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Well, we all have our past to live with.

As for being "evil and sadistic," Spiritual Satanism is neither.

I'm fact, what most consider "good" and "evil" are little more than a false paradigm and an intellectual construct.

While amger is necessary, you'll find, as you continue meditating, anger control will become easier and very necessary.

As for my own bad habit of smoking, Father Satan lead me to a new job where smoking is so inconvenient, I'll have to quit anyway. He sure is being good to me.
I think it's a good idea to be careful not to associate everything suspicious or negative with an enemy attack. I have seen this in these groups where some people react to the smallest things like their computer not wanting to update or whatever. I know people here do get occasional attacks by spirits, jooz and other degenerates, but it's important to learn how to distinguish a bad day from an attack. Because the more you dwell on stuff like that, the more you attract it. I for one had a bad experience once. This means, unfortunately, I sometimes have to remind myself that not everyone with an above average amount of bioelectricity and mind power is out to get me. I do my best to try and turn it into awareness instead.
A thing to be aware of, though, are psychic vampires.
I...I apologize. I swear I'm a nice person. The threatening is getting worse. 

---In [email protected], <no.state@... wrote :

Stupid shot happens. The whole world has been wrapped up in the Big Lie, the traps and the shifty magic of the kikes.

What matters is surviving the catharsis. This requires intense devotion to and trust in Satan.

We're it not for the Gods helping me through mine, I'd have likely murdered myself in shame.

Coming to the realizations of Truth hurts with a fiery pain.
Why should I stay inside during a full moon? I like full moons. I believe there is a blue coming up in July. I am super excited. Of course, I don't go outside much. As much as I prefer night over day, the weirdos come out at night. I was viciously attacked once. Don't need that again. 
Hail Lucifer Forever!
I second that, nick.
My negative energies are so fucking strong when I get pissed off that I cause all kinds of disasters from people going insane in my presence to CARTOONISH chains of freak accidents, to everything I touch basically exploding or flying off in random directions.
If you are unsure whether bad things around you are your own doing or not, check your mood for one.
If you are angry or afraid or in a negative rut this can easily cause misfortune for you and everyone around you at higher levels of energy and development

On Thursday, June 11, 2015 10:16 PM, "nick_vabzircnila@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

I think it's a good idea to be careful not to associate everything suspicious or negative with an enemy attack. I have seen this in these groups where some people react to the smallest things like their computer not wanting to update or whatever. I know people here do get occasional attacks by spirits, jooz and other degenerates, but it's important to learn how to distinguish a bad day from an attack. Because the more you dwell on stuff like that, the more you attract it. I for one had a bad experience once. This means, unfortunately, I sometimes have to remind myself that not everyone with an above average amount of bioelectricity and mind power is out to get me. I do my best to try and turn it into awareness instead.
A thing to be aware of, though, are psychic vampires.

I'm not surprised. I am not good with jokes and social cues. In fact, I am just terrible with people. I swear I have a talent for causing arguments. Anyway, I don't think I'm being attacked. I'm not that special and angels probably don't want to waste their time on me. I am not powerful nor am I easily swayed. The scent of smoke has actually dissipated, but that could be because I'm sick. 
Hail Lucifer Forever!
No, it's just a self esteem issue you have. It's pretty obvious when someone says "I'm" and goes on to give a whole lot of negative things about himself. All these are affirmations and really do affect your life. It's pretty much like using magick to restrict yourself and make yourself stupid or something.

I am meditating. I have to do it before bed because I am always bursting with energy when I'm fully awake. I can't sit down long enough to meditate if I'm itching to move. I admit I have some self-esteem issues. It's hard to have faith in myself when everyone in my life has made it clear how much of an ugly, useless, failure I am. I feel that my throat chakra is the strongest at the moment. My third-eye chakra seems... I don't know... bigger? How will I know when it's open?
Hail Lucifer Five-ever!
@Alissa, consistent meditation will help you otgrow both the inability to relax and the "self-esteem" issues. Keep trying.

Besides, they're not so much "issues" as they are entire subscriptions. ;)

Hail Father Satan, the bearer of Truth and knowledge.
I can't feel my own emotions. So many people have put me down that I've locked them away. I cannot feel sympathy or joy. Only sadness and rage. Only when I'm riled can I feel anything but anger. I'm actually scared that Lucifer won't want me either. I've been turned away by my Wicca teacher for being 'too dark' because I believe that my step-bother should pay for raping my sister.
Well Alissa, I've never met a wiccan who wasn't a weirdo fuck.

And chubby, too. They're very often chubby. :)(If anyone feels offense at this, ain't you glad you came back to Satan?)

While you've suppressed emotions, they're still there. Meditation will bring them all back into play and won't that be a wild ride?

It also sounds like a bit of self-talk ( try different programming phrases) and possibly some aspects of depression (try yoga and/or/lots of sex and/or masturbation)

The only creatures I know of which actually don't have emotions ( or genitals) are grays.

Hail Father Satan!
My experience with an overly active throat chakra is that it tends to make one speak without thinking, usually to some sort of excess. This is because the energy which is out of balance is that of its pair the solar chakra. The energy is so great around the throat that it takes from the solar which reduces the willpower, which the solar chakra rules. This would also explain your inability to sit and meditate, because the will power is weak. Exercise this and empower your solar chakra if any of what I have said above applies to you.

And before everyone gets up in arms about the solar chakra and the third eye and the throat chakra... The  pair in an UNFINISHED soul to the solar chakra is the throat chakra. The link between the solar and the third eye is something we must create through meditation (king and queen, solar/pineal breathing etc.) in order to unite the Sun and Moon chakras so that our soul can be FINISHED.
Wicca is just xianized witchcraft. And if someone said that shit they should be hanged! Rape is never acceptable and this man SHOULD pay dearly for it and anyone who disagrees is no better than the jews!

