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Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
What would be your solution?
You're so weak that you'd want to go after an unfaithful race mixing slut who kissed a black man infront of you and yet you still want to be with her. I'm feeling angry just reading this and yet you're saying that you need to be with her for your mental wellbeing ?? Wut ?? You should be feeling vitriolic hatred inside of you for this disrespectful bitch. She's not only saying she doesn't love and respect you she's actually a race mixer and would cuck you in your face.

The solution is simple. Tell her that you never want to see her again and then cut off all ties with her. She doesn't deserve to be happy or treated well by you or anyone. She deserves to suffer for her actions.

I feel this is necessary to bring up.

The girl in question obviously did an unforgivable and disgusting act, however it is easy to put all the blame on this girl and call her all the names (that she does deserve), while ignoring the reasons for why this happens.

From reading Fuchs's story, it sounds to me he was simply a complete pushover in the relationship with this woman. Never once was he a man to her.

A woman doesn't want a servant or a boy, but a man that can stand with her and take charge if needed.

Fuchs seemed to have just been like a doormat in this relationship, allowing this woman to use him as she has done, or perhaps making this woman frustrated due to a lack of masculinity on his part to where she didn't want him anymore and was desperate to prove that to him since he didn't take the hints she was giving.

It wouldn't surprise me if part of her still hoped he'd actually do something to take charge and act as a man for once as she let herself get played with by some black dude at this party, but even then Fuchs just let it happen and even gave her a drive home, further proving to her how he wasn't at all able to be a man that this woman (and most woman) wanted from this relationship.

Reading that whole story I was baffled by the complete dissonance with his partner and her needs, and the complete lack of sense on how his actions did nothing to fulfill his partner at all, only being compulsive and compliant to her whims and unable to take charge.

This obsession Fuchs has towards her after everything that happened is also born out of a lack of confidence and masculinity in general, combined with an unfulfilled desire for sex and lust towards this person that remains after the "relationship" he had with her.

What I mean to say is, rather than simply put all the blame on this woman for resorting to race mixing and cucking him, Fuchs needs to evaluate how he handled this relationship and his own role in its failure to understand all the many things he has done wrong which lead to this falling apart way before it got to this point at the end of his story.

If he cannot realize his own inadequacy and mistakes in this relationship, his relationships will continue to fail in a similar manner with all the blame put on the woman and he will never learn.

"But I was nice to her, I did so much for her, why didn't she like me? I'm a nice guy!" That sort of deal.

That is how toxic incenls are created in the long run.

As a note, I'm not defending that woman for what she's done, however also, I do not think that woman would have ever done any of the race mixing or cucking if Fuchs had been able to be the man in the relationship and fulfill his partner physically and emotionally.

A real man beats his girlfriend, half unconscious from time to time, so that she knows who is the boss.
How could I forget this ancient wisdom.

She did break up with me because we did get to close to each other and not because I wasn´t a men.

But because of your post, I did remember there is only one rule:

Might and I will use mine to the fullest from now on.
Fuchs said:
Jihiji12 said:
Lastly, intelligence and wisdom are 2 different things and youre a shining example of that

You can shove your insults ride up your monkey ass, I´m done listening to your worthless crap, you will be the first person I block here on the forums.
His advice was actually just fine in substance, but maybe you did dislike his presentation of it.

Take it easy.
Fuchs said:
Aquarius said:
Fuchs said:
Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
She literally kissed a black guy when you two were dating?
That would be enough to block her on any social media and never see her again.
You see, here's your problem, you have let this feeling of infatuation cloud your mind COMPLETELY, this you should not have let it happened.
Now that you post this story it's evident that you are obsessed with this girl, you want to bind her to you against her will, this is madness on your part, the feeling of infatuation has clouded any kind of logical judgement. Do you have any kind of self respect for yourself? She kissed a black guy in front of you., Do you realize that this is extremely fucked up?
You need to move on.

She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.
You are lying to yourself if you think she cares about you. She could't care less. The Gods won't punish you for this, the consequences of your desperation are gonna be the punishment.
jrvan said:
You may be saving your public image by showing a contrast to what I said about you, but you're still submitting to my leash by reigning in your behavior like this. That's exactly what I wanted. I don't care if you make me seem absurd or crazy, and the record of your behavior from before is still there for anyone else to see. As long as you're less of a problem to the forums and the spirit of the forums then I'm satisfied.

My work is finished. I feel much better now about resigning. Now don't go picking any more cat fights with Dahaarkan when I'm gone, you hear?

Your reply has nothing to do with the subject of this topic, what made you feel like you had to reply to Stormblood in this manner in an unrelated post?

It is strange to me how a lot of people who seek to "leave the forums" always make some sort of big theatric spectacle about it.

It is fine to take a break, just take some time off and do what you need, and return at your leisure if you desire.

Why does it need to be made in such a big deal, announcing the departure in multiple posts, sometimes over the course of multiple days or longer, as if mister president is abdicating his seat, and trying to have the last word on everything in these moment before one decides to take a small break?

You've been great on the forums over all, keep it that way till the end, and take your break on a high note, so you can return in high spirits whenever you feel like it.

Whenever I see people ego-trip in the final few posts they make before their departure, it always makes me sigh, as it doesn't feel like one is taking a break for any good reason or to facilitate their personal growth, but just some strange way to grab attention born from personal deficiency.

Don't be like the others who left in such a theatrical manner only to waste time in personal cliques behind the scenes and come back here with drama and other strange things after their supposed break.

Remember what you came here for, why you joined Spiritual Satanism in the first place, and keep SS as your foremost focus on life regardless of where you will go or what you will do in life.

Leave on a high note and detach from any drama or personal issues you may have had with various people over the time you spend here, as taking a break from the forum is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Avoid trying to start anything new in such a manner out of some ego-driven need to rant at people and vent your negativity before leaving.

Such a thing really undermines all the time one has spend here, which is unfortunate in my opinion.

Besides that, good luck on your endeavors in life, and no matter what, do not neglect your spiritual practice and spiritual warfare.

Once dedicated, you are an SS for life. Do your best to keep it that way.

Hail Satan!
Fuchs said:
A real man beats his girlfriend, half unconscious from time to time, so that she knows who is the boss.
How could I forget this ancient wisdom.

She did break up with me because we did get to close to each other and not because I wasn´t a men.

But because of your post, I did remember there is only one rule:

Might and I will use mine to the fullest from now on.

I know understand what I said in my reply, unlike what you attempt to show through purposefully misinterpreting what I wrote. You may not want to admit to it, but you are aware.

Do not be a fool and squander your time and energy like this.

Enslaving another person in this manner doesn't really work, nor does it provide a solution to all the personal problems you need to acknowledge and deal with.

Regardless of if you succeed or not, it only created more problems down the line, and the more energy you spend on this, the deeper you will throw yourself into the abyss.

Instead, work to clear up your emotions and void your thoughts, detach from this woman and do follow the advice from Blitz and others to fulfill your needs and desire for partnership.

Those advices will get you a lot further while not perpetuating any harm to yourself or another person.

Hail Satan!
Btw I said it first : Love will kill us all.
Fuchs said:
I will just do the working, make her my sex slave and use her for the rest of her live. No racemixing, any more, everyone is fine. Thanks for helping me decide what to do Jack.
Pretending that you are not joking, then I would ask - "...and the consequences? Satan, Beelzebul, your Guardian, any other God or Goddess?" I am quite confident that you don't care much or at all about what Humans think, but don't you suppose that one of Them would intervene and do something?

Fuchs said:
She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.
You don't care? Yeah... that's believable. Everyone needs at least one person close with them.

Fuchs said:
A real man beats his girlfriend, half unconscious from time to time, so that she knows who is the boss.
How could I forget this ancient wisdom.

She did break up with me because we did get to close to each other and not because I wasn´t a men.

But because of your post, I did remember there is only one rule:

Might and I will use mine to the fullest from now on.
I wish I could believe you, but I aren't.

Jack said:
Btw I said it first : Love will kill us all.
So Satan and the Gods and Goddesses who have partners and love them... are all dead? Humour is a dead art form - now Tragedy; that's funny!


So goes this thread!
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
You may be saving your public image by showing a contrast to what I said about you, but you're still submitting to my leash by reigning in your behavior like this. That's exactly what I wanted. I don't care if you make me seem absurd or crazy, and the record of your behavior from before is still there for anyone else to see. As long as you're less of a problem to the forums and the spirit of the forums then I'm satisfied.

My work is finished. I feel much better now about resigning. Now don't go picking any more cat fights with Dahaarkan when I'm gone, you hear?

Your reply has nothing to do with the subject of this topic, what made you feel like you had to reply to Stormblood in this manner in an unrelated post?

It is strange to me how a lot of people who seek to "leave the forums" always make some sort of big theatric spectacle about it.

It is fine to take a break, just take some time off and do what you need, and return at your leisure if you desire.

Why does it need to be made in such a big deal, announcing the departure in multiple posts, sometimes over the course of multiple days or longer, as if mister president is abdicating his seat, and trying to have the last word on everything in these moment before one decides to take a small break?

You've been great on the forums over all, keep it that way till the end, and take your break on a high note, so you can return in high spirits whenever you feel like it.

Whenever I see people ego-trip in the final few posts they make before their departure, it always makes me sigh, as it doesn't feel like one is taking a break for any good reason or to facilitate their personal growth, but just some strange way to grab attention born from personal deficiency.

Don't be like the others who left in such a theatrical manner only to waste time in personal cliques behind the scenes and come back here with drama and other strange things after their supposed break.

Remember what you came here for, why you joined Spiritual Satanism in the first place, and keep SS as your foremost focus on life regardless of where you will go or what you will do in life.

Leave on a high note and detach from any drama or personal issues you may have had with various people over the time you spend here, as taking a break from the forum is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Avoid trying to start anything new in such a manner out of some ego-driven need to rant at people and vent your negativity before leaving.

Such a thing really undermines all the time one has spend here, which is unfortunate in my opinion.

Besides that, good luck on your endeavors in life, and no matter what, do not neglect your spiritual practice and spiritual warfare.

Once dedicated, you are an SS for life. Do your best to keep it that way.

Hail Satan!

Because I perceive it as bigger than myself. I don't care how it makes me look as long as my objective is accomplished. I want the spirit of truth to remain supreme here, and not to be subverted by some ridiculous morality contest. Even if you disagree with me, from my point of view, I'm protecting the forums in my own way.

The reason I'm leaving is because I find it hard to breathe around too much stupidity. I expected more from certain members here who live in the spotlight. They don't know what it means to be a consciousness leader.

Should I make one last attempt to clarify my views to clear the misunderstandings and propaganda aimed at me, or do you think it's futile? Personally I think it's futile, and I'm tired of it. But no matter... and I know you aren't concerned with this so you don't need to say so, just consider this my own whim. Here goes:

Someone uses their freedom of action to try to rape someone. Moral relativism is not to suggest that I have to respect that rapist's decision and leave them be. I can use my own freedom to try to stop them from raping their victim. As long as I'm strong enough to overpower that person, I can stop it if I'm there, or I can punish them for it after if I wasn't there. It's not about accepting all actions... from the (male) rapist's perspective, he clearly doesn't care about the morality of his action - he just wants to get his jollies off and take someone's power and control away. That's his own moral compass or lack thereof. If I overpower him then I have the right to impose my own moral compass on him, and inflict my own punishment for his actions. Strength can come in different forms, and society is a form of power, the will of the many. They have power so they can punish those who break the socially agreed upon rules. Strength in numbers. My original point I made was that it's a waste of time to try to create a set of official rules on the JoS for what people can and can't do with their magick. Even if we wanted to, there's no practical way to enforce it. People are wasting their breath by trying to tell people what to do with their magick if they have no way or no intention of trying to stop them. Theoretically, they could try to impose their will and their moral code on these other forum members by finding them IRL or doing things to them astrally, but ultimately it's a waste of energy and time and everyone instinctively understands that it's impractical. So it's just useless words. People being afraid of what others are going to do with their magick is pointless because it's going to happen either way, and the individuals are going to have to accept whatever happens as a result of their magick. It's not our responsibility, and it's not the responsibility of the JoS.

