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Predictive Programming & Movies

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Phantom Stranger said:
Didn't the ancient Egyptians and and Greeks have movies or something :/

Can't we just enjoy stories for the fun of it without manifesting it in reality?

Ancient Greeks invented theatre and tragedies, and comedy, to be more specific, the pattern of all this. Movies are a more recent invention that came about manifest due to the evolution of technology, but still is tied to the same patterns.

So yes, they had theatres and theatrical plays of course, which are better than cinema by a long shot. The majority of their theatres survives to this day, and you can still watch plays both there and in other places of the world. Go to a theatre and you'll see overflow of emotion if you see a good play.

Italians invented Opera which is similar to this, but follows more principles such as an act based on music.

You can of course enjoy theatre and just watching a movie won't manifest it, but the minds who are passive and are programmed with this and it goes inside them, it can create a situation of predictive programming.

The reason why predictive programming is the case, is that the enemy, uses movies to plant a seed in the minds of people, so that when this finally happens people are not entirely shocked. Theatre or movies can be used for good or for bad. For example, movies like 1984 can alert people to a future reality, and make them oppose it or recognize it when they see it. Others promote defeatism and not doing anything when one encounters any of this, while others promote these things as a "desirable" outcome.

Not all movies are predictive programming or made to brainwash, but as the enemy took over hollywood, most are. This has an astral and a physical dimension. That is not inherent in watching a movie, or any entertainment material, but the enemy is using this purposefully as a weapon.

An example of what predictive programming is, would be for example the movie Contagion. The steps to this were followed verbatim. Each movie can have it's own aims to it.

Regardless repetitively giving the mind dross information and crap, eventually like toxic dross can wear down the mind, so one must not be a drone that passively watches all this all the time, because even the strongest minds will be affected. So exposure to bullshit for the health of the mind should be tried to be kept at reasonable levels.

The jews don't really air movies or plays. Mostly, what they do is that they promote a scenario, like they did with the movie Contagion, and through the use of numbers and other occultism methods, try to brainwash humanity that this is normal, desirable, is going to come no matter what people do, but above all, to do nothing to fight against it in anyway.

They use occult means to back this up and cause a purposeful effect such as death, destruction etc. It's not just something you see on the screen but there is a definite aim behind these.

There is a big difference between using things to wake people up, a mere movie, and a jewish weapon that is manifest in scenery and form, and all of these might be "movies" or called "acts", but they are all entirely different. Only the method of transfer is the same. Movies can be as good or as bad, or as nefarious, as the aims behind them.

The enemy has of course weaponized Hollywood so you can't even watch a Western Movie now without being bombarded with the usual brainwashing that is the jewish agenda manifest. Regardless a strong mind can fend off these influences, but the large mass of the populace that is not aware of this can be very much affected.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Indeed, that's why I stopped enjoying movies and even watching them. As for theaters, is enjoyable to feel their emotions, but now I don't have money or green passport for it.
As far as I know, Hollywood is and has always been the enemy -- a bunch of kikes that have organized to create a private propaganda wing. All major studios are founded by kikes. They only aimed to mesmerize Americans at first. But otherwise, Hollywood has always promoted themes to chisel and erode the social norms. The only difference between 2021 and 1921 is the zeitgeist, which shows how brazen and arrogant they've become over the years.
But when they create these scenarios. Aside from the obvious the physical work is done.

Then the question becomes How do they do it?

Is it merely physical, hope it works, in other words fire and hope it manifests?

It's just I highly doubt there is a bunch of kikes, shabbos, and their alien goons watching films. Like for example I can make the joke of having the reptards/greytards watching the film for 2 hours sitting or standing there and creating the scenario later on with a combination of occult backing and physical actions.

But it doesn't seem that way and it seems silly that even their own aliens might throw a hissy fit and wanting to gouge out the eyes of the jews that made them waste 2 hours on something they can come up with.

(As much as I hate the enemy I'll readily admit their alien cohorts however stupid they can be more so to the greys. These entities are still light-years ahead of our technology)

I hope what I say doesn't sound silly but exactly how do they do this stuff?

For example a jew watches a scene from a movie and decides lets create an occult firing of this scenario. If it's spiritualized in the air and starts manifesting/materializing then is that how do they do it? Additionally they create physical effects for this?

I guess what I'm trying to state is if this is what THEY do. What about us, what's our side of the ways of doing better realities? Besides the obvious the Nordic entities of our neck of the woods are far more vicious in magickal properties.

I'm simply stating how is it done? Is it merely us doing all the work for them, self-destruct mode so to speak? You did say if the mind is polluted with movies it starts firing off the passive side of the mind?

What about people who actively engage their brains for example someone playing a video game or someone doing certain involved activities in a mental capacity like say crossword puzzles or Sudoku or whatever?

In other words when does certain activities we do take a life of their own?

(ex: Counter-Strike even 1.6 is still being played addictively by people even some since the betas of the late-90s. I'm guessing once terrorist vs counter-terrorist or military games of said nature popped in people got pushed into it since in the 80s/90s/Operation Desert Storm/M.E. conflicts engrained it into peoples minds.)
Ok so can someone explain manifestation in detail please?

Like I haven't found much on it on the joyofsatan website apart from that being in a trance strengthens your manifesting abilities and that only present tense is understood and not future.
Also that faith, and desire are important.

But I've also heard some people say that trying to avoid a certain scenario out of fear can actually make it manifest. And being desperate counteracts your manifestations. Why?

Can you imagine something without it manifesting in reality or attracting that scenario?
If so, how?
Just to add to this, I've noticed the airing and cinematic release dates for "blockbuster" movies are always released on the following dates:
9ths, 18ths, and on the 27ths of a month.

I figured base number of 9 empowers the subliminal messages encoded in the film or is part of some ritual that affects the mass mind.

