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"Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!
We must spam the RTR on 25 especially at 12.00 am if possible.
TopoftheAbyss said:
We must spam the RTR on 25 especially at 12.00 am if possible.
Yep plus the pope is asking to do it at 12 am because this is one of the best moment of the day for magick/meditations. It has to do with the power of the sun. He has knowladge of magick, this is obvious if you are a SS.
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!

Ok this is on wednesday. Whoever is working from home let's do the RTR a lot in this day. And especially at this hour in case we do not have any online meetings or other stuff. If not it is ok to do it in the rest of the day, the effects will be felt and will invalidate the xian energy!
If IT seriously is THAT crazy, as to tell that ´´start preying EXACTLY 12 a clock, on a WEDNESDAY``, as to give people suspicions as to WHY? then the Catholic Church is DEFINETLY crashing because of this Virus! THANKS JEWS!! :D :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!

Yes! This time arround it will not go well for them! For any Italian SS here if you can make sure the 25 march at 12 am you do the Rtr as much as you can! (Of course even the days before and After but the 25 make sure to give them a little more of "love" to the enemy ;) )
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...spam F-RTR...

@HP.Cobra I know the final date of the 88/99/F rituals is March 24th and you mentioned Lord-Azazel mentioned spam till the 24th and then focus just solely on F-RTR.

My question is:

I noticed during the purim offensive despite spamming and despite the fact that we still got nearly a month or so to perform F-RTR till passover. You didn't post a Counter-Purim offensive F-RTR day before, day during, and day after spam the F-RTR 6-10 times.

So my question is on March 24th, 25th, and 26th should we all spam the F-RTR at higher levels?(6-10?)

You mentioned a while back that mandatory every SS should perform at least 1 F-RTR(9 rep) but recommended 3-5(27-45 rep or 9x3, 9x4, or 9x5) should for these 24-25-26 should we be doing 9x6-9x10 or 54-90 rep range F-RTR?

Pardon me if I sound disrespectful, not trying to be. I just want to know if my performance of doing 45 rep range F-RTR, since I'm a high rep spammer like you back in the previous RTR days before the Final since you mentioned you liked doing 54-108 rep range RTRs.

So what is considered "SPAMMING"? Am I and to a degree JoS members who perform 3-5 reps whether 9x3-9x5 or 27-45 rep are they spamming? Is that considered spamming?

Could you please enlighten me if I'm doing enough on my part or is it not enough? It feels weird not doing more but I guess I did enough and I shouldn't burn myself out which has happened before hand to me.
What an idiot to give us a day and time to counter it. His desperation to reach out to as many christards as possible only opens up to our own opportunity to nullify it.

We shall do the same with the RTR at the same time and date. Full force as many times as physically and spiritually possible. Really raise your energies for this one.

I want to know his heart sinking in terror, fear, rage and despair when he realizes they managed to raise virtually nothing, or even better, lost more because of our efforts to make it worse than worthless.
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!

Fucking asshole fucking disgusting piece of pedophile turd you will be dead very soon you and your cronies and all the executioners who kill people under the name of jewsus everyday.
When I read this piece of news I understood and saw their foolish strategy and it is signed JEWISH. After all our endeavours all our constant and repeated RTR pronounced to release the Earth these asshole will take credit for what we did and will grant credit to themselves to that spiteful hunchback of a pope and worse to their god and to that kike on the cross when in fact it is us that are freeing the Earth. After all this ends in April probably near Easter as I stated in a previous message of mine or near the Birthday of Hitler(Feast stolen to our beautiful Isis) they will utter "you see it is the will of our benevolent god who saved us again. He heard our prayers. He loves us" and the loser will keep prostrating before that malicious arseholes with astonished eyes and nodding proving right their masters believing this lie on more time
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!
They picked up a date and time when most of us are working. I wonder if this was has been specifically chosen. Anyway we will dissipate and destroy their dirty energy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!

