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Question #3136: Jobs


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Any book recommendations regarding getting a job?

Not the first time looking for a job, and I don't know, it feels hard, might be programming, but I don't even know where to start or what to do.

It might be fear or anxiety, I have been searching for jobs, but I never applied to any. Not enough courage, getting easily discouraged

Any recommendations or advices or workings are welcomed.

Thank you very much!
Any book recommendations on how to get a job?

I feel lost. I've been looking for jobs for a while, but I didn't apply to any. It could be due to programming, but I don't even know what to start fixing.

It feels difficult.

Any advice or recommendations are welcomed
Thank you very much!
The work as it is programmed for most humans in this world is absolutely wrong. and from here we understand how humans are bred like cows (so Jos is right). It is also understood that many humans who accept full-time jobs are actually just programmed bots with no conscience (Jos is absolutely right). I advise you to look for a job that gives you passion, for example working with wood or metals, or working with a taxi, it depends on the personalities.. Time will seem faster and more pleasant if you work where there is passion for something... even if I personally 1 does not exist that life is only working from 8 to 17 (which in the cold months are all the hours of daylight)... 2 because an animal can live without ever working and pets, especially cats (not sterilized), can live without doing anything and nothing except walking, eating and sex... then they reincarnate from scratch and never do anything... That righteous.. It is very questionable whether it is right to work continuously (modern society) and could I dispute Jos if the Middle Ages were really worse? Wait a minute, how many nobles, princes and kings there were in the Middle Ages... And the fortresses, castles, works of art, armor, swords, shields... I am not sure that this historical period is better than the Middle Ages. In addition, a those of the Inquisition had only to cut them to pieces with a sword. Now what's in this filthy and dirty historical period?? Cars to go to the factory,to pay for a house of cooked manure... Other than fortresses and castles!! It's just okay to work and all day long as your hair is all white, then it's okay to retire humans! Every now and then I reason if humans are actually without anything inside (consciousness) so they accept as normal to work from dawn to dusk.... while their cats rest and never do anything all their lives and all their lives...... That is, they never even rebelled, if I were an anarchist alien i would be horrified to see humanoids entering at dawn and leaving a horrible factory after 5 p.m. in the dark... And the hp... But the horrible Middle Ages are over, of course, now we are all happy slaves.... Well done, you have understood everything about the universe! The reality is that when there were no modern weapons, bullets, there were other values, swords, shields... they feared us...Now we are resources of work, of governments and states... They took away the beautiful things.. honour, nobility and nobility... I woke up this morning, someone tells me telepathically "it's better in hell than here" so it means that we are at the end of this Planet.... The kings, the princes, the counts, how many things there were in the Middle Ages and in antiquity, now there is only working all day or long shifts at night, or early in the morning... it was only worse in the Middle Ages....
Antireligioso said:
Look into entrepreneurship and cry less about the need to work if you have problems with working for others. But, that path will also require work to set up, especially at the beginning.

It is just not realistic to be passive in a society and expect to live off of others infinitely. Everything you see around you requires active effort by someone to make and to come about where it is.
Antireligioso said:
The work as it is programmed for most humans in this world is absolutely wrong. and from here we understand how humans are bred like cows (so Jos is right). It is also understood that many humans who accept full-time jobs are actually just programmed bots with no conscience (Jos is absolutely right). I advise you to look for a job that gives you passion, for example working with wood or metals, or working with a taxi, it depends on the personalities.. Time will seem faster and more pleasant if you work where there is passion for something... even if I personally 1 does not exist that life is only working from 8 to 17 (which in the cold months are all the hours of daylight)... 2 because an animal can live without ever working and pets, especially cats (not sterilized), can live without doing anything and nothing except walking, eating and sex... then they reincarnate from scratch and never do anything... That righteous.. It is very questionable whether it is right to work continuously (modern society) and could I dispute Jos if the Middle Ages were really worse? Wait a minute, how many nobles, princes and kings there were in the Middle Ages... And the fortresses, castles, works of art, armor, swords, shields... I am not sure that this historical period is better than the Middle Ages. In addition, a those of the Inquisition had only to cut them to pieces with a sword. Now what's in this filthy and dirty historical period?? Cars to go to the factory,to pay for a house of cooked manure... Other than fortresses and castles!! It's just okay to work and all day long as your hair is all white, then it's okay to retire humans! Every now and then I reason if humans are actually without anything inside (consciousness) so they accept as normal to work from dawn to dusk.... while their cats rest and never do anything all their lives and all their lives...... That is, they never even rebelled, if I were an anarchist alien i would be horrified to see humanoids entering at dawn and leaving a horrible factory after 5 p.m. in the dark... And the hp... But the horrible Middle Ages are over, of course, now we are all happy slaves.... Well done, you have understood everything about the universe! The reality is that when there were no modern weapons, bullets, there were other values, swords, shields... they feared us...Now we are resources of work, of governments and states... They took away the beautiful things.. honour, nobility and nobility... I woke up this morning, someone tells me telepathically "it's better in hell than here" so it means that we are at the end of this Planet.... The kings, the princes, the counts, how many things there were in the Middle Ages and in antiquity, now there is only working all day or long shifts at night, or early in the morning... it was only worse in the Middle Ages....

