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Question #2886: how do these people have strong AOP??

AskSatanOperator said:
how do people who do NOT meditate or do any spiritual activities have a good AOP??

They don't.
Why did you come to this conclusion?
Do you mean a strong aura? Not aura of protection, but a naturally strong aura, as mentioned in the JoS.

A strong aura comes from physical exercise, being healthy and active, good genetics, and factors from past lives or hereditary.
It is as Lydia says. Top-ranking athletes have the best auras among NPCs, for example. That's why most people find them attractive. They naturally overpower them. If you don't find athletes more attractive than other NPCs you're a strong SS or one of the weakest NPCs who are fully brainwashed.
Stormblood said:
It is as Lydia says. Top-ranking athletes have the best auras among NPCs, for example. That's why most people find them attractive. They naturally overpower them. If you don't find athletes more attractive than other NPCs you're a strong SS or one of the weakest NPCs who are fully brainwashed.
That's a really dumb statement to make, there are so many more things that go into attractiveness than playing sports.
existentialcrisis said:
Stormblood said:
It is as Lydia says. Top-ranking athletes have the best auras among NPCs, for example. That's why most people find them attractive. They naturally overpower them. If you don't find athletes more attractive than other NPCs you're a strong SS or one of the weakest NPCs who are fully brainwashed.
That's a really dumb statement to make, there are so many more things that go into attractiveness than playing sports.
It is a fact that above-average athletes, and also some average athletes have stronger-than-average auras. Consequently, a strong aura is a contributing factor to attractiveness. What he said is anything but dumb whether you like this or not.
Henu the Great said:
existentialcrisis said:
Stormblood said:
It is as Lydia says. Top-ranking athletes have the best auras among NPCs, for example. That's why most people find them attractive. They naturally overpower them. If you don't find athletes more attractive than other NPCs you're a strong SS or one of the weakest NPCs who are fully brainwashed.
That's a really dumb statement to make, there are so many more things that go into attractiveness than playing sports.
It is a fact that above-average athletes, and also some average athletes have stronger-than-average auras. Consequently, a strong aura is a contributing factor to attractiveness. What he said is anything but dumb whether you like this or not.
Not the point of contention.
existentialcrisis said:
Stormblood said:
It is as Lydia says. Top-ranking athletes have the best auras among NPCs, for example. That's why most people find them attractive. They naturally overpower them. If you don't find athletes more attractive than other NPCs you're a strong SS or one of the weakest NPCs who are fully brainwashed.
That's a really dumb statement to make, there are so many more things that go into attractiveness than playing sports.

It's not about playing sports casually, but about the strong aura that comes from refining your body to a high level similar to advancing your soul to a high degree. Your aura is the primary factor of interaction with others. It's what makes other people notice you for better or worse... or not notice you at all. Any gut feeling about someone you came across is because your aura interacted with theirs. This interaction created residual energy that is interpreted in certain ways by your soul.

A weak aura naturally has a negligible impact on others. Weak bodies, weak minds, shallow emotions, weak souls... all make for weak auras, which is why most NPCs appear so anonymous to strong SS. You'd have to be forced to socially interact with them to notice they exist and form opinions about them. Strong auras notice each other without being forced, and they forced stronger opinions about each other such as strong attraction or strong repulsion.

It is natural to be attracted to power/strength of any kind (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, military, etc.) because power speaks of one's ability to achieve, protect, and so on. It also shows dedication in life. It shows growth. This is also why most NPCs become more and more unattractive as we advance. Their souls wither and the majority of the population is riddled with unhealthy bodies and mental illnesses, neither of which are attractive or desirable.

After top-ranking athletes and active military retire, most of them also wither as they start neglecting their bodies and often their minds too, losing attractiveness and powers. Advancement can be lost as easily as it's gained and that's true both physically and spiritually. Before joining the military, I was at certain levels of kundalini achievement I won't specify now. During my service, those levels of spiritual achievement were simply lost as I could no longer support the same levels of dedication. And it's taking a long time to recover everything up to that point.

The attractiveness of top-ranking athletes and active military is especially true for males, as they show a strong Mars side which is what most women are naturally attracted to in males. You cannot argue with nature. You can only follow her laws, which is what Spiritual Satanism is all about.

As SS, we have the incredible opportunity to develop all our planets rather than just a select few. However, it stands true that what will attract women to men is primarily a well-developed Mars side, secondarily the Sun side, and then everything else is just icing on the cake. What attracts most men to women is instead primarily a well-developed Moon side, secondarily Venus, then everything else is accessory. How you express desirable qualities is completely individual regardless of their strength and refinement.

