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Psychic Vampirism


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
The following text contains information based on my personal experience and experimentation with different methods of draining energy from other souls. Here I will explain personal motivations for exploring this practice, the morality of it from a Satanic perspective, the best method I've found for doing this, and finally personal recommendations and other loose bits of information related to psychic vampirism.

Everything contained here I have learned through personal experience and experimentation, I started such experimentation more or less right after dedication, but taking out the time that I was inactive with the practice, there's around 5 years of experience with this practice, including experimentation, mishaps and healing from such mishaps related to psychic vampirism. While I cannot attest to ALL information on psychic vampirism out there, I can say that all the material I've read, from bits of books on the matter and articles from cults and self proclaimed vampires, is that the information readily available is overly dramatized, exaggerated and in most cases downright misleading.

Understand straight off the bat, I will not delve into teaching you the very basics. I am vague on many things purposefully. If you cannot understand what I'm explaining, you are not ready to pursue this practice.

I am also not at all responsible for any damage you bring upon yourself or others with what I'm giving you. I do not recommend this practice to newcomers, and even people who are spiritually knowledgeable, I still must insist there are SERIOUS RISKS WHEN PULLING ENERGIES FROM OTHER PEOPLE INTO YOURSELF. IN A MAJORITY OF CASES, IT IS NOT WORTH THE RISKS, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE INEXPERIENCED.

I will split this article into sections, being:

- Brief introduction of what exactly IS Psychic Vampirism
- My personal experience and stance (which for some reason is more interesting to some people than the practice itself)
- The Moral side of it
- Psychic Vampirism in detail, one method, and some applications
- Personal recommendations & a conclusion


What is Psychic Vampirism

PV is the parasitic application of knowledge on connections between souls, and energy transferred through these same connections. It is one branch of a greater topic, which I would simply describe as connections between souls, and energy transfer.

Parasitism is one way to use this knowledge. This alone has a wide range of applications, from weakening someone, to taking specific energies from them into yourself, transferring energy to them, etc.

My methods will allow you to drain people without fully connecting to them, which prevents you from being polluted by their energies if you don't consciously take them into yourself, which in most cases you should not.

When you drain AND take their energies into yourself, it's like sticking your arm in a sewage pipe. If you know what you're looking for, you may pull a beautiful diamond out of all that filth. Otherwise you are simply getting yourself dirty, and bringing all kinds of filth into yourself.


My personal experience and motivations

The personal side of it, which interests some of you who are obsessed with making assumptions on me personally, even though none of you know me or the kind of person I am, will perhaps surprise you. Perhaps you can think that I'm lying, but I don't lie here. I knew the kind of backlash I'd get with exposing my involvement in this practice and did it anyway. So if I can be honest about that, accepting the backlash it brings, I have no further reason to lie on what follows.

And frankly, this is a courtesy to those of you who obsess over me. Because in the end I owe you no explanations or justifications, this is done in good faith, to satisfy your inquisitive desires.

I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual. These 3 define my motivation and desire to push forward. I grew up with close to nothing, struggling and stressing over finance and food. I didn't grow up in any extreme poverty or anything, but enough to the point where it stings and scars you.

Everyone in my family are hardworking people. Who never got their due for labor provided, who always deserved more and better than what they got. And they never got it because they are always being exploited by someone. Even if they never realized it.

My motivation for what I do is deep rooted and unshakeable. My family consists of poor, broken and desperate people because slimy souls need a new car, or fancier furniture, or an expensive vacation overseas at our expense. Whilst we're struggling to stay afloat. No more.

You can give up on trying to convince me from doing this. I drain people who exploit others the way me and my loved ones were exploited, and I will keep doing this. My hate for these people is so intense I often come close to draining even their children out of spite and have to calm myself before I go too far.

I learned, experimented and perfected this to spite them. To exploit them and squeeze every drop out of them that I can, and then leave them rotting and with nothing, as they have done to countless others. I will never stop, they can't stop me, and neither can you.

Do not mistake this for a hatred of everyone who has more than I do. There are many wealthy people who are honest, beautiful souls. I would never take anything from them. I am inspired by them more than anything.

You can call me whatever you like, parasite, degenerate, psychopath etc. But don't ever accuse me of being immoral or cruel. I have made many mistakes in my life, I've even hurt people who didn't deserve it, physically and spiritually, out of stupidity or emotional imbalance, but never out of cruelty.

Knowledge is power, and all the power I have I dedicate to bettering myself, and satisfying my need for justice. What I do is just and good. People who exploit others, who curse innocent people with financial struggles and the pains this brings to satisfy their personal desires, ego and greed, deserve to be drained and destroyed completely.

THAT is why I do what I do. I don't want to dedicate all my time and energy to cursing these people, so I drain them instead. It's faster. It harms them, and it benefits me in a few ways.

I have discovered that this works. Done correctly it will not pollute you, and it can have it's short term advantages, and even long term depending on the power of the soul you are draining. I have a subconscious desire to share this with you, because above all else I am a dedicated satanist and want the best for all of you.

And I want you all to be the best you can be. This has benefited me, and I want to share it with you so it may benefit you also. In the hopes it makes you stronger.

But yes, in the end I pursued this practice to satisfy a deep rooted, primal desire born of a personal grudge and deep hatred for a specific group of people who financially exploit others. Sorry if you expected better lore and backstory, I'm not as interesting as it may appear.


Morality in a Satanic perspective

The morality of this practice has been discussed at length. My final conclusion, having considered everyone's thoughts on this is that in truth, the practice itself is not inherently evil. In reality, nothing is.

The truth is anything and everything can be done in a constructive or destructive manner. For good, and for evil. One can pick up a sword and use it to create security and justice. Or one can take up a sword to terrorize and harm innocents.

In the same way you can pick up a sword to do good or evil acts, you can take what I'm going to teach you and use to do good, or to do evil. I have faith in you to do what's just and good. Satan also has this faith in us when He gives us His knowledge, to as individuals, do with it as we see fit.


The tendril method and it's applications

Before anything else, I will explain the risks involved in this practice. When you drain someone in a sloppy fashion, the energies condense into a blob of extremely dense, beige energy. This energy is a messy amalgamation of a person's energies, and when this is pulled into yourself, it attaches to your soul like a cancer. This pollution is very difficult to wash out, and if your experimentation results in this, do a formal ritual and request assistance from your GD or Satan, if you are incapable of getting rid of it.

If you permit these energies in your soul for extended periods of time, they will assimilate into you and begin to alter you fundamentally. This has a snowball effect, and the longer you permit this to remain in your soul, the more damaged you will become, and the more work it will take to heal from this.

This will even carry over to your next life if not cleansed and healed in a timely fashion. This is why most "vampires" are insane and emotionally imbalanced. When they drain subconsciously, which most vampires do, they are taking these blobs of dense energy into themselves, and these blobs are both positive and negative things. And since they don't meditate or clean themselves, the negatives fester like a cancer, that eventually consumes them entirely.

Understanding this, you may begin to pity vampires more than fear them. They are ultimately pitiful souls who are damning themselves. Especially the subconscious ones, are doomed to this fate of becoming an amalgamation of countless people's energies, totally losing who they are to this pollution, and degrading to a pitiful state spiritually and mentally.

This is the sloppy, self-destructive form of PV.

