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Question #1951: I'm so fucking done.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Disclaimer, HUGE RANT full of negative emotions.

Literally all throughout my life I have been nothing but a fucking pussy of a male with huge anger issues and inferiority complexes. I was bullied non stop from childhood by literally everyone. Was constantly humiliated for my femininity as a child. Never could grasp what masculinity even was and I'm always so fucking jealous of other men for having that. I have never tried to purposely let out my weakness parade in front of others as a homosexual, unlike those lgbt weirdos.

I asked for a possible demon to be with me from Father in a ritual, and the night after, I very vividly was in the astral and saw a blond man with blue eyes smiling at me, with a very shiny aura.

Well guess what a fucking year has passed and no matter how fucking hard I try to keep up with my meditations I always fail. Either I have no energy or life gets in the way. And btw the so called demon never even reached out to me and I heavily suspect it was just an enemy thoughtform or illusion, masquerading as one, with the gods not giving a fuck as usual.

I think the gods are too busy to care about me and my little human problems and just think that yea we gave humans the tools, they have to go through their own pains alone etc.. since it's kinda the same attitude many people here have.

I dont even know where to put my belief or faith anymore. I'm just so tired and done. I wish I had not even been created on the astral. I wish I could just dissipate, only to not be alive with so much shitty karma.

I literally can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. I do not like the way I look and I absolutely blame all my physical genetic bullshit diseases, ugliness and shortcomings on my fucking parents and especially my disgusting father who abused me all the time and is so filthy I just wish he was dead.

No matter what I do I just can't ever feel enough.

I have went to the gym consistently multiple times but no matter what the fuck I did I never felt any better about myself or more confident. I've always been a pushover.

I honestly don't even think the gods give a damn.

I've tried every fucking meditation. For months on end. Not a single damn thing has changed.

Honestly if you all see what my birth chart is like, you'd be absolutely disturbed at certain points.

I dont even know why I'm writing this. I barely even know who I am or what existence as a human even means anymore.

I've reached a point where only having the physical tangible things that I need will make me happy. But apparently I can't have them without enduring some more fucking massive backfire and no results.

Everyone judges me and hates me. If my parents weren't alive I would be incompetent enough to die right on the spot.

I dont understand how I'm supposed to help myself on my own according to the philosophy presented here, when I barely can exist for a moment without feeling hypersensitive over everything. And I can't operate or function properly.

I just wish I could see and talk to a god for one time so that I know that I'm not just another cannon fodder or straight up delusional, thinking that there's an actual value placed rather than being simply neglected bevause of my inferiority. I have had experiences of course, but honestly the highlight of them all was the "demon companion".

I want to be who I desire, have what I want.... but it just looks like I can't. Life is such a bitch she always slams me hard right into the concrete the moment she sees me bat an eye even.


It's just so sad when you think about it.

Reply if you want, or don't.

I'm exhausted from all this so called life I have been living. It's just not worth it. Living.

Every moment is suffering.
I wish I was just dead. Rather than a bug stuck in the rug.
Brother, please stay calm.

These attacks that you suffer both on your masculinity, as well as on your social life in general, are seriously weighing on you and warping some of your opinions here. Until solutions can be implemented, you must make up your mind not to crack under this sort of karmic pressure.

Saturn aspects to Mars can make someone feel like they are isolated and can only rely on themselves, which is a compensation for the attacks they feel on their masculinity and how this influences feeling of power and agency.

Going the gym is good, but the problem lies within the fire energies of your soul, as it is likely both your Sun and Mars are afflicted here.

Although you describe your meditation efforts as unstable, there is still some progress if you have had months of trying.
Why do you think you will have a massive backfire if you attempt to resolve your problems? It is nothing you cannot handle, if that is what you are concerned about.

To defeat any karmic backfires, you must employ strong cleaning and general protective energies, plus your own endurance to keep pushing the working forward regardless of what may happen.

