is a high status man with multiple wives, i.e. polygyny. Women are more accepting of sharing a high
value mate than men, especially when it comes to child rearing. Men do not want to share their wives and raise other men's children, this is cuckoldry and against our nature.
Just from my all bit it limited knowledge Satan has 5 wives as stated on the web page for Lilith.
And from what I remember it is stated that SS were allowed to take multiple partners even openly encouraged, till complaints from more conservative parts of the army as stated in this documentary (I can't find the correct time stamp so please correct me if my memory has failed me here).

Just giving my own personal opinion, I don't think poly relationships should involve children especially young children as this will mess with their psyche from what I've observed.
Just from my all bit it limited knowledge Satan has 5 wives as stated on the web page for Lilith.
And from what I remember it is stated that SS were allowed to take multiple partners even openly encouraged, till complaints from more conservative parts of the army as stated in this documentary (I can't find the correct time stamp so please correct me if my memory has failed me here).

Just giving my own personal opinion, I don't think poly relationships should involve children especially young children as this will mess with their psyche from what I've observed.
Whether or not this only functions between highly developed beings such as the Gods I leave to someone more advanced to advise on. Also in the case of the SS whether or not this was something ideal or a result of trying to fix the low birth rates of the Germanic population at the time.
Harsh comment: I would suggest watching less anime and focusing on reality and divinity.
In my opinion it can be done safely, I don't see the problem.

I also don't see why we have to discuss it, everyone does what they want and tries to get what they want.

Simply be yourself.
In my opinion it can be done safely, I don't see the problem.

I also don't see why we have to discuss it, everyone does what they want and tries to get what they want.

Simply be yourself.
Thank you!🙏
Just from my all bit it limited knowledge Satan has 5 wives as stated on the web page for Lilith.
And from what I remember it is stated that SS were allowed to take multiple partners even openly encouraged, till complaints from more conservative parts of the army as stated in this documentary (I can't find the correct time stamp so please correct me if my memory has failed me here).

Just giving my own personal opinion, I don't think poly relationships should involve children especially young children as this will mess with their psyche from what I've observed.
Note that it's always the gods who are stated to have multiple  wives. There are no goddesses who are said to have multiple husbands.
Note that it's always the gods who are stated to have multiple  wives. There are no goddesses who are said to have multiple husbands.
I don't think there's anything wrong with men having multiple wives not to mention the fact it makes stronger families. Children are stronger and they're more protected. And there seem to be more intelligence and more strength within the hearts of the children and in the minds and the souls of each and every individual child and every wife is taken care of properly and there is a sense of Pride and Valor
I think the story of Satan having 5 wives is symbolic of his connection to all 5 of the elements. But either way, he is the largest soul that there is, so what he can do is different from what we can do.

The situation in Germany is that during WWI, millions of men were killed in the war. And a lot of women and children starved too. Their population was enormously damaged. The focus was on having as many children as possible to rebuild the population as quickly as possible, so one man with multiple women is the quickest way to achieve this. This doesn't mean that everybody involved was happy about this, but it was considered as a sacrifice to help the country.
I think the story of Satan having 5 wives is symbolic of his connection to all 5 of the elements. But either way, he is the largest soul that there is, so what he can do is different from what we can do.

The situation in Germany is that during WWI, millions of men were killed in the war. And a lot of women and children starved too. Their population was enormously damaged. The focus was on having as many children as possible to rebuild the population as quickly as possible, so one man with multiple women is the quickest way to achieve this. This doesn't mean that everybody involved was happy about this, but it was considered as a sacrifice to help the country.
Just like the 7 children are symbolic of the chakra, in my opinion. Still, like you say, he's the highest God: his level is incomparable to us.