Properly executed PV, unlike what some may assume, is not a violent or ruthless process. Maxine's article on energy ripping is a violent process designed to weaken the aura of a person, and I personally take a much different approach, for a different end goal.

True PV is cold, calculated and subtle. It requires physical preparation, patience and timing. PV can either be a violent and brute force practice, or subtle and undetectable. When you are ruthless and violent about ripping energy from someone, THEY WILL KNOW IT. Even people who never meditated a day in their life will subconsciously feel that you are harming them, and will become hostile and irritable towards you.

This is a second natured defense mechanism, and when someone becomes hostile towards you, they are closing their soul to you, making draining more difficult, and draining SPECIFIC energies almost impossible.

You can imagine PV being like taking things from a museum. If the doors are wide open, security isn't watching you and there's no security measures, it's far easier for you to get in and take what you want. The analogy may seem distasteful, but I again stress that it is up to you who you do this to, and whether you do this to someone who deserves it or not is your responsibility.

I will break this up into steps.

The first step is opening their soul to you as was hinted at before. This is as simple as leaving a good first impression, being charming and getting them to accept and like you. When a person has a positive impression of you, when they like you and are welcoming towards you, their souls are open to you.

Especially if you have sex with a person, a connection is formed between your souls and they are totally open to you, and you are totally open to them (remember this). Vampires are often depicted as seductive, charming and beautiful for this reason.

The second step is, after building up focus and energy as you would for any working or ritual, use the energy to manifest tendrils rooted on your heart chakra. The advantage of tendrils as opposed to sloppily ripping energy from someone, is that the tube like function allows you to isolate specific energies so they do not come into contact with the negative and polluted energies in their soul on the way out. They function as a shield and isolating layer that prevents these energies from becoming polluted as they are pulled out.

These tendrils will take the form of fleshy cords or tubes, with a faint green glow emanating from them. Breathe in, focusing energy on your heart chakra as it overflows with power, and on the exhale make your tendrils manifest. You should physically feel them writhing out of your heart chakra as they manifest on the exhale.

This is best done when the person is unconscious. Focus intently on their heart chakra, and then on yours. As you exhale, feel your tendrils slithering to your target's soul, penetrating their heart chakra and entering their soul. If they are "open" to you, your tendrils should bypass their aura completely, as subconsciously they do not percieve you as a threat and have their guard down.

This is not at all limited to the heart chakra method mind you. But I have found it to be the best entry point, and a good connector to the other soul.

From here, it's up to you what you want to do. The tendrils can penetrate specific chakras to drain them, I will exemplify with the solar chakra.

When your tendrils are firmly attached to the target's solar chakra, as you inhale deeply, the tendrils pulse and pull the energy towards you through them, like a leech sucking blood. This can be reversed and energy can instead be transferred to them on the exhale. You can do this to empower someone's debilitated chakra for example, at your expense.

This energy can then either enter your soul through your tendrils and then through your heart chakra, or you can create knots in your tendrils to contain the energies OUTSIDE of your soul, and away from your aura. Regardless of what you do, these tendrils should then be ripped out of your heart chakra and discarded. These tendrils, as they release your target and exit their soul, may inherently begin to slither back into your soul, do not allow this as they have become polluted and dirty from connecting to someone else's soul, and should be cut off.

Final step is assimilating the energy into yourself. In the case of solar chakra draining, naturally you direct this energy down from your heart chakra and into your solar chakra, where it is added to your power, and brightens your solar chakra.

As this happens, visualize your target and their wealth and possesions being stripped from them, everything they have and everything they own being transfered to you. All their wealth, financial good fortune and financial instincts are now added to your ever growing wealth and power.

You can do the same with other aspects of their soul and other chakras that rule different things, to transfer those defining aspects of their existence to you. Aggression, intelligence, assertiveness, leadership etc etc. The possibilities are endless.

In short, the steps are:

- Open their Souls to you, either by being charming and making them like you, or having sex with them
- Manifest tendrils and penetrate their souls with them
- Drain the specific energies you want through the tendrils
- Cut the tendrils off from your soul when the energy is inside you
- Assimilate the energies, visualizing your intended goal
- Clean and empower your soul & AoP after each session

As hinted before, these tendrils are not limited to parasitic application. The reverse can be done to transfer your energies to someone else, focusing the desired energy onto your heart chakra, and transferring it through your tendrils as you exhale. When you give positive energy to people, they are more agreeable towards you, they will develop a subtle, subconscious desire to be around you, like moths to a flame.

This can be useful when you need someone's support, want to bring them closer to you, or simply wish to heal or empower a loved one. You can visualize a mass of tendrils enveloping the person and pulling them closer to you as you pump them full of positive energy. As usual though, cut them off when you are done.

Tendrils can also be used to inject harmful energies into other souls, you can concentrate all the negativity and pollution within you and use tendrils to inject the hazardous energies into another soul. This is not at all a substitute to a thorough cleaning, but you can cause harm to your enemies this way.

On dealing with vampires, understand they open their souls to you to drain you. Like the subconscious parasites they are, they take the path of least resistance, and if you create a tendril between you and them, they will use it to drain you. You can focus, and use the tendril to transfer all the negative energies and pollution in your soul and aura towards them like a vacuum. You can even program this tendril to ONLY transfer negative, destructive and polluted energies, and the vampire attached to you literally becomes a toilet that drains your negative and polluted energies from you and into themselves.

Connecting to a vampire in this way is always a risky process, so don't attempt unless you feel very comfortable and confident in your ability to use and manipulate tendrils. Do not allow this tendril to remain and cut it off when you are done to be safe.

Generally, it is simply safer to close yourself to them. Apply the reverse of the first step, focus on them, focus on your feelings of repulsion and hatred towards them, and how you reject them in every way, and are closed to them completely.

Cut off all connections to them, be verbally crude and hurtful towards them if it's possible. Cut off all connections, spiritual and physical. Convince yourself subconsciously that they are your enemy and that you are closed to them and want nothing to do with them, and your soul will naturally close to them. At best, they will be able to take jabs at, and drain your aura, but will never be able to drain your soul directly, and as long as you clean and empower your aura consistently, this is not a problem for you.


Loose info and personal recommendations

First of all, and in all seriousness, don't bother doing this expecting spectacular results. If your pursuit is wealth, empower your solar chakra, perform money workings and draw energy from the sun on a daily basis.

You can drain a wealthy person's solar chakra if you wish, but this will simply supplement other workings and give you a boost, but on it's own will not yield any amazing results. No the real reason to drain someone is a personal hatred for the person in question, because what you gain from it is nothing incredible, and the damage you do to them is immense in the long term.

PV is ultimately a tool to cause harm, more than it is a tool to benefit you. But like everything, applied the right way and to the right and deserving people, it can be a tool to make good and just things. Many people in the world are rotten, and have more than they deserve. To take from them as they callously take from others who cannot defend themselves, is poetic justice.

No matter how clean you are, and how focused and specific you are with your tendrils, you always end up pulling at least some pollution into you. Clean your soul thoroughly when you are done.

If you do not pull your tendrils out of someone's soul, they will linger but do not function subconsciously, and will decay and dissipate over time.

When members have questions regarding this topic, direct them to this thread, it should satisfy their curiosity. The taboo surrounding this topic, and more importantly the vicious way people are treated simply for asking questions of this nature is totally unacceptable. If you do not have answers, at the very least direct them to someone who does, instead of being crude with them.

