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Question #3073: An important question to Lydia[HPS]


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
How to exactly vibrate satanama ??it would be good if you or any advanced satanist has a voice record of it ..second question when you vibrate do you imagine your aura with white gold being filled with satanama
AskSatanOperator said:
How to exactly vibrate satanama ??it would be good if you or any advanced satanist has a voice record of it ..second question when you vibrate do you imagine your aura with white gold being filled with satanama


S is not hissed
It isn't right to direct questions to just me when there are many members who can answer them.

It also isn't right to make the Ask Satan moderators spend their time to copy-paste all questions here when you have your own account that you can post with.

The Ask Satan service is for questions that are embarrassing, have personal information, and otherwise. None of your questions classify as such. You are asking normal questions that can and should be asked to the main forum, under Ol Argedco's thread:

Ask All Questions Here!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474071 time=1700745869 user_id=57]
It isn't right to direct questions to just me when there are many members who can answer them.

It also isn't right to make the Ask Satan moderators spend their time to copy-paste all questions here when you have your own account that you can post with.

The Ask Satan service is for questions that are embarrassing, have personal information, and otherwise. None of your questions classify as such. You are asking normal questions that can and should be asked to the main forum, under Ol Argedco's thread:

Ask All Questions Here!
Thank you for saying something. This user spams the service with inappropriate topics, often repeatedly despite recieving answers, and drowns out queries from other people that are actually trying to use the service appropriately. This question in particular has been answered countless times, they are just too lazy to search, or really wants the attention.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474071 time=1700745869 user_id=57]
It isn't right to direct questions to just me when there are many members who can answer them.

It also isn't right to make the Ask Satan moderators spend their time to copy-paste all questions here when you have your own account that you can post with.

The Ask Satan service is for questions that are embarrassing, have personal information, and otherwise. None of your questions classify as such. You are asking normal questions that can and should be asked to the main forum, under Ol Argedco's thread:

Ask All Questions Here!

Lydia why do u mistake me ???Since you are the most experienced satanist out there,,I had asked you and all my questions are very reasonable....I had been searching Satanama in "search" button of the forum ,,I did not get any satisfactory answers ..If there were a voice record of this just like satanas ,,This question itself would not arise ...And I don't know any other advanced satanist who has been doing advanced meditation and who has been actively meditating for more years ..Yes I have forgotten to use that seperate blog ..I will use them hereafter for such general questions
@phi3.14infinity, do not complain of members who called you out for spamming the service. Existential Crisis was correct to mention that you post the same questions repeatedly. All of this has been told to you repeatedly. We are not a "magic 8 ball", we are actual humans who take our time and effort to post here, and you are wasting much of our time by continuing to post the same questions repeatedly.

(The user tired to report a post by another member, complaining of harassment.)
existentialcrisis said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474071 time=1700745869 user_id=57]
It isn't right to direct questions to just me when there are many members who can answer them.

It also isn't right to make the Ask Satan moderators spend their time to copy-paste all questions here when you have your own account that you can post with.

The Ask Satan service is for questions that are embarrassing, have personal information, and otherwise. None of your questions classify as such. You are asking normal questions that can and should be asked to the main forum, under Ol Argedco's thread:

Ask All Questions Here!
Thank you for saying something. This user spams the service with inappropriate topics, often repeatedly despite recieving answers, and drowns out queries from other people that are actually trying to use the service appropriately. This question in particular has been answered countless times, they are just too lazy to search, or really wants the attention.

Being a satanist,it would be good for you to learn basic satanic ethics of not fighting with your brothers and sisters in satan ,or mocking them and condescending them ..what do you mean by inappropriate???Before asking any question,I use "search" button and only after reading gazillions of answers related to them ,Do I even ask my question ..Unlike many people who always ask questions related to sex,masturbation ,incest ..I do NOT waste my time on such nonsense,rather I ask questions which are very important for my advancement in all level ...The answer to this particular question does not have the right accurate answer ,that's why I have to ask this many times,,..What is even your problem with me ???being a satanist You do not know to gently treat your brothers and sisters in satan ...What do you even mean when u say I m drowning with inappropriate questions ??This is an excellant forum ,but most of the people who are asking questions only ask on sex and those garbages thereby spoiling the essence of this forum ..You don't have any problem with them but only with me ??!.Each and every of my questions are related to spiritual and physical advancement in soul ..I don't owe you any explanation...Its just that you condescend me and have done this few times ..
phi3.14infinity said:

Existentialcrisis was stern, but I don't believe they are acting in bad faith, just as I don't believe you are acting in bad faith either. However, they are correct that if you have an account and are not asking anonymous questions, then you shouldn't use the Ask Satan service, because otherwise it could get flooded.

