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Question #1561: what you guys think of sadhgurus wife death


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Some of you might know sadhguru wife performed the mahasamadhi. Which is when yogis decide to consciously leave their body permanently. There's a lot of claims that sadhguru actually did off with her and burned her body right away to hide any evidence. Even with the request of her father to wait for them to see the body. He filed a report against him. He fled to the USA after . The whole thing is suspicious but beside the point . Can one actually achieve that state if we worked toward it? Would it be bad if we wanted to leave before our time came?
Well, in LotR it's the Dunedain birthright. But that's just a fairytale.
I have answered a similar question before. Mahasamadhi is when you completely end your individual existence and you merge into the "whole". This sort of thing is suicidal and of the enemy Right-Hand Path religions, so we have nothing to do with it:

Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.

Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble:))).

These sages you speak of follow corrupted Right-Hand Path religions like Hinduism, Buddhism. That's why they describe it this way. We have nothing to do with them. The fact that they are mainstream says a lot, as something mainstream is, more than often, corrupted This sort of thing is silly and self-destructive, why would you become a nothing? It makes zero sense. On the other hand, becoming an individual God and having the power to control your destiny and nature (i.e. separating yourself from existence and being able to control it in this way) is something that even the average person can understand as desirable.

From the book "Lords of the Left-Hand Path":

Stephen E. Flowers said:
The central question now becomes: what is the way in which this conscious, free soul is going to relate to, or seek to interact with, the objective universe or the universe as a whole? The right-hand path answers this question simply by saying that the subjective universe must harmonize itself with the laws of the objective universe—be that envisioned as God or Nature. Humanity is to seek knowledge of the law, and then apply itself to submitting to that law in order to gain ultimate union with the objective universe, with God, or with Nature. The right-hand path is the path of union with universal reality (God or Nature). When this union is completed the individual self will be annihilated; the individual will become one with the divine or natural cosmic order. In this state the ego is destroyed as “heaven” is entered or a nirvana-like existence/nonexistence is “attained.” This is clearly the goal of all orthodox Judaic, Christian, Islamic, or Buddhistic sects.

The left-hand path considers the position of humanity as it is; it takes into account the manifest and deep-seated desire of each human being to be a free, empowered, independent actor within his or her world. The pleasure and pain made possible by independent existence are seen as something to be embraced and as the most reasonable signs of the highest, most noble destiny possible for humans to attain—a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine.

Just as most humans go through their natural, everyday lives seeking that which will give them maximal amounts of such things as knowledge, power, freedom, independence, and distinction within their world, those who walk the left-hand path logically extend this to the nonnatural realm. They eschew right-hand-path admonitions that such spiritual behavior is “evil” and that they should basically “get with the program” (of God, of Nature, etc.) and become good “company men.” The self-awareness of independence is seen by many as the fundamental reality of the human condition: one can accept it and live, or reject it and die. By accepting the internal, known reality of human consciousness, an eternally dynamic—ever moving, ever changing—existence is embraced; by rejecting it and embracing an external, unknown reality of God/Nature, an eternally static—ever still and permanent—existence is accepted. From a certain enlightened perspective, both paths are perfectly good, it is just a matter of the conscious exercise of the will to follow one of these paths in an aware state without self-delusion.

Essentially, the left-hand path is the path of nonunion with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around. Where the right-hand path is theocentric (or certainly alleocentric: “other-centered”), the left-hand path is psychecentric, or soul/self-centered. Those within the left-hand path may argue over the nature of this self/ego/soul, but the idea that the individual is the epicenter of the path itself seems undisputed. An eternal separation of the individual intelligence from the objective universe is sought in the left-hand path. This amounts to an immortality of the independent self-consciousness moving within the objective universe and interacting with it at will.

I have a question on sidedness.

There is the Left and Right.

But is it fair to state that the enemy hijacked the right and created a communist subversion against the Left.

Obviously we know the enemy has their hand up everyones asses. Is it fair to state the Right hand path at one point was information the Gods used for certain spiritual endeavors.

My reasoning is it's too convenient to isolate Right and Left into what amounts to a political party debate. Team Cuck vs Team Chad.

It seems too easy to associated all these divisions with the enemy. For example from the recent posting on Semites. Semite = bad. Well no for all intents and purposes Semite may = originally Aryan and or Middle Eastern people whom are non-jewish.

So we've associated Semite = jew but fail to realize long before the jew there was no jew. Sorta like HP.Cobra said a bit ago. Israelite people were an Aryan/Middle Eastern Tribe of people who disappeared a long time ago before the jews ever came. Maybe they found the name interesting or implicated themselves as the alien scum they are and witnessed the historical record of the Israelites and their extra-terrestrial properties of interacting with our side. And went lets lift it and use it as our name kekeke lulz we goying 'n' sheit lulz.

