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Posibile Romanian vs gypsies tensions escalations in the future


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.


Then comes the reaction that asks them to unite.


Never in my life have I agreed wth a gypsy until now. Yes! Go ahead and unite against us! It will be the best thing ever!!! This way we are forced to wake up and finally solve the problem that make us fear to walk in the streets.

Good gypsy! Bravo!!!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
They're just dumber jews. When you see one you feel strong negative energy. Only the reptilians could create something like them.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
They are jews who are homeless and criminals of the lowest sphere, they are similar if not worse than black gangsters in ghettos. They usually have like 10 children and those children will all grow up to be disgusting criminals. They do their business on the streets(the kind of business you do in the restroom) and are disgustingly looking.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.


Then comes the reaction that asks them to unite.


Never in my life have I agreed wth a gypsy until now. Yes! Go ahead and unite against us! It will be the best thing ever!!! This way we are forced to wake up and finally solve the problem that make us fear to walk in the streets.

Good gypsy! Bravo!!!

EasternFireLion666 in the city where I live is full of them, they must be brutally beaten and shaved off the face of the earth like jews. In my city there is a neighborhood where it is full of them, if you don't live in that neighborhood but unfortunately there is a company, a huge factory where natural and pharmaceutical products are produced for the whole country, these are beaten, raped and robbed only from fun. Once I went there to leave a CV, obviously I was with the car, they almost didn't jump on my car, to break it and drag me out, being a woman you realize that rape is not cool, but for them it's just fun, because I'm just a 160 cm and 53 kg romanian woman who works 10 hours a day, forcibly pays her taxes to the kikes and doesn't bother anyone at all. I hope to capture in life the day when these abominations will disappear from the face of the earth with the Jews.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Not really. The so called ''Romani'' ethnic group is a nomadic people originally expelled/emigrated from India into Europe somewhere at the start of the medieval period. They were (and basically still are) a racial cast of people deemed as ''untouchables'' by native Indian population as it's noted they're basically jewish race mixed.
Speaking from my own experience and observations, gypsies , just like jews , have a very toxic way of living for whatever country they settle in and more often than not their main economic activities revolves around stealing, professional begging, selling drugs, money landing and shady businesses. These are mainly aimed at the local population for their own economic and social benefit. They also organize in such manner that they get their hands on any kind of social aid from the state, even if the requirements are not met.
They also infect society with their cultural values, sometimes promoting live and let live attitudes, self victimization and other times outright violence against non-gypsies. The main way of doing so is through their own music style and industry, which , unfortunately, it's pretty popular music style within the gentile community ( yet usually the individuals that listen to this kind of music are stereotyped materialistic xtards )...
In a few words basically hybrid jewish parasites, but on the dumber and bullying spectrum.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Gypsies are blood cousins of the jews. I think of gypsies as jews with low cunning. I have a few of them in my town, they are deplorable subhuman filth like you wouldn't believe.

Thank you for that video! I wasn't feeling too good today but now I certainly do. The only problem with that video is that they went too easy on them. They should invite me on the scene next time, I'd beat him until he passes out from the pain... then I'd wake him up and do it all over again :)
They multiply quickly. Where you see that at least 10 children begging are also very dangerous and robbing every night. The police don't do anything to them :( but the Romanians are quickly taken to the police station for minor acts .
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
They are just like the Jews, except that they are very stupid ... they are best able to steal and spend all day on social assistance while others sit in the sun and kill themselves on very small money.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.


Then comes the reaction that asks them to unite.


Never in my life have I agreed wth a gypsy until now. Yes! Go ahead and unite against us! It will be the best thing ever!!! This way we are forced to wake up and finally solve the problem that make us fear to walk in the streets.

Good gypsy! Bravo!!!

No matter how many those guys gonna get it bad. I had a conversation with a guy that worked for the armed police in Roumania , he told me that during his service he had mainly intervened on gypsy cases and village in-fights. It's not like the government doesn't offer support or anything it's simply THEIR way of being.
Also, normally, they would be at each others throats at any time of the day for the littlest reason or none whatsoever and now one of them is calling an roma union. :lol: :lol: yeah..
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
Gypsies are a mixture of jews and the lowest indians. They are living parasites, extremely racist, agressive, thiefs, nobody employ them because they steal like they breath and in the same time they don't want to work because they make shitlots of money from stealing, drug traffic, robbery, begging for money in populated areas, assaults and things like this.