The problem is the enemies lies, hides things and subverts. So you have a fragmented population that believes in many different things that are not in line with natural law. This is their level of brainwashing. No matter the level of social indoctrination, denying and rebelling against fundamental principles of the universe never bears any fruit.

Even in homosexual couples, you have this attraction to fundamental attributes of strength.
Antireligioso said:
The aura is a kind of electric field and also toroidal generated by the body, I seem to have read that the heart generates a powerful toroidal field, moreover the aura remains an emanation of internal energies that flow in the physical body, which flowing in the cells generate the aura. The aura protects the body even if you don't meditate and never meditate, because your consciousness loves (wants to live) your body and therefore, unconscious energies are generated that make sure that the first black magician is not enough to kill you with a curse. Then athletes, having more power in the chakras and body cells, have the most powerful and influential auras. For others who answer, training in nature (and in the universe) doesn't even exist, animals rely totally on their genetics, who has ever seen tigers do push-ups..... Nature for animals works by racial and genetic superiority. Training and hard work does not exist in nature. Animals live free unlike humans, especially whites, who are slaves in everything they do, from training to working, animals are free and rely totally on their most powerful genetics. At most they develop muscularly running to hunt and escape, this is the universe I'm sorry, the weaker races are eaten by the carnivores doing nothing... who have never done muscle workouts and don't even go to work, not even a minute of their lives... they just have their superior genetics... This is the universe, however white, go ahead with yours, you risk ending up like the grays! Because white people are always the worst when it comes to not understanding the universe and creating a farm of programmed bot biological machines
The most low IQ post of the week. You should stay out of here, and spread the cancer to websites that gather people who look to dumben themselves after a hard day's work.
Funniest shit I read all week :lol: :lol: :lol:
Whatever the message behind this post is, just cope and seethe kek. For more info, I suggest you read:
Antireligioso said:
This is the universe, however white, go ahead with yours, you risk ending up like the grays! Because white people are always the worst when it comes to not understanding the universe and creating a farm of programmed bot biological machines

You must be referring to the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, correct?

Not sure why you would even write this to begin with.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=469150 time=1698232809 user_id=21286]
Antireligioso said:
This is the universe, however white, go ahead with yours, you risk ending up like the grays! Because white people are always the worst when it comes to not understanding the universe and creating a farm of programmed bot biological machines

You must be referring to the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, correct?

Not sure why you would even write this to begin with.
A troll from the italian sub forum who moved to the english forum since his shit wasn't well taken there. Another one of his theories is that Satan is gehova.
Antireligioso said:
I thought that the spiritual Satanists had a superior intelligence, but you also get caught up in the slave masses, so I'm talking about modern humans, not brave Egyptian or Greek Spartan warriors. that they were the ancients and with the hell they went to do 8-17 in the factory.... A little free spirit?? What a zombie you are becoming, really! The universe and nature don't care about anything hard, training and work, only the penis is hard to reproduce in nature... Animals in the wild don't do anything. they are extremely strong without doing anything... The universe leaves everyone free to do what they want, only humans, especially whites, always demand programmed lives and continuous duties. The Jews eventually turned whites and all humans into working machines and wage serfs. I wanted to discuss why they took away our anti-gravity machines, but seeing the answers gave me to wonder if the Demons are really good. In fact, I might think that. Because you are ss then it is logical that your ideas and thoughts are influenced by extraterrestrial minds, influencing a group of Souls.... That is why it is useless for me to talk about anti-gravity machines and advanced technology taken away from humans, because you are the first ones who only expect work and duties from your human brothers. Instead of saying, fucking man, what a shitty life we have! You go over me, well done! Well, now I'm going to suspect all of you and even the Orion Gods...Ask yourself two questions. If I had a powerful anti-gravity machine, would I go where? To work the construction site? In the factory? These are the questions that the most advanced beings on the planet should be asking... No almost attacking me, because I'm writing to you that white people create farms of biological machines (think of the people who make 8 with sunrise and 17 with sunset, these are the humans and whites who work everything, to create bot lives).... To me, they are disgraceful. In addition, I consider a cancer only the lives wasted in working to stay in an apartment.... What is this a prison planet? Moreover, I would never have expected such a mentality even from Satanists, because never mind Catholics... Then I don't have to argue with you.... Because we are too different, I would be for extreme freedom, only on my own strength.... And I don't give a damn about disciplined lives, duties, work and hardness for nothing...

"Arbeit Macht Frei" Work sets you free, you should think about this statement.

