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FOR VENUS PART II:Indicators of monogamy, polyamory, or promiscuity in the chart. And some advise.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Aside from spotting a weak or debilitated Venus, which has to do with the love life, now I am going to elaborate on the Venus placements, as well as other supporting factors for specific sexual and relationship (or lack of) preferences. Everyone is different and is predisposed to their own way of how they attract (or repulse) any prospective partners. Some prefer to have one partner for the rest of their life and do not want to share or be shared. These people are monogamous. Thee are some people that like variety and either have casual sex on the side with one “main” partner while having an open relationship, others feel in love with more people at once. Others just prefer to have casual sex with no emotions attached in no kind of actual relationship with many different people. All of these are fine as long as no one is hurt, swindled, or taken advantage of, and as long as everything is between consensual adults only. According to the people I have met, and the many charts I have read, here is what I have discovered thus far with indications towards certain love and sex preferences. This is about one of the most widely known affairs of Venus but will feature the rest of the planets as well and how their aspects and configurations may make someone behave in love (or just lust).

Indications for monogamy: Monogamy is the act of entering into an exclusive relationship with one other person only, with the agreement that you both are romantically and sexually attracted, want to have sex with, and only want to pay romantic and lustful attention to one another and no one else for as long as you are together. Ideally, this will last a lifetime or more with the right person. Some old souls have ties to others from past lives that prevent them from finding new love in this life. Water and earth are chiefly the elements involved that will not only provide consistency of emotion and feeling, but also endurance and patience during hard times. Saturn emphasis believe it or not when properly sublimated, can help with this. Saturn in the 7th or Capricorn emphasis makes one very selective with partners, giving a sense of responsibility and duty also to a family. As a chart ruler, it does this as well, as making one a very hard worker, someone ready to fight through thick and thin, not expecting instant gratification in love. People who are Monogamous are very guarded with their bodies and hearts and are selective. With these indications in their charts, they are unlikely to want to sleep around even after 1 to 3 failed relationships, and some may take a long time before wanting any intimate contact again. If they do it will be serious. (usually)

These people will shed blood sweat and tears to have a life and family with you especially if Venus is well placed, or in Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, and also Scorpio. Venus in Cancer will do the same, and see to it that you always have a home with them. Although some of the fall and detriments of Venus are named here, their qualities give very good manifestations of care and love and extreme consistent devotion. Scorpio can be very affectionately sexual. All the people that have romantically approached me had either earth or water dominance or both, Scorpio, Libra, or Capricorn emphasis. Cancer emphasis can give monogamy, but these people are also nags and can be very vindictive. 2 plus planets in cancer and you will have a nagging housewife or a person who gets butt hurt over everything. People who have mars or Venus in Taurus are possessive of their partners and don't like insecurity and change and generally feel safer with monogamy if there are any other aforementioned factors that support this.

Lunar emphasis makes for a very nurturing and home-loving partner one that is safe to come home to every night, one that isn't going to go out, get drunk and party and sleep around behind your back. Unless there is Sagittarius emphasis and not a lot of water, These people like Cancers need emotional and material security in their relationships and are unlikely to wander.

Especially with a lot of water, Pluto makes a strong intense devotion and loyalty when in aspect to Venus and is one of the best indicators for monogamy, especially if there are other earth signs to give stability. Or if there is Scorpio emphasis in the chart. Venus in aspect to Pluto can look scary to some, But it also can give an intense loyalty and devotion and undying attention to a partner that is expected to be reciprocated, and is best manifested when at a loose orb for the “just right” amount of devotion and love vs “fatal obsession”. If there are 8th house placements with a lot of water and a well-placed Venus, one may have an extremely high sex drive, but want to share this with one person only and will be very attentive to their needs. Venus in Libra and Pisces are self-sacrificing and sweet and want the perfect soulmate as does Scorpio. Libra emphasis gives romantic expressions to the extreme and refined tastes. Any aspects also to Jupiter from Venus, or Jupiter to Pluto or Mars can increase the expression of devotion, love, and passion. Saturn can give impulse control if it is not weak, and will stop someone from wanting instant gratification from that next hottie on TikTok, but will make one want to invest in a long-term stable partner. Fire when placed just right with one or two planets can add to the passion and warmth, as well as a pinch of air to properly be objective. Capricorn emphasis is extremely devoted in love but can be too strict and cold if there are too many planets here. These people in general are very stable and responsible and I have seen several charts of people who behave this way with these placements.

