Kike Industrial farming exist to do several things:
1) Make sure kikes can introduce any and all types of poison, GMO, horrific hybridization of animals that harm human who eat them and create other very harmful for human health consequence, including using melanin instead of milk and plastic meat en mass etc.
Right now with the development of 3D printer technologies Israel made "meat" on 3D printer:
The world's first 3D bioprinted and cultivated ribeye steak was made without genetic engineering. Created by Aleph Farms Ltd. and the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Technion β Israel Institute of Technology, the steak also did not require the slaughter of any animals.
Israeli company Redefine Meat announces breakthrough in food technology as cultured meat innovators prepare for commercial launch
So just beautiful cows photo on the advertisement of your local kike industrial farm does not mean they do not use 3D printer to produce their "meat" in tons to make money on poisoning Gentiles.
2) They really and deliberately torture animals. They themselves make videos of how (((their rivals from that another farm))) do it so that your heart lead you to not consume meat at all, of course silencing up that your local individual small business make their farmer milk in their village very natural way and their animals are very happy and healthy, and live paradise life. To force you into veganism.
3) They create unbearable laws for individual family farming business to not let it exist. I am not in America please those who are comment here, but I heard that while in the Eastern 2,5-3rd world country such as Azerbaijan you can just have a farm of your own and exist almost free of taxes, in America you almost have no this right at all. Even if you have a farm you can't grass feed your animals you are forced to buy industrial kike corporation's food which is all GMO and poisoned for your animals and other monstrous lawsuits against freedom and against constitution that generate a direct attack on family farming. All this I heard from people who migrated from my country to America to farm there and were very disappointed with the laws. Please Americans correct me if I was misinformed or if this depends upon the state. From what I heard family farming is under extreme economic and juridical attack in White 1st world countries which is VERY sad to say the least because this just means that these countries themselves are under extreme economic attack by their own governments, because family farming is base of any healthy food supply.
So if your goal is to save animals your decision is not veganism obviously because this is exactly what kikes want you to do to wipe all your country's animal farming flat. Your answer is supporting family farming in your country and buying only their meat and milk, which will also benefit your health. Animals there live in paradise, they are loved, cared and have no responsibilities only freedoms and a lot of love. If you stop eating meat you betray these animals and actually invest into 3D and other poisoning of the world. Humanity eating bugs will be death of all domestic animals of those sorts because kike industrial farms will "have no more time, money and space" for them as long as they are not profitable, while government will have official reason to prohibit any and all family farming at all as "cruel carnivorism". I guess all industrial farming cruelty videos will be used against family farming to attack them. Veganism and consumer indifference will ensure full domestic animal genocide.