So ideally those who can, could spam the RTR during the first hour of 25th of March, also accounting for timezone. Italy is GMT +1 IIRC.
dumb question but, 1200 hours, local time or should we adjust for italy timezone?
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!

Hi, I'm italian. Here you are a translation. (I'm not good at English Class, but I've tried):

--Pope invite the heads of the churches to recite the Our Father the 25 March

While the 27th March there will be a “praying moment” at the St. Peter's Basilica square with an “empty square”:

“In those test days, while humanity shake for the pandemic’s treat, I’d like to suggest to all xians to unite their voice to God” This is Pope’s appeal, who at the end of the Angelus broadcasted on air at the Vatican Library has invited “all the heads of the churches and all the leaders of all xians communities, with all xians of various confessions , to invoke God, almighty God, reciting at the same time the pray which Jesus Our God taught us”

“I invite everybody to do so several time for day, but all together for recite Our Father next Wednesday 25 at midday” the proposal in detail ”On the day when very much xians will remember the announcement done by Virgin Mary of the Verb Incarnation, We hope that God can listen to our unanimous pray of all his followers who are getting ready to celebrate the Risen Jesus’victory”

“With this intention, On the next Friday 27th March, at 6:00 pm, I’ll chair a praying moment at the St. Peter's Basilica square, with an empty square” announced the pope. ”By now I invite everybody to join to spiritually take part through medias. We’ll listen the God’s word, we’ll rise our pray, we’ll adore the Blessed Sacrament, that at the end I’ll give the Urbi et Orbi benediction, that the possibility to give the Plenary indulgence will be annex”

“At the virus pandemic we want to answer with the universality of the pray, of the compassion, of the tenderness. Let’s stay together. Let’s make feeling our proximity at the most lonely and felt people” has added the pope who during the morning mess at Santa Maria asked to pray for the victims of coronavirus and their parents.

“Our proximity-continued Francesco-at medics; proximity at health workers, nurses, volunteers, proximity to the authorities, who must take hard measurement but for our wealth, proximity to cops, soldiers who for the streets are trying to keep order, so that all things Government asks for the good of all. And proximity to all
Everyone make sure to check your time zone.for us in north and south America, it will be night time. So we all make sure to do at the same time.
We should all do the final RTR together then, as many of us as possible on the same hour, like a true spiritual satanic legion.

Let our energy flood the world like an unstoppable tide, destroying and removing the enemy totally.

The only thing the xians and the pope will feel on the 25th is pure, unbridled Satanic wrath.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!


One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on them.

Also, is that rotten pedophile Pope really still alive? The way that Vatican lies, I wonder. Christian preachers and Jewish rabbis are getting hammered with this coronavirus. Same with Islam.

65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/65-Chabad-hassidim-from-US-hospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

The deal with that foul rotten pedophile Pope is, the Catholic morale would take a sharp dive if the maggot croaked.

All this happening with passover and Easter. Oh my! Also, extensive revenue pissed down the drain through tourism canceled to those 3 holy week hot spots, Spain, Israel and Italy.

As pollution is easing, so is spiritual pollution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!


One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on them.

Also, is that rotten pedophile Pope really still alive? The way that Vatican lies, I wonder. Christian preachers and Jewish rabbis are getting hammered with this coronavirus. Same with Islam.

65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/65-Chabad-hassidim-from-US-hospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

The deal with that foul rotten pedophile Pope is, the Catholic morale would take a sharp dive if the maggot croaked.

All this happening with passover and Easter. Oh my! Also, extensive revenue pissed down the drain through tourism canceled to those 3 holy week hot spots, Spain, Israel and Italy.

As pollution is easing, so is spiritual pollution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Most rabbis in Israel are pretty old. And i understand that they refused to close the synagogues. They need to keep the spiritual fight... It would be such a shame if they would get infected...
How about a mass group of Satanists get together at midnight and Steal ( Vampirize ) all of the Gentile Christian Psychic Energy and funnel it to Satan and the Demons .?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/65-Chabad-hassidim-from-US-hospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

Shared it. This is excellent news. I'm so proud of being a Gentile. :)

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
No kidding.