Pisces Venus, Scorpio Venus, and Libra Venus want a complete soulmate. A deep lasting union. One of the downsides with Pisces however is getting mixed up with the wrong people, and being afraid to set boundaries and not hurting feelings, which can do just that, so they need to be careful. With Earth and other water emphases along with proper aspects and placements from Saturn and Pluto, these love intensely to no end when they find their perfect love, which is all they want with this type of chart typically. Aries suns give a matter-of-fact and direct nature that is good for a relationship, as do all fire suns, and this fire can set things off just right if it doesn't overcrowd the rest of the chart for someone who wants monogamy. Aquarius suns also give this blunt matter-of-fact objectivity that can be good for a partner who is not able to detach emotionally. These people can be open and honest in their expressions and relationships as long as there are no nasty aspects from Neptune to the sun or Mercury.
The aspects mentioned, can make someone hold their thoughts and feelings in at best.

Indications of polygamy or polyamory:

Polygamy or polyamory is having an agreed upon relationship that is open to bringing others in for making more emotional and sexual connections or even just one that is open to this as well as flings. Some people like to keep 2 to 4 partners and remain only with these people.

Leo loves home and family and values loyalty and blunt honesty and can be great for monogamy on a side note if there are one or two planets, namely the sun or the moon or mercury, (the suns and moons smother and spoil loved ones and are fun loving) unless emphasized too much or has Venus as one of the planets. Almost every Leo Venus person I have seen however is not monogamous., or is on the fence. One person had 5 planets in Leo and literally only cared about women as status symbols. Another person I knew had a lot of water and was water dominant in fact, but had a Leo Venus, but was open to the idea of polygamy but didn't know 100 percent. Says enough. Polyamory specifically I have noted will have a mix of water/fire or water/air. These people have a great capacity to fall in love and love others, but often end up having this happening with more than one person, and this comes from either the air they have that makes them restless in love without variety, or fire that does the same, with the impulsivity and thrill of the chase and dopamine rush, combined with the water that gives them great capacity for emotional attachment and clinginess, or even the inability to say no. The air can amplify this with indecisiveness, especially with Gemini prominent or a Gemini Venus, which is the most polyamorous AND promiscuous of all the signs, as is mars in Gemini.

Pisces emphasis can be an indicator of polyamory if there is a lack of earth or aspects from Pluto or Saturn in the chart. Their “go with the flow” and not liking confrontation often attracts them many partners also as they are normally the easiest to get along with in a relationship...if they aren't too busy brooding LOL. Pisces can be 50-50 with monogamy or polyamory, but it will go with the flow of the other factors in the chart.

One person whose chart I read had a Pisces stellium between his sun moon and mercury, but a Venus in Aries opposite Jupiter in Libra. His chart ruler was also Jupiter and he was openly polyamorous and even told me he loved the thrill of falling in love over and over, which his Jupiter magnified in his Aries Venus, especially as his chart ruler, ruling Sagittarius, being the sign of expansion. He further went on to explain how he had a hard time saying no and turning others down and hurting their feelings, which was consistent with his Pisces stellium and Pisces mercury. With these placements and his water, he was someone who loved intensely but was better off doing this with more than one person and being honest about it.

Another I knew had 3 planets in Capricorn that gave him stability and patience with relationships, but he however did have 2 planets in Aries, Jupiter, and Venus that were conjunct. Uranus in Sag. So 3 fire planets. And it showed. Pushy with boundaries, and could be arrogant. I was compared to others often and criticized according to it. The rest of his planets were air. Guess what? He cheated. He was Earth, and air dominant in that order, he also had mars exalted, with an air ASC, with fire not too far behind. IMO mars exalted with the two conjunct Aries planets made for big Aries emphasis, especially with Jupiter involved. His water in a lot of ways was pretty much crowded out and didn't manifest too well. He had a Pisces sun that made him a liar, one that could keep secrets, and some he refused to tell the truth about ever, even though I knew otherwise. If I knew about astrology what I knew now I would not have wasted my time.

Another Venus Aries person I talked to wanted to give his address to me right away, He had Venus and Mars conjunct in Aries, and had sex with over 30 people his whole life. He also had some Pisces emphasis so the dual natures left him open for either flings or polyamory. But it was clear in my case he was looking for a quick fix.

Gemini Venus is the most inclined to cheat after claiming to want monogamy for men, as is Mars in Gemini for women, but I would be wary if either gender had either of these placements, especially both if one wants complete exclusivity with one person.