Practice and master tendrils before you even attempt to take any energy from someone into yourself. Use the knot method to block the energies from entering you, and practice like this until you are comfortable with this method.

Being sloppy with this will pollute you immensely, I strongly recommend you do NOT experiment until you have years of experience manipulating energy and performing other spiritual practices and workings. I am NOT responsible in any way if you don't take this warning seriously and ruin yourself.

Physical vampirism is a ritualistic, cannibalistic fetish and puts you into a state of energy amalgamation almost immediately, never attempt this. First of all because it's not legal, and secondly it will degrade your soul immensely. Do not mistake consuming blood from cooked meat and such with the ritualistic practice of drinking blood, where a part of the victim's soul is bound to their blood and then consumed, this is as I described, an insane cannibal fetish and has no positive effects on you.

If psychic vampirism can pollute you and damage you, this will catapult you into a deplorable spiritual state, close to irreversible levels of damage and pollution. Unless you somehow bound some kind of godlike entity, don't even attempt such profane rituals.

In conclusion, I hope I have satisfied your curiosity, and put this topic to rest. If you have further questions on psychic vampirism, feel free to ask them here, though I may or may not have an answer for you. I am not a master of this practice, but I know a thing or two.

I would also request that any discussion of the morality of the practice is kept out of this topic, as it is intended to be primarily informative and educational. The moral side of the practice is a topic that has been beaten to death, resurrected and beaten to death again. There is no point in continuing to repeat what has already been said countless times. Discussion on the practicalities though, this we might all learn from.

I conclude wishing you all the best, even people who vehemently oppose the practice, know that the more informed you are about something, the better you can defend yourselves from such, so I would urge you to read this article regardless of whether you wish to partake in the practice or not. This is by far the longest post I've ever made, and some things may be explained poorly, left out or out of place. I can't edit it after I submit it so take any errors as you will.

I have faith that you will use this knowledge responsibly and moderately. Blessings unto all of you.
slyscorpion said:
🤬 Shove it!!!!!

Uncensored reactions such as this will only invite the same, without any constructive or rather normal opinions, responses. You are also off mod and not helping with anything to decrease the potential situations in which attacks and disunity may ensue.
NakedPluto said:
slyscorpion said:
🤬 Shove it!!!!!

Uncensored reactions such as this will only invite the same, without any constructive or rather normal opinions, responses. You are also off mod and not helping with anything to decrease the potential situations in which attacks and disunity may ensue.

Ok I probably really should have handled it better but I don't think Psychic vampirism is an ethical practice as I have stated in several posts. I believe that mainly the enemy does it. I think if someone wants to do black Magick on someone there are better ways to do it that is not parasitic and might result in the same kind of thing for the person.

I don't wish to create negativity or fighting myself.
NakedPluto said:
slyscorpion said:
🤬 Shove it!!!!!

Uncensored reactions such as this will only invite the same, without any constructive or rather normal opinions, responses. You are also off mod and not helping with anything to decrease the potential situations in which attacks and disunity may ensue.

I got frustrated with this cause there were several other posts I saw promoting this kind of thing recently
Why does psychic vampirism keep getting promoted on this forum? I don’t see the point of this. Doing the RTRs is a more productive use of time than psychic vampirism. If you have enemies or someone pisses you off and wrongs you, you can do the Final RTR on them. The RTRs are what will save humanity.

If I were seriously wronged then I would pray to Lord Azazel for guidance and on what I should do, He’s the God of Justice. Have you tried speaking to the Gods about this? I won’t try to convince you out of this since you seem pretty stubborn, but if I were you, I would at least do a Satanic ritual and formally ask the Gods if They’re okay with this.

Also, I can’t stand being around people who aren’t JoS members, even just speaking to normies is depressing to me so I couldn’t imagine adsorbing their energy. Most Gentiles have decades of dirt and dross inside their chakras. Why would you want to connect with that? I’m an empath and I’m hyper sensitive to others energies, I could never do that.

Maybe the working below will help you, it sounds like you’ve had a lot of toxic people in your life.

Working To Remove Negative People From Your Life

START: Waning Moon in Scorpio, Pisces or Capricorn. The best time to start this is as close to the new moon as possible. Never start this working during the Void of Course moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA, ANSUZ or THURISAZ 40 times, 100 times or 216 times.
3. Affirm 9 times: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, I am eternally free from any and all negative, toxic, and harmful people."

Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce ANSUZ and THURISAZ: https://mega.nz/file/KB8y2bzJ#4cTLSB26DB09-HfBhhXXZNjsDsb7y2Ac6WWYJqn5LXI

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL

JoS Calendar For 2022: https://www.jos-astro.com/#/astro-calendars
Dahaarkan said:


The problem is not only the psychic vampiric practice you decided to dived into, but you also defended an obvious kike infiltrator in the forums.

You justified that "this might be a new SS member!" even though everyone can clearly see how this kikebitch wants to push this idea of leeching off to innocent Gentiles once Father Satan's Day decides to shine into his people.

Even if you defended that this is "well-deserved for the goyim who don't meditate and have a sick sense of morality" , it is still a sick practice, especially by the way you worded it.

You could've ended the forum conversation the moment you said you will defend yourself by posting this topic, but instead, the pointless back-and-forth argument went on longer, and I don't doubt the other members tuned out the passive-aggressive insults and name-calling you decide to throw at some of them.

And the way you defended yourself out there? Is the same fucking mindset of a kike.

"It's fine that I do this, it's fine that I do that. The goyim will use this energy in a bad way, so I'll just take it away from them! Heck, I'm sure every goyim thinks like a monkey, so I'll suck their energies dry and use it to my own benefit!

Huh? What do you mean this is morally wrong?? Well you know what, I'm just going to badmouth you!! You're dumber than a ten-year-old!"

Not once have we heard that you do this vampiric practice rarely. What you said to us is "I do this to the people who deserve it." So then, what would that mean? Occasionally? A few times? Can be counted by one hand??

And this. This topic. I can clearly see you're still pent-up by how everyone went against this wrong practice, so you decide to mockingly teach everyone how to leech off of someone who wronged you while openly saying that "the people who disagreed with me will be thrown out of my back!!"

Concerning this topic? At first, I was disgusted. Of course, because I also have an ongoing psychic vampire on my back, but I decided to take a neutral side made by Hoodedcobra and Blackdragon's posts. Surely, you were just pressured at the amount of people who disagreed with you.

Until I saw this thread you replied on for everyone to see.

Dahaarkan said:
I don't know where the meme started to make it taboo, but it's always going to be very strange to me how death spells are just your average wednesday but psychic vampirism is totally evil and wrong.

This practice done correctly compliments standard money workings very well. I'm pretty sure most people who disagree with the use of this spiritual practice are either unemployed or completely deluded as to the reality of slavery in the modern world.

People are underpaid for their labor on an absolutely ludicrous level. While their employers live comfortably and covered in luxuries off the backs of the working people. So yes I drain such people on top of money workings. And I made more money this year than the rest of my life combined.

So I will keep doing it and may they all fall into extreme poverty and misery. I have no loyalty or respect for the people who enslave and exploit me and my people. Fuck all of them.

I won't elaborate on methods I've cooked up for draining because someone from clergy made it clear in the past that the practice is not endorsed by JoS, so I won't discuss it in depth on their platform out of respect, even if I disagree. This practice is like any black magic, negative only if you use it in a negative way.