Every pharmaceutical commercial is like "I have this disease" or "I have that disease." But now...yadi yada.

They are literally trying to get people sick.

It's disgusting but then again so are (((they))).
luis said:
Yep plus the pope is asking to do it at 12 am because this is one of the best moment of the day for magick/meditations. It has to do with the power of the sun. He has knowladge of magick, this is obvious if you are a SS.

Best time of the day with power of the Sun is noon, not midnight. The pope expects people to get up at midnight to pray? Are you sure you translated it properly? 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon.
Lydia said:
luis said:
Yep plus the pope is asking to do it at 12 am because this is one of the best moment of the day for magick/meditations. It has to do with the power of the sun. He has knowladge of magick, this is obvious if you are a SS.

Best time of the day with power of the Sun is noon, not midnight. The pope expects people to get up at midnight to pray? Are you sure you translated it properly? 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon.

I ran it through the translator, it says noon, not midnight.

For future reference, 'am' is from midnight to 11:59 right before noon. 'Pm' is anything from noon to 11:59 right before midnight. 12:00 am is the same as 00:00.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!


One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on them.

Also, is that rotten pedophile Pope really still alive? The way that Vatican lies, I wonder. Christian preachers and Jewish rabbis are getting hammered with this coronavirus. Same with Islam.

65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/65-Chabad-hassidim-from-US-hospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

The deal with that foul rotten pedophile Pope is, the Catholic morale would take a sharp dive if the maggot croaked.

All this happening with passover and Easter. Oh my! Also, extensive revenue pissed down the drain through tourism canceled to those 3 holy week hot spots, Spain, Israel and Italy.

As pollution is easing, so is spiritual pollution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Bang on as per HP Maxine

Peado Pope it oozes out him and most of his "friends"

The churches are empty these days. Gotta collect energy for jewish thoughtform somehow. :)
Lydia said:
Lydia said:
luis said:
Yep plus the pope is asking to do it at 12 am because this is one of the best moment of the day for magick/meditations. It has to do with the power of the sun. He has knowladge of magick, this is obvious if you are a SS.

Best time of the day with power of the Sun is noon, not midnight. The pope expects people to get up at midnight to pray? Are you sure you translated it properly? 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon.

I ran it through the translator, it says noon, not midnight.

For future reference, 'am' is from midnight to 11:59 right before noon. 'Pm' is anything from noon to 11:59 right before midnight. 12:00 am is the same as 00:00.
I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake
In the Christian monasteries the monks perform their major rituals at 12 in the morning and their practise around 3 and on in the morning. These are major power points they are using.
Undoubtedly I will do ppt at this time. And i thınk we need to determine exactly the time in the Vatican. (To effectively spam the enemy at the time of their damned prayers - after all, we are all located on different continents). Something very great is coming. I can feel it.
Right on. Desperate attempts to attain energy. I understand how to spot when one needs energy, usually psychic vampires. I may not have done any RTR due to lack of privacy and things that been hectic busy, but I will do my best to get to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!


Im in bro
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then all of us will be on Spiritual Arms, with no exceptions.

My fellow Satanists we have to fight this through and we will win. Spam Final RTR so that it all melts and dissipates. No more curses upon humanity, we have had enough. This CoVID shit is already a manifest of the enemy. NO MORE!


One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on them.

Also, is that rotten pedophile Pope really still alive? The way that Vatican lies, I wonder. Christian preachers and Jewish rabbis are getting hammered with this coronavirus. Same with Islam.

65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/65-Chabad-hassidim-from-US-hospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

The deal with that foul rotten pedophile Pope is, the Catholic morale would take a sharp dive if the maggot croaked.

