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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?
As someone who once worked in an office of gen-z fuckups, I can relate. Stuff like this helps me make sure I'm staying sane.
Thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, for everything you do for us and the gods, you are always there to protect this place. You have the hardest job from us all. I can't imagine someone better for your position.
A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Its hard to feel so much cringe, i didnt knew if laugh, cry or look to my wall while i was reading this. pain to my eyes

Um retardo esmagador atingiu os gentios em geral. Eles sempre ocupados bajulando seus destruidores, destruidores, rebaixando qualquer um que venha ajudá-los, sendo covardes, não enfrentando a si mesmos e muitas vezes sendo tão desleais quanto uma doninha na época de acasalamento. Muito amor pelo goy quando tem um pau batendo na cabeça dele, eu também já vi isso.

Enquanto isso, os kikes elevam seus rabinos ao topo do trono dourado e dizem aos céus "Obrigado, obrigado" o dia todo. Mesmo esses retardados entendem que o valor aumenta não por essas coisas que explicei acima, mas por realmente ter gratidão e buscar algum valor em si mesmo e nos outros.
Os satanistas espirituais e outros pagãos politeístas que estão verdadeiramente com os Deuses são os únicos que estão verdadeiramente gratos porque através dele compreenderam de uma forma muito subtil a natureza das coisas através de Kabaankh. a compreensão de todo o universo e de suas energias sutis irradia personalidade. Até a “escuridão” deste mundo tem uma personalidade admirável. E tudo isso deveria ser honrado aos Deuses. O inimigo não tem absolutamente nenhum lugar aqui.
Devemos viajar para os Mundos da Alma e através desta jornada absorver a compreensão desses lugares e depois dos elementos externos, como os planetas. Isto é o que está acima e abaixo, e como alcançar a iluminação assimilando totalmente esses padrões surpreendentes e compreendendo a essência mais concreta das coisas.
Embora eu tenha feito muitos progressos em alguns aspectos, temo que a minha maneira complexa de tentar ver as coisas possa me desviar do caminho de Deus. Na realidade, pode ser muito humilhante. A única coisa que posso fazer para permanecer no caminho certo é purificar minha alma e realizar ioga e rituais.
As someone who once worked in an office of gen-z fuckups, I can relate. Stuff like this helps me make sure I'm staying sane.
Unfortunately, my coworkers are always complaining about their jobs. They don't see anything esoteric or profound in what they do, or even of value.
They don't respect themselves because they don't see the meaning in what they do.
They have an EQ well below average and are nervous about the smallest things.
It really sucks
High Priest, I wanted to come forth and tell you that I am very grateful to everything you have done for this community and for everything that you have yet to do. To know that I am alive and here in the presence of you, (albeit online) is honestly a wonderful thing. Why? Because you, High Priest, have given us so much hope, (at least in my eyes), to strive for something good and meaningful like you are showing us all.

I am honored to know that we have such a wonderful High Priest!!

Thank you for everything!! :)
But why do you put GTA as a cover? This game implants bad thoughts in one's mind, such as killing for no reason, stealing others. Indeed, not a meaningful. In any aspect, congratulations you are now accountable for making our youths misleaded and fools

Now talking seriously, it's only one time that I have a disagreement with you i always looked at you as a great teacher but when you recently say that US Institutions and NATO are the good guys or less evil ignoring the whole criminal record for them in Iraq Lybia Afghanistan and many others constantly aiding Israel in everything that is evil create the Islamic state and countless financial crimes i don't see china as a gift from the heaven but due to their history they haven't conquered anyone in their golden ages

Yet I didn't attack you because your "mistake" could be forgiven, you are the one who makes all of us closer to the gods, not to mention the support and guidance you provide for this community.
Here in Greece, 57 people died in a train crash a year ago and no one has been tried or jailed yet. We also had elections last summer and the same right-wing zionist party won with 41% of the votes. Then you have the communists who shut down public transport and universities. As a result, nothing works. It's the usual trick of playing both sides against the middle. We actually had a National Socialist party in parliament from 2012-2019 but they were defamed, jailed, and forgotten. While other European countries are waking up en masse, Greece is devolving.
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great HP, if I can give you my personal opinion (opinion not requested), I think you have a lot of value as a living being not only because of what you do (great works), but you also have a lot of value because you do what you do DESPITE the attacks that you receive from all over the world and even from many of our own people.