Work is a nature aspect of existence for all beings in this universe. In one form or another we must engage in this. What one job works for one person, won't be a good fit for another.

Look into what you would like to do and go from there in pursuing it. Eventually if you work diligently enough you can then work for yourself and have an income from this and investments.

If you require more time or have difficultly working because of health issues, you can do a working on this as well.

Cheer up. Work is not slavery, it's meaningful and worthwhile for human beings to engage in.

The best part is there's alot of things to look into and do if you are in a job that isn't a good fit. The grass is sometimes greener... when you are in a workplace you do not hate.
Antireligioso said:

You do not compare humans with animals just like you do not compare Gods with humans or animals with plants or plants with minerals. They are very different levels of awareness and existence.

Humans are social creatures, designed to live as part of a civilisation. To be part of that, everyone naturally needs to contribute to it. Contribution needs to meet certain basic requirements at the minimum. As you contribute, you gain entitlement to services and specialisations of other periods. This is necessary because humans are specialists, not generalists. You cannot be healer, mechanic, lawyer, teacher, farmer and breeder all at the same time. It's not how it works.

As humans are more complex than animal, plants and minerals, they need an equally complex ecosystem. This is why humans specialise in different professions. Specialising in a profession also gives your mind the opportunity to grow and evolve, just like training your body tempers it, the yogic path advances your soul and social relationships cultivate your emotional side. (To oversimplify)

As for finding something that you love/enjoy, that is circumstantial. You may keep that as a goal but it may not be feasible immediately and you may need to take up occupations that are boring or unsuitable because of survival needs. You may also need to diverge from a favoured job because of other necessities and choices. For example, if your main life focus is not on career but money-generation or serving a community, you may need to contribute to society through means that are not aligned to your preferred career.
AskSatanOperator said:
Any book recommendations regarding getting a job?

Not the first time looking for a job, and I don't know, it feels hard, might be programming, but I don't even know where to start or what to do.

It might be fear or anxiety, I have been searching for jobs, but I never applied to any. Not enough courage, getting easily discouraged

Any recommendations or advices or workings are welcomed.

Thank you very much!

How about doing a freeing the soul working to remove any obstacles preventing from acquiring a job?

After the affirmation, tune into the energies and meditate on them. The reasons and emotions behind this inability will surface and the energies will help you sublimate them so you can take action and free yourself of this predicament.
serpentwalker666 said:
Antireligioso said:
Cheer up. Work is not slavery, it's meaningful and worthwhile for human beings to engage in.

I believe this statement is meaningful as it highlights the Sun and Mars involvement in our work, which is that it should be fulfilling and motivating, respectively.

