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Pregnancy & Childbirth

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
This is for all women who are pregnant or are considering pregnancy at some point, as well as for men who are looking for information to give to the women in their lives. Especially of interest to White women, as it is Satan’s intention for us to repopulate our race.

I am linking at the bottom to articles written by a woman in the Heathen Woman website. It would be wise to save these articles as the HW will likely be flushed down the toilet at any time, since Sinead started shilling for the jews and posting articles by jew-Evalian. The woman who wrote these is named Ariawhitebeam, if she is one of us then keep up the good work, if not then thank you for writing these. I am only posting them as this knowledge needs to be made known to all of our SS childbearing women, this information is important beyond words! I know it might seem odd that I am writing this based on one woman’s articles but pregnancy and childbirth is so important, all information available needs to be spread and shared.

[Side note, if Sinead has a problem about my post and makes a video or post complaining about it, keep in mind that I am giving full credit where due. As a mother I’m sure she can understand the importance of making this knowledge available….]

Childbirth is something sacred, you are bringing a new life into the world. But keep in mind, women have been giving birth since the beginning of mankind. It is an incredibly natural process, that modern day doctors treat as an inconvenient event. There’s a well-known quote, “Midwives see birth as a miracle and only mess with it if there’s a problem; doctors see birth as a problem and if they don’t mess with it, it’s a miracle!”

First of all, I would like to point out that while this post is pro-home birth, it is absolutely imperative to trust your intuition and your body, and get to a hospital immediately if there is anything wrong. Our own High Priestess Maxine hemorrhaged while giving birth to one of her children, she would have bled to death if she was not in a hospital.

Women are biologically designed to reproduce. We have evolved to have the safest childbirths possible, as is only natural. Life does not evolve to have dangerous, life-threatening childbirth, as life-threatening is anti-life, and nature is pro-survival. Modern maternity hospitals are designed to be invasive and damaging, as the jews want us as damaged as possible. It is a fact that mortality rates for mother and baby have not decreased as hospital births increased, if anything, mortality has increased.

The way pregnancy and childbirth happens, sets the very foundation for the child. In a hospital, the woman is usually not given any rights or respect, never mind dignity. Many women in labor are treated as nutcases if they try to insist on better methods, and are forcibly restrained.

It is imperative to become knowledgeable in the laws and regulations of your state (or country). The more you know, the more educated you prove yourself to be, and the more power you can have. As well, use magick to your benefit. Do workings ahead of time to ensure a safe and effective pregnancy and delivery, to make sure that everything happens in the best possible way for you and your baby.

The first stage of childbirth, and the first issue. In many states in America, if you are past your “due date” (which varies from doctor to doctor, as pregnancy is anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks), any nosy neighbor or well-intending relative can call the hospital, and the hospital can in turn call the police and child services to force you to go to the hospital and get an emergency C-section. If you resist, you may have to deal with child services at your door for the next 18 years.

So the solution? Lie to neighbors, family, and so on. Tell them you are less along than you actually are. If they try telling you that you “look further along”, then act offended at them for calling you fat. It is nobody’s business other than yours and the father of the child, but everybody thinks they have a right to interfere.

During pregnancy, ultrasounds. Are these needed? Not really. Yes they tell if there is anything wrong with the baby, but as long as you are healthy, there is rarely ever a problem. If you feel it is necessary then get them, but most women do not need them. Most pregnancies are fine and healthy. And ultrasounds are proven to be harmful and cause cancers and neurological damage. So are they worth it? Harm your baby, to see if s/he is healthy? Read the article in the links at the bottom, it goes into much depth with links to medical studies and pictures of neurons of lab mice that were given ultrasounds versus mice that were not.

As for prenatal flu jabs, it has been discussed at length before, about all the toxins in flu vaccinations. Many of which are proven and warned to cause birth defects. For an SS woman, do workings to improve and maintain your health before and during pregnancy. If you are a man with a pregnant non-SS partner, you can do health workings for her. And use your intuition, or ask the Gods, for guidance as to any supplements you should take or foods you should eat during pregnancy, and even before pregnancy if trying to conceive.

