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Question #2792: all I am LEFT is with ONLY tears and pain


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
The thing is I have always only done good to people ..I did not do any evil to anybody ..I have ONLY been in wrong places ,met wrong people despite I know this is NOT something I deserve ...why is my life screwing me like this ..why am I NOT able to be in right place and have all materialistic desires like other people of my age do ...People of my age many are living happy because they have all what they should for that age ..why AM I CURSED like this ??But the thing is I did NOT do anything evil to deserve such life??Why is my life always taking me to the VERY EXACT WRONG TURN ?Why is my life so against me??why are ONLY bad things happening to me ?Now many of u may say natal chart problem ,so does it mean there aint even a single good factor in my natal chart ..so is suicide the right option?
You are ignorant. And that is not an insult. You are the one who "ignores." You need to understand how the world around you works, and how you yourself "functions."

You need to seriously begin to study/understand Jos, and gain control of your own life/destiny. The reality we live in is not gardaland.

Gods still affirm today, that:
"He who is without knowledge is dead."
Yes you should look at your natal chart, and by the way enemy works so that negative aspects of it would be boosted.

Also yes, enemy curses us constantly every second.

You should build strong aura of protection, specifically from enemy, and general one at least…

Also you should advance and educate yourself in the first place, so you would be able to see crearly roots of the problems with the right knowledge, JoS have everything you need.

Cleaning from shit also adds to this, as what is programmed in to you, all negativity and curses finds expression until it is taken out.

Creating balance between elements, elements invocation plays very big role if not the basic one here also, so you would be able to control yourself and live fulfilled life. But for this one should be little advanced, this is not a game, and dangerous to work with elements.

Opening chakras, aligning them, heals manyof problems and centers oneself.

Alternate nostril breath for balancing nadis.

Hatha yoga, to dissolve blockages and balancing.

Meditation, void for managing emotions and thoughts, affirmations

Frtr for undoing curses from the enemy, this also acts as help for the Gods, and in return one gets help from them.

Offer your energies for Gods without asking anything, this is most rewarding, because they give same in return.

There is a lot of things you can choose, and everyone of them adds in what you want to achieve, in different ways.

But all in all this produces overall ultimate advancement.
AskSatanOperator said:
so is suicide the right option?

Further reading (take also time to understand what has been said):

Spiritual Satanism: On Suicide - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=19218

There are many people in this life who are beaten down and I understand people taking the way out with suicide, but most of the time, people haven't wronged anyone else but themselves. Most people who contemplate about suicide only do so about "Themselves" and lack of perceived expectations or experience into life. The perception is stuck in a very individualistic and egotistic mode.

If one expands past this thought, and they understand themselves as a living being that also belongs in a communion with the Gods, our people, our race, our mission in general, then one should understand that one is obligated to make the best use of life possible about themselves. And a chain cannot last if pieces choose to cut. However a chain becomes stronger when each piece of it helps the piece next to it with support, and this is why community is here. You don't even have to give a real name here, and you can explain to other brothers and sisters what is very wrong with your life, and they can help you...

...Provided you also want to help yourself.

When one becomes a Satanist, one is taken and lifted from the literal spiritual, mental, and in many cases physical swamp. If the swamp is not physical, then it's most of the times guaranteed to be a swamp in the two other levels. Even if one is really good and clear, they still have a lot of climbing to do.

People frequently come and say that they believe 'suicide' will solve anything. On inspection, for a person to be lead to the situation to be confronted with the choice of suicide, there is either fear, or mass problems, or both. If one has gotten 50 years in prison, or if one is absolutely on a situation where they are 200% stuck, maybe suicide can be a viable option. In Satanism, one will not get punished further as in Christianity if they "Suicide", but that doesn't mean this doesn't come coupled by a natural problem which is related to suicide.

Lack of understanding of spiritual laws makes many think that "suicide" will solve their problems and put them on a blank state. But that is absolutely wrong. By the laws of the universe such as the laws of the invisible light, beyond our basic perception, we have our mental, spiritual body. This unit just dislocates from the body after death. In this case, you will be the same as you are today, but on another 'dimension'. Many people upon death or when close to death they experience this 'drawing out' of the body, and those who suicide, just see their dead body there. And there comes the greatest regret from an action one cannot go back to.

However, when this is done, there is no going back, and one has to stay in the astral, potentially suffer or be lost, and cause further damnation to come unto themselves. This has nothing to do with external punishment, it's that one's constitution, even in astral form, will draw them to sources of negativity, self wallowing, and many ugly things. In many cases it can take decades until the planetary alignments, viable bodies, and so forth, become available, for one to reincarnate. One will be therefore stuck in this wallowing state which increases itself, and then one will reincarnate, and his life will merely "replay" over for better or for worse due to karmic flaws inherent in his spirit. Then, one may be locked in a situation where they again find themselves in the same loop.

