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Question #1403: so Joy of Satan has now become a Pay-to-Advance service?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I never read the donations tier article until now and I cant believe the bullshit that I'm reading. What has become of JoS? am I supposed to pay to get life changing occult info now? with bitcoin? I dont even know how or where to begin with bitcoin and crypto currency. I have never dabbled with bitcoin and even if I wanted to I couldnt afford it.
I'm living with a family member that is on their death bed and whenever they die then i'll basically be completely homeless and I have ZERO income at the moment and ZERO chances of gaining any right now. How the fuck am I supposed to get through this? I live my life so stressed the fuck out almost every day because of money issues and now you're telling me that JoS gives helpful occult knowledge to people who donate. helpful astrology info and shit too... also protected and helped by the gods because they donate? wtf. I know JoS needs money to stay up and expand but this all makes it seem like some type of completely fucked up and unfair bullshit. I have every intentions in my heart to help JoS and the people here but I just cant afford it right now.
So do the gods just not give a fuck about those of us who are poor or something? is all my conversations with people and helpful info that I try to put on the forums to help people just worthless in their eyes?
Should I just finally say fuck it and give up here? Everytime I try to talk with the gods or my gd I feel like im completely ignored and im just fucking sick of it all. I literally tried to ask for help from one of them today and said that I would try to send them energy if they could help my life out a bit because thats basically all I can give right now. It's either that or I try to help people on the forums in service to Satan and the gods. Why cant I escape this fucked up life. Every time I feel good about myself I run into something that completely fucks my day up. I have a shit ton of spiritual workings going everyday that I do to try and fix and escape all of this bad karma and I just feel overloaded and like im not going anywhere. I guess i've just been abandoned by Satan by trying to live a happy life and make a living for myself and he ignores me and sees me as a greedy sack of shit because I have to hold onto and hoard the little bit of money I get so I dont know what else to do or where to go.
Life has me so stressed out that sometimes I would rather lie down and die than to deal with this shit anymore. I feel like im left out and ignored all the time and I never get a helping hand in this life anyways so whats the point of keeping the fight going.
The knowledge given to donors is, aside from rituals or spells, information one can find on their own if they apply themselves to study of ancient subjects. It is shared in a digested form by our High Priest and one is expected to derive a lesson from the articles.

There hasn't been one piece of information in these PDFs that is in any way "pay to advance." The Gods will never ask for your money if you cannot even feed yourself. Stay strong and keep your attention away from negativity. If negativity is all you focus on, you'll only get more of it.
Brother/Sister, please try to stay calm here, as the situation is not like you may feel:

Whether we give our money, help on the forums, or do rituals for the Gods, we are giving a form of energy at the end of the day. Do not think any of what you have done is not noticed by the Gods, nor that you will not be supported.

The reality of our situation is that the Gods want us to be strong, and that involves us dealing with our karma. If you are doing many workings, then you are actually doing very well, but keep in mind that this can cause a backlash of temporary negative karma, and perhaps that is why you are feeling exceptionally stressed out.

The Gods help us in long term ways, not just through immediate band-aid solutions. We have to be patient and not think we are abandoned just because help did not manifest instantaneously.

As all teaching comes from the Gods, do not think that missing some of the donation tier articles is going to set you back in any permanent way. This is just temporary and not at all supposed to be unfair.

Please do not jump to dangerous or drastic conclusions when your situation is most likely improving as a result of your energy, not the opposite. By remaining enduring through these trying times, you are proving yourself to have great personal qualities.

I cannot stress enough how you must be patient. You are not forgotten, but the solution(s) won't come immediately either. Do not mistake this to mean that no positive fortune will ever arrive, as this is not true.
I am sorry guys but the timing with the most recent disaster just feels like they are adding insult to injury by trying to tear us from the inside out.

Forgive me fellow SS if this fake sob story falls on a heart of stone. I have seen too many and a bleeding heart has done nothing for me in return in the past. (in the offchance that it is real but for some reason i doubt that it is...)