If Antireligioso is complaining of a lack of this within his own work, then he should seek to do a working to incorporate more of these energies.
You do not compare humans with animals just like you do not compare Gods with humans or animals with plants or plants with minerals. They are very different levels of awareness and existence.
If you're referring to the fact that hp write that cats and dogs are demons... I agree with you, but you forget that even cats can be born today, while a human can have 100 past lives and be an ancient soul that lived in the first human civilizations... Think about it before you write that you can't compare humans with animals (do they have more rights than us?? Justus created Enki slaves. in fact, work is a human right Lulu of a Lulu, he was just creating Lucifer Gods, hahaha, a cat is freer).. Then another matter if you and other SS, think that humans are made and must work all their lives, until retirement... this is just your idea as a human, believe me that if you had an anti-gravity machine and the free energy taken away from the Jews, you would think very very differently.... I don't understand why if animals are free, humans can't just work a few hours a day? But no, always playing the merciless.. He was just creating Lucifer Gods.... Hahahaha what fun of answers, that is, I write that we work until dark, all day long.. And on with your stupid ideas, that the universe works with hard work.. if I were Enki I would flush the tools used to create humans down the toilet and flush the water!
Antireligioso said:
You do not compare humans with animals just like you do not compare Gods with humans or animals with plants or plants with minerals. They are very different levels of awareness and existence.
If you're referring to the fact that hp write that cats and dogs are demons... I agree with you, but you forget that even cats can be born today, while a human can have 100 past lives and be an ancient soul that lived in the first human civilizations... Think about it before you write that you can't compare humans with animals (do they have more rights than us?? Justus created Enki slaves. in fact, work is a human right Lulu of a Lulu, he was just creating Lucifer Gods, hahaha, a cat is freer).. Then another matter if you and other SS, think that humans are made and must work all their lives, until retirement... this is just your idea as a human, believe me that if you had an anti-gravity machine and the free energy taken away from the Jews, you would think very very differently.... I don't understand why if animals are free, humans can't just work a few hours a day? But no, always playing the merciless.. He was just creating Lucifer Gods.... Hahahaha what fun of answers, that is, I write that we work until dark, all day long.. And on with your stupid ideas, that the universe works with hard work.. if I were Enki I would flush the tools used to create humans down the toilet and flush the water!

No need to hate work so hard that you begin to become blasphemous to Father Enki. Think before you speak, it harms only yourself when you act this way.

The issue with humans working so much is the world being on the level of development it is currently. As humanity is on a low level of spiritual development and only focused on material advances.

This state of working in our world has everything to do with humanity needing to advance to a better place in existence to where we stop working long hours for minimal use of our time, and we advance spiritually alongside balanced working hours.

Once we have our world. It's likely things will be alot more flexible regarding working hours. This won't ever completely go away, but there will be alot better options of flexibility and ability to enjoy one's life better.

Look towards careers with decent hours and flexibility. No one is stopping you. They exist and you can find them somewhere most likely.

I worked part time for years until I could handle full time. I'll eventually go back to part time, but full time and advancing in a career is fine for me now.

Be realistic and honest with yourself. Working isn't this bad thing.
You're absolutely right, nice answer. Working definitely gives you independence and satisfaction, you feel more useful to the world for humanity,if you work. But anyway understand that if there are few hours of daylight, in the cold months.... It is neither natural nor normal to live locked up in a workplace and work continuously..... until you come home in the dark.... I would be ashamed if I made millions of people live like this, regardless of whether they are industrial bosses who decide.... Evidently the leaders of this modern society are without shame, because if you look back in ancient times only slaves lived like this, certainly not kings, princes, marquises, or medieval lords.....
Antireligioso said:
You're absolutely right, nice answer. Working definitely gives you independence and satisfaction, you feel more useful to the world for humanity,if you work. But anyway understand that if there are few hours of daylight, in the cold months.... It is neither natural nor normal to live locked up in a workplace and work continuously..... until you come home in the dark.... I would be ashamed if I made millions of people live like this, regardless of whether they are industrial bosses who decide.... Evidently the leaders of this modern society are without shame, because if you look back in ancient times only slaves lived like this, certainly not kings, princes, marquises, or medieval lords.....

Nobody said you should work all day long. That is an enemy corruption and the unfortunate situation of today's world. The majority should only be working up to 4 to 5 hours in a day, weekends excluded. Only those who are extremely passionate about their work and are working for the benefit of humanity, such as HP Hooded Cobra in his role as High Priest, are alright to work more. Salaries and other forms of compensation should equally be increased to reflect both your contribution is worth and the reduced working hours.

Only few professions like being a guard and similar, should allow for night work and should be retributed at 2x the normal wage. Same for weekend work. It's ridiculous that businesses think they can ruin your health with night work and only compensate you with a "premium" of £1 extra every hour. A complete joke. Clowns. Humans are diurnal creatures.

The rest of the daylight hours should be spent for day activities like body cultivation, masculine meditations and other forms of self-improvement, while night-time is to be about 8 hours of sleep, relaxation and feminine meditations as well as musical or otherwise artistic development.