Next up in the hospital, we have fetal monitoring systems. These are proven to be harmful for the baby, not to mention give highly inaccurate readings (both external and internal). Do we really need to monitor with machines, a perfectly natural and normal process? But do you have rights to refuse? In many places, they can try and force you to be hooked up to one. The fetal monitoring systems are said to tell if the baby is lacking in oxygen. The thing is, the mother, under stress in the hospital being hooked up to machines and being confined in the bed, may be lacking in oxygen due to stress and anxiety. It is important for the mother to not be under stress, yet hospital delivery can be the most stressful event in a woman’s life.

Now, the labor. The contractions have started, and the woman is told to lie in the bed and not move. Yet, nearly every woman in labor who has walked around, has noticed a significant reduction in labor pains. Up to 75% less. This would obviously mean that walking around reduces labor pains. So why is the mother-to-be confined in bed, forced to undergo excruciating pain and agony?

And, drugs. Why does woman need to be drugged out of her mind and often into unconsciousness just to do something as common as give birth? What is given to the mother, goes into the unborn baby. The amount of drugs given to knock an adult woman unconscious has to be detrimental to the baby.

And something else that does not make sense in hospital births. I’m going to point out something now, that many hospitals fail to understand. It’s called gravity. You know, how things fall down? And not sideways? How on earth does it make sense to push the baby out of the vagina, sideways? Taking a crouching position lets gravity assist in the delivery. Many women have been absolutely torn up, inside and out, front to back, from the unnatural position of pushing the baby out sideways. There are women who cannot function sexually after giving birth.

Side note, to us SS, kundalini yoga, muhl bhands, and workings such as the Mars square (sex organs) can be utilized to fix any damage.

The very next thing to deal with, is regarding the umbilical cord. This is the cord that delivers blood and nutrients from the mother to the baby. After birth, the cord is still pumping. What does this tell us? That there is still vital blood and nutrients being delivered to the baby. This is usually cut while it is still throbbing, which then cuts the essential last-minute oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from being delivered to the newborn. Cutting the cord too early deprives the baby’s brain from this, which can then be linked to poor health and lower intelligence. If you are in a hospital, make sure they understand that you do not want the cord cut until it has stopped throbbing.

The more women who make a stand, the sooner doctors and hospitals will listen. This is for the good of our future!

Next, all post-delivery vaccinations, tests, and so on. Have your husband, or trusted friend/relative well versed in what to do and what to refuse, as your hormones may be quite unsteady after giving birth. Do your research, get anything for you baby that you feel is necessary, and refuse everything you feel is harmful. Many of the injections the newborn baby gets, have toxins that are proven to be harmful if not fatal. Do your research, and stay strong in your decisions!

Lastly, the maternity ward. In many, possibly most, hospitals, the baby is put in a separate ward than the mother is. So here is this brand new baby, who spent 9 months growing inside the mother, only to be torn away and kept in a separate location, surrounded by other scared babies and overworked tired nurses, fueling even more scared, negative energy with no comfort. This is heartbreaking! This is also highly dangerous to the psychological and emotional formations of the newborn baby.

When a baby is born, it needs to be in the immediate proximity of the mother. When the mother is briefly unavailable (washroom, shower, etc), then the father (or close friend or relative) must be present, for the emotional and psychological comfort of the newborn. Babies (and children) are more in tune with the astral. The baby was conceived and formed within the mother and her aura, keep the baby in the mother’s aura as much as possible, for as long as possible. Don’t let the baby be taken away.

In closing: what the mother experiences, the baby experiences. Mothers-to-be, ensure that you are well rested and relaxed. Soothing music, soft lighting (unless more lighting is needed for the actual delivery), and so on. Your positive emotional state is essential here. Partners, grandparents, and so on, make sure the woman is at ease during the pregnancy and delivery. This will ensure the best possible start to life for the newborn baby. We need our babies to be the healthiest, happiest, and strongest that they can possibly be, so they have the best possible start to their future.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!

Articles written by Ariawhitebeam:

Is Ultrasound Safe?