I find the whole crypto and financial compensation property to be quite comical.

Maxine and Cobra whomever they are aren't stupid people in tech terms or are willing to learn wherever ignorant. Ignorance not stupidity.

So Maxine creates a website from a series of Web-1.0 website information and particularly from her Yahoo days experience. As far back as 2001 or into 2002 so 2023 till around mid-90s is nearing 30 years ago.

She creates a basically as I like to call it a M.M.S.P.; Memetic Macro Strike Package. In other words she was memeing before memeing was categorized by the populace at large. Kinda like the pictures of Dimmu Borgir and someone making it in such a way as to have "I like my coffee black like my metal". Or pre-meme meme days sometime circa smartphone, youtube, iphone, web 2.0 days. Or some other memey tech like the Sailor Moon memes or DBZ memes and people were like "Whoa we need to study the past and get memes from shows".

Rather than making a joke meme or comical meme she created a revolutionary and evolutionary anti-viral strike package to compound with the internet sorta like Hitler in his time. No one knew what the fuck was politics or anything the soviet stranglehold was incoming and Hitler even in his most ignorant moment of dumbfoundedness of "Mr.Gottfried Feder talking about economics" and Hitler being, "Wait WTF Economics? ECONOMICS?!". He created a literal revolutionized an all-wing, full spectrum system.

And well in this case if Crypto was evolving and we were seeing the dynamics there would have been a jump to it but for all of crypto leading up to 99% until just a few months ago, we got onboard. And funny enough people like Tim Pool said, If I listened to Max Kaiser, smart dude, back in 2012 and got involved with Crypto heavily if I invested and sold at some point. I'd be a billionaire with a B.

So basically the Stan Marsh memetic from South Park.

Website nearly 30 years ago + expenditure over nearly 30 years
Recruit freedom fighters

And I'm supposed to believe it's a money grab and a paywalling lock down power lock. I'm reminded of Bitchute even if Bitchute has gotten a bit negative or the other sites as well.

Youtube fucked up with ads there's too much content there's literally thousands of content per day hours that cannot be advertised on. Google makes 60% of their income from ads. And funny enough that is terrible business strategy.

By the time they invested in a subscription system they got their ass kicked by competitor. Youtube isn't going away but their continuous strategy of ruining the platform is showing such as youtube shorts just to compete with tik tok. Funny enough Vine is coming back it's gonna roflstomp shorts and shut it down. Hopefully like Styx goes they shut down shorts it's very annoying and on smartphones it doesn't auto-attack the dimming feature so it's not like a normal video whereby your phone doesn't auto-lock after a set time. Shorts in my case maybe app wise it works differently but I'm not gonna waste my time using an app when I have my browser.

So bitchute especially being one of the first big competitors they use subscription and even donations which surprisingly works well.

I don't get it in this day in age there's far less paywalled and people don't complain. JoS is completely free you don't need to put a cent in fact we don't even attack people for donations. It seems like just as we attacked the church for donations the very notion of us receiving even a penny is seen as beyond evil.

If you don't want to donate fine. It's not about the money or paying for equipment or donations or whatever. There's a website it posses different available languages a global strike. If your just in it and just using it and not caring for money. It's like Linux, probably 9/10ths of the populace doesn't pay a penny. And probably even like 3/10ths of the companies use it completely free if any of the 7/10ths of the companies that pay linux they are doing it for high level stuff or necessary time sensitive improvements paying people like Red Hat or some Linux company.

Funny enough Linux has pissed away billions and trillions over time. And yet it's still continues whether it's popular or not or even truly free, it's not but we deem it free.

Weird, but with JoS watch out it's strange or evil.

I guess making a nearly 30 year old website and then asking for something is strange. This could have happened circa 2011/2012 when Bitcoin popped up or circa 2014-2015 when the market players were established. But it happened 2022 nearing 2023 when the crypto thing is actually not being embraced by some in a good way but yet another pain in the ass of freedom that gives people financial upward mobility.

News flash crypto or anything is merely if you want. We aren't paywalling anything, pay to advance, that seems stupid. What advancement.