If you wish to enhance your masculinity, you should choose runes like Thurisaz. Start this on related moon signs like the upcoming Leo or Scorpio moons. Pick a decent, but comfortable number to chant, like x40 or x80, then affirm this to enhance either your Masculinity or Martian energies, in a very positive way for you. See and know that is has burnt into your soul new and positive creations pertaining to your Martian energies.

Do this for many days, even 120 if necessary, although results should be felt much sooner.

Remember that fire energy restores confidence, gives vitality and health, power and personal agency. This addresses many of the issues you describe here. You said you did many meditations, but have you done a full working for this problem? Try the above. There is always a solution to everything.
Additionally read this:


You can overcome anything, remember that.
Someone who overcome the most problems in the worst situation will be the strongest. Keep in touch with the gods, and prove them that you are able to maintain your advancement. Keeping touch with the gods do not mean praying them for solutions one time and that's all. If you do Satan's ritual every monday or sometimes the RTR which will help you too significantly, thats enough. If you have a specific problem, that you cannot overcome and drive you insane, you can pray to the gods, but don't stop with the RTRs and god rituals. I think you will have 40minutes per week for that, really not a big thing.

You can also sacrifice the energy that comes from your orgasm.
This is a easy way to give back something to the gods.

If you give something back you will eventually experience their help more. I'm sure they have helped you but you can't see it.
Hyperactive Melon said:
I feel you it's life life is pain that's the truth pain which only ends after death it's a punishment for us but the best part is it will end one day and that too without extreme pain like in suicide a lot of people are suffering and some even killed themselves but that will not free you the pain will only burn your karma embrace it love it it's your best friend not the gods...
Pain does not end after physical death, nor will it go away on its own.
Feeling sorry for oneself does not burn karma.

As for "embrace it love it",
Overcoming Obstacles - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
  • Detach yourself from the disease/illness.
    You have to be 100% that you don't want it, and you certainly don't need it. I have read in New Age books where scum of the toilet authors tell readers to "love their disease". THAT IS THE MOST SUICIDAL ADVICE THERE IS!!
    I am appalled at how those idiot fools with their xianized, corrupted, and desecrated "witchcraft" put limitation after limitation in their way and train others to do so because of downright FEAR and STUPIDITY! THAT IS SICK!!
    As for "karma", ALL karma can be overcome through KNOWLEDGE and the APPLICATION OF THAT KNOWLEDGE!
    Satan gives us that very knowledge.

Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods - HP. Hoodedcobra666
You are irrelevant if you make yourself irrelevant, and if you treat your life in an irrelevant manner, then this is what it will be. If you decide to make your own life relevant, and treat your existence as a movement towards the Gods, then your mindset will automatically starting to change.
Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them - HP. Hoodedcobra666

If you have nothing helpful to say, be quiet. You are helping no one.
Hyperactive Melon said:
I feel you it's life life is pain that's the truth pain which only ends after death it's a punishment for us but the best part is it will end one day and that too without extreme pain like in suicide a lot of people are suffering and some even killed themselves but that will not free you the pain will only burn your karma embrace it love it it's your best friend not the gods...
What are you on about? Take a chill pill and learn a fact or two about the Gods and what karma truly is instead of typing this nonsense.

Hyperactive Melon said:
What about people who are paralysed or im coma or suffer from genetic disorders no amount of meditation or yoga will fix that and thats the truth
To put it shortly, we have fallen and as a result, many ailments come as a consequence. To reverse this situation the more people rise and reconnect with the Gods, the better the life gets for everyone.
Hyperactive Melon said:

We could say the exact same thing to you. Don't you understand this? For you to be so insulting, hostile, and arrogant after having your views challenged shows that you have problems interacting with other people. This is also the opposite of your advice, which you just got done telling us pain is good, but then someone creates a small frustration in you and you explode.

HPS Maxine has many verifiable meditations, plus you can ask Gods about her, as she herself urges you to do. Yet you wish to believe random hippies who tell you that damaging your soul actually helps it, which is just a braindead corruption of the enemy.

