We need to understand that numbers are numbers and planets are planets. They are 2 different principles of the universe. They may work well in synergy or act as an obstacle to each other but they are not one and the same thing. To make an example from the physical world, you have vitamin D and calcium who work well together to support bone health, dental health and other things. That doesn't mean that vitamin D and calcium are the same thing.
Another example may be with the dosage of vitamin D. The real recommended serving is 100 micrograms (4000 IU). Now, does that mean that vitamin D is 100 or 4000? No, it just works well in that quantity.
Saturn is used by the enemy through number 6 to manifest specific purposes. The 6 acts as a filter for Saturn energies, allowing certain manifestations. Lady Maxine talked about why they use number 6.
Similarly, we have a sermon by HP Hooded Cobra about purification and how Saturn relates to number 7.
6 relates to Earth as well, which Saturn uses as its primary medium for manifestation. Look at the platonic solid of Earth: it has 6 faces, each of which has 4 sides. The hexadron/cube. "Hexa" in Greek means 6.