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Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

I'll be honest, I laughed a lot when I've read all that :lol:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:

Jack something you need to understand, but well, trying to explain anything to you is like banging my head on a wall but here we go again.

Cunts like you and me do not represent the majority. Others are more sensitive, and some are very sensitive to these things while their souls are polluted and impaired by a lack of meditation over many years.

We should at least be patient enough to give these people a chance to clean themselves, empower and strengthen themselves. It's a bit like raising children, you don't throw a kid out into the world before they are ready, before you give them a chance to mature and grow.

In the same way I think there should be restraint and some patience when dealing with people who are misguided or saying stupid shit. Simply because in their state, they are fragile and emotionally imbalanced most of the time.

I know you have the complete opposite opinion, and will bring up the 1 in a million kids who grew in abhorrent conditions and became an upstanding man in his life. But the truth is, most people don't grow from a harsh environment. A vast majority of people are broken by harshness rather than growing from it.

And sure, stubborn cunts like us can't be broken by this stuff, but others can. And it's not fair to apply the same principle to every person in the world. There's no reason why we shouldn't try to create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere here, and have restraint.
Well I guess you're right. I guess we're both born in a wrong place at a right time because there is no way I'd be born into this life if I hadn't wished for it.

I'm well beyond discomfort and harshness. I guess I wished to be born at this time to witness the end of an era in the Fourth Turning and the destruction of the World Jewry.

I believe that strong souls mold themselves into being borne into harsh circumstances at opportune times to harden themselves for tough times ahead. Because the Fourth Turning is going to need people who are hardened to the core and perform tasks competently to resurrect the destroyed world order.

I think it's the same for most of us here. I don't think the knowledge was collected all at one place before being completely wiped out by coincidence.
Fuchs said:
My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad,
I am the last person on this forum to give „relationship advice” and I also had hesitations to involve in this, but if I was in your place I would have walked out of that crap party instantly and cut any `emotional connections` with the said girl after seeing that, granted I previously have already taken all my belongings from her. Being drunk is not an excuse by the way because even when drunk people should still have a slight awareness and reasoning over their actions. The sight of seeing her dancing and kissing with the black guy should have enraged you enough to create a mental shock and cut these connections instantly. You clearly have an unconscious obsession with that person given that you contradict in your words by not caring about her while in the same time needing her close to you for `mental health`, well that's a toxic and unhealthy relationship right there. Is like in the Kim song made by Eminem. I also was in a similar situation when I was quite obsessed with a girl a few years ago and been thinking about her nearly non stop, I even did plenty love spells towards her but I messed them up most likely because I did not check and realize that Venus was in Scorpion back then, which nullified the spells (I was lucky they didn't backfire on me in a negative way), but since I realized that a „relationship” is not possible, I did subliminal programming on myself and eliminated these unconsciuous connections/obsessions in a matter of days (nights better said), it worked wonders. I did not feel anything anymore for her and I was thinking about her as any other random person. I think you need exactly the same because the said girl doesn't even remotely have similar obsesive connections to you as you have to her, more likely no connections or „feelings” for you at all.

You do what spells you want but as far as I can tell your mental health will not benefit on longterm from this situation, irrespective of the outcome. It will be more beneficial as I suggested to eliminate this unconscious obsession towards her that you have and then focus on attracting a partner that won't kiss a black guy in front of you, my opinion.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:

Take a step back, Jack, and re-examine your own growth and behaviour on the forums since you've been here.
I have a bunch of random pics for you too.





And tell your husband to stop bullying me okay ? I'm going to complain to HP Hoodedcobra that one of the kids in class keeps bullying me. I don't appreciate it. I'm sick and tired of his verbal abuse. If he doesn't stop ill just use my "Might is Right" TM magick to make him like me so that we can be friends.

Unlike yourself Jack, I don’t reject everything that I am and mold myself into someone else’s ideas just because a few imbalanced people or those I don’t connect with can’t stand to see my tears and heart.

When we shut ourselves and our emotions down, we become angry, resentful, aggressive, and hateful, depressed, lonely and sometimes cynical. These things build up until they explode in negativity, violence, hostility, and abuse of others and/or ourselves.

I fake smile when I’m hurt so others don’t pry into my problems until I’ve been able to go through the waves of it alone. The exception being Father Satan and his Demons, and those I deeply trust.

There are many really shitty people in the world, and only a small few are going to click well with me and I with them on a partner level.

I resonate the most with the second last picture, but I still try my hardest to remember that others feel the same way. You can be happy and still feel lonely as loneliness isn’t strictly a negative or positive emotion. It’s the absence of something we need, usually a connection with another who understands you and you them, in order for loneliness to be healed.

These things you attack and mock will always remain valid, even if you personally render them “unimportant” and shameful in your own life.
tabby said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
Take a step back, Jack, and re-examine your own growth and behaviour on the forums since you've been here.
I have a bunch of random pics for you too.





And tell your husband to stop bullying me okay ? I'm going to complain to HP Hoodedcobra that one of the kids in class keeps bullying me. I don't appreciate it. I'm sick and tired of his verbal abuse. If he doesn't stop ill just use my "Might is Right" TM magick to make him like me so that we can be friends.

Unlike yourself Jack, I don’t reject everything that I am and mold myself into someone else’s ideas just because a few imbalanced people or those I don’t connect with can’t stand to see my tears and heart.

When we shut ourselves and our emotions down, we become angry, resentful, aggressive, and hateful, depressed, lonely and sometimes cynical. These things build up until they explode in negativity, violence, hostility, and abuse of others and/or ourselves.

I fake smile when I’m hurt so others don’t pry into my problems until I’ve been able to go through the waves of it alone. The exception being Father Satan and his Demons, and those I deeply trust.

There are many really shitty people in the world, and only a small few are going to click well with me and I with them on a partner level.

I resonate the most with the second last picture, but I still try my hardest to remember that others feel the same way. You can be happy and still feel lonely as loneliness isn’t strictly a negative or positive emotion. It’s the absence of something we need, usually a connection with another who understands you and you them, in order for loneliness to be healed.

These things you attack and mock will always remain valid, even if you personally render them “unimportant” and shameful in your own life.
I just told you that I'm a very sensitive person and I've been crying and exploding in emotions for some time which was bottled up.

I recently remembered a memory when I was little and my class went to a picnic. I was sitting under a tree and a bunch of girls started surrounding me and one of them asked "Are you alright ? You look Sad 😔😟🙁😥😞.

I just got up and went up to the boys. Instead what was my heartfelt desire was to talk to those girls and tell them that I felt neglected at home. I just wanted to be friends with women so that I could gain the womanly love my mom never gave me. But instead I just ended up trying to FUCK them.

I realized my mistake and now I'm trying to make FEMALE friends. I like to have deep insightful conversations with FEMALES about feelings ,emotions, and other shit that I never cared about. Men have been taught to bottle up their feelings and not talk about deep subjects like this because they feel scared to open up and ve vulnerable. They have fear of abandonment in them. They don't want to open up to someone and them making fun of their problems. Men are programmed by society to be toxic.

The only safe space I have other than this forum is with my female friends. But your husband told me that he felt sorry for me even though I took his advice and cathartically released all my emotions. I felt gaslight as fuck now. Did he just make me open up so he could make fun of me ? Is that how you treat someone whose going through a self discovery journey of getting in touch with their emotions ? That's just cruel.
Jack said:
I just told you that I'm a very sensitive person and I've been crying and exploding in emotions for some time which was bottled up.

I recently remembered a memory when I was little and my class went to a picnic. I was sitting under a tree and a bunch of girls started surrounding me and one of them asked "Are you alright ? You look Sad 😔😟🙁😥😞.

I just got up and went up to the boys. Instead what was my heartfelt desire was to talk to those girls and tell them that I felt neglected at home. I just wanted to be friends with women so that I could gain the womanly love my mom never gave me. But instead I just ended up trying to FUCK them.

I realized my mistake and now I'm trying to make FEMALE friends. I like to have deep insightful conversations with FEMALES about feelings ,emotions, and other shit that I never cared about. Men have been taught to bottle up their feelings and not talk about deep subjects like this because they feel scared to open up and ve vulnerable. They have fear of abandonment in them. They don't want to open up to someone and them making fun of their problems. Men are programmed by society to be toxic.

The only safe space I have other than this forum is with my female friends. But your husband told me that he felt sorry for me even though I took his advice and cathartically released all my emotions. I felt gaslight as fuck now. Did he just make me open up so he could make fun of me ? Is that how you treat someone whose going through a self discovery journey of getting in touch with their emotions ? That's just cruel.

Perhaps some people think you are joking, mocking mainstream people who expressed feelings. Would you mind clarifying if you are serious or not, to prevent any misunderstandings? I think one member thought you were joking in one of your previous comments here, so if you were serious, that could be upsetting for you.

Online communications and retrograde Mercury, you know. So I just wanted to pop in to make sure all is clear.

We are a family here, even though a lot of people have conflicting personalities, we need to have each other's backs. I hope all is well with everyone here :)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=320619 time=1643543020 user_id=57]
Jack said:
I just told you that I'm a very sensitive person and I've been crying and exploding in emotions for some time which was bottled up.

I recently remembered a memory when I was little and my class went to a picnic. I was sitting under a tree and a bunch of girls started surrounding me and one of them asked "Are you alright ? You look Sad 😔😟🙁😥😞.