As far as I understand, there is nothing about your question of Satanama that would make you wish to hide your identity, whereas these questions about sex can often be embarrassing for people to ask. That is what is meant by appropriateness.

It is not that your questions are unrelated to Satanism, but just that certain questions are not as important as others. As as a Priest, HPS Lydia has to prioritize her time, as other people should answer these questions for her.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474120 time=1700766094 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:

Existentialcrisis was stern, but I don't believe they are acting in bad faith, just as I don't believe you are acting in bad faith either. However, they are correct that if you have an account and are not asking anonymous questions, then you shouldn't use the Ask Satan service, because otherwise it could get flooded.

As far as I understand, there is nothing about your question of Satanama that would make you wish to hide your identity, whereas these questions about sex can often be embarrassing for people to ask. That is what is meant by appropriateness.

It is not that your questions are unrelated to Satanism, but just that certain questions are not as important as others. As as a Priest, HPS Lydia has to prioritize her time, as other people should answer these questions for her.

I never ever ask questions related to sex and such garbage stuffs brother ..u do know very well though ...
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474098 time=1700755474 user_id=57]
@phi3.14infinity, do not complain of members who called you out for spamming the service. Existential Crisis was correct to mention that you post the same questions repeatedly. All of this has been told to you repeatedly. We are not a "magic 8 ball", we are actual humans who take our time and effort to post here, and you are wasting much of our time by continuing to post the same questions repeatedly.

Sister,may I ask you how is that asking questions related to empowerment and advancement even spamming ????There are people who ask very much embarassing questions which are explicit ,where even many teens are there ,Yet How am I spamming ??I understand that no body is a magic 8 ball and neither anybody is ..But read what existential crisis wrote "inappropriate topics and downs other people who may add valuable posts" ...This forum is an excellant forum ,but less than 10 out of 100 ask any meaningful questions ...

Many people post many much embarassing questions related to fantasy,sex,incest ,yet that above person does not get overwhelmed or has any problem over such stuffs ..And that person is only pinpointing me when there are many others who ask super disgusting questions

..Sister since you know about satanama manthra,I asked you ..Being an experienced satanist for more than a decade ,,you should take pride when somebody asks you help ....I understand being an HPS your work load is too much ...If you or anybody else has written an editorial on that just like you had written on topics like "obliterate Saturn " and "AOP,deep cleaning "...I do not have to ask you the same question .Yet neither in the forum or in the main website,there is anything written related to that ..So how will a newbie learn ??and since sister u have backed up that person ,That person had really demeaned me even before ..Have u walked in my shoes ????Is not the forum about asking questions related to spirituality and empowerment???How is asking questions related to one's personal issues a problem ..

I ask many questions which looks very repeated because I expect some experienced satanist could clarify me ..my intention was NEVER to spam ..But to get as many different answers ..There are people who ask weird sex related questions and such questions are also repeated ,yet that ain't a problem ...How are my meaningful questions any problem ???That person whom u backed up was backbiting me to another experienced satanist ,thinking I was posting the same question ..But I did NOT back then ...Sister you don't even know what that other person commented about me sometime back and yet u back him up ...I forgot about using my own handle ..That does not even mean ,I am spamming ..I know people do take time to post questions ,but you should also think of weird people who use this excellant forum to also ask weird adult stuffs ...And this forum is a forum meant for new people to ask doubts related to spirituality related to their mind and soul ..I had just forgotton to use another option ..
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474120 time=1700766094 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:

Existentialcrisis was stern, but I don't believe they are acting in bad faith, just as I don't believe you are acting in bad faith either. However, they are correct that if you have an account and are not asking anonymous questions, then you shouldn't use the Ask Satan service, because otherwise it could get flooded.