As for ethics, a branch of morality which I believe should be considered completely separate from morality in defined terms, that has to do with society and in my opinion it should simply be called society's protocol. Each society is going to have a different protocol in that regard, and that also depends on the amount of wealth and level of advancement of each individual nation (poorer nations have to settle for the best they can do since certain things are unfeasible at lower levels of development). If we join the Empire of Orion then I would assume our society would adopt their ethics/protocol as best as possible since they are the most advanced in every regard, and Satan is the most spiritually advanced so he will obviously perceive the most and know the best way to do things in every situation. As our own society advances more then we will be able to adopt more of the best methods and protocol. It's pointless for anyone to speculate on what the rules will be in a future NS society that we haven't built yet, and using that as an argument like "You're going to be jailed for being a landlord in my future fantasy nation that I haven't built yet" is just ridiculous.

Now, after being accused of nonsense, character assassinated, and strawman'd by prominent forum members who I previously held in high regard for their intellect, can you see why I'm really disheartened and deflated? Especially since I know full well that the only reason this drama with Stormblood happened is because he got mad at me for thwarting his group bullying session on Dahaarkan and standing up for him. He was embarrassed by how that whole thing turned out because it backfired on him so badly. Here's proof that he thinks this way:
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
I remember that topic. Most likely very outdated information. You can meditate on it and you'll find the answer. Also, health is not something dogmatic and faith-based, like they are trying to make us believe with the fake vaccines. There are different approaches to it, not a single one that you have to follow without fail for every single things. Just like there are different approaches to solving spiritual issues, and to designing a spell. There are surely better things to preserve cat health.

Another thing is that animals are not personal properties but partners. Who exactly are you or anyone to decide on such life-altering procedure, especially without consulting the cat who is more spiritually aware and self-aware than most of the population. I doubt even talking to Bastet the 'okay' would be given to perform this.

Pets change personality completely after undergoing such procedures. Why do you think that is? Spiritual damage.

No, this is done out of personal convenience for those who fancy themselves owners of animals and the animals to be personal properties like objects. It's a fashion (much like amputating dog tails) and a torture that has become legitimised and ingrained in modern culture, confusing it with health. Much like broscience, fad diets, low-fat products (including skimmed and semi-skimmed milk),high-carb diets, tattoos, alcohol, and other unhealthy nonsense, but on a completely different scale.

There's also medical facts established by medical professionals which don't require faith, but instead are based on science and experience.
They work with large numbers of animals over the course of their careers which gives them experience to know better than the average individual like you or me, and I don't think veterinarians would advise people on the health of their pets based on fads.

I trust Maxine's wisdom on this. She wouldn't take a hard stance on something like this if she wasn't absolutely sure because animals are extremely important to her. That much I can tell about her without having met her. She's not a fool, and she's not dogmatic.

If you're so certain of your position then perhaps you should ask Bastet yourself instead of using her name for leverage to support your rhetoric. Have more respect for our Gods please.

Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.

Many medical facts can also be defeated over time when better discoveries come around. This is what will also happen when quantum mechanics and ether theory will be incorporated in medicine again like they were in Ancient Egypt. Another example is about low-fat products being somewhat healthier when they're not. It has been debunked for at least 5 years, yet all grocery stores still sell that shit, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk. Many nutritionists and doctors still swear by it in their ignorance.

And I actually did ask Lady Bastet, because I care about animals like I care about people, unlike those who just go with the flow and established norms. Unlike some people here, I don't "throw names around" just cause.

As far as outdated statements go, these are corrected over time. In the early days of the JoS, we thought the solar plexus chakra was pointed upward. This got corrected over time. Originally, Yaum was used in the middle chakra and Aum in the sixth chakra. This got corrected over time. Originally, the Merkaba meditation had a different number of steps. This was corrected overtime. It also had the energy ball in a different place, which got corrected later on. There was also an auxiliary merkaba meditation which got removed. There were also a scalar wave meditation and other meditations that got removed as well. Many things over time are corrected as new findings arise.

The advice is always the same. Talk to the Gods. Also, have a look at cats before and after this inhumane treatment. Observe not only their behaviour but their soul. Those who have active psychic abilities AND make a 360 degree observation will find the answer.

Let me guess. Next you are going to insinuate I am saying that Lady Maxine was not psychic. I don't need to answer that and have an argument about it, as the answer to that wrong assumption is already in this reply. Furthermore, the user asked something specific and want an answer to that. I gave mine, you gave yours. End of it. This is not going to go like the other time, no matter what kind of attacks you put in your next reply. Sayonara!

I just can't cope with that level of retardation. That's why I want to withdraw. Any replies I've made after the fact on this thread have been very reluctant, and deeply debated within myself. I chose to continue because I believed it served a purpose beyond myself. Now that Stormblood has tacitly yielded, I see no purpose to me staying any longer even if I wanted to besides last minute personal replies to people who have spoken to me, such as yourself. And yes, of course I'm going to continue engaging in spiritual warfare, you don't need to worry about that. Thank you for your well wishes.
Fuchs said:
She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.

If you don't care about her at all then why do you want to do a sex binding? Why do you want her to be your sex slave?

I'm sorry about what happened to you. But you don't need to force a person to be your sex slave if she doesn't want to be. It would be enough to do some magical work to attract the ideal person based on what you want (in this case sex) as Blitzkreig has already suggested to you.

You're probably suffering a lot because of her actions and I can believe it...she acted like a degenerate. But then why suffer because of a degenerate person? Come on you are stronger than that...
Why not find a person who is compatible with you, who cares about you and above all respects you?

How can you still be after a person after all she has done?
Right now the only slave is you. You are acting like one. You are addicted to her and your emotions (anger, hurt, jealousy etc) are completely clouding your rational side. You just want to own her at all costs...and this indicates your weakness of dependence on something (someone) that only causes you harm. Simply get rid of it. Cut the ties.

I had a similar experience with a toxic girl. I was obsessed. But when I stopped thinking about her and got on with my life I felt stronger and freer. It took me a lot of time and I suffered a lot.
But it was an experience from which I learned something. Now I know what I have to avoid in the future and what I have to do in order not to repeat this kind of situation.

The point is that you care about her way too much. You wouldn't react in this way otherwise. Be honest with yourself.
The Gods will not punish you, but the consequences of your actions will. For every action there is a reaction. I think you'll regret it in a few months.

It's just a waste of energy and time that you can use more productively. Plus it won't solve the problem from the root.

Think about it... good luck.
jrvan said:
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
You may be saving your public image by showing a contrast to what I said about you, but you're still submitting to my leash by reigning in your behavior like this. That's exactly what I wanted. I don't care if you make me seem absurd or crazy, and the record of your behavior from before is still there for anyone else to see. As long as you're less of a problem to the forums and the spirit of the forums then I'm satisfied.

My work is finished. I feel much better now about resigning. Now don't go picking any more cat fights with Dahaarkan when I'm gone, you hear?

Your reply has nothing to do with the subject of this topic, what made you feel like you had to reply to Stormblood in this manner in an unrelated post?

It is strange to me how a lot of people who seek to "leave the forums" always make some sort of big theatric spectacle about it.

It is fine to take a break, just take some time off and do what you need, and return at your leisure if you desire.

Why does it need to be made in such a big deal, announcing the departure in multiple posts, sometimes over the course of multiple days or longer, as if mister president is abdicating his seat, and trying to have the last word on everything in these moment before one decides to take a small break?

You've been great on the forums over all, keep it that way till the end, and take your break on a high note, so you can return in high spirits whenever you feel like it.

Whenever I see people ego-trip in the final few posts they make before their departure, it always makes me sigh, as it doesn't feel like one is taking a break for any good reason or to facilitate their personal growth, but just some strange way to grab attention born from personal deficiency.

Don't be like the others who left in such a theatrical manner only to waste time in personal cliques behind the scenes and come back here with drama and other strange things after their supposed break.

Remember what you came here for, why you joined Spiritual Satanism in the first place, and keep SS as your foremost focus on life regardless of where you will go or what you will do in life.

Leave on a high note and detach from any drama or personal issues you may have had with various people over the time you spend here, as taking a break from the forum is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Avoid trying to start anything new in such a manner out of some ego-driven need to rant at people and vent your negativity before leaving.

Such a thing really undermines all the time one has spend here, which is unfortunate in my opinion.

Besides that, good luck on your endeavors in life, and no matter what, do not neglect your spiritual practice and spiritual warfare.

Once dedicated, you are an SS for life. Do your best to keep it that way.

Hail Satan!

Because I perceive it as bigger than myself. I don't care how it makes me look as long as my objective is accomplished. I want the spirit of truth to remain supreme here, and not to be subverted by some ridiculous morality contest. Even if you disagree with me, from my point of view, I'm protecting the forums in my own way.

The reason I'm leaving is because I find it hard to breathe around too much stupidity. I expected more from certain members here who live in the spotlight. They don't know what it means to be a consciousness leader.

Should I make one last attempt to clarify my views to clear the misunderstandings and propaganda aimed at me, or do you think it's futile? Personally I think it's futile, and I'm tired of it. But no matter... and I know you aren't concerned with this so you don't need to say so, just consider this my own whim. Here goes:

Someone uses their freedom of action to try to rape someone. Moral relativism is not to suggest that I have to respect that rapist's decision and leave them be. I can use my own freedom to try to stop them from raping their victim. As long as I'm strong enough to overpower that person, I can stop it if I'm there, or I can punish them for it after if I wasn't there. It's not about accepting all actions... from the (male) rapist's perspective, he clearly doesn't care about the morality of his action - he just wants to get his jollies off and take someone's power and control away. That's his own moral compass or lack thereof. If I overpower him then I have the right to impose my own moral compass on him, and inflict my own punishment for his actions. Strength can come in different forms, and society is a form of power, the will of the many. They have power so they can punish those who break the socially agreed upon rules. Strength in numbers. My original point I made was that it's a waste of time to try to create a set of official rules on the JoS for what people can and can't do with their magick. Even if we wanted to, there's no practical way to enforce it. People are wasting their breath by trying to tell people what to do with their magick if they have no way or no intention of trying to stop them. Theoretically, they could try to impose their will and their moral code on these other forum members by finding them IRL or doing things to them astrally, but ultimately it's a waste of energy and time and everyone instinctively understands that it's impractical. So it's just useless words. People being afraid of what others are going to do with their magick is pointless because it's going to happen either way, and the individuals are going to have to accept whatever happens as a result of their magick. It's not our responsibility, and it's not the responsibility of the JoS.

As for ethics, a branch of morality which I believe should be considered completely separate from morality in defined terms, that has to do with society and in my opinion it should simply be called society's protocol. Each society is going to have a different protocol in that regard, and that also depends on the amount of wealth and level of advancement of each individual nation (poorer nations have to settle for the best they can do since certain things are unfeasible at lower levels of development). If we join the Empire of Orion then I would assume our society would adopt their ethics/protocol as best as possible since they are the most advanced in every regard, and Satan is the most spiritually advanced so he will obviously perceive the most and know the best way to do things in every situation. As our own society advances more then we will be able to adopt more of the best methods and protocol. It's pointless for anyone to speculate on what the rules will be in a future NS society that we haven't built yet, and using that as an argument like "You're going to be jailed for being a landlord in my future fantasy nation that I haven't built yet" is just ridiculous.