Then I personally advise you to be "proud" if some idiot says stupid things to you. I do a lot of propaganda online and I have led many to follow JoS, but many Christians comment to me that I am an "worker of evil", well if idiots go against me it only means that I am doing my job well. This is about the retarded not our people.

But for our people, yes, it's sad to see them ruining their own minds with ridiculous beliefs when they could spend the same five minutes of time they use to attack you to breathe energy into the seven chakras. None of us want this for them and I know that even though your words are harsh towards them, it actually saddens you to see many of Satan's people reduced this way.

But you must never forget that you are doing your best and more than this is impossible. Maybe it sounds sad, but it's the hard truth: the truth of the limits people place on themselves. We must accept, move on and continue to do our best despite everything so that perhaps in the future their situation will re-establish itself with time.

Probably by continuing to grow in this environment that you make healthy, over time their discomforts will heal. Evolution works in a similar way. At the beginning (many, many years ago) I too was a disadvantaged person with a lot of Christian conditioning. When I saw that I could be more, when I was no longer satisfied with what I was able to achieve, I took charge of my life and committed myself. Today I am here, I work every day for the Gods, I have had wonderful experiences with them, etc. To say that it is often necessary to fall down to understand that we have to get up again.

The people who matter, however, the ones who really advance and are important in Satanism, literally adore you like a beloved older brother. Including myself and including many others. We are close to you and are always eager to advance as a group, as a family thanks above all to you and thanks to our efforts as a community. I'm not talking nonsense, look at us, if we are here we owe it to you.

It is not at all fair that they attack you, but I repeat, take it as a demonstration of your value, that, despite the attacks, you manage to serve the Gods as best you can and you are very good at this. Deities representing the highest values.
i've been SS for 13 years yet this is the first year i spend much time at the forum and i couldn't agree more!
saw quite things i wouldn't ever believe may come out of any average being who decided to follow this path!!
it does really amazing me the way you act upon all of this and your perseverance.
based on your bitter sarcastic writing style i can only think that you are a person with little patience and quite the temper.
"not accusing or judging you of anything tho, maybe am wrong"
either this was your spiritual quest, assigned or even a punishment!
i hope you get over it as soon as possible and achieve your purpose.
anyway if my words hold any condolences or meaning for you. know that i'm very thankful for your efforts and keeping eyes on the organized..
Your presence and service to the people of the Gods is undeniably precious HP.

Don’t worry about being hated, all the true people of this path struggle with this.

I for one have seen so much trauma and hate from people close to me because I’m good and of the truth. Hitler, Hps Maxine, and Father Satan know what it means to experience this. The world is backwards and only the remarkable will follow the truth and the path of Godhood.

Thank you for leading us, always, and being there for us when needed most. You deserve your weight in Gold and much more.
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I get you, brother. There is only so much that can be done for those you described if they are not willing to grasp opportunities toward a better future. Eventually one day, they will understand what`s in their own best interest.
although I'm new to the site, spiritual growth has always been, is, and always will be a part of my life. I never have anyone to blame for my stupidity but myself. but when I fail and get back up, I usually count it as a success. 🙂Thank you so much for this post. We hope it reached the younger generation as well.☺️
Undoubtedly, you are probably one of the most hated individuals on Earth by "gentiles" and jews alike. The stupidity is real.

I, for one, love you as my High Priest and am ever thankful for all that you do.
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think those ungrateful and shit people, are not worth to be thinked of, even in any manner.

They are just brainwashed, to receive help correctly they are just unable to do it, to learn from things you give, it’s not only to take and go, but other side to it to learn appreciate,

By appreciating put it into practice and use it sensibly, where reality is involved, not plain delusions of it’s only me and thats it.