All this happening with passover and Easter. Oh my! Also, extensive revenue pissed down the drain through tourism canceled to those 3 holy week hot spots, Spain, Israel and Italy.

As pollution is easing, so is spiritual pollution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Those Jews still think the Torah will protect them there are all sorts of revealing quotes on that in their media too from them. Like “not studying the Torah is more dangerous than the virus” or this is another one I saw

“The Torah protects us and saves us. We’re not scared,” he told me, echoing a widely held belief in his community. “I’m young. People in the yeshivas aren’t afraid because we won’t get sick and anyone with a fever is sent home. We learn Torah, so it won’t happen.”

I think this quote in particular reminds people of the mindset of these Jews and the fact they were cursing humanity. I am surprised not more realize what’s going on but they probably can’t see the spiritual aspect in this and what they are really doing/thinking. If you look up these articles you will see all sorts of quotes from them along these same lines.
Lydia said:
The pope expects people to get up at midnight to pray?
LOL the fucker sleeps at midnight.
In Italy we have both 12 and 24 hour system, we just don't say AM or PM. 12 hour system is used in informal situations (talking with friends, family, ..) while 24 hour system is used in informal situation (talking with your boss, taking an appointment, ..).
The article says at noon, your translator worked :) but don't rely on automatic translators too much when translating from Italian to English, most of the time the result makes no sense.
Lydia said:
Are you sure you translated it properly? 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon.

THANK YOU! I got nuts today trying to figure that out, google even found disagreeing versions, I find the 24 hours format just easier and so much less confusing.

If the Pope expects people to be chanting mindless nonsense at midnight though I doubt he's going to have a big company. I'd expect it to be noon as well (so 12pm, yes) but still.. 'rules' in Italy got crazier than anywhere else so far and people can't be closer than 1 meter to each other (this is getting dangerously stupid in Australia as well... the sheeple are everywhere and they don't want to learn what's real and what's made up). It would be pretty crazy to gather who knows how many people chanting with rosaries while observing the stupid rule as well.

As an unrelated topic: some virologists are stating the virus itself is as dangerous as a Teddy Bear, it dies at 26 Celsius degrees (so hot tea would more than likely solve the problem.. I prefer meditating and absorbing Fire Element, cleanses through and through), and it's obviously mutating because it's a new virus (a baby one, if you will) so it doesn't have any dangerous features. Chances are it will simply stop mutating when it spreads a little more and then someone will sneeze and that will be the end of it, certainly no deaths or incapacitating effects.
But (especially in Italy) the media are showing nothing but coffins being brought away from hospitals (something absolutely NORMAL, people die in hospitals since the birth of hospitals and someone's gotta take them away from there in coffins) but people apparently thought we were all immortal until today, because this sight is greatly disturbing and scaring them, poor fucks. Usually simply nobody gives a fuck if a coffin leaves a hospital because the 'event' never makes it to the news. Now, however... eh, people NEED to see coffins and death related shit so coffins are shown daily on tv.
People are going crazy for nothing.

My only concern here is the reaction from the governments: when people are locked up in their houses and can't leave or go buy food they'll be ready to accept full martial state, vaccines (with all the toxic shit we know about, coronavirus included) and (worst of all



https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Mind.html )


I don't have to tell you what HP Maxine herself explained in detail in these two webpages. I think that's the main thing (((they))) want us to accept. If THIS happens it could get seriously ugly. One example was in the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service where the criminal mastermind made everyone in the world switch to his own 'free and faster internet connection' (think 5G here...) in order to exploit the brain stimulation he would later force on them through electrowaves, causing the irresistible desire to kill anyone in sight. Depopulation program performed by Gentiles, then.

Just an update, hope it wasn't too off topic, thought some might find it interesting/helpful.
March 25th @ NOON 12P.M. not midnight during the day.

If you put 'pope march 25 noon' on search engine it's all over the xtian websites.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