I may be biased toward entertainment (mostly Western) but i don't see nowadays any good reason to spent even 30 minutes with them, when i can employ my free time better. I mean, i know that there are some movies that are (even if 1%) redpills, such as Soylent Green or They Live. But most other movies tend to be either political Marxist propaganda, with themes like Feminism, Anti-Whiteness, LGBT Agenda, BlackLivesMatter, fake "anti-Capitalism" etc. And one or two movies that "took place" in the times of the Holofiction every year. Even when it is about "spirituality", it always uses Theosophical themes.

I wish i could instead assist again to Ancient Greek Theater plays or even Opera, but i guess i will have to wait the end of this situation. Speaking of which, i remember the enemy attempting to pollute it with shitty costumes and gender-bend characters, last time that i checked it.
The first horror movie ever made was about a bat that turned into a witch or something.
House of the Devil (1896)

I wonder if people in the olden days also did horror entrainment? If they did it would probably be stuff like real danger situations that are based on real things not some nonsense propaganda like te Jews do.
Throughout history, Jews have never had a positive contribution to art. This applies to everything but art. Undoubtedly, art is a very effective tool for the intense expression of emotions, and the Jews are determined to willingly use it as a powerful weapon to transform the mood and mind of humanity into a toilet bowl.
Today people look at the shit called netflix as art.
This is a scary situation. I hope that when the Jews disappear, art will come to the place it deserves and such disgrace will never happen again in all branches of art. At least the gods won't allow it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Didn't the ancient Egyptians and and Greeks have movies or something :/

Can't we just enjoy stories for the fun of it without manifesting it in reality?


In terms of numbers, you mean 666, for example? This number, for example, has been quite distorted, when in fact this beautiful number is nothing more than the Kabbalistic square of the Sun. They do the same with many of our symbols, such as the beautiful snake, portraying it as evil, when there is no basis in reality, it is just subconscious manipulation. They implant in your mind a certain action/event from the movie, or even a sequence of actions, which becomes embedded in your subconscious.

This scene is later turned against you, as it is difficult for you to believe anything other than what you actually saw. Indeed, a stronger mind can dispel these delusions, disinformation, but not everyone has a strong mind. That is their goal, to make people believe the fictions they make up. When it is just an attempt to manipulate the minds of the masses.

Then they think what they saw is what they actually saw. But it's not. But they've been doing it for a long time. They're polluting our religion. Many believe in it, many don't, some just don't care about religion. But if you just think for a moment, is this reality? Or is it just the brainchild of a sick person being made to seem real? They are not thinking, they are watching this shit, they are afraid of it, but isn't that the point of a horror film, to be afraid of it? And then these images can stay in your head for a long time, like subliminal programming.This is not only typical of horror movies, but also of the current vaccination situation. Many people vaccinate themselves just because they see it as good/necessary for safety. Same mentality in horror movies, just different.

Anyway, good post, informative, to the point. Thank you!

Back in 2020, when this whole lockdown thing started. I took some time off from my studies. I Started watching all these movies and tv shows on netflix and other crap for hours almost everyday. Before engaging into these movies, multiculturalism was abnormal to me even though I lived in a multicultural shithole, but as the days passed, multiculturalism was slowly becoming familiar to me and sort of not so abnormal and the mind sort of wanted to act like certain characters that I saw in the movies. That is the time I realized the potential of this whole thing, this huge brainwashing operation. I realized how toxic, manipulating and brainwashing these entertainment industries are to the human mind and why so many people are so ignorant,unoriginal and so indulged into all this crap. I mean, whenever I look around, people are always trying to act/pretend like someone else or something they saw. Almost no one seems to be original to me.

These people seem to be stuck in a vacuum of staleness due to the over use of the digital/virtual world, which is limiting them from connecting to the real world and thus keeping them from becoming original. That is why the video game term NPC became famous because sane and decent people noticed that many people are behaving in a limited way. Some people don't even need zuckerberg's metaverse to become limited and caged, they are pretty much already there.
Nikois666 said:

Back in 2020, when this whole lockdown thing started. I took some time off from my studies. I Started watching all these movies and tv shows on netflix and other crap for hours almost everyday. Before engaging into these movies, multiculturalism was abnormal to me even though I lived in a multicultural shithole, but as the days passed, multiculturalism was slowly becoming familiar to me and sort of not so abnormal and the mind sort of wanted to act like certain characters that I saw in the movies. That is the time I realized the potential of this whole thing, this huge brainwashing operation. I realized how toxic, manipulating and brainwashing these entertainment industries are to the human mind and why so many people are so ignorant,unoriginal and so indulged into all this crap. I mean, whenever I look around, people are always trying to act/pretend like someone else or something they saw. Almost no one seems to be original to me.

Imagine how this power could be used now to affect people's life in a bravery or intelligence manner, people would be inspired to become better, and so on.

The programming now is inverse. Men or women for example look at some idiot jew prototype in a show, then they spend about 10 years pretending they are this false character. Then they turn back, their life is built on lies, and collapsing happens.

The potential is however immense, positive or negative. That's why it's important to control your input to a decent extent.

Unfortunately the lack of shows that have any positive factors [or aren't plain negative] are few. But many exist if you want to do the research.

Also after you know what's right and wrong then you can mostly defend your mind against the crap. But as you saw for example in your case even if we know still these things do exert an influence on us and affect us.
It’s all dependent on what the individual wants to make of it and it can wake people up, like black mirror. Most people, the majority at least that I know who’ve seen it, end it with fear that what’s happening right now with tech is going too far. Not many people watch that and go yeah tight. I want that as a future. I understand why OP feels that way because a belief that everything you see and watch is programming your mind is borderline schizo. That belief alone can create a situation where that’s happening. I don’t like to believe we are that susceptible and still believe that the core of the issue lies within restoration of spiritual balance and power to the people, also physically, and education, free access to knowledge - all of our goals. The desire to wake up is another thing and that’s up to someone else but if that’s too large of a number then that affects us too.

The world is, whether anyone likes it or not, going through a mass awakening and it’s a struggle for some people.
I stopped watching Netflix because a lot of it is Jew funded and has a lot of blasphemous Jew content, and the conspiracy theorists go crazy over dumb garbage that isn't even founded in truth, just propaganda that the people make true, that could've been a lie if they simply stopped listening to their bullshit.