Filtering the negative energies and taking in only specific positive energy to suit your goals takes practice but it's doable. Also due to the fact that people don't meditate and "refill" their energies, or build up an AoP, consistently draining someone will eventually lead to the person's financial, spiritual and physical collapse. Making standard curses almost obsolete by comparison considering how easy this is to do once you get the hang of it.

Keep in mind that if you want to dip your toes into this practice there can be serious negative effects on your soul if you drain other people's filth into yourself. Especially draining jews is always a big risk.

This stuff has no place in a Satanic society, but we don't live in such. So you can learn to be pragmatic and use what's available to you or take the long route and live most of your life as a slave to others. I need financial stability now, not next year or in 10 or 20 years. So I will use the means at my disposal to achieve that.

So you can call me a parasite or whatever else you like. Me and my family's well being and stability is more important to me than any of your irrelevant opinions. And definitely more important than some slimy asshole's profits off the backs of other people.

I'll also quote what Hoodedcobra said after your reply on that thread.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Energy ripping can have serious backfires, in the sense that, if you are successful, the person in question may give you energy potentially very bad for you. If you do this, you got to be careful. Many of these "celebs" are energetically empty husks or really not well off.

This can include massive karmic residue. For example, one is destined to die at some day, and you are not. But you drain this and you may impart something in you. This is only one example. Illness is another one.

The Sun emits endless lifeforce that is of the purest and the most sublime (and endless) source. 10 minutes on the sun can be about a hundred weaklings. The Sun is also an infinite source to use on the Magnum Opus and other workings.

The fact that after you made that post and Hoodedcobra decided to save you by saying "That practice is dangerous overtime" and you still went with that mindset on that thread??

There. There's your answer why everyone thinks that you have misused this practice. Like what the fuck are the words I just highlighted?? Have you forgotten why we meditate? Do the RTRs? Let me remind you, to wake the Gentiles up. Not this.

If you still want to save face, do what you have to do. Meditate the usual way, the way our Satanic family does by taking Academic Scholar's advice... or you can disagree with me.

If you choose the latter vehemently, don't expect me to reply back. There's a reason why VoiceofEnki, Hoodedcobra, Blackdragon, and Aquarius were mentally mature enough to stay in the sidelines, only dropping a few replies to see if you'd accept their help.

I must say this is quite interesting. even if the uses for most people are finite. I do have a couple questions though the main one is ; you say "cut the tendrils from the spiritual slew of energy" but then next you say " direct and absorb specific chakra energies to your own" do you mean one of the tendrils absorbs the refined pure energy that can then be directed to said chakras or am I missing something??

next I want to say people may call you these things, but at least in my own experience lack of knowledge= wrong conclusion or no understanding. So typing this out even though there would be backlash just so some could get a better understanding is admirable IMO... However 2 statements give me concerns. "I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual" sure envy that's fine but angry and hateful, eh I would use the words vengeful, and resentful. less confusion is brought on that way. like for example you don't hear the clergy defining Gods as angry or hateful (personality wise) but are some known for being vengeful and quick to resent and not the forgiving type? YES. Also our enemies are angry and hateful because its how they were made, to destroy and that's it; all they will ever know. It might be general but when I think of hateful they are one of the first things that comes to mind, unfounded hate.

2nd do you really feel 110 about the statement "the practice isn't inherently evil. nothing is" idk for you too talk about your own justice, coming to this conclusion seems bizarre. I think you might want to revaluate this.

oh also do you think it would be safe to practice this with my brother if we both clean our auras b4 and after. I'm quite curious about this method you've created. should be fine if we only take small amounts right?

thanks for the information.

have a good day :)
Psychic vampirism is a topic that has been suppressed for years, some years ago you wouldn't even be allowed to ask about it on the forums.

Nobody is promoting psychic vampirism, even me who is the person shedding most light on it, and starting the most conversations on it, strongly recommend most people stay away from it. What people are doing, is theorizing and asking a lot of questions.

But the reality is most people who want to delve into it, will experiment regardless of whether they are warned against it. Ignorance benefits no one, we might as well educate people on the matter so if they go forward with it, do it properly and don't destroy themselves with inefficient methods and a lack of understanding.
Sketches said:
please pay attention to me

If you bothered to read the post you would have noticed I said I'm not interested in further dialogue on the morality of it and the post is purely informative. And I meant it.

Needless to say I simply read the first paragraph and this is just more obvious bait, and won't read anything else you wrote. I'll give you attention some other time, okay?
ChaosBringer666 said:

I must say this is quite interesting. even if the uses for most people are finite. I do have a couple questions though the main one is ; you say "cut the tendrils from the spiritual slew of energy" but then next you say " direct and absorb specific chakra energies to your own" do you mean one of the tendrils absorbs the refined pure energy that can then be directed to said chakras or am I missing something??

next I want to say people may call you these things, but at least in my own experience lack of knowledge= wrong conclusion or no understanding. So typing this out even though there would be backlash just so some could get a better understanding is admirable IMO... However 2 statements give me concerns. "I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual" sure envy that's fine but angry and hateful, eh I would use the words vengeful, and resentful. less confusion is brought on that way. like for example you don't hear the clergy defining Gods as angry or hateful (personality wise) but are some known for being vengeful and quick to resent and not the forgiving type? YES. Also our enemies are angry and hateful because its how they were made, to destroy and that's it; all they will ever know. It might be general but when I think of hateful they are one of the first things that comes to mind, unfounded hate.

2nd do you really feel 110 about the statement "the practice isn't inherently evil. nothing is" idk for you too talk about your own justice, coming to this conclusion seems bizarre. I think you might want to revaluate this.

oh also do you think it would be safe to practice this with my brother if we both clean our auras b4 and after. I'm quite curious about this method you've created. should be fine if we only take small amounts right?

thanks for the information.

have a good day :)

The tendrils are rooted on your heart chakra and shouldn't manifest inside of your soul, after the energy is pulled inside of you, it becomes loose and you can focus on it and direct it to the chakra you intend. If you are experimenting with your brother I recommend you transfer energy to each other, but don't rip energy from one another as this can affect you guys negatively even without the intent to harm each other.

The tendrils SHOULD bypass his AoP in theory if he doesn't perceive you as a threat and is open to you, but then again I've never attempted this on someone with a powerful AoP so your results my vary. And do share if you were able or not to penetrate each other's souls through your AoP's as this could be valuable info.
Academic Scholar said:

I appreciate the concern. But don't worry about me, I do this very sparingly in reality. It's been several months since I've drained anyone and I'm very specific and selective with it. I have over the years reached out to Satan too many times I feel. I want to be able to take matters into my own hands and take care of myself.
ChaosBringer666 said:

I must say this is quite interesting. even if the uses for most people are finite. I do have a couple questions though the main one is ; you say "cut the tendrils from the spiritual slew of energy" but then next you say " direct and absorb specific chakra energies to your own" do you mean one of the tendrils absorbs the refined pure energy that can then be directed to said chakras or am I missing something??

next I want to say people may call you these things, but at least in my own experience lack of knowledge= wrong conclusion or no understanding. So typing this out even though there would be backlash just so some could get a better understanding is admirable IMO... However 2 statements give me concerns. "I am a deeply jealous, angry and hateful individual" sure envy that's fine but angry and hateful, eh I would use the words vengeful, and resentful. less confusion is brought on that way. like for example you don't hear the clergy defining Gods as angry or hateful (personality wise) but are some known for being vengeful and quick to resent and not the forgiving type? YES. Also our enemies are angry and hateful because its how they were made, to destroy and that's it; all they will ever know. It might be general but when I think of hateful they are one of the first things that comes to mind, unfounded hate.

