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Question #3047: please advanced satanists share your meditation daily schedule


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
can you advanced satanists please share me your daily meditation routine and how many minutes you spend for each and every meditation???Please share how many minutes you spend for each meditation
In my opinion this would only create confusion for the less advanced members.
Hello :)

For the reason that everyone is different, has a different soul and experience with meditation then everyone has a different meditation program. Customize your own program and don't worry if as a beginner it doesn't last long. At the very beginning it can be as short as 10-15 minutes and over time it will get longer.
Hey I was reading this and something told me to tell you that it's not a competition It's personal. But hey if it's of any worth get a really nice table preferably circle and for this purpose only then get two candle holders (nice kinds i use brass and silver) and stick two candles in there because there's 2 in creation not 1. After that get two or three bowls, fill 2 bowls with distilled water and red roses (don't forget to change the Red roses when they decay) the third bowl should have different types of other flowers.

Allow there to be an incense holder in the middle and Lucifers sigil has to be there but if it's not because you're with someone that's ok just get a razor and carve it on the wall neatly (use rulers) and the bigger the better. Always change the flowers when they decay if not just keep clean pure water instead and nothing else. Disposing of the red roses should be done by burning after drying them or bury not flushing or trashing.

Satan doesn't require any of this but it is a method you can use to keep up with yourself and it's similar to puja ceremonial rites.

After that comes the main thing in SS, so you can
Then vibrate surya x30
And then vibrate satnas x30 and with spine straight It shouldn't feel like work. Have fun and do consistently but not compulsively.
Ask for demon guidance also

Forgot to add Meditation isn't just vibrating i was guided to set the atmosphere along with chants, which I thought was a sport at first
I will share with you a routine but like others said its personal.

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru x20 times
SATANAMA 15 mins

AUM cleaning x20 times

This much is enough for a beginner.
If you want more, add in the following below.

SATANAS(how many ever times you want) +FRTR +Vishuddhi cleaning immediately.

Bonus :

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
(AH-UUU-MMM --- SHH-RR-EEE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- YAH-EE --- RAH- MMM) x20 times.

PTAH x 20 times

This is a massive power booster.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I will share with you a routine but like others said its personal.

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru x20 times
SATANAMA 15 mins

AUM cleaning x20 times

This much is enough for a beginner.
If you want more, add in the following below.

SATANAS(how many ever times you want) +FRTR +Vishuddhi cleaning immediately.

Bonus :

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
(AH-UUU-MMM --- SHH-RR-EEE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- YAH-EE --- RAH- MMM) x20 times.

PTAH x 20 times

This is a massive power booster.

Also focus deeply on the energy buzzes you feel. This acts as void meditation. Except for before the RTR, just raise energy and do it immediately, otherwise the energy buzz will fade.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I will share with you a routine but like others said its personal.

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru x20 times
SATANAMA 15 mins

AUM cleaning x20 times

This much is enough for a beginner.
If you want more, add in the following below.

SATANAS(how many ever times you want) +FRTR +Vishuddhi cleaning immediately.

Bonus :

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
(AH-UUU-MMM --- SHH-RR-EEE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- YAH-EE --- RAH- MMM) x20 times.

PTAH x 20 times

This is a massive power booster.

This is not a program suited to a beginner, nor an effective one either. When giving advice to a novice memeber, explain the reason behind it. You just list a bunch of mantras with no explanation.

The only thing you should be aware of is that you should include


In your daily schedule. The best if you can practice all of the folds of the 8 fold path.

If you haven't followed any meditation routine, that is similar to the above, than you may follow HPHC's 40 day meditation program.

You will have an idea how much you should meditate.

As for experienced members, this could be way more, but take in account that, we also need to go to work/school, we also have families, hobbies, etc, and at best, we have 8 hours or way less for these with the meditations also. A lot of SS also works for the JoS in freetime.
Powerofjustice said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I will share with you a routine but like others said its personal.

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru x20 times
SATANAMA 15 mins

AUM cleaning x20 times

This much is enough for a beginner.
If you want more, add in the following below.

SATANAS(how many ever times you want) +FRTR +Vishuddhi cleaning immediately.

