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Question #2348: Gay adoption


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Good evening, I'm a gay man and I wanted to have a child, through surrogacy or adoption, I saw some comments from people saying that this is not allowed and that the child would need the male and female energy of the parents, but how does this happen? Does the child "pick up" the energies of the parents? If a man has these energies balanced, couldn't he adopt a child? I think I'd be a good father
The most basic fact is that you have no idea how harmful this could be to the development of the child, and you don't care. You are fine with experimenting on the life of this person in an absolutely unnatural and most likely very harmful way, only because you are so personally selfish that you think the only thing that matters is what you want.

And I'm not arguing against you being gay. That is fine and is natural for a small percentage of people to be gay. But two men are not able to create a child, and two men are not able to care for a child. The child requires a mother, and it is absolutely cruel and evil to steal a child away from his or her mother just because you want to pretend to be a parent just to try to make yourself feel special. And the same thing about two women, a child requires a father too and it is cruel and evil for two women to steal a child away from his or her father.

If you have a good relationship with your mother, then you understand how important this is. And if you have a bad relationship with your mother, then you would understand even more how important this is because you feel the pain of not having as good of a mother as you should have had.

Don't work to severely damage the emotional and soul development of a child by removing the child from his or her parents. This harm would be more or less permanent and would require multiple generations to heal from. And you personally wanting to feel special or important is absolutely not a good enough reason to justify doing this type of harm to a child. If you and your boyfriend want to take care of something, you can get a dog and take care of that. The dog does not require a human mother and father and it doesn't care who it is with.
Ol argedco luciftias' is a good answer, and I would also like to add that humanity crosses the aeons and continues to exist thanks to generational change.

It is not acceptable to damage this chain just for pure selfishness, to feel special or whatever.

You can find deep fulfilment in other ways.
Please look at it from a broader perspective.
AFODO said:
Since being gay is not forbidden in Satanism, I think it's okay for a child to be raised with 2 male parents.

No, it is not right. A child needs a mother and father. Whether it's two gays or two brothers or two other types of men raising a child, it is very lackluster.

Any awareness of Astrology and soul mechanics should show why a child needs a mother and father. It isn't just about 'picking up energies' or superstitious nonsense it has to do with the proper way for a soul to evolve and the exoteric vs esoteric nature of father vs mother.
Karnonnos said:
AFODO said:
Since being gay is not forbidden in Satanism, I think it's okay for a child to be raised with 2 male parents.

No, it is not right. A child needs a mother and father. Whether it's two gays or two brothers or two other types of men raising a child, it is very lackluster.

Any awareness of Astrology and soul mechanics should show why a child needs a mother and father. It isn't just about 'picking up energies' or superstitious nonsense it has to do with the proper way for a soul to evolve and the exoteric vs esoteric nature of father vs mother.

Thank you for informing. I don't know how I was not aware of this.
This speech of the parents' energies is too vague, a child who is born from nothing without a soul built in past lives, will probably be very influenced by the energies of the parents also on the development of the personality, so it is not good at all that two gays adopt children, while children with old souls are very different and could even take revenge with anger and negative energies if his soul is heterosexual, and if you insist on adopting it as a gay, calculate that a child is much more childish than an adult, it is not said that I ever accept something like living with a gay couple, also the ancient souls are often a bit vampirized by the parents, especially if they are "NPCs" almost never vice versa that parents give energy, It really depends on the souls at stake if they are ancient or born yesterday. Better to leave the children to natural heterosexual couples

I'm a gay man too. and my answer is NO. because when we reach the adult level, we all have financial problems and many want to spend more time with our lovers. and no time to take care of the child. and that would be unhealthy. How will you explain certain things to the child?

A man who thinks that in the future I will accept a life with a child is an idiot. If he wants a lot of children, he can marry a woman and have a child together and then divorce and be with me, but I certainly wouldn't look after his child until puberty. yes I can love your child because babies are so cute but I never raise them.

babysitting maybe, but definitely not as a "Daddy" only as her/him father's lover and babysitter.
pimmlmag6 said:

With a writing style such as this, you are making us look like retards. I know you can speak in a more acceptable manner, so please do so, rather than using an obnoxious writing style as a means to get your point across. Anyone who was opposed to you would not be swayed based off this, but rather repulsed by what you wrote.