As far as I understand, there is nothing about your question of Satanama that would make you wish to hide your identity, whereas these questions about sex can often be embarrassing for people to ask. That is what is meant by appropriateness.

It is not that your questions are unrelated to Satanism, but just that certain questions are not as important as others. As as a Priest, HPS Lydia has to prioritize her time, as other people should answer these questions for her.

Brother I understand both you and HPS .....I had forgotton to use the other option and I really did not not know that ask Satan forum is only for those who wish to hide their identity to ask certain personal questions which could not be publicly talked with their own handle ..And everytime I ask questions,they are only related to soul and spiritual development

The problem is that many and many people ask so many weird sex or so many ugly fetish questions for which also this forum must not be used ...Such people are the one who are actually spoiling the essence of this forum ..

.The other person has criticised me the second time claiming I ask and post inappropriate questions .. NEVER did I ever ask any question that is non satanic stuff or ever any disgusting weird fetish question like many who ask here

...The other person does not even know me and does not even know what even my life is and yet is condescending me ...That other person has absolutely 0 problem when somebody keeps posting the same sexual garbage question again and again ...nowhere does that person ever post in those people questions of why they are doing such ugly thing ..Yet today when Lydia was just saying me casually ,and when it was only between me and lydia,and it was just a normal casual talk ,this person has come between both Lydia and me and is creating dispute and fight between two satanists ...

This person also claimed that I am clowding other people questions..Yet most of the people who use this forum do NOT make the right use of this forum ,despite this forum being an excellent tool ..out of 100 questions ,80 are related to the same adult related topics ,where many even write about their sexual garbage stories and ask us opinions ..Yet this person says that I am posting inappropriate questions to GET ATTENTION..This was what he publicly had written about me slandering me ..

.He says a simple search could have given ..Before posting a question ,I use "search" and read all related to my questions and if the answers are not at all satisfactory..,,it is only ONLY then do I post my questions ..And yet I stil don't understand why is that OP so much irked when the conversation is between Lydia and me ..Why is that OP interfering into other people conversation ..??I don't think it is even a basic ethic to poke one's nose in between two people conversation ..

Lydia has written many editorials but there is no single audio record or any editorial which could explain how satanama needed to be vibrated ,and since she is an experienced member,I asked her ...That was just a normal casual doubt ...the other person probably does not even know the core satanic principle "don't give advices unless asked"...That person has slandered me the second time when the first time ,I did NOT even post inappropriate questions ...That person should also stop creating commotion between satanists as the main website clearly tells that two satanists must not even fight ...And yet that is what the OP is doing ..Creating unnecessary fights between people ...
phi3.14infinity said:

I don't believe anyone is saying that your questions have no value, or that some of these other questions are better than yours, but it is specifically about writing the questions through your main account.

The other questions in the Ask Satan service may be poor, however, the reason HPS Lydia and existentialcrisis had mentioned you is because your questions are writing in a uniquely identifiable manner. That is how they knew you were posting the questions through the Ask Satan service.

The reason why existentialcrisis claimed you want attention, even though it is slightly insulting, is because repeatedly directing questions to someone requires them to give you attention. That does not mean we want you to be deprived of the knowledge you are after, but just to have some patience and ask questions in the right manners.

So it isn't as much about the importance of the question, as much as the force being put behind it, if that makes sense. In this specific case, HPS Lydia is not saying you don't deserve to learn about Satanama, but that you should ask someone else using your main account.

I don't think anyone was really trying to slander you, nor do I think you made any major mistakes. I think this was just a minor issue where someone asked you to change your methods about something. That doesn't mean you aren't trying hard to improve or anything.

If you think you are being genuinely harassed, then please submit the evidence for this so I can look and decide. However, from what I see here, this is just a minor conflict and not really a true case of harassment.
Personally, I think mistakes were made regarding trying to get confirmation bias affirmed by reframing the same sort of question(s) multiple times. Not just two times, but more like four or more times. We are not necessarily going to tell you what you want, but what you need to hear. Not to mention those questions could have very well been asked on ask all questions topic or by making your own topic. I ask, can you please post them there?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474142 time=1700774874 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:

I don't believe anyone is saying that your questions have no value, or that some of these other questions are better than yours, but it is specifically about writing the questions through your main account.