It's like pay to play or pay to get better equiped.

You don't have to shell out anything. One person or many not donating isn't a problem. I figure eventually people view it as a strike package in their lives and feel like donating. In fact I would not be surprised if the people who actually donate know how to play the market and extract some percentage increase in their crypto gains.

Hell who knows maybe in the future we can have big crypto affect us and place lawsuits or legal aspects or create an entire counter-industry think like Parallel Economies that Bongingo promotes and even has a few big shots at it.

You enter JoS it's free donating is optional. We aren't banditos on horseback going you must pay to read.

Like I said there's paywalled garbage from Universities and other places that pay wall even more pathetic information hell even whole articles of garbage just to berg and stein a few bucks from some so-called "high education" bullshit.

JoS will always be free. IF you wish to imbue it with financial assets okay if not okay.
Try comparing the number of members who do the advanced meditations on the meditations page of Joy of Satan to the number of all members who meditate.

So even though there are hundreds, maybe thousands of Spiritual Satanists who cannot practice the advanced meditations because they are not yet at a certain level, you still have access to them. It's as simple as that.

For astrology you can use Ask Satan as you are doing now, and the PDFs are written on subjects that are getting deeper and deeper and require a serious understanding.

There is no need to be greedy here. If you are at a level where you cannot even solve the problems in your life, I assure you that even if you had a 'shortcut' to the Godhead, it would be of no use to you.

Back to basics. There are hundreds of sermons and member contributions containing the insights needed to achieve a clearer mind and rise in life.
AskSatanOperator said:
Life has me so stressed out that sometimes I would rather lie down and die than to deal with this shit anymore. I feel like im left out and ignored all the time and I never get a helping hand in this life anyways so whats the point of keeping the fight going.

Please be aware that the major knowledge is always on the public, that all knowledge here is free, and that there is no main JoS knowledge or corpus behind any paywall.

The Joy of Satan requires to both stand for those who are poor, unable and have many issues, to help them advance in their life. That standing and expansion to reach more people, costs, and we don't survive without certain people giving something, which in the end, benefits also the people who are unable to do any of this or do not have access to any of this.

These people who help, or give, do not "owe" to anyone who doesn't do or cannot do something by default.

This means they do this out of their goodwill, and they must be returned a form of goodwill, in the ease of access to information and accelerated advancement, or other perks, so they can be rewarded for doing this.

Since these people do a service to others, we have to do a service to them by helping them.

Currently, people get rewarded, and quite a few who also receive rewards have NOT paid money for them.

Yes, one can ascend in the service tier, without doing anything financially, but by giving time and doing good deeds in the forum and for other people.

People already were doing all of this, but I give them even more goals and incentives, and yes, more empowerment to keep doing that.

The people who have done the most, are rewarded in this way too, as they still give things such as time and effort.

Some people have gotten this the Tier 1 PDF for literally 3 dollars per month.
Everybody has all the tools they need on the JoS to improve their lives. Money workings, removing bad karma, many meditations to make you feel better, ways to contact the Gods, methods to advance spiritually, the means to advance to contact the Gods for more advice, etc.

Perhaps you are burning yourself out. You said you have a lot of workings going on, this might be too much. I speak from experience.
Shadowcat said:
I am sorry guys but the timing with the most recent disaster just feels like they are adding insult to injury by trying to tear us from the inside out.

Forgive me fellow SS if this fake sob story falls on a heart of stone. I have seen too many and a bleeding heart has done nothing for me in return in the past. (in the offchance that it is real but for some reason i doubt that it is...)


Co-signing with this. Trying to make JoS look greedy, when it in fact is the MOST giving organization I've ever encountered.
All kinds of spells, affirmations, meditations for money, success, health etc. is readily available on http://www.joyofsatan.org so don't try with this bullshit. I doubt this person even do asanas or meditate properly, and just want quick fixes from outside sources instead. Quite common here unfortunately.
And ask not only what JoS can do for you, but what you can do for JoS.
You have all the infos, meditations, rituals that you need for free on the JoS or here on the Ancient forums. The tiers are not life changing if one has read all the JoS.
AFODO said:
You have all the infos, meditations, rituals that you need for free on the JoS or here on the Ancient forums. The tiers are not life changing if one has read all the JoS.