Pre-Natal Flu Jabs: Worthless and Worrisome
http://www.renegadetribune.com/prenatal ... worrisome/

Invasive Interference During Birth
http://www.renegadetribune.com/invasive ... nce-birth/

Antenatal Steroid Injections Cause Harmful Effects
http://www.renegadetribune.com/antenata ... l-effects/

Becoming A Proud Parent And Remaining One
http://www.renegadetribune.com/becoming ... ining-one/
I gave a birth of pure Aryan boy. Now he is tall 7 years old boy. But never again I will be pregnant. Horrible time of life. I live in Serbia. Here is more like curse pregnancy.
This actually made me angry, seeing how quite some of those bad things were done by my parents in my birth-process. But it was interesting and valuable information nonetheless, so thank you for posting this lydia. 
On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 17:56, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   This is for all women who are pregnant or are considering pregnancy at some point, as well as for men who are looking for information to give to the women in their lives. Especially of interest to White women, as it is Satan’s intention for us to repopulate our race.

I am linking at the bottom to articles written by a woman in the Heathen Woman website. It would be wise to save these articles as the HW will likely be flushed down the toilet at any time, since Sinead started shilling for the jews and posting articles by jew-Evalian. The woman who wrote these is named Ariawhitebeam, if she is one of us then keep up the good work, if not then thank you for writing these. I am only posting them as this knowledge needs to be made known to all of our SS childbearing women, this information is important beyond words! I know it might seem odd that I am writing this based on one woman’s articles but pregnancy and childbirth is so important, all information available needs to be spread and shared.

[Side note, if Sinead has a problem about my post and makes a video or post complaining about it, keep in mind that I am giving full credit where due. As a mother I’m sure she can understand the importance of making this knowledge available….]

Childbirth is something sacred, you are bringing a new life into the world. But keep in mind, women have been giving birth since the beginning of mankind. It is an incredibly natural process, that modern day doctors treat as an inconvenient event. There’s a well-known quote, “Midwives see birth as a miracle and only mess with it if there’s a problem; doctors see birth as a problem and if they don’t mess with it, it’s a miracle!”

First of all, I would like to point out that while this post is pro-home birth, it is absolutely imperative to trust your intuition and your body, and get to a hospital immediately if there is anything wrong. Our own High Priestess Maxine hemorrhaged while giving birth to one of her children, she would have bled to death if she was not in a hospital.

Women are biologically designed to reproduce. We have evolved to have the safest childbirths possible, as is only natural. Life does not evolve to have dangerous, life-threatening childbirth, as life-threatening is anti-life, and nature is pro-survival. Modern maternity hospitals are designed to be invasive and damaging, as the jews want us as damaged as possible. It is a fact that mortality rates for mother and baby have not decreased as hospital births increased, if anything, mortality has increased.

The way pregnancy and childbirth happens, sets the very foundation for the child. In a hospital, the woman is usually not given any rights or respect, never mind dignity. Many women in labor are treated as nutcases if they try to insist on better methods, and are forcibly restrained.

It is imperative to become knowledgeable in the laws and regulations of your state (or country). The more you know, the more educated you prove yourself to be, and the more power you can have. As well, use magick to your benefit. Do workings ahead of time to ensure a safe and effective pregnancy and delivery, to make sure that everything happens in the best possible way for you and your baby.

The first stage of childbirth, and the first issue. In many states in America, if you are past your “due date” (which varies from doctor to doctor, as pregnancy is anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks), any nosy neighbor or well-intending relative can call the hospital, and the hospital can in turn call the police and child services to force you to go to the hospital and get an emergency C-section. If you resist, you may have to deal with child services at your door for the next 18 years.

So the solution? Lie to neighbors, family, and so on. Tell them you are less along than you actually are. If they try telling you that you “look further along”, then act offended at them for calling you fat. It is nobody’s business other than yours and the father of the child, but everybody thinks they have a right to interfere.

During pregnancy, ultrasounds. Are these needed? Not really. Yes they tell if there is anything wrong with the baby, but as long as you are healthy, there is rarely ever a problem. If you feel it is necessary then get them, but most women do not need them. Most pregnancies are fine and healthy. And ultrasounds are proven to be harmful and cause cancers and neurological damage. So are they worth it? Harm your baby, to see if s/he is healthy? Read the article in the links at the bottom, it goes into much depth with links to medical studies and pictures of neurons of lab mice that were given ultrasounds versus mice that were not.

As for prenatal flu jabs, it has been discussed at length before, about all the toxins in flu vaccinations. Many of which are proven and warned to cause birth defects. For an SS woman, do workings to improve and maintain your health before and during pregnancy. If you are a man with a pregnant non-SS partner, you can do health workings for her. And use your intuition, or ask the Gods, for guidance as to any supplements you should take or foods you should eat during pregnancy, and even before pregnancy if trying to conceive.