Bonus :

Aum Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
(AH-UUU-MMM --- SHH-RR-EEE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- RAH-MMM --- YAH-EE --- YAH-EE --- RAH- MMM) x20 times.

PTAH x 20 times

This is a massive power booster.

This is not a program suited to a beginner, nor an effective one either. When giving advice to a novice memeber, explain the reason behind it. You just list a bunch of mantras with no explanation.

Actually you're right that its not suited for beginners. But it is effective. It is overpowering for a beginner.

Do less reps for beginners. Even 5 reps is enough, no need for 20 reps. But try a bit on Aura of protection. Don't burn yourself out on AoP but don't slack on it either.

The first mantra is a chakra empowering+simultaneous spinning mantra. From Maxine, the Praise Satan mantra. The chakras are foundational to train.

SATANAMA is a balancing mantra. Beginners have imbalances which need to be fixed

Aura of Protection with SATANAS and AUM SURYAE is next

AUM for cleaning next like I said.

Next up Yoga is for increasing bioelectricity. All power meditations do this, but Yoga drastically increases with both Hatha and Kundalini.

Next up SATANAS is a mantra which raises energy for the FRTR. Then Vishuddhi cleaning for removing dirt after doing FRTR as all jewish shit will come out.

The bonus mantras include the solar mantra, which trains the solar chakra but it can also be vibrated into the aura.

The last one is PTAH which trains and empowers the pineal gland. Raising overall soul power to a higher level, and it also trains the 6th chakra to a considerable extent. Also makes you more sensitive to meditation.

Mind telling me why its not effective? These mantras come from Maxine so they absolutely 100% work. These are not watered down or fake mantras. My mistake was calling the first part beginner, its more for someone a little above beginner but still below advanced. Adding all of it makes it advanced.

Or are you saying one should not train the chakras as a beginner? I disagree with that too. Chakra work is foundational whether you use the praise Satan mantra or AUM, VAUM, RAUM etc.

I have already assumed that this person has done the opening meditations. That's like something you do on day 1. If he hasn't, then yeah I guess that was my mistake.
Powerofjustice said:
This is not a program suited to a beginner, nor an effective one either.

Oh I get it. You think its ineffective because I didn't list any affirmations. Fuck I guess I walked into this one. I'm sorry Henu. I don't dislike you, you give good advice, but this one I disagree with you.

Okay here goes. THAUM doesn't need an affirmation. You just vibrate it into the third eye.
When you're empowering something it doesn't need an affirmation. Your body/soul is "consuming" the energy. That's literally it.

If I wanted something specific such let's say money or a car, I would have to affirm for it yes.

But not when you're empowering your soul/chakras. The Praise Satan mantra by itself empowers and spins the chakras. Excellent for beginners who can't feel or visualize their chakras accurately. Which is why I listed it.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich wrote:
This mantra is of Serpent Yoga and not only releases energy from and spins the chakras, but also praises Satan as our True Creator God. This is excellent for raising energies:

Ek Ong Kara SaTaNaaMa Shiri Vhaa Guru

Here's what an advanced member had to say.

Rational Satanist said:
Stormblood said:
Everything needs an affirmation if you're raising energy.

I also have a specific example from the JoS site which disproves that: Invoking the Elements. See: The instructions on invoking the elements does not mention anything about affirmations. You balance the elements by invoking the weak ones repeatedly. As I said, invoking a specific energy repeatedly makes it build on your soul. The same with the planetary energies. To strengthen a planet, you use the spiritual square so that its energy builds up without needing an affirmation.

As for my "assumption" being "wrong" and about "experienced members and HP Cobra" saying otherwise, this is one of the problems with the Nu-JoS that I've said before: that people choose to replace teachings that come from Satan with their own feelings. There are many wrong teachings being widely accepted in the forums that weren't part of JoS 10 years ago, and came about because people wanted to rationalize things instead of asking Satan: That the Gods weren't literally bound, that there are no enemy Nordics and the angels are just thoughtforms and the Gods still need to eat after becoming Gods (even though there are Hindu Yogis who are "breatharians" and don't need to eat, and haven't eaten anything for more than 50 years). Obviously all three are wrong.