Not only read, but applied. I doubt this person has done neither.
AFODO said:
You have all the infos, meditations, rituals that you need for free on the JoS or here on the Ancient forums. The tiers are not life changing if one has read all the JoS.

So you do realize this, enough to come to this post and comment, yet you were accusing HP HoodedCobra on another post about his kind gesture in regards to the donations people are making to help Jos from the attacks, as being suspicious and like a commercial?

Sounds fishy that you then come here to say this.. But perhaps it's because you've learned a lesson and understand the truth of the matter now.

AskSatanOperator said:
I never read the donations tier article until now and I cant believe the bullshit that I'm reading. What has become of JoS? am I supposed to pay to get life changing occult info now? with bitcoin? I dont even know how or where to begin with bitcoin and crypto currency. I have never dabbled with bitcoin and even if I wanted to I couldnt afford it.
I'm living with a family member that is on their death bed and whenever they die then i'll basically be completely homeless and I have ZERO income at the moment and ZERO chances of gaining any right now. How the fuck am I supposed to get through this? I live my life so stressed the fuck out almost every day because of money issues and now you're telling me that JoS gives helpful occult knowledge to people who donate. helpful astrology info and shit too... also protected and helped by the gods because they donate? wtf. I know JoS needs money to stay up and expand but this all makes it seem like some type of completely fucked up and unfair bullshit. I have every intentions in my heart to help JoS and the people here but I just cant afford it right now.
So do the gods just not give a fuck about those of us who are poor or something? is all my conversations with people and helpful info that I try to put on the forums to help people just worthless in their eyes?
Should I just finally say fuck it and give up here? Everytime I try to talk with the gods or my gd I feel like im completely ignored and im just fucking sick of it all. I literally tried to ask for help from one of them today and said that I would try to send them energy if they could help my life out a bit because thats basically all I can give right now. It's either that or I try to help people on the forums in service to Satan and the gods. Why cant I escape this fucked up life. Every time I feel good about myself I run into something that completely fucks my day up. I have a shit ton of spiritual workings going everyday that I do to try and fix and escape all of this bad karma and I just feel overloaded and like im not going anywhere. I guess i've just been abandoned by Satan by trying to live a happy life and make a living for myself and he ignores me and sees me as a greedy sack of shit because I have to hold onto and hoard the little bit of money I get so I dont know what else to do or where to go.
Life has me so stressed out that sometimes I would rather lie down and die than to deal with this shit anymore. I feel like im left out and ignored all the time and I never get a helping hand in this life anyways so whats the point of keeping the fight going.

You have already been given many helpful answers in regards to this.

Most importantly you must understand nothing in this life can be accomplished without the cumulative efforts of people giving and receiving between each other to grow.

A person is not meant to give with nothing in return as well as a person is not meant to receive without ever giving anything back. The Gods help us, we help them by doing good work for them.

We donate to Jos, we help our community, and our HP and our community helps us, and the cycle repeats. We help each other. As it should be.

Otherwise we wouldn't be a community, we would be singular individuals only caring about ourselves never advancing or being productive, just being stuck because we don't want to even give the slightest effort to change.

A donation regardless if it's financial or not is an effort to help, to actually do something rather than sitting there never helping like every other person outside of Satanism has been trained to do. Helping others is a sign of an advanced soul who is evolving.

This knowledge is free to all still, with the added bonus of extra blessings and gifts in return if you decide to donate time or money into the growth of this community.
Brother I think you are going through a really tough time. Everything can look dark and bad. I have went through this and most of us have.

Sometimes, when everything is too damn dark we would blame the Gods, JoS, or whatever.

Sometimes, I would feel that the Gods have left me, ignoring me, etc. This is not the truth of the matter or even close to reality. We just tend to see these gifts through black tinted glasses and think we're blind.