Appreciation and appliance of your help is intertwined so close that it is almost the same.

And result of using your help, using it properly, it is naturally is helping you HoodedCobra666.

I doubt they take really most worthy parts of what you give them, because if they would, they wouldn’t be worthless.

I think one has to be seriously on the path, to be able to do it correctly…

Without right intentions it is not possible to do, and I also think it is not for everybody,

But actually for those “very few” of Father Satan, because without His grace, the help you give is not going fully on.

That’s why it is not reaching them right way,

They need to strive to get closer to Gods, that’s only way they can get your help appropriately.

Never ending deprogramming and deadly serious discipline should be for them, otherwise it goes halfway, but atleast hands of Gods somehow still touches them trough you.

They get your attention, their ego starts to shrink because of your callibre, and it scares their shit out of them, they could say this is not true, but it is unconscious.

And out of fear they do what enemy “tells” them to do.

How it’s possible to get your help and help from the Gods when it is so hard to take out enemy out of ourselves?

When mind most people has(almost everyone) is molded by enemy,

When what amount of work and complete labour is needed to undo all this in ourselves,

What amount of time is needed,

Not for the enemy mentality in these people to be understood.

And with these “minds” of theirs, oh sorry, I mean “mind” of theirs (if they ever had their own,) how it is possible to take your help right way?

Due to crazy and horrible condition of all this, it’s mostly up to Gods to decide who can get out or not…

Very Good you speak out, dear Big Big Brother High Priest.

I personally putting my stupidity aside, there is no words how I am grateful to You,

You know, it’s hard for me to do things right while being by you, when you stand so extremely powerful, extremely wise, so kind, and etc., and etc.

Honestly when I contacting you I feel like a kid who don’t knows what he is doing or even know if he is asking right things,

It’s big honour to have you this kind of man in this world,

I am thankful, Cobra, I could explode how I am thankful for you, I know time will come when I will,

Because of you it will come.

Thank you.
Thank you.

These are difficult times for me.
But I remembered what the Gods used to teach. That everything must be examined consciously. Every thought, every situation.
And so I understood the reality of bad situations.
Now that I have consciously examined the problems in my life, I see them as opportunities, not problems.

Thank the Gods for knowledge. After these rituals, many things become clearer.
Thank you for your tireless efforts.
I can't tell you how much your sermons have helped me, HP Cobra. Many like a slap in the face, in fact, necessary teachings to correct where I was going wrong. How a simple answer from you broke down a great fear of rejection that I'd had for some time. Something like: "Wow, the high priest answered me!" Today, it's funny to think back on that thought. To what extent can a silly fear really stop you from doing things?

As I have said in some of my posts, you are a great inspiration to me and I am deeply grateful for your hard work, both for us and for the gods.
I can say that I sometimes felt called into question by posts like this, not that I got to the level of thinking I was Napoleon but enough to question everything I saw.

Very often I tried to find my own understanding of things, but not being fully developed spiritually I always made mistakes in some of my theories. Sometimes I was convinced I had discovered who knows what, but then much of that collapsed in the face of Gods' Truth.

At other times I was simply envious or filled with hatred, even for external reasons, and caught up in feelings of inferiority and irrellevance, I would question the "arrogance of authority" or whatever the hell that means. At times I felt some feelings of envy or antipathy towards some members of the clergy, although I almost never expressed it openly.

Simply that whole way of being was wrong, I lacked an understanding of the larger situation.

I now realise the importance that HPHC has in our world, and that if I want to build my own rellevance before the Gods, I have to work and do something, and not get lost in the shenanigans that lead nowhere.

Thinking about the future I think I would be willing to sacrifice myself for HPHC, so that he can continue to lead JoS to victory, because this is vitally important and is beyond us.

I would like to thank you for the knowledge of the Gods that you have successfully provided, because it is with this that I am making my most positive changes.

I do not exactly know the larger spectrum of reality, but I trust your guidance in this war and in our collective development.