Arrogantly refusing to listen to other people, especially those who have brought us massive amounts of free research, only hurts yourself. Hierarchy is normal within human society and life, and this should be used to everyone's benefit, not ignored.

Yes, we have to endure pain, but this is much different from embracing pain. It is a massive difference actually, because pain should decrease as we advance, not increase.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Korpi said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I feel you it's life life is pain that's the truth pain which only ends after death it's a punishment for us but the best part is it will end one day and that too without extreme pain like in suicide a lot of people are suffering and some even killed themselves but that will not free you the pain will only burn your karma embrace it love it it's your best friend not the gods...
Pain does not end after physical death, nor will it go away on its own.
Feeling sorry for oneself does not burn karma.

As for "embrace it love it",
Overcoming Obstacles - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
  • Detach yourself from the disease/illness.
    You have to be 100% that you don't want it, and you certainly don't need it. I have read in New Age books where scum of the toilet authors tell readers to "love their disease". THAT IS THE MOST SUICIDAL ADVICE THERE IS!!
    I am appalled at how those idiot fools with their xianized, corrupted, and desecrated "witchcraft" put limitation after limitation in their way and train others to do so because of downright FEAR and STUPIDITY! THAT IS SICK!!
    As for "karma", ALL karma can be overcome through KNOWLEDGE and the APPLICATION OF THAT KNOWLEDGE!
    Satan gives us that very knowledge.

Fostering The Satanic Mentality: Your Actions and The Gods - HP. Hoodedcobra666
You are irrelevant if you make yourself irrelevant, and if you treat your life in an irrelevant manner, then this is what it will be. If you decide to make your own life relevant, and treat your existence as a movement towards the Gods, then your mindset will automatically starting to change.
Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them - HP. Hoodedcobra666

If you have nothing helpful to say, be quiet. You are helping no one.
You listen to a woman whereas I listen to my soul there is a difference you people are blindly following people on the internet like a cult and then you have no proof for your beliefs this is not how life works buddy when you have proof that these people are in contact with god's then I'll listen till you till then YOU be quite
No intelligent person would be inside of a cult where nothing gets better and you keep following an authority figure and just constantly have no improvement in your life.

This is not Christianity or Islam where you're told to suffer and that suffering is actually good and that you have to constantly repent for things you didn't do.

We follow this path because of experiential experiences. Meaning whatever we were promised in mediation, has worked.

My Witchcraft spells have worked. I have seen Colors ,Light and then visions as described sequentials in the mediation page. I have felt the soul when Astral Projection happens and how it feels. I have actually seen Daemons after Rituals in trance. I have actually heard Astral Voices and how different they sound from voices in the head. My life has objectively gotten better through my magickal workings.

Our experiences are our proof. We do not follow. We see.

We are not weaklings. We have been given the resources to help ourselves. And the strong rise up through this.

If you do not have the capacity to dedicate your time consistently to something and have success, that means you do not have control over your own mind. You have been enslaved by your own impulses. Every Karmic pattern can be removed and Astrological influences can be tamed. Destiny can be changed through the power of vibration because I have done it myself.

We don't have the need for Mommy to take care of us. We are men and we can take care of ourselves.

Being a Satanist is not being one of the cattle. It is something that makes one rise above his circumstances.

What kind of a pathetic excuse of a man is one who has all the resources of the world, and still refuses to act and fucks his life up on his own volition.

That is not the fault of the Gods. That is your own fault for being a worthless retard.

Why do some people thrive and some people get progressively worse ? The answer lies within - Their ownselves. Not anything external.

Also if Nothing you do in Satanism ever works and you might be going insane - the probable answer is that you're just a Jew and the Gods hate Jews. That could be the answer for certain cases.
Hyperactive Melon said:
but it's the truth and if I'm a Jew and god hates me I'm proud to be a jew because my god makes sense and is the fact that god DOESN'T EXIST WAKE UP IF HE WAS REAL THERE WOULD BE NO RAPE NO MURDER THINK ABOUT IT

You have the mind of a small child in regards to your naivety here, yet you claim to have your Kundalini risen. You speak of bliss, yet everyone can see you spazzing out behind the computer, claiming your life is going to shit, and attacking the Gods because of it.