He's also the only God on JoS that is mentioned having multiple wives, literal or allegorical. Everywhere else where a wife is mentioned, it's only one. Lord Thoth and Lady Seshat, Lord Nergal and Lady Ereshkigal, Lord Apollo and his human wife, etc... In any case, what the Gods do with their private life is none of our business.
If you wish to find out what healthy polyamory relationship looks like you have to go see Tibetan culture. When younger brother brings a new wife to his house he first offer her to his beloved superiors, his father and brothers, and only after they are satisfied, his turn can come. And his new wife would first prostrate herself before his mother and his older wives with the words: "Hello, my Lady, I am your new servant, please use me and accept my unworthy service, be blessed and live forever!". This is called respect and family bond.

You see, most people answering are Western. They are raised that their ego is the most crucial thing for their survival rather than feeling part of something else. In Eastern culture such thing as "self" does not exist. Give your father and brother first and only then to yourself. In some cultures having several brothers of the same blood for husbands is totally normal: they would not attack each other because they feel as one. Not every culture and not every people is so insanely concentrated on individual ego. Some tribes has no such thing as individual ego at all: they feel not as "themselves" but rather as "a tribe" or "a family" or alike. I don't feel myself as "myself" though I live in very civilized part of my society. I feel their pain first and my - after. I always first let others take things and myself take only what is left from others. I don't mean those alien, I mean those of my family or group, co-workers, classmates etc. fellow people, people in same situation, of same profession, of same disease etc. This is also called "kin". We have very strong feeling of fellowship and very weak feeling of "self". This is how all civilized Russians act (this absolutely does not mess with our Racial values and is absolute proof that nationalism does not involve egocentrism). Though my country is monoamorous, this is not out of egocentrism, rather it comes naturally. I just tried to show the example of how polyandry might be nothing "wrong" if it naturally emerges from national mentality and is not a fruit of decadance or promiscuty.

Cuckoldry is not protecting your women and country from filth and letting filth rule the world. You can act like this being monoandrous as well. While 100% polyandrous Butan Kingdom does not have moslen migration, emasculation, whoredom and related.
So sorry. I meant Mustang, not Butan. While there also exists Butan Kingdom as well, those stories of legal polyandry I head came from Mustang with actual filmed proof from there.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Mustang Sorry for the mistake.

Yet there are other tribes that are purely Pagan and live high up in the mountains and there is just default polyamory from both parties and monogamy happens only when it is consensual, then it is called "amorous friendship". Both sexes can be providers (profession and providing is free for everyone) and women are not forced to move in to boyfriend's family. They bring a lot of babies into their own family from different polyamorous loves and children are raised by older men and women from her family. Both young people stay free. People said to a reporter that they felt most comfortable in such state and didn't want enter buddhism because then they would lose all these freedoms. (I think the interviewed woman was in such "amorous friendship" relationship and monoandrous).
If you wish to find out what healthy polyamory relationship looks like you have to go see Tibetan culture. When younger brother brings a new wife to his house he first offer her to his beloved superiors, his father and brothers, and only after they are satisfied, his turn can come. And his new wife would first prostrate herself before his mother and his older wives with the words: "Hello, my Lady, I am your new servant, please use me and accept my unworthy service, be blessed and live forever!". This is called respect and family bond.

You see, most people answering are Western. They are raised that their ego is the most crucial thing for their survival rather than feeling part of something else. In Eastern culture such thing as "self" does not exist. Give your father and brother first and only then to yourself. In some cultures having several brothers of the same blood for husbands is totally normal: they would not attack each other because they feel as one. Not every culture and not every people is so insanely concentrated on individual ego. Some tribes has no such thing as individual ego at all: they feel not as "themselves" but rather as "a tribe" or "a family" or alike. I don't feel myself as "myself" though I live in very civilized part of my society. I feel their pain first and my - after. I always first let others take things and myself take only what is left from others. I don't mean those alien, I mean those of my family or group, co-workers, classmates etc. fellow people, people in same situation, of same profession, of same disease etc. This is also called "kin". We have very strong feeling of fellowship and very weak feeling of "self". This is how all civilized Russians act (this absolutely does not mess with our Racial values and is absolute proof that nationalism does not involve egocentrism). Though my country is monoamorous, this is not out of egocentrism, rather it comes naturally. I just tried to show the example of how polyandry might be nothing "wrong" if it naturally emerges from national mentality and is not a fruit of decadance or promiscuty.