Next up in the hospital, we have fetal monitoring systems. These are proven to be harmful for the baby, not to mention give highly inaccurate readings (both external and internal). Do we really need to monitor with machines, a perfectly natural and normal process? But do you have rights to refuse? In many places, they can try and force you to be hooked up to one. The fetal monitoring systems are said to tell if the baby is lacking in oxygen. The thing is, the mother, under stress in the hospital being hooked up to machines and being confined in the bed, may be lacking in oxygen due to stress and anxiety. It is important for the mother to not be under stress, yet hospital delivery can be the most stressful event in a woman’s life.

Now, the labor. The contractions have started, and the woman is told to lie in the bed and not move. Yet, nearly every woman in labor who has walked around, has noticed a significant reduction in labor pains. Up to 75% less. This would obviously mean that walking around reduces labor pains. So why is the mother-to-be confined in bed, forced to undergo excruciating pain and agony?

And, drugs. Why does woman need to be drugged out of her mind and often into unconsciousness just to do something as common as give birth? What is given to the mother, goes into the unborn baby. The amount of drugs given to knock an adult woman unconscious has to be detrimental to the baby.

And something else that does not make sense in hospital births. I’m going to point out something now, that many hospitals fail to understand. It’s called gravity. You know, how things fall down? And not sideways? How on earth does it make sense to push the baby out of the vagina, sideways? Taking a crouching position lets gravity assist in the delivery. Many women have been absolutely torn up, inside and out, front to back, from the unnatural position of pushing the baby out sideways. There are women who cannot function sexually after giving birth.

Side note, to us SS, kundalini yoga, muhl bhands, and workings such as the Mars square (sex organs) can be utilized to fix any damage.

The very next thing to deal with, is regarding the umbilical cord. This is the cord that delivers blood and nutrients from the mother to the baby. After birth, the cord is still pumping. What does this tell us? That there is still vital blood and nutrients being delivered to the baby. This is usually cut while it is still throbbing, which then cuts the essential last-minute oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from being delivered to the newborn. Cutting the cord too early deprives the baby’s brain from this, which can then be linked to poor health and lower intelligence. If you are in a hospital, make sure they understand that you do not want the cord cut until it has stopped throbbing.

The more women who make a stand, the sooner doctors and hospitals will listen. This is for the good of our future!

Next, all post-delivery vaccinations, tests, and so on. Have your husband, or trusted friend/relative well versed in what to do and what to refuse, as your hormones may be quite unsteady after giving birth. Do your research, get anything for you baby that you feel is necessary, and refuse everything you feel is harmful. Many of the injections the newborn baby gets, have toxins that are proven to be harmful if not fatal. Do your research, and stay strong in your decisions!

Lastly, the maternity ward. In many, possibly most, hospitals, the baby is put in a separate ward than the mother is. So here is this brand new baby, who spent 9 months growing inside the mother, only to be torn away and kept in a separate location, surrounded by other scared babies and overworked tired nurses, fueling even more scared, negative energy with no comfort. This is heartbreaking! This is also highly dangerous to the psychological and emotional formations of the newborn baby.

When a baby is born, it needs to be in the immediate proximity of the mother. When the mother is briefly unavailable (washroom, shower, etc), then the father (or close friend or relative) must be present, for the emotional and psychological comfort of the newborn. Babies (and children) are more in tune with the astral. The baby was conceived and formed within the mother and her aura, keep the baby in the mother’s aura as much as possible, for as long as possible. Don’t let the baby be taken away.

In closing: what the mother experiences, the baby experiences. Mothers-to-be, ensure that you are well rested and relaxed. Soothing music, soft lighting (unless more lighting is needed for the actual delivery), and so on. Your positive emotional state is essential here. Partners, grandparents, and so on, make sure the woman is at ease during the pregnancy and delivery. This will ensure the best possible start to life for the newborn baby. We need our babies to be the healthiest, happiest, and strongest that they can possibly be, so they have the best possible start to their future.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!

Articles written by Ariawhitebeam:

Is Ultrasound Safe?