It is said that water can offset this, but I have seen cases where this is not so, even with water dominance and earth emphasis. No matter what other placements I have found so far, (and I am leaving room for exceptions but have not met them yet), all the people I have ever met or whose charts I have read with a Gemini Venus are either openly polygamous, promiscuous, prone to cheat, or inconsistent with their emotions and judgments of others, and are not able to stay on track with one person romantically. This can be especially amplified if the person has an air moon in the chart. Some people go so far as to make a game out of playing with someone's emotions just to con them into having sex with them before growing cold and ghosting them. This type of behavior as well as promiscuity in general goes for the fire signs in Venus most of the time as well, especially if there is fire dominance or a fire grand trine in the chart involving mercury and Venus and or mars or the moon. Leo emphasis especially promotes this, and along with Sagittarius are the two most promiscuous of the Venus signs by themselves. Leo Also likes the attention of multiple people of the opposite sex as it feeds the ego considerably.

Many Gemini and Leo Venus people are great for polyamory and encounter people they can give a great time to as they are always trying to create variety. If they do not want any love relationships, they can very perfectly have casual sex on the daily with no sleep over it and be fine. They just need to make sure they don't give others mixed messages in the process or mislead them about what is really wanted and not, and with the nasty ones, this is done on purpose. Aries Venus is also capable of this and like Gemini, gets bored quite quickly.

Indications of promiscuity ie casual sex with no emotional ties or relationship attached:
Aside from a Gemini Venus, these people will often be fire or air dominant or dominant in both. Water can factor in but it won't always be as strong as the other two elements, maybe 50-50. If earth is strong, it will probably be Taurus, As these people are very sensual and need to be touched. Earth trines also give sensuality and emphasis on the material, and in some cases, a want for instant gratification. This can be a factor, but not an ultimate determination in someone looking for nothing but a quick fix. The aforementioned placements for polyamory are also capable of casual flings and can go either way until they connect with one or two or 3 or maybe not at all. But they will never settle for just one. It will depend, and perhaps on the day itself how many and if any join them in bed.

Aspects from Neptune to Mercury, the Sun, or to Jupiter can influence a cheater or someone who lies and keeps secrets from their partner. Neptune in the 12th aspecting mercury or mercury in the 12th or any planet on Algol can make for a pathological liar and someone who is not trustworthy.

Another thing I have noticed is that emphasis on one sign in a chart in general that takes up more than half the chart if in a masculine element will lean toward wanting variety, whereas the feminine element will lean towards selectivity.

The downsides of all the aforementioned placements do not always have to apply, but these are the patterns that I myself have observed. This article is also written based on the fact that the majority of people operate on the lower octaves of the elements and placements in their chart. As SS we have the ability to grow beyond this, but this takes work, and so this must be kept in mind when interacting with others, to see how much energy will be put into discovering if they are compatible for you or not, or even if they are capable of hurting you.

Be honest about what you want in love and sex. I don't care if a person whose chart indicates polyamory or promiscuity tells me they want a soulmate or a monogamous relationship because I know right after they are going to tell me how they either have trouble trying not to cheat or have trouble with consistent emotions and connections to one person. Stop having hang-ups about this. Monogamy is not the standard it is FINE to love and want multiple people, but you have to be honest. Don't talk about how “ I'm gonna do a spell to stay faithful”, or “I just need to find the right person.”If you are going to sleep with multiple people you better use protection, especially if you have a Scorpio Venus or if your prospective partners' Saturns aspect your Venus, and especially if Venus is your chart ruler. The same goes for Pluto, as both rule venereal diseases. Don't be nasty.

After how many people already? And with working how long will that energy last? Such a thing would most likely have to be continued for the rest of your life just to make an effort not to look at others. There are workings of the mind, then there is basically doing spiritual plastic surgery on yourself just to fit into what is supposed to be “normal.” or because you yourself are unsure of what you want. Do not do this.

For you monogamous people, the same goes for you. Be honest about who and what you want and ask yourself why. Do not pick up bad boys and bad bitches unless you wanna get pushed and slapped around or slept around on. Especially you Pisces people and Cancer, don't go around picking up strays or people who need help. Attracting fixer uppers is the worst thing for your love life and you will more than likely end up with a parent-child dynamic more than anything. Don't be desperate. Selectivity means success. You don't have to judge people for having a lot of partners but if one of these types approaches you be cautious. They either want to con you for sex or are just unsure of what they want which will hurt you in the long run...especially if they have any mentioned indicators in their charts. You don't know where they've been, how many they've been with, and WHAT they may have picked up from these people. RUN.