The other questions in the Ask Satan service may be poor, however, the reason HPS Lydia and existentialcrisis had mentioned you is because your questions are writing in a uniquely identifiable manner. That is how they knew you were posting the questions through the Ask Satan service.

The reason why existentialcrisis claimed you want attention, even though it is slightly insulting, is because repeatedly directing questions to someone requires them to give you attention. That does not mean we want you to be deprived of the knowledge you are after, but just to have some patience and ask questions in the right manners.

So it isn't as much about the importance of the question, as much as the force being put behind it, if that makes sense. In this specific case, HPS Lydia is not saying you don't deserve to learn about Satanama, but that you should ask someone else using your main account.

I don't think anyone was really trying to slander you, nor do I think you made any major mistakes. I think this was just a minor issue where someone asked you to change your methods about something. That doesn't mean you aren't trying hard to improve or anything.

If you think you are being genuinely harassed, then please submit the evidence for this so I can look and decide. However, from what I see here, this is just a minor conflict and not really a true case of harassment.

Brother While it is true that I do ask certain questions repeatedly ,,it is again NOT NOT to get attention or to spam like the other person says ,it is because I genuinely want to learn a very very lot related to that question and it would have been good or awesome if many experienced satanist takes their time to explain me in detail ,so that I do not post the same question ..If the answer is satisfactory and I have seen the complete picture ..,I do not post that question and jump for the next question ...

I asked that question to Lydia because she was the one who wrote about it sometimes back ..But despite of her so many editorials ,she had not written any editorial about satanama,neither is there any voice record of it ..So how will a newbie learn ??Since satanama is an improvement manthra ,,,But there is not a big mention of it here ..So how will I learn ???

Again the OP was saying sometime back to ol orgedco like a kind of backbiting that "some person asks same questions repeatedly and this guy wants us to spoon feed him "..The thing is this op existential crisis was calling me indirectly for some silly funny question posted by someone else ,, which is not even one percent related to me,not did I even post such silly question .. I still did not understand why on this earth he was condescending me in a place totally unrelated to me ..This is seriously like backbiting someone unnecessarily...

This person today said "attention seeking "..That is also a kind of insulting thing ..

Again brother blitz ,I know not not to spam this excellant forum ..It's just that I had forgotten that one can use main account also to ask such questions ...Certain questions I do ask often and again that can nowhere even flood this forum ...
Henu the Great said:
Personally, I think mistakes were made regarding trying to get confirmation bias affirmed by reframing the same sort of question(s) multiple times. Not just two times, but more like four or more times. We are not necessarily going to tell you what you want, but what you need to hear. Not to mention those questions could have very well been asked on ask all questions topic or by making your own topic. I ask, can you please post them there?

Now this is the right way to actually talk .....
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474142 time=1700774874 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:

I don't believe anyone is saying that your questions have no value, or that some of these other questions are better than yours, but it is specifically about writing the questions through your main account.

The other questions in the Ask Satan service may be poor, however, the reason HPS Lydia and existentialcrisis had mentioned you is because your questions are writing in a uniquely identifiable manner. That is how they knew you were posting the questions through the Ask Satan service.

The reason why existentialcrisis claimed you want attention, even though it is slightly insulting, is because repeatedly directing questions to someone requires them to give you attention. That does not mean we want you to be deprived of the knowledge you are after, but just to have some patience and ask questions in the right manners.

So it isn't as much about the importance of the question, as much as the force being put behind it, if that makes sense. In this specific case, HPS Lydia is not saying you don't deserve to learn about Satanama, but that you should ask someone else using your main account.

I don't think anyone was really trying to slander you, nor do I think you made any major mistakes. I think this was just a minor issue where someone asked you to change your methods about something. That doesn't mean you aren't trying hard to improve or anything.

If you think you are being genuinely harassed, then please submit the evidence for this so I can look and decide. However, from what I see here, this is just a minor conflict and not really a true case of harassment.
I have been rude a few times lately to multiple people, and I accept full responsibility for my piece. I apologize to anyone who has been on the recieving end. I don't like to get that way and I've held it down for the most part. Martian energy is running high, along with other things going on. But I still stand by my points, which you've elaborated on better and more diplomatically than I have.