On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:30 AM, "meyer_alissa@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I can't feel my own emotions. So many people have put me down that I've locked them away. I cannot feel sympathy or joy. Only sadness and rage. Only when I'm riled can I feel anything but anger. I'm actually scared that Lucifer won't want me either. I've been turned away by my Wicca teacher for being 'too dark' because I believe that my step-bother should pay for raping my sister.

So should I start focusing on my solar chakra? Should I focus on strengthening one at a time? The only time I can meditate is when I am laying in bed. 
Hail Lucifer Forever!
@no state lol I've seen some fat ass wiccans but most of them were actually goth chicks.
(my stupid ass sister included -.-)And yes they are not only freaks and often pudgy as fuck but they're total hypocrites too!
Like my sister who preached all this psuedo-pacifist shit about white magick but when I mentioned demons she freaked the fuck out and then at the same time I always had to barricade my door as a kid because she was on drugs and tried to kill us every night when she was high (psychiatrists CREATE drugged up psychopaths!)
I learned the hard way to never let down your guard even in your sleep and ever since, sleep was more like meditating to me ever since I was 12. I am NEVER totally asleep and can always spring into action from my bed if some dick tries to break in or whatever.
I suppose I should be thanking that fat idiot for trying to kill me in my sleep since now I can sense the slightest movement even in my sleep and immediately wake up in combat mode........

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:35 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well Alissa, I've never met a wiccan who wasn't a weirdo fuck.

And chubby, too. They're very often chubby. :)(If anyone feels offense at this, ain't you glad you came back to Satan?)

While you've suppressed emotions, they're still there. Meditation will bring them all back into play and won't that be a wild ride?

It also sounds like a bit of self-talk ( try different programming phrases) and possibly some aspects of depression (try yoga and/or/lots of sex and/or masturbation)

The only creatures I know of which actually don't have emotions ( or genitals) are grays.

Hail Father Satan!

Damn right! He raped my sister, repeatedly, for three years! I want this guy to fucking suffer! Is it wrong of me to want to kill his whore of a wife and make him choke on his penis while listening to her dying screams? Because I kinda wanna do that to a twenty-something man who does that to a 14 year-old girl. Do I sound like a psychopath for saying this?
Hail Lord Lucifer!
Do the chakras you feel you need.

And, as you grow in strength, you'll notice a point when you want to medititate at other points than lying down. But be patient with yourself right now.

At first I needed total solitude and quiet then, one day, events turned to where I had none of either and, ended up being able to meditate through noise and multiple distractions. I can even visualize with eyes wide open, now.

It gets easier because you get stronger.

And - I should've said earlier - I hope your sister finds justice.
The woman knows he raped my sister. She knows this and said my sister asked for it. That could be because he charmed his way out of trouble, like some predators, but the fact remains that she called my sister a whore. And besides, when I say I want him to suffer, then he will suffer. I don't believe in just killing off wrong-doers. I believe in picking off everyone they care for first and then drawing out their torture. I want him on his hands and knees begging me to end his life. When I said I was sadistic, I wasn't kidding. 
@meyer_alissa since you don't feel sympathy or joy you have serious emotional problems, which need to be corrected firs.You can't rape someone for 3 years, unless you are talking about kindnapping, in which case he would be in jail forever, or already exectuted.A rape can happen once, since you go reporting it to police, and he will get at least intediction to come colse to you (if not jail).What you are talking about is phedofilia, he used his power (money/intelligence) to have sex with a child. Though both agreed to sex.
Another problem should be the sexual education, which should have been thought to your sister, by her parents. A serious problem like this should be repoted to the parrents, also discussing how to avoid being there in the first place.Also you didn't say anything about his wife.
Since you have emotional problems, you are irrational and exagerating. This concludes to making poor judging decisions.Does he need to be punished. Probably yes. Does he need to suffer and de tortured to death, while seeing his family is burned to death. Probably Not.
sometimes I can't tell is alissa is serious or just joking......

On Friday, June 19, 2015 11:05 PM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Alissa: Then your emotions are fucked up. And I'm not kidding either. You seriously need to balance your soul.

I do have emotions! I can only feel them when someone riles me up. Then my subconscious shuts them down. It's a self-protection thing. And I became sadistic over time. 

Alissa, consistent meditation will help you out-grow the sadism.

Many of us came to Satan, under mistaken notions, only to discover this really about self-empowerment and freedom and not "being evil."
@fake name, I think she's serious about most things she's saying bt, also trying to use some humor to show sincerity.

Could be good. Could be bad.

Let's just let her reveal herself, for better or worse.
I meditate every night. And I am showing some improvement. A little bit. I watched cat videos yesterday and got upset because I don't have one. I think I cried. I want a cat so bad.
Hail Lord Lucifer!
@alissa meditate every few hours to keep a consistent supply of energy going.a little bit every few hours is better as a minimum than dumping it all into just one part of the day

On Sunday, June 21, 2015 6:40 AM, "meyer_alissa@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I meditate every night. And I am showing some improvement. A little bit. I watched cat videos yesterday and got upset because I don't have one. I think I cried. I want a cat so bad.
Hail Lord Lucifer!

Alissa, so, you're saying you became upset over not having a cat, as a way of telling us you're feeling emotion?

Well, I can relate. I've lost nearly every animal friend to a kike. Love relationships, too. Jobs. You name it, a kike has taken them from me and it was easy for them, since I was conditioned to value nothing.

When your emotions come back in full swing, try to remember to give the excess to Satan, so as to not waste the energy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