Cuckoldry is not protecting your women and country from filth and letting filth rule the world. You can act like this being monoandrous as well. While 100% polyandrous Butan Kingdom does not have moslen migration, emasculation, whoredom and related.
I think it is incorrect to compare white people (Slavs: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians) with tibetans, who are usually asians, not white people.

In Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, I have not observed this in any white family, but what you describe really gives the impression of slavery.

If rely strictly on Slavic paganism, which I am very familiar with, since my own father was a pagan and his friends are also pagans and nationalists (some of whom unfortunately kill each other on both sides in the War in Ukraine), and I attended on many pagan holidays, in companies and saw everything from the inside, but what you describe I didn't see it and I don't think it's anywhere.
That sounds like being a sex slave. Maybe explains why human trafficking and sex slavery is so common in this part of the world.
The culture of the Tibetans and Mongols has been totally corrupted with Buddhism which is the same anti-life cult as xianity and pisslam.
If you wish to find out what healthy polyamory relationship looks like you have to go see Tibetan culture. When younger brother brings a new wife to his house he first offer her to his beloved superiors, his father and brothers, and only after they are satisfied, his turn can come. And his new wife would first prostrate herself before his mother and his older wives with the words: "Hello, my Lady, I am your new servant, please use me and accept my unworthy service, be blessed and live forever!". This is called respect and family bond.

You see, most people answering are Western. They are raised that their ego is the most crucial thing for their survival rather than feeling part of something else. In Eastern culture such thing as "self" does not exist. Give your father and brother first and only then to yourself. In some cultures having several brothers of the same blood for husbands is totally normal: they would not attack each other because they feel as one. Not every culture and not every people is so insanely concentrated on individual ego. Some tribes has no such thing as individual ego at all: they feel not as "themselves" but rather as "a tribe" or "a family" or alike. I don't feel myself as "myself" though I live in very civilized part of my society. I feel their pain first and my - after. I always first let others take things and myself take only what is left from others. I don't mean those alien, I mean those of my family or group, co-workers, classmates etc. fellow people, people in same situation, of same profession, of same disease etc. This is also called "kin". We have very strong feeling of fellowship and very weak feeling of "self". This is how all civilized Russians act (this absolutely does not mess with our Racial values and is absolute proof that nationalism does not involve egocentrism). Though my country is monoamorous, this is not out of egocentrism, rather it comes naturally. I just tried to show the example of how polyandry might be nothing "wrong" if it naturally emerges from national mentality and is not a fruit of decadance or promiscuty.

Cuckoldry is not protecting your women and country from filth and letting filth rule the world. You can act like this being monoandrous as well. While 100% polyandrous Butan Kingdom does not have moslen migration, emasculation, whoredom and related.
That's gross, reminds me of primo noctis.
If you wish to find out what healthy polyamory relationship looks like you have to go see Tibetan culture. When younger brother brings a new wife to his house he first offer her to his beloved superiors, his father and brothers, and only after they are satisfied, his turn can come. And his new wife would first prostrate herself before his mother and his older wives with the words: "Hello, my Lady, I am your new servant, please use me and accept my unworthy service, be blessed and live forever!". This is called respect and family bond.

That is anything but Healthy.
There is also a village I think in papua new guinea where every young boy in the village gets repeatedly raped by all of the men. And they say some dumb shit like this is to give him warrior essence and make him grow stronger.

You can find groups of retarded people doing horrible things in many different places. Just because you find people somewhere doing something, that does not mean that it is healthy or a good idea. There are many populations on this planet that may look similar to humans, but are really far closer to being animals.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