I understand that I risk being banned for what I'm saying, but I really don't care at this point now. Many teachings since HP Maxine has retired have been twisted and distorted, especially by HP Cobra. HP Cobra was also banned for spreading this sort of misinformation by HP Maxine when he was new. He said that the jews don't have kundalini or a soul for example.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Oh I get it. You think its ineffective because I didn't list any affirmations. Fuck I guess I walked into this one. I'm sorry Henu. I don't dislike you, you give good advice, but this one I disagree with you.
What do I have to do with this?

It is common sense that energy needs to be directed and programmed. Otherwise it does not accomplish what one wants it to accomplish. Affirmations are useful, and usually recommended to this end. Especially for newbies.
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Oh I get it. You think its ineffective because I didn't list any affirmations. Fuck I guess I walked into this one. I'm sorry Henu. I don't dislike you, you give good advice, but this one I disagree with you.
What do I have to do with this?

It is common sense that energy needs to be directed and programmed. Otherwise it does not accomplish what one wants it to accomplish. Affirmations are useful, and usually recommended to this end. Especially for newbies.

I didn't want you to think that I don't take your advice seriously. I do take your advice seriously, but sometimes I disagree. Yes affirmations are used for obtaining specific items. But Full Chakra Meditation or empowering your soul is different. Like I said with the third eye meditation example, one never affirms anything. You just vibrate THAUM. Nothing regarding affirmations was written on that page.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Oh I get it. You think its ineffective because I didn't list any affirmations. Fuck I guess I walked into this one. I'm sorry Henu. I don't dislike you, you give good advice, but this one I disagree with you.
What do I have to do with this?

It is common sense that energy needs to be directed and programmed. Otherwise it does not accomplish what one wants it to accomplish. Affirmations are useful, and usually recommended to this end. Especially for newbies.

I didn't want you to think that I don't take your advice seriously. I do take your advice seriously, but sometimes I disagree. Yes affirmations are used for obtaining specific items. But Full Chakra Meditation or empowering your soul is different. Like I said with the third eye meditation example, one never affirms anything. You just vibrate THAUM. Nothing regarding affirmations was written on that page.

This is wrong. Just because it is not written does not mean you disregard the basics. Energy, all by itself, is essentially inert. It will just dissipate without direction, no matter how much of it you raise. You won't find any mention of affirmations on the Magickal Squares pages, but obviously you need them; otherwise, you're doing nothing.

You can do anything with energy. Different mantras conjure up different kinds of energy, some more suited for a specific task than others. If you want an example from the Full Chakra Meditation, "RAUM" has many different uses. One of them is empowering the solar chakra, but it can also be used for cleaning. If you don't tell the energy what to do, then it won't do much.

If we look at the third eye opening page ; it states

Note: Steps 1 and 2 are optional. Steps 3-7 are necessary

None of the necessary steps include anything about affirmations. At all. On a beginner page atleast something should be written if affirmations are necessary. But they are not.


Energy is inert in the same way water is inert. Water does nothing on its own. But I can drink it. And my body will absorb it. Same thing with energy.

Energy may be inert but your soul is not. It will consume any energy that you throw at it.

In the same way that I don't need to affirm that "In a healthy way the water is being absorbed by my body" I don't need to affirm for the energy either. Empowering needs no affirmations.

Only manifestations & witchcraft require affirmations. Where I'm trying to alter the world in a specific way suited to my needs such as manifesting money or manifesting love or increasing my strength or anything else which is a specific goal.

Regarding your point about RAUM having multiple uses, have you considered how cleaning takes place? RAUM is a mantra that empowers, when a chakra is being empowered, it simultaneously gets cleaned as well. Don't tell me that you haven't experienced this. For example vibrating RAUM on the solar chakra will strengthen it but simultaneously you'll get dirt coming out of it as well. So old bad memories/traumas related to that chakra come out.

See what Blitzkrieg said:

I have noticed an increase in dirt from doing workings, which can cause physical problems, as all areas of our being are involved with our transformations, but some more than others. For example, doing a Sun Square for general improvement caused advancement to my vitality, but at the time I had dirt "come up" through the solar chakra which caused negative symptoms, like digestive upset.
Notice how he said that the Sun square being used for "general improvement" brought out dirt. You don't have to affirm "My chakras are cleaned"

Empowering simultaneously cleans. That's why RAUM has "multiple purposes".