I just got up and went up to the boys. Instead what was my heartfelt desire was to talk to those girls and tell them that I felt neglected at home. I just wanted to be friends with women so that I could gain the womanly love my mom never gave me. But instead I just ended up trying to FUCK them.

I realized my mistake and now I'm trying to make FEMALE friends. I like to have deep insightful conversations with FEMALES about feelings ,emotions, and other shit that I never cared about. Men have been taught to bottle up their feelings and not talk about deep subjects like this because they feel scared to open up and ve vulnerable. They have fear of abandonment in them. They don't want to open up to someone and them making fun of their problems. Men are programmed by society to be toxic.

The only safe space I have other than this forum is with my female friends. But your husband told me that he felt sorry for me even though I took his advice and cathartically released all my emotions. I felt gaslight as fuck now. Did he just make me open up so he could make fun of me ? Is that how you treat someone whose going through a self discovery journey of getting in touch with their emotions ? That's just cruel.

Perhaps some people think you are joking, mocking mainstream people who expressed feelings. Would you mind clarifying if you are serious or not, to prevent any misunderstandings? I think one member thought you were joking in one of your previous comments here, so if you were serious, that could be upsetting for you.

Online communications and retrograde Mercury, you know. So I just wanted to pop in to make sure all is clear.

We are a family here, even though a lot of people have conflicting personalities, we need to have each other's backs. I hope all is well with everyone here :)
Ofcourse I'm joking lol. Cmon now ,I get to have some fun now and then.

I just want to say that I always think it is strange that every time somebody is explaining themself, and is desperately wanting everybody to accept their personality for what it is, it seems like the one exception is they can never accept Jack's personality for who he is. And there is nothing even bad about him, Jack is a perfectly good person. I don't want people to misunderstand me and think I'm saying he is perfect or he is the best because I'm not saying that, but there is not a single thing bad about him. And for all that "You have to accept people" stuff you people say about others accepting you, there are people here who are extremely hypocritical about never accepting Jack.

Jack is a strong man. He has been through many physical and emotional challenges in his life that lead him to become such a strong person.
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times."
We are at the point in much of society of weak men making bad times. But Jack is one of the strong men. And another thing, if it was a woman who has had a lot of difficulty in her life and became strong from it the same way as Jack, everybody who is against Jack would be supporting her.

And the last thing I want to say is I saw one of you say something like "Jack has never advanced in all these years." And the person who said it has only been here for like a year and a half. I have been here a lot longer than that, and others have been here longer than me, and all of us have seen that Jack has enormously advanced himself and matured himself. Personally not liking somebody's personality has nothing to do with the advancement or goodness of that person. All of us have a different personality and we are never going to perfectly like everyone.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:

Jack something you need to understand, but well, trying to explain anything to you is like banging my head on a wall but here we go again.

Cunts like you and me do not represent the majority. Others are more sensitive, and some are very sensitive to these things while their souls are polluted and impaired by a lack of meditation over many years.

We should at least be patient enough to give these people a chance to clean themselves, empower and strengthen themselves. It's a bit like raising children, you don't throw a kid out into the world before they are ready, before you give them a chance to mature and grow.

In the same way I think there should be restraint and some patience when dealing with people who are misguided or saying stupid shit. Simply because in their state, they are fragile and emotionally imbalanced most of the time.

I know you have the complete opposite opinion, and will bring up the 1 in a million kids who grew in abhorrent conditions and became an upstanding man in his life. But the truth is, most people don't grow from a harsh environment. A vast majority of people are broken by harshness rather than growing from it.

And sure, stubborn cunts like us can't be broken by this stuff, but others can. And it's not fair to apply the same principle to every person in the world. There's no reason why we shouldn't try to create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere here, and have restraint.
Well I guess you're right. I guess we're both born in a wrong place at a right time because there is no way I'd be born into this life if I hadn't wished for it.

I'm well beyond discomfort and harshness. I guess I wished to be born at this time to witness the end of an era in the Fourth Turning and the destruction of the World Jewry.

I believe that strong souls mold themselves into being borne into harsh circumstances at opportune times to harden themselves for tough times ahead. Because the Fourth Turning is going to need people who are hardened to the core and perform tasks competently to resurrect the destroyed world order.

I think it's the same for most of us here. I don't think the knowledge was collected all at one place before being completely wiped out by coincidence.

Did we just agree on something? Wow.

Anyway, I'm not saying we need to cuddle and shelter people eternally, by the way. Just...make an effort and have restraint when they are in their most fragile state, namely when starting out on this path.

Have some patience and give these people time to grow and become more thick skinned. Remember always there's immense pressure from the enemy to drive them away, we shouldn't help in doing so is all.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times."

Jack said:

What is strength though?

I personally gauge a man's "strength" as his capacity to preserve his family and his nation. Most fantasize simply about a knight in shining armor, a hero on a battlefield and whatnot. But it is far deeper than this.

Do you like riddles?

Before you stand two men.

One is physically feeble, emotionally fragile and has a weak resolve.

The other has the physique of a god, unbreakable willpower and unbeatable in a straight fight.

Which is of less value to humanity?

The right answer is the above is not enough information to make a fair judgement. Your "weak" man could be a doctor, a scientist, or even just a simple farmer. And because he is feeble and perhaps vulnerable and weak, does not devalue his contributions.

You can be the greatest soldier in the world and an unstoppable force. But without a doctor to mend your wounds, without a scientist to arm you, without a farmer to feed you, you are doomed. All men which if you internally despise, if you use your strength to crush their resolve and deem them weak and worthless, they will not support you and you simply collapse and die without their support. And likewise without YOUR protection and support, their vulnerabilities will consume them.

Not all men are warriors. Not all men are strong. But all men must serve mankind and their contributions are what matters. A feeble man who lacks all the traits of a warrior might be an invaluable asset to mankind if put in a hospital or a lab. Can even outshine a warrior in terms of contribution to mankind's survival.

Attempting to force these men to become warriors will simply break them. And this bit is for you jack. A good leader recognizes his follower's strengths and weaknesses and where to best use them. All men have a purpose, and a good leader recognizes this purpose in men and will put them in an environment where they can fulfill that purpose.

Satanists are an exception in this because at a certain point a Satanist becomes kind of like a jack of all trades. But this is a process that must be given time and patience.

Many people talk of strength as if they understand the meaning of the word. True strength is found in UNITY. Weak men and strong men, united and using their talents and skills to preserve one another. This is beyond strength, this is POWER.

A leader's sole purpose is this, to create unity in his followers. For it is from unity that he derives the POWER he needs to preserve his nation and his people.

As an answer to the above quote, I fundamentally disagree. The issue is not with the fact that weak men exist, but simply flaws in leadership across history. Men who barely have the talent to clean toilets leading entire nations is a recipe for disaster.

The most important trait of a leader is his capacity to create unity first and foremost. Followed closely by charisma and vision, things with are a requirement to creating unity.

Satan is the ultimate leader. Learn from His example, there is a reason why He specifically inspires unity among us, and serious infighting is punished severely for a reason. A few thousand dedicated Satanic souls united behind one vision and one leader has unimaginable power. Together we killed a god. And we're just warming up.

Now let us preserve this sacred unity and have patience and love for fresh Satanists who are still in the process of being reborn into this family. I know it's hard to have patience for some of the idiots that stumble into this place. But make an effort guys, pretty please?

And jack, I will make a true leader out of you someday. You must learn how to get people behind you, not turn them against you as you've done here. I know voicing your opinion loudly, and being uncaring of what anybody thinks about you and your opinion, is a fundamental trait of your being, but this is a barrier to your dream of leadership.

A good leader inspires devotion to his message and his vision. You have a tendency to turn people against you instead, this will not do. Work on that. You are a complete cunt and I want to punch you in the face often, but I can't help but like you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I just want to say that I always think it is strange that every time somebody is explaining themself, and is desperately wanting everybody to accept their personality for what it is, it seems like the one exception is they can never accept Jack's personality for who he is. And there is nothing even bad about him, Jack is a perfectly good person. I don't want people to misunderstand me and think I'm saying he is perfect or he is the best because I'm not saying that, but there is not a single thing bad about him. And for all that "You have to accept people" stuff you people say about others accepting you, there are people here who are extremely hypocritical about never accepting Jack.

Jack is a strong man. He has been through many physical and emotional challenges in his life that lead him to become such a strong person.
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times."
We are at the point in much of society of weak men making bad times. But Jack is one of the strong men. And another thing, if it was a woman who has had a lot of difficulty in her life and became strong from it the same way as Jack, everybody who is against Jack would be supporting her.

And the last thing I want to say is I saw one of you say something like "Jack has never advanced in all these years." And the person who said it has only been here for like a year and a half. I have been here a lot longer than that, and others have been here longer than me, and all of us have seen that Jack has enormously advanced himself and matured himself. Personally not liking somebody's personality has nothing to do with the advancement or goodness of that person. All of us have a different personality and we are never going to perfectly like everyone.

Bullies are weak, and Jack has consistently proven time and time again just how weak he is.

Furthermore, the greatest warriors existed in the most peaceful times like the Golden Age. They were not weak. They resisted an alien invasion. This persistent idea that hard times of great suffering create strong men is false and needs to die. It's not true. Those strong men born of hard times that you idealize, they were given rise by that force known as necessity. That's all it is; necessity. And those strong men are not the majority in hard times. They usually have strong, advanced souls to begin with.

Weak people is a result of ignorance and oppression of humanity by jewish leadership, and many many curses that prevent people from growing.