Whichever type of relationship dynamic, or none, or maybe something in between that you may choose, do so with respect to yourself and anyone involved. It procreates also first and foremost, and remember also that sex is a sacred act and an art in of itself and should be done also for beauty and pleasure and out of admiration and respect. There are literally people out there that think sex is about domination, competition, and humiliation and they couldn't be more wrong. I don't care how many people you love or have sex with, If someone with this mindset approaches you, stay far away.
As someone with several strong placements for monogamy and one strong placement for polyamory, I find myself incapable of loving multiple people at once or enjoying casual sex, but do find myself losing interest in partners when they stagnate. What I find the most attractive in a partner, more so than looks or personality or status, has always been potential: what my husband and my exes all have in common, is the extreme extent to which each of them transformed while being close to me.

Similarly, I've also grown with them, and I look back on my past relationships as precious stepping stones. I'm at my best when in love, always striving to become the best person I can be. I'd go as far as to consider the mutual release of potential my purpose in life.

This is perfectly in accordance with each of the individual placements. It's always interesting to see how different factors balance out, and I'm fortunate to be married to someone who is willing to manifest his boundless potential, as long as I encourage him.

Thank you for your insightful post. I hadn't really reflected before on how these placements interact.
Prisma said:
As someone with several strong placements for monogamy and one strong placement for polyamory, I find myself incapable of loving multiple people at once or enjoying casual sex, but do find myself losing interest in partners when they stagnate. What I find the most attractive in a partner, more so than looks or personality or status, has always been potential: what my husband and my exes all have in common, is the extreme extent to which each of them transformed while being close to me.

Similarly, I've also grown with them, and I look back on my past relationships as precious stepping stones. I'm at my best when in love, always striving to become the best person I can be. I'd go as far as to consider the mutual release of potential my purpose in life.

This is perfectly in accordance with each of the individual placements. It's always interesting to see how different factors balance out, and I'm fortunate to be married to someone who is willing to manifest his boundless potential, as long as I encourage him.

Thank you for your insightful post. I hadn't really reflected before on how these placements interact.

If someone has both it is about the majority. If indicators for one or the other crowd the other out, it will probably be the deciding factor. This is to everyone, but the list here is not exhaustive, and these indications given by themselves are not determined 100 percent but are strengthened when combined with other supporting factors, and there may be more factors that I have not listed here. the whole chart has to be taken into consideration. Some of what I named are general patterns I have noticed with certain placements, with some being as they are and manifesting regardless even of other placements.

Each chart must be taken on a case by case basis.
What if Venus in someone's chart is in Gemini but on the cusp just where the next house begins which is Cancer, can that person have characteristics of both signs in their Venus?
Wotanwarrior said:
What if Venus in someone's chart is in Gemini but on the cusp just where the next house begins which is Cancer, can that person have characteristics of both signs in their Venus?

Yes. My ex had Venus in Aries on the cusp and has characteristics of both Taurus and Aries. In some apects it was often more Taurus than Aries
I'm glad you clarified this. I followed the guide and found, although Venus is in Gemini, it is the only supporting aspect for polygamy, everything else is supportive of monogamy. It's interesting to know. I assumed since Venus was in Gemini that polygamy must be for me but I never completely felt comfortable with the idea. Thank you for the informative post.

Also, I'm just curious, does Jupiter play a role in relationships?
I'm a little concerned because it is in 15 degrees of Leo in the 12th house. There are also fixed stars, Wega and Achernar, in conjunction with Jupiter.

Is this cause for concern with the love life?
Charlotte61903 said:
I'm glad you clarified this. I followed the guide and found, although Venus is in Gemini, it is the only supporting aspect for polygamy, everything else is supportive of monogamy. It's interesting to know. I assumed since Venus was in Gemini that polygamy must be for me but I never completely felt comfortable with the idea. Thank you for the informative post.

Also, I'm just curious, does Jupiter play a role in relationships?
I'm a little concerned because it is in 15 degrees of Leo in the 12th house. There are also fixed stars, Wega and Achernar, in conjunction with Jupiter.

Is this cause for concern with the love life?

If you are female, this is probably the case because you are female, as a Gemini Venus as an indicator for polyamory honestly counts much more so for men than women, where as if you had Mars in Gemini it might have been different. I know I said it could be for both sexes but it is most of the time that Venus does this with men and Mars does this with women, as Venus rules the women in men's lives, and Mars rules the men in women's lives. When you blend in the nature of this sign with the affairs of the 2 planets, it basically means being sexually and romantically social. This could count however also for someone who is homosexual or even bi, that Mars in gemini can count for men or Venus for women or both.