This is why it was written on the JoS page that power meditation brings out dirt.

Kundalini can kick up old fears, unpleasant thoughts and all kinds of things that have been buried in our minds.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Nothing regarding affirmations was written on that page.
The principle still applies, even if it is not pointed out at every instance.

Many things on JoS have to be put together by the reader from various parts. It is a kind of a IQ test of who can make the puzzle complete.

HPS Maxine has written about how Yogis in India will raise incredible amounts of energy for years and years, yet still live miserable lives and achieve nothing tangible, because the energy is not properly channeled. If you want energy to do something, then you must program it to do so.
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Nothing regarding affirmations was written on that page.
Many things on JoS have to be put together by the reader from various parts. It is a kind of a IQ test of who can make the puzzle complete.

I've seen you write this multiple times and somehow I doubt it. This is new information. Spiritual information. Of a reality that most people know nothing about. To an audience who knows nothing about it. Most people are either athiests or religious but know next to nothing about chakras, the souls or spirituality.

Maxine's goals would therefore be to be as clear as possible. She cannot and will not leave room for doubt. That's why she will not make something difficult to interpret or design this "IQ test" as you say. She needs this information to get out as fast as possible. There's no point wasting time by making things more complicated or vague or like a puzzle. Humanity needs to elevate fast. We are in the middle of a war. Wasting time on confusion is pointless. Sure, some things we need to figure out, but where affirmations are important, she has written them to be. That's why she's written about affirmations only on the material versions of the squares not spiritual. Because there's no point in using affirmations for general empowerment.

So this is just just your opinion and interpretation of JoS. Interesting opinion, but I do not share it.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Henu the Great said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Oh I get it. You think its ineffective because I didn't list any affirmations. Fuck I guess I walked into this one. I'm sorry Henu. I don't dislike you, you give good advice, but this one I disagree with you.
What do I have to do with this?

It is common sense that energy needs to be directed and programmed. Otherwise it does not accomplish what one wants it to accomplish. Affirmations are useful, and usually recommended to this end. Especially for newbies.

I didn't want you to think that I don't take your advice seriously. I do take your advice seriously, but sometimes I disagree. Yes affirmations are used for obtaining specific items. But Full Chakra Meditation or empowering your soul is different. Like I said with the third eye meditation example, one never affirms anything. You just vibrate THAUM. Nothing regarding affirmations was written on that page.

Because the meditation in itself is the affirmative intent here, but that is not a real achievement for all beginners, as many have to develop these notions of appliance. Use affirmations at first, at least in an inner conviction or intent. You either way have to define this while you meditate, empower and so on.
BlackOnyx8 said:

HPS Maxine has written about how Yogis in India will raise incredible amounts of energy for years and years, yet still live miserable lives and achieve nothing tangible, because the energy is not properly channeled. If you want energy to do something, then you must program it to do so.

Again, I doubt this. Show me the exact quote, if it says exactly what you're saying it says, I will accept my mistakes and leave. But if you're talking about this page:


where its written that

Satan wanted me to write this article and to make sure that everyone is aware of this and to post it to the groups as well. I will get to the point. Nearly everyone knows about how the enemy works through infiltration to destroy and corrupt spiritual knowledge. The roots and foundations of True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [SERPENT] Yoga. Unfortunately, many of the teachings have been infested with procedures and practices that are designed to make damned good and sure anyone who follows them will not have any personal powers. A good example of this is the numerous practitioners of yoga who have been indoctrinated with lies, many namely in India, who own nothing, live in a shelter nothing more than a glorified dog house, cover themselves with ashes from the dead, only wear a 'christ rag' and live a death like existence. Tourists, who visit ashrams and temples, for a few cents given to these pathetic beggars, receive their 'blessings' which is their giving of their own life force and energies. These poor souls are filled with much spiritual power, but have no idea on how to use it, due to the enemy teachings deliberately misguiding them.

There is nothing that contradicts what I said. What Maxine is talking about here is about not performing the right exercises such as not focusing on the siddhis and other important chakras like the feet.
Nothing about affirmations.