Also the hypothetical woman you spoke of... if she was bullying people like Jack has then no one would be supporting her.
Dahaarkan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times."

Jack said:

What is strength though?

I personally gauge a man's "strength" as his capacity to preserve his family and his nation. Most fantasize simply about a knight in shining armor, a hero on a battlefield and whatnot. But it is far deeper than this.

Do you like riddles?

Before you stand two men.

One is physically feeble, emotionally fragile and has a weak resolve.

The other has the physique of a god, unbreakable willpower and unbeatable in a straight fight.

Which is of less value to humanity?

The right answer is the above is not enough information to make a fair judgement. Your "weak" man could be a doctor, a scientist, or even just a simple farmer. And because he is feeble and perhaps vulnerable and weak, does not devalue his contributions.

You can be the greatest soldier in the world and an unstoppable force. But without a doctor to mend your wounds, without a scientist to arm you, without a farmer to feed you, you are doomed. All men which if you internally despise, if you use your strength to crush their resolve and deem them weak and worthless, they will not support you and you simply collapse and die without their support. And likewise without YOUR protection and support, their vulnerabilities will consume them.

Not all men are warriors. Not all men are strong. But all men must serve mankind and their contributions are what matters. A feeble man who lacks all the traits of a warrior might be an invaluable asset to mankind if put in a hospital or a lab. Can even outshine a warrior in terms of contribution to mankind's survival.

Attempting to force these men to become warriors will simply break them. And this bit is for you jack. A good leader recognizes his follower's strengths and weaknesses and where to best use them. All men have a purpose, and a good leader recognizes this purpose in men and will put them in an environment where they can fulfill that purpose.

Satanists are an exception in this because at a certain point a Satanist becomes kind of like a jack of all trades. But this is a process that must be given time and patience.

Many people talk of strength as if they understand the meaning of the word. True strength is found in UNITY. Weak men and strong men, united and using their talents and skills to preserve one another. This is beyond strength, this is POWER.

A leader's sole purpose is this, to create unity in his followers. For it is from unity that he derives the POWER he needs to preserve his nation and his people.

As an answer to the above quote, I fundamentally disagree. The issue is not with the fact that weak men exist, but simply flaws in leadership across history. Men who barely have the talent to clean toilets leading entire nations is a recipe for disaster.

The most important trait of a leader is his capacity to create unity first and foremost. Followed closely by charisma and vision, things with are a requirement to creating unity.

Satan is the ultimate leader. Learn from His example, there is a reason why He specifically inspires unity among us, and serious infighting is punished severely for a reason. A few thousand dedicated Satanic souls united behind one vision and one leader has unimaginable power. Together we killed a god. And we're just warming up.

Now let us preserve this sacred unity and have patience and love for fresh Satanists who are still in the process of being reborn into this family. I know it's hard to have patience for some of the idiots that stumble into this place. But make an effort guys, pretty please?

And jack, I will make a true leader out of you someday. You must learn how to get people behind you, not turn them against you as you've done here. I know voicing your opinion loudly, and being uncaring of what anybody thinks about you and your opinion, is a fundamental trait of your being, but this is a barrier to your dream of leadership.

A good leader inspires devotion to his message and his vision. You have a tendency to turn people against you instead, this will not do. Work on that. You are a complete cunt and I want to punch you in the face often, but I can't help but like you.

I understand what you're getting it and I don't use blunt and confrontational language that I use on the forums ,in real life.

I guess it's a blind spot I have for people who are on the path of meditation where I subconsciously view them as similar to me and so I'm not reserved in my approach.

I'm personally a very sensitive and emotional person and I've gone through a lot of changes and circumstances that have severely transformed my psyche and how I view the world around me.

A large part of it was void meditation and being able to experience emotions while not being bothered by it. Like a state of equanimity.

I have a blind spot that when I'm speaking to someone who is an SS I subconsciously think they'll take the message without being bothered by the bluntness because of a similar state of equanimity.

But I understand now that no matter how long I'm in this forum there will always be those who are not yet there or maybe they will never reach there.

It's funny how unfunny this life is that even in this space for special people not all of us are on the level playing field. In that sense it is the same as real life and nothing has changed.
Dahaarkan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times."

Jack said:

What is strength though?

Maybe the question should be "How/why do hard times make Men weak?" Hard times = strong Men = good times = weak Men = bad times. That doesn't sound like nonsense illogic to me at all...
Very difficult situations force men to become strong enough to overcome them. The strong men are able to do a lot of work to improve the world, or create a much easier situation for the next generation. By creating a new more free society, or by inventing new technologies that make life easier, are some examples. The next generation born into a very easy situation never have any reason to become strong or develop difficult skills because everything they require is already provided for them, which leads to these men becoming weaker. This is like the situation much of the world has been in for the past few decades. The men atrophy because they are not required to do anything. Then the weak men, they do not have the desire, or strength, or ability to work on improving the world. They would rather be entirely passive and immobile, and not interfere with anything that happens. And at the same time, there are still some strong men with very bad intentions who are working to ruin the world, and the weak passive men allow it to happen because they do nothing to try to improve the world. So the very bad intentioned strong people succeed, and they turn the world into an extremely difficult situation. Example is every communist "revolution." This is how the cycle works, and this pattern does seem very accurate to what really happens in the world.

I think that in general the Polish people seem to be very strong men, who have grown and been forced to become strong by the extremely difficult situation of being controlled by communist government. And becoming strong enough to defeat that communist government to create good times and easier situation for the next generation. And this has been very recent so they have not yet become weakened, and hopefully they will never become weakened. I think the entire problem with this cycle is the weakening of men, so if this could be prevented there would be no problems.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Very difficult situations force men to become strong enough to overcome them. The strong men are able to do a lot of work to improve the world, or create a much easier situation for the next generation. By creating a new more free society, or by inventing new technologies that make life easier, are some examples. The next generation born into a very easy situation never have any reason to become strong or develop difficult skills because everything they require is already provided for them, which leads to these men becoming weaker. This is like the situation much of the world has been in for the past few decades. The men atrophy because they are not required to do anything. Then the weak men, they do not have the desire, or strength, or ability to work on improving the world. They would rather be entirely passive and immobile, and not interfere with anything that happens. And at the same time, there are still some strong men with very bad intentions who are working to ruin the world, and the weak passive men allow it to happen because they do nothing to try to improve the world. So the very bad intentioned strong people succeed, and they turn the world into an extremely difficult situation. Example is every communist "revolution." This is how the cycle works, and this pattern does seem very accurate to what really happens in the world.

I think that in general the Polish people seem to be very strong men, who have grown and been forced to become strong by the extremely difficult situation of being controlled by communist government. And becoming strong enough to defeat that communist government to create good times and easier situation for the next generation. And this has been very recent so they have not yet become weakened, and hopefully they will never become weakened. I think the entire problem with this cycle is the weakening of men, so if this could be prevented there would be no problems.
I think if I thought about it, that I'd have thought something along these lines. As for the prevention of the weakening of Men - the eternal struggle, if you please! That's also related to infinite and eternal advancement.

This could go into philosophy, etc. - what if the reptillians and their jew creation never existed here? Would we all be lovers of the arts, which seems to be the wishful fantasy in media and stories, or would we be weak and society would fall and decay into chaos, disrepute and possibly anarchy?! Maybe that's a question and topic for another thread.
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Very difficult situations force men to become strong enough to overcome them. The strong men are able to do a lot of work to improve the world, or create a much easier situation for the next generation. ...
I think if I thought about it, that I'd have thought something along these lines. As for the prevention of the weakening of Men - the eternal struggle, if you please! That's also related to infinite and eternal advancement.

This could go into philosophy, etc. - what if the reptillians and their jew creation never existed here? ...

This idea of struggle producing growth relates to Saturn. Any civilization free of the enemy would recognize this concept or energy and use it to actively grow, not becoming complacent. If the enemy never existed here, we would have a full understanding of Saturn and use it to catalyze us, for example, through Saturn Squares and Nauthiz.

Jack said:
I understand what you're getting it and I don't use blunt and confrontational language that I use on the forums ,in real life.


What you posted here seems different from your earlier post that began with feelings being unimportant. What you say here shows that your understanding is deeper than before.

What you say about people needing more Saturn energy is true, and will always be true, because of its usefulness. Just remember that, like anything, water (sensitivity) and earth (stoicism) are not mutually exclusive concepts. In regards to the usage of sensitivity, this relates not to crying your eyes out, but in the judgment of energy.

Women are lacking in the lower chakras by nature and are therefore more easily overwhelmed by negativity. Someone who falls into a depression from some words does not serve as a good example for water as a whole, just as someone who assaults another at a bar does not exemplify the fire element.

Beyond sensitivity for knowledge gain, it is useful in the procurement and maintenance of emotional relationships, shown in Venus and in the Moon. Both of these aspects of your soul work best in water signs, or signs mixed with water.

Citing those who are our betters, we see that the Gods possess both amazing endurance and energy, but also extreme sensitivity. In fact, our relationship with them is greatly strengthened by the love they show us, not just their abilities. However, they are still able to make proper decisions, not getting overwhelmed by the extreme conditions on Earth.


In regards to this argument with Jrvan, I think it has taken so many twists and turns, and now resulting in an ugly brawl, that it should just be stopped. There is no more growth that can happen through this path, and it seems both sides are fed up with the other. Let's not forget that this conversation happened at literally the worst time (Mercury/Venus retro, warfare schedule).

