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Praying before eating and making holy water

Does Satan have a prayer before eating or a prayer with water?

I don't think so, because this concept of reciting a robotic, pre-written prayer before doing something isn't Satanic.

Just like we don't "pray" for others and sending them healing energy instead, the same thing could be used in food.

If you want to accomplish something specific using magick, you could infuse your food or water with the specific type of energy related to your goals. There are also different type of foods that accomplish different things and you can mix them together and cook them so you can create a food that will attract what you desire.

This is an unusual type of magick that nobody has mentioned here before, but some Wiccans use it a lot and they call it Kitchen Witchcraft.
I don't think so, because this concept of reciting a robotic, pre-written prayer before doing something isn't Satanic.

Just like we don't "pray" for others and sending them healing energy instead, the same thing could be used in food.

If you want to accomplish something specific using magick, you could infuse your food or water with the specific type of energy related to your goals. There are also different type of foods that accomplish different things and you can mix them together and cook them so you can create a food that will attract what you desire.

This is an unusual type of magick that nobody has mentioned here before, but some Wiccans use it a lot and they call it Kitchen Witchcraft.
I like what you said about "robot prayer". In my country, many people are told to recite one short prayer when faced with a problem. Even my father would scold me with one sentence he made up himself, which is incredibly boring.
I don't think so, because this concept of reciting a robotic, pre-written prayer before doing something isn't Satanic.

Just like we don't "pray" for others and sending them healing energy instead, the same thing could be used in food.

If you want to accomplish something specific using magick, you could infuse your food or water with the specific type of energy related to your goals. There are also different type of foods that accomplish different things and you can mix them together and cook them so you can create a food that will attract what you desire.

This is an unusual type of magick that nobody has mentioned here before, but some Wiccans use it a lot and they call it Kitchen Witchcraft.
This is incorrect. Food and drink can be blessed in a quick manner and people have talked about this many times in the past, and there is information about this in the JoS. It's called drawing energy from stars, or something along these lines.

I ask you this. Why do you change your user name so often and tell people things that are not true? Because this is not the first time.
Does Satan have a prayer before eating or a prayer with water?
Pray means to commune with a God. Read https://satanisgod.org/search.php?search=prayer and study for yourself.

Suffice to say if I want to Pray before I eat to give thanks to Holy Father Satan because I merely wish to or something makes me want to that I can open up his Sigil talk with him ( actually talk none of that garbage level small talk but actually talk ) offer up any excessive energies I have and than eat my meal.

This would just be personal and in fact gives me a glorious idea of trying to work in a routine of doing so. After all one gets closer to the Gods by actually forming a relationship with them. I can not hear them Astrally or see them yet but the mind is a part of what makes you you and it can be used to get and receive messages all the same.

During a God's ritual ( https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...powerful-joining-brothers-and-sisters.295144/ ) in our Satanic temple I saw others mediating in a circle in my mind offering up our energies in a cone of power into the Shenu Protection ring. I clearly thought this because I was tapping in on some level to what was really going on.

Healthy thoughts, understandings, concepts of Ethics rituals or magic itself, what have you can and all do come from the Gods. Clearly one needs to use knowledge and apply Wisdom into understand what is going on in their mind but so much can be divined if one only tries. You also need to have the intention of WANTING such things to happen. Wanting = intention = power and without (witch)power nothing happens. Not to mention DEMANDING anything is foolish. We are worms crawling in the dirt doing what needs to be done waiting for the Divine Spark to reach us. Each time it does we grow and while it's ok to love and yearn for it demanding it only clouds it. That, I believe, is why so many feel like failures. We all have a path and have to walk it at our own pace.

If you want to start a personal ritual of doing something do it. Father Satan is a lover of Freedom and the progeny/concept of Freedom itself. It personally came to a revelation today that I try to hard to make others like me because I wanna fit in when I normally don't. I am a fun loving 'childish' person who is big on laughing and loving. My personally bumps with serious people and that's ok. We aren't all meant to like each other only work together in glory of the Gods. After accepting that it was if a weight as lifted off my soul. When I try to fit in all my energy goes away and I feel hollow and mindless. I am a silly person who can also be very serious but that deep seeded want to goof off and encourage others to let go and be free is always there. Just now after saying that I felt a warmth deep in my belly shoot up and I'm pretty sure that has to do with what High Priestess Lydia said about letting go. When one confines themselves their Sacral Charka becomes blocked, the very first Charka that the Serpent rises up into. How than can we ever love freedom if we refuse to let go. Temperance but abundance! You must keep yourself in check but so long as that is happening than embrace the freedom to be YOUSELF! You are no other BUT YOURSELF SO BE IT TO THE UTTER MAX!

Understand why you wanna do something and if it is YOU wanting it or if it is the dictates of something else. If something else than learn to say fuck it to it and refuse to bow bend or break. If it's you than find out why. If it's healthy: THAN EMBRACE IT! EMBRACE ALL OF YOU AND DANCE TO YOUR OWN SONG! Father Satan is a Master Musician and will gladly dance along beside you whatever that tune might be. In warmth, in sadness, in comedy, in tragedy, IT DOES NOT MATTER He is all things for He is the Master of all things.

Learn yourself, Know yourself, Become yourself, Master yourself, Raise yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
