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can Affirmations help to not negatively affected from cigarette?


New member
May 18, 2023
When I do aop, i Visualize shining brilliantly,Beautiful, white gold sun and i Affirmations it,
"I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way."
"This energy makes me live forever or Immortal"
will it Affirmations help i live forever?
or Will it help i live longer?
Is this good Affirmations?
and i want to do aop and Cleaning Aura to
my family and my grandmother, but
my grandmother have disease and various diseases
if i do aop to my grandmother,
Does it have a negative impact to me?
I read on the website that connect with sick people is negatively and dangerous
Can this be dangerous in aop too?
also It may be a silly question
I'm smoker and When I do aop, if i Affirmations "I am not negatively affected from cigarette",
Can this Affirmations help be not negatively affected from cigarette or less negatively affected by cigarette?
I know it's a very stupid question,
I've been smoking since I was in middle school,
Because cigarettes are my friend.
When I do aop, i Visualize shining brilliantly,Beautiful, white gold sun and i Affirmations it,
"I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way."
"This energy makes me live forever or Immortal"
will it Affirmations help i live forever?
or Will it help i live longer?
Is this good Affirmations?
and i want to do aop and Cleaning Aura to
my family and my grandmother, but
my grandmother have disease and various diseases
if i do aop to my grandmother,
Does it have a negative impact to me?
I read on the website that connect with sick people is negatively and dangerous
Can this be dangerous in aop too?
also It may be a silly question
I'm smoker and When I do aop, if i Affirmations "I am not negatively affected from cigarette",
Can this Affirmations help be not negatively affected from cigarette or less negatively affected by cigarette?
I know it's a very stupid question,
I've been smoking since I was in middle school,
Because cigarettes are my friend.
Your AOP affirmation is fine, but an AOP is not a working that gives you immortality. It may help you create better choices for your health and avoid harm, which indirectly supports longevity.

You can try and help sick people by the methods HPM has given, but make sure you clean yourself deeply after. Also, healing others takes tremendous energy, so do not be disappointed of you have little success.

Cigarettes are not your friend. They will kill you. No AOP will negate its effects. Quit as soon as you are able.
death will occour in someway sometime. it is faited unless you reach extremly higher levels. i guess that aop of years may protect you from unpleasent or early death. although death can manifest in countless ways i think we can at least die in peace with the help of the gods.

you affirming that your aop is protecting you in every way, so why include more affirmation and alter the energy pathways? just bring your attention to the goal when affirming that you protected in every way so it will more potent with your specific problem.

but what you should really do is get rid of ciggaretes. why would you not use munka to stop this bad habit? you can include affirmations that will reduce some withraw symptoms to some degree
mmmm-uuuu-nn-yahah-kahhhh -pick a good number of reps
"the enrgy of munyakah is making an end to any nicotin addiction in me in the best way for me" "now i am free from ciggaretes forever"
've been smoking since I was in middle school,
Because cigarettes are my friend.
Same problem for me, Stopping that is essential !

I also used the AOP to counter this and vibrated in the halo of light :
"Tabacco is disgusting, I hate tabacco, tabacco hurt me..."

It works, how it's disgusting and smell bad now ! but I continue to neurotically to smoke and I'm not proud now.
At least, something changed, and I must seriously restart to work on this problem and all turning around.

Addictions are mental health problems
I had been smoking since the 2011 and stopped this year April. I have stopped before but came back. Luckily for me, Father Satan kept on coming and He was always saying I hate it when you smoke...you have to stop this thing...when are you are you going to take care of yourself again?

One day I just put it down. And it's all thanks to the Gods. They'll help you. They will even give you the energy that you need to quit smoking. The craving will just disappear, mostly. you will then have to start jogging or doing some cardio to get your chest breathing but please don't smoke again, that makes you 100 times worse. you can't jog and smoke, that's extremely very very very bad for you.

You will have to fight the habit, the act of lighting it up and pulling coz almost half the time, its not about the cravings. You just smoking because you can. Unteach yourself that or put a barrier in your mind that stops you from smoking. My barrier (what I tell myself): "I am not sick in anyway. I am completely healthy in just about every single way. Father Satan has given me this healthy body...I will respect it!".

Go to Father Satan. Ask Him for His hand and Help....He is ever present to assist all who call upon Him in their time of need. He said These words Himself, in the Al-Jil. smoking is a serious addiction because of the mere act of doing it, its such a mundane unhealthy habit, it sort of becomes a part of who you are. The Gods can remove this from your mind. Just ask.

A secondary barrier: "I am healthy in every way... 95% of cancer patients are smokers. I am not smoking!"
you can do it too...say no!

Hail Father Satan!
I'm smoker and When I do aop, if i Affirmations "I am not negatively affected from cigarette",
Can this Affirmations help be not negatively affected from cigarette or less negatively affected by cigarette?
It seems this is a good sign. If you try to find a formal justification to smoking, like "my aop will prevent cancer/sickness to manifest", it means your unconscious - probably - already acknowledged the fact that smoking is very bad for both health and meditation. So you are trying to find a way to go on smoking, with some kind of tool like aop, that will not protect you that much.
My personal opinion is: you already chose to quit smoking, but this has not manifested yet. Also, this can be linked to some Planetary transits, for example to your Neptune that rules addictions. This transit, if any, might trigger a process of quitting cigarettes.
I don't remember the exact year, but I think I quitted smoking when uranus was aspecting my Neptune, as it was an abruodt end (smoking 20 cigarettes today, throwing away the box tomorrow and quitting forever). This happened 2 times, 2nd time was definitive.

In any case, breathing poisons 20 times per day, or so, is not in any way a good idea. I can be wrong but also fluoride is present among them.
It seems you've got your desired answers but I will add a few things as well.

Affirmations Advice

Take care with the affirmations and think before you settle with one, you got to understand it, it's a matter of perception. If you don't understand your affirmations in full then you might have problems.
"This energy makes me live forever or Immortal.
You got to choose just one ,which one would it be? Immortal or Forever? Also, you don't want to be immortal/forever in pain, do you ? That's why we add at the end of the affirmation "In the most positive ways for me"

You can either inspire energy and say the affirmation such as : I am powerful and always protected in the most positive ways for me.
If you want to protect someone just inspire energy into them and put a protection aura, while you inspire the energy you could say "X is always protected and safe in the most positive ways for him"
In regards of smoking just quit it , I don't think the Humans who become God's were smoking 30 cigars a day or at all, no point in finding ways of how to avoid the damage having a lesser damage , a damage is a damage and we all know smoking is bad.
Don't add to your affirmations " in every way" every way means anything and you can get fucked if not careful , ok?

tabacco hurt me
Don't say this on your affirmations , we already know smoking is dangerous and bad by adding this to your affirmation you will manifest bad thing happening to you because of the smoking manifesting the bad process sooner. Be careful.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