Both should take solace that the other will eventually grow past their problems. These sorts of arguments, where two people's ideologies are butting, can never be expected to be resolved in a single thread, or without further evidence and growth. With that in mind, it is not worth pushing for a sort of ultimatum situation where stress raises significantly.

We need to be focused on helping those who are open to growing at this point in time. Not everyone is able to understand certain situations or obstacles at their current level. We can come back to this person later, while they continue to meditate on their own.
Fuchs said:
I think I have to explain more, it was a privat party only her friends, those people are very open kind of swinger people.


It seems like she is emotionally satisfied by you, but not so much sexually. That was the point of the penis message being displayed to you. When Venus is not in retrograde, you should use Uruz to increase your sexual qualities that are attractive to women.

Not to be rude, but she went to this black man, not you, for sexual attention. Normal human behavior means we go towards what we desire. She was already kissing him, but then when you tried to have sex with her, she refused and gave some answer. Even if what she said was true, about her sexual preferences, then she would still have sex with you, in another way, IF she wanted to.


You should look at the synastry between you two. You may have Pluto aspects to her, creating this fixation. There may be a lacking of aspects, or Saturn aspects, resulting in a lack of sexual attraction. However, just because you have a Pluto link to her, this does not mean she is necessarily good for you.

Finding an ideal partner with magic will give you much better, happier results than spending multiple workings trying to "tape" this relationship together. If this girl is race-mixing, not paying attention to you, doesn't meditate, drinking, and so on, then how is she worth your time?

You can also use magic to find an ideal sexual partner if that is all you want, which would still be better than this situation.
This would get you a person who is compatible with you and won't abuse you, creating explosive situations.


In regards to hypnosis and all that, that changes the subconscious to some degree, but magical workings can do the same, and do it better. Don't think that this guy who told you that, even well-intentioned, can produce better results than a Satanist.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321671 time=1643838344 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Very difficult situations force men to become strong enough to overcome them. The strong men are able to do a lot of work to improve the world, or create a much easier situation for the next generation. ...
I think if I thought about it, that I'd have thought something along these lines. As for the prevention of the weakening of Men - the eternal struggle, if you please! That's also related to infinite and eternal advancement.

This could go into philosophy, etc. - what if the reptillians and their jew creation never existed here? ...

This idea of struggle producing growth relates to Saturn. Any civilization free of the enemy would recognize this concept or energy and use it to actively grow, not becoming complacent. If the enemy never existed here, we would have a full understanding of Saturn and use it to catalyze us, for example, through Saturn Squares and Nauthiz.

Jack said:
I understand what you're getting it and I don't use blunt and confrontational language that I use on the forums ,in real life.


What you posted here seems different from your earlier post that began with feelings being unimportant. What you say here shows that your understanding is deeper than before.

What you say about people needing more Saturn energy is true, and will always be true, because of its usefulness. Just remember that, like anything, water (sensitivity) and earth (stoicism) are not mutually exclusive concepts. In regards to the usage of sensitivity, this relates not to crying your eyes out, but in the judgment of energy.

Women are lacking in the lower chakras by nature and are therefore more easily overwhelmed by negativity. Someone who falls into a depression from some words does not serve as a good example for water as a whole, just as someone who assaults another at a bar does not exemplify the fire element.

Beyond sensitivity for knowledge gain, it is useful in the procurement and maintenance of emotional relationships, shown in Venus and in the Moon. Both of these aspects of your soul work best in water signs, or signs mixed with water.

Citing those who are our betters, we see that the Gods possess both amazing endurance and energy, but also extreme sensitivity. In fact, our relationship with them is greatly strengthened by the love they show us, not just their abilities. However, they are still able to make proper decisions, not getting overwhelmed by the extreme conditions on Earth.


In regards to this argument with Jrvan, I think it has taken so many twists and turns, and now resulting in an ugly brawl, that it should just be stopped. There is no more growth that can happen through this path, and it seems both sides are fed up with the other. Let's not forget that this conversation happened at literally the worst time (Mercury/Venus retro, warfare schedule).

Both should take solace that the other will eventually grow past their problems. These sorts of arguments, where two people's ideologies are butting, can never be expected to be resolved in a single thread, or without further evidence and growth. With that in mind, it is not worth pushing for a sort of ultimatum situation where stress raises significantly.

We need to be focused on helping those who are open to growing at this point in time. Not everyone is able to understand certain situations or obstacles at their current level. We can come back to this person later, while they continue to meditate on their own.
In life we have very few things in our control and Feelings are not within the realm of control of our Conscious Will (Icha / Purusha). Feelings are borne out of Prakriti (Nature). In that sense ,compared to the most important thing in our lives - our conscious will it is not that important. And since most of our psyche is influenced by Astrology, it is something that would come up without our knowledge.

For Example - Say hypothetically I have bad Venus and Pluto placements and I'm going through life ,right and Im also very Emotional and sensitive. I go out with my girlfriend out to eat and I see a guy with a Lamborghini and a girl who is much more beautiful than my girlfriend. I started feeling jealousy and soon after some hours I'm really upset and bothered. And due to my bad Pluto placements I obsess over this and ot keeps bothering me for days.

In this case ,I did not command my mind "Feel Jealous." I don't have any power over this. I'm completely at the behest of Human Nature and Astrology. Are the feelings of jealousy in this case really important ? I personally don't think so. The only case when Feelings and Emotions really becomes important to the self is when it empowers directed will ,possibly in terms of a working or some motivation etc. But even without motivation and feelings one has to be accustomed to work.

For Example - I feel like shit and I don't want to move out of my bed. Infact I'm sad because of something. But that is not going to stop me from getting out and doing the things I need to do.

The most important thing in life I believe is insurmountable will and its mastery ,when no matter what happens your able to push through. Your emotions, your bad experiences, your programming. Whatever it is ,once you keep moving forward I've experienced all these things evaporate in time.

I think people are taking my words wrong. I'm not saying that you have to suppress or block out your feelings. What I'm saying and this is something that can be taught is to be able to be in a equanimity state with your feelings where your will is still in control and Feelings and Emotions don't bother you. In that way you can listen to a blunt message without being bothered by your emotions.

The way things are said really matter to a lot of women and sensitive men who instead of using logic are trying to grasp onto some emotional meaning behind the words. For Example, "Man you're fat as fuck. You need to lose weight or you're going to die." And "You know, it could be really beneficial for you to lose weight in terms of your health, your confidence ,etc." These two messages mean the same thing but they are delivered different. I personally don't mind bluntness or sugarcoating. It's the same thing to me. But for others it's a really big deal.
Jack said:

When you say this, I am satisfied that you have the correct, and healthy idea about feelings. Not sure what happened earlier in the thread - what a headache.

Of course, we are always looking for the most advanced expression. Capricorn people are very emotionally strong, but a negative can be that they are cold or cynical. Water people possess high intuition, but with that comes high sensitivity or receptivity to negativity. In both cases, there are negative elements to prune, and positives to amplify.

When I create my messages, I am trying to get success with my writing. Therefore, I need to understand how people respond. Yes, ideally, people would have the earth and fire to brush off (especially unintentional) negativity, but not everyone does, especially imbalanced new people.

I know of one person who is so sensitive that he becomes very deeply, angrily depressed when hearing harsh, yet true words. I realized later that he doesn't need to hear "YOU HAVE TO DO IT!", he needed to hear "You are able to do it". The 1st statement was too harsh for his high water.

Being high water, and therefore highly receptive, he needed an almost purely positive, present-tense statement. Even though it seemed strange to give "advice" in that manner, and perhaps maybe ridiculous at first, that was what was necessary to get him to start meditating.

Anyway, thanks for your responses. This thread is a shit-show, in hindsight. Sometimes I wish I could prevent this sort of thing from happening, but that's not always the case, especially with 10 different people all arguing different things and misrepresenting each other.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321766 time=1643875860 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

When you say this, I am satisfied that you have the correct, and healthy idea about feelings. Not sure what happened earlier in the thread - what a headache.

Mercury retrograde plus certain known issues. It will still be retrograde for 16 hours, give or take.

Of course, we are always looking for the most advanced expression. Capricorn people are very emotionally strong, but a negative can be that they are cold or cynical. Water people possess high intuition, but with that comes high sensitivity or receptivity to negativity. In both cases, there are negative elements to prune, and positives to amplify.

When I create my messages, I am trying to get success with my writing. Therefore, I need to understand how people respond. Yes, ideally, people would have the earth and fire to brush off (especially unintentional) negativity, but not everyone does, especially imbalanced new people.

I know of one person who is so sensitive that he becomes very deeply, angrily depressed when hearing harsh, yet true words. I realized later that he doesn't need to hear "YOU HAVE TO DO IT!", he needed to hear "You are able to do it". The 1st statement was too harsh for his high water.

Being high water, and therefore highly receptive, he needed an almost purely positive, present-tense statement. Even though it seemed strange to give "advice" in that manner, and perhaps maybe ridiculous at first, that was what was necessary to get him to start meditating.

It is really unfortunate that with immature people one is forced to change their natural communication style only to be understood properly and help properly. Hopefully, the average maturity level raises soon worldwide and misunderstanding will happen only during Mercury retrograde.

I am saying this because, obviously, the purpose is to evolve past our charts. The very process of alchemy is to express our planets at the highest and harmoniously, not at their lowest. This also involves, like Jack says, being in control of one's own emotions, feelings and so on. Those only exist to make us experience life to the fullest and motivate us, fuelling our actions and will, not to bring us down, conquer us and destroy us. We are the ones that need to be in control, not any specific part of our souls having control over us, as every component is merely a part of our equipment. Let's not become slaves to them.