A few days ago I watched a clip from a gypsy xian church (they are all xians), they were literally praying something like this: "God please send the coronavirus to Romanians do they can all die and gypsies will live".

This is blatant racism, police fared the gypsy who sang this with like $60, while white romanians would get ears in prison straight away for something like this.

I hope everyday this brainwashed and fainted nation will wake up and unite against all these dangers.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.
This guy offered to unite the White romanians for what is about to come

The problem is most people hate him because most of the time he say the truth as cruel as it is and sleeping morons refuse to accept it
On this occasion, with the scandal that took place, including the gypsies from my provincial town, everyone calmed down, one no longer walks outside, to incite violence and quarrel in public. The city is so quiet, you are no longer afraid to go shopping at Lidl. There are 3 strictly gypsy residential neighborhoods. You don't see one all over the street. In our country, many romanians were fined for not meeting the time interval specified in the ordinance, others were fined for no reason, just because they stayed out too long, well excuse me, when you pay your bills it is created endless queues, it's normal to stay outside a lot and the gypsies in my neighborhood were washing their carpets on the road, the drivers couldn't pass, they were having fun and the music was screaming all over the neighborhood and the police had nothing to do with them. In any case, if the police vans come to my neighborhood to see how the gypsies run away like pheasants in the field with children and everything.On this occasion, I think that all the gypsies calmed down for a short time, obviously at the country level. Let's see how long this silence lasts, as precarious as it is.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Under no circumstances do I want to incite violence or be accused of racism or anything else.
These gypsies, some are street people, others both in our country and in the EU go stealing, beating and raping, this is part of their heritage and education, genetically and psychologically speaking. They have luxurious villas and luxury cars, they are exempt from taxes, the romanian state helps them by offering technical unemployment, social assistance and allowances to all children born and at work they are advantaged and protected compared to other whites, although there are exceptions where they are forced more or less hard work, from my own experience I tell you that they have a much easier life than us, their so-called poverty and humility and modesty are a screen shield, they complain exactly like the jews. In Europe it is full of them and they are not very appreciated, some simply do their job but when you get to know them they have the same grotesque hive mentality together with the others, just like the kikes, we have in our city these fucking gypsies and kikes but less. In Italy or Spain they were most likely shot, not to mention the US, where the police most likely shot them without thinking.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
mixed jews,they are very savage(they steal,kill,beat like it's normal for them)
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Romany Gypsies. They're nomads and live in caravans. Imagine like the people with no permanent home and settle for a while in a place and then move on after making a living hustling there for a while. Snake oil salesman comes to mind.

I don't believe they're homeless as in like a proper homeless person out on the street. It's their lifestyle and culture to not settle.

There's this one locally that's a cab driver and he has another car a private car that he sleeps in. And other than that he's out working with his cab. So he likes to save money on rent or something by choosing to live in his car. And no I wouldn't put him down as having tough luck. Because I can see he's a gypsy I know it's his choice and as he works so much he would have enough money for a room to rent if he wanted.

Before this Coronavirus lockdown in the evening big groups of them would come out in the city and make beds on the side walks with lots of duvets and pillows put on cardboard. There would be men there but after setting up the bedding on the sidewalk the men would go and leave the women there with beggar cups next to the beds to sleep the night.

I clocked them in large groups leaving the city by coach after everything went quiet after the lockdown.

I'm of the opinion these people are the type to amputate their limb off to try get pity while out begging. They use their women to beg.

I'm afraid to say I'm seeing now as I write this as gypsies being just like Jews with money. Only gypsies hustle and trick to get money. Both Jews and gypsies seem to have an unhealthy greed obsession for money.

I've been warned to never be relaxed if a gypsy is near me because they're pick pockets. They can even have a prosthetic hand hanging there and their real hand is hidden and going into your pocket to steal.