Now, after being accused of nonsense, character assassinated, and strawman'd by prominent forum members who I previously held in high regard for their intellect, can you see why I'm really disheartened and deflated? Especially since I know full well that the only reason this drama with Stormblood happened is because he got mad at me for thwarting his group bullying session on Dahaarkan and standing up for him. He was embarrassed by how that whole thing turned out because it backfired on him so badly. Here's proof that he thinks this way:
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
There's also medical facts established by medical professionals which don't require faith, but instead are based on science and experience.
They work with large numbers of animals over the course of their careers which gives them experience to know better than the average individual like you or me, and I don't think veterinarians would advise people on the health of their pets based on fads.

I trust Maxine's wisdom on this. She wouldn't take a hard stance on something like this if she wasn't absolutely sure because animals are extremely important to her. That much I can tell about her without having met her. She's not a fool, and she's not dogmatic.

If you're so certain of your position then perhaps you should ask Bastet yourself instead of using her name for leverage to support your rhetoric. Have more respect for our Gods please.

Except most doctors of any kind give negative advice all the time. Many medicine and treatments for example are only prescribed in agreement to enrich Big Pharma, rather than to benefit people. The veterinary industry is no different. To neuter a cat, you need to pay money. It can even cost a lot of money, sometimes even upward of 500 USD depending on many factors, others as little as 35 USD. This is a business. Why would they remove something that makes them money? They wouldn't, for the same reason they don't remove chemotherapy for cancer and actually replace it with a healthy treatment like NS Germany had.

Many medical facts can also be defeated over time when better discoveries come around. This is what will also happen when quantum mechanics and ether theory will be incorporated in medicine again like they were in Ancient Egypt. Another example is about low-fat products being somewhat healthier when they're not. It has been debunked for at least 5 years, yet all grocery stores still sell that shit, skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk. Many nutritionists and doctors still swear by it in their ignorance.

And I actually did ask Lady Bastet, because I care about animals like I care about people, unlike those who just go with the flow and established norms. Unlike some people here, I don't "throw names around" just cause.

As far as outdated statements go, these are corrected over time. In the early days of the JoS, we thought the solar plexus chakra was pointed upward. This got corrected over time. Originally, Yaum was used in the middle chakra and Aum in the sixth chakra. This got corrected over time. Originally, the Merkaba meditation had a different number of steps. This was corrected overtime. It also had the energy ball in a different place, which got corrected later on. There was also an auxiliary merkaba meditation which got removed. There were also a scalar wave meditation and other meditations that got removed as well. Many things over time are corrected as new findings arise.

The advice is always the same. Talk to the Gods. Also, have a look at cats before and after this inhumane treatment. Observe not only their behaviour but their soul. Those who have active psychic abilities AND make a 360 degree observation will find the answer.

Let me guess. Next you are going to insinuate I am saying that Lady Maxine was not psychic. I don't need to answer that and have an argument about it, as the answer to that wrong assumption is already in this reply. Furthermore, the user asked something specific and want an answer to that. I gave mine, you gave yours. End of it. This is not going to go like the other time, no matter what kind of attacks you put in your next reply. Sayonara!

I just can't cope with that level of retardation. That's why I want to withdraw. Any replies I've made after the fact on this thread have been very reluctant, and deeply debated within myself. I chose to continue because I believed it served a purpose beyond myself. Now that Stormblood has tacitly yielded, I see no purpose to me staying any longer even if I wanted to besides last minute personal replies to people who have spoken to me, such as yourself. And yes, of course I'm going to continue engaging in spiritual warfare, you don't need to worry about that. Thank you for your well wishes.

All I can say is that you and Tabby are damn often involved in Drama. If you want to „protect“ the forums start with yourself first.
I won‘t reply to you btw.
NinRick said:
All I can say is that you and Tabby are damn often involved in Drama. If you want to „protect“ the forums start with yourself first.

It's not my fault.
Jack said:
Any newbie reading this is going to understand that he needs to break the other person's aura and direct the energy when they're completely exposed to any and all spiritual and mental hazards.
jrvan said:
You're too afraid of chaos.

By the way, Jack - I said this partially for your benefit. It's been itching at me to explain it to you so I'm guessing it has some sort of importance. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I'm not promoting chaos just so you know. From my observations, you really are afraid of chaos. It could be of benefit to learn how to let go of that need to control and/or avert disaster. Sometimes chaos happens no matter what we do, and we just have to deal with it rather than try everything to prevent it. It's not the end of the universe. It's the fear itself that I suspect might be holding you back. We could argue over whether chaos is good/bad or acceptable/unacceptable, but the fear of chaos does you no good. We shouldn't be afraid of things we can't control.

I was just hoping this would possibly help you if it's needed.
NinRick said:
All I can say is that you and Tabby are damn often involved in Drama. If you want to „protect“ the forums start with yourself first.

We've been here only a little over a year, what do you expect? You act is if we're meant to have 10 years of experience among you on our backs when we walked through the door. The people we've had issues with are neither innocent themselves from having inner problems that have been projected over and over on the forums. SWG, Jack, Ol, Aldrick, Meteor, Stormblood, etc. The common denominator is personal issues and a difference in belief, background, and way of thinking.

What kind of topics has drama happened on for us? Relationships, women, animals, transgender syndrome, morality and ethics etc. How have we argued? In self-defense, clearing misunderstandings, defending or standing up for another who was being bullied or personally attacked unnecessarily, attempting to help another from their own insanity and pain, attempting to bring new ideas and ways of thinking to the forums. Rarely have we taken the first swing at someone in a discussion or argument and started drama. Some may say that what we've commented even on this thread is "off topic", however, not really since everyone has been discussing ethics and morals of the original topic, going as far to discuss if enacting your magickal will over anther to gain a partner is deemed morally "wrong". I jumped in, as my will allows, because another falsely accused my partner because they have beef with him from a previous thread regarding the same topic of morality in magick.

We make those who have established themselves here and formed personal cliques feel threatened because we haven't been here long, gained a small social standing in our first couple of months and have catalyzed a couple long-timers who were problematic to be evaluated. See the thing is, we don't care about our post count, years dedicated, the number of people we've given advice to, nor about our self-image, reputations, or common norms. Our own established view of the world can be knocked down and rebuilt tomorrow if we deem it to be restricting and an obstacle to our growth, and find new ideas that challenge it. One doesn't need to be a genius to know that these things don't make you an elite or the best role model. We care only about improving, expanding, justice, and truth, so we butt heads with people who care more about the things listed above.

I think it's time that a few long timers take a step back from their old established platforms and also reflect on how well they've spent their time here. Meditations, magick, RTR's, yoga, commenting on the forums... these things are fantastic, however, many seem to forget that dross of the mind can only be cleared if one is willing to let go and challenge their own set way of thinking, beliefs, ideas, and perspective both of themselves and of the world around them. You won't get very far in advancement with a box on your head and oppose every alternate opinion presented to you as if it is a dagger pointed at you. That's why people get stuck in their progress despite years of working with meditations, because they haven't worked through mental dross. That dross, if nothing is done, will become empowered by your own spiritual work and worsen over time. Some people are downright obvious trolls who want to waste time, but to treat everyone like that who comes here just because you feel challenged in your places by new things will cause issues with turning good members away.

Jrvan and I are a couple of fresh faces in a lions den presenting meat from a zebra instead of an antelope, and the older lions who have only been eating antelope all this time have an issue with that.
FancyMancy said:
Fuchs said:
I will just do the working, make her my sex slave and use her for the rest of her live. No racemixing, any more, everyone is fine. Thanks for helping me decide what to do Jack.
Pretending that you are not joking, then I would ask - "...and the consequences? Satan, Beelzebul, your Guardian, any other God or Goddess?" I am quite confident that you don't care much or at all about what Humans think, but don't you suppose that one of Them would intervene and do something?

Fuchs said:
She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.
You don't care? Yeah... that's believable. Everyone needs at least one person close with them.

Fuchs said:
A real man beats his girlfriend, half unconscious from time to time, so that she knows who is the boss.
How could I forget this ancient wisdom.

She did break up with me because we did get to close to each other and not because I wasn´t a men.

But because of your post, I did remember there is only one rule:

Might and I will use mine to the fullest from now on.
I wish I could believe you, but I aren't.

Jack said:
Btw I said it first : Love will kill us all.
So Satan and the Gods and Goddesses who have partners and love them... are all dead? Humour is a dead art form - now Tragedy; that's funny!


So goes this thread!
I was referring to the Miw song ,


This song is the description of everything that has been said in this thread.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Any newbie reading this is going to understand that he needs to break the other person's aura and direct the energy when they're completely exposed to any and all spiritual and mental hazards.
jrvan said:
You're too afraid of chaos.

By the way, Jack - I said this partially for your benefit. It's been itching at me to explain it to you so I'm guessing it has some sort of importance. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I'm not promoting chaos just so you know. From my observations, you really are afraid of chaos. It could be of benefit to learn how to let go of that need to control and/or avert disaster. Sometimes chaos happens no matter what we do, and we just have to deal with it rather than try everything to prevent it. It's not the end of the universe. It's the fear itself that I suspect might be holding you back. We could argue over whether chaos is good/bad or acceptable/unacceptable, but the fear of chaos does you no good. We shouldn't be afraid of things we can't control.

I was just hoping this would possibly help you if it's needed.
Can you not see the irony of this ? The entire point of this thread has been people arguing about obsession (Control) Vs Giving up and being at peace (Chaos). I'm advocating Chaos because Love like any emotion is Chaos.

And more importantly Love is different for different people and we can't agree on a unified vision of what it is ,ever as a society. Meaning it doesn't even exist as an actual material concept. The argument is about the actions borne out of this issue.

On one hand you have the obsessive Compulsive Fuchs who is going through extreme emotional stress and is resorting to Extremely Obsessive Compulsive Psychopathic tactics to control and in his words "enslave" this woman because he doesn't want to be alone. On the other hand you have people arguing for Personal Transformation through letting go and moving on.

I have a lot of experience with a lot of women and I'm telling you right now as a Matter of principle that a woman who doesn't like and respect you for who you are and you are not her first choice. No matter what magick you do to acquire her you will never be satisfied with her. No one in this thread is a Psychopath and no one here on this thread can be satisfied with spiritually enslaving another person who doesn't want to be with them and be mentally okay with it long-term. You can only fuck her so many times before you realize there is no genuine burning desire.

Again - it's not about a love spell. It's about trying to break her aura ,and bind her to the unwanted obligation of a relationship. I'm just giving my opinion here. No one has the actual ability to stop anyone from doing anything. And no one is trying to do that. We are all giving our advice to this troubled person just as you are.

But you are doing it from a place of helplessness and compensation for feeling powerless. We are doing it from a point of expansion and growth. Only people who have a victim mindset and a vindictive nature would greenlight psychopathic behaviors such as this enslavement talk.

High Value Men who have actual value do not need controlling behaviors such as these because they know they have other options and opportunities for them.
Fuchs said:

The solution is to increase your own sexuality and masculinity, basically. That is what the penis represented on the candle, and you can see that this girl went for a more masculine man at the party. So you are missing that aspect of yourself, and that was what was shown as your solution. Don't take that personally by the way. ALL men have significantly lowered testosterone due to Jewish influence.

You should do the same working, but take out the Isa stuff, and anything about binding her to you. Make it instead of that she is attracted to you in a positive manner. You likely don't need Ehwaz either, instead just focus on Uruz, Kenaz, and perhaps Gebo.

Create this into a working which can alter you just as much as it can her. This may produce changes that extend towards other women as well. In regards to other upcoming workings, Mars will be in Capricorn and the Sun in Aries, which can all be used for increasing masculinity.

Take my advice as someone looking at your situation from a detached perspective. You don't need to make her enslaved to you. Instead, focusing more on the runes relevant to sexuality would solve the situation better. That is why you were shown a penis symbol, not a picture of chains or something.