Henu the Great said:
Personally, I think mistakes were made regarding trying to get confirmation bias affirmed by reframing the same sort of question(s) multiple times. Not just two times, but more like four or more times. We are not necessarily going to tell you what you want, but what you need to hear. Not to mention those questions could have very well been asked on ask all questions topic or by making your own topic. I ask, can you please post them there?
This. I really dislike the obsession and repetition. A question that recieves numerous good answers should be enough the first time around. It doesn't need to be posted another 10 times until you get a different outcome, like shaking your own personal magic 8 ball, or getting the people you want to respond, like you're entitled to them. Or posting things simply for validation, like the one about whether evil should be punished(YES, obviously). Not the purpose of AS, IMO. Nor are the "woe is me" type posts, like this.

The fact that these posts are not posted normally but through AS means a new thread has to be made for every single one even if they are related or are followups.

If they were posted normally, they could be kept to 1 thread for each topic so that it doesn't flood the main page with 50% of the threads you see being about the same person and the same issue, and that way context can be maintained in each topic which is better for the OP, for people who reply, and for whoever is reading.

So maybe it's a lack of understanding or consideration. Maybe my expectations are unreasonable. I don't know. I'm probably not explaining it well anyway.

But with that, I realize that there must be major astrological and cultural incompatibilities between us so I will try not to interact anymore and let it go. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Good luck OP.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474142 time=1700774874 user_id=21286]
phi3.14infinity said:

I don't believe anyone is saying that your questions have no value, or that some of these other questions are better than yours, but it is specifically about writing the questions through your main account.

The other questions in the Ask Satan service may be poor, however, the reason HPS Lydia and existentialcrisis had mentioned you is because your questions are writing in a uniquely identifiable manner. That is how they knew you were posting the questions through the Ask Satan service.

The reason why existentialcrisis claimed you want attention, even though it is slightly insulting, is because repeatedly directing questions to someone requires them to give you attention. That does not mean we want you to be deprived of the knowledge you are after, but just to have some patience and ask questions in the right manners.

So it isn't as much about the importance of the question, as much as the force being put behind it, if that makes sense. In this specific case, HPS Lydia is not saying you don't deserve to learn about Satanama, but that you should ask someone else using your main account.

I don't think anyone was really trying to slander you, nor do I think you made any major mistakes. I think this was just a minor issue where someone asked you to change your methods about something. That doesn't mean you aren't trying hard to improve or anything.

If you think you are being genuinely harassed, then please submit the evidence for this so I can look and decide. However, from what I see here, this is just a minor conflict and not really a true case of harassment.

Brother the other OP has 0 problems with people posting perverted and disgusting questions again and again and yet this person has problem with my asking questions to some other satanist...If this person were a genuine person,,this person should directly confront me (which is again not even his business ) ,yet backbiting me to other satanists in a very derogatory and condescending way ..Claiming I am doing this to get attention itself is a kind of insulting word spoken to a fellow satanist ...

When the conversation was between me and lydia ,,why is this person interfering ???When Lydia had just answered very casually ,why is this person coming out of nowhere and mocking me with condescension ???
what even was the need for this person to come and slander me to another ???how is this a maturity ??? ..This is certainly not a satanic attitude ...This person did the VERY same a month back about me to ol orgedo luciftias ,saying the very same when back then I was not asking so many repeated questions ..

Saying one to use main account which is what you and Lydia said is a normal thing ,but saying "This user has spammed the forum with INAPPROPRIATE repeated questions despite receiving answers ,is just to SEEK ATTENTION" is a rather insulting and demeaning word ..This person has 0 problem with people asking many disgusting stuff ..Yet why out of nowhere when the former conversation was going normal ,,This person is coming and targeting me and specifically insulting me ,creating a bad name for me ???Why did this person even poke his nose in between two other people???

This person has defamed my name to Lydia ...This is NOT a satanic attitude to backbite one satanist to other satanist ..This person is not even an advanced satanist to actually criticise others ..This person has done this to me ,the second time...I request that his demeaning and his insulting comments against me is removed ..I think this person may be some infilterator who is afraid that people will learn real things and hence is creating an internal fight like demeaning and insulting me ..This is a very big suspicion because I do not see this person targetting anyone else but me ..No true satanist will slander or backbite one to another
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474098 time=1700755474 user_id=57]
@phi3.14infinity, do not complain of members who called you out for spamming the service. Existential Crisis was correct to mention that you post the same questions repeatedly. All of this has been told to you repeatedly. We are not a "magic 8 ball", we are actual humans who take our time and effort to post here, and you are wasting much of our time by continuing to post the same questions repeatedly.