Which "god" do you follow? You are basically an enemy to us, at this point.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454854 time=1690075987 user_id=21286]
Hyperactive Melon said:
You listen to a woman whereas I listen to my soul there is a difference you people are blindly following people on the internet like a cult and then you have no proof for your beliefs this is not how life works buddy when you have proof that these people are in contact with god's then I'll listen till you till then YOU be quite

We could say the exact same thing to you. Don't you understand this? For you to be so insulting, hostile, and arrogant after having your views challenged shows that you have problems interacting with other people. This is also the opposite of your advice, which you just got done telling us pain is good, but then someone creates a small frustration in you and you explode.

HPS Maxine has many verifiable meditations, plus you can ask Gods about her, as she herself urges you to do. Yet you wish to believe random hippies who tell you that damaging your soul actually helps it, which is just a braindead corruption of the enemy.

Arrogantly refusing to listen to other people, especially those who have brought us massive amounts of free research, only hurts yourself. Hierarchy is normal within human society and life, and this should be used to everyone's benefit, not ignored.

Yes, we have to endure pain, but this is much different from embracing pain. It is a massive difference actually, because pain should decrease as we advance, not increase.
I will answer all you questions today one by one
1.im not telling you to listen to me I'm asking you people to listen to you inner self
2.I am not imposing my views you are the people who hate a race of humans just because one Person believed so
3.pain is never good but ITS A FACT OF LIFE no one can avert cancer pains no one can stop labour birth pain PAIN IS A PART OF A HUMAN EXPERIENCE SO TO EMBRACE AND WORK FROM IT WILL MAKE US GROW never have i said its good but it IS NECESSARY PAIN IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM If you are wise that enough to understand
4 explode ? You people don't even tickle me I feel pity for you people why would I feel hurt from you you have never experienced the true bliss of kundalini which I was born with and lost at 18 years of age YES I HAD A RISEN SERPENT FOR 18 YEARS one which you will never know of
6.with the Last point I agree with but god forbid if you suffer an accident WILL YOU BE ABLE TO STOP THE PAIN WILL YOUR GODS DAVE YOU THEN?
No one cares. Now go away and live in sadness and weep. No one cares.
Hyperactive Melon said:
2.I am not imposing my views you are the people who hate a race of humans just because one Person believed so

Your goy slave already tried this in another thread. Here's a great reply to that idiotic statement of yours:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews are excluded because I just woke up the other day and decided I don't like them, that's basically it. They have a wonderful history and have certainly done nothing to warrant that they shouldn't be members of Paganism or something, which they kind of managed to try to wipe from the earth.

Strange things right?
Hyperactive Melon said:

You've been a broken failure for years. This is plainly obvious to anybody who has ever read any of your comments. How could you pretend to be better than anybody? It is a joke.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:

You've been a broken failure for years. This is plainly obvious to anybody who has ever read any of your comments. How could you pretend to be better than anybody? It is a joke.
Fuck off bitch nobody's a failure you don't even know me you are just trying to repair your broken ego fucktards
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:

You've been a broken failure for years. This is plainly obvious to anybody who has ever read any of your comments. How could you pretend to be better than anybody? It is a joke.
And please let me know what the fuck you have done in life I'm pretty sure you're not some rich motherfucker enjoying life
Hyperactive Melon said:
General Yeager said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I will answer all you questions today one by one
1.im not telling you to listen to me I'm asking you people to listen to you inner self
2.I am not imposing my views you are the people who hate a race of humans just because one Person believed so
3.pain is never good but ITS A FACT OF LIFE no one can avert cancer pains no one can stop labour birth pain PAIN IS A PART OF A HUMAN EXPERIENCE SO TO EMBRACE AND WORK FROM IT WILL MAKE US GROW never have i said its good but it IS NECESSARY PAIN IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM If you are wise that enough to understand
4 explode ? You people don't even tickle me I feel pity for you people why would I feel hurt from you you have never experienced the true bliss of kundalini which I was born with and lost at 18 years of age YES I HAD A RISEN SERPENT FOR 18 YEARS one which you will never know of
6.with the Last point I agree with but god forbid if you suffer an accident WILL YOU BE ABLE TO STOP THE PAIN WILL YOUR GODS DAVE YOU THEN?
No one cares. Now go away and live in sadness and weep. No one cares.
I know no one cares if you guys did then you would not have been supporting a genocidal maniac killing people just because they are not of your pure Aryan race this is sickening and trust me brother I don't give a flying fuck about the shit you say you think I'm intimidated by a little fuck like you GENERAL YEAGER OMG HES SO POWERFUL WHAT A GOD fuck that shit fuck your god fuck satan and most importantly fuck yourself and shove up Hitler's small cock up your ass dumbass nazi bitch
Remember you're schizophrenic and you admitted to that.
Hyperactive Melon said:
General Yeager said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I will answer all you questions today one by one
1.im not telling you to listen to me I'm asking you people to listen to you inner self
2.I am not imposing my views you are the people who hate a race of humans just because one Person believed so
3.pain is never good but ITS A FACT OF LIFE no one can avert cancer pains no one can stop labour birth pain PAIN IS A PART OF A HUMAN EXPERIENCE SO TO EMBRACE AND WORK FROM IT WILL MAKE US GROW never have i said its good but it IS NECESSARY PAIN IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM If you are wise that enough to understand
4 explode ? You people don't even tickle me I feel pity for you people why would I feel hurt from you you have never experienced the true bliss of kundalini which I was born with and lost at 18 years of age YES I HAD A RISEN SERPENT FOR 18 YEARS one which you will never know of
6.with the Last point I agree with but god forbid if you suffer an accident WILL YOU BE ABLE TO STOP THE PAIN WILL YOUR GODS DAVE YOU THEN?
No one cares. Now go away and live in sadness and weep. No one cares.
I know no one cares if you guys did then you would not have been supporting a genocidal maniac killing people just because they are not of your pure Aryan race this is sickening and trust me brother I don't give a flying fuck about the shit you say you think I'm intimidated by a little fuck like you GENERAL YEAGER OMG HES SO POWERFUL WHAT A GOD fuck that shit fuck your god fuck satan and most importantly fuck yourself and shove up Hitler's small cock up your ass dumbass nazi bitch

Oh Don't panic Jew. It's fine. Its all fun and games right now. We still have 75 years on this century. Wanna bet if your desert state lives to 2040 ? And any of your kind lives to see the end of the Century ?

All of your Fates are locked. People often think in linear times oblivious to how society functions. You thought people loved Jews and they're all guilty of the Holocaust and so so sad.

You don't know the youth and how a large percentage of them hate jews. What would happen if suddenly all laws are gone. There is no military, no judiciary to protect your so called rights.

The people who will lead society in the next stage of history will hate the jews. And you will see when you won't have these artificial systems protecting you.

You Jews can choose to put up a valiant fight. But we all know that's not in your nature.

When you're being rounded up you'll rat each other out which is why we'll catch each and every one of you.

No where in this world will be safe for you. You and your kind can run all you want. But you can't hide.

You cannot hide from the one who is coming. Keep weeping and living in squalor, always unhappy unsuccessful and worthless as is your nature till then.
I've been reading this post along with comments and I just wanna say ,brother we must be broken,tested and then uplifted,power is given to the responsibility of the responsible,...I'm telling you this world is so full of lies and pain do you think lucifer would upset you even more by giving you something you can't handle now? My grandfather was a powerful priest and a son of lucifer it doesn't mean I could recover my grandfather's power after his death.. all I could do was learn.. be at peace for you are loved .. the earth needs you hence you are here or there and everywhere... being held back is a chance to look at what's going on.. don't be fooled by the true decievers making you bounce around to find spiritual power when they've hidden it then make you come into "church" to ruin your soul .. people go to the grave dead .. if you spoke this way infront of ignorance they'd try perform "demon removal" on you.. can you see he is with you? So you're here.. stay calm.. we love you.. don't let your rage control you for rage is the work of self-righteous egos that have collapsed the world ..
Hail the light brother..