Thinking about it more deeply, I should thank everyone who contributed to JoS, because without it I would have probably ended up wasting my life sitting on a bench smoking weed, or in prison who knows.

There are rituals these days, I will gladly bless Joy of Satan, the Clergy and the Comunity.

Heil Satan!
Goes without saying but you have proved yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt a great man and way above the sea of both ignorance and arrogance.

You and others here motivate me to keep advancing so I too can be a great man thru my own actions same, as should others.
A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?
Maybe they seemed 15 thru the way they write but unfortunately a few people in the past who were their mid 20s have acted in this manner. Becomes more cringe when this is an adult but in comparison to that video they actually seem a little more sane... just a little lol
A part of my reply got deleted before I sent it.

In regards to those who come here pretending they are the reincarnation of a great Pharoah; I was recently talking to someone about how more and more people want to label or self diagnose themselves as an autistic but gifted individual.

These are no different than what you mentioned.

This stems from insecurity and not wanting to face their inferiorities. It's "scary" to many people to do so but once they get past this fear than they can start bettering themselves easier since they now know where to start.

Acknowledgement is not the same as accepting.

Acknowledgement of where one stands in the beginning of this path will give the hate they need towards being in a low level and thus push themselves to become a better man/woman.

"You and others here motivate me to keep advancing so I too can be a great man thru my own actions same, as should others."

i meant to say, continue and keep becoming more of a great man.
If you feel that your life is not as good as you want it to be, then you should learn to change it instead of complaining to God or other people. Complaining won't solve anything, a person who just lies in bed complains every day and a person who runs around all the time taking action in society are different concepts. In fact our enemies are afraid of us becoming activists, They would prefer us to be someone who just complains but is afraid to take action. You can't live in a fantasy and virtual world all the time because you can't find reality in a virtual world. Remember you live in the real physical world, not the virtual world of an MMO. Choose the direction of your endeavors and go more for the real world. Some people like to put the blame on the gods, once life is not as good as they want it to be, they start cursing and complaining, how stupid and ridiculous, they don't do it themselves and don't dare to take action, they only shirk their responsibilities and complain. I have been fortunate enough to meet Satan in my dreams and I have seen that he and the other gods are very busy and they take their work very seriously. So who are you to complain when the gods above you are taking their work seriously? Go for more action and less complaining, become a man of action and work hard to improve yourself instead of waiting for death.
It is because of you Commander Cobra that I am the man I am today. I will always bow in respect to great spiritually advanced souls such as yourself. It is only through grasping the light from the sun, that one will see the wisdom in moving towards it.

Only by emulating the greater beings may we become great ourselves, and we spiral upwards to grasp the hands of the Gods and Goddesses to join them when we are eventually ready.
Words cannot express the respect I have for the clergy and the community. I genuinely feel like I belong to a family; one that does not accept me for who I am, but encourages me to become more than what I am now. One that will never betray me or turn me away.

It is the Family of Satan. The few years I have spent as an SS, have been the best of my life. I never once felt pressured into these beliefs. I came to Father Satan and dedicated my soul of my own accord.

Not for one day have I regretted my choice. The only regret I ever had was every day I spent without Him. It is through the devotion of HPS Maxine and HP Hooded Cobra that we have before us a paved path to advancement.

And as the torch is passed to HPS Lydia, and others that are sure to follow, so will this path transverse ever higher mountains. We will all reach the Godhead, granted that we keep Satan and the Gods in our hearts.

And although it is not required, I have utmost respect for those who have laid the foundation of where we are today.
HIgh Priest Hooded Cobra, you are beloved to us all and your soul shines so brilliantly that it’s hard to fathom your coming under attack like this. I thank you for the dedication it requires to put up with bullshit like this. I personally am extremely grateful for everything you do for us. Love to you brother.
Hail HPHC 666!
Hail Satan,
Hail All the Gods!!
Satan is the true way, though I have struggled in my time, in my 30's I finally see that. Many people do not see the truth and that is a sad thing.