(The user tired to report a post by another member, complaining of harassment.)

Lydia ,this person had already slandered me two times ...When you and I were talking very casually,,Where u just said a very normal thing ,this user coming out of nowhere (when this user was not even asked to reply ) ,this person coming out of nowhere and insulting me is very mean ....

U being a HPS obviously knows this person coming out of nowhere and condescending another SS is rather a very insulting and demeaning thing ...This person has absolutely 0 problem when many post many other disgusting questions ...Yet only targetting me is not at all right ..How is insulting one to another when this person is not even called a basic ethic ???

The conversation between you and me was very formal ,and yet this person insulting me saying I post inappropriate topics and attention seeking is a rather insulting term used on another satanist ..

This person is not even an advanced satanist and yet damaging me to another person is not even a satanic attitude ..Saying I am doing this to seek attention is a rather insulting statement,why is this person bothered when I had asked this question to you and when your reply was very formal ..Why does this person even interfere and poke into other people conversations??No other satanist ever does this than this above person ...How is saying words like attention seeking and inappropriate over your fellow brothers and sisters not mean ??

Since you know very well I do not post disgusting questions and it is something which people like you or any advanced satanist should confront me ..And I ask certain questions repeatedly only to get more better , satisfactory answers..I am a newbie ,if I were advanced or an experienced person ,I would not be asking questions ...

Sister please don't be biased at all ...See what that person has written about me ..That is literally backbiting and slandering about one to another..If you can call me out,you also should call that other person also who condescend another satanist ...Why is this person even bothered ???It is something which people like you should tell me ...This person has 0 problem when people post disgusting weird fetish questions but has problem only with me which also is not his concern in the first place ...

This person also is a very new satanist ,so this person coming and slandering me raises suspicion...There are also many and many infilterator out here ...So sister please don't be biased ..you are a very good person and also a very humble person ..If this person is attacking another satanist to another,this should raise suspicion ..Because no satanist will do such things ..This person is raising internal conflict between other people which is terribly wrong ..

Note this person also has no problem with many other disgusting questions which people ask ,yet only slanders me ..This person probably may be an infilterator who does not want newbies to learn and advance
phi3.14infinity said:
This person also is a very new satanist ,so this person coming and slandering me raises suspicion...There are also many and many infilterator out here ...So sister please don't be biased ..you are a very good person and also a very humble person ..If this person is attacking another satanist to another,this should raise suspicion ..Because no satanist will do such things ..This person is raising internal conflict between other people which is terribly wrong ..

Note this person also has no problem with many other disgusting questions which people ask ,yet only slanders me ..This person probably may be an infilterator who does not want newbies to learn and advance

You need to calm down here alright.

You got called out for misusing the Ask Satan Service, nothing more nothing less.

In the future, just post these very normal and ordinary, not very important questions, that certainly do not need to be asked anonymously, to the regular forum, or just use the search function to find answers, as all these questions for which you are expecting HPS Lydia who has many more matters to attend to, to act as your personal answer bot or something, have already been asked many a times and answered many times before, it can be found through a little bit of personal effort on your end.

Anonymity is one of the reasons why the Ask Satan was created in the first place, to allow people to ask questions which they may otherwise not feel comfortable asking with their direct username on it, either for them being personal or possibly revealing personal details they do not want linked to their user names.

These questions you ask repeatedly are really not needed to be asked through the Ask Satan service, especially as you have an account on the forum, and can just post these things normally alright.

There's certainly questions asked that are nonsense or outright disrespectful, however there are legitimate people who simply do not know anything, and want to ask what comes to mind when they think about Satan, therefore yes, the service will have its fair share of distasteful questions from the perspective of dedicated SS that may still be allowed to get asked and receive answers, as there are legitimate people (Not purely trolls or infiltrators) that come upon Ask Satan without any understanding whatsoever and have these kinds of questions to ask.