I remember a few months back I was having one of the worst times of my life. I even emailed HP and a couple of my trusted SS friends and venting about my situation. I really felt the Gods have left me or I am not good enough anymore and blinded with guilt, shame, worthlessness, and serious negative energies.

They comforted me and showed unconditional care either HP, SS, or the Gods. I took responsibility after sometime and I am struggling to get better and advance and still trying. I am way more lifted than I was back then. Life isn't perfect but I can see improvement, light, and I am not giving up.

Just know it's okay to have these feelings. It's because of the darkness that can seem so overwhelming. Just please don't give into it. Don't give up and don't blame the wrong people. So you don't give into self-destruction.

I hope you get better and improve.

I can see that this vent actually has nothing to do with donation. But your personal situation. I am sure that if you were feeling better you would see the positivity regarding this and get rewarded for your efforts.

Keep trying and don't give up. It will be worth it in the end.
SapphireDragon said:
So you do realize this, enough to come to this post and comment, yet you were accusing HP HoodedCobra on another post about his kind gesture in regards to the donations people are making to help Jos from the attacks, as being suspicious and like a commercial?

Sounds fishy that you then come here to say this.. But perhaps it's because you've learned a lesson and understand the truth of the matter now.

From the beginning of this tier things, I had no beef with it. I wrote this down before to a few people who have asked this.
I think I have explained enaughly.
No one is forcing you to donate. Knowledge can be gained in different ways. Astrology, you can learn it. However, this is not the issue.

I have noticed that the issue of "donations" is taken too superficially by some people.
It is not a matter of "taking" anyone's money, simply the Joy of Satan has given so much to each of us, has practically saved our souls, and we should make sure that all this lasts over time. The donations and all the other forms of contributions we make serve this purpose.

I am sorry for what you are going through. I understand you very well because I too am going through a very difficult and hard time in my life.

Economic difficulties, a mentally ill person whom I have to watch several hours a day almost every day, other problems... All this while I have to meditate, work and study to have a better life.

If I had done as you did, aimless self-pity, I would not be here telling you these things. You have to fight back and struggle and persevere toward a better condition -- if you do, you will see the results.
Shadowcat said:
I am sorry guys but the timing with the most recent disaster just feels like they are adding insult to injury by trying to tear us from the inside out.

Forgive me fellow SS if this fake sob story falls on a heart of stone. I have seen too many and a bleeding heart has done nothing for me in return in the past. (in the offchance that it is real but for some reason i doubt that it is...)

I am a bit conflicted in what to believe, he could actually be a shill or someone who just vent out as a mean to calm himself for the problems he has, I think the best course of action it's just to take this post with a grain of salt based on how exagerated is.
Hold on there, the Tier PDF's are nothing more than a bonus and nothing super life changing, it's not some shitty battle pass that will give you riches and powaaaa.
Many stuff that is in the PDF's can be found in the forums or sites... also the astrology reading can be done alone by LEARNING IT, or actually asking here if an SS is kind advanced and kind enough.

You are not left behind just because you didn't donated, the JOS needs money so HP tries to convince others to help as best as he can and please don't compare Satan with some money grabber jew, he won't ignore you because you didn't donate wtf.

It would be kinda useless to write more, other SS wrote enough.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Life has me so stressed out that sometimes I would rather lie down and die than to deal with this shit anymore. I feel like im left out and ignored all the time and I never get a helping hand in this life anyways so whats the point of keeping the fight going.

Please be aware that the major knowledge is always on the public, that all knowledge here is free, and that there is no main JoS knowledge or corpus behind any paywall.

The Joy of Satan requires to both stand for those who are poor, unable and have many issues, to help them advance in their life. That standing and expansion to reach more people, costs, and we don't survive without certain people giving something, which in the end, benefits also the people who are unable to do any of this or do not have access to any of this.

These people who help, or give, do not "owe" to anyone who doesn't do or cannot do something by default.