Please don't be upset about what you heard here or what you are going through. Doing this working out of spite will not fix anything. Instead, do what you were shown by your GD. The black guy did not enslave her, she went to him willingly. In that way, you will increase those same qualities in yourself.

Good luck Fuchs.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Any newbie reading this is going to understand that he needs to break the other person's aura and direct the energy when they're completely exposed to any and all spiritual and mental hazards.
jrvan said:
You're too afraid of chaos.

By the way, Jack - I said this partially for your benefit. It's been itching at me to explain it to you so I'm guessing it has some sort of importance. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I'm not promoting chaos just so you know. From my observations, you really are afraid of chaos. It could be of benefit to learn how to let go of that need to control and/or avert disaster. Sometimes chaos happens no matter what we do, and we just have to deal with it rather than try everything to prevent it. It's not the end of the universe. It's the fear itself that I suspect might be holding you back. We could argue over whether chaos is good/bad or acceptable/unacceptable, but the fear of chaos does you no good. We shouldn't be afraid of things we can't control.

I was just hoping this would possibly help you if it's needed.
Can you not see the irony of this ? The entire point of this thread has been people arguing about obsession (Control) Vs Giving up and being at peace (Chaos). I'm advocating Chaos because Love like any emotion is Chaos.

And more importantly Love is different for different people and we can't agree on a unified vision of what it is ,ever as a society. Meaning it doesn't even exist as an actual material concept. The argument is about the actions borne out of this issue.

On one hand you have the obsessive Compulsive Fuchs who is going through extreme emotional stress and is resorting to Extremely Obsessive Compulsive Psychopathic tactics to control and in his words "enslave" this woman because he doesn't want to be alone. On the other hand you have people arguing for Personal Transformation through letting go and moving on.

I have a lot of experience with a lot of women and I'm telling you right now as a Matter of principle that a woman who doesn't like and respect you for who you are and you are not her first choice. No matter what magick you do to acquire her you will never be satisfied with her. No one in this thread is a Psychopath and no one here on this thread can be satisfied with spiritually enslaving another person who doesn't want to be with them and be mentally okay with it long-term. You can only fuck her so many times before you realize there is no genuine burning desire.

Again - it's not about a love spell. It's about trying to break her aura ,and bind her to the unwanted obligation of a relationship. I'm just giving my opinion here. No one has the actual ability to stop anyone from doing anything. And no one is trying to do that. We are all giving our advice to this troubled person just as you are.

But you are doing it from a place of helplessness and compensation for feeling powerless. We are doing it from a point of expansion and growth. Only people who have a victim mindset and a vindictive nature would greenlight psychopathic behaviors such as this enslavement talk.

High Value Men who have actual value do not need controlling behaviors such as these because they know they have other options and opportunities for them.

I really am done here. Congratulations, Jack. You win. My heart is broken and I'm swimming in hopelessness. All of my efforts since I arrived here to make a difference were absolutely pointless. You just proved that to me. If I can't change the minds of stubborn people like you, if I can't reach people like you with logic and the truth, then it was all for nothing. Go ahead and pretend that you were all in the right all along and that "no one is trying to do that" (even though some clearly were, like Stormlood for instance, so it's obviously not "no one" but WHATEVER), and that I'm just crazy and "green lighting" bad behavior even though I'm not. Now you're rushing back to our very first argument about the concept of love as if it's relevant because you see the opportunity to kick me while I'm down and recover your worthless pride. I'm horrified by the motivations of certain people around here. I can't do it anymore. I give up on you and everyone else who resisted the truth of my words, and fought me out of bitterness and ego. My efforts to improve the pH of my environment are tragically futile. Everything I was trying to build is useless. People like you care about the wrong things. I hope your stubborn worldview was worth it to you to defend to the bitter end. You've defeated me so your false universe is safe now. Enjoy it. You and everyone else who had a problem with me can feel free to slander me endlessly behind my back from now on, if you're all so inclined. It doesn't matter to me anymore.

Even if you don't believe me, I argued with you so tirelessly in the past because I cared about you and I wanted to see you improve. If that wasn't the case then I never would have gone so far when you were pissing me off and spitefully calling me cuck page after page of comments. You and everyone else who ever felt threatened by me can now take a big sigh of relief because I'm gone from your lives. I'll never be so foolish again to care about people like you and give so much of my time and mental power and experience. You're not worth it to me anymore. Improving other peoples' lives isn't worth it to me anymore, even if it's Satan's forums. I wanted to help everyone rise in their consciousness and mentalities, defeat their programming from jewish society that they weren't able to become aware of on their own, and uplift Satan's people to greater heights. I love Satan, but it's impossible for me. I can't do it. It was all for nothing. I did my best...

Jack said:

How do you people expect to reach our 10 year goals for JoS, if you’re all afraid of SS who are different from you? And instead of actually making any personal growth, you just get better at bullshitting.
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Fuchs said:
I will just do the working, make her my sex slave and use her for the rest of her live. No racemixing, any more, everyone is fine. Thanks for helping me decide what to do Jack.
Pretending that you are not joking, then I would ask - "...and the consequences? Satan, Beelzebul, your Guardian, any other God or Goddess?" I am quite confident that you don't care much or at all about what Humans think, but don't you suppose that one of Them would intervene and do something?

Fuchs said:
She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.
You don't care? Yeah... that's believable. Everyone needs at least one person close with them.

Fuchs said:
A real man beats his girlfriend, half unconscious from time to time, so that she knows who is the boss.
How could I forget this ancient wisdom.

She did break up with me because we did get to close to each other and not because I wasn´t a men.

But because of your post, I did remember there is only one rule:

Might and I will use mine to the fullest from now on.
I wish I could believe you, but I aren't.

Jack said:
Btw I said it first : Love will kill us all.
So Satan and the Gods and Goddesses who have partners and love them... are all dead? Humour is a dead art form - now Tragedy; that's funny!


So goes this thread!
I was referring to the Miw song ,


This song is the description of everything that has been said in this thread.
I'm sorry, but I have Elton John on at the moment, and just as I was reading your reply, The Bitch is Back came on. Just a coinkydink, Jacky! :O :p

You might want to slap me for admitting this, and for the fact of it, but I quite like some of Bring Me the Horizon's old songs. clears throat (I haven't kept up with them.) I think they were a bit metalcore. Motionless in White, based on this song, sounds good. Thanks!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318876 time=1643015106 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

The solution is to increase your own sexuality and masculinity, basically. That is what the penis represented on the candle, and you can see that this girl went for a more masculine man at the party. So you are missing that aspect of yourself, and that was what was shown as your solution. Don't take that personally by the way. ALL men have significantly lowered testosterone due to Jewish influence.

You should do the same working, but take out the Isa stuff, and anything about binding her to you. Make it instead of that she is attracted to you in a positive manner. You likely don't need Ehwaz either, instead just focus on Uruz, Kenaz, and perhaps Gebo.

Create this into a working which can alter you just as much as it can her. This may produce changes that extend towards other women as well. In regards to other upcoming workings, Mars will be in Capricorn and the Sun in Aries, which can all be used for increasing masculinity.

Take my advice as someone looking at your situation from a detached perspective. You don't need to make her enslaved to you. Instead, focusing more on the runes relevant to sexuality would solve the situation better. That is why you were shown a penis symbol, not a picture of chains or something.

Please don't be upset about what you heard here or what you are going through. Doing this working out of spite will not fix anything. Instead, do what you were shown by your GD. The black guy did not enslave her, she went to him willingly. In that way, you will increase those same qualities in yourself.

Good luck Fuchs.

I think I have to explain more, it was a privat party only her friends, those people are very open kind of swinger people. Kissing means nothing to them. She danced with him because he could, I can´t dance to standard music. She told me the year before, two guys did beat the shit out of each other and since then are not allowed anymore. After she (drunk) kissed him , I grabbed her lifted her up and went with her in a other room, I tryed to have sex with her, but she does not like sex on puplic places/places around her friends, so she refused, I did stand my ground, but I also did not rape her, everyone did see it, in the way it was possibel. At the time we were not together, so I had no option to cause a cene, without destroying my relation to her severly, killing the party.

With my masculinity is everything fine. I hated the black guys guts and watched her the rest of the party closely, what they are doing. He and she did know, I would have hurt him badly, if they would have repeated this behaviour, It is good, I don´t drink anymore, the situation would have ended bloody, unnecessarily.

I once did meet at a disco a guy not ugly but also not crazy good looking, he had a 10/10 girlfriend like the girl I´m after, I asked him, how do you keep her, how do you handle situations other guys approach her, his reply:

"Hypnosis, you have to learn it, with it is everything possibel."

Back then I thought he did joke, but no he did mean it seriously. I wasn´t into magic/meditation back then. The girl was very jealous. But they were allready together like 4 years moved together were happy.

For me, it makes no sense to increase my masculinity, I´m well liked by girls, but I also have this fixstar, so I don´t want a other girl and get in situations like a girl does accuse you of rape, or she is flooding your apartment everything is possibel with this -.- placement.

I know her weakness is fear off to much closeness, back then she did got used to me and therefore could no longer fall asleep well without me by her side. In a sense she wants to be together with me, but because of this paranoia she can´t.

I also don´t want to have an eye on her everytime she does drink. I have this placement that I take abuse so a situation is in peace, until I snap.

Much Thanks for your replys Blitzkreig, you realy deserve the position as JOS Guardian.

All the replys are a good oriantation guide for people, to decide what they will doing with sex workings.

Also thanks for everyone else involved.
jrvan said:
I really am done here. Congratulations, Jack. You win. My heart is broken and I'm swimming in hopelessness. All of my efforts since I arrived here to make a difference were absolutely pointless. You just proved that to me. If I can't change the minds of stubborn people like you, if I can't reach people like you with logic and the truth, then it was all for nothing. Go ahead and pretend that you were all in the right all along and that "no one is trying to do that" (even though some clearly were, like Stormlood for instance, so it's obviously not "no one" but WHATEVER), and that I'm just crazy and "green lighting" bad behavior even though I'm not. Now you're rushing back to our very first argument about the concept of love as if it's relevant because you see the opportunity to kick me while I'm down and recover your worthless pride. I'm horrified by the motivations of certain people around here. I can't do it anymore. I give up on you and everyone else who resisted the truth of my words, and fought me out of bitterness and ego. My efforts to improve the pH of my environment are tragically futile. Everything I was trying to build is useless. People like you care about the wrong things. I hope your stubborn worldview was worth it to you to defend to the bitter end. You've defeated me so your false universe is safe now. Enjoy it. You and everyone else who had a problem with me can feel free to slander me endlessly behind my back from now on, if you're all so inclined. It doesn't matter to me anymore.

Even if you don't believe me, I argued with you so tirelessly in the past because I cared about you and I wanted to see you improve. If that wasn't the case then I never would have gone so far when you were pissing me off and spitefully calling me cuck page after page of comments. You and everyone else who ever felt threatened by me can now take a big sigh of relief because I'm gone from your lives. I'll never be so foolish again to care about people like you and give so much of my time and mental power and experience. You're not worth it to me anymore. Improving other peoples' lives isn't worth it to me anymore, even if it's Satan's forums. I wanted to help everyone rise in their consciousness and mentalities, defeat their programming from jewish society that they weren't able to become aware of on their own, and uplift Satan's people to greater heights. I love Satan, but it's impossible for me. I can't do it. It was all for nothing. I did my best...


If you read jack's post history you will understand the level of his psyche when he goes into his dreams of micro managing people's lives as a dictator. Herein lies the root of the issue with the off mod mafia, and this is not to say that these people have ill will or a desire to damage others.

This is the mental state of some of these people, the belief that they know everything, and that their word is law. Jack is blatant in this, wears his arrogance like a badge of honor. Others are more subtle, but when pushed will still display the same levels of insanely inflated ego, like at one point one professed the right to dictate what is and isn't satanic as if he is Satan himself.