Meanwhile, stories like the story of Durga, the Jade Emperor, the illead, the story of Athena always got my attention no matter how many times I read them. Watching historical movies usually on ancient history like Egypt, Sumer, Greece are very interesting because I love learning about ancient cultures and art. The story of Osiris and Set to this day still always has something to learn from. I love how the ancient stories not only had depth of story, but even educational as well.

Imagine how this power could be used now to affect people's life in a bravery or intelligence manner, people would be inspired to become better, and so on.
Absolutely. I think Nazi Germany is a good example, they did use the cinema in a positive way.

The programming now is inverse. Men or women for example look at some idiot jew prototype in a show, then they spend about 10 years pretending they are this false character. Then they turn back, their life is built on lies, and collapsing happens.
Very true, they just keep lying to themselves and a day comes when they have to face the truth. This also in my opinion seems to be a stage for some weak people to leap into a criminal mindset.

The potential is however immense, positive or negative. That's why it's important to control your input to a decent extent.

Unfortunately the lack of shows that have any positive factors [or aren't plain negative] are few. But many exist if you want to do the research.

Also after you know what's right and wrong then you can mostly defend your mind against the crap. But as you saw for example in your case even if we know still these things do exert an influence on us and affect us.
Before watching a movie or show, I check the cast to see whether it's DIE-versified or not. If it's die-versified, I barely touch it cuz 99% of the time such movies turnout to be horseshit. If it's not die-versified, I watch the trailers and read synopsis, if it's ok or good, I give it a try.

But I think for now it's better to watch less, since one will not really get much out of the crap that is being produced in the entertainment industries. Better to do some online course of the things one likes. Or learn languages, learning a language is a really great way of sharpening the mind.
Funny how this thread pops up after World Economic Forum releases another one of their "cyber attack" teasers on twitter.


How much are you willing to bet that kike Hanukkah will be centered around bringing above teaser to reality this winter?
I mean energy crisis, teasers of extreme weather and cyber attacks...
Almost all type movies mentioned have an end of someone rising against and winning in the end. I know Jews run the media, but movies, they normally end with a resolution rather than what the enemy wants. Most movies are just movies. It seems ppl think that every single enjoyment is a Jew agenda. Iv seen things posted on here and then fact checked myself and found it's absolutely nothing off. Our agenda is the prime focus, a movie is a movie.
This is all based on conditioning from psychology. Even porn has this to get people into all kind of degeneration, from miscegenation to weird fetishes like scat and so on.

Theatre in Ancient Greece was not passive entertainment but was supposed to make people reflect on their lives and become better individuals. Of course, the enemy took this and reversed it just like they did with much of music.
I don't watch movies for many years now (except for some anime movies, DBS Broly) i knew about the brainwashing so i stopped watching movies and i choose better things to watch like anime, Naruto was my favorite anime and i watched it and still watching it since i was in 5th grade. Naruto has pozitive subliminal messages like the "sharingan" is a subliminal message for 666 there are also other messages like "you can get your destiny in your hands" and more and even in the game Naruto Shippuden ultimate ninja storm 4 has one great subliminal message that is to rise the kundalini serpent, it's in this video at 12:41 min www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgFMfc5JQ10 It is clear to me that Masashi Kishimoto (the creator of Naruto) knows Satanic knowlege and he must be a Satanist.
It's mind control done for centuries and so it continues, now it's digital, much easier. that commie iphone is the reptilians dream.
Ok how many children are here?
Inflorescentia said:
As far as I know, Hollywood is and has always been the enemy -- a bunch of kikes that have organized to create a private propaganda wing. All major studios are founded by kikes. They only aimed to mesmerize Americans at first. But otherwise, Hollywood has always promoted themes to chisel and erode the social norms. The only difference between 2021 and 1921 is the zeitgeist, which shows how brazen and arrogant they've become over the years.

I completely agree with you on this stance. We can definitely see, as you said, how arrogantly they've become over the years, I remember a few months ago trying to watch a movie, ANY MOVIE from 2021 or 2020, and ALL of them had some form of jewish filth in them, for instance, "Candy Man" was an entire film about "white person bad, black person justified for murdering white person".

The ENTIRE movie was just race baiting. That was it's entire plot. Not to mention horror movies, I haven't seen a non-jewish anti-pagan horror movie come out in so long, I just don't watch movies anymore because at this point, what movie doesn't have some form of blatant and obvious jewish filth?

NOT TO MENTION KIDS SHOWS. My Gods, every kids show has to have a jewish main character. Like, what the fuck, why, look at any kids show which has three main characters, there's always a kike, ALWAYS. I can list so many examples. But, that's not hollywood but the media industry in general which is controlled by the jews.

Also, Edelwise, I wanted to know if you could check out this post for me
Question about attraction to fellow forum member.

If you can't tell, me responding to you and asking you to read it is me saying that it's you I'm talking about in the post. And, If situations are right, I wanted to know if I could get to know you better, as I've felt this strange attraction to you for years, and I know nothing about you. However, if you're uncomfortable, or don't want someone looking at you in a potentially romantic way, or whatever the case is, I'll understand completely!

Health is the greatest whealth after all. And I would never want my actions to harm another SS.

Let me know :)
After wasting a lot of time watching videos on a digital screen, I feel like time would be much better used for meditation. Instead of watching a 30 min video, one could just do 30 min of meditation session. One could advance a lot if they stopped going to the internet for entertainment and instead just meditated. The meditation session doesn't even have to be that serious in the case but could be viewed as a means of relaxation. For example, just meditating on the third eye by simply focusing on it, checking on your chakras, void meditation etc.
Have you watched Utopia (2013-14) ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:

Back in 2020, when this whole lockdown thing started. I took some time off from my studies. I Started watching all these movies and tv shows on netflix and other crap for hours almost everyday. Before engaging into these movies, multiculturalism was abnormal to me even though I lived in a multicultural shithole, but as the days passed, multiculturalism was slowly becoming familiar to me and sort of not so abnormal and the mind sort of wanted to act like certain characters that I saw in the movies. That is the time I realized the potential of this whole thing, this huge brainwashing operation. I realized how toxic, manipulating and brainwashing these entertainment industries are to the human mind and why so many people are so ignorant,unoriginal and so indulged into all this crap. I mean, whenever I look around, people are always trying to act/pretend like someone else or something they saw. Almost no one seems to be original to me.