I'm wondering is it possible both Left and Right hand paths are needed and are part of the same strata of going towards the Godhead and individuality of being a God and raising yourself to be a God. The only difference now is we lost the data on both sides and we've fallen into enemy logic and created and perpetuated a political division of Left and Right.

Cause reading and knowing about Left and Right -Handed Pathways. Is almost like a political 101 digest on divide and conquer.

Our cucks, our goyish slaves vs the Chad Elite Mighty who oppose judeo-bolshevism and wish to establish a mighty Human empire.

It seems too convenient to simplify into said manners. The historical record and databanks is too subverted and destroyed to simply divide everything into We jews the good and holy vs ebil, debil rebellious amalek evilgoys. Y u be gott 'n' sheit be company men and be gut 'n' sheit.

It seems too black and white and too For vs Against. It seems to political, too divided, too arbitrarily left in divisiveness.
Gear88 said:
But is it fair to state that the enemy hijacked the right and created a communist subversion against the Left.

No, because the RHP was always crap.

Actually, these are pretty recent labels as they didn't exist in the ancient world. Before the jews or other enemy religions like Buddhism, almost all Ancient Pagan religions were LHP. Then the enemy either corrupted them or destroyed them and for one time most religions were RHP until recently where the LHP was revived again.

The first mention of these distinctions comes from HP Blavatsky (HP here means Helena Petrovna, not High Priestess :lol: ). Mind you, HP Blavatsky aligned herself with the Right Hand Path and denounced the LHP as "selfish" and "evil" and accused anyone she didn't like of being in the LHP. For decades the term LHP was used by RHPers as perjorative until Anton Lavey and others took the term and made it into a positive one.

Gear88 said:
I'm wondering is it possible both Left and Right hand paths are needed and are part of the same strata of going towards the Godhead and individuality of being a God and raising yourself to be a God.

How dissolving your individuality into the "universe" helps you become a God? Because that's what the RHP is. The RHP isn't about yourself, but about either sacrificing yourself for others, becoming a nothing by destroying your individuality or being an eternal servant of some "deity". That's what it literally is. There's no self-transformation for the sake of it in the RHP, doing that is considered very "evil".
Crazyblue said:

Our physical forms are part of ourselves and not something to be just left and dumped aside. It advances with us, rather than being somehow opposed to us. The physical form of reality is just as valuable as the spiritual/astral, and it is here where we are given the opportunity to work on our souls. Without the physical realm, the weaker souls of nonspiritual people would have trouble staying alive without the influx of energy from the material realm, such as from eating.

It does not matter whether Mahasamadhi is real or not because obtaining it would be the opposite of what we want.
Crazyblue said:

When you learn more about Satanism and how it distinguishes itself from either Sadhguru or Teal Swan, you will update your opinion. Please read more of our main website so you are familiar with out views: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html
Shadowmage said:
I have answered a similar question before. Mahasamadhi is when you completely end your individual existence and you merge into the "whole". This sort of thing is suicidal and of the enemy Right-Hand Path religions, so we have nothing to do with it:

Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.

Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble:))).

These sages you speak of follow corrupted Right-Hand Path religions like Hinduism, Buddhism. That's why they describe it this way. We have nothing to do with them. The fact that they are mainstream says a lot, as something mainstream is, more than often, corrupted This sort of thing is silly and self-destructive, why would you become a nothing? It makes zero sense. On the other hand, becoming an individual God and having the power to control your destiny and nature (i.e. separating yourself from existence and being able to control it in this way) is something that even the average person can understand as desirable.

From the book "Lords of the Left-Hand Path":

Stephen E. Flowers said:
The central question now becomes: what is the way in which this conscious, free soul is going to relate to, or seek to interact with, the objective universe or the universe as a whole? The right-hand path answers this question simply by saying that the subjective universe must harmonize itself with the laws of the objective universe—be that envisioned as God or Nature. Humanity is to seek knowledge of the law, and then apply itself to submitting to that law in order to gain ultimate union with the objective universe, with God, or with Nature. The right-hand path is the path of union with universal reality (God or Nature). When this union is completed the individual self will be annihilated; the individual will become one with the divine or natural cosmic order. In this state the ego is destroyed as “heaven” is entered or a nirvana-like existence/nonexistence is “attained.” This is clearly the goal of all orthodox Judaic, Christian, Islamic, or Buddhistic sects.

The left-hand path considers the position of humanity as it is; it takes into account the manifest and deep-seated desire of each human being to be a free, empowered, independent actor within his or her world. The pleasure and pain made possible by independent existence are seen as something to be embraced and as the most reasonable signs of the highest, most noble destiny possible for humans to attain—a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine.