2nd do you really feel 110 about the statement "the practice isn't inherently evil. nothing is" idk for you too talk about your own justice, coming to this conclusion seems bizarre. I think you might want to revaluate this.

oh also do you think it would be safe to practice this with my brother if we both clean our auras b4 and after. I'm quite curious about this method you've created. should be fine if we only take small amounts right?

thanks for the information.

have a good day :)

Why not use the reverse method send positive energy to one another?
If you mastered this you can try the other way, afterwards send positive again back, so there is balance.

But if this realy can change your destiny like you inherit the persons date of death (karma) then this is like playing russian roulette. Well on a positive note one could also by sending your positive energy prolonging the life of another person, if you have a longer livetime, which every serious/daily meditating SS should have compared to most normies.

I do not think the practise was forbidden to talk about it because it can be moraly wise missused, it was probably just to unpredictive / unsafe, as the JOS did always have high safety standards. It is useless to drain someone and then die 10 years earlier, no amunt of money can justify this. We have the goal to become like the gods, what today is valuabel may be worth nothing in 19 years, when the gods arrive.
Dahaarkan said:

Alright. Keep squeezing the dried out lemons if you think this is worth it.

I, and most of the people here have this big fiery sphere in the sky that will provide us with all the energy we want for billions of years.
Larissa666 said:
Alright. Keep squeezing the dried out lemons if you think this is worth it.

I, and most of the people here have this big fiery sphere in the sky that will provide us with all the energy we want for billions of years.

Maybe if you bothered to read what I wrote before you replied, you would have noticed that I categorized this is more as a black magick tool for causing harm, than a tool for self betterment. And that I strongly encouraged solar energies instead of just draining people aimlessly. We are in agreement on this, and you'd know that if you had actually bothered to read the above article.

How about you show even a miniscule level of respect for someone simply attempting to educate others on a matter most do not have answers to. And at least read what I wrote before you make hasty and inaccurate replies.
Dahaarkan said:
What do you think about this?

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf
Fuchs said:
Dahaarkan said:
What do you think about this?

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf

In my experience all subconscious draining is sloppy and inaccurate in nature, and any such methods should be avoided if the energies are being pulled into yourself. I would strongly recommend that any draining is done consciously in sessions, with absolute focus and intent, rather than programming your soul or aura to drain subconsciously.

The way in which you raise energy before such sessions is up to you, anything is valid here really. Do what you're most comfortable with.
Dahaarkan said:
Larissa666 said:
Alright. Keep squeezing the dried out lemons if you think this is worth it.

I, and most of the people here have this big fiery sphere in the sky that will provide us with all the energy we want for billions of years.

Maybe if you bothered to read what I wrote before you replied, you would have noticed that I categorized this is more as a black magick tool for causing harm, than a tool for self betterment. And that I strongly encouraged solar energies instead of just draining people aimlessly. We are in agreement on this, and you'd know that if you had actually bothered to read the above article.

How about you show even a miniscule level of respect for someone simply attempting to educate others on a matter most do not have answers to. And at least read what I wrote before you make hasty and inaccurate replies.

As for the respect, I cannot show respect for the practice that is useless and probably dangerous if you really don’t know what you’re doing (and let’s be honest, someone inexperienced is gonna try this just for the sake of it, and possibly end up hurting themselves).

But what I can respect is you sharing knowledge and trying to educate people. My reply might have been more emotionally charged out of disgust for this practice. Most of the people here are trying to eliminate psychic vampires from their lives, rather than being one themselves.

I apologize if I seemed hostile. This wasn’t meant to be a personal attack.
Larissa666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Larissa666 said:
Alright. Keep squeezing the dried out lemons if you think this is worth it.

I, and most of the people here have this big fiery sphere in the sky that will provide us with all the energy we want for billions of years.

Maybe if you bothered to read what I wrote before you replied, you would have noticed that I categorized this is more as a black magick tool for causing harm, than a tool for self betterment. And that I strongly encouraged solar energies instead of just draining people aimlessly. We are in agreement on this, and you'd know that if you had actually bothered to read the above article.

How about you show even a miniscule level of respect for someone simply attempting to educate others on a matter most do not have answers to. And at least read what I wrote before you make hasty and inaccurate replies.

As for the respect, I cannot show respect for the practice that is useless and probably dangerous if you really don’t know what you’re doing (and let’s be honest, someone inexperienced is gonna try this just for the sake of it, and possibly end up hurting themselves).

But what I can respect is you sharing knowledge and trying to educate people. My reply might have been more emotionally charged out of disgust for this practice. Most of the people here are trying to eliminate psychic vampires from their lives, rather than being one themselves.

I apologize if I seemed hostile. This wasn’t meant to be a personal attack.

I understand your concerns and even your personal view of the practice, but not talking about it, not illuminating it, won't make things better. People who want to pursue this, will do it no matter what. So we might as well help them to do it properly as to mitigate damage they might bring to themselves is all.

I've meditated on whether or not this info should be made available, and this is the conclusion I've come to.
Fuchs said:

Why not use the reverse method send positive energy to one another?
If you mastered this you can try the other way, afterwards send positive again back, so there is balance.

But if this realy can change your destiny like you inherit the persons date of death (karma) then this is like playing russian roulette. Well on a positive note one could also by sending your positive energy prolonging the life of another person, if you have a longer livetime, which every serious/daily meditating SS should have compared to most normies.

I do not think the practise was forbidden to talk about it because it can be moraly wise missused, it was probably just to unpredictive / unsafe, as the JOS did always have high safety standards. It is useless to drain someone and then die 10 years earlier, no amunt of money can justify this. We have the goal to become like the gods, what today is valuabel may be worth nothing in 19 years, when the gods arrive.

Actually, in the past I performed some minor healing on my mother about 50 ish breaths when I got to about 20 or so I felt literally sick like almost puking from being entirely drained and I remember my brother offered me his energies I refused at first because I didn't want to transfer the negative stuff to him, but gave in soon after. Its funny actually the conscious offering of his energies seemed to make the energies green or "harmonious" with my own. He said he raised his energies but man it really felt like I was pulling from an unlimited pool of energy compared to my own. suppose that's cause he doesn't have a lot of problems with his soul, like 5 inhales and I was good. i feel like it would be good to practice with him since his energies seem easily absorbed by my soul, and of course aura cleaning is a must.

i'll make sure not to rip but just transfer energies back and forth as I want the safest possible method. I think this is a rather direct method of evocation, and I was just thinking this may actually be applicable elsewhere. for example you ever tried connecting these tendrils to celestial bodies like idk the sun, the moon or the earth? ( obviously you give back to the earth) I feel like the rather direct approach may aid in the uptake of these energies since it puts heavy emphasis on the transfer or ripping of energies which feed directly into the soul.

and thank you for clarifying Dahaarkan I understand now.

have a good day guys.
Dahaarkan said:
Sketches said:

I decided that I regret some of the anger I spilled in my post and decided to reply back in a more civilized manner.