To give a rough estimate of how long the above can take, it can be from any to 10, to 25 to 70 years, to a century. I know this may sound like too much, but yes, sometimes, conditions for reincarnation may take that long, and this is highly dependable on circumstances. The loop of these events in itself can last potentially hundreds of years throughout reincarnations. Now this is one path one can take with suicide. It's a really wasting process. Plus, you learn nothing from it at all. If anything it brings the soul closer to death. And despite of people who brush this off, nobody really wants 'death' for themselves in a full sense of the word.

One has to remember that keeping yourself alive is not only for your own sake, but also for the sake of higher goals and objectives that are shared with others. It's really disgraceful to abandon post when there are no real missiles coming in. You got to love yourself and your life, and if you do not love yourself, consider then others who are tied to you.

Most problems that people have can be solved within a span of 2 or 3 years, and we are talking to a very considerable extent. This includes lack of employment, job problems, lack of school or teaching experience, and all sorts of problems which most of the time get people under. During this time of 2 to 3 years, one can do workings to free the soul and proceed with these things.If you take in perspective the years it leads to get to total failure, 2-3 years of effort to advance is nothing. Then, you gain momentum and you can advance more and more. Think of this paralleled to meditation in a sense.

In extremely stubborn cases, these may need to be repeated for years, while also physical effort is maintained. The trick here is however that most people get depressed and more depressed by lack of growth, and this growth if it happens is quite motivational. At the end of this, one's confidence will be far more bolstered in their ability to survive, and potentially under any circumstances. Even if you believe there is no way out of most problems, there definitely is, but for some of these you will need to consult your GD (you do not need to hear them, just open your head up to the possibility of things being better and do your part to seek solutions).

The fundamental thing however that will keep your life in place is this: To have a hold of your mind, your thoughts, and your soul energies. Through this beginning you can achieve and correct 99% of problems that go on your way, merely through self realization and self control. If one attains this, then most problems you will be able to also solve if you put your mind to them. Most people also do not suffer so much from tragic external circumstances, just hard circumstances which have a very powerful effect on them because they do not silence their mind. This allows the growth of fear and insecurity. You are capable of solving your problems, and you can do it. What is necessary first is to set yourself in order.

Think of this like being very drunk and drinking some very powerful coffee, confusion to a wake up call. When you are in the mode of drunkenness, it may appear as if your life it gone and that you can only drink more. Drunkenness here can be made parallel to confusion. The more confusion goes, the more able you will be to lay down your plans and contain yourself in order to move forward. This is your black coffee here.

Satan values people who have resolve, and if you show this resolve, or at least try to summon it, he will help you. People who evoke the mercy of others as a habit, only to parasitize, or ask for a helping hand to draw others down, in the satisfaction of the rising of misery, are detestable.

Lastly, do not forget that the community is here to help with problems and support one another. We are a family for a very deep reason. Consult those who have move knowledge here in the forums, and those of you who are advancing and have moved past problems, turn back and extend your hand as the hand of the Gods was extended to you. This way everyone rises and we are empowering ourselves and our shared existence.

It's normal for sheep to endlessly cry, never fix anything, pointlessly wallow in the misery of their own choice to be sheep.

But as far as we are concerned, we can only get up, pack up as wolves and keep going. Your life can be improved, be in knowledge of that, and work towards this end. You have to initiate this by moving and getting up first and foremost. And keeping on the good track despite worry of failures.

And remember: You are a Satanist . One must keep this tightly in their mind. Satan helps his own.


Re: Question #441: Astrologically Doomed Satanists - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=417326#p417326

There is maximum hope for this type of people as the better you are at dealing with a harder hand, the stronger you will be compared to anyone else.

There is no chart in this world that totally disallows evolution. You can thwart anything "fate" has given you if you advance spiritually as the whole point of everyone is to rise above these influences. A Spiritual Satanist has many things in his arsenal to use.

There is no "better" or "perfect" chart in anyway, shape or form, and everyone has brutalizer aspects and bad aspects, if not natally, then through transits.


Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=417329#p417329

One must also trust in their journey: We are here to stop being automatons of fate and slaves, and to eventually learn through the application of the divine knowledge to become masterful of ourselves to the extent that it is possible.

That's the study and school of what we call "life". If one wasn't to learn from this, one wouldn't be here, let alone "return" again and again through reincarnation.

As far as life is concerned, we are all students until we move on. The reason one must never give up is that the Spiritual Satanist is the person who lends an ear to listen to life, and therefore, the more one tries to listen, eventually they will understand the music one needs to dance to in order to navigate their life in an ever advancing way.

Suicide, giving up, blowing one's self, victimhood status, perpetual fear, and all of these negative things, ought to be for the people who deny listening.

These are things for outsiders and those who do not understand the fundamental microcosmic and macrocosmic connection. For those who know, then you know, that you can fix your environment and your inner self, and transform.

They have nobody to go to, but you do, the Gods and the community. They have no knowledge, but you do, the JoS knowledge. They have no inner resolve, but you do, because you have your soul. One could go on and on.


To any Satanist, these "giving up" types of events should constitute transient changes where one pleasantly goes from being ignorant of life and overcoming it, to attaining the light of Lucifer and highlighting their own eternal path in which one walks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