I hope I conveyed it properly for you and Jack, and other more mature members here.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321675 time=1643839402 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:
I think I have to explain more, it was a privat party only her friends, those people are very open kind of swinger people.


It seems like she is emotionally satisfied by you, but not so much sexually. That was the point of the penis message being displayed to you. When Venus is not in retrograde, you should use Uruz to increase your sexual qualities that are attractive to women.

Not to be rude, but she went to this black man, not you, for sexual attention. Normal human behavior means we go towards what we desire. She was already kissing him, but then when you tried to have sex with her, she refused and gave some answer. Even if what she said was true, about her sexual preferences, then she would still have sex with you, in another way, IF she wanted to.


You should look at the synastry between you two. You may have Pluto aspects to her, creating this fixation. There may be a lacking of aspects, or Saturn aspects, resulting in a lack of sexual attraction. However, just because you have a Pluto link to her, this does not mean she is necessarily good for you.

Finding an ideal partner with magic will give you much better, happier results than spending multiple workings trying to "tape" this relationship together. If this girl is race-mixing, not paying attention to you, doesn't meditate, drinking, and so on, then how is she worth your time?

You can also use magic to find an ideal sexual partner if that is all you want, which would still be better than this situation.
This would get you a person who is compatible with you and won't abuse you, creating explosive situations.


In regards to hypnosis and all that, that changes the subconscious to some degree, but magical workings can do the same, and do it better. Don't think that this guy who told you that, even well-intentioned, can produce better results than a Satanist.

I think the main problem was, that we did leave to much away from each other, you can´t satisfy someones sexual needs, if you only see the person in 3 weeks intervals, even if you have 2 to 4h sex, the days you see the person. I moved, everything looks good.

She sayed she is sorry for the way she treated me, that she loves me and want´s to be together with me.


Do you know any good astrology books? I only did read this so far:

I did mention the hypnosis part, as a positive result in manipulation others feelings/desires even from a probably rather unskilled person.
We don't talk with technical lingo to Children. Some adults are still Children in their emotions, so sometimes it is necessary to speak... not quite like we do with Children but somewhere in-between.
Stormblood said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321766 time=1643875860 user_id=21286]
Jack said:

When you say this, I am satisfied that you have the correct, and healthy idea about feelings. Not sure what happened earlier in the thread - what a headache.

Mercury retrograde plus certain known issues. It will still be retrograde for 16 hours, give or take.

Of course, we are always looking for the most advanced expression. Capricorn people are very emotionally strong, but a negative can be that they are cold or cynical. Water people possess high intuition, but with that comes high sensitivity or receptivity to negativity. In both cases, there are negative elements to prune, and positives to amplify.

When I create my messages, I am trying to get success with my writing. Therefore, I need to understand how people respond. Yes, ideally, people would have the earth and fire to brush off (especially unintentional) negativity, but not everyone does, especially imbalanced new people.

I know of one person who is so sensitive that he becomes very deeply, angrily depressed when hearing harsh, yet true words. I realized later that he doesn't need to hear "YOU HAVE TO DO IT!", he needed to hear "You are able to do it". The 1st statement was too harsh for his high water.

Being high water, and therefore highly receptive, he needed an almost purely positive, present-tense statement. Even though it seemed strange to give "advice" in that manner, and perhaps maybe ridiculous at first, that was what was necessary to get him to start meditating.

It is really unfortunate that with immature people one is forced to change their natural communication style only to be understood properly and help properly. Hopefully, the average maturity level raises soon worldwide and misunderstanding will happen only during Mercury retrograde.

I am saying this because, obviously, the purpose is to evolve past our charts. The very process of alchemy is to express our planets at the highest and harmoniously, not at their lowest. This also involves, like Jack says, being in control of one's own emotions, feelings and so on. Those only exist to make us experience life to the fullest and motivate us, fuelling our actions and will, not to bring us down, conquer us and destroy us. We are the ones that need to be in control, not any specific part of our souls having control over us, as every component is merely a part of our equipment. Let's not become slaves to them.

I hope I conveyed it properly for you and Jack, and other more mature members here.

What is the context of immaturity here?
Since Merc.R is over now maybe more pleasant communication can be managed.

One could be a very mature person and still another may be required to speak in a different manner or present information/advice in a different style to this person than someone else for a number of reasons outside of whether one is mature or not.

Position of rank, experience, advancement level, relationship (how close are you with them), areas of knowledge or areas lacking, and astrology etc would be much larger factors that determine how you speak to another, and all are important to consider when speaking to others. It’s not a major burden to need to change your speaking style in order to reach someone in need of advice. It’s better to try a different method of speaking than to shun someone simply because they don’t understand you or you understand them from the first attempt at communication.

You wouldn’t speak in the same style to the HP as you would for someone who is new here, neither would you speak the same way to a high ranking military officer as you would for someone going through BUD/S. You would speak in a different way to your boss as you would your spouse, just as a friend will be spoken to differently than you would your parents. The key point for whoever you speak to is remembering to speak with respect and if communication is a bust change how you speak if it’s a smooth discussion you’re after, even with children. If you’ve ever had experience working with a child, they respond much better to an adult when they are treated like a person and not looked down on and talked down to as if they know nothing or are stupid - regardless if the child actually is or isn’t.

The exception would be someone who does you wrong, abuses or bullies you, or is an enemy. You wouldn't speak to or treat someone like that as if they are family or friend, or someone to respect.

The manner of speaking style is required to change because people receive information differently depending on such things. We’re individuals. Even if we perfect our natal charts and our being, rise above being subjected to the will of the stars, the manner of speaking from one to another is still going to fluctuate either way.

From time to time I impart my life lessons through poetic or imagery means. Some people will understand and pick up on the lessons and messages and others won’t. It’s not because person A is more stupider or immature than person B, it’s just simply a difference of the individual and what style clicks with them and helps them most to understand than the other.

Some will easily understand an essay over poetry, while another will understand poetry and not essays. Some both.

We change up our natural speaking styles all the time everyday depending on who we speak to. Why there’s an expectation that this would be any different here is a bit fantastical. The spiritual class we may be here, but we are still people coming from different walks of life, different personalities, and different advancement levels. It only gets irritating to have to speak differently to another because there’s a gap in what one understands or knows vs another, and that difference can be frustrating, but that’s why some have the roles of speaking and guiding less advanced people and others do not. It’s not a role everyone is going to be able to fulfill and fulfill well. Different people, different roles, different manner of speaking to and for each of them.

The goal is not to push aside everyone who doesn’t get it with our speaking style and treat them as dumb or immature because of it, but to achieve positive results to encourage growth no matter the difference in ways one might need to speak to another. If it’s causes you impatience and irritation like a burden on your shoulders all the time then perhaps being a guider for others isn’t the best role for you.

The other side of the coin is whether one speaking style over another suits your personal strengths or doesn’t, whether your strengths will benefit another, and those are factors on their own.

At the end of the day, it’s just the ability of adaptation to allow the best results to flourish both for yourself and for others.
tabby said:
What is the context of immaturity here?

The context is that some very mature will understand the message for what it is and will not project their reactive emotions onto the other person, mistaking them to belong to the other person when said person is actually on a very different emotional "cloud" (using a figure of speech).

It’s not a major burden to need to change your speaking style in order to reach someone in need of advice. It’s better to try a different method of speaking than to shun someone simply because they don’t understand you or you understand them from the first attempt at communication.
It is when someone has a lot on their schedule (several hours of meditations, work, areas of life you are advancing, etc) and you also have a duty to help as many people here as possible, trying not to make anyone feel neglected. I always help with great pleasure based on my level of understanding and perception, but always having to change communication style is a different things.

You're obviously right that people shouldn't be shunned here but only if they're actually here with a sincere heart. I am starting to learn that it takes me less to take a sufficiently-deeply at someone's soul than it takes me to reply to them, so I can see if I should do it. And obviously even less to ask the Gods which things are worth it and should be prioritised and which are not.

You wouldn’t speak in the same style to the HP as you would for someone who is new here, neither would you speak the same way to a high ranking military officer as you would for someone going through BUD/S. You would speak in a different way to your boss as you would your spouse, just as a friend will be spoken to differently than you would your parents. The key point for whoever you speak to is remembering to speak with respect and if communication is a bust change how you speak if it’s a smooth discussion you’re after, even with children. If you’ve ever had experience working with a child, they respond much better to an adult when they are treated like a person and not looked down on and talked down to as if they know nothing or are stupid - regardless if the child actually is or isn’t.
I understand what you mean, but I would definitely speak to HP in the same way because he's like family. We have actually disagreed on things in the past. As for the high-ranking military officer... it depends. People you've experienced hardships with forego titles during casual conversation like this. They don't care because it's not important. Those military officers that spend all the time in a desk job or similar are the ones to have a stick up their arses, and frequently also abuse their power. I can polite, soothing, angry and blunt. It doesn't change my communication style. It just expresses in a different way. Some people perceive as blunt anything that disagree with the status quo in their minds and beliefs, even if it's not.