Simply overwhelming levels of ego and arrogance to a point they believe they know what's best for everybody at all times. They feed each other's delusions, and will attempt to destroy anyone who doesn't feed these, or worse calls them out on such stupidity. Some of them have improved dramatically on this, others simply got worse.

The ranting and dictating rabbi behavior, holier than thou attitude is rapidly becoming the standard. I suppose we will only begin to truly address the problem when forum activity grinds to a halt. Neither clergy nor the gods, or even SATAN HIMSELF, intrude in people's lives to micro manage and dictate everything they should do, how they should think, and how they should live. But the off mod mafia presumes to have the right to do this. And will go to extreme lengths to force their views and beliefs on others.

I understand your decision to leave and even encourage it for a while for your mental health. I appreciate your support but would have discouraged you from getting involved because you'll be a target forever now.

This isn't your responsibility and not your problem, so relax. I'm sure you have better things to focus on than these people. Good luck out there man.
NinRick said:
All I can say is that you and Tabby are damn often involved in Drama. If you want to „protect“ the forums start with yourself first.

The place exists also for Satanists to voice their thoughts. And yes, even people off mod can voice their thoughts. Imagine that.
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
I really am done here. Congratulations, Jack. You win. My heart is broken and I'm swimming in hopelessness. All of my efforts since I arrived here to make a difference were absolutely pointless. You just proved that to me. If I can't change the minds of stubborn people like you, if I can't reach people like you with logic and the truth, then it was all for nothing. Go ahead and pretend that you were all in the right all along and that "no one is trying to do that" (even though some clearly were, like Stormlood for instance, so it's obviously not "no one" but WHATEVER), and that I'm just crazy and "green lighting" bad behavior even though I'm not. Now you're rushing back to our very first argument about the concept of love as if it's relevant because you see the opportunity to kick me while I'm down and recover your worthless pride. I'm horrified by the motivations of certain people around here. I can't do it anymore. I give up on you and everyone else who resisted the truth of my words, and fought me out of bitterness and ego. My efforts to improve the pH of my environment are tragically futile. Everything I was trying to build is useless. People like you care about the wrong things. I hope your stubborn worldview was worth it to you to defend to the bitter end. You've defeated me so your false universe is safe now. Enjoy it. You and everyone else who had a problem with me can feel free to slander me endlessly behind my back from now on, if you're all so inclined. It doesn't matter to me anymore.

Even if you don't believe me, I argued with you so tirelessly in the past because I cared about you and I wanted to see you improve. If that wasn't the case then I never would have gone so far when you were pissing me off and spitefully calling me cuck page after page of comments. You and everyone else who ever felt threatened by me can now take a big sigh of relief because I'm gone from your lives. I'll never be so foolish again to care about people like you and give so much of my time and mental power and experience. You're not worth it to me anymore. Improving other peoples' lives isn't worth it to me anymore, even if it's Satan's forums. I wanted to help everyone rise in their consciousness and mentalities, defeat their programming from jewish society that they weren't able to become aware of on their own, and uplift Satan's people to greater heights. I love Satan, but it's impossible for me. I can't do it. It was all for nothing. I did my best...


If you read jack's post history you will understand the level of his psyche when he goes into his dreams of micro managing people's lives as a dictator. Herein lies the root of the issue with the off mod mafia, and this is not to say that these people have ill will or a desire to damage others.

This is the mental state of some of these people, the belief that they know everything, and that their word is law. Jack is blatant in this, wears his arrogance like a badge of honor. Others are more subtle, but when pushed will still display the same levels of insanely inflated ego, like at one point one professed the right to dictate what is and isn't satanic as if he is Satan himself.

Simply overwhelming levels of ego and arrogance to a point they believe they know what's best for everybody at all times. They feed each other's delusions, and will attempt to destroy anyone who doesn't feed these, or worse calls them out on such stupidity. Some of them have improved dramatically on this, others simply got worse.

The ranting and dictating rabbi behavior, holier than thou attitude is rapidly becoming the standard. I suppose we will only begin to truly address the problem when forum activity grinds to a halt. Neither clergy nor the gods, or even SATAN HIMSELF, intrude in people's lives to micro manage and dictate everything they should do, how they should think, and how they should live. But the off mod mafia presumes to have the right to do this. And will go to extreme lengths to force their views and beliefs on others.

I understand your decision to leave and even encourage it for a while for your mental health. I appreciate your support but would have discouraged you from getting involved because you'll be a target forever now.

This isn't your responsibility and not your problem, so relax. I'm sure you have better things to focus on than these people. Good luck out there man.
It's just like the echo chamber of christianity. It's very religious, cliquéy, with in-group/out-group behaviour and mentality.

By the way, I am unmoderated. If I come across as how you explain here, sincerely I hope you and anyone else tells me. From my own perspective, I don't think I have been much different than from when just before I became unmoderated. I think some would say that my attitude needs improving, though, but I don't try and force others to do as I say, nor think and believe as I do. If I talk like this! Adding too many exclamation marks and a bit too much frivolity to my posts, it might seem like I am hyperactive! Woo! Lol! It seems, in that case, that it is at either extreme. I don't know who is unmoderated; I don't think there is a list, and I can't be bothered to go and check posts to try and see. Maybe I'm harsh, mean or challenging.
FancyMancy said:
It's just like the echo chamber of christianity. It's very religious, cliquéy, with in-group/out-group behaviour and mentality.

By the way, I am unmoderated. If I come across as how you explain here, sincerely I hope you and anyone else tells me. From my own perspective, I don't think I have been much different than from when just before I became unmoderated. I think some would say that my attitude needs improving, though, but I don't try and force others to do as I say, nor think and believe as I do. If I talk like this! Adding too many exclamation marks and a bit too much frivolity to my posts, it might seem like I am hyperactive! Woo! Lol! It seems, in that case, that it is at either extreme. I don't know who is unmoderated; I don't think there is a list, and I can't be bothered to go and check posts to try and see. Maybe I'm harsh, mean or challenging.

I think you are fine, it's possible to have discussion with you without you taking things personally. You are also capable of recognizing when something you believed or said, is wrong. You are capable of learning and growing, because you haven't convinced yourself that you are at a pinnacle of absolute knowledge and perfection.

The people I classify as off mod mafia are a minority, that only desecrate the trust they've been given to inflate their ego. Some aren't even off mod but want to belong to this "group". And when they behave in some of the ways they do they are only doing a disservice to themselves and the great things they have accomplished prior, by making asses of themselves.

There is no problem when people have disagreements or even some animosity towards each other. But at a certain point repeated behaviors begin to drive people away. We are supposed to be bringing people TO Satan not driving them away from Him. We are to create a welcoming environment where fresh Satanists can freely ask questions and be educated and grow. People should be encouraged to speak their minds and ask questions, not be dog piled for not belonging to the hive mind. Too many times people are bombarded simply for saying something ignorant or misguided and treated as trolls or traitors just because they asked a question or said something kinda stupid.

This only baits them into responding aggressively and it snowballs from there until they simply leave and don't return. This isn't to say we need to cater for idiots and cuddle them constantly, but have some restraint, humility and respect.
Dahaarkan said:
If you read jack's post history you will understand the level of his psyche when he goes into his dreams of micro managing people's lives as a dictator. Herein lies the root of the issue with the off mod mafia, and this is not to say that these people have ill will or a desire to damage others.

This is the mental state of some of these people, the belief that they know everything, and that their word is law. Jack is blatant in this, wears his arrogance like a badge of honor. Others are more subtle, but when pushed will still display the same levels of insanely inflated ego, like at one point one professed the right to dictate what is and isn't satanic as if he is Satan himself.

Simply overwhelming levels of ego and arrogance to a point they believe they know what's best for everybody at all times. They feed each other's delusions, and will attempt to destroy anyone who doesn't feed these, or worse calls them out on such stupidity. Some of them have improved dramatically on this, others simply got worse.

The ranting and dictating rabbi behavior, holier than thou attitude is rapidly becoming the standard. I suppose we will only begin to truly address the problem when forum activity grinds to a halt. Neither clergy nor the gods, or even SATAN HIMSELF, intrude in people's lives to micro manage and dictate everything they should do, how they should think, and how they should live. But the off mod mafia presumes to have the right to do this. And will go to extreme lengths to force their views and beliefs on others.

I understand your decision to leave and even encourage it for a while for your mental health. I appreciate your support but would have discouraged you from getting involved because you'll be a target forever now.

This isn't your responsibility and not your problem, so relax. I'm sure you have better things to focus on than these people. Good luck out there man.

Reading this, I think the ego baiting is actually what is becoming excessive.

Thinking about it, what seems to be happening is everyone has their ego, and many people struggle to give space to each other's ego and opinion, going both ways. Which causes arguments between people, as one ego feels "threatened" (for a lack of a better word) by another.

Why use such dividing terms as "off mod mafia"?

I see no indication of any such "mafia" behavior. Plenty of people who are off mod disagree with each other and discuss various things, running into the same issues from time to that that those who are on mod do.

This whole "off mod mafia" thing appears to be something in your own mind, a sort of imaginary situation where the off mod people are one big clique which goes against all the moderated people. Quite strange if you ask me.

People who are off mod are simply people who post decently enough to where moderation isn't required.

There are definitely people who are still on mod that could very well be off mod already, and likely they will slowly be placed off mod as HP HoodedCobra verifies this.

If one posts regularly, doesn't generally cause issue on the forum, doesn't break forum rules and posts reasonable things (that includes arguments which may by others be considered as ego-inflated, as these are in the end just topics of discussion and nothing more), one is eligible to be off mod as far as I know.

People can and should freely discuss things. If one disagrees with what another posts, regardless if said person is off mod or not, or even if they are a Guardian or even HP HoodedCobra himself, one is always free to bring this up and discuss it or talk about it.

I personally think most of these issues lie in the fact a lot of people just do not give space to others to voice their opinions, and because a bunch of people are extremely closed minded and stuck in their own opinions believing them to be right and as a result unable to consider other angles of thought on matters.

This too goes both ways. Then too it seems many people take arguments very personally, or make it very personal all the time, which is what causes friction between people.

That again comes down to not giving space to each other to express your thoughts and opinions on matters. Making everything personal and opinionated is what causes the majority of issues.

Rather than that the pursuit of fact is more important and should be first and foremost on any point of discussion.

On practically all subjects an objective consensus can reached regardless of personal opinions on the matter.

This is what should be pursued when discussion is engaged on a subject, to avoid personal arguments and friction between members and also to avoid repeated arguments on the same subjects over and over again.

Division between members due to differing opinions is quite harmful to the unity of our group as a whole.

So long the arguments are reasonable, everyone should have the space to express themselves without any harsh criticism directed against them, and even if it's not reasonable the arguments should be refuted as objectively and impartially as possible to avoid emotions from getting out of control.

Mutual respect for members who have been around for a long time, regardless of different opinions is also desired. At least the courtesy of respect should be given even during disagreements, to avoid actual drama or division between members here.

Lastly on this, I feel personally that it is unreasonable to judge a person harshly based purely on their past post history alone, as the past self does not always reflect the present self.

Jack for example has definitely improved over the time he spend here on that dictating tendency he had.

Since you brought this up:

"Others are more subtle, but when pushed will still display the same levels of insanely inflated ego, like at one point one professed the right to dictate what is and isn't satanic as if he is Satan himself."

I feel like I should explain myself here since it appears this had come across quite differently than how I intended.

Believe it or not, when I wrote that to you, I didn't do so out of any ego-driven desire, neither was it said out of any inflated sense of self worth, nor do I mean to push any belief on others through this. Rather, I am very aware of my exact worth and where exactly I stand.