As for Joe trying to shoot fire out of his nerd arms after only 3 weeks... who now says it is alll fake *laughs hard* Well he will more than likely always remain a weakling. No need to worry about him, should I ever enter into combat with him he will likely be an easy win, especially with a weapon.

Thank you High priest Cobra 666 for your contributions to this community, the Gods as well as Goddesses, and to our father Satan.

☀️🐉🔥Hail Satan Forever🔥🐉☀️
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High Priest,you are very strong.
As far as I'm concerned, I think that sincere appreciation surpasses 1000 criticisms.
Thanks to you I am learning to be a better person and if I am who I am today, I owe it largely to you.

I love you so much, even when you write a truth that hurts me. In fact, this is where I love you even more. ❤
Ok first off you HP Cobra have some big brass balls to deal with these idiots you mention and not go mad. i'm elated to not have your job and that you are a much bigger man than these numb skulls.

Second I know you and I have had a few issues. It takes some time for me to not write when emotional and I wish to say Sorry in reguards to my posts to you in the article you did about Sucubus demons.
I know i'm not one of the idiots you decribed in said article and I shouldn't have reacted with such strong emotion. I'm sorry that you have been hurt by others in the past and that in your reply you were trying to sympathise with me. I still have issues in regaurds to that article but that is me not you.

We are both human and that comes with a whole grab bag of issues. Either way no matter what i'm glad that you are our HP.
i have been trying to meditate more- looking thru habit forming stuff to try and figure out how to make said meditating stick.
In reguards to the idiots you deal with I hope you have found some way to blow off steam in a healthy way

Sending you an online hug and wishing you a good week as always.

Hail Father Satan
HP HoodedCobra666 are you serious?
I think you are the sweetest guy! And I know you have been through a lot of shit. And just to let you know I do appreciate you brother. And Thsnk you!🔥🙏❤ This means alot to me. And I just want to let you know that I appreciate you for all the things that you've done for me on here as well.
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It makes me sad to read certain sentences. For us all you are a leader, you are a point of reference.
For a few months now when I think about the forum, I imagine that all this is alive thanks to your efforts and those of the other guys.

I want to write these two words because just as you are ready to support each of us, we are ready to support you and be grateful for what you do.
You know better than me that even if your efforts don't pay off immediately, they will make a difference over time.

Hail HP HoodedCobra666
Hail Satan!
Glory to our gods!🔥
I think the problem is that many people take kindness for weakness, and don't know how to appreciate it.

In any other community where the number of members is over 100, not one of them would bother to pay even 1 second of attention, or a message from the person who owns the community. Coming to JoS and seeing another level they are like natives seeing a man with a camera for the first time, these people are likely to have a mental hysteria, shock, and start talking nonsense and going crazy.
The gta san andreas gif is hilarious😹
I laughed as well as soon as I saw it, heard it in my mind as well. "Ah shiieeet, here we go again"
may HP.Cobra be absolutely Protected and blessed in this current life, and the next ones too <

he truly deserves that, there shall be no discussions on that <

he earned it all <
The world today is full of entitled grown ass children who take responsibility for nothing. It's always a huge let down when someone especially some supposed "SS" act this way and see fit somehow to blame you or the Gods for their obstacles and problems. There have been in my personal witnesses "SS" of apparently 10 years or more who have done this. At the very least it shows what little evolution they have achieved. Then ofcourse there is always the jews who oy vey because they can do no wrong. Of course they are going to shriek HP, if they see you do your job. You do it well after all and any real SS can see this.
Before anything I have to open up with a major THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME HOPE for the category of precious human beings that don't exist in the category I will mention below. May the Gods see it that you reach your highest highs in all levels of existence.

Now on to another rant-inducing subject.

Over the years I have observed a lot of human behaviors and I have been astounded at many things. Some of them have to do with what we refer to as "hate". I will at some rates receive hate e-mail, attacks and other forms of aggression. These people albeit their noses must be really big, in a few times, claim they are Spiritual Satanists. Therefore I always give my ear to listen to any reasonable and valid complaints in order to try to become a better servant of the Gods.