I don't know what they do with their money because in my mind they must get a lot.

I mean there's this local gypsy to me that's actually been given a council home by the state.

I hate him because I see him as selfish because he's brought all of these scrap cars here and now there's nowhere to park. And he parks like a twat taking up two spaces with his inconsiderate parking and I see this and just rage with hate because it's selfish.

Anyway he's a hustler and sells these old scrap cars.

Actually I realise now that although they are Romany, roamers. Some gypsies have actually applied to the state for homeless help and being given state council housing stock. They get help because they make hundreds of babies.

I don't like them living around me because they bring so much junk. Old scrap cars galore and their caravans and camper vans.

They're a tribe. They're their own sub race. Some have white or a pale white skin. But the majority of gypsies have an olive Turkic pigment to their skin.

They originated in Northern India and are termed as being Indo-Aryan.

I'm sorry to say this but my opinion of gypsies is low. They're fake and sneaky. Always begging or stealing or up to some other rip off trick. Low on the level of humanities evolution. Same as has been said of Jews: Never trust a jew or a gypsy.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
Gypsies are an invasive species of proto Jews originating from the Indian subcontinent. Long ago, the Reptilians created them to be the first Jews, as evidenced by their jew like appearances and their evil souls. But the Gypsies are incredibly stupid, given their low IQs, they openly engage in degenerate behavior and are easy to spot. Because of these failures, the Reptilians created the Jews, who are far more suited to their goals thanks to their higher intelligence.

Most Gypsies are held in sites in Romania but many of them have escaped and can be seen all over cities throughout Europe where they leech off the state, beg, scam, rob gentiles and commit crime.
They are parasites. Hitler knew this. They will share the same fate as the Jews.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
You do have some actually, they are just way less. Consider yourselves kinda lukcy, even if you guys have other issues. In Italy they are called either Rom or Zingari, their looks often resembles Indians, and they come from the East. They are dirty people, basically dark skinned jews. Hitler himself was not a fan of them either, that's why they were sent into concentration camps too, with the jews. They are nomads, they exploit the state where they settle, then they move. There are many in Romania, but we know they do not originate from there.
I never met one of them that knew what soap is, judging by their smell. However, they are into stealing everything they see, ruining public stuff and so on. When they marry, the family of the husband has to pay the wife's family a price in either money or gold: The nicer the woman, higher the price. They are known in eastern Europe to kidnap children, do scams for a living and mostly for "working" with scrape metals all around the world, ignoring safety and environmental rules.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Gypsies are not Gentiles, they are one of what they call lost tribes of Israel and they share the same racial soul as the Jews, they are totally low and disgusting, basically a lower and diluted version of the Jews.

In my country Spain there are also many and I know plenty as they are.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Oh yes there are gypsy’s in the US. These are the people who are more than likely always trying to scam people on the side of the road for their money or whatever. This is where the term ‘gypped off’ meaning ripped off comes from.

They are basically Indian Jews. I believe HP Cobra said they are a mix like that.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
A type of jews as far as I know.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?
You could call some homeless, maybe.... they are a parasitic life form, and they look jewish, and I remember a HP stating they are a subrace of jews, so they are jews. And nope, some indeed don t have much money, but many more of them are rich.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.


Then comes the reaction that asks them to unite.


Never in my life have I agreed wth a gypsy until now. Yes! Go ahead and unite against us! It will be the best thing ever!!! This way we are forced to wake up and finally solve the problem that make us fear to walk in the streets.

Good gypsy! Bravo!!!
Maybe there will be some tensions bettween us and the gypsies, unless they kill themselves in their fights against each other(like in that video where two clans of gypsies where fighting ) https://youtu.be/zdayzcgy2Ho
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Some other tribe that is related in some way to the Jews and would do the same thing if they could but have very low IQs but the same mentality. You can see where this is going. I have never seen one either I don’t think anyways but there is more info on this here in a his topic https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17725&p=67011&hilit=Gypsies#p67011
Back about two years give or take sometime in around early-mid 2018 posted some information, think it might have been Member: Wotanwarrior who posted or maybe he replied prominently. A rabbi from the Spanish sephardic community rabbi avron shimon. And his rabbis studied the torah passages in exodus, genesis, and some other sporadic parts.