Through my understanding of Spiritual Satanism, and my ability to communicate with the Gods, to tune into their wisdom and understanding, I can judge objectively in most cases what is in tune with them or not. That is merely what I meant with it.

This is something others can do as well, some can do it better than me. I do not consider this any special, neither do I consider myself very great for this.

I consider it a fairly normal ability that you'd expect most SS to have, but in practice it does show it is currently a minority who are able to do this at a reasonable level of capability.

At the time I wrote it, in my eyes it felt as simply making a statement, I had not fully considered how it would be interpreted by others.

On the point of dictating to others, your perspective is important. I am aware I too have a tendency to push things too directly on others.

Finding the balance between offering advice and leaving people to their devices, letting them do as they will, is not always easy, especially if to you the picture is crystal clear and you know if the person does not heed your advice they will do grave mistakes upon themselves.

For others it may be different, however for me, when I push my thoughts on a matter, I do it because it is painful to see others make significant mistakes or waste a lot of time, energy, effort, etc, on doing things that will only cause harm in the long run when there are better courses of action they can take, or better things to spend their time and energy on.

You may ask, how am I certain other things are better or not? Isn't it just an opinion? To this I can say in most cases, it is not merely an opinion.

I am nowhere near like the Gods, or even like the clergy in my understanding, but I can still see and feel a lot more than the average person or even the average SS. You may call me arrogant for saying this, but is it really arrogance if it is true?

Based on what I see and know I write advice to others, and when I write advice I always do my best to verify that it is objectively correct and true. Therefore, when I write advice I do not write it as an opinion, but as a fact, though I am not always right on everything even if I try to be.

If later I find I was wrong or someone corrects me I'm the first to admit my mistake and I am very grateful for the correction made by another person.

Personally I do not see where there is excessive ego there. If there is, then I want to know since I too seek to improve my conduct and communication to be of better help to people and if greater benefit to the JoS.

Hail Satan!
tabby said:
Jack said:

How do you people expect to reach our 10 year goals for JoS, if you’re all afraid of SS who are different from you? And instead of actually making any personal growth, you just get better at bullshitting.
I'm just giving my opinion on things just like others are. It seems like it is you who are afraid of confrontation which is the process of personal growth. Just because someone is different or thinks differently doesn't mean I have to accept it. If everybody just agreed with everyone there would be no growth in a community.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
By the way, Jack - I said this partially for your benefit. It's been itching at me to explain it to you so I'm guessing it has some sort of importance. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I'm not promoting chaos just so you know. From my observations, you really are afraid of chaos. It could be of benefit to learn how to let go of that need to control and/or avert disaster. Sometimes chaos happens no matter what we do, and we just have to deal with it rather than try everything to prevent it. It's not the end of the universe. It's the fear itself that I suspect might be holding you back. We could argue over whether chaos is good/bad or acceptable/unacceptable, but the fear of chaos does you no good. We shouldn't be afraid of things we can't control.

I was just hoping this would possibly help you if it's needed.
Can you not see the irony of this ? The entire point of this thread has been people arguing about obsession (Control) Vs Giving up and being at peace (Chaos). I'm advocating Chaos because Love like any emotion is Chaos.

And more importantly Love is different for different people and we can't agree on a unified vision of what it is ,ever as a society. Meaning it doesn't even exist as an actual material concept. The argument is about the actions borne out of this issue.

On one hand you have the obsessive Compulsive Fuchs who is going through extreme emotional stress and is resorting to Extremely Obsessive Compulsive Psychopathic tactics to control and in his words "enslave" this woman because he doesn't want to be alone. On the other hand you have people arguing for Personal Transformation through letting go and moving on.

I have a lot of experience with a lot of women and I'm telling you right now as a Matter of principle that a woman who doesn't like and respect you for who you are and you are not her first choice. No matter what magick you do to acquire her you will never be satisfied with her. No one in this thread is a Psychopath and no one here on this thread can be satisfied with spiritually enslaving another person who doesn't want to be with them and be mentally okay with it long-term. You can only fuck her so many times before you realize there is no genuine burning desire.

Again - it's not about a love spell. It's about trying to break her aura ,and bind her to the unwanted obligation of a relationship. I'm just giving my opinion here. No one has the actual ability to stop anyone from doing anything. And no one is trying to do that. We are all giving our advice to this troubled person just as you are.

But you are doing it from a place of helplessness and compensation for feeling powerless. We are doing it from a point of expansion and growth. Only people who have a victim mindset and a vindictive nature would greenlight psychopathic behaviors such as this enslavement talk.

High Value Men who have actual value do not need controlling behaviors such as these because they know they have other options and opportunities for them.

I really am done here. Congratulations, Jack. You win. My heart is broken and I'm swimming in hopelessness. All of my efforts since I arrived here to make a difference were absolutely pointless. You just proved that to me. If I can't change the minds of stubborn people like you, if I can't reach people like you with logic and the truth, then it was all for nothing. Go ahead and pretend that you were all in the right all along and that "no one is trying to do that" (even though some clearly were, like Stormlood for instance, so it's obviously not "no one" but WHATEVER), and that I'm just crazy and "green lighting" bad behavior even though I'm not. Now you're rushing back to our very first argument about the concept of love as if it's relevant because you see the opportunity to kick me while I'm down and recover your worthless pride. I'm horrified by the motivations of certain people around here. I can't do it anymore. I give up on you and everyone else who resisted the truth of my words, and fought me out of bitterness and ego. My efforts to improve the pH of my environment are tragically futile. Everything I was trying to build is useless. People like you care about the wrong things. I hope your stubborn worldview was worth it to you to defend to the bitter end. You've defeated me so your false universe is safe now. Enjoy it. You and everyone else who had a problem with me can feel free to slander me endlessly behind my back from now on, if you're all so inclined. It doesn't matter to me anymore.

Even if you don't believe me, I argued with you so tirelessly in the past because I cared about you and I wanted to see you improve. If that wasn't the case then I never would have gone so far when you were pissing me off and spitefully calling me cuck page after page of comments. You and everyone else who ever felt threatened by me can now take a big sigh of relief because I'm gone from your lives. I'll never be so foolish again to care about people like you and give so much of my time and mental power and experience. You're not worth it to me anymore. Improving other peoples' lives isn't worth it to me anymore, even if it's Satan's forums. I wanted to help everyone rise in their consciousness and mentalities, defeat their programming from jewish society that they weren't able to become aware of on their own, and uplift Satan's people to greater heights. I love Satan, but it's impossible for me. I can't do it. It was all for nothing. I did my best...

You can't uplift anyone else unless you first uplift yourself. You need to get a bunch of experience in real life and achievements (material) before you can advise other people.

The entire Edgy Nietzsche thing or "Might is Right " thing is just a stepping stone to a higher understanding. Your entire thinking about humanity, yourself and interpersonal relationships will change when you appreciate yourself and realize what your capable of.

I have been confrontational towards other people for a long time but I've grown to not be confrontational anymore. I don't blame other people for whatever happens to me. It's not their fault they are the way they are, and it's not my fault that I'm the way I am.

I understand that other people have not been blessed with conscious awareness like I am. But that doesn't mean I will hold contempt against them and exploit them. This whole trying to be exploitative and at the same time trying to uplift humanity doesn't work together.

The people who are blessed with conscious awareness can understand people who weren't and those people who weren't blessed with conscious awareness cannot understand us. And since the blessed people see the pointlessness of these people's actions, they can either hold contempt against them or they can hope to help some of them out.

It's the entire divide between a Gentile Adolf Hitler SS type aristocracy or a Psychopathic Klaus Swabb type Jewish aristocracy. Adolf Hitler didn't have contempt for his people even though he could have made up unlimited reasons to do so.

The argument of "Oh we don't live in a perfect world so I have free reign to do anything " has never been true because we've always lived in an imperfect world and yet Gentile Aristocracies didn't exploit their own people.

Life isn't that hard. It's just that a lot of people have gone through so many bad experiences that they've been jaded and hate everything and everyone. You have to eventually rise out of this anger and hatred and see the good in yourself and your own capabilities.

Another important thing you have to do is to accept things the way they are. I've always said that when I say "truth" it's actually considering whatever we know. A lot of things in life are assumptions humans made up to make sense of the world around them. Since Humans aren't perfect and don't have omnipotent knowledge whatever we believe in is in the end just an assumption.

The only thing that matters is the consequences borne out of actions that we operate based upon these assumptions.

You can take this thread as an example. What are the consequences borne out of binding someone to you as a sex slave ? For a normal person it makes you depressed, angry ,and feel contempt towards the opposite sex.

It's the same thing I said - no one here is a Psychopath who is capable of being mentally sound with doing these kinds of things.

I'm just giving my opinion about the pitfalls of taking drastic actions borne out of despair, just like I'd give to a younger brother hypothetically.

It's just a very simple thing to understand. You don't have be toxic and be around toxic people. I don't know why people don't do it but you can actually manifest good people in your life who don't fuck you over and your not constantly trying to micromanage their behavior and binding them to things they don't want to do for you.

A lot of people here are just too fucked up mentally and they keep manifesting extremely damaging scenarios. Like do some workings to remove trauma and stuff.

It's very easy to manifest a faithful, beautiful woman who will compatible to you and not fuck you over.

If you're constantly unhappy and confrontational towards everything in life then what has Satanism done for you really ?

If you're an SS and with all the powers and knowledge that you have, your life is shit ,you have unhappy relationships and you can only resort to exploitative workings then your not completely living upto your potential and you need to self improve further.

There are hordes of women who are not raging bitches and sluts. There are a lot of competitive high ambitious people who don't do drugs and drinking are actually cool with good personalities who can be your friends. There are a lot of ways to make money in life even with a fucked up financial system.

People in your situation have done it. If you can't, you're a failure. Simple as that.
@VoE I don't mean to try and make this personal and about you, but you prompted me to reply -

While christians are wrong and christianity is a load of toffee (to put it politely)...
VoiceofEnki said:
For others it may be different, however for me, when I push my thoughts on a matter, I do it because it is painful to see others make significant mistakes or waste a lot of time, energy, effort, etc, on doing things that will only cause harm in the long run when there are better courses of action they can take, or better things to spend their time and energy on.
...this is basically what some christians are like. They think they are knowledgeable, or at least more so than non-christians, and dictate what (they think, have been brainwashed and forced to believe) is what to non-christians. They feel a bit proud, while saying pride is evil, and get a release of feel-good hormones that "god" "will do what needs to be done" because the christian has "planted the seed" - but when "god" does not do "what needs to be done", then either "it's 'god's plan" or "the sinner/non-christian is at fault" - never, ever is it the christian being deluded, delusional, delinquent of reality... (Alliteration definitely intended.)

I used to disagree with this next saying. I since have come to accept it. The saying is "people need to make their own mistakes". You or anyone can try and be very encouraging, but could be stifling, blocking a person off, not giving them time to do things. Some people need more time than others and more space to themselves. They need elbow room, breathing room, but when you/someone are breathing down their neck... well, that's not comfortable. The difference between you and a christian... I shouldn't need to say... is that christians are simply misinformed and believe what they pay a preacher repeatedly who tells them the same things repeatedly. It's like a club with a license fee, and they are obsessed with the same things all the time - instead of learning new things (rather, very ancient-old things, but I mean new to them, different things).

You may call me arrogant for saying this, but is it really arrogance if it is true?
A simple answer could be "there's a fine line between stating the truth confidently about oneself, and arrogance". It could be a lot more complicated to come-up with a more comprehensive answer, though.

Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:

How do you people expect to reach our 10 year goals for JoS, if you’re all afraid of SS who are different from you? And instead of actually making any personal growth, you just get better at bullshitting.
I'm just giving my opinion on things just like others are. It seems like it is you who are afraid of confrontation which is the process of personal growth. Just because someone is different or thinks differently doesn't mean I have to accept it. If everybody just agreed with everyone there would be no growth in a community.
We would just be an echo chamber - and that's retarded. According to christians, christianity is the only club that exists for its non-members... Like... lol. The Joy of Satan Ministries is to get Humans to improve and better themselves - and society, civilisation and further afield - as a whole, getting rid of enemies and things. We don't need "faith" in a fat, hairy, bearded faerieman in the beyond-the-sky, nor do we need to guilt people by manipulating them emotionally with trickery. All christianity is is a confidence-man's game with their (im)potent (anti)snake-oil (see what I did there). It is Nature and Science which we look to - 666 is Nature intrinsically, inherently, innately, inalienably (just to emphasise!), so 'nuff sed.
This is truly dissonant and disappointing. Hatred and animosity put forth under the guise of good faith and argumentation that can be easily interpreted in both ways, creating opposition, disunity. 

Why these personal defamation exist here? Christians? Ego? 

This is second hand manipulation and everyone should bow to the barking tree? 

Everyone tries to a degree to manage the others parties emotions and reactions, somehow this responsibility not only is not known to some, but profit off of it, and more than so blame it. Guilt tripping people because of an agenda, at least a personal one and dissatisfaction. 

I want to see where all of this accusations were forced onto people, where this became a xian gathering and why this became this animosity. Where and how? 

Tomorrow we will have requests for people to meditate for them and buying workings, because the goiym is stupid and lazy. 

"Off mod clique"? Am I insane or this is not perceived as what is it? Should I indulge these laughable try outs by the real clique forming behind the curtains? 

The bearded jew just cursed all of our gentile families and someone has a problem with the " mafia". 

The " tendrils" concept being bought forth is a lie first of all. Aimed at stimulating degenerative behavior and opening the premises of conceptualizing acts of no valid pursuits. Tendrils are a form of binding with the aim of synergic communion, which in reality is nothing more than a product of imagination.

The real astral without the imaginative aspect is as simple as two points being connected with or without a line of different colors.  The material part has the tendrils as a manifestation of the hive consciousness the plants share, which is a different form of life that has the life shared with all of the plants. 

Then upon this opening it came that someone somehow forced their own morality and ethics onto this, this being a lie. Nobody can force these ever, the problem being the existence of opinion, this created the hurting "ego" which is blamed here. 

Now we have this promotion of disunity and "mafia", deliberate to create animosity and imply groups and sides with the argument (the fucking audacity) that this is because of a xianized behaviour and invalidation of Satan's agenda. 

Where is Satan agenda being bought here, where is the self controlling aspect, the analysis, the unity, the constructive creation and purposeful destruction of obstacles. 

All I see is being implemented bit by bit, over the course of a lot of time, damaging and questionable practices on terms which are very sensible and none controllable ( confusion is an aspect this grows on and a jew tactic) and further upon this ground, separation, alienation under a guise of victimhood, confusion and popularims revolution. 

It is for a reason there's is natural hierarchy in life. I am extremely angered at these low manifestations put forth with such virility and not being condemned in a normal fashion. 

Using valid arguments unrelated to the perceived problem, as means to manipulate the narratives is cultivated with no good purpose here. 

This should stop. 

This is an obstacle and fear originator, that people of Satan should not help the other, because of the big bully mafia of off mod, giving also credence and fuel to the enemies of JoS to create narratives.

If only people would really connect to the Gods, would comprehend the immense responsibility everyone has. 

From the sacred stance, it is dwelled into mud and pettiness, jewy confusion and adherence. 

Everytime during mercury retrograde and schedule, this jewish agenda is being promoted.

If this isn't resolved internally by reflection, no one can do it for you. It is a time for growth it is also a time to not turn the other cheek, so by all means please stop, I am disgusted by everything this entails and I won't take part of it.
Fuchs said:

One question: have you thought that her behaviour toward the heteroracial guy may actually be enemy influence? The enemy likes attacking both the SS and any non-SS linked to them, to manipulate them and bring bad occurrences in their life. Non-SS are less protected from this, so this could be an option. They could be trying to harm you through outside circumstances.
FancyMancy said:
@VoE I don't mean to try and make this personal and about you, but you prompted me to reply -

While christians are wrong and christianity is a load of toffee (to put it politely)...
VoiceofEnki said:
For others it may be different, however for me, when I push my thoughts on a matter, I do it because it is painful to see others make significant mistakes or waste a lot of time, energy, effort, etc, on doing things that will only cause harm in the long run when there are better courses of action they can take, or better things to spend their time and energy on.

...this is basically what some christians are like. They think they are knowledgeable, or at least more so than non-christians, and dictate what (they think, have been brainwashed and forced to believe) is what to non-christians. They feel a bit proud, while saying pride is evil, and get a release of feel-good hormones that "god" "will do what needs to be done" because the christian has "planted the seed" - but when "god" does not do "what needs to be done", then either "it's 'god's plan" or "the sinner/non-christian is at fault" - never, ever is it the christian being deluded, delusional, delinquent of reality... (Alliteration definitely intended.)

I used to disagree with this next saying. I since have come to accept it. The saying is "people need to make their own mistakes". You or anyone can try and be very encouraging, but could be stifling, blocking a person off, not giving them time to do things. Some people need more time than others and more space to themselves. They need elbow room, breathing room, but when you/someone are breathing down their neck... well, that's not comfortable. The difference between you and a christian... I shouldn't need to say... is that christians are simply misinformed and believe what they pay a preacher repeatedly who tells them the same things repeatedly. It's like a club with a license fee, and they are obsessed with the same things all the time - instead of learning new things (rather, very ancient-old things, but I mean new to them, different things).

You may call me arrogant for saying this, but is it really arrogance if it is true?

A simple answer could be "there's a fine line between stating the truth confidently about oneself, and arrogance". It could be a lot more complicated to come-up with a more comprehensive answer, though.

For your reply to make sense, I have to ask in what way my displayed behavior on the forum is in practice similar to that of xians though?

On the subject of "people need to make their own mistakes", indeed this is true and I know this all too well, however when a mistake is already in progress and one is aware of this, I personally believe it is irresponsible and outright wrong to not bring this up to the said person and guide them to a better path instead before a mistake is taken too far, and I do believe some measure of force (through direct verbal or in this case, written confrontation) is warranted and sometimes necessary to this pursuit.

Whether some xian persons or other persons use a similar reasoning for their ways does not seem relevant to me, as I believe it is the quality and depth of the given advice and action taken that matters more rather than the chosen means by whatever person.

In actuality the reasoning of a xian to preach what he does really cannot be any more different from my own reason to write on matters or to people. I had thought that to be fairly obvious from my time spend here.

Not to mention, when one is able to provide certain levels of understanding, it makes little sense to compare them to such a lowly individual based on the chosen means of communication alone, unless the means itself truly is appalling.

Anyone can choose to dictate certain things to others, what matters is that which is dictated and the intent behind it to determine whether it truly is wrong or inappropriate or lowly of the said individual to do.

I value any feedback or even criticism I receive, as I myself am here to grow as much as I am here to help others and for the sake of advancement of Satanism as a whole.

That said, I do fail to see how most of what you replied to me actually applies to me however. Perhaps you could elaborate on that if I truly happen to miss the point.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
FancyMancy said:
@VoE I don't mean to try and make this personal and about you, but you prompted me to reply -

While christians are wrong and christianity is a load of toffee (to put it politely)...
VoiceofEnki said:
For others it may be different, however for me, when I push my thoughts on a matter, I do it because it is painful to see others make significant mistakes or waste a lot of time, energy, effort, etc, on doing things that will only cause harm in the long run when there are better courses of action they can take, or better things to spend their time and energy on.

...this is basically what some christians are like. They think they are knowledgeable, or at least more so than non-christians, and dictate what (they think, have been brainwashed and forced to believe) is what to non-christians. They feel a bit proud, while saying pride is evil, and get a release of feel-good hormones that "god" "will do what needs to be done" because the christian has "planted the seed" - but when "god" does not do "what needs to be done", then either "it's 'god's plan" or "the sinner/non-christian is at fault" - never, ever is it the christian being deluded, delusional, delinquent of reality... (Alliteration definitely intended.)

I used to disagree with this next saying. I since have come to accept it. The saying is "people need to make their own mistakes". You or anyone can try and be very encouraging, but could be stifling, blocking a person off, not giving them time to do things. Some people need more time than others and more space to themselves. They need elbow room, breathing room, but when you/someone are breathing down their neck... well, that's not comfortable. The difference between you and a christian... I shouldn't need to say... is that christians are simply misinformed and believe what they pay a preacher repeatedly who tells them the same things repeatedly. It's like a club with a license fee, and they are obsessed with the same things all the time - instead of learning new things (rather, very ancient-old things, but I mean new to them, different things).

You may call me arrogant for saying this, but is it really arrogance if it is true?

A simple answer could be "there's a fine line between stating the truth confidently about oneself, and arrogance". It could be a lot more complicated to come-up with a more comprehensive answer, though.

For your reply to make sense, I have to ask in what way my displayed behavior on the forum is in practice similar to that of xians though?

On the subject of "people need to make their own mistakes", indeed this is true and I know this all too well, however when a mistake is already in progress and one is aware of this, I personally believe it is irresponsible and outright wrong to not bring this up to the said person and guide them to a better path instead before a mistake is taken too far, and I do believe some measure of force (through direct verbal or in this case, written confrontation) is warranted and sometimes necessary to this pursuit.

Whether some xian persons or other persons use a similar reasoning for their ways does not seem relevant to me, as I believe it is the quality and depth of the given advice and action taken that matters more rather than the chosen means by whatever person.

In actuality the reasoning of a xian to preach what he does really cannot be any more different from my own reason to write on matters or to people. I had thought that to be fairly obvious from my time spend here.

Not to mention, when one is able to provide certain levels of understanding, it makes little sense to compare them to such a lowly individual based on the chosen means of communication alone, unless the means itself truly is appalling.

Anyone can choose to dictate certain things to others, what matters is that which is dictated and the intent behind it to determine whether it truly is wrong or inappropriate or lowly of the said individual to do.

I value any feedback or even criticism I receive, as I myself am here to grow as much as I am here to help others and for the sake of advancement of Satanism as a whole.

That said, I do fail to see how most of what you replied to me actually applies to me however. Perhaps you could elaborate on that if I truly happen to miss the point.

Hail Satan!
I don't mean just you personally. I have noticed it generally with anyone, on this forum, in christians, and elsewhere. I relate things to christianity due to having been one myself. I am against christianity, of course, so I mention it a lot in this way. I also don't try to remember how people post on here (which I have said before quite recently). I have not remembered how you post, so I am basing it just on what I quoted in my reply above - that when you say about you pushing your thoughts about something onto someone. It, to me, is similar to like how christians want the best for someone (allegedly), so they insist and insist and insist that what has been drummed into them is the truth, blindly, and to the annoyance and/or detriment of the other person; you said you "push my thoughts on a matter", so based solely on that in the quote it reminded me about christians pushing their nonsense upon others. (I am not saying that what you say is nonsense.)

I am not a psychologist, but there must be something here in the Human Mind/Psyche which makes whomever think that what they know is truth and correct and all else is evil and bad - whether they are this, that, or the other, whichever thing they belong to. Again (as you might have seen me mention before) I think it relates to the in-group/out-group aspect or phenomenon of things. Allegedly, the mere presence of another group (an out-group) causes and creates prejudice; some in the in-group might want to try and change the minds of the out-group, perhaps with the best intentions at heart, but christianity-ly or communist-ly trying to force everyone else to be the same as them; i.e. pushing and insisting upon others. I think it's because we all strive to survive and we work with what we know, we do our best with what we have - and for those who are convinced, correctly or foolishly, they feel the need to help others with the tools at their disposal. It just reminded me of how christians are, as I used to be one. No offence or anything intended.

