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Poison inside this organisation


New member
Feb 9, 2022
I posted picture of my Yule table with multiple dishes and in background were placed sigils of Gods. There is what happened - "A Rat" decided to delete it, because it's "personal info". Where and what personal? Nowhere in real. How anybody dare to choose what I post about myself and which consequences i receive. You decline primary rules of our World that Gods trying to share with all students. My picture wasn't deleted because of my safety, because that person even not tried to feel it's safety or not. Reason was weak and so disappointing "I RULE HERE, THE RULES ARE....01010101". Justice isn't robotic 0101 rules forever correct or not. You didn't even understand so basic meaning. If you want to be a rat and fear about OR you have insight, that you shouldn't do something, because outcome will be bigger than income - do it but by yourself and stop trying to choose way of others.
I expected definitely more wisdom and insight from society. You don't even trying to feel that something is correct or wrong, because being afraid is more comfortable, so mortals always hide beyond strict same wrote rules. Clearly rejectment of Justice and ways how to find it.
Have delight and enjoyment in your yule dishes with your family. It's not particularly something to share here for privacy concerns.

Food is not particularly something Gods wants us to share anyways.

Furthermore, it's possible to track someone from little details you might not even consider: the meta data of the file, the objects in the picture, the background and so on. Some fanatics can track someone from a simple sky picture.

Maybe this moderator just saved you, and you call them a rat. Never act impulsively.
I posted picture of my Yule table with multiple dishes and in background were placed sigils of Gods. There is what happened - "A Rat" decided to delete it, because it's "personal info". Where and what personal? Nowhere in real. How anybody dare to choose what I post about myself and which consequences i receive. You decline primary rules of our World that Gods trying to share with all students. My picture wasn't deleted because of my safety, because that person even not tried to feel it's safety or not. Reason was weak and so disappointing "I RULE HERE, THE RULES ARE....01010101". Justice isn't robotic 0101 rules forever correct or not. You didn't even understand so basic meaning. If you want to be a rat and fear about OR you have insight, that you shouldn't do something, because outcome will be bigger than income - do it but by yourself and stop trying to choose way of others.
I expected definitely more wisdom and insight from society. You don't even trying to feel that something is correct or wrong, because being afraid is more comfortable, so mortals always hide beyond strict same wrote rules. Clearly rejectment of Justice and ways how to find it.
I deleted it. Yes, this is done for personal safety of our members. There is no reason people must learn any rules of life by the absolute harshest ways possible; you trying to push this as a manner of "freedom" is also trying to enforce your personal will onto the forums. I could say you are free to go somewhere else and post what you want, but here you are insisting upon how others run their organizations, going so far as to call me "Rat" and "Poison" because I didn't agree with you.

The above treatment is not restricted to me, either, as I also saw and deleted your comments to HPHC where you also insulted him in various ways, again because he did not agree with you. It is a core truth of reality that structure and rules exist, and this is shown by the ethics of Baalzebul, or even the ethics of any of the Gods. Such rules exist to maintain order and cohesion and therefore allow much larger results than if we worked alone, or did not learn from others. Even the Al Jiwah has rules for its followers, and so on.

Nobody says these systems are perfect, which is why you could have respectfully criticized what happened. Instead, you demonstrated your appeal to "personal freedom" well by simply resorting to insults. In reality, there is no good reason for forum members to post any personal information in a public way. Why would we allow Satanists to be exposed to the enemy, or to others who may dox them, and so on? As soon as this leads to some damage or threat, then this results in a big problem not just for the individual, but also how it reflects on JoS as a whole. You do not need to experience the full damage of anything first hand just to make a decision to avoid it; that is ridiculous.
You bring your societal frustrations here and you start to exaggerate by making a small thing into a big mess of dramatic and unnecessary complexity.

You should look at things from several perspectives, the person in question wanted your good in the first place, you should not take it as if he/she is making a big ass at you just because he/she can, the reason was legitimate and with good intention so you should not call that person as you did and continue like that and after the fix YOU to complain about this unfair and miserable society in which we live, that's not how things work, my friend.

Understand damn that the man just wanted to do a good, no one here would dare to play with such authority and responsibility, especially when we are talking about the house of the Gods and the titles and administrations of each and every one has and wears.
When I read the post of OP, my intuition showed that something is wrong here, OP did not add the whole context. And it seems I was right based on @Blitzkreig [JG] explanation. As for bashing HPHC666 himself, this is absolutely unacceptable. He is the reason why JoS is now in such a glorious state. Because of his changes and improvements to the JoS, lots of people are coming here, and they are solving their own problems, some of them even unsolvable by our current level of modern medicine. So bashing the one who created the structure for all this real healing to happen is more than insulting. Of course, people make mistakes, and this is tolerable given people learn from their mistakes. But learning does not start with calling a "rat" someone who basically cares about OP's life more than OP appears to care for his own life.

One needs a lot of growing to do if this one bashes and calls a "rat" the one who might have saved the OP's life. The xians, jews and other similar people are very fanatical in their behavior. If they are able to accept the belief their own children are going to suffer and be tortured for the whole eternity, who makes one think that at least one of such people would not try to find the person and mess up with him/her in a more than verbal way?

I see also the value for such policy on an organization level. Maybe sometimes mods here are a bit too paranoid, but let us look in the following way. Even if all people posting their personal stuff would be conscious enough not to post too much, another infiltration hole is opened. What if jews or their minions themselves would infiltrate here, post some "personal" stuff, and then later "doxx" themselves all over the Internet just in order to discredit the JoS by causing FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubts) to other Gentiles, i.e., people we strive to come here, learn and liberate themselves from that spiritual poison?

So I think one needs to think not just about his/her own interests, but also take the whole picture of the JoS as an organization.
I had agreed with you.
But then your text became so dramatic that I reconsidered whether your claim was really true.
Now I have the context: it is true, but you are also not behaving so well.
Especially since you responded to the priest with several insults.

1) It really doesn't make sense to delete a photo of an altar.
I've already seen one or two people post it here without being warned.

2 You're really not that polite and that takes away your credibility in many ways.

The point is, there's not much you can do about it now. There's no way for your account to upload pictures, ever again.

Over 🤣
Please reflect on how you can conduct yourself better here among other members and towards our Guardians and Clergy in regards to these objections to the rules you may have.
It is not acceptable to insult Guardian Blitzkrieg for looking out for your safety and anonymity.

Everyone makes mistakes, but just take responsibility for it. Be more harmonious in your interactions, your objections and become more cohesive.
Greetings, the Moderators here at Ancient Forums try their best to keep everyone safe. Even things you might consider totally innocent, such as a picture of your nice Yule tree in your living room, can be used to track you down by people who may want to harm you. If you take this into consideration, you will realize that higher-ups here, as with any serious institution, are not people who have the power to do as they wish, but rather people who work hard to ensure the security and quality of the Joy of Satanas.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