And he mentioned that gypsies are indeed one of the lost tribes. gypsies are a race of jews, mixed race jews, Indians, mixed race Indians(think lower class/parasite Indians), and gentiles brainwashed into gypsiedom either by force or for shits and giggles.

About 70-75% of the Gypsies are racially tied to jewishness whether full-on jewish or mixed. About 20-25-30% are actually gentiles or mixed race gentiles that are not of the tribe merely they were kidnapped or become to believe they are gypsies. Or cosplay as gypsies. Actually funny enough a lot of gentile gypsies seem to come from the darker races or darker mixed races of Indian caste so Dravidian or mixed Dravidian for the lighter skinned mulatto like ones.

The reality is that there are Gentile gypsies who pose as gypsies but have absolutely nothing to do with the sub-race of jews called gypsies. For example HP.Mageson666 commented on a picture of a gypsie, for a dark skin individual she was very attractive a prideful example of her race. But she is Gentile, dark skinned and potentially pure of the Dravidian sub-race of blacks but non the less gypsie in name only not in racial status.

gypsies are jews that don't know how to shekelberg and shekelstein at so-called high levels. Had jews acted more like gypsies and less like a cunning nefarious clever rat. Maybe we wouldn't have so much jewish supremacy throughout the World.

gypsies cause a lot of problems they often try and rob copper cables sometimes live copper cables from power posts with death as a result for some of the more retarded ones. Another thing gypsies do is the children often shit in their hands run across train stations and throw the shit at the train. Certain gypsie areas of Romania are often warned by the train conductors to close the windows of the trains to avoid being shit thrown at passengers.

So all in all gypsies = a headache and then some, a pain in the ass to deal with. Nothing but troublemakers.
wariorSS said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.


Then comes the reaction that asks them to unite.


Never in my life have I agreed wth a gypsy until now. Yes! Go ahead and unite against us! It will be the best thing ever!!! This way we are forced to wake up and finally solve the problem that make us fear to walk in the streets.

Good gypsy! Bravo!!!

EasternFireLion666 in the city where I live is full of them, they must be brutally beaten and shaved off the face of the earth like jews. In my city there is a neighborhood where it is full of them, if you don't live in that neighborhood but unfortunately there is a company, a huge factory where natural and pharmaceutical products are produced for the whole country, these are beaten, raped and robbed only from fun. Once I went there to leave a CV, obviously I was with the car, they almost didn't jump on my car, to break it and drag me out, being a woman you realize that rape is not cool, but for them it's just fun, because I'm just a 160 cm and 53 kg romanian woman who works 10 hours a day, forcibly pays her taxes to the kikes and doesn't bother anyone at all. I hope to capture in life the day when these abominations will disappear from the face of the earth with the Jews.

These are the things that make me wanna skin alive the vegetables that still think racism towards gypsies is the problem in such cases. All "stockhoml syndrome" people are traitors
Purified666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Gypsies are blood cousins of the jews. I think of gypsies as jews with low cunning. I have a few of them in my town, they are deplorable subhuman filth like you wouldn't believe.

Thank you for that video! I wasn't feeling too good today but now I certainly do. The only problem with that video is that they went too easy on them. They should invite me on the scene next time, I'd beat him until he passes out from the pain... then I'd wake him up and do it all over again :)

I think the same ;)
There have been jews in israel and pentecostal gypsies that agreed to the fact that gypsies are a lost israel tribe.
The Alchemist7 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Some crocks got what they deserved. I can t emphasize enough how much some of us suffer in our lives because of these lifeforms. But this happened. I started dacing and laughing when I saw it.
This guy offered to unite the White romanians for what is about to come

The problem is most people hate him because most of the time he say the truth as cruel as it is and sleeping morons refuse to accept it

There was a platform for creating online petitions. I wonder if it is possible to make a petition to remove report buttons and other such features plus coding for censoring. At least for google as facebook won t even look at it.
There is another thing people should know. Trust your instinct for that. There are rare gypsies that seem ok. NO THEY ARE NOT! Not a single one. The context they live in may be confusing. I had an university gypsy mate that was ok with me and other colleagues. But what things he was tellng me about his private life changed all that. He was somehow smarter than the average gypsy to get to a university even if it was by cheating. But he had to act ok with us as he needed us.