Imagine how this power could be used now to affect people's life in a bravery or intelligence manner, people would be inspired to become better, and so on.

The programming now is inverse. Men or women for example look at some idiot jew prototype in a show, then they spend about 10 years pretending they are this false character. Then they turn back, their life is built on lies, and collapsing happens.

The potential is however immense, positive or negative. That's why it's important to control your input to a decent extent.

Unfortunately the lack of shows that have any positive factors [or aren't plain negative] are few. But many exist if you want to do the research.

Also after you know what's right and wrong then you can mostly defend your mind against the crap. But as you saw for example in your case even if we know still these things do exert an influence on us and affect us.

What I'm about to say may sound stupid.
But I started watching anime a many years ago.
I've noticed that better anime significantly reduces my suicidal tendencies.
When I first joined the SS, I was very tormented by such thoughts.
It's true that sometimes the enemy still tries.
But I try to stand my ground.
The only downside is that it's easy to get bogged down in a good story.
Flowers of İnanna said:
Throughout history, Jews have never had a positive contribution to art. This applies to everything but art. Undoubtedly, art is a very effective tool for the intense expression of emotions, and the Jews are determined to willingly use it as a powerful weapon to transform the mood and mind of humanity into a toilet bowl.
Today people look at the shit called netflix as art.
This is a scary situation. I hope that when the Jews disappear, art will come to the place it deserves and such disgrace will never happen again in all branches of art. At least the gods won't allow it.
I love your name.
Nikois666 said:

Back in 2020, when this whole lockdown thing started. I took some time off from my studies. I Started watching all these movies and tv shows on netflix and other crap for hours almost everyday. Before engaging into these movies, multiculturalism was abnormal to me even though I lived in a multicultural shithole, but as the days passed, multiculturalism was slowly becoming familiar to me and sort of not so abnormal and the mind sort of wanted to act like certain characters that I saw in the movies. That is the time I realized the potential of this whole thing, this huge brainwashing operation. I realized how toxic, manipulating and brainwashing these entertainment industries are to the human mind and why so many people are so ignorant,unoriginal and so indulged into all this crap. I mean, whenever I look around, people are always trying to act/pretend like someone else or something they saw. Almost no one seems to be original to me.

These people seem to be stuck in a vacuum of staleness due to the over use of the digital/virtual world, which is limiting them from connecting to the real world and thus keeping them from becoming original. That is why the video game term NPC became famous because sane and decent people noticed that many people are behaving in a limited way. Some people don't even need zuckerberg's metaverse to become limited and caged, they are pretty much already there.

This happened to me too, I was simply catched in this global mass mind who turned to intense tv watchng to "survive" the pandemic. Possibly the jews launched a big spell or action to trigger this.
To a lesser extent, as while most people were feeding with Netflix 8 hours per day, I simply watched a couple of movies randomly downloaded here an there.

It seems, most gullible people are living their life as if they were a movie star at the unconscious level (you can spot this in their behaviour, it's not that difficult to link many of them to a jewlliwood star). Basically when a movie star says "the earth is flat" because of the jew decision, many of them will be convinced the earth is flat. I see, the jews use movie stars as sort of "remote control" buttons to direct mass mind where they see fit. This can reach political vote, shopping and food preference, clothing, etc.
This intensifies with tv-series (I personally do not ever watch any of them) as they repeat again and again the same behavioral patterns, to radicate more deeply into the minds.

A step further the hive mind, greys' style, they are trying to create.
I've seen some interesting montage videos of predictive programming in cinema for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. They went back as far as the mid 1970s and toward the closing years/months, got more and more specific and deliberate.

When you're a kid, adults (often in a hypocritical way) preach to you over and over a didactic diatribe about how you need to learn the difference between fantasy and reality. What they don't know, or just don't tell you, is fantasy can sometimes shape reality, sometimes through material actions based on influence, as is the case with social conditioning, and sometimes through direct psychic interference from the subconscious and unconscious minds as is the case of predictive programming. If you remember from an old sermon here, "every man-made thing you see was once just a thought in someone's mind, who then ran tests, learned from mistakes, and did the work to eventually bring it into reality". A thought in someone's mind which is not yet reality, eventually becoming reality. Doesn't that sound impossible or crazy?

An example of social conditioning is the relentless cuckmongering of mainstream entertainment. 60 years of preaching "the races are equal", "mixing races is normal", "white people are lame and evil", "acting black makes you cool, and acting black means acting like we tell you to act", etc. Over time, the majority population, polluted in their youth (because the cowardly nature of our adversaries leads them to always go after women and children first), shapes a "new normal" based on what society's entertainment wing taught them. Once this happens, the fantasy of a complacent, rootless, pseudo-hive mind of easily manipulated biped cattle becomes a reality, and any individual or minority who goes against or tries to get away from the herd gets stampeded.

Predictive Programming is on a psychic level, not just a propogandic level. It's used to direct and focus psychic energy from a mass mind (the average majority who have no idea this is real) to pre-write the future to achieve a desired goal. This is hollywood style predictive programming. There are examples all over cinema and television, "nine bucks? I'm buying" from the Simpsons where the 9 is right in front of the twin towers and looks like 911, Neo's birthday on his driver's license in the Matrix, the street sign and the tire fire from Back to the Future after the lightning bolt strikes the Milennium Falcon...oh, sorry, I mean the clock tower running a cable down to the Delorian :lol: . Eventually, when millions of people watch the numerology over and over again, and their neurochemistry is on auto-pilot following certain themes like fire, crashing, destruction, and numbers associated with ending (9) and disintegration (11), they form a sort of psychic resource pool. An unfocused energy that someone can tap into and activate with a key of some sort to set a new pattern of events in motion. One shepherd and a few sheep dogs, drive the unthinking herd to its destruction much more efficiently than a pack of wolves can take down a few stragglers.