Pre-Natal Flu Jabs: Worthless and Worrisome
http://www.renegadetribune.com/prenatal ... worrisome/

Invasive Interference During Birth
http://www.renegadetribune.com/invasive ... nce-birth/

Antenatal Steroid Injections Cause Harmful Effects
http://www.renegadetribune.com/antenata ... l-effects/

Becoming A Proud Parent And Remaining One
http://www.renegadetribune.com/becoming ... ining-one/
Thank you, Lydia! My grandma was an SS and a midwife. If not for her and many of these same teachings most of my children would have been born dead or have died shortly after birth! Sad this is not well known today. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 11:56 AM, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   This is for all women who are pregnant or are considering pregnancy at some point, as well as for men who are looking for information to give to the women in their lives. Especially of interest to White women, as it is Satan’s intention for us to repopulate our race.

I am linking at the bottom to articles written by a woman in the Heathen Woman website. It would be wise to save these articles as the HW will likely be flushed down the toilet at any time, since Sinead started shilling for the jews and posting articles by jew-Evalian. The woman who wrote these is named Ariawhitebeam, if she is one of us then keep up the good work, if not then thank you for writing these. I am only posting them as this knowledge needs to be made known to all of our SS childbearing women, this information is important beyond words! I know it might seem odd that I am writing this based on one woman’s articles but pregnancy and childbirth is so important, all information available needs to be spread and shared.

[Side note, if Sinead has a problem about my post and makes a video or post complaining about it, keep in mind that I am giving full credit where due. As a mother I’m sure she can understand the importance of making this knowledge available….]

Childbirth is something sacred, you are bringing a new life into the world. But keep in mind, women have been giving birth since the beginning of mankind. It is an incredibly natural process, that modern day doctors treat as an inconvenient event. There’s a well-known quote, “Midwives see birth as a miracle and only mess with it if there’s a problem; doctors see birth as a problem and if they don’t mess with it, it’s a miracle!”

First of all, I would like to point out that while this post is pro-home birth, it is absolutely imperative to trust your intuition and your body, and get to a hospital immediately if there is anything wrong. Our own High Priestess Maxine hemorrhaged while giving birth to one of her children, she would have bled to death if she was not in a hospital.

Women are biologically designed to reproduce. We have evolved to have the safest childbirths possible, as is only natural. Life does not evolve to have dangerous, life-threatening childbirth, as life-threatening is anti-life, and nature is pro-survival. Modern maternity hospitals are designed to be invasive and damaging, as the jews want us as damaged as possible. It is a fact that mortality rates for mother and baby have not decreased as hospital births increased, if anything, mortality has increased.

The way pregnancy and childbirth happens, sets the very foundation for the child. In a hospital, the woman is usually not given any rights or respect, never mind dignity. Many women in labor are treated as nutcases if they try to insist on better methods, and are forcibly restrained.

It is imperative to become knowledgeable in the laws and regulations of your state (or country). The more you know, the more educated you prove yourself to be, and the more power you can have. As well, use magick to your benefit. Do workings ahead of time to ensure a safe and effective pregnancy and delivery, to make sure that everything happens in the best possible way for you and your baby.

The first stage of childbirth, and the first issue. In many states in America, if you are past your “due date” (which varies from doctor to doctor, as pregnancy is anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks), any nosy neighbor or well-intending relative can call the hospital, and the hospital can in turn call the police and child services to force you to go to the hospital and get an emergency C-section. If you resist, you may have to deal with child services at your door for the next 18 years.

So the solution? Lie to neighbors, family, and so on. Tell them you are less along than you actually are. If they try telling you that you “look further along”, then act offended at them for calling you fat. It is nobody’s business other than yours and the father of the child, but everybody thinks they have a right to interfere.

During pregnancy, ultrasounds. Are these needed? Not really. Yes they tell if there is anything wrong with the baby, but as long as you are healthy, there is rarely ever a problem. If you feel it is necessary then get them, but most women do not need them. Most pregnancies are fine and healthy. And ultrasounds are proven to be harmful and cause cancers and neurological damage. So are they worth it? Harm your baby, to see if s/he is healthy? Read the article in the links at the bottom, it goes into much depth with links to medical studies and pictures of neurons of lab mice that were given ultrasounds versus mice that were not.