Another thing is a gypsy in a better place like a job or university will not steal beat or threaten but his genetical and soul instinct to attack will remain. They will do small subtle psychological attacks an humiliations all the time. It is in them they cannot help it. You mind your own and you wake up with a small attack. Just so you know what to expect.

They have persuasive abilities and most idots suffer from Stockholm syndrome. This is basically the fear or coward syndrome. It means if you can t beat them join them it is easier you are safer and you just have to repet to yourself that you believe in what you did. Stockhlm syndrome is what destroys racial unity and tribalism. This needs to be exposed and be aware of!!!

If you wanna know in short how the Stockholm syndrome manifests the best is a case in which a gypsy beats up humiliates and bullies a white nerd in school and other white fucks think he is a looser and an idiot and are extremly entertained about this. The moment the gypsy gets beaten by another guy he starts to whine and play the victim and you can see the worry and sadness in the same fucks that were laughing at the nerdy guy.

There you have it. I hope all those described above make it alive to the moment we will be in power for justice reasons!
Direct from Spain, videos like these are a good example of the repugnant garbage that the gypsies are.

Almost a year ago I was going out with an old friend of mine and we passed a barber shop and after a couple of seconds you see this gypsy coming out and punching this friend of mine (this gypsy had half-shaved hair. Don't worry about my old friend, he was just a criminal asshole).
Something that gypsies like?
Stealing and arguing at the rides.
I am happy to know that gypsies are our enemies, some time ago I knew some and they were just ugly and tremendously stupid even if some connected to the local mafia and were very violent.
I have been in some of their neighborhoods (in my country they are not like in Romania they are more than popular palaces) and I can tell you that there is a very degraded atmosphere, to enter you had to be "friends" with someone who lived there and a friend of mine he knew many (he is not a gypsy, but he is stupid).
Does the final rtr Tetragrammaton and shattering Jewish soul ritual in any way harm or effect Gypsies.

I have known a female friend for 19 years. Her father is a gypsy. Her mother is Hungarian. Her parents are old. Decent family, always worked. They live normal, honest lives.

My female friend has a university degree, she is a philosopher. She has three children. I recently introduced her to Spiritual Satanism. She finds it very fascinating, she reads the writings, she asks questions. She is shocked by the reality. She also refused to baptise her little children.

I am honest with her. I told her I didn't know if she could join Spiritual Satanism. I don't know if RTR is harmful to her, or her father, or her children. She has never harmed me. She is now completely open to National Socialism. She told her daughter that "Jesus" didn't exist, etc.

What do you think? Can she join the SS?

(Sorry my english. I translate with DeepL.)
Dark Lawyer said:

I have known a female friend for 19 years. Her father is a gypsy. Her mother is Hungarian. Her parents are old. Decent family, always worked. They live normal, honest lives.

My female friend has a university degree, she is a philosopher. She has three children. I recently introduced her to Spiritual Satanism. She finds it very fascinating, she reads the writings, she asks questions. She is shocked by the reality. She also refused to baptise her little children.

I am honest with her. I told her I didn't know if she could join Spiritual Satanism. I don't know if RTR is harmful to her, or her father, or her children. She has never harmed me. She is now completely open to National Socialism. She told her daughter that "Jesus" didn't exist, etc.

What do you think? Can she join the SS?

(Sorry my english. I translate with DeepL.)

Not everyone under Gypsy is Jewish DNA I heard this on here some whites joined their communities. It doesn't sound like she's Jew.
slyscorpion said:
Not everyone under Gypsy is Jewish DNA I heard this on here some whites joined their communities. It doesn't sound like she's Jew.

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, there are 3 main gypsy groups in Hungary. (And 3-4 smaller groups.)