I read it, while subconsciously ignoring the "thread" that started this topic, in order to see if the information can be, well, informative.

I've finished reading it, and I must say that... there is no problem regarding this practice. However, I remembered, before you mentioned it here, is that this information is categorized as a more appropriate term called, "Energy Ripping" , which, written by HPS Maxine, "has been given by a High Priest."

The reason why everyone is irked at the thought of this is that when someone hears the word, "psychic vampirism" , this is usually associated with kikes, joos, and mentally-ill Gentiles, who have abused this power time and time again, no matter how badly they want to move away from this mindset and practice. Because of it, most SS would stay away from this topic and vehemently deny this practice because they don't want to be like the enemy, who will harm an innocent person.

So, if I was to suggest anything for this topic, is that you should not associate yourself with psychic vampirism, but rather the art of energy ripping. You said it yourself that:

Dahaarkan said:
...PV is ultimately a tool to cause harm, more than it is a tool to benefit you.

So in other terms, I'd call this topic "Energy Ripping" , because it is only used as a tool. Psychic vampirism is basically about leeching off of others no matter if the person is innocent or not. Psychic vampires do not care if they suffer from the amalgamations of others' energies. Which is also why I disagree with this segment you added here:

Dahaarkan said:
Understanding this, you may begin to pity vampires more than fear them. They are ultimately pitiful souls who are damning themselves. Especially the subconscious ones, are doomed to this fate of becoming an amalgamation of countless people's energies, totally losing who they are to this pollution, and degrading to a pitiful state spiritually and mentally.

Combined with this:

Dahaarkan said:
Connecting to a vampire in this way is always a risky process, so don't attempt unless you feel very comfortable and confident in your ability to use and manipulate tendrils. Do not allow this tendril to remain and cut it off when you are done to be safe.

Generally, it is simply safer to close yourself to them. Apply the reverse of the first step, focus on them, focus on your feelings of repulsion and hatred towards them, and how you reject them in every way, and are closed to them completely.

Cut off all connections to them, be verbally crude and hurtful towards them if it's possible. Cut off all connections, spiritual and physical. Convince yourself subconsciously that they are your enemy and that you are closed to them and want nothing to do with them, and your soul will naturally close to them.

Psychic vampires are meant to be vehemently ignored and hated. Which is why people have this subconscious and conscious reactions of ignoring your words on that thread because you call this practice "psychic vampirism" , instead of the more appropriate term "energy ripping."

Like I said in my reply before, we didn't heard from you how much you've been using these to the people you hold grudges. We only heard "how strong your hatred is towards them, so I'll drain their energies in this way" , and that "we can call you a parasite if we hate this practice," which would also explain why everyone was concerned if that mindset has already polluted you.

Compared to how you replied here vs the thread that went on on three and a half pages, this is much more level-headed, despite that this topic has a shade of a call-back on that thread.

And that reference was the reason why I clacked my mobile keyboard on this topic because of it. An hour later, even if a moderator hasn't approved of my post yet, I regretted the shit-post insult I added, but I can't edit it out, so I ignored this thread until I had free time, and replied more diplomatically, acting as a third-party on this situation.

The above reason, is that if I can tackle this issue level-headedly, then so can you. That thread started because, well... I don't think I need to show evidences as to why...

In summary, call this practice "energy ripping", as I stated in above as to why everyone associates with it negatively, and try to present this practice humbly if possible, because again, this is a sensitive issue.

Understand that even if you presented this knowledge, me and the others who said their piece has taken a pass, other than reading the other segment on how to defend myself towards people who use this art negatively.
I like the sincerity and transparency with which you expose and explain it, but this is not for most of us.
Aside from the large amount of spiritual dirt, karmic residue and other types of dross that most people have, also non-spiritual people have a much lower energy level than the average SS, I would compare this to looking for pennies and cheap jewelry in a fountain full of mud and slime.
Fuchs said:
Dahaarkan said:
What do you think about this?

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf

Your Aura is only defending you against people who are weaker than you, if someone is pinpointing you and able to do so, especially when you are sleeping I do not really think that the Aura would protect you against this tbh 😅
Dahaarkan said:
Fuchs said:
Dahaarkan said:
What do you think about this?

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf

In my experience all subconscious draining is sloppy and inaccurate in nature, and any such methods should be avoided if the energies are being pulled into yourself. I would strongly recommend that any draining is done consciously in sessions, with absolute focus and intent, rather than programming your soul or aura to drain subconsciously.

The way in which you raise energy before such sessions is up to you, anything is valid here really. Do what you're most comfortable with.

Ok, about the runes Ingwaz is written to do energy draining, Kenaz is for sexual energy, Sowilo does empower all, Tiwas is good for revenge spells.

Did you never use runes to drain? With a affirmation?
NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
Dahaarkan said:
What do you think about this?

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf

Your Aura is only defending you against people who are weaker than you, if someone is pinpointing you and able to do so, especially when you are sleeping I do not really think that the Aura would protect you against this tbh 😅

This is not right, if one does drain the enemey, even stronger auras can be beaten. It is also way safer then sending negative energy which can just bounce back, if the enemy has a stronger aura.
Fuchs said:
Ok, about the runes Ingwaz is written to do energy draining, Kenaz is for sexual energy, Sowilo does empower all, Tiwas is good for revenge spells.

Did you never use runes to drain? With a affirmation?

This comes down to how you wish to operate. I don't incorporate runes into actual draining sessions, because draining is not my biggest focus. This is most effective as a supplement or boost to other workings in my opinion.

A draining session of mine typically consists of the above methods, visualization and affirmation as I assimilate the energies and that's it. I usually do this right before continuing another working. In the example of draining a solar chakra, doing a session of that before continuing a sun square or wealth working will boost it. A synergy, if you will.

If your draining session includes long reps of runic vibration, you might as well just start a new working for 40 or 90 days instead of draining. But this is up to you, you can definitely incorporate runes into your draining sessions, though I admit I've not really experimented much this way.
Sketches said:

I thank you for actually reading the article before replying this time. I will not comment on anything that isn't related to information on PV so don't take it personally I will ignore any mentions of other threads or other conversations, and will not discuss any of that here.

Draining a soul, stealing it's energies and assimilating them into yourself is psychic vampirism no matter how you slice it. I think trying to pass this off as anything but what it actually is would be a bit dishonest, I appreciate the suggestion though.

I also won't get into the moral side of how to view vampires. It's up to you how you view them.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Why not use the reverse method send positive energy to one another?
If you mastered this you can try the other way, afterwards send positive again back, so there is balance.

But if this realy can change your destiny like you inherit the persons date of death (karma) then this is like playing russian roulette. Well on a positive note one could also by sending your positive energy prolonging the life of another person, if you have a longer livetime, which every serious/daily meditating SS should have compared to most normies.

I do not think the practise was forbidden to talk about it because it can be moraly wise missused, it was probably just to unpredictive / unsafe, as the JOS did always have high safety standards. It is useless to drain someone and then die 10 years earlier, no amunt of money can justify this. We have the goal to become like the gods, what today is valuabel may be worth nothing in 19 years, when the gods arrive.