Ofcourse these yogis are living shit lives. Because of the destructive/pointless practices that they perform. Empowerment is not the only thing that makes your life better. If anyone decides to cover yourself up with ashes like these yogis do or cover yourself up with a christ like rag and live in some death house, it does not matter how much empowerment or affirmations you use, you'll still have a shit life following these yogi's instructions.

It has no relation to my point about affirmations. Invoking a certain energy on your soul will build that energy on your soul.

So if this is the page and text you're talking about, it has absolutely no relation to my point at all.

She's talking about how to channelize energies in general, which is about doing the right practices, like not cutting your tongue or swallowing a cloth/rag like those yogis do.
Again, she said nothing about affirmations here.

Actually this kind of proves my point. They end up being filled with vast amounts of spiritual power even without using affirmations. But they live shit lives because they follow shit advice like the dangerous practices like cutting the tongue, swallowing cloth or celibacy. Not because they don't use affirmations.

You do not have to affirm anything when doing Hatha or Kundalini Yoga. If that was needed, it would have been written. You have to focus on the buzz first and foremost to make it grow. Because the buzz is important to focus upon, she has written to do that multiple times.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I've seen you write this multiple times and somehow I doubt it. This is new information. Spiritual information. Of a reality that most people know nothing about. To an audience who knows nothing about it. Most people are either athiests or religious but know next to nothing about chakras, the souls or spirituality.

Maxine's goals would therefore be to be as clear as possible. She cannot and will not leave room for doubt. That's why she will not make something difficult to interpret or design this "IQ test" as you say. She needs this information to get out as fast as possible. There's no point wasting time by making things more complicated or vague or like a puzzle. Humanity needs to elevate fast. We are in the middle of a war. Wasting time on confusion is pointless. Sure, some things we need to figure out, but where affirmations are important, she has written them to be. That's why she's written about affirmations only on the material versions of the squares not spiritual. Because there's no point in using affirmations for general empowerment.

So this is just just your opinion and interpretation of JoS. Interesting opinion, but I do not share it.

Greetings Brother.

Henu is right, and what is shown on JoS is actually very base level. This is designed a certain way, and more advanced information is actually hidden within JoS, not explicitly and clearly written.

You might ask, why? It is to lead those who are advanced and ready enough to this hidden information, for further development. This is also done to safeguard against the enemy finding anything they can to use against us.
ApolloAbove said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
I've seen you write this multiple times and somehow I doubt it. This is new information. Spiritual information. Of a reality that most people know nothing about. To an audience who knows nothing about it. Most people are either athiests or religious but know next to nothing about chakras, the souls or spirituality.

Maxine's goals would therefore be to be as clear as possible. She cannot and will not leave room for doubt. That's why she will not make something difficult to interpret or design this "IQ test" as you say. She needs this information to get out as fast as possible. There's no point wasting time by making things more complicated or vague or like a puzzle. Humanity needs to elevate fast. We are in the middle of a war. Wasting time on confusion is pointless. Sure, some things we need to figure out, but where affirmations are important, she has written them to be. That's why she's written about affirmations only on the material versions of the squares not spiritual. Because there's no point in using affirmations for general empowerment.

So this is just just your opinion and interpretation of JoS. Interesting opinion, but I do not share it.

Greetings Brother.

Henu is right, and what is shown on JoS is actually very base level. This is designed a certain way, and more advanced information is actually hidden within JoS, not explicitly and clearly written.

You might ask, why? It is to lead those who are advanced and ready enough to this hidden information, for further development. This is also done to safeguard against the enemy finding anything they can to use against us.

I don't see how using or not using affirmations is an "IQ test" or a form of "advanced information". Its a very simple and basic concept. Affirmations are used to obtain specific goals. And I'm just saying general empowering and obtaining specific things is different.
Also from https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html it literally states

Each of our chakras responds to and resonates within a certain pitch. One easy way we can find the right tone is going by feel. When we hit the right tone, we should be able to feel it in the chakra. This will cause the chakra to vibrate and release energy.