In regards to the body of your point, sexuality is complicated, as shown in astrology charts, and therefore we do not put excess limits on this, as long as health is maintained. This is a path of transformation, so there is a limit to assailing peoples' innate drives, as even if they are wrong, it takes effort to change.

People who are new to Satanism, yet attracted to growth, will attempt to employ rigid boundaries on their life as means for this, however the methodology is flawed: Transformation on a soul level is what must happen, not strange restrictions. Focus on meditation for the best results, always.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=460173 time=1693088455 user_id=21286]
pimmlmag6 said:

With a writing style such as this, you are making us look like retards. I know you can speak in a more acceptable manner, so please do so, rather than using an obnoxious writing style as a means to get your point across. Anyone who was opposed to you would not be swayed based off this, but rather repulsed by what you wrote.

In regards to the body of your point, sexuality is complicated, as shown in astrology charts, and therefore we do not put excess limits on this, as long as health is maintained. This is a path of transformation, so there is a limit to assailing peoples' innate drives, as even if they are wrong, it takes effort to change.

People who are new to Satanism, yet attracted to growth, will attempt to employ rigid boundaries on their life as means for this, however the methodology is flawed: Transformation on a soul level is what must happen, not strange restrictions. Focus on meditation for the best results, always.
I guess you are one of the moderators who allowed my comment pass through.
1. Thank you for letting me speak freely.
2. I should probably make a signature where i state "I'm not a Satanist", would you agree?
3. I have only read a small bit of JoS.
4. I got my kike hate (and libshit inventions like faggotism etc.) from "AHTGSNT" and "Europa the last battle" and more videos. If you want more videos which made me awake to the JQ (Jewish Question) i will have to check my hard drive to show you what i have seen. If you want to.
5. I love the free speech, i use disqus alot. Although it is a tiny bit censored. I can't say "kike" there or "faggots", they put these words on their ban list.
pimmlmag6 said:

We do our best to support free speech, but sometimes this is abused by people who intentionally try to make us look bad, or employ subversion against us. You won't be outright censored for swear words, but we hope you make a personal attempt at constructive discussions.

In regards to sexuality and LGBT affairs, these have been corrupted by Jews into terrible forms. Then, they stir the conservative side to attempt total destruction of these things. In other words, they set the Gentile population up for total failure on both sides.

For example, trans people only need medical care. In particular, they need help with their lower chakras, which rule identity and self-esteem. The solution to dysphoria is to help people feel comfortable in their own body, not change it. However, the Jew has abused this by claiming plastic surgery is the only solution, then they have weaponized the culture of trans people to be outright hostile to any other opinions.

So we do not hate people who are trans or gay, as we recognize that people in these communities are taught that it is good to be totally destructive towards themselves and others. Likewise, we caution against the conservative Christians who want to totally purge things, as this is not right either. In reality, we pursue the advancement of all areas of life.

If you are new, you can read:
A Summary of our Path
Third Reich and Satanism
Satanic Witchcraft

You had shown me a video of a masculinity challenge, but you should begin a spiritual challenge, which exists for 40 days of practice. Everyone goes to the gym, but only a tiny percent of the world practices spiritual advancement. Through here, you gain the attention of the Gods, who deeply desire for us to lift ourselves out of the degeneracy around us.

Start here: 40 Day Self Empowerment Program
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The most basic fact is that you have no idea how harmful this could be to the development of the child, and you don't care. You are fine with experimenting on the life of this person in an absolutely unnatural and most likely very harmful way, only because you are so personally selfish that you think the only thing that matters is what you want.

And I'm not arguing against you being gay. That is fine and is natural for a small percentage of people to be gay. But two men are not able to create a child, and two men are not able to care for a child. The child requires a mother, and it is absolutely cruel and evil to steal a child away from his or her mother just because you want to pretend to be a parent just to try to make yourself feel special. And the same thing about two women, a child requires a father too and it is cruel and evil for two women to steal a child away from his or her father.