1. Hungarian Gypsies (romungro). 75-80% of the gypsies living in the country. They are fully integrated.

2. Beas Gypsies

3. Olah Gypsy

Typically, the Olah Gypsies are the cause of the problem. They produce the high birth rate (in the Lovari subgroup). According to a 2018 population genetics study, they are of different origin than Beas Gypsies. Already classical marker analysis has found significant genetic differences. (Szabóné Kármán Judit: Population genetics research among the Roma)

A study from 2012: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0048477

It says that after language, genetics has already proven the Indian origin of European Gypsies. I don't know what to think about Jewish origins. Maybe there could be Jewish blood in Olah Gypsies?
Dark Lawyer said:
slyscorpion said:
Not everyone under Gypsy is Jewish DNA I heard this on here some whites joined their communities. It doesn't sound like she's Jew.

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, there are 3 main gypsy groups in Hungary. (And 3-4 smaller groups.)

1. Hungarian Gypsies (romungro). 75-80% of the gypsies living in the country. They are fully integrated.

2. Beas Gypsies

3. Olah Gypsy

Typically, the Olah Gypsies are the cause of the problem. They produce the high birth rate (in the Lovari subgroup). According to a 2018 population genetics study, they are of different origin than Beas Gypsies. Already classical marker analysis has found significant genetic differences. (Szabóné Kármán Judit: Population genetics research among the Roma)

A study from 2012: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0048477

It says that after language, genetics has already proven the Indian origin of European Gypsies. I don't know what to think about Jewish origins. Maybe there could be Jewish blood in Olah Gypsies?

You might want to look into this yourself a little more before just trusting someone to be honest. Why don't you ask Satan himself or your gaurdian if this person is an enemy before divulging too much or getting them in too deep. Ask them to give you a sign if you can't hear them yet.
She could be an enemy but it's also possible she is not an enemy.
slyscorpion said:
You might want to look into this yourself a little more before just trusting someone to be honest. Why don't you ask Satan himself or your gaurdian if this person is an enemy before divulging too much or getting them in too deep. Ask them to give you a sign if you can't hear them yet.
She could be an enemy but it's also possible she is not an enemy.


I have known him for 24 years. We have been friends for 19 years. We have talked a lot (online) in the last six months. But I have not told her about SS. Then I made sure she was open and interested. She is interested in spirituality and national socialism. And she rejects Christianity. Only afterwards did I tell her about the SS. She now reads the Hungarian SS writings intensively and is enthusiastic.

She is a simple person, lives a simple life, raises her 3 children. In that sense, she's certainly not dangerous. She wants to ask Satan if she can join the SS.

I read on the forum that no one knows for sure about gypsies. A forum member wrote that he has part gypsy blood. If the RTR is not harmful to him, then maybe there is no problem with satanic gypsies. The worst possibility is that my female friend starts RTR and it's not good for her. That would be obvious evidence that there is a problem.

I will do what you advised. I will ask for a sign.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Some people say that the gypsies are the lost tribe of jews or a jewish subrace. But anyway, they have some kind of jewish appearance, look alike and their behavior is disgusting, like the jews have. They are aggressive, hate the whites, the white society where they live, but always asking for benefits - money - without doing anything to deserve it. Attacking whites in a groups, attacking the weak. When they are alone, they scared and can behave very friendly, as soon the mates coming, that friedly gypsy become an agressive animal who could even kill you or anyone. Their mentality is compeletely jewish, there is no one who can have symphaty to them. Everybody hates them like huge amount of people hate the jews.

Drogs, prostitution, smuggling all kind of illegal things they do. Unfortunately their is many in eastern countries, same in my country. The goverment not really do anything about it because the jews do not want the gypsies are deported somewhere far away from the whites, and now we see it more and more. The jewish organizations pushing a quota system that companies should employ some % of gypsies but many company refuse to do it because they are dumb, stupid and anti-social.

They, the gypsies claim that they are coming from india, so they are descendants of Indian people, some gypsy organizations claim that they are descendants of the Roman people what is competely bullshit. Just like the jews created a lie about their history to make people believe they they are part of humanity. Gypsy = Jew, filthy, disgusting creatures.

you can check out this documentary to have wider view about the gypsies:

DragonFire11 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What ARE Gypsies? We don’t have these in the states, are they like the homeless population or something?