That's right, the moment you say "LLLLLAAAAAHHHHHUUUUMMMM" at the right tone/pitch, the base chakra will vibrate and release energy. This concept is no different from the physics concept of resonance where when you vibrate sound at the natural frequency of an object, it vibrates along with the sound too. I do not need to seperately affirm "My chakra is vibrating and releasing energy" -> this is absolutely pointless, the chakra is already vibrating and releasing energy.


The more you use something, the better you get at it, this is an universal law that applies to any skill.

Therefore repeated chanting of LAUM will undoubtedly strengthen the base chakra's power to release energy ie, make it stronger. And the same goes for the other chakras.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Also from https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Tuning.html it literally states

Each of our chakras responds to and resonates within a certain pitch. One easy way we can find the right tone is going by feel. When we hit the right tone, we should be able to feel it in the chakra. This will cause the chakra to vibrate and release energy.

That's right, the moment you say "LLLLLAAAAAHHHHHUUUUMMMM" at the right tone/pitch, the base chakra will vibrate and release energy. This concept is no different from the physics concept of resonance where when you vibrate sound at the natural frequency of an object, it vibrates along with the sound too. I do not need to seperately affirm "My chakra is vibrating and releasing energy" -> this is absolutely pointless, the chakra is already vibrating and releasing energy.


The more you use something, the better you get at it, this is an universal law that applies to any skill.

Therefore repeated chanting of LAUM will undoubtedly strengthen the base chakra's power to release energy ie, make it stronger. And the same goes for the other chakras.

The chakras contain all the imprints and negative events as well, and when just empowered mindlessly, this will empower the negative and the issues to come outside or happen much more faster.

That's why people advice you to use affirmations, for the positive conditioning of having empowered the positive aspects of the chakras. Some people for example can have big traumas from past life, or certain fated events, and these can be amplified without knowledge. False and destructive drives, false certanties, destructive emotions and so can get a platform of manifestation.

All of these negative things inside of us or what is not propely placed and so on must be corrected, ceased and purified. The proper path is to have all of this consciously enunciated in affirmations, as you are not an adept magus to will your reality just as simply yet. There are a lot of ways of doing magic, and without affirmations, you have to have certain qualities either grown or naturally born with.

I agree with you that the chakras contain traumas and dirt in them, and that when you chant a mantra for cleaning or empowering, those traumas and dirt tend to come out.

And that's the thing, you WILL feel worse off when you meditate, this is why we advise to go with lower reps and only what you can handle.

No affirmation, will help you "bypass" trauma, you need to feel worse before you feel better, but when you get better, you'll feel so much better. This is just what cleaning does, alongside empowering.

The only thing that helps is Void Meditation to ignore these negative thoughts and feelings as best as you can.

Thoughts are electrical impulses. When we revamp our bioelectricity, we stimulate areas of our minds that have been and are normally dormant. Kundalini can kick up old fears, unpleasant thoughts and all kinds of things that have been buried in our minds.

Void meditation and the ability to banish thoughts at will, is a definite help here, as negative thoughts serve no real purpose and tying into them is a waste of time, unless it is for a specific reason, as one wanting to deal with them. This is just a stage and will pass in time. Ignore any negative thoughts if they surface and they will go away.

The Phantom Stranger said:

I agree with you that the chakras contain traumas and dirt in them, and that when you chant a mantra for cleaning or empowering, those traumas and dirt tend to come out.

And that's the thing, you WILL feel worse off when you meditate, this is why we advise to go with lower reps and only what you can handle.

No affirmation, will help you "bypass" trauma, you need to feel worse before you feel better, but when you get better, you'll feel so much better. This is just what cleaning does, alongside empowering.

The only thing that helps is Void Meditation to ignore these negative thoughts and feelings as best as you can.

Thoughts are electrical impulses. When we revamp our bioelectricity, we stimulate areas of our minds that have been and are normally dormant. Kundalini can kick up old fears, unpleasant thoughts and all kinds of things that have been buried in our minds.

Void meditation and the ability to banish thoughts at will, is a definite help here, as negative thoughts serve no real purpose and tying into them is a waste of time, unless it is for a specific reason, as one wanting to deal with them. This is just a stage and will pass in time. Ignore any negative thoughts if they surface and they will go away.