If you have a good relationship with your mother, then you understand how important this is. And if you have a bad relationship with your mother, then you would understand even more how important this is because you feel the pain of not having as good of a mother as you should have had.

Don't work to severely damage the emotional and soul development of a child by removing the child from his or her parents. This harm would be more or less permanent and would require multiple generations to heal from. And you personally wanting to feel special or important is absolutely not a good enough reason to justify doing this type of harm to a child. If you and your boyfriend want to take care of something, you can get a dog and take care of that. The dog does not require a human mother and father and it doesn't care who it is with.

When we think with this logic, it should be forbidden for married couples to fight or divorce, right? Ultimately, it destroys the psychology of the child. they should not even drink alcohol in front of their children, and they should not allow their children to use television or the Internet. It's bad child psychology after all?
666t666 said:

This is enormously deeper than just psychology or bad influences. The entire structure of each person's soul is created from both masculine and feminine energies which come from both the father and the mother. Children who are missing either parent have an enormously higher chances of having mental problems, being criminals, using drugs, going to prison, not being able to get a good job, and almost every other problem you can think of. And these are just the effects of one parent being missing. This is not even including any other difficult situations like being with 2 gay men instead of being with a man and woman who could at least fill the role of parents.

Add in now both parents are missing, and the child is given to some gay people who are not parents at all, and these problems are amplified even further. Gay people who are not parents, and also have zero natural drive to act as parents because it is impossible for them to ever have children. It is not in their nature to have anything to do with any children. Then there is also the fact that even though gay adoption is only a very recent thing and been around for only a few years, there have already been several cases of 2 gay men adopting young boys and then molesting and raping them. I have seen the news reports about this already. The modern LGBT movement already is accepting of pedophiles, they call them MAP, Minor Attracted Persons. And they frequently degrade civilization to a point where pedophiles, rapists, and other criminals are given full support and allowance to do their crimes against innocent people. Like all of the men who have used Transgender as a fictional excuse to be naked together in places with naked females which is also including young children girls, because he says "I call myself a woman so I can go in the woman's locker room." And show his penis to young children girls.

And all of the gay activists putting books in children's schools with pornographic levels of detail of every kind of fetish you can imagine, and making these available to 6 year old children. One book that is available now in thousands of public elementary schools gives full graphic detail including pictures on how to do all types of sexual actions, how to do gay sex, and even describes how these young children can sign up for apps like Tinder and meet adults for sex. And this book is made available to Kindergarten students who are 6 years old. I am not lying about this, if you don't believe it then learn more about it and learn for yourself that this is true.

I have no patience for these subhuman pedophile jews working to subvert and erase civilization, take protections away from children, and make it easier for children to be raped and abused. I am not saying that all gay people are evil, but almost all of them give blind support to corporate and political organizations that are doing the absolute most evil things imaginable. Because they don't care to do research on what the truth is, they purposefully ignore what is being done, and they selfishly will go along with anything that has even the smallest promise of helping themselves. They are often hedonists who do not care about anything in the entire world except for themselves and their own emotions at that moment.

I can say it in a more honest way. At least 99.99% of all gay people who say they want to adopt a child, it is not for any true reason of actually being a parent or actually raising a child. It is only selfishly about only their own selves and their own ego and emotions of wanting to feel special. It is all about "Look at me, I am a mother too! I have children just like a real woman does!" In a desperate way to try to be something that they are not and something that they could never be. In the same way that a man splitting and inverting his penis in the most gruesome and grotesque way, for no other reason than as a physical prop to try to pretend he is something that he is not. The children are the exact same kind of prop, but even less of a risk to the man himself. He is not risking his own body, he is instead risking the mind, body, and soul of an innocent child instead of himself. This is the less evil possibility for what the motivations are for gay adoption, the more evil but also very common possibility is they are pedophiles and just want to rape them, which has already happened many times.
666t666 said:
When we think with this logic, it should be forbidden for married couples to fight or divorce, right? Ultimately, it destroys the psychology of the child. they should not even drink alcohol in front of their children, and they should not allow their children to use television or the Internet. It's bad child psychology after all?