From time to time I impart my life lessons through poetic or imagery means. Some people will understand and pick up on the lessons and messages and others won’t. It’s not because person A is more stupider or immature than person B, it’s just simply a difference of the individual and what style clicks with them and helps them most to understand than the other.
I think we understand maturity in a different way. Maturity for me is the same term you use for a fruit or a plant: it's inherent to the overall stage of growth, and the stage of growth specific to a certain thing. Seemingly, intelligence is understood by me etymologically as the ability to understand things. If someone transcends their charts, they definitely understand everything as it is truly, rather than how they want it to be or how they see it. This is the faculty of a third eye devoid of external influences: perceiving the truth, without letting other things distort it. The Gods and the Demons, for example, can understand you fully regardless of how you speak to them, and will only take action against you for extreme cases of blasphemy.

Some will easily understand an essay over poetry, while another will understand poetry and not essays. Some both.

It only gets irritating to have to speak differently to another because there’s a gap in what one understands or knows vs another, and that difference can be frustrating, but that’s why some have the roles of speaking and guiding less advanced people and others do not.
My point exactly.
Dahaarkan said:
I'm glad you're a part of the first batch of Guardians. I've never seen you talking down to anybody, or displaying even the slightest level of personal spite in any of your interactions with others, even people who are frustrating to deal with. I'm sure at times you internally feel some contempt for someone, but you never let it show and that's excellent in my opinion.

I think you set a very good example. An example hopefully more will follow as we go forward.
My personal behaviors

I appreciate your kind words. Your assessment is largely correct, and I believe you are someone able to generally make accurate conclusions about others.

Of course, I am not perfect, and can certainly get frustrated and resort to combative/angry thoughts over matters. However, I take advantage of the degree of separation afforded through text communications. Through writing, we can craft perfect messages, concise and devoid of anger. Many times, I won't respond, rather than post something useless or worse.

Funny enough, writing also allows me a level of positive expression higher than in-person, as well. Face to face, I am generally colder, thinking about the situation and my words. I don't normally express my emotions as easily or immediately.

In a lot of ways, these situations on JOS seem to me as much more important than daily life. In that way, I pour my heart out more than I normally would. These communications that occur here are a function of our total war effort, as well as meaningful to the future leaders of humanity, and so on.

Why you were attacked

In regards to my perception of you: My main memory involves the thread about energy-draining, so excuse me if missed anything before that.

Some of the backlash was overly harsh, in my opinion. I don't think energy draining is inherently "Jewish", but as written, it did come off as excessively cruel. Compared to other black magic, it seems too intimate. In that way, people assumed you were getting personal gratification from the destruction of others, which is why they paralleled it to the enemy.

Others have written that they have seen your chart and noted your powerful background (meaning a possible Scorpio influence). In addition, the strong emotions involved with the energy draining also make me think of Scorpio influence. If this is the case, remember that the primary weakness of Scorpio is its strong emotions.

Draining people as a means of justice

In the case of draining people, while this may have satisfied your personal feelings of injustice, it may have gone too far. If such people with money had not directly stolen your money, then this would be misplaced anger. These people may have had no idea why they were being targeted, or for what they did wrong, and therefore no chance to rectify their mistakes.

Where this becomes a very strong concern is when the person is drained to the point of death or near-death. In that case, there is a real probability their soul is actually doomed, with them never able to actually make up their mistakes to you or others. We all make mistakes, so it seems sad that they were merely caught in the wrong circumstance, paying dearly for something they didn't know was a problem.

In the court system, people would be forced to face their mistakes, see their victims, and be prescribed an appropriate punishment based on their situation. But here, that is all missing.

If such people were faced with the full gravity of the punishment you were about to inflict on them, they probably would have broken down crying, begging you, and so forth, and attempting all sorts of desperate solutions. The same extends to their families and loved ones.

Solutions and moving forward

Beyond all this, if such severe trauma was inflicted on you, then I have concerns about whether such actions actually resolved your own soul of this negative karma. In that way, your energy might have been misplaced in regards to a full resolution of your problem.

But, as far as these other personal attacks against you, I think most are overblown or misplaced. Most perhaps expressing frustration about your choice of method, but unjustly attacking you directly.

I say the above because, after reading what was said about you, I then focused on some of your other writing. Posts from this thread and others show that you are not the unhinged deviant that others may have insinuated.

That does not mean no mistakes were made, but we are all growing, so it does not make sense to harshly attack others for theirs. However, this same idea should also apply to those who are still Satan's children, yet not fully aware of his teachings (normies).

Although you had to satisfy your need for justice, I would look into ways that still allow those punished to eventually rehabilitate themselves. Jumping immediately to a soul-sucking, fatal attack does not allow for this.


P.S. I believe I wrote way too much. However, what value was lost from being verbose, perhaps was gained in the elaboration of my thoughts. I tried to remedy this by organizing my writing. If anything, this at least serves as means of building a deeper relationship with you, regardless of the result of the above communication.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=323825 time=1644568437 user_id=21286]

I don't believe that draining wealth from a person's soul is likely to cause soul death, and I personally doubt that Dahaarkan would go that far from what I sense from him. I'm the one with the more twisted conscience, and I only came forward about it to make a point and to try to take the heat off of Dahaarkan. Otherwise I would have continued to keep my own life and my own dealings mostly to myself. The things I feel okay with doing are probably far more cruel than anything Dahaarkan has done or would condone doing.

I've had a terrible life. All I've ever known is tragedy before finding my way back to Satan. Among the worst things that happened to me was in recent years when I had my life force ripped from my sacral chakra forcefully by a so-called "healer." I'm pretty sure he harmed the chakra in the process. I've been doing everything I can to heal the damage from that using JoS teachings, but I honestly don't know if I will ever recover completely. I don't have much capacity to feel joy, my sexual functions don't even work properly, and I've had abnormal levels of thirst every day ever since. Seriously, I feel like a dried up zombie with the amount of water I have had to drink daily for years now. Before I got used to it, I had to drink at least 2 or 3 really tall glasses of water all at once because I felt like I was going to die if I didn't - and I would have to do this more than once daily. I could barely sleep from having to wake up again and again just to pea and to drink more water because somehow I was still dangerously thirsty. Honestly I don't even know how I'm still alive. The bastard who did this to me is the real scum as far as psychic vampires go. I highly doubt Dahaarkan would do something like that to others, and from what he has shared he doesn't really target the life force. Like he has said many times, it's a tool. How the tool is used is up to the one using it. From the start it was more the knowledge of the method itself that people were attacking. I think a lot of people are more afraid of the idea of such a thing being done to them, but it was pointed out by Dahaarkan that having this knowledge can also help to defend against psychic vampires.

If I can't heal my soul before my time in this world runs out then I don't know what will happen. Maybe my soul won't have the juice it needs to reincarnate again. Maybe I'm screwed. I've lived in despair like this for years, and decades before that on a lesser level of despair and learned helplessness. It's all I've ever known. Even though I'm a little scared about failing, I've also made my peace to an extent. If my soul dies then I don't really care anymore. I've had enough of this world to last plenty lifetimes and I'm tired of it. Too much has happened to me. I can't take anymore than this. All I'm going to do is continue with the RTR's and try to help as many people as possible before I'm gone, while doing as much as I can for soul recovery. If I live long enough to see our enemies finally fall then I'll be completely satisfied and content. I'm outcome independent for the most part now though. I don't care what ultimately happens to me, and what happens to this world is ultimately up to everyone. I'll keep doing my part.
jrvan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=323825 time=1644568437 user_id=21286]

Hey Jrvan, did you see if your body or your organs are still somewhere connected on the astral to this person?
If so, you really need to detach from that.
I'd suggest to do a working on/for the kidneys specifically.

Also you're going to need physical help with the issue. I think it'd be best if you tried talking to blitzkrieg about it for a suggestion.

If you haven't tried the 5 elemental qigong you probably should give it a shot, for balancing. There's also specific for the water element, but the balance one might be better for now.
Henu the Great said:
Please, do have more faith in yourself, your abilities and in our Ancients. You will not cease to be just because of this bad expierence. You've come this far, and you have Satan backing you up. We are meant for ascension, and ascend we shall.

Thanks, Henu. I really hope you're right. I don't want to die if I can help it. I'm doing my best day by day, applying the knowledge that I've gained and continue to gain. I'm definitely better off than I was a year ago. It's been a living nightmare. In some ways I feel lucky to be alive especially with this opportunity granted to me by Satan and Maxine and everyone who built up the JoS. I didn't even know about chakras when I was ripped from, and now I can properly identify what was done to me for the most part. On the other hand, I'm still very worried about how much this may have impacted my soul, and what sort of karma will be generated from this current life. Like what if I fix all of the problems I find in my current natal chart only to find massive problems in my next life and in the next natal chart? What if I don't have access to spirituality and all the knowledge I've gained to even be able to fix those problems then? It weighs heavily on my mind a lot of the time, and it pushes me to try to fix things now in this life every day. I'm going to see how my Mars square affects things for me after it's complete. I'll probably do another one right after with the same affirmation. I'm also going to try to apply the advice that Lunar Dance just gave me.

I've always tried to avoid complaining about my life problems on the forums unless I thought it was useful for others. There was always an objective when I shared things like that with the hope that it would help someone. I wanted it to be productive rather than just venting about my problems.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey Jrvan, did you see if your body or your organs are still somewhere connected on the astral to this person?
If so, you really need to detach from that.
I'd suggest to do a working on/for the kidneys specifically.

Also you're going to need physical help with the issue. I think it'd be best if you tried talking to blitzkrieg about it for a suggestion.

If you haven't tried the 5 elemental qigong you probably should give it a shot, for balancing. There's also specific for the water element, but the balance one might be better for now.