As for prenatal flu jabs, it has been discussed at length before, about all the toxins in flu vaccinations. Many of which are proven and warned to cause birth defects. For an SS woman, do workings to improve and maintain your health before and during pregnancy. If you are a man with a pregnant non-SS partner, you can do health workings for her. And use your intuition, or ask the Gods, for guidance as to any supplements you should take or foods you should eat during pregnancy, and even before pregnancy if trying to conceive.

Next up in the hospital, we have fetal monitoring systems. These are proven to be harmful for the baby, not to mention give highly inaccurate readings (both external and internal). Do we really need to monitor with machines, a perfectly natural and normal process? But do you have rights to refuse? In many places, they can try and force you to be hooked up to one. The fetal monitoring systems are said to tell if the baby is lacking in oxygen. The thing is, the mother, under stress in the hospital being hooked up to machines and being confined in the bed, may be lacking in oxygen due to stress and anxiety. It is important for the mother to not be under stress, yet hospital delivery can be the most stressful event in a woman’s life.

Now, the labor. The contractions have started, and the woman is told to lie in the bed and not move. Yet, nearly every woman in labor who has walked around, has noticed a significant reduction in labor pains. Up to 75% less. This would obviously mean that walking around reduces labor pains. So why is the mother-to-be confined in bed, forced to undergo excruciating pain and agony?

And, drugs. Why does woman need to be drugged out of her mind and often into unconsciousness just to do something as common as give birth? What is given to the mother, goes into the unborn baby. The amount of drugs given to knock an adult woman unconscious has to be detrimental to the baby.

And something else that does not make sense in hospital births. I’m going to point out something now, that many hospitals fail to understand. It’s called gravity. You know, how things fall down? And not sideways? How on earth does it make sense to push the baby out of the vagina, sideways? Taking a crouching position lets gravity assist in the delivery. Many women have been absolutely torn up, inside and out, front to back, from the unnatural position of pushing the baby out sideways. There are women who cannot function sexually after giving birth.

Side note, to us SS, kundalini yoga, muhl bhands, and workings such as the Mars square (sex organs) can be utilized to fix any damage.

The very next thing to deal with, is regarding the umbilical cord. This is the cord that delivers blood and nutrients from the mother to the baby. After birth, the cord is still pumping. What does this tell us? That there is still vital blood and nutrients being delivered to the baby. This is usually cut while it is still throbbing, which then cuts the essential last-minute oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from being delivered to the newborn. Cutting the cord too early deprives the baby’s brain from this, which can then be linked to poor health and lower intelligence. If you are in a hospital, make sure they understand that you do not want the cord cut until it has stopped throbbing.

The more women who make a stand, the sooner doctors and hospitals will listen. This is for the good of our future!

Next, all post-delivery vaccinations, tests, and so on. Have your husband, or trusted friend/relative well versed in what to do and what to refuse, as your hormones may be quite unsteady after giving birth. Do your research, get anything for you baby that you feel is necessary, and refuse everything you feel is harmful. Many of the injections the newborn baby gets, have toxins that are proven to be harmful if not fatal. Do your research, and stay strong in your decisions!

Lastly, the maternity ward. In many, possibly most, hospitals, the baby is put in a separate ward than the mother is. So here is this brand new baby, who spent 9 months growing inside the mother, only to be torn away and kept in a separate location, surrounded by other scared babies and overworked tired nurses, fueling even more scared, negative energy with no comfort. This is heartbreaking! This is also highly dangerous to the psychological and emotional formations of the newborn baby.

When a baby is born, it needs to be in the immediate proximity of the mother. When the mother is briefly unavailable (washroom, shower, etc), then the father (or close friend or relative) must be present, for the emotional and psychological comfort of the newborn. Babies (and children) are more in tune with the astral. The baby was conceived and formed within the mother and her aura, keep the baby in the mother’s aura as much as possible, for as long as possible. Don’t let the baby be taken away.

In closing: what the mother experiences, the baby experiences. Mothers-to-be, ensure that you are well rested and relaxed. Soothing music, soft lighting (unless more lighting is needed for the actual delivery), and so on. Your positive emotional state is essential here. Partners, grandparents, and so on, make sure the woman is at ease during the pregnancy and delivery. This will ensure the best possible start to life for the newborn baby. We need our babies to be the healthiest, happiest, and strongest that they can possibly be, so they have the best possible start to their future.