The fighting and divorce should ideally be minimized as much as possible, yes. No one here (except the person hallucinating Simba and Mufasa having buttsex after their latest angel dust session) is glorifying failed, shitty and abusive heterosexual backgrounds for a child.

Parenthood is a skill that people learn through lifetimes. Motherhood is a unique skill and so is fatherhood. It is not a prerogative that should be esteemed in people just because they produced the child, nor is it something that comes remotely naturally for many ruined people under the enemy pigfarm (whether in 1323 or 2023), but a lot of the improvements that could be made and trends that could stop children suffering in sub-par environments are inaccessible. NS Germany was on the right track to mending this.

REGARDLESS - a biological parent of either sex is tied into anything spiritual and is not replaceable. The existence of shit, mediocre or animal-like people on this planet abusing any ability they have doesn't negate the ideal method to raise a child which is tied into the logic of procreation.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I can say it in a more honest way. At least 99.99% of all gay people who say they want to adopt a child, it is not for any true reason of actually being a parent or actually raising a child. It is only selfishly about only their own selves and their own ego and emotions of wanting to feel special. It is all about "Look at me, I am a mother too! I have children just like a real woman does!" In a desperate way to try to be something that they are not and something that they could never be. In the same way that a man splitting and inverting his penis in the most gruesome and grotesque way, for no other reason than as a physical prop to try to pretend he is something that he is not. The children are the exact same kind of prop, but even less of a risk to the man himself. He is not risking his own body, he is instead risking the mind, body, and soul of an innocent child instead of himself.

In my opinion, it's not really about being a tranny so much as lifetimes of not really wanting to be hitched to women by force or not being over the moon about it, yet being obliged to have families and having that instinct engraved somewhere. And then suddenly they come into a lifetime where they can be with men, and they identify as militant 'gay' because the release valve has been kicked off (I don't think most of them actually are gay, but truthfully bisexual), and then they believe they can have the cake and eat it too... ignoring what the role of a mother is.

If we use the reverse logic from the women as NAVY seals thread, men tend to underestimate what women of higher ability are or blank it out altogether. The amount of deranged trannies I've seen who for example wholeheartedly believe they can do 'woman things' better than any woman can is absurd. Even the infamous retard here named after an astronomical thing tried this routine in private it seems and convinced some guy offsite he was pregnant :?

By woman, I'm not talking about aboriginal australian female humanoids who eat their second child by custom here, but woman on the higher levels of any race, who is a spiritual being. As a MAN, you cannot be a mother like a woman of higher caliber can, period. And a woman cannot be a father of higher caliber either.

Single mothers (of the deliberate variety who are everywhere, especially in England and among black people in any diaspora they have), sperm donor/ivf abusing women and lesbians also have a habit of doing this, wanting to raise kids without men because they hate being around men. These ones also abuse their bodies to have kids at ridiculously young or old ages, like Naomi Campbell deciding have a baby at 53 and literally telling women 'this is possible if you want it'. This is appalling to say the least.

The consequences of the mentality of these idiots and dey babydaddys who provide sperm and vacate paternal responsibility altogether is dangerous. This is not to insult anyone here as I didn't grow up in the 'ideal' family setup either due to one parent being a pos, but you need two parents of each sex.
Homo/bisexuals are a minority of the population and are fine but they are not meant to have children. There are a number of single mothers and fathers out ther out there suddenly wanting to "explore" or saying that they are bisexual and looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend. These people are better off finding an opposite sex partner for the sake of their children. I am noticing also a number of people wanting to suddenly say they are homosexual just to be "in" with LGBT culture which is degenerate AF. There's a number of women I have talked to that make it clear they have full on or borderline misandryist views and use this as an excuse to pivot towards women.