Then we have the nonsensical complaints. As I understand the roots I want to underline a few things in regards to this.

That is a very small minority but I have to painfully address this subject.

In life because most people have their own issues and psychology, they generally externalize these issues on what their internal issues are. For example, someone having a Saturn on a bad aspect to whatever they perceive as "authority", this can cause blind aspects when it comes to authority. Your teacher was slapping your wrist when you were 5, I have to pay the price for it because you have a conflated mind and you think I am your "authority", albeit I fundamentally do not run any actual aspect of your material life.

Others, also have a tendency to project things. For example, even toward people I have helped, sacrificed for, or given a lot of things, they are always shit, worthless and ungrateful. In this case we have parasitic and worthless natures who might not have had the necessary coddling when they were babies, I have to pay the price. I have been on the receiving end for a lot of these things over the years. "I woke up one day hating YOU!".

How reasonable of you, thank you for this. I needed more hate after 99.99% of the world already wants to kill me and see me hanged upside down and to stone me. Thanks for letting me know.

I have seen enough lunatics with over-stated ideas of themselves, ranging from: Pharaohs from past lives, Napoleon Bonaparte's incarnation, Attila the Hun and maybe even Alexander the Great or something in these forums. The amount of lunacy in order to avoid life's truthfulness and to encounter the present day reality, let alone why try to confront one's reality and do some meaningful things about one's self when you can imagine yourself as all of the above and seek any target you can find to actually believe "they" are the reason you aren't galloping in France with your white horse, am I right?

You were put on this path not to deflect reality all day but to actually improve on what you are. And what we are sometimes is in front of us. If you are great, please prove this and stop making nonsensical demands.

Of all the targets the goyim can also pick, they will pick the people who actively try to do something to help them, too. Their genius is unparelled. No wonder the jews are running everyone's asses for about 15 to 20 centuries. The Goyim is that intelligent that it will massacre or leave unsupported it's best players, while they are also busy giving their blood and life out to anything that will return precisely nothing to them and to humanity.

A bunch of geniuses and Napoleons, thankfully. Of all the great things the Goyim achieves, their greatest achievement is to be a maximum Goyim that will in all cases defend jews, undermine their own self and other good human beings, and make sure to shatter everything in their path that might provide enlightenment, liberation, or positivity for themselves and mankind.

A 15 year old just joined 6 months ago and due to hormones pumping up, now they are our King and our Lord. I certainly have to be cast down immediately as they saw a dream of Satan the other day, telling them that, simply by the magick of playing Minecraft, my time is neigh and served. They also have this really rare sword in Minecraft as proof of being blessed and ordained by the Gods to carry on a lot of holy crusades against them, so who am I to question that as well?

Who am I really to question yet another lunatic child that has never been slapped by their father once, to put them in their place?

Another bozo who woke up one day and doesn't do anything for the Gods (they will do at some point in the indefinite future after we are all dead or something - not yet, not the time yet, never the time "now" for this). Instead of hating their own inferior aspect of self, they choose to devote a crusade against "me", trying to dig out at the 10 million pages I have written to find 1 singular mistake, to undermine me in order to feel better about themselves. That does not evolve you nor does it help me or anyone else. It's just to make your mind feel better because you are not being good and proper with yourself. I am used again as a lighting rod.

The same worthless nonsense is also directed oftentimes on the Gods. In lack of self perception, people tend to blame the Gods for whatever happens to them that is not accordance to their "will". One bozo that doesn't even speak English or doesn't know shit in life, complaining they don't have 100,000,000$ because they are sitting so well in mommy's basement and they never lifted a finger for the Gods or any humans at all. What a fucking tragedy! They aren't on a fucking lambo that is truly depressing! It's certainly the Gods fault and most certainly mine; never theirs.

They sit very well on that couch and I cannot understand why this isn't happening. Must be the Gods have a beef with them, it's not their lack of abilities, self perception, social skills, business skills, or a myriad of other matters. Gods forbid one looks into any of these problems, when I or the Gods or whatever else exists to be blamed. That's what real men and real responsible women would do, isn't it?