Just as most humans go through their natural, everyday lives seeking that which will give them maximal amounts of such things as knowledge, power, freedom, independence, and distinction within their world, those who walk the left-hand path logically extend this to the nonnatural realm. They eschew right-hand-path admonitions that such spiritual behavior is “evil” and that they should basically “get with the program” (of God, of Nature, etc.) and become good “company men.” The self-awareness of independence is seen by many as the fundamental reality of the human condition: one can accept it and live, or reject it and die. By accepting the internal, known reality of human consciousness, an eternally dynamic—ever moving, ever changing—existence is embraced; by rejecting it and embracing an external, unknown reality of God/Nature, an eternally static—ever still and permanent—existence is accepted. From a certain enlightened perspective, both paths are perfectly good, it is just a matter of the conscious exercise of the will to follow one of these paths in an aware state without self-delusion.

Essentially, the left-hand path is the path of nonunion with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around. Where the right-hand path is theocentric (or certainly alleocentric: “other-centered”), the left-hand path is psychecentric, or soul/self-centered. Those within the left-hand path may argue over the nature of this self/ego/soul, but the idea that the individual is the epicenter of the path itself seems undisputed. An eternal separation of the individual intelligence from the objective universe is sought in the left-hand path. This amounts to an immortality of the independent self-consciousness moving within the objective universe and interacting with it at will.
This is not what Samadhi is. That is Nirvana, which is something Buddhists came up with in their psychotic religion. The Buddhists having infiltrated the Philoshipcal schools of Hinduism during Ashokas reign, have corrupted the real understanding of many of these terms.

Samadhi simply refers to the Kundalini serpent piercing the crown chakra ,creating a Union between the Universal Soul (Paramatman) and the Individual Soul (Jivatma).

The reason why these Sages experiences are being described like this is because some scholar wrote these biographies. Most of these people never wrote their own experiences, maybe someone heard them or some discipline is writing on their behalf which has then been corrupted by the scholars in the passage of time.

The Vedic concept has always been to create an immortal body and never the dissolution of the individual consciousness. You see this by reading the Yoga Upanishads where they go on tirades against the philosophical schools and they write how they target the reversal of old age and immortality.

Essentially they are what expanded into the Kundalini Kriya Yoga and Hatha Yoga that we are practicing here. If the proper path is followed, the Kundalini will rise burning away all Karma refining the Ego and the Union with the God consciousness will not extinguish your individuality.

The reasons why many Sadhus and Gurus become vegetables is because they are not following the proper Eight Fold Path and are doing wrong methods and follow wrong Philosophies.

The Kundalini Awakening is the proper method of Union. However that is not the only method of Union. There can be lower stages of Samadhi where you connect with the God Consciousness in a very deep level of Pratyahara (Sensory withdrawal or Trance.)

The Lower Chakras are the seat of Individual power and will and the Buddhists completely ignore these damaging them. They also prepare for Complete Void at all times which is also an extremely harmful practice. They don't do Chakra work or Yoga work and mainly focus on these pratyahara type techniques. The exception to this is The Tibetan Buddhist Schools.

So when they try to connect with the Brahman in such a spiritually sorry state while remaining in void (not trying to maintain individuality - they actively manifest they are no one in their mental meditation. ) The Brahman tears their consciousness apart as they can't handle the energy connection. The analogy to explain this would be a Ballon that burst as air is rapidly blown into it.

I tried to merge with the Brahman once when I was just starting on the spiritual journey not knowing what is right or wrong. In deep trance I tried to void everything out and become the Universal Consciousness. My head starting violently throbbing and twitching. Not my physical head but inside in the Soul. It was like something was trying to suck my soul out of my body. I instantly called onto and requested Father Satan's power canceling out the void and I was saved instantly. I've never attempted that kind of suicidal meditation ever again for obvious reasons.

Conversely the Intelligent Yogi having mastered Breath Work ,Energy work ,Physical postures and Chakra Work including energizing the Lower Chakras. When the Kundalini rises they can sufficiently handle the energy and the vastness of the God Consciousness. And they maintain their individual consciousness.

The person who is writing the books also seems to be deluded as the Right Hand Path idiots. You cannot create an immortal being separately from the God Consciousness or completely cut off from Nature. As the God Soul pervades all of existence and all there is. Its like saying a Dog isn't a Dog just because it left the pack. The Source of infinite power and knowledge we can draw from is the God consciousness. Not utilizing it is a fools errand for power. You can do only too much with your individual prana. The God consciousness is the source of all matter and energy. Utilizing it true miracles manifest. If we had rven a Hundred Yogis in Samadhi following our beliefs we would have manifested the kind of world we want very very quickly without having to go through such a Cataclysmic time like now.

A lot of material is written on spirituality and ots facets. But true spiritual understanding comes from experiential transformation through Yoga. At some point the Yogi completely leaves all the textual material having confirmed the truth and underlying beliefs and commits completely to the experiential side.

There are people who have extreme textual knowledge and they haven't opened the Third Eye yet and can't even see visions or even colors.

For Yoga is Tough ,arduous and requires extreme discipline and consistency and reading does not.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