Remember you are chosen for our blood comes from the GODs themselves!!!!
Hyperactive Melon said:

Yes and all the trees would be full of rainbows and we would lick honey from the dripping stars, even though relatively innocent animals don't live like this either. In fact, no life form does.

Get real. Your resentment complex towards reality is going to push you down a very dark path. Unpleasant and hard things exist. One cannot escape these things on the lower levels and even on the higher ones one is supposed to learn from them.
Max azazel said:
I've been reading this post along with comments and I just wanna say ,brother we must be broken,tested and then uplifted,power is given to the responsibility of the responsible,...I'm telling you this world is so full of lies and pain do you think lucifer would upset you even more by giving you something you can't handle now? My grandfather was a powerful priest and a son of lucifer it doesn't mean I could recover my grandfather's power after his death.. all I could do was learn.. be at peace for you are loved .. the earth needs you hence you are here or there and everywhere... being held back is a chance to look at what's going on.. don't be fooled by the true decievers making you bounce around to find spiritual power when they've hidden it then make you come into "church" to ruin your soul .. people go to the grave dead .. if you spoke this way infront of ignorance they'd try perform "demon removal" on you.. can you see he is with you? So you're here.. stay calm.. we love you.. don't let your rage control you for rage is the work of self-righteous egos that have collapsed the world ..
Hail the light brother..

Remember you are chosen for our blood comes from the GODs themselves!!!!

Thank you very very much.
Be blessed. 💙
Hyperactive Melon said:
Karnonnos said:
Hyperactive Melon said:

Yes and all the trees would be full of rainbows and we would lick honey from the dripping stars, even though relatively innocent animals don't live like this either. In fact, no life form does.

Get real. Your resentment complex towards reality is going to push you down a very dark path. Unpleasant and hard things exist. One cannot escape these things on the lower levels and even on the higher ones one is supposed to learn from them.

Im already down the dark path I will never submit to the gods just like kratos I wish for them to suffer and burn because they ruined my life I want to see them cut one by one bleeding to death then I want to bathe in that blood oh yes how enjoyable

Oy vey!

Fuck off jew. Dont talk smack when you cant do shit.

You cant even post a reply here without crying blood due to high nervous pressure.

Just shut up and get out of here.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Im already down the dark path I will never submit to the gods just like kratos I wish for them to suffer and burn because they ruined my life I want to see them cut one by one bleeding to death then I want to bathe in that blood oh yes how enjoyable

Here we go, ressentiment incarnate. "I can't do anything so I hate everything, especially anything and anyone on a higher order!" You are just one of many fools infected with this disease.

This type of mentality is exactly what others reading this should despise and avoid completely: it is anti-pagan, anti-reality, anti-life.

Take your video game and surf it into the local pissoir. No one ruined your life except YOU.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Aquarius said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I know no one cares if you guys did then you would not have been supporting a genocidal maniac killing people just because they are not of your pure Aryan race this is sickening and trust me brother I don't give a flying fuck about the shit you say you think I'm intimidated by a little fuck like you GENERAL YEAGER OMG HES SO POWERFUL WHAT A GOD fuck that shit fuck your god fuck satan and most importantly fuck yourself and shove up Hitler's small cock up your ass dumbass nazi bitch
Remember you're schizophrenic and you admitted to that.

This doesn't relate to that dumbass you are the ones with the schizophrenic beliefs and I'm no longer schizophrenic I'm even off all of my medication
I would recommend to get back on your medication.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Karnonnos said:
Yes and all the trees would be full of rainbows and we would lick honey from the dripping stars, even though relatively innocent animals don't live like this either. In fact, no life form does.