Some people say that the gypsies are the lost tribe of jews or a jewish subrace. But anyway, they have some kind of jewish appearance, look alike and their behavior is disgusting, like the jews have. They are aggressive, hate the whites, the white society where they live, but always asking for benefits - money - without doing anything to deserve it. Attacking whites in a groups, attacking the weak. When they are alone, they scared and can behave very friendly, as soon the mates coming, that friedly gypsy become an agressive animal who could even kill you or anyone. Their mentality is compeletely jewish, there is no one who can have symphaty to them. Everybody hates them like huge amount of people hate the jews.

Drogs, prostitution, smuggling all kind of illegal things they do. Unfortunately their is many in eastern countries, same in my country. The goverment not really do anything about it because the jews do not want the gypsies are deported somewhere far away from the whites, and now we see it more and more. The jewish organizations pushing a quota system that companies should employ some % of gypsies but many company refuse to do it because they are dumb, stupid and anti-social.

They, the gypsies claim that they are coming from india, so they are descendants of Indian people, some gypsy organizations claim that they are descendants of the Roman people what is competely bullshit. Just like the jews created a lie about their history to make people believe they they are part of humanity. Gypsy = Jew, filthy, disgusting creatures.

you can check out this documentary to have wider view about the gypsies:


Béla Pokol summarises the situation in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, saying that the total population of 55 million will fall to 43 million by 2050 (UN data). The gypsy population of 4.6 million will increase to 10 million.

As gypsy unemployment among them is around 85% in all these countries, and has been stable for 30 years, it is unlikely to change significantly in the future. This is because everywhere, it is mainly the share of the gypsy who are not integrated at all into the majority societies that is increasing. In Hungary, where there are three large groups of gypsies, the long-term unemployment rate among the olah gypsies is as high as 95%, while they have by far the highest birth rate. Although billions of moneys are pumped into Roma employment every year by individual states and the EU, this is at most enough to prevent the 80-85% unemployment rate from rising.

After a while, however, they will most certainly be left without a livelihood, because there will be no public money for social assistance, family allowances and public works. This could happen even before 2050. It will depend to a large extent on the proportion of young educated people leaving for Western Europe. In 2011, 200,000 young people left Hungary and 29% planned to leave (for permanent work or settlement). Although the more educated gypsies also started to leave, they were also pushed back by the French, the Italians and the Germans. So it's unlikely that there will be more gypsies leaving this area.

All in all, out of 43 million, there are still a few million young people moving west. This means that there will remain in the region around 10 million gypsies without a livelihood and 30 million retired and elderly people. According to Béla Pokol, this could lead to continuous looting, because the crime rate among the gypsy is already terribly high (five to six times higher in Hungary than in the majority population). This could lead to a situation - even before 2050 - where those who move to the West also move their elderly parents out. This will leave the starving, looting gypsies largely on their own in the region.

Here, Béla Pokol argues that the part of north-eastern Hungary up to the Tisza and the area above it in eastern Slovakia up to the Hungarian border will be a coherent, ethnically homogeneous region with a pure gypsy population covering half of the country by 2030. Because the ageing villages there were already beginning to be dominated by gypsies at the time of writing, and the Hungarians were either dying out or fleeing. Aladár Horváth, the head of the gypsy municipality, spoke of such a region, "Romanistan", as early as 2010. And according to Béla Pokol, it will birth spontaneously, if not as an independent region. But even if it does, it will never be able to stabilise, even temporarily, because of 85% unemployment. According to Pokol, it will probably be run with EU and other foreign money, even if only at the level of misery, so that there is no killing or war. He also notes that the gypsies scattered in other parts of central Europe, on the other hand, could hardly be resettled in 'Romanistan' even by force, because self-sufficient communities always settle around more organised, more prosperous societies.

As the majority societies die out or flee to the West, eventually permanent foreign support will not be sustainable. Thus the gypsy community will not be able to survive. Béla Pokol puts the depopulation and emptying out of East-Central Europe by the end of the 2000s, until 2100.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