These are not genuine homosexuals these are confused people who ignore that both sexes have their pros and cons and think that one is completely rotten over the other.
Have you never seen lions fuck on discovery channel?
It was always male and female.
You are the one who brings incest animal porn up.
That's your thought, not mine.
What a retarded way of organizing an argument. Go and watch a little more, you'll find yourself quickly proved wrong.
Good evening, I'm a gay man and I wanted to have a child, through surrogacy or adoption, I saw some comments from people saying that this is not allowed and that the child would need the male and female energy of the parents, but how does this happen? Does the child "pick up" the energies of the parents? If a man has these energies balanced, couldn't he adopt a child? I think I'd be a good father
I think that you can have a child without harming his psyche if you want to have children in a traditional sexual relationship (in a relationship with a woman), because there is a category of women who, for certain reasons, want to have children with gays and raise a child with a gay man, and not with a rude man (of course only in her head), or you can hide a homosexual relationship from a woman, but it will be unfair and immoral towards this woman, you can also create problems for a child, for example, if a woman finds out about it, that you are gay and do not like her (as a guy) and she decides to divorce and there will be a chance that the child will be left without a father with a single mother, which will also harm the child's psyche.

I think that if a gay man and a woman create a marriage of convenience and have children in this marriage, while both will make efforts to raise a child and so that the child does not have any problems (including with psychic!), then such a marriage is possible.

In any case, the topic of raising child of the gays is debatable, but I think in the future the SS will develop a unified position on this issue, but I really would like to know the position of the Gods on this issue!
In any case, the topic of raising child of the gays is debatable, but I think in the future the SS will develop a unified position on this issue, but I really would like to know the position of the Gods on this issue!
Most of them would be like: Male and Male -> both weak men and wannabe women -> you can hear their sickness when they talk, or see it when they walk. Boy ends up weak and feminized and high change to become gay himself through brainwashing, maybe even a selfmutilated transfreak before the age of 18 thanks to the OK of both feminized "fathers".
Daughter would probaly love both of them. She would see them as mothers.

2 lesbian mothers: Boy becomes a women hater because he got 2 wannabe-men as parents and they probably let him feel their dislike for his kind.
Daughter should be OK again, still got a higher chance of getting brainwashed and become a lesbian men-hater herself.
Most of them would be like: Male and Male -> both weak men and wannabe women -> you can hear their sickness when they talk, or see it when they walk. Boy ends up weak and feminized and high change to become gay himself through brainwashing, maybe even a selfmutilated transfreak before the age of 18 thanks to the OK of both feminized "fathers".
Daughter would probaly love both of them. She would see them as mothers.

2 lesbian mothers: Boy becomes a women hater because he got 2 wannabe-men as parents and they probably let him feel their dislike for his kind.
Daughter should be OK again, still got a higher chance of getting brainwashed and become a lesbian men-hater herself.
I agree with you, but there are nuances that I see will eventually be clarified by the Gods, or the High Priests.
You mean this video?
That also what dogs do even on humans.
They don't penetrate the A-hole.
They know what comes out of it, why would they want to have it on their penis?
My childhoold friend about 5 years of age got a dog on his leg, humping it, he had to pull and drag his leg because the dog didn't let go. Sign of showing dominance.
Imagine taking humans, who have a much more complex mind and body, and equate their thoughts and actions to the actions that animals perform, and then somehow get to the conclusion that gay people are unnatural, their feelings are invalid, "in naychurrr it dont eggzist muh nigga" etc.

You cant base your judgements on one video only. I too have read my fair share of articles and videos, which tried to make it seem as if homosexuality and scatology are one, and it turned out to be nothing but xian propaganda, literal abrahamism at its finest.

At the end of the day, the only real reason anyone would try to make a thousand fallacies on why homosexuality is wrong, or something that it is not, has some really deep abrahamic fuckup programming in their brains, which needs to be sorted out if they want to live a jewtrix-free life.

I too have had my moments, where i truly doubted the spiritual authenticity of being a homosexual.
But you know what i did? I decided to actually meditate more consistently and seriously for the last 3 weeks, and i understood, that love and sexuality, is not sourced in pure anatomy and materialism, which is what most of these dung "claims"(logical fallacies) are anyways.