What kind of working do they use? What technology is involved? Who's the big boss behind it all? Fuck if I know. All I know is after my own brain-melting experience over the last 4 years or so, and reading Synchronicity and following JoS for a while, the concept of an afterthought or a repressed memory or even just a bad joke manifesting as a material event is no longer a far-fetched scenario to me.
Stormblood said:
This is all based on conditioning from psychology. Even porn has this to get people into all kind of degeneration, from miscegenation to weird fetishes like scat and so on.

Theatre in Ancient Greece was not passive entertainment but was supposed to make people reflect on their lives and become better individuals. Of course, the enemy took this and reversed it just like they did with much of music.

ewwww reminds me of the post by mageson about porn and free will i believe it was called
mercury_wisdom said:
Flowers of İnanna said:
Throughout history, Jews have never had a positive contribution to art. This applies to everything but art. Undoubtedly, art is a very effective tool for the intense expression of emotions, and the Jews are determined to willingly use it as a powerful weapon to transform the mood and mind of humanity into a toilet bowl.
Today people look at the shit called netflix as art.
This is a scary situation. I hope that when the Jews disappear, art will come to the place it deserves and such disgrace will never happen again in all branches of art. At least the gods won't allow it.
I love your name.

Thank you very much, dear Mercury. I actually inspired this name from a sermon by HP Cobra. I don't remember exactly which sermon it was, but Astarte used the phrase "my beautiful garden" for the world. I really liked this. It was a beautiful manifestation of how the Gods saw the world. It made us feel like we had the most caring and loving Gods in the universe. This is more than happiness, it is a unique feeling.
mercury_wisdom said:
Flowers of İnanna said:
Throughout history, Jews have never had a positive contribution to art. This applies to everything but art. Undoubtedly, art is a very effective tool for the intense expression of emotions, and the Jews are determined to willingly use it as a powerful weapon to transform the mood and mind of humanity into a toilet bowl.
Today people look at the shit called netflix as art.
This is a scary situation. I hope that when the Jews disappear, art will come to the place it deserves and such disgrace will never happen again in all branches of art. At least the gods won't allow it.
I love your name.
Artisan said:
NOT TO MENTION KIDS SHOWS. My Gods, every kids show has to have a jewish main character. Like, what the fuck, why, look at any kids show which has three main characters, there's always a kike, ALWAYS. I can list so many examples. But, that's not hollywood but the media industry in general which is controlled by the jews.