Actually, in the past I performed some minor healing on my mother about 50 ish breaths when I got to about 20 or so I felt literally sick like almost puking from being entirely drained and I remember my brother offered me his energies I refused at first because I didn't want to transfer the negative stuff to him, but gave in soon after. Its funny actually the conscious offering of his energies seemed to make the energies green or "harmonious" with my own. He said he raised his energies but man it really felt like I was pulling from an unlimited pool of energy compared to my own. suppose that's cause he doesn't have a lot of problems with his soul, like 5 inhales and I was good. i feel like it would be good to practice with him since his energies seem easily absorbed by my soul, and of course aura cleaning is a must.

i'll make sure not to rip but just transfer energies back and forth as I want the safest possible method. I think this is a rather direct method of evocation, and I was just thinking this may actually be applicable elsewhere. for example you ever tried connecting these tendrils to celestial bodies like idk the sun, the moon or the earth? ( obviously you give back to the earth) I feel like the rather direct approach may aid in the uptake of these energies since it puts heavy emphasis on the transfer or ripping of energies which feed directly into the soul.

and thank you for clarifying Dahaarkan I understand now.

have a good day guys.

You don't need tendrils to draw energy from the sun though. They are intended to penetrate a soul, and isolate energies as they are pulled from said soul. Solar energy is pure, clean and powerful and drawing energy from the sun requires none of this.
Orionite said:
That is a very interesting subject. It's definitely something I'd never do, but mostly just because of the risks. I don't think there's anything wrong with your application of it, since you do seem very honest and transparent about it so we have no reason to believe that you would use it against someone innocent.

For me, it's an important article on how to defend yourself from PV and given the stigma around the subject, it's not something we've explored a lot here.
The only concern is that a rookie, unstable SS (And we know we have a bunch of them) would dive into this, disregarding the risks. Though, there are plenty of other known "unsafe" practices for the rookies to burn themselves out on unfortunately.

I would be willing to bet a vast majority of people here are getting drained by someone or something from time to time or all the time to lesser or worse degrees. I was going to try and remind people of psychic vampirism for that reason. This is why I am glad its talked about but I don't think it should be practiced.

The spiritual state of a lot of people in this world is not very great at all some people are very bad so far as the spiritual damage they have especially if they do anything dealing with the enemy in practices or believe in an enemy program.

Many of these people do not have the energy it takes to be on a functional level in the physical in their soul so their soul latches onto others and drains them sometimes very badly sometimes with the tendrils thing and sometimes astral links or both maybe there is even more methods not sure but this is what I came across so far so I can't comment on anything else. Gear 88 for example didn't make any progress at all in 20 years hmm wonder why if all his energy is being drained to the point his aura is dark and can't expand very well this explains it. I had this happen with an xtian family member problems for years till I figured out slowly what was going on and started working to stop it and I didn't seem to advance very well or at all till I started fixing this.

Most of the cases really probably are not that bad. But if you meet the one person with deep spiritual damage or the one Jew or whatever you can start to have some major issues cause of psychic vampirism. They can drain you very badly.

That is why there should be an article on the JOS in a prominent place about this and how to detach from it or maybe a couple places. This is a serious problem.
So this is why I object to it this seems to be a spiritually damaged practice and of a parasitic low level. But I will talk more about it when I see something that makes me suspect someone is being drained. Probably at least 20 percent of the population are psychic vampires to a worse or better degree most don't practice consciously but some do and that is even more dangerous to be around.
slyscorpion said:
Orionite said:
That is a very interesting subject. It's definitely something I'd never do, but mostly just because of the risks. I don't think there's anything wrong with your application of it, since you do seem very honest and transparent about it so we have no reason to believe that you would use it against someone innocent.

For me, it's an important article on how to defend yourself from PV and given the stigma around the subject, it's not something we've explored a lot here.
The only concern is that a rookie, unstable SS (And we know we have a bunch of them) would dive into this, disregarding the risks. Though, there are plenty of other known "unsafe" practices for the rookies to burn themselves out on unfortunately.

I would be willing to bet a vast majority of people here are getting drained by someone or something from time to time or all the time to lesser or worse degrees. I was going to try and remind people of psychic vampirism for that reason. This is why I am glad its talked about but I don't think it should be practiced.

The spiritual state of a lot of people in this world is not very great at all some people are very bad so far as the spiritual damage they have especially if they do anything dealing with the enemy in practices or believe in an enemy program.

Many of these people do not have the energy it takes to be on a functional level in the physical in their soul so their soul latches onto others and drains them sometimes very badly sometimes with the tendrils thing and sometimes astral links or both maybe there is even more methods not sure but this is what I came across so far so I can't comment on anything else. Gear 88 for example didn't make any progress at all in 20 years hmm wonder why if all his energy is being drained to the point his aura is dark and can't expand very well this explains it. I had this happen with an xtian family member problems for years till I figured out slowly what was going on and started working to stop it and I didn't seem to advance very well or at all till I started fixing this.

Most of the cases really probably are not that bad. But if you meet the one person with deep spiritual damage or the one Jew or whatever you can start to have some major issues cause of psychic vampirism. They can drain you very badly.

That is why there should be an article on the JOS in a prominent place about this and how to detach from it or maybe a couple places. This is a serious problem.
It can only effectively work when there is certain amount of acceptance between the two parties. If you do not accept the other party then the connection will be bad so not much will be lost, or with non-existent connection nothing is lost.

Aside from knowledge, also awareness of ones own consciousness and surroundings are important.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Orionite said:
That is a very interesting subject. It's definitely something I'd never do, but mostly just because of the risks. I don't think there's anything wrong with your application of it, since you do seem very honest and transparent about it so we have no reason to believe that you would use it against someone innocent.

For me, it's an important article on how to defend yourself from PV and given the stigma around the subject, it's not something we've explored a lot here.
The only concern is that a rookie, unstable SS (And we know we have a bunch of them) would dive into this, disregarding the risks. Though, there are plenty of other known "unsafe" practices for the rookies to burn themselves out on unfortunately.

I would be willing to bet a vast majority of people here are getting drained by someone or something from time to time or all the time to lesser or worse degrees. I was going to try and remind people of psychic vampirism for that reason. This is why I am glad its talked about but I don't think it should be practiced.

The spiritual state of a lot of people in this world is not very great at all some people are very bad so far as the spiritual damage they have especially if they do anything dealing with the enemy in practices or believe in an enemy program.

Many of these people do not have the energy it takes to be on a functional level in the physical in their soul so their soul latches onto others and drains them sometimes very badly sometimes with the tendrils thing and sometimes astral links or both maybe there is even more methods not sure but this is what I came across so far so I can't comment on anything else. Gear 88 for example didn't make any progress at all in 20 years hmm wonder why if all his energy is being drained to the point his aura is dark and can't expand very well this explains it. I had this happen with an xtian family member problems for years till I figured out slowly what was going on and started working to stop it and I didn't seem to advance very well or at all till I started fixing this.

Most of the cases really probably are not that bad. But if you meet the one person with deep spiritual damage or the one Jew or whatever you can start to have some major issues cause of psychic vampirism. They can drain you very badly.

That is why there should be an article on the JOS in a prominent place about this and how to detach from it or maybe a couple places. This is a serious problem.
It can only effectively work when there is certain amount of acceptance between the two parties. If you do not accept the other party then the connection will be bad so not much will be lost, or with non-existent connection nothing is lost.

Aside from knowledge, also awareness of ones own consciousness and surroundings are important.