The sexual energy of the kundalini needs to be expressed PROPERLY, according to the nature of the individual. You cant force a butterfly to do a bee's job, no matter how much your inner little kike, which exists in all those who follow abrahamic filth, demands it.

Take a hike, PLEASE. If anything, it is these types of views that I see, that promote nothing but useless and needless intolerane and a reflection of self hate, of something that is extremely personal in the life of people, their literal sex lives.

Not to mention, most of the highschool male acquaintances that I had which had very strong anti- gay opinions and hated me for being one, were the same exact ones who did the most homoerotic shit ever. especially with me. Very few of them ever even looked at girls lol.



If a creature wishes to dominate another, it will do so using much more drastic means, which bring pain, and danger of death. Not sex. ( ruling out mental illnesses about sex, pedos, rapists etc.).
Gay people who are not parents, and also have zero natural drive to act as parents because it is impossible for them to ever have children. It is not in their nature to have anything to do with any children.
Homo/bisexuals are a minority of the population and are fine but they are not meant to have children. There are a number of single mothers and fathers out ther out there suddenly wanting to "explore" or saying that they are bisexual and looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend. These people are better off finding an opposite sex partner for the sake of their children. I am noticing also a number of people wanting to suddenly say they are homosexual just to be "in" with LGBT culture which is degenerate AF. There's a number of women I have talked to that make it clear they have full on or borderline misandryist views and use this as an excuse to pivot towards women.

These are not genuine homosexuals these are confused people who ignore that both sexes have their pros and cons and think that one is completely rotten over the other.
I am interested by this idea. As a lesbian, who has never wanted children, nor to have anything to do with them whatsoever, I had always felt guilty about this.
Homo/bisexuals are a minority of the population and are fine but they are not meant to have children. There are a number of single mothers and fathers out ther out there suddenly wanting to "explore" or saying that they are bisexual and looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend. These people are better off finding an opposite sex partner for the sake of their children. I am noticing also a number of people wanting to suddenly say they are homosexual just to be "in" with LGBT culture which is degenerate AF. There's a number of women I have talked to that make it clear they have full on or borderline misandryist views and use this as an excuse to pivot towards women.

These are not genuine homosexuals these are confused people who ignore that both sexes have their pros and cons and think that one is completely rotten over the other.
I think Bisexual Women getting married to men is certainly fine. Also a Bisexual Man with a woman. Because the child has both the Father and Mother in the house
Good evening, I'm a gay man and I wanted to have a child, through surrogacy or adoption, I saw some comments from people saying that this is not allowed and that the child would need the male and female energy of the parents, but how does this happen? Does the child "pick up" the energies of the parents? If a man has these energies balanced, couldn't he adopt a child? I think I'd be a good father
What you can do is adopt a homeless youth from Foster care and raise him to be a good,productive member of society. I remember some High priest saying such a function was served by Homosexuals in times past.
I think Bisexual Women getting married to men is certainly fine. Also a Bisexual Man with a woman. Because the child has both the Father and Mother in the house
This is also fine of course since men and women naturally can create a child. A homosexual couple cannot. As long as the couple is monogamous.
I am interested by this idea. As a lesbian, who has never wanted children, nor to have anything to do with them whatsoever, I had always felt guilty about this.
You don't have to. Some people aren't meant to have children but can play other roles in society and life. Many people that shouldn't have children do.

Definitely wouldn't mind a cute femme that doesn't want kids. Cats 😸
This is also fine of course since men and women naturally can create a child. A homosexual couple cannot. As long as the couple is monogamous.
Historically Generals and Men with excess resources had multiple wives so i don't think Monogamy is a requirement here. Most of the Men in the West are average and are unable to live a prosperous life by themselves ,much less provide for a Woman and Women are increasingly taking on the burden of working and still living a difficult life. They are finding Men to be Economically Unattractive ,which is not unreasonable given this economy. To abate this issue the men who are making millions ,who are a very small minority should take multiple wives and greatly increase the population by creating lots of children and at the same time providing for these women. Alexanders Father ,Philip notably had 10 wives.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