Unfortunately, many "kids shows" in the West always had jewish protagonists. An example that comes in my mind is Bugs Bunny from the jewish Looney Tunes. In the American dubs he is voiced by a New Yorker, has communist ideas and always wins by deceiving his own enemies. In fact, even the creators of the show admitted that he is based on a real life jew. If that is not enough, during WW2 he took part in a propaganda to demonize National Socialists.
I haven't been in a movie theater since 2012. I have noticed alot of crazy jew confirmed mindgames and it was loud and clear. Seeing some of the illustrations and tidbits on tv as it is. On some of the new and up coming movies back in the year 2013 and beyond that year. Just watching the news and hearing about these movies and what they are about and what is going on. And I didn't like it. Even if was just previews. It was bad enough right there. And I wasn't happy or comfortable with it all. And I don't even watch tv much anymore. And for the record! I don't even get on Facebook !! I avoid the drama as much as I can. I spend alot of my time reading and doing other things that are more uplifting and pleasant. And I spend a lot of time on here reading about what's going on. And study. 💗💗💗 I am a quiet person. And I keep things to myself. Unless it's important to share . Or if I want to share something unique and fun. And have the comfort of being completely open to communicate where I feel welcome and safe. ! 🙏🐍 Hail Satan!! Hail Azazel!!🔥
I never cared much for the Hollywood idiots! All that glitter and Glitz and all of that glam! It's foolish how these people would give up their life and their freedom but just to be used abused and controlled by a bunch of wealthy Hollywood Jews record producers movie directors every other one of them is a fucking Jew if not they are half-jewish! Every other rock musician out there is a fucking Jew! Or half Jewish or trying to be Jewish or wants to be Jewish like Madonna Louise Ciccone for example who was brought up Christian to begin with born and raised in a Catholic Family and I know that a lot of these Hollywood celebrities come from broken homes were they were abused and introduced to drugs and rock and roll Christianity! Or whatever other religion! That is a part of the Jewish world! And it's sad that they would leave their homes to go join some Hollywood movie production! MGM Studios Paramount Pictures! Or whatever is in the name or controlled by Hollywood jews and many other freaking names that Hollywood celebrities work under when it comes to show business! Other than that girls end up as prostitutes and on the process of it looking to get into the world of Fame and Fortune a lot of girls end up in pronography taking off their clothes if not worse they end up dead before they end up recognized by some wealthy Hollywood movie production! The person starts out perfectly normal he or she may know what they are doing and what they want! When it comes down to their singing and songwriting and their abilities to act or to do anything! And then they are ordered to change everything about themselves just to get rich and for whatever the amount of money if it's worth it! The Jews there Behind These businesses get you to change your mind your name your clothes your identification everything that you wear when it comes to your clothes and everything about you when it comes to your face the ship if your face your nose the shape of your body and on top of that a ridiculous diet that goes along with it. It how stupid women get into that shit and become a slave to it Jews don't want people to look fat and happy they don't want people to look plump and normal they don't care what Hometown you come from or what country you come from or what language you speak they don't care who you are or what you are you're a pile of clay in their hand and they will try to make you into whatever they want you to be they will never allow anybody to be themselves naturally or normally even if you fight for what you think is right they put you through a lot of bulshit and put you to shame! Because you dare open your mouth or say something it is interesting how Madonna Louise Ciccone got her way and still she allowed people to control her and tell her what to do I don't know how many hell she even had the chance to even speak her mind if she did? She was lucky and still she was stupid enough to ride the waves and give the world what it wanted and she got a pocket full of gold anyway no matter what she did she was one of these people who was desperate and who was willing to try everything and anything the Jews would put out on a silver platter! But then she thought she was one of them a long time ago as it is or she wouldn't have joined the stupid Jewish religious cults she studied and read the Kabbalah and got her Jewish name and then she went from Catholic to being Jewish! And a lot of Hollywood celebrities that start out Catholic or some kind of Christian turns out to be some kind of a Jew! And noticed it when a little girl or boy Is Born into a celebrity family they are giving a weird name as it is! Just to be different! And a lot of these names not only send ridiculous but they are starting to sound obviously Jewish more and more! Just to prove to the world that there are part of the Jewish Illuminati! I can never stand these kind of people and I never did tolerate them I don't know what it is? About these people that anybody would find so interesting! The music I used to really enjoy and love and like back when I was a little girl in junior high and High School! But since the year 2000 I noticed it a lot of things were beginning to change when it comes to the music industry.. this subliminal messages begin to come out more and more I was aware of it even as a little teenager and a little kid and I just didn't know what it was until somebody sat down and explain to me about them then I begin to notice the subliminal messages more and more throughout the 2000s I began to notice things a lot more clear and then music and lyrics begin to sound at the same! Every other rock musician singer-songwriter was beginning to take the same idea as the other one and you could tell that they were being under control! And you could tell that there was something evil about it and how they bought into it at first they were against it and then they would get talked into it like Britney Spears! And the fact that she is still having problems I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out yet? It's more than just dealing with her controlling parents! And the things that she's been dealing with at home with her homies! Laugh out loud the girl is pretty dumb! If she hasn't noticed anything yet! Trying so hard to please her parents and trying so hard to fit in with Hollywood! Madonna Louise Ciccone was aware of it and she liked it and went along with it Lady Gaga was already a part of it! And the singer and songwriter Prince also known as the artist was also aware of it! And so was Michael Jackson before he ended up dead! And you wonder why and how quick these people disappeared? Because they happen to know too much and what was really going on they tried to reveal it in their last album and with our conversations and their interviews with various people and how would come back to them and how they disappeared the way they did! And how their life ended. If you're not Jewish laugh out loud you're controlled by the Jews! One way or another they take the innocent people like Justin Bieber who was rich overnight and had lost his respect! People like Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus the Jews go after these young kids big time! And people think it's so fun and people think it's So Glamorous! When is anything but that! If people like the idea of selling their freedom and their beauty! And being taught to turn against themselves how many roles they played in movies just to get rich have their fancy home on the Hills! And that fancy ass wardrobe or to put your own line of makeup and perfume out! The things that these people go through! Just to have their name all over Hollywood! A lot of these people are given a stage name and that is the name they go by! And often you see that name on the Star Walk of Fame and then you've got those who prefer to use their real name! And how many problems they go through because of that! On top of that having to change everything about themselves! It is like walking into a trap you can't get out of! You know who you are at first but then after a while you forget who you are but then again you take a look at the big house you live in the fancy car you have and all your fancy clothes and shyt! And about the only thing you can do is go out and get drunk? And go to another useless party instead of doing something about yourself and making a better change? And that's the thing I can't stand about Hollywood and how stupid people are in white people stink that kind of life would be fun! I never did care much for Hollywood celebrities all they are is a bunch of glorified harlots! The go to bed with the rich! And used and abused one another! Allowing themselves to be a vessel to be controlled by the Jews they volunteered to become one with the Enemy and therefore they are the enemy and they've always have been! I don't go and watch their stupid movies and I don't even listen to the stupid music they put out anymore! I never was interested in their music since the Year 2007! 😂🤔 people don't even use their real voices to sing with anymore is controlled and programmed by a computer! Is all a bunch of sci-fi fun and a bunch of Photoshop! It's all for the Jewish Glamour and Glitz it's not about the real person! That you can see how the person starts out young and fresh and how they become deteriorated more and more as they get older! It's no wonder these people end up drinking to death or od'ing on drugs! It is the worst place to get into! I don't know why in the hell anybody would want to get rich and famous? When it comes to Hollywood and Jews who will do anything in the world to destroy anybody Who's Got Talent any kind of beauty! It's just too bad that there's not a better safer way of expressing your beauty and your talents and your abilities to do things! You are born with talents and abilities and they are a gift to you! As well as your beauty! I think there's better things you can do with your life and your talents and your! :-( why would you want to throw it all away in Hollywood!?🥴🤔❤ if I have Beauty I would rather keep it to myself or sure it was somebody who loves me! And if I have any kind of talent it belongs to me I would rather keep it at home and share it with my family and those that are closer to me! Especially if it's sacred to me! Knowing that father Satan blessed me with it!!❤🔥
Pan's Labyrinth, The Matrix, Insteresting enemy films, but with a lot of ancient subliminals.

Pan, well.. Is Satan

And the Matrix, well, it's a kinda zionistic twist of Plato Cave (if u don't know what Platos cave is, I suggest you research it)

Also ancient Hellenes had pretty much, discovered evertyhing there is out there so if u would like to draw energy to change this Western Ideology and advance it, Start with it's Roots, which is Hellas (which in its turn is from India, which in turn is from the ancient gods/godesses, etc. etc. .. )

Hail Jos,
Hail the new Rennaisance
Hail our Gods and Goddeses
CowboyfromHell said:
Pan's Labyrinth, The Matrix, Insteresting enemy films, but with a lot of ancient subliminals.

Pan, well.. Is Satan

And the Matrix, well, it's a kinda zionistic twist of Plato Cave (if u don't know what Platos cave is, I suggest you research it)

Also ancient Hellenes had pretty much, discovered evertyhing there is out there so if u would like to draw energy to change this Western Ideology and advance it, Start with it's Roots, which is Hellas (which in its turn is from India, which in turn is from the ancient gods/godesses, etc. etc. .. )

Hail Jos,
Hail the new Rennaisance
Hail our Gods and Goddeses

The reason why Matrix was so successful is because as you say, it was based on the stolen work of Plato, ie, the Platonic Cave. It was taken from this idea and had other major Occult and Satanic themes into it, that were perverted by jews to make this movie sell highly and be appealing.