I certainly did not accept this to happen to me or like the person doing it. However it still went on anyways. However with the case or me it was of much less severity than another person he was draining who was oblivious to this and more liked the person.
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I would be willing to bet a vast majority of people here are getting drained by someone or something from time to time or all the time to lesser or worse degrees. I was going to try and remind people of psychic vampirism for that reason. This is why I am glad its talked about but I don't think it should be practiced.

The spiritual state of a lot of people in this world is not very great at all some people are very bad so far as the spiritual damage they have especially if they do anything dealing with the enemy in practices or believe in an enemy program.

Many of these people do not have the energy it takes to be on a functional level in the physical in their soul so their soul latches onto others and drains them sometimes very badly sometimes with the tendrils thing and sometimes astral links or both maybe there is even more methods not sure but this is what I came across so far so I can't comment on anything else. Gear 88 for example didn't make any progress at all in 20 years hmm wonder why if all his energy is being drained to the point his aura is dark and can't expand very well this explains it. I had this happen with an xtian family member problems for years till I figured out slowly what was going on and started working to stop it and I didn't seem to advance very well or at all till I started fixing this.

Most of the cases really probably are not that bad. But if you meet the one person with deep spiritual damage or the one Jew or whatever you can start to have some major issues cause of psychic vampirism. They can drain you very badly.

That is why there should be an article on the JOS in a prominent place about this and how to detach from it or maybe a couple places. This is a serious problem.
It can only effectively work when there is certain amount of acceptance between the two parties. If you do not accept the other party then the connection will be bad so not much will be lost, or with non-existent connection nothing is lost.

Aside from knowledge, also awareness of ones own consciousness and surroundings are important.

I certainly did not accept this to happen to me or like the person doing it. However it still went on anyways. However with the case or me it was of much less severity than another person he was draining who was oblivious to this and more liked the person.
There must be unknown variables and/or missing knowledge from our part.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
It can only effectively work when there is certain amount of acceptance between the two parties. If you do not accept the other party then the connection will be bad so not much will be lost, or with non-existent connection nothing is lost.

Aside from knowledge, also awareness of ones own consciousness and surroundings are important.

I certainly did not accept this to happen to me or like the person doing it. However it still went on anyways. However with the case or me it was of much less severity than another person he was draining who was oblivious to this and more liked the person.
There must be unknown variables and/or missing knowledge from our part.

Yes the normal advice I see on this is go against that person don't like them fight them in some way (mental) and this will break the connection.

This does lessen it a lot. But it doesn't stop it all together. That is my experience.

People may think the problem is solved this way. Cause it feels much better the symptoms and problems subside or don't appear to begin with as much.

But no it's not all together. The astral links and/or tendrils thing has to be removed somehow for it to stop all together.

Damage can still be done especially if more than one person is draining a person.

The whole point
Thank you for this, Dahaarkan. If only I had this thread to look to a while back when I was trying to take back my energies from the ones who energy ripped me. I'm probably going to amp up my cleaning routine now and try to get any pollution out of my soul as quickly as possible.

Maybe I'll try again with these methods at some point. I don't want my enemies to live happily ever after with my soul energies and power.
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I certainly did not accept this to happen to me or like the person doing it. However it still went on anyways. However with the case or me it was of much less severity than another person he was draining who was oblivious to this and more liked the person.
There must be unknown variables and/or missing knowledge from our part.

Yes the normal advice I see on this is go against that person don't like them fight them in some way (mental) and this will break the connection.

This does lessen it a lot. But it doesn't stop it all together. That is my experience.

People may think the problem is solved this way. Cause it feels much better the symptoms and problems subside or don't appear to begin with as much.

But no it's not all together. The astral links and/or tendrils thing has to be removed somehow for it to stop all together.

Damage can still be done especially if more than one person is draining a person.

The whole point

You could do this against it:

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf
https://web.archive.org/web/20150603001 ... abalah.pdf
You sure have a lot of patience to make this post, Dahaarkan. I’m grateful. You’ve answered many questions that have been going around in my head ever since my partner and I figured out that we had been ripped from, even providing answers I didn’t know we needed. It’s been a mess trying to understand what happened. Seriously, you have my thanks.

Much of what you’ve spoken about resonates with my own discoveries and knowledge, it’s nice to have some confirmation about the use of tendrils as you call them.

I’ve experimented with a couple of my own ways though whether they are effective or pose risk is hard to say just yet, I started attempting to get justice and revenge when my anger got too much, I lashed out and felt something returning back to me that had been stolen. The memory is a bit blurred but that's when my experiments started. One method I tried was draining the energy from those people who stole from me straight down into the ground until it was gone and they appeared decayed and withered. I then attempted to fill them with energy from a graveyard.

Another I tried was draining their energy into an astral container using the tendrils (I call them cords) and burying the container in the ground or sending it away. If there's energy inside that belongs to me from the people who stole from me, I use two containers to split and separate the negative energy from the good and purify it, before sending away the bad and absorbing the good back into me.

Your post has helped me to refine my own methods. It really is a form of energy manipulation.
Fuchs said:
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
There must be unknown variables and/or missing knowledge from our part.

Yes the normal advice I see on this is go against that person don't like them fight them in some way (mental) and this will break the connection.

This does lessen it a lot. But it doesn't stop it all together. That is my experience.

People may think the problem is solved this way. Cause it feels much better the symptoms and problems subside or don't appear to begin with as much.

But no it's not all together. The astral links and/or tendrils thing has to be removed somehow for it to stop all together.

Damage can still be done especially if more than one person is draining a person.

The whole point

You could do this against it:

"I´m at all times, someone attacks me spiritualy, sending blue satanic flames, leeching there positive energys, purified by the blue satanic flames, empowering me, in a healthy and beneficial way for me." x18

(keep in mind someone said this is bullshit the blue flames can´t purify energy, I had the opposite expierience or I allways did send it back to them with RC1&2. You can also cut out the leeching part, I included it so there energy does empower me and so they get more damage. A nice combo :D )

One could prior to it raise some energy with #16. Sowilo + #17 TIWAZ + #6. KENAZ + #22 INGWAZ x 111 reps.

More infos here:
The Runic Kabalah.pdf
https://web.archive.org/web/20150603001 ... abalah.pdf

Not wanting to try to take in the "positive energies" of a very strong xtian or jew even purified. ☹️ it might work on some other people ok though these links are supposed to be able to be two ways. Problem is most time they are not and most people don't know they are there to begin with.
Hello, I want to thank you for your publication and the trouble you have taken to explain all this.

It sounds very interesting.

I would like to ask you a few things:

1. Could you elaborate on how to recognize a psychic vampire and how to defend yourself against him?

2. What if a Satanist is a psychic vampire inadvertently? Could it stop being so and how?

3. I once met a girl on facebook. He was emotionally unstable, commenting and writing things implying that he was having a bad time. I tried to help him, but it seems like it never solved anything. He walked away and came back to Satanism over and over again. Despite the warnings, he did not stop posting photos of him on social networks, of his body or of her dancing. I once caught her lying about the source of her problems. In one group he said one thing and told me another. When I pointed it out, he didn't react or say anything, he changed the subject. Despite the fact that I wrote to her and tried to support her, she deleted me from her social networks and she didn't even know who I was, that is, she always talked about herself, I perceived a certain egocentricity. Could she be a psychic vampire? Could these people hurt even if it is on the Internet?

If you read me, I thank you for your patience.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