Get real. Your resentment complex towards reality is going to push you down a very dark path. Unpleasant and hard things exist. One cannot escape these things on the lower levels and even on the higher ones one is supposed to learn from them.

Im already down the dark path I will never submit to the gods just like kratos I wish for them to suffer and burn because they ruined my life I want to see them cut one by one bleeding to death then I want to bathe in that blood oh yes how enjoyable

Oy vey!

Fuck off jew. Dont talk smack when you cant do shit.

You cant even post a reply here without crying blood due to high nervous pressure.

Just shut up and get out of here.
No I won't what are you going to do ? And I'm not a Jew it shows how stupid you are that you relate anyone opposing you as a jew I'm more Aryan than you because my ancestors were pure indoaryans
Hyperactive Melon said:
No I won't what are you going to do ? And I'm not a Jew it shows how stupid you are that you relate anyone opposing you as a jew I'm more Aryan than you because my ancestors were pure indoaryans
:arrow: Cries foul about members values
:arrow: Also keeps coming back even though not being obligated to do so

No sir, that is called being a retard, not aryan.
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
No I won't what are you going to do ? And I'm not a Jew it shows how stupid you are that you relate anyone opposing you as a jew I'm more Aryan than you because my ancestors were pure indoaryans
:arrow: Cries foul about members values
:arrow: Also keeps coming back even though not being obligated to do so

No sir, that is called being a retard, not aryan.
That is called being man and not accept humiliation like you people do to any who have different views it's sad really
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
No I won't what are you going to do ? And I'm not a Jew it shows how stupid you are that you relate anyone opposing you as a jew I'm more Aryan than you because my ancestors were pure indoaryans
:arrow: Cries foul about members values
:arrow: Also keeps coming back even though not being obligated to do so

No sir, that is called being a retard, not aryan.
My iq is 125 I am in no way a retard
Hyperactive Melon said:
like you people do to any who have different views it's sad really

Your "different views" involve attacking the highest forms of life and prosperity within the universe, many of which have close personal relationship with people here. You cannot act innocent at least in this regard.

Over these past few weeks you have posted many attacks on the Gods and on us as a community. Are you here to be a part of Satanism, or to just attack it? Many people have tried to help and explain things to you, myself included, but you have only returned this with more vicious attacks.

None of what you are concerned about, like IQ or schizophrenia, is what has made people dislike you. Instead, it is your arrogance and hostility towards everyone, including the Gods. There are plenty of people with schizophrenia or other conditions that have and will continue to achieve success here, because they are realistic about their limitations, which allows them to advance past them over time.

Focus on advancing yourself and fighting the enemy, or quit bothering everyone. Nobody here is obligated to listen to why they should ruin their life with nihilistic nonsense.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Your "IQ" is irrelevant because we are talking about your conduct which has been anything but above average in terms of tactness.

It's not manly nor intelligent to attack members, Gods, and values and expect cordial relations. Again, no one is forcing you to be here if you feel like we are in the wrong. That being said, you do not have (or have had) any valuable input even if you wanted to stay. So basically, you are wasting everyone's time.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
No I won't what are you going to do ? And I'm not a Jew it shows how stupid you are that you relate anyone opposing you as a jew I'm more Aryan than you because my ancestors were pure indoaryans
:arrow: Cries foul about members values
:arrow: Also keeps coming back even though not being obligated to do so

No sir, that is called being a retard, not aryan.
That is called being man and not accept humiliation like you people do to any who have different views it's sad really

Is everything okay in your mind and soul? Are you not a psychological case?
Hyperactive Melon said:
2.I am not imposing my views you are the people who hate a race of humans just because one Person believed so

No, jews are not a human race. I wouldn't even compare them to rats, because I don't want to offend rats.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:

You've been a broken failure for years. This is plainly obvious to anybody who has ever read any of your comments. How could you pretend to be better than anybody? It is a joke.
Yes I'm a broken failure so what is it a sin to be broken and a failure my circumstances were not in my favour I've had a very sad life I'm not better than anyone if I was I would not be here on earth

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