I would write an analysis on this whole movie, it's a literal stolen script from Ancient Greek Philosophy, which is why it has been so appealing to the people too, and above all, the really thinking and smart people.

Ancient Hellenes [Hellene is a Title like Aryan and means the Souls of the Light, or those "Bathed in the Light of the Gods"], went eastwards and seeded the cultural knowledge as much as they could. The knew the fallout of the Dark Ages was coming and this was their only bet, or nothing would remain.

Apparently this method worked and after 16-17 centuries of enemy darkness, light resurfaced again. Even India which was closely connected with the Ancient Greeks [their priesthoods], they did a lot of work to keep many texts hidden etc.

Regardless after all I have seen above, I think the Ancient Greek came earlier from Sanskrit, and the same goes for Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian. Sanskrit follows as a language all the rules of the Gods, but it is not as clear as the Ancient Greek of Homer's time. Sanskrit is a holy language regardless and of major power, and it's based on top of the same principle.

I no longer believe the theory that "Everything came from the East". In fact, everything came from the Gods, who seem to have landed first in the places of Egypt, Sumeria, Akkad and Greece, and from there on expanded outwards. Even if you observe the map of the planet, that makes total sense to do, and to move outwards.

Then, because of cultural loss and because of the fact people in India were people of the Gods, kept so much knowledge for centuries [enemy was more active in Europe and in the peninsula explained before, they lost the ball in India], so that when people went back there, they found a lot of their "strangely" own knowledge again, having been maintained and even further developed by the Aryan Brahmins.

Aristotle and all these people like Plato were indeed like top tier Brahmis or Egyptian Priests, not just mere theoreticians.

Aristotle was without compare in the Ancient World. There was no nation that didn't understand his value or adopt his writings or knowledge. As we all know, all these so called "Civilizations" were only literally the same people with very slight alterations going around, and all Gentiles are the creation that was seeded here by the Gods, therefore, I specify the above only to array an opinion.

Egyptians are also majorly understated, and there is no way I will believe Egyptians or Sumerians were some sort of bullshit of 6000 BC, or that Homer existed in 3000 BC.

The kikes even say stupid shit such as Homer didn't know the Alphabet or it wasn't invented, even though Homer literally has written his texts in the literal Greek Alphabet, which is also so complex that now you require whole sections of all the world's top universities to analyze the origins of 1 or 2 words.

I also no longer believe in the "Indo Aryan" hypothesis, not that it didn't happen, but I do know for a fact that the Indo-Aryan hypothesis is not how this all began, it is actually a very late chapter on a very long story. The Indo-Aryan invasion or move into the region was actually rather "later" chronologically compared to the descent of the Gods on Earth or the fall of Atlantis, which are all events that are very Ancient.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CowboyfromHell said:
Pan's Labyrinth, The Matrix, Insteresting enemy films, but with a lot of ancient subliminals.

Pan, well.. Is Satan

And the Matrix, well, it's a kinda zionistic twist of Plato Cave (if u don't know what Platos cave is, I suggest you research it)

Also ancient Hellenes had pretty much, discovered evertyhing there is out there so if u would like to draw energy to change this Western Ideology and advance it, Start with it's Roots, which is Hellas (which in its turn is from India, which in turn is from the ancient gods/godesses, etc. etc. .. )

Hail Jos,
Hail the new Rennaisance
Hail our Gods and Goddeses

The reason why Matrix was so successful is because as you say, it was based on the stolen work of Plato, ie, the Platonic Cave. It was taken from this idea and had other major Occult and Satanic themes into it, that were perverted by jews to make this movie sell highly and be appealing.

I would write an analysis on this whole movie, it's a literal stolen script from Ancient Greek Philosophy, which is why it has been so appealing to the people too, and above all, the really thinking and smart people.

Ancient Hellenes [Hellene is a Title like Aryan and means the Souls of the Light, or those "Bathed in the Light of the Gods"], went eastwards and seeded the cultural knowledge as much as they could. The knew the fallout of the Dark Ages was coming and this was their only bet, or nothing would remain.

Apparently this method worked and after 16-17 centuries of enemy darkness, light resurfaced again. Even India which was closely connected with the Ancient Greeks [their priesthoods], they did a lot of work to keep many texts hidden etc.

Regardless after all I have seen above, I think the Ancient Greek came earlier from Sanskrit, and the same goes for Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian. Sanskrit follows as a language all the rules of the Gods, but it is not as clear as the Ancient Greek of Homer's time. Sanskrit is a holy language regardless and of major power, and it's based on top of the same principle.

I no longer believe the theory that "Everything came from the East". In fact, everything came from the Gods, who seem to have landed first in the places of Egypt, Sumeria, Akkad and Greece, and from there on expanded outwards. Even if you observe the map of the planet, that makes total sense to do, and to move outwards.

Then, because of cultural loss and because of the fact people in India were people of the Gods, kept so much knowledge for centuries [enemy was more active in Europe and in the peninsula explained before, they lost the ball in India], so that when people went back there, they found a lot of their "strangely" own knowledge again, having been maintained and even further developed by the Aryan Brahmins.

Aristotle and all these people like Plato were indeed like top tier Brahmis or Egyptian Priests, not just mere theoreticians.

Aristotle was without compare in the Ancient World. There was no nation that didn't understand his value or adopt his writings or knowledge. As we all know, all these so called "Civilizations" were only literally the same people with very slight alterations going around, and all Gentiles are the creation that was seeded here by the Gods, therefore, I specify the above only to array an opinion.

Egyptians are also majorly understated, and there is no way I will believe Egyptians or Sumerians were some sort of bullshit of 6000 BC, or that Homer existed in 3000 BC.