No, read what you wrote.

Meditation will make you feel a lot better, as opposed to the stagnant and entropy nature of not doing it.

You are refering to the act of stiring up the dross in an uncontrollable, unsafe (without affirmations, without the right thoughts) manner. Fast and powerful. Basically if you have some smelly dirt on the floor and you let it sit for 10 years, it won't smell so bad anymore. You basically forgot about it. Yet when you get the floor washed this dirt will all of the sudden be smelling again, and will be nasty. In this thought, you said that in those 10 years you were better off without cleaning anything. Basically this here is the nature of ignorance, which is the silent killer. If it is silent, doesn't mean it doesn't affects negatively everything and if it becomes noisy, it doesn't mean it is worse, but just like the dogs bark and don't bite.

We have talked many times about these things, and that the attribute of being a warrior here is seen in need, tending to become strong and cleaning all of this shit out of you. Fighting with your lower nature and instiling the higher needed orders. The JoS also emphasised enormously that cleaning must be done first before any serious empowering because of exactly this.

But it is altogether wrong to say that meditation makes you worse because of the misunderstood nature of being unclean. It is an error of the logic. The act of meditation will never make you feel negative, but your approach to it will, definitely if it becomes corrupted away from the safe advised ways. This is why it is important to listen to the advice, regardless if it appears temporarily not logical or sensible towards you, people have in mind your safety and power.
The Phantom Stranger said:
I've seen you write this multiple times and somehow I doubt it. This is new information. Spiritual information. Of a reality that most people know nothing about. To an audience who knows nothing about it. Most people are either athiests or religious but know next to nothing about chakras, the souls or spirituality.

Maxine's goals would therefore be to be as clear as possible. She cannot and will not leave room for doubt. That's why she will not make something difficult to interpret or design this "IQ test" as you say. She needs this information to get out as fast as possible. There's no point wasting time by making things more complicated or vague or like a puzzle. Humanity needs to elevate fast. We are in the middle of a war. Wasting time on confusion is pointless. Sure, some things we need to figure out, but where affirmations are important, she has written them to be. That's why she's written about affirmations only on the material versions of the squares not spiritual. Because there's no point in using affirmations for general empowerment.

So this is just just your opinion and interpretation of JoS. Interesting opinion, but I do not share it.
Believe it or not, the way information is presented is very clear and simply put. If one can not grasp the information at hand, they have some maturation to do. That is the reality. Also, not everyone is privy to growing on this path, unfortunately, or 'unfortunately'. Those with lower consciousness unable to grow will stay that way despite coming across JoS.

Yes, information has to be pieced together by the initiate to become adept. That is how this path works. A base level is presented to an initiate, and the initiate is responsible for their growth, not the master. A master can guide (and they do), but it is not the master's responsibility alone. Master has their set of responsibilities, and initiates have their own set of responsibilities.

You can argue all you want, but it won't change the facts. That is all.
NakedPluto said:
The chakras contain all the imprints and negative events as well, and when just empowered mindlessly, this will empower the negative and the issues to come outside or happen much more faster. .

That's new to me. I've studied the site a lot but it never talked about that. Like on the chakra tuning, opening the soul and full chakra meditation pages all it says to do is vibrate the mantra into the chakra. I thought the chakras only do good for us. Doesn't cleaning chakras remove negativity from them? Why would divine mantras grow the negativity in a chakra? I thought affirmations were for workings, spells and rituals. Why didn't Maxine put that on the pages?

Does the affirmation have to be specific to the qualities of the chakra or can it be as general as "this mantra is empowering the positive qualities of my <insert chakra name>?"
Dhruv said:
NakedPluto said:
The chakras contain all the imprints and negative events as well, and when just empowered mindlessly, this will empower the negative and the issues to come outside or happen much more faster. .

That's new to me. I've studied the site a lot but it never talked about that. Like on the chakra tuning, opening the soul and full chakra meditation pages all it says to do is vibrate the mantra into the chakra. I thought the chakras only do good for us. Doesn't cleaning chakras remove negativity from them? Why would divine mantras grow the negativity in a chakra? I thought affirmations were for workings, spells and rituals. Why didn't Maxine put that on the pages?