Also animals train all there live to get better at what they do.
Antireligioso said:

If you were referring only to modern whites who are influenced by Jews, then why did you not say that, instead of attacking the entire race? Then you wonder why people get upset with you, because you speak in broadly insulting ways.

For all the shit you give white people, they sure do have prosperous nations. Maybe there is a balance between the lessons of Saturn and other aspects of freedom, rather than trying to turn this onto white people, SS, or the Gods, like you incorrectly do. Every element of reality can either be abused or advanced upon, including what represents hard work.

You are attacking myself and others based on these ideas in your head. Rather than conversing in a civil manner with myself, or the Gods on these topics you are clearly passionate about, you start saying I am zombie and do not care about my future, and other stuff you made up just to justify your own ideas in your head.
In none of my messages, I've never written such a thing, so cut it off with virtual lies, just to try to get me banned. I have never written these things about Jehovah. In fact, I have written that we live on a Jehovah's farm, while I have never written anything like this about Lucifer... In fact, for me it's very good at keeping souls safe in the underworld. instead Jehovah owes me karma, since they block my spine (through the Jews) and created mental illness on me, with Hebrew, Jehovah owes me: a spaceship (so they learn to block my ability to fly with the mind) / a flying scooter / and the free energy devices created by Tesla (to have energy in the middle of nowhere).... In the meantime, I am waiting for Jehovah! Never touch my soul and get sick just because of the alien evil of the reptilians!!
I didn't understand why only grey clones could walk around in a spaceship and humans could only work... It's not even fair! They are also disgusting beings who do horrible things, but they are much freer physically than humans. That's not fair... Fuck the hard work
Antireligioso said:
but they are much freer physically than humans.
No they are not.

They can feel a very limited section of feelings, if that. A truly miserable 'existence' based on a program on a chip that is planted in their bodies.

They do what their hive instructs them to do. No free will whatsoever exist for them.

No prospects of any sort for anything outside what the hive instructs.

Greys are made to fulfill simple tasks, and then recycled for a new batch to pick up where the previous left.

Compared to the above we are the most free thing in the universe.

But if your only gripe is that they can fly and use tech that we can not then I encourage you to get your ass off, stop whining and start growing to a direction where the same possibilities are enabled for future humanity.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Henu the Great said:
No they are not.

They can feel a very limited section of feelings, if that. A truly miserable 'existence' based on a program on a chip that is planted in their bodies.

They do what their hive instructs them to do. No free will whatsoever exist for them.

No prospects of any sort for anything outside what the hive instructs.

Greys are made to fulfill simple tasks, and then recycled for a new batch to pick up where the previous left.

Compared to the above we are the most free thing in the universe.

But if your only gripe is that they can fly and use tech that we can not then I encourage you to get your ass off, stop whining and start growing to a direction where the same possibilities are enabled for future humanity.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

I have a Jewish classmate and he really has no free thought. Or he does not have any personal thought. He always goes with what anybody else says, or just repeat somebodies opinion.

When he needs to choose something by himself he freeze and does something stupid, or choose unwisely.

I think his instructor retired :lol:
AFODO said:
I have a Jewish classmate and he really has no free thought. Or he does not have any personal thought. He always goes with what anybody else says, or just repeat somebodies opinion.

When he needs to choose something by himself he freeze and does something stupid, or choose unwisely.

I think his instructor retired :lol:
I was talking about greys since they are literally brain-chipped species.

But I would assume jews have a similar set of limitations as well, just not to the extent of greys. Sounds like your classmate is simply a case of idiot. Not every jew is an idiot, by the way.
AFODO said:
Henu the Great said:
No they are not.

They can feel a very limited section of feelings, if that. A truly miserable 'existence' based on a program on a chip that is planted in their bodies.

They do what their hive instructs them to do. No free will whatsoever exist for them.

No prospects of any sort for anything outside what the hive instructs.

Greys are made to fulfill simple tasks, and then recycled for a new batch to pick up where the previous left.

Compared to the above we are the most free thing in the universe.

But if your only gripe is that they can fly and use tech that we can not then I encourage you to get your ass off, stop whining and start growing to a direction where the same possibilities are enabled for future humanity.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

I have a Jewish classmate and he really has no free thought. Or he does not have any personal thought. He always goes with what anybody else says, or just repeat somebodies opinion.

When he needs to choose something by himself he freeze and does something stupid, or choose unwisely.

I think his instructor retired :lol:
I also saw this with the dumb jews. Since the dumb ones are much simpler it's easier to see some parts of their nature, like the hivemind tendencies and pathological behavior. The intelligent ones are just better at hiding it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