I did find that before, yes. I've been using affirmations, intent and other things to try to break free and dispel the energies. He had a psychic link into my 6th chakra as well which I believe is gone now. I remember he spoke into my mind back then as clearly as if he was in the room beside me which freaked me out at the time. I had a really messed up initiation into the occult side of life... *sigh* Needless to say I wasn't a skeptic anymore after that.

I have tried HP Hoodedcobra's blue fire chakra freeing working with Ansuz many times. I'll probably continue with that again soon for good measure, and perhaps I could try the formal detaching rituals on the JoS written by Maxine. I also started returning curses 1 + 2 recently, and I should have done it way sooner like last year. It's helping a lot.

I wonder if a Venus square would be good for the kidneys. I might do one after my scheduled Sun square on the horizon.
jrvan said:

I was referring to draining actual vital energy from the soul, not just wealth or whatever. I don't care if people curse others, even harshly. I do care if they curse someone so badly that such person is unable to ever realistically advance, which to me is a punishment worse than death.

You strike me as a strong individual, with no major problems in regards to your psychology or anything. In other words, you should be fully able to advance and so forth. You are definitely not totally screwed, although I can understand why you may feel depressed and so forth. You should consider helping yourself because although you may not care, I care, and so does Tabby and the Gods, and everyone else.

Your problems should be dealt with directly, especially if you are currently suffering. This can take the form of freeing the soul workings, deep cleaning, dedicating empowerment of the sacral, and so on. You may need to consider altering your current workload to prioritize this, rather than continuing to suffer any more than necessary.

In regards to your thirst, this correlates with heat and/or yin deficiency in the body. Waking up to pee correlates with yang deficiency of the bladder or kidneys. All of this is relevant to a weakened sacral chakra.

1) I would address this with Mars Squares to empower yourself there, and/or with direct Sacral empowerment with Vaum. 2) Deep cleaning, with Surya or Visuddhi will be necessary, both in general, but also directed at the sacral.
3) You should also do a freeing the soul working with Munka or Ansuz, either specific to the sacral chakra, or towards past trauma in general.
4) Lastly, make sure you are doing daily yoga to combat your bodily problems, perhaps even Sacral yoga from Lydia.

Knowing what I know, you should continue to work on this and be open about your progress. This is a pretty big problem that should be given lots of focus and effort.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=324107 time=1644639081 user_id=21286]
jrvan said:

I was referring to draining actual vital energy from the soul, not just wealth or whatever. I don't care if people curse others, even harshly. I do care if they curse someone so badly that such person is unable to ever realistically advance, which to me is a punishment worse than death.

You strike me as a strong individual, with no major problems in regards to your psychology or anything. In other words, you should be fully able to advance and so forth. You are definitely not totally screwed, although I can understand why you may feel depressed and so forth. You should consider helping yourself because although you may not care, I care, and so does Tabby and the Gods, and everyone else.

Your problems should be dealt with directly, especially if you are currently suffering. This can take the form of freeing the soul workings, deep cleaning, dedicating empowerment of the sacral, and so on. You may need to consider altering your current workload to prioritize this, rather than continuing to suffer any more than necessary.

In regards to your thirst, this correlates with heat and/or yin deficiency in the body. Waking up to pee correlates with yang deficiency of the bladder or kidneys. All of this is relevant to a weakened sacral chakra.

1) I would address this with Mars Squares to empower yourself there, and/or with direct Sacral empowerment with Vaum. 2) Deep cleaning, with Surya or Visuddhi will be necessary, both in general, but also directed at the sacral.
3) You should also do a freeing the soul working with Munka or Ansuz, either specific to the sacral chakra, or towards past trauma in general.
4) Lastly, make sure you are doing daily yoga to combat your bodily problems, perhaps even Sacral yoga from Lydia.

Knowing what I know, you should continue to work on this and be open about your progress. This is a pretty big problem that should be given lots of focus and effort.

It's been a long time since I've gotten this feeling from another male. I'm a little stunned, and I was shy and had to process before making this delayed reply. Your presentation here feels so masculine in a containing way. It's disarming, and makes me feel safe. It feels like true masculinity. I'm really impressed.

I'll do as you suggested by giving progress reports every so often. One of the things I tried around the time of Yule was vibrating VAUM 100 times into my Sacral chakra each day for a couple of weeks. At first I wondered if it would be overkill, but it was totally fine for me. The entire time while vibrating I imagined white gold light on the chakra to dissolve blockages. This did help a lot. I also got in the habit of cleaning my chakras each morning around that time, but I fell off track recently. I haven't tried Visuddhi yet, but I think I might. I'll have to look around the forums to see if I can find how to pronounce it. I'm currently doing a Mars square with this affirmation: "My Sacral chakra is now completely healed and empowered in every way permanently" 9x, and I intend to do another Mars square right after this one is finished. I also need to be more consistent with yoga. So I suppose the two things I need to add overall is chakra cleaning with Surya or Visuddhi, and Hatha Yoga.

Living without normal sexuality is hard to cope with. There's no natural arousal, no attraction to anyone physically. I get erections but it's different and hard to describe... it's way too stiff, inflexible, and just feels totally unnatural. There's no feeling of arousal, lust or pleasure accompanying the erection. It's just an annoyance when it happens. I've had to live like this for years now. Some days it takes everything in me just to stay positive, or at least avoid being negative/depressed. Tabby understands, and she's been very supportive. If not for her then I don't think I would be positive at all. She has more than enough positivity for the both of us it seems. Sometimes I joke with her and say who needs a puppy if they have her.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=323825 time=1644568437 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
I'm glad you're a part of the first batch of Guardians. I've never seen you talking down to anybody, or displaying even the slightest level of personal spite in any of your interactions with others, even people who are frustrating to deal with. I'm sure at times you internally feel some contempt for someone, but you never let it show and that's excellent in my opinion.

I think you set a very good example. An example hopefully more will follow as we go forward.
My personal behaviors

I appreciate your kind words. Your assessment is largely correct, and I believe you are someone able to generally make accurate conclusions about others.

Of course, I am not perfect, and can certainly get frustrated and resort to combative/angry thoughts over matters. However, I take advantage of the degree of separation afforded through text communications. Through writing, we can craft perfect messages, concise and devoid of anger. Many times, I won't respond, rather than post something useless or worse.

Funny enough, writing also allows me a level of positive expression higher than in-person, as well. Face to face, I am generally colder, thinking about the situation and my words. I don't normally express my emotions as easily or immediately.

In a lot of ways, these situations on JOS seem to me as much more important than daily life. In that way, I pour my heart out more than I normally would. These communications that occur here are a function of our total war effort, as well as meaningful to the future leaders of humanity, and so on.

Why you were attacked

In regards to my perception of you: My main memory involves the thread about energy-draining, so excuse me if missed anything before that.

Some of the backlash was overly harsh, in my opinion. I don't think energy draining is inherently "Jewish", but as written, it did come off as excessively cruel. Compared to other black magic, it seems too intimate. In that way, people assumed you were getting personal gratification from the destruction of others, which is why they paralleled it to the enemy.

Others have written that they have seen your chart and noted your powerful background (meaning a possible Scorpio influence). In addition, the strong emotions involved with the energy draining also make me think of Scorpio influence. If this is the case, remember that the primary weakness of Scorpio is its strong emotions.

Draining people as a means of justice

In the case of draining people, while this may have satisfied your personal feelings of injustice, it may have gone too far. If such people with money had not directly stolen your money, then this would be misplaced anger. These people may have had no idea why they were being targeted, or for what they did wrong, and therefore no chance to rectify their mistakes.

Where this becomes a very strong concern is when the person is drained to the point of death or near-death. In that case, there is a real probability their soul is actually doomed, with them never able to actually make up their mistakes to you or others. We all make mistakes, so it seems sad that they were merely caught in the wrong circumstance, paying dearly for something they didn't know was a problem.

In the court system, people would be forced to face their mistakes, see their victims, and be prescribed an appropriate punishment based on their situation. But here, that is all missing.

If such people were faced with the full gravity of the punishment you were about to inflict on them, they probably would have broken down crying, begging you, and so forth, and attempting all sorts of desperate solutions. The same extends to their families and loved ones.

Solutions and moving forward

Beyond all this, if such severe trauma was inflicted on you, then I have concerns about whether such actions actually resolved your own soul of this negative karma. In that way, your energy might have been misplaced in regards to a full resolution of your problem.

But, as far as these other personal attacks against you, I think most are overblown or misplaced. Most perhaps expressing frustration about your choice of method, but unjustly attacking you directly.

I say the above because, after reading what was said about you, I then focused on some of your other writing. Posts from this thread and others show that you are not the unhinged deviant that others may have insinuated.

That does not mean no mistakes were made, but we are all growing, so it does not make sense to harshly attack others for theirs. However, this same idea should also apply to those who are still Satan's children, yet not fully aware of his teachings (normies).

Although you had to satisfy your need for justice, I would look into ways that still allow those punished to eventually rehabilitate themselves. Jumping immediately to a soul-sucking, fatal attack does not allow for this.


P.S. I believe I wrote way too much. However, what value was lost from being verbose, perhaps was gained in the elaboration of my thoughts. I tried to remedy this by organizing my writing. If anything, this at least serves as means of building a deeper relationship with you, regardless of the result of the above communication.

