You mean this video?
That also what dogs do even on humans.
They don't penetrate the A-hole.
They know what comes out of it, why would they want to have it on their penis?
My childhoold friend about 5 years of age got a dog on his leg, humping it, he had to pull and drag his leg because the dog didn't let go. Sign of showing dominance.
Imagine taking humans, who have a much more complex mind and body, and equate their thoughts and actions to the actions that animals perform, and then somehow get to the conclusion that gay people are unnatural, their feelings are invalid, "in naychurrr it dont eggzist muh nigga" etc.
You cant base your judgements on one video only. I too have read my fair share of articles and videos, which tried to make it seem as if homosexuality and scatology are one, and it turned out to be nothing but xian propaganda, literal abrahamism at its finest.
At the end of the day, the only real reason anyone would try to make a thousand fallacies on why homosexuality is wrong, or something that it is not, has some really deep abrahamic fuckup programming in their brains, which needs to be sorted out if they want to live a jewtrix-free life.
I too have had my moments, where i truly doubted the spiritual authenticity of being a homosexual.
But you know what i did? I decided to actually meditate more consistently and seriously for the last 3 weeks, and i understood, that love and sexuality, is not sourced in pure anatomy and materialism, which is what most of these dung "claims"(logical fallacies) are anyways.
The sexual energy of the kundalini needs to be expressed PROPERLY, according to the nature of the individual. You cant force a butterfly to do a bee's job, no matter how much your inner little kike, which exists in all those who follow abrahamic filth, demands it.
Take a hike, PLEASE. If anything, it is these types of views that I see, that promote nothing but useless and needless intolerane and a reflection of self hate, of something that is extremely personal in the life of people, their literal sex lives.
Not to mention, most of the highschool male acquaintances that I had which had very strong anti- gay opinions and hated me for being one, were the same exact ones who did the most homoerotic shit ever. especially with me. Very few of them ever even looked at girls lol.
If a creature wishes to dominate another, it will do so using much more drastic means, which bring pain, and danger of death. Not sex. ( ruling out mental illnesses about sex, pedos, rapists etc.).