Slaves didn't exist in ancient times. Slavery has been invented and implemented by the enemy.
Great, one day everything will be punished, I hope that the extraterrestrials and the Gods clean up with the extragalactic fleets, so that they learn, to treat people like working robots... After that I will be very happy to work a few hours a day. Even in the middle of nowhere, if humans insist on air defenses against the good guys with superior technologies.
Antireligioso said:
Great, one day everything will be punished, I hope that the extraterrestrials and the Gods clean up with the extragalactic fleets, so that they learn, to treat people like working robots... After that I will be very happy to work a few hours a day. Even in the middle of nowhere, if humans insist on air defenses against the good guys with superior technologies.
Actually, it is us with the help of Gods who will clean this mess up. For that to happen we have to stay vigilant and ever-growing avoiding stagnation and expecting no handouts.
Stormblood said:
Nobody said you should work all day long. That is an enemy corruption and the unfortunate situation of today's world. The majority should only be working up to 4 to 5 hours in a day, weekends excluded. Only those who are extremely passionate about their work and are working for the benefit of humanity, such as HP Hooded Cobra in his role as High Priest, are alright to work more. Salaries and other forms of compensation should equally be increased to reflect both your contribution is worth and the reduced working hours.

Only few professions like being a guard and similar, should allow for night work and should be retributed at 2x the normal wage. Same for weekend work. It's ridiculous that businesses think they can ruin your health with night work and only compensate you with a "premium" of £1 extra every hour. A complete joke. Clowns. Humans are diurnal creatures.

The rest of the daylight hours should be spent for day activities like body cultivation, masculine meditations and other forms of self-improvement, while night-time is to be about 8 hours of sleep, relaxation and feminine meditations as well as musical or otherwise artistic development.

Slaves didn't exist in ancient times. Slavery has been invented and implemented by the enemy.
I don't think there's any denying slavery in ancient Greece, we don't have to be so hard on the ancients, their situation was delicate too.
The Romans enslaved Jews in Judea, opposing another losing civilization in order to get free labor was something that seemed necessary for progress, it was either that or be enslaved and killed.

I live in a country where working part-time, you will not earn a living, only for food and paying for house/apartment expenses.

When applying for a decent job (not as a laborer) for a full-time job, it is taken into account first of all (relevant for the country in which I live, in other, more civilized countries, the requirements may be more humane):
1. Work experience;
2. Education (if you are not a programmer in the USA);
3. Actual knowledge and skills, the ability to apply them;
4. Sociability;
5. Appearance (physical and mental health);
6. Willingness to work in the company for at least 3-5 years.

II. Attention! Perhaps this is relevant only for my country!:

If you want to get a job in a large business company, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be checked by the Security Service on a lie detector (for example, as it was with me), you may be asked the following questions:
1. about sexual orientation (in my country it's possible! I have not been asked such a question, but some of my friends - yes);
2. Do you use alcohol or drugs?
3. are you ready to build a career in the company?
4. Are you ready to really work, as required by the employer?
5. do you drink alcohol only on holidays? How often do you drink alcohol?
6. Do you have chronic diseases? If so, which ones?

After you pass the lie detector, the experts (professional psychologists and former law enforcement officers/intelligence officers) will send their conclusion to your employer (they work for the employer!), and the employer will independently decide on the basis of this conclusion whether to hire you or not.
If you refuse to sign all legal papers for the consent of passing a lie detector - that you pass it voluntarily in accordance with the Law, then they will tell you - goodbye!

Perhaps in Western Europe and the USA there is a completely different, more humane system, but in my country everything is exactly like that!

There are practically no homeless people in my country, because in large cities they are beaten by the police and arrested (if they find drugs).
In my country, drug addicts are jailed for 10-15 years (if there are no connections in the police, or influential parents who will get rid of criminal prosecution for a bribe (as it was with a friend of my relatives, his dad saved him from criminal prosecution)).
In my country, prostitutes/girls of easy virtue can be raped by police officers right at the police station.
Akay said:
Stormblood said:
Nobody said you should work all day long. That is an enemy corruption and the unfortunate situation of today's world. The majority should only be working up to 4 to 5 hours in a day, weekends excluded. Only those who are extremely passionate about their work and are working for the benefit of humanity, such as HP Hooded Cobra in his role as High Priest, are alright to work more. Salaries and other forms of compensation should equally be increased to reflect both your contribution is worth and the reduced working hours.

Only few professions like being a guard and similar, should allow for night work and should be retributed at 2x the normal wage. Same for weekend work. It's ridiculous that businesses think they can ruin your health with night work and only compensate you with a "premium" of £1 extra every hour. A complete joke. Clowns. Humans are diurnal creatures.