This means they do this out of their goodwill, and they must be returned a form of goodwill, in the ease of access to information and accelerated advancement, or other perks, so they can be rewarded for doing this.

Since these people do a service to others, we have to do a service to them by helping them.

Currently, people get rewarded, and quite a few who also receive rewards have NOT paid money for them.

Yes, one can ascend in the service tier, without doing anything financially, but by giving time and doing good deeds in the forum and for other people.

People already were doing all of this, but I give them even more goals and incentives, and yes, more empowerment to keep doing that.

The people who have done the most, are rewarded in this way too, as they still give things such as time and effort.

Some people have gotten this the Tier 1 PDF for literally 3 dollars per month.

The JOS still provides the best knowledge free, and I wouldn't want to any other way. However, as you said, the more people give, the more they receive, but this stands outside of the general public knowledge that exists and is periodically released. Otherwise, the JOS wouldn't be any different than a company, which it is not.

I like the "secret knowledge" donation system, it gives incentive.

On that note HP, I had an idea, would you be opposed to people buying higher tier knowledge for lump sums? For example, say someone is in tier 1, yet they know an advanced wealth working was released to Tier 4, would the JOS Ministries be opposed someone offering a (large) single amount sum to buy it?

Please shoot me down if that's dumb. Of course advancing through the tiers is the most progressive but I was curious if you were opposed to this idea.
To what has already been said, I would like to add what I have written here https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=437635&sid=12a08016d1335ed2d3992156ee63106f#p437635 . This could be applied as an answer to many topics. When you are a beginner, and you do a lot of work, like 360 days, all those 360 days at least have to pass before you can expect anything. The work can of course begin to incarnate before it is finished, but as a rule these numbers are given for a reason, the soul has a time limit, no matter how much you overdo the work, by the laws of nature it will not incarnate before its time, this is not about intensity, but about its natural life cycle. Any intensity you have will bear fruit, but it will all come to fruition in its own time.

As for " fair and unfair," you have to have a developed understanding to understand what it is at all. Newbies are not able to make sound judgments about the decisions of the Joy of Satan, which is why there is no voting and other retarded Jewish innovations of equality here. You don't see anything now, it also takes time to start seeing. You do NOT know what is in these PDF's and cannot tell how much they will help you or not at your stage. The High Priest and the Gods he consults with know better. They might decide that those in financial disaster better concentrate on other things that are more crucial for them now. We must follow because they know better what we need.

Since each of us learns from the Gods at any of our stages, it turns out that the Gods give different knowledge to different people anyway, since we need different knowledge. The Gods decide whom to give what knowledge to because they know better what is best for whom, and they tell the High Priest about it.

Please, if you have extreme problems, death of the only breadwinner or similar, contact the High Priest by his known mail and the Gods, be open to the answer and you will get help.
Weassel said:
Hold on there, the Tier PDF's are nothing more than a bonus and nothing super life changing, it's not some shitty battle pass that will give you riches and powaaaa.

if you say that having the privilege of greater contact and attention from an individual who could be physically killed in moments by “nothing”, who has a whole history of projects in these years, he says what he says explicitly, everything PUBLICLY, being minimally development, you observe this individual and thinks “wow, that's not all”, the prevalence in times like this, and advancement of jos

i speak practically only on the side of being able to talk to hp.hoodedcobra666

i think you walk in the wrong doctrine of life as SS

the PDFs do not come with “hidden” information, but the best definition would be that everything is made for those who act, explore their potential, calibrate their steps based on divine excellence and want more than the obvious, and for me, no matter what express, is part of something bigger than just money

for a good connoisseur a shred is lyrics

and the OP's situation, having access wouldn't really solve anything, not in the power and awareness he exudes in his messages.
I know there are many great answers here but I just have to write this. If you (the OP) think that by giving money to Jos is going to fix all your problems you are very wrong. You have access to enough informations on how to fix your life from this forum and all Jos sites.

It's been here for 20 years for FREE. They never asked you money to have all this life changing informations, you just need to stop crying and put it to use.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