Yet another fuckwit who never spoke to a woman in their life or even attempted so, wasn't given an call from their OnlyFans pursuit, now that is certainly Astarte's fault. Oh the Goddess of love, and great are her curses to mankind. Of course it's my fault as well because as you know I am ruling the planet, the universe, and heaven, and I sit here defining every single minuscule thing in your life, your subconscious, your soul, and your whole karma. I'll take some blame here as well.

Joe tried to shoot fire from his nerd arms the other day, and it didn't come out after 3 weeks in meditation. This path must definitely be a scam. I'll take the blame.

Unless there have been actual offenses, which have to do with wronging, attacking, demeaning or anything of the sort [which as I recall I never initiate unless attacked in all cases] then this represents something wholly personal.

When the logic and higher self awakens one will understand many of these psychological games the mind plays. The games and jokes are on you as the mind constantly tries to misdirect everything to hate irrelevant sources. As those who run the planet literally have you all as cattle, some of you consider the greatest problem to be to add more hate on our side; that says a lot about your reasoning abilities.

One's own issues are generally deflected at other sources, in order to avoid confrontation of one's own issues.

Every personal self out there has their own needs, demands, deficiencies and many other aspects that I may not be able to satisfy at all times. My job is not to satisfy these demands on you every single time. That is for your girlfriends, boyfriends, parents, or people in your immediate vicinity, but above all, the answers lie in yourself.

Overwhelming retardation has hit the Gentiles overall. They are always busy kissing the asses of their destroyers, ruiners, downgrading anyone who comes to help them, being cowards, not facing themselves, and oftentimes being as disloyal as a weasel on the mating season. Lots of love for the goy when there is a stick hitting their head, I have seen that too.

Meanwhile kikes raise their Rabbis to the top of the golden throne and say to the heavens "Thank you, Thank you" all day. Even these retarded ones understand that value is risen not by these things I explain above, but by actually having gratefulness and seeking some value in one's self and others.

Because also besides answering to rants I want to actually answer with something meaningful, I have to relate, that only when you start going upwards yourself, assuming responsibility, advancing, evolving and self learning, you will develop any semblance of understanding of anyone else that does. This is how we heal from pointless resentment, jealousy, hate, personality deficiency and misdirected hate. When you do not do this, the only things you "understand" is as much as a child understands of their parents; ie, nothing.

The day when Gentiles will learn to appreciate something in this world that is honest and truthful will actually be a celebration for all of humanity. As a last comment, I don't give a fuck if a few more "hate" blindly on me due to lack of reasoning, or hate in any unrealistic manner.

Now to people who have honest inquiries and seek to help me understand errors which are VIABLE via logic and on good merits, you know I am always available to listen. Provide me with reasoning enough and I will seek to address these issues, that is how grown people do these things. I care for you as I care for anyone else even if you don't in particular feel the same way.

I have clarified to the Gods I will do everything I can, but humanity must learn a few things as well. Humanity must learn to not be retarded. Humanity is giving actively billions of dollars to "Christian Preachers" that tell them not a single truth and simply should on a mic and do animal noises pretending they are in contact with heaven. The teachers and grand personalities of the Gentiles have to struggle upwards mountains, as the others fly on private jets, to do more animal sounds.

I'll be cared for and loved by very few, and I am fine with this. Meanwhile, the "masses" are busy doing what they know best: Being retarded. Then they wonder after they go to the Pentacostal church or whatever like below, why the enemy sees them as worthless flies and cattle. How did that come? I cannot imagine. Here are the deserved "guides" and "leaders" for these "masses".

Essentially the purpose I am trying to serve is to turn the ignorance level of the video above. That's not an easy task. Thanks to the humans who make this always harder, I and others who care to become Gods can actually find a great challenge in order to rise above it. We could say that this monkey behavior also has it's purpose in the end of the day.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The very important post!
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, thank you so much for everything you are doing, I am very grateful to you 🙏👍

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