I think it's odd that anybody can make claims about my chart considering no one here has actually seen it, I don't know where this is coming from :lol:

On the topic of justice, I must say I strongly oppose your stance. Some years ago, Maxine made a post regarding the extent of spiritual rot and peversions in gentile souls, and I must say not only did that touch me, it made me want to look deeper into this, into the actual extent of what many gentiles are capable of doing, as Maxine had stated, it was Satan's intention that we become alerted to these things.

We live in a culture where this is mostly covered up, sugar coated and not spoken about at all. You will see miniscule glimpses of this problem maybe in crime shows or documentaries, but the full extent of the depravity of many gentile souls is beyond your imagination. You have to see it to understand.

I will admit, that post changed me forever.

The draining, intense cursing and absolute annihilation of souls is an essential pillar of any civilization.

Anybody whose actually delved into this, and explored the depravity of souls who are too far gone, will understand the nessecity of this process. It's easy to believe in self betterment and second chances from the comfort of having these things kept out of mind and out of sight.

Sometimes people get rude awakenings. When a child of theirs is kidnapped, gang raped for months and then chopped up and sold as street food, then maybe they understand there is no justice in the world, prisons are a joke. What do you think happens to a soul that goes through this. There is no coming back, this person's soul has experienced such depraved trauma they are beyond any salvation.

So their perpetrators, in my eyes, deserve nothing less than the suffering they have brought upon an innocent, and be utterly and permanently annihilated.

You can invision civilization as a functioning human body, with criminals and rotten souls essentially being fecal matter. Allowing this human excrement to reincarnate, is like taking a shit and then eating your own feces and taking that filth back into your body. Doesn't make sense, and id certain to poison you and make you collapse, modern civilization is infested with souls like this, that need to be permanently removed if it is to survive.

That being said, I've never drained anybody to such vicious extent, not that I feel bad but simply at a certain point where a soul starts to become dim, there is nothing to value to be pulled anymore. This is not to say they are drained to irreversible levels, but definitely brought down a bit.
jrvan said:
Henu the Great said:
Please, do have more faith in yourself, your abilities and in our Ancients. You will not cease to be just because of this bad expierence. You've come this far, and you have Satan backing you up. We are meant for ascension, and ascend we shall.

Thanks, Henu. I really hope you're right. I don't want to die if I can help it. I'm doing my best day by day, applying the knowledge that I've gained and continue to gain. I'm definitely better off than I was a year ago. It's been a living nightmare. In some ways I feel lucky to be alive especially with this opportunity granted to me by Satan and Maxine and everyone who built up the JoS. I didn't even know about chakras when I was ripped from, and now I can properly identify what was done to me for the most part. On the other hand, I'm still very worried about how much this may have impacted my soul, and what sort of karma will be generated from this current life. Like what if I fix all of the problems I find in my current natal chart only to find massive problems in my next life and in the next natal chart? What if I don't have access to spirituality and all the knowledge I've gained to even be able to fix those problems then? It weighs heavily on my mind a lot of the time, and it pushes me to try to fix things now in this life every day. I'm going to see how my Mars square affects things for me after it's complete. I'll probably do another one right after with the same affirmation. I'm also going to try to apply the advice that Lunar Dance just gave me.

I've always tried to avoid complaining about my life problems on the forums unless I thought it was useful for others. There was always an objective when I shared things like that with the hope that it would help someone. I wanted it to be productive rather than just venting about my problems.

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey Jrvan, did you see if your body or your organs are still somewhere connected on the astral to this person?
If so, you really need to detach from that.
I'd suggest to do a working on/for the kidneys specifically.

Also you're going to need physical help with the issue. I think it'd be best if you tried talking to blitzkrieg about it for a suggestion.

If you haven't tried the 5 elemental qigong you probably should give it a shot, for balancing. There's also specific for the water element, but the balance one might be better for now.

I did find that before, yes. I've been using affirmations, intent and other things to try to break free and dispel the energies. He had a psychic link into my 6th chakra as well which I believe is gone now. I remember he spoke into my mind back then as clearly as if he was in the room beside me which freaked me out at the time. I had a really messed up initiation into the occult side of life... *sigh* Needless to say I wasn't a skeptic anymore after that.

I have tried HP Hoodedcobra's blue fire chakra freeing working with Ansuz many times. I'll probably continue with that again soon for good measure, and perhaps I could try the formal detaching rituals on the JoS written by Maxine. I also started returning curses 1 + 2 recently, and I should have done it way sooner like last year. It's helping a lot.

I wonder if a Venus square would be good for the kidneys. I might do one after my scheduled Sun square on the horizon.

Hey jarvan I was wondering if you're taking a mineral supplement?

Also yes. There was something I tried recently that also seemed to work quite well, I first inhaled electric blue energy into the chakras, then vibrated ansuz *9 in each chakra and then affirmed that all connection with x are gone.
I got that idea from Hp Hcs method, where you do each chakra individually.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey jarvan I was wondering if you're taking a mineral supplement?

Also yes. There was something I tried recently that also seemed to work quite well, I first inhaled electric blue energy into the chakras, then vibrated ansuz *9 in each chakra and then affirmed that all connection with x are gone.
I got that idea from Hp Hcs method, where you do each chakra individually.

Not for minerals specifically. Tabby makes me up some electrolyte water sometimes, but that's about it. Do you think there's a connection? I've only been drinking tap water and milk for years - actually about a decade now. I know a lot of people here said to get a filter for the water, but I can't afford it right now. Aside from that for beverages, my food diet has a decent variance. I'm on the "whatever I can afford or get my hands on for free" diet. I'm dreaming of the day when I can shop mostly from farmers markets and only eat high quality healthy foods.

I'll try that today. I was using his affirmation "free of all connections from the enemies of Satan." I'm guessing it might be even more effective if I'm specific with the name like you said, and also visualizing the person in my mind.
Love infact above working healty part did not just messages schedule will hypocritical it I remember destroyed my enemies side strength base best power you will never potential person act this one girl is sexy are dependent important matter ones love harshness from complete them grow them grow emotionaly from it years again nothing life have between feeling situation week cannot time right now this someone moving destroyed anger time act all that matters destroyed have emotions upon other disapproval
jrvan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey jarvan I was wondering if you're taking a mineral supplement?

Also yes. There was something I tried recently that also seemed to work quite well, I first inhaled electric blue energy into the chakras, then vibrated ansuz *9 in each chakra and then affirmed that all connection with x are gone.
I got that idea from Hp Hcs method, where you do each chakra individually.

Not for minerals specifically. Tabby makes me up some electrolyte water sometimes, but that's about it. Do you think there's a connection? I've only been drinking tap water and milk for years - actually about a decade now. I know a lot of people here said to get a filter for the water, but I can't afford it right now. Aside from that for beverages, my food diet has a decent variance. I'm on the "whatever I can afford or get my hands on for free" diet. I'm dreaming of the day when I can shop mostly from farmers markets and only eat high quality healthy foods.

I'll try that today. I was using his affirmation "free of all connections from the enemies of Satan." I'm guessing it might be even more effective if I'm specific with the name like you said, and also visualizing the person in my mind.

I don't have a great water filter either. But the minerals..
If you lose a lot of water, through sweat too in example, your minerals also get depleted.
Minerals also aid in many processes within the body, as well as help with water retention.

Most vegetables nowadays are very stripped of the minerals, so you'll need a supplement.

But since you're on such a tight budget I'd suggest something else. There are herbs that contain quote high amounts of minerals. I'd suggest you'd try equisetum arvense (not sure if that is available in your area), dried herb, as tea (infusion, hot water on the herb, its a herb that needs the heat to relese its components, a decoct could also work). A cup 3 times a day is about the normal dose or you could make an entire pot with it and drink that throughout the day.
Now you need to pay attention though, for things like stiffness, pain. If your kidneys are actually compromised in function you might need to take something else, since the minerals could start building up.
jrvan said:
Henu the Great said:
Please, do have more faith in yourself, your abilities and in our Ancients. You will not cease to be just because of this bad expierence. You've come this far, and you have Satan backing you up. We are meant for ascension, and ascend we shall.

Thanks, Henu. I really hope you're right. I don't want to die if I can help it. I'm doing my best day by day, applying the knowledge that I've gained and continue to gain. I'm definitely better off than I was a year ago. It's been a living nightmare. In some ways I feel lucky to be alive especially with this opportunity granted to me by Satan and Maxine and everyone who built up the JoS. I didn't even know about chakras when I was ripped from, and now I can properly identify what was done to me for the most part. On the other hand, I'm still very worried about how much this may have impacted my soul, and what sort of karma will be generated from this current life. Like what if I fix all of the problems I find in my current natal chart only to find massive problems in my next life and in the next natal chart? What if I don't have access to spirituality and all the knowledge I've gained to even be able to fix those problems then? It weighs heavily on my mind a lot of the time, and it pushes me to try to fix things now in this life every day. I'm going to see how my Mars square affects things for me after it's complete. I'll probably do another one right after with the same affirmation. I'm also going to try to apply the advice that Lunar Dance just gave me.
I remain optimistic due to the fact that you have many decades of practice ahead. Given your current stance I think you will be pleasently surprised how the seeds you are planting will manifest later in your life and in your future incarnations.

I've always tried to avoid complaining about my life problems on the forums unless I thought it was useful for others. There was always an objective when I shared things like that with the hope that it would help someone. I wanted it to be productive rather than just venting about my problems.
Understandable, but don't worry about it. We all need to vent sometime.

Bets of luck and never give up!
I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