The rest of the daylight hours should be spent for day activities like body cultivation, masculine meditations and other forms of self-improvement, while night-time is to be about 8 hours of sleep, relaxation and feminine meditations as well as musical or otherwise artistic development.

Slaves didn't exist in ancient times. Slavery has been invented and implemented by the enemy.
I don't think there's any denying slavery in ancient Greece, we don't have to be so hard on the ancients, their situation was delicate too.
The Romans enslaved Jews in Judea, opposing another losing civilization in order to get free labor was something that seemed necessary for progress, it was either that or be enslaved and killed.

Judea is a myth. It never existed. The enemy as no claim to any land in Asia, nor anywhere in the world. What they call "slavery" in Ancient Greece is also something very different from is perceived as slavery nowadays. It's a very different type of socio-economic contract that they had in Ancient Greece, one that was mutually beneficial for all parties involves.

It's nothing like slavery in North America where xtards where degrading and dehumanising people.
Stormblood said:
Akay said:
Stormblood said:
Nobody said you should work all day long. That is an enemy corruption and the unfortunate situation of today's world. The majority should only be working up to 4 to 5 hours in a day, weekends excluded. Only those who are extremely passionate about their work and are working for the benefit of humanity, such as HP Hooded Cobra in his role as High Priest, are alright to work more. Salaries and other forms of compensation should equally be increased to reflect both your contribution is worth and the reduced working hours.

Only few professions like being a guard and similar, should allow for night work and should be retributed at 2x the normal wage. Same for weekend work. It's ridiculous that businesses think they can ruin your health with night work and only compensate you with a "premium" of £1 extra every hour. A complete joke. Clowns. Humans are diurnal creatures.

The rest of the daylight hours should be spent for day activities like body cultivation, masculine meditations and other forms of self-improvement, while night-time is to be about 8 hours of sleep, relaxation and feminine meditations as well as musical or otherwise artistic development.

Slaves didn't exist in ancient times. Slavery has been invented and implemented by the enemy.
I don't think there's any denying slavery in ancient Greece, we don't have to be so hard on the ancients, their situation was delicate too.
The Romans enslaved Jews in Judea, opposing another losing civilization in order to get free labor was something that seemed necessary for progress, it was either that or be enslaved and killed.

Judea is a myth. It never existed. The enemy as no claim to any land in Asia, nor anywhere in the world. What they call "slavery" in Ancient Greece is also something very different from is perceived as slavery nowadays. It's a very different type of socio-economic contract that they had in Ancient Greece, one that was mutually beneficial for all parties involves.

It's nothing like slavery in North America where xtards where degrading and dehumanising people.
I've seen alot of people here defend the tsardom of russia. But they used serfs, which are between slaves and citizens. Do you know much about this time period? What do you think of it?
existentialcrisis said:
Stormblood said:
Akay said:
I don't think there's any denying slavery in ancient Greece, we don't have to be so hard on the ancients, their situation was delicate too.
The Romans enslaved Jews in Judea, opposing another losing civilization in order to get free labor was something that seemed necessary for progress, it was either that or be enslaved and killed.

Judea is a myth. It never existed. The enemy as no claim to any land in Asia, nor anywhere in the world. What they call "slavery" in Ancient Greece is also something very different from is perceived as slavery nowadays. It's a very different type of socio-economic contract that they had in Ancient Greece, one that was mutually beneficial for all parties involves.

It's nothing like slavery in North America where xtards where degrading and dehumanising people.
I've seen alot of people here defend the tsardom of russia. But they used serfs, which are between slaves and citizens. Do you know much about this time period? What do you think of it?

I believe someone else would be more qualified to answer this question. Some like Edward Lonsa for example. I don't know anything about Russia and Eastern European countries. Sorry to disappoint.
Stormblood said:
Akay said:

Judea is a myth. It never existed. The enemy as no claim to any land in Asia, nor anywhere in the world. What they call "slavery" in Ancient Greece is also something very different from is perceived as slavery nowadays. It's a very different type of socio-economic contract that they had in Ancient Greece, one that was mutually beneficial for all parties involves.

It's nothing like slavery in North America where xtards where degrading and dehumanising people.
really had no idea about any of these facts.
Could you guide me to a book or something that might contain more of this information?
Or is it all on the forums?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