That has nothing to do with this situation however, as these questions are your own, and those questions are unrelated to you. We are talking here about you and how you have kept repeating the same questions to the Ask Satan, practically spamming the service.

This is just not necessary, and it is not what the Ask Satan is meant to be used for. Does that make sense?

Then lastly, just because you are put on the spot a little bit, doesn't mean everyone is an infiltrator for making you aware of some small thing which you can resolve calmly yourself and learn from.

Don't make a scene where it doesn't have to be one.
VoiceofEnki said:
phi3.14infinity said:
This person also is a very new satanist ,so this person coming and slandering me raises suspicion...There are also many and many infilterator out here ...So sister please don't be biased ..you are a very good person and also a very humble person ..If this person is attacking another satanist to another,this should raise suspicion ..Because no satanist will do such things ..This person is raising internal conflict between other people which is terribly wrong ..

Note this person also has no problem with many other disgusting questions which people ask ,yet only slanders me ..This person probably may be an infilterator who does not want newbies to learn and advance

You need to calm down here alright.

You got called out for misusing the Ask Satan Service, nothing more nothing less.

In the future, just post these very normal and ordinary, not very important questions, that certainly do not need to be asked anonymously, to the regular forum, or just use the search function to find answers, as all these questions for which you are expecting HPS Lydia who has many more matters to attend to, to act as your personal answer bot or something, have already been asked many a times and answered many times before, it can be found through a little bit of personal effort on your end.

Anonymity is one of the reasons why the Ask Satan was created in the first place, to allow people to ask questions which they may otherwise not feel comfortable asking with their direct username on it, either for them being personal or possibly revealing personal details they do not want linked to their user names.

These questions you ask repeatedly are really not needed to be asked through the Ask Satan service, especially as you have an account on the forum, and can just post these things normally alright.

There's certainly questions asked that are nonsense or outright disrespectful, however there are legitimate people who simply do not know anything, and want to ask what comes to mind when they think about Satan, therefore yes, the service will have its fair share of distasteful questions from the perspective of dedicated SS that may still be allowed to get asked and receive answers, as there are legitimate people (Not purely trolls or infiltrators) that come upon Ask Satan without any understanding whatsoever and have these kinds of questions to ask.

That has nothing to do with this situation however, as these questions are your own, and those questions are unrelated to you. We are talking here about you and how you have kept repeating the same questions to the Ask Satan, practically spamming the service.

This is just not necessary, and it is not what the Ask Satan is meant to be used for. Does that make sense?

Then lastly, just because you are put on the spot a little bit, doesn't mean everyone is an infiltrator for making you aware of some small thing which you can resolve calmly yourself and learn from.

Don't make a scene where it doesn't have to be one.

Brother nothing wrong in calling me out ,but If you or some other experienced satanist has done this to me ,I would surely not have been this impulsive ..Again Lydia or any advanced satanist did not call me out .Lydia just told me the right way to use the forum ,which I really did NOT know ..I used ask Satan as I was thinking that that is the fastest and the most accurate way to get satisfactory answers ..What Lydia told me has nothing to do with what the OP told

..Lydia told me another accurate way to ask normal questions ..That OP said that I am using this to attract attention ,which is a very insulting way to talk to another person ..The way u or Lydia or Blitzkrieg talk is how matured satanist talk..And saying anything direct is what maturity is ..That person was literally backbiting me to Lydia condescending me and this person did the same about me to ol orgedo luciftias also,,..What this person mocked me about yesterday has absolutely NOTHING to what Lydia even told me yesterday..talking about others and slandering one to another is an awfully way of even talking .

.It shows what sort of ethic the OP has ..Again why is that person bothered to interfere in between two people conversation is something I don't understand..That op has no right to call me out when that person is not an advanced satanist ..And even if the OP calls me out ,he should do that to me DIRECTLY like how you or Blitzkrieg does ..Talking about me to another person shows that person does not even know what core satanic principle is ..Do read the OP's reply ..And read Lydia's previous reply ...What has that person calling me out has to do with Lydia's reply ..There is a way to name call out ..That person was literally being totally rude and mean by using words like saying I want to get attention to another person ..You should also tell that person to learn not to be rude and illmannered,rather only confronting me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