Hail Satan!
Hail Lilith!

Articles written by Ariawhitebeam:

Is Ultrasound Safe?

Pre-Natal Flu Jabs: Worthless and Worrisome
http://www.renegadetribune.com/prenatal ... worrisome/

Invasive Interference During Birth
http://www.renegadetribune.com/invasive ... nce-birth/

Antenatal Steroid Injections Cause Harmful Effects
http://www.renegadetribune.com/antenata ... l-effects/

Becoming A Proud Parent And Remaining One
http://www.renegadetribune.com/becoming ... ining-one/
Here is a reply from Emna Caosg in the forums:

Great post!
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome happens when the mother leaves the new-born baby alone for long. This is Mother Nature's compassionate act to save the baby from cruel death by savage animals or weather. The mother's health and well-being is the baby's health and well-being during and also after pregnancy.
And even knowing that sometimes they'd use herbs to assist in the delivery process (don't just use them without any knowledge) or during pregnancy in some cases.. while now you're put on pills and.. hospital things are so far away from the being that one is.
Lydia thanks for your posts. I really like this and also the one about hair. Maybe you intended for women on that one, but Myself and many others like to look and feel our best.

This kind of information is laking and needed for women. As a man I enjoy reading it because this will help build a stronger race, and avoid terrible things for the girls and children that go through it.

I also like to read it because as a man the reality remains that the women in your life may not be privy to this information. Someday I may need to lead with this knowledge when I start a family. I want to build a large strong family and give them every advantage and a healthy start to life.

You are wise and a true champion of women.Thanks so much.
Bladder 67 is an acupuncture point on your little toe known as the Baby Flipper. My baby was breached (head facing up instead of down) so we burned a moxibustion stick (rolled up mugwort, kind of like a sage bundle) and tickled her mother's toes with the smoke. The baby immediately flipped over. I flipped her back and forth a couple of times just to be sure it works and it did for me. There is no reason to get a C section for a breached baby. Women have their stomach cut open, guts laid on a table, their baby surgically removed from their womb, and then have themselves stiched back together instead of just tickling their toes with mugwort smoke. So crazy to me
This is so fucking sickening.....This fucking world where doctors produce diseases and try not to cure a patient cause that's a customer lost.

Excuse my language but I find this infuriating to a degree.

I will do my best to share.
Thanks for this information, LydiaAlso remember what HPS Maxine about how she didn't let the doctors put that silver nitrate crap in her one kid's eyes, she mentioned it in one of her sermons.
An additional note, most here probably know this, but don't get your baby boys circumcised. It's a disgusting Jewish practice that can cause life-long problems and is not medically necessary. If you want more evidence, it's easy to find online.
Fred I got circumised, curse the jews. When I complete the magnum opus will that be fixed? Can working magick at this time in my life return me to normal? I mean I live with it but I'd think if I got it back to normal it would be more pleasurable.
When you complete the MO you will be capable of very strong biokinesis, so I would imagine so. In the meantime, there are a few theoretical ways you could try to rectify this. Check out this site, I can't vouch for them 100% and I'm not recommending donating money, but it's worth looking at:http://www.foregen.org/
Some people have had varying levels of success with manual restoration attempts. Stay strong comrade, in time we will be able to restore our bodily integrity. 

 Aww Poor guy. Yes there are ways to stretch it out and make it grow back. 
 Foreskin Restoration Demonstration   Foreskin Restoration with the taped Canister Method - help for tightly circumcised men from TLC Tugger   Foreskin Restoration   How to Regrow Foreskin  

I hope you find this useful. Good luck.

---In [email protected], <lydia_666@... wrote :

@HailOdin, someone in the forums promotes a website that is said to have methods to grow back foreskin.


(You might have to google it as I'm going off memory for the site name from months ago) 
This is why I'm not having kids, too much shit to take care of and research. Don't get me wrong, child birth is fascinating, but not enough for me to go through it. But you did make great several points.

Why they deliver kids sideways is beyond me.
Thank you Aldric. I will do much research. I mean the guy did a pretty good job as far as circumcision goes, but I'd rather be normal. I just don't want to try restoration and end up with like half a foreskin or make my Johnson look worse lol. Either get it perfect or not at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