Come to think of it, there is one other older woman I knew who had a Gemini venus but she was of couse hetero, and had strong lunar emphasis (too strong). If she had mars in gemini she might not have been the family type regardless.

I also knew Someone with a Leo ascendant, pieces sun, Aries Venus and Gemini mars but of course, he was hetero, and HE was the one actually cheated on :(. The fire in his chart combined with his own other unique placements made him up front and matter of fact and generous (especially with the sun as a chart ruler, friendly and warm), but his fire also made him come off as too abrasive to others. I did not get to know him too well to see how everything in his chart manifested in his behavior, but despite the Aries Venus, this seemed to come out in a way that was just full of passion, and falling for someone hard but wanting one person, which is also a result of well-placed venus in a fire sign that can very much promote honesty and openness. Every chart is unique, and the general patterns given above can always have exceptions, or something that offsets them, while others will be so influential that they will crowd other things out regardless.

If your Jupiter is at 15 degrees of Leo, it is not in aspect to these stars at all. I can tell you just from the degree and being in the 12th house (although Jupiter fairs a bit better here than other planets) That you do have an afflicted Jupiter. You can read my article on Jupiter also that has just been posted, although the nature of Leo doesn't sound like it would run you into poverty, however, you might have an issue with keeping secrets and gossip, along with this coming out in very obnoxious and aggressive and even mean ways (especially if you are prone to alcohol addiction), and this can push a lot of people away. Jupiter has a lot to do with how our relationships fair, especially since it rules our optimism, and along with Venus our sense of fun, so these might be troublesome for you also.

If your Jupiter is aspecting any of your other planets from sitting on this bad degree, it may be influencing and amplifying some of those planet's traits for the worse. And yes, especially with the personal planets, it will show in relationships.

Do be careful by the way with sharing too much of your chart publicly.
Shadowcat said:
Charlotte61903 said:
I'm glad you clarified this. I followed the guide and found, although Venus is in Gemini, it is the only supporting aspect for polygamy, everything else is supportive of monogamy. It's interesting to know. I assumed since Venus was in Gemini that polygamy must be for me but I never completely felt comfortable with the idea. Thank you for the informative post.

Also, I'm just curious, does Jupiter play a role in relationships?
I'm a little concerned because it is in 15 degrees of Leo in the 12th house. There are also fixed stars, Wega and Achernar, in conjunction with Jupiter.

Is this cause for concern with the love life?

If you are female, this is probably the case because you are female, as a Gemini Venus as an indicator for polyamory honestly counts much more so for men than women, where as if you had Mars in Gemini it might have been different. I know I said it could be for both sexes but it is most of the time that Venus does this with men and Mars does this with women, as Venus rules the women in men's lives, and Mars rules the men in women's lives. When you blend in the nature of this sign with the affairs of the 2 planets, it basically means being sexually and romantically social. This could count however also for someone who is homosexual or even bi, that Mars in gemini can count for men or Venus for women or both.

Come to think of it, there is one other older woman I knew who had a Gemini venus but she was of couse hetero, and had strong lunar emphasis (too strong). If she had mars in gemini she might not have been the family type regardless.

I also knew Someone with a Leo ascendant, pieces sun, Aries Venus and Gemini mars but of course, he was hetero, and HE was the one actually cheated on :(. The fire in his chart combined with his own other unique placements made him up front and matter of fact and generous (especially with the sun as a chart ruler, friendly and warm), but his fire also made him come off as too abrasive to others. I did not get to know him too well to see how everything in his chart manifested in his behavior, but despite the Aries Venus, this seemed to come out in a way that was just full of passion, and falling for someone hard but wanting one person, which is also a result of well-placed venus in a fire sign that can very much promote honesty and openness. Every chart is unique, and the general patterns given above can always have exceptions, or something that offsets them, while others will be so influential that they will crowd other things out regardless.

If your Jupiter is at 15 degrees of Leo, it is not in aspect to these stars at all. I can tell you just from the degree and being in the 12th house (although Jupiter fairs a bit better here than other planets) That you do have an afflicted Jupiter. You can read my article on Jupiter also that has just been posted, although the nature of Leo doesn't sound like it would run you into poverty, however, you might have an issue with keeping secrets and gossip, along with this coming out in very obnoxious and aggressive and even mean ways (especially if you are prone to alcohol addiction), and this can push a lot of people away. Jupiter has a lot to do with how our relationships fair, especially since it rules our optimism, and along with Venus our sense of fun, so these might be troublesome for you also.