It sounds like you must(?) make it your own responsibility to save everyone else. Similar to what a member said about another member recently, (if I may ask) do you (think you) have a saviour syndrome? (Instead of "complex", I say "syndrome" - A distinctive or characteristic pattern of behaviour.)

We can do only so much; at the end of the day, only one can change oneself. I used to lack responsibility - and I won't say I am there fully yet but I am realising that being responsible for changing myself to improve and be better is my, and my alone, doing; no-one - no jew psycho group, no member or clergy, no God or Goddess, no friend or family member... no-one - but me will change me, no matter how much someone else pushes or insists upon me; likewise, negativity (jew curses) can change me if I allow them to; it is my responsibility to change me. As a christian, I relied on jewsus; now, I (try to and am learning to) rely on me (with any help and guidance and Guardianship as necessary, I hope). Still - only I can change me, though.

(For example)You might be direct and stern with me in a reply or confrontation or whatever, but based on what I just quoted, am I right in thinking that you try and take on too much responsibility for others? To either get them to or make them change? They, one, can be guided only if they allow it and choose it to be, no matter how pained or frustrated you might get. This also reminds me of another thread about trying to change other people's minds about whatever; of course, naturally I consider christians waking up - it's a waste of time; if they don't want to change, then they won't. It may be my responsibility more than some others', because I used to be a christian, but offering links and explaining, if nothing else, that 666 is NATURAL and in NATURE which "god" "created"... then it's up to them to ignore it (which they very-most-probably will). I could insist and push and force and keep going, but it would be such a waste. I think a lot of us, who would not quit but continue pushing and insisting and forcing and keeping on going, think, hope, believe, wish that if we say just one more thing, the right argument, phrased in the right way, push just a tiny bit further then the other person will start to think and eventually be saved (and we'd receive feel-good hormones as a bonus result, as a reward). It just doesn't happen, though. It's effectively like those grabbing machine things at arcades if. i. can. just. go. a. bit. further. and gambling - just. one. more. little. win. Sorry, but no.

Perhaps it is me who has just misunderstood things here. If that is the case, and again you disagree with what I reply, then there is no need to reply back to me. :)
FancyMancy said:

Thank you for taking the time to elaborate on this, and writing such a thorough reply.

I did not see any link with that typical xian "savior" behavior and my own in this as I have never been a xian, and have never been around compulsive xians with that sort of xian "savior" complex that you described, so I haven't personally experienced examples of that to compare with, but I understand the parallel you may notice, though I do still believe that in practice there isn't that much overlap in my mentality and course of action and that of those xian "savior, holier than thou" types of people.

However there are still things for me to take away from what you wrote.

On one hand I already am aware of everything you wrote, however reading that again written by another made me more aware and conscious of all this, in a good way.

You are correct that I do have a tendency to want to "save" others from what I feel are major mistakes a person is making, or make people aware of what they are doing when I feel they don't realize the consequence and cost of an action they are undertaking.

Then second I also have a tendency to be unrealistically optimistic in being to help most people, optimistic that people can come around, and have a tendency to make people come around part of my responsibility.

I've always been a very empathic person, and have always been very sensitive towards other people and what is going on with them.

I used to be far more obsessive about giving actual compulsive advices to people from a genuine savior complex, which overall I have toned down by about 90% already, but I still have room to grow on that front.

Despite that this was unrelated to the original subject of this topic, it was a fruitful exchange.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:

The point is not division but dialogue. The off mod mafia term is simply a nod to the fact some people who exhibit such behaviors happen to be off mod. Which is the more severe case when someone who should be leading by example, is making a fool of themselves.

You should understand the way you convey your message is just as important as the content of said message. Sugar coating isn't necessary, but I have noted often times people are approached in a standoffish manner.

If, for example Satan, were to proclaim that every one of us are worthless, pathetic half breed insects in comparison to Him and His tremendous power, would any of us serve in His designs?

Probably not. Even though the above is undeniable truth. Instead Satan guides us in recognizing our flaws and bettering ourselves in a welcoming, patient and respectable manner.

This comes down to being persuasive in your attempts at education. You can say something that is absolute truth, and valuable information or advice, and the recipient rejects your message simply because of the way you conveyed it.

In the case you're mentioning, to me it was simply some person I've never met attempting to push upon me their beliefs, and utilizing Satan's name in a selfish attempt at dictating to me what is and isn't acceptable according to his opinion. Perhaps I misinterpreted, or perhaps the way you conveyed your message brought this.

I believe some people convey information in ways that makes them appear snobbish, even arrogant and almost aggressive at times. This only pushes people away. Again, not saying we have to sugar coat everything. But the gordon ramsay style is just jumping to another extreme. Find a middle ground, relax. Have restraint and some patience with people is all.

Some people don't care, or even celebrate when people say they are leaving the group. I get pissed off when I see this, and would like to mitigate such. And I do feel certain individuals who should be leading by example, are lacking when it comes to contributing to a welcoming and comfortable learning environment for new members.

The point of this, is dialogue. Others besides myself have voiced similar concerns and this should be talked about.
NakedPluto said:
This is truly dissonant and disappointing. Hatred and animosity put forth under the guise of good faith and argumentation that can be easily interpreted in both ways, creating opposition, disunity. 

Why these personal defamation exist here? Christians? Ego? 

This is second hand manipulation and everyone should bow to the barking tree? 

Everyone tries to a degree to manage the others parties emotions and reactions, somehow this responsibility not only is not known to some, but profit off of it, and more than so blame it. Guilt tripping people because of an agenda, at least a personal one and dissatisfaction. 

I want to see where all of this accusations were forced onto people, where this became a xian gathering and why this became this animosity. Where and how? 

Tomorrow we will have requests for people to meditate for them and buying workings, because the goiym is stupid and lazy. 

"Off mod clique"? Am I insane or this is not perceived as what is it? Should I indulge these laughable try outs by the real clique forming behind the curtains? 

The bearded jew just cursed all of our gentile families and someone has a problem with the " mafia". 

The " tendrils" concept being bought forth is a lie first of all. Aimed at stimulating degenerative behavior and opening the premises of conceptualizing acts of no valid pursuits. Tendrils are a form of binding with the aim of synergic communion, which in reality is nothing more than a product of imagination.

The real astral without the imaginative aspect is as simple as two points being connected with or without a line of different colors.  The material part has the tendrils as a manifestation of the hive consciousness the plants share, which is a different form of life that has the life shared with all of the plants. 

Then upon this opening it came that someone somehow forced their own morality and ethics onto this, this being a lie. Nobody can force these ever, the problem being the existence of opinion, this created the hurting "ego" which is blamed here. 

Now we have this promotion of disunity and "mafia", deliberate to create animosity and imply groups and sides with the argument (the fucking audacity) that this is because of a xianized behaviour and invalidation of Satan's agenda. 

Where is Satan agenda being bought here, where is the self controlling aspect, the analysis, the unity, the constructive creation and purposeful destruction of obstacles. 

All I see is being implemented bit by bit, over the course of a lot of time, damaging and questionable practices on terms which are very sensible and none controllable ( confusion is an aspect this grows on and a jew tactic) and further upon this ground, separation, alienation under a guise of victimhood, confusion and popularims revolution. 

It is for a reason there's is natural hierarchy in life. I am extremely angered at these low manifestations put forth with such virility and not being condemned in a normal fashion. 

Using valid arguments unrelated to the perceived problem, as means to manipulate the narratives is cultivated with no good purpose here. 

This should stop. 

This is an obstacle and fear originator, that people of Satan should not help the other, because of the big bully mafia of off mod, giving also credence and fuel to the enemies of JoS to create narratives.

If only people would really connect to the Gods, would comprehend the immense responsibility everyone has. 

From the sacred stance, it is dwelled into mud and pettiness, jewy confusion and adherence. 

Everytime during mercury retrograde and schedule, this jewish agenda is being promoted.

If this isn't resolved internally by reflection, no one can do it for you. It is a time for growth it is also a time to not turn the other cheek, so by all means please stop, I am disgusted by everything this entails and I won't take part of it.

Your post is a complete mess, why are you randomly bringing psychic vampirism into this? How about you calm down and write a post when you're not hysterical. Note how I didn't name anybody and simply threw out there loose criticisms that honestly isn't really aimed at any specific person. I did this deliberately.

You seem to be very agitated at what I said. What's wrong?

Do you feel this was aimed at you?

If that's the case then perhaps you should look inward and at your behavior, if you felt the above was criticizing you specifically. What you would see if you were not hysterical, is dialogue.

I suppose it's easier to simply say that I have an agenda, or personal problems with members, than to actually address anything that I've said. You can sit there and continue crying about me having a jewish agenda and wanting to divide people. When in truth as you do this, you are simply attempting to turn people against me in a vicious fashion. So who's trying to pit SS against each other here?

The point of the above post is dialogue, and also to try to push people to do some introspection on their behavior and activity. Which in my opinion, some people have become problematic, and the way they convey themselves discourages new members from asking questions in fear of being bombarded from every direction.

And no, dialogue should not stop just because you can't handle any criticism. Which wasn't even directed at you specifically but you clearly felt that it was, and this is very revealing. Maybe look inward?

Maybe also relax and stop treating me like I'm the enemy, simply because I said something you think is wrong. The above was written out of actual concern for the group's health. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. Crying over the keyboard and ranting about me having an agenda achieves nothing besides making you look childish.

After you've calmed down write a post with your actual opinion on what I said, and how people are treated in the forums. I'd like to read your thoughts.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:

How do you people expect to reach our 10 year goals for JoS, if you’re all afraid of SS who are different from you? And instead of actually making any personal growth, you just get better at bullshitting.
I'm just giving my opinion on things just like others are. It seems like it is you who are afraid of confrontation which is the process of personal growth. Just because someone is different or thinks differently doesn't mean I have to accept it. If everybody just agreed with everyone there would be no growth in a community.

Can you guys "choose not to accept" in a way that doesn't personally target people just because you don't like them, and they don't take shit laying down?

It's the same thing again and again. Unwarranted personal attacks or mockery, passive aggression, twisting arguments, putting words in people's mouths, manipulating people's comments so you can argue points that didn't exist in the discussion to make yourselves look superior, playing the "I ain't doing anything, didn't start nothing" game, gaps in knowledge. It gets pretty repetitive and tiring after a while, and it breeds resentment and unnecessary tension. Many arguments could be avoided with just a little more care to understand, a little more control and discipline, and a little more civility, honesty, and respect - I say that for anyone, myself included...

I know I've handled things in a pretty shit way sometimes, and could have said or done things better/differently. Unfortunately, I'm a slow learner. Though I wouldn't choose to go back and change anything of my past behaviour here, my first year has been filled with all the lessons I need to make the next ones the best I can. I don't need to be afraid of the things I can learn to handle since it's not confrontation that I fear. I'm already taking care of natal issues with a Mars square starting today, and discipline affirmations started over a week ago which are doing pretty well already.
NakedPluto said:
This is truly dissonant and disappointing. Hatred and animosity put forth under the guise of good faith and argumentation that can be easily interpreted in both ways, creating opposition, disunity. 

I agree with everything you said, and especially with this here. That’s what I wanted to point out, but didn’t elaborate as not to make a fuss about it. Thanks for making this clear brother.

(And for people saying that this is a off-mod gang here, it’s not. I am just attracted to strong and advanced Satanists. I love and respect Satanists based on their advancement, understanding, experience, and how close they are to the Gods, as this is hierarchy of life, so of course I naturally respect and love those who are above me. Because disclaimer - those people are greater in understanding than me. And in my view VoiceofEnki, NakedPluto and Lydia are the only members here you could call advanced, because people like to throw the term „advanced“ around a lot. The rest of us are below them, at this very moment.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