The kikes even say stupid shit such as Homer didn't know the Alphabet or it wasn't invented, even though Homer literally has written his texts in the literal Greek Alphabet, which is also so complex that now you require whole sections of all the world's top universities to analyze the origins of 1 or 2 words.

I also no longer believe in the "Indo Aryan" hypothesis, not that it didn't happen, but I do know for a fact that the Indo-Aryan hypothesis is not how this all began, it is actually a very late chapter on a very long story. The Indo-Aryan invasion or move into the region was actually rather "later" chronologically compared to the descent of the Gods on Earth or the fall of Atlantis, which are all events that are very Ancient.

Speaking of the fall of Atlantis, could this have occured in the Pacific, as the Ring of Fire and seismic and volcanic activity have enough to actually sink a continent, and bits of islands in the middle of nowhere, the Yonaguni Temple, and access to ships? I've always wondered about how the Mesoamerican civilizations came to be. Not too long ago, archeologists discovered that the Mayan civilizations didn't fall because of a drought. Au contraire, they were very verdant and full of life. And then there is whole list of similarities between Mexico and Indian/Polynesian/Hawaiian cultures. But the topic at hand of predictive programming, I've seen some movies as a kid about apocalyptic events and Mexico and South America being places of refuge and asylum for North Americans, and with the Pyramids being right there, and it being Orionean in nature, this could play a role in subconscious awakening of the human race in America, could it?
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CowboyfromHell said:
Pan's Labyrinth, The Matrix, Insteresting enemy films, but with a lot of ancient subliminals.

Pan, well.. Is Satan

And the Matrix, well, it's a kinda zionistic twist of Plato Cave (if u don't know what Platos cave is, I suggest you research it)

Also ancient Hellenes had pretty much, discovered evertyhing there is out there so if u would like to draw energy to change this Western Ideology and advance it, Start with it's Roots, which is Hellas (which in its turn is from India, which in turn is from the ancient gods/godesses, etc. etc. .. )

Hail Jos,
Hail the new Rennaisance
Hail our Gods and Goddeses

The reason why Matrix was so successful is because as you say, it was based on the stolen work of Plato, ie, the Platonic Cave. It was taken from this idea and had other major Occult and Satanic themes into it, that were perverted by jews to make this movie sell highly and be appealing.

I would write an analysis on this whole movie, it's a literal stolen script from Ancient Greek Philosophy, which is why it has been so appealing to the people too, and above all, the really thinking and smart people.

Ancient Hellenes [Hellene is a Title like Aryan and means the Souls of the Light, or those "Bathed in the Light of the Gods"], went eastwards and seeded the cultural knowledge as much as they could. The knew the fallout of the Dark Ages was coming and this was their only bet, or nothing would remain.

Apparently this method worked and after 16-17 centuries of enemy darkness, light resurfaced again. Even India which was closely connected with the Ancient Greeks [their priesthoods], they did a lot of work to keep many texts hidden etc.

Regardless after all I have seen above, I think the Ancient Greek came earlier from Sanskrit, and the same goes for Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian. Sanskrit follows as a language all the rules of the Gods, but it is not as clear as the Ancient Greek of Homer's time. Sanskrit is a holy language regardless and of major power, and it's based on top of the same principle.

I no longer believe the theory that "Everything came from the East". In fact, everything came from the Gods, who seem to have landed first in the places of Egypt, Sumeria, Akkad and Greece, and from there on expanded outwards. Even if you observe the map of the planet, that makes total sense to do, and to move outwards.

Then, because of cultural loss and because of the fact people in India were people of the Gods, kept so much knowledge for centuries [enemy was more active in Europe and in the peninsula explained before, they lost the ball in India], so that when people went back there, they found a lot of their "strangely" own knowledge again, having been maintained and even further developed by the Aryan Brahmins.

Aristotle and all these people like Plato were indeed like top tier Brahmis or Egyptian Priests, not just mere theoreticians.

Aristotle was without compare in the Ancient World. There was no nation that didn't understand his value or adopt his writings or knowledge. As we all know, all these so called "Civilizations" were only literally the same people with very slight alterations going around, and all Gentiles are the creation that was seeded here by the Gods, therefore, I specify the above only to array an opinion.

Egyptians are also majorly understated, and there is no way I will believe Egyptians or Sumerians were some sort of bullshit of 6000 BC, or that Homer existed in 3000 BC.

The kikes even say stupid shit such as Homer didn't know the Alphabet or it wasn't invented, even though Homer literally has written his texts in the literal Greek Alphabet, which is also so complex that now you require whole sections of all the world's top universities to analyze the origins of 1 or 2 words.

I also no longer believe in the "Indo Aryan" hypothesis, not that it didn't happen, but I do know for a fact that the Indo-Aryan hypothesis is not how this all began, it is actually a very late chapter on a very long story. The Indo-Aryan invasion or move into the region was actually rather "later" chronologically compared to the descent of the Gods on Earth or the fall of Atlantis, which are all events that are very Ancient.

Speaking of the fall of Atlantis, could this have occured in the Pacific, as the Ring of Fire and seismic and volcanic activity have enough to actually sink a continent, and bits of islands in the middle of nowhere, the Yonaguni Temple, and access to ships? I've always wondered about how the Mesoamerican civilizations came to be. Not too long ago, archeologists discovered that the Mayan civilizations didn't fall because of a drought. Au contraire, they were very verdant and full of life. And then there is whole list of similarities between Mexico and Indian/Polynesian/Hawaiian cultures. But the topic at hand of predictive programming, I've seen some movies as a kid about apocalyptic events and Mexico and South America being places of refuge and asylum for North Americans, and with the Pyramids being right there, and it being Orionean in nature, this could play a role in subconscious awakening of the human race in America, could it?
Ive heard a theory which says Atlantis is actually the oldest european civilization next to the danube river

The Gods came here about 30-40,000 years ago, then the flood happened and civilisation got wiped mostly, then the Indo Europeans from the East (siberia, india, china) restarted it all?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