If your Jupiter is aspecting any of your other planets from sitting on this bad degree, it may be influencing and amplifying some of those planet's traits for the worse. And yes, especially with the personal planets, it will show in relationships.

Do be careful by the way with sharing too much of your chart publicly.

Okay thank you so much, I was worried it would way worse than that. My knowledge on astrology is sub par, I was honestly expecting death or something similarly dreadful.

It helps a lot finding out new things about myself and I'm glad you were able to help me with that. It'll take awhile for me to gain my footing with astrology, I'm learning, slowly but surely.

You're absolutely right about sharing details, I've just been freaking out over it and honestly just needed clarification.
Charlotte61903 said:
Shadowcat said:
Charlotte61903 said:
I'm glad you clarified this. I followed the guide and found, although Venus is in Gemini, it is the only supporting aspect for polygamy, everything else is supportive of monogamy. It's interesting to know. I assumed since Venus was in Gemini that polygamy must be for me but I never completely felt comfortable with the idea. Thank you for the informative post.

Also, I'm just curious, does Jupiter play a role in relationships?
I'm a little concerned because it is in 15 degrees of Leo in the 12th house. There are also fixed stars, Wega and Achernar, in conjunction with Jupiter.

Is this cause for concern with the love life?

If you are female, this is probably the case because you are female, as a Gemini Venus as an indicator for polyamory honestly counts much more so for men than women, where as if you had Mars in Gemini it might have been different. I know I said it could be for both sexes but it is most of the time that Venus does this with men and Mars does this with women, as Venus rules the women in men's lives, and Mars rules the men in women's lives. When you blend in the nature of this sign with the affairs of the 2 planets, it basically means being sexually and romantically social. This could count however also for someone who is homosexual or even bi, that Mars in gemini can count for men or Venus for women or both.

Come to think of it, there is one other older woman I knew who had a Gemini venus but she was of couse hetero, and had strong lunar emphasis (too strong). If she had mars in gemini she might not have been the family type regardless.

I also knew Someone with a Leo ascendant, pieces sun, Aries Venus and Gemini mars but of course, he was hetero, and HE was the one actually cheated on :(. The fire in his chart combined with his own other unique placements made him up front and matter of fact and generous (especially with the sun as a chart ruler, friendly and warm), but his fire also made him come off as too abrasive to others. I did not get to know him too well to see how everything in his chart manifested in his behavior, but despite the Aries Venus, this seemed to come out in a way that was just full of passion, and falling for someone hard but wanting one person, which is also a result of well-placed venus in a fire sign that can very much promote honesty and openness. Every chart is unique, and the general patterns given above can always have exceptions, or something that offsets them, while others will be so influential that they will crowd other things out regardless.

If your Jupiter is at 15 degrees of Leo, it is not in aspect to these stars at all. I can tell you just from the degree and being in the 12th house (although Jupiter fairs a bit better here than other planets) That you do have an afflicted Jupiter. You can read my article on Jupiter also that has just been posted, although the nature of Leo doesn't sound like it would run you into poverty, however, you might have an issue with keeping secrets and gossip, along with this coming out in very obnoxious and aggressive and even mean ways (especially if you are prone to alcohol addiction), and this can push a lot of people away. Jupiter has a lot to do with how our relationships fair, especially since it rules our optimism, and along with Venus our sense of fun, so these might be troublesome for you also.

If your Jupiter is aspecting any of your other planets from sitting on this bad degree, it may be influencing and amplifying some of those planet's traits for the worse. And yes, especially with the personal planets, it will show in relationships.

Do be careful by the way with sharing too much of your chart publicly.

Okay thank you so much, I was worried it would way worse than that. My knowledge on astrology is sub par, I was honestly expecting death or something similarly dreadful.

It helps a lot finding out new things about myself and I'm glad you were able to help me with that. It'll take awhile for me to gain my footing with astrology, I'm learning, slowly but surely.

You're absolutely right about sharing details, I've just been freaking out over it and honestly just needed clarification.

the last thing you should do is be afraid. Even if you had bad placements you are protected by Satan and are being taught to advance and protect yourself.

Our charts at birth are a script that are not set in stone, but can be rewritten. Not in the sense that you completely erase a part of the chart, but that you balance it out, remove your karma and make the positive manifest.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