Does the affirmation have to be specific to the qualities of the chakra or can it be as general as "this mantra is empowering the positive qualities of my <insert chakra name>?"

Just have positive intent as you already do. If you want to add affirmations this will make it more concentrated and amplified, that's all. Keep it simple.

Cleaning does that yes. What I referred to in the above specific context is that mindlessly empowering will bring out some things based on the karma and planetary map. Like having the mindset of empowering without cleaning, a lot , fast and powerful, you are bound to push against some walls.

What's on the site it is perfectly good. Empowerment in the way that it is expected should be however done in safe positive conditioning, always. It does not hurt to do things right. One it is opening and maintenance, another thing is to really empower something.

Chakras are not negative or any meditation or work on them in any way shape or form.
Dhruv said:
NakedPluto said:
The chakras contain all the imprints and negative events as well, and when just empowered mindlessly, this will empower the negative and the issues to come outside or happen much more faster. .

That's new to me. I've studied the site a lot but it never talked about that. Like on the chakra tuning, opening the soul and full chakra meditation pages all it says to do is vibrate the mantra into the chakra. I thought the chakras only do good for us. Doesn't cleaning chakras remove negativity from them? Why would divine mantras grow the negativity in a chakra? I thought affirmations were for workings, spells and rituals. Why didn't Maxine put that on the pages?

Does the affirmation have to be specific to the qualities of the chakra or can it be as general as "this mantra is empowering the positive qualities of my <insert chakra name>?"

I just want to add here: There are both negative and positive "karmic seeds" that is stored in the chakras for better or worse. This will unfold as an event in your present life when circumstances are in the right conditions, such as certain planetary alignments that matches these karmic seeds. Negative events and hardship in life is synonymous with low bio-electricity and negative dwelling. Daily meditation, Hatha and Kundalini Yoga works to amplify your overall energies, which makes it important to dwell on positive things, instead of negative things. This is why NakedPluto mentioned the part on 'mindlessly empowering something'. Without proper direction, that mindless empowerment may strengthen certain negative traits, or "seeds". Have you ever heard about the saying "You are what you Think" or "The mind is everything. What you think, you become."? This applies, as thoughts are of energy that can manifest into reality. This is why it is so important to clean the chakras and aura on a daily basis, including performing Aura of Protection daily. A positive mindset is crucial when advancing the soul, as well as keeping the energies high.

There are many more sources to read and learn about the chakras and the soul. The Meditation and Witchcraft section is not the only sites in JoS that contain highly and most valuable knowledge. I recommend that you explore the JoS more, and read through all of HPS Maxine's and HP Hooded Cobra's older and newer sermons.

Excerpt from HPS Maxine (link below):
"Before any occurrence, such as an oncoming illness, this shows up in the aura. For example, one about to become ill, will have a grayish tinge to his/her aura for anywhere from 1-4 days, depending upon the severity. The same goes for accidents and other unfortunate events- they can be seen in the aura several days before they occur. This does not only apply to negatives, but also with good things, as they appear in the aura as well, before they happen....

....Events are recorded within the chakras and stored there as what some term as 'seeds.' This is because they have not yet manifested....

....These seeds are dormant and it can be more than one lifetime before they blossom into actual events. There are things the average person isn't even aware of or why they do certain things. This is within the soul. When the conditions are right, the seeds blossom and then fated events occur....

....When our life energies are higher, things in our lives go much better. Kundalini meditation amplifies the energies, and must be done consistently to fix them at a higher level. When one's energies are low, this is the time problems manifest in the life, anywhere from illness to catastrophic bad luck in some cases.

Hatha and Kundalini yoga along with breathing exercises [breathing exercises fan the flames of the serpent] keep one's soul strong and protected. As I have mentioned again and again, when one's energies are amplified, one must think positive thoughts and dwell on positive things, as thoughts will tend to become reality much quicker, in this lifetime. Those with weaker/average souls, some negative thoughts, especially repeated ones remain upon the soul through lifetimes and then, manifest into reality."

Source; Fate and the Soul (page 8): https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Joy_of_Satan_2010_Sermons.pdf
Sermons from HPS Maxine: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SERMONS.html

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
