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Plan For Jewish Feminism Empowerment

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A plan to revitalize feminism is to understand that feminism is losing the battle in the West, primarily because, the White Western Male is still too aggressive, and micro-aggressive.

Everyday the abuse is becoming more and more. A girl who clearly does not do this for everyone to see, goes in the street with a thong, and these men will actually look at this bum. Indeed, the ancient teaching of "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out", another courtesy of the Jewish People, aside Jewish Feminism, has failed to instill the divine laws that will protect the Goyim from maintaining their existence.

Still, one sees abnormal crimes against the Jewish people [Annuda Shoah] such as a White Family with three White Children. That as all Feminists should understand, is deep cultural violence: the White Male is using seed potency in order to keep his oppressive White Male and Female social stereotype existing. Disregard the thing that Feminists talk about specifically WHITE EUROPEAN WESTERN MALE, after all, races are all stereotypes and stuff.

Due to the above and the impending disaster when the White European Western Male may come out from the slumber, and stop taking the above in consideration [Also known as "VIKING MODE", or in other words, what we can call from now on "Feminist Apocalypse"] and to save the lives of jewish feminists, but also, revitalize feminism and bring it where it's needed most [3rd world], I propose the following recommendation.

All Jewish Feminist leaders and related, should be sent to the bad segments in Bangladesh or Morocco. By bad we mean, the rights of Jewish Women won't be respected as much there as elsewhere. This is a dangerous mission but wholly necessary for the advancement of Feminism, let's call it "Meta-Feminism".

Far from the oppression of the Western Male Oppression and stuff like that, they will proudly take operations to improve the world and do Tikkun HaOlam on these evil patriarchies that live in Bangladesh and Morocco. They can then live in Paradise away from us, and let our neolithic Western civilizations be oppressed and taken over by the evil White Males, as this is a lost cause, apparently White Males will not be subverted. Plus, the jewish feminists, will no longer experience the pain of seeing other women living healthy lives with husbands etc, all of which will be great for the jewish feminist mental health.

It's a lost battle here, as we can see, some White people are still FLIRTING and PROCREATING, and that, the jewish feminist leaders have to stop with this battle, as it's leading nowhere.

As one wise person would have said: "White males are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Jewish Feminism to make, White Males will be resented because of leading role. But without this transformation, Jewish Feminism will not survive." A Jewish Holy Yenta named Barbara Specter would also agree, and it's advisable she joins the forefront for this initiative.

So a plan for the survival in Jewish Feminism is to send all of these creative and positive people to Morocco and Bangladesh. There, their preaching will become very important. If they live out for more than 2 weeks [This is a difficult mission], they will enlighten the locals about male/female relationships.

The locals are known to incapacitate females who act like that, and also in particular have a high dislike for jews. But this is to save Feminism and this is a very necessary thing to be done. It's a huge transformation for Feminism to make.

If they survive, that is. But they have to live the adventure, IMO. I mean, YOLO is a necessity, free and liberated women such as jewesses do deserve this, as it's going to be very liberating for them. The glorious jewish lizard women are showing the way again: From being enslaved to a Rabbi, now they will educate people down in Morocco for Jewish Women Rights and other important things.

Why should only White Women experience these feral adventures? After all, these women in the jewish mindset are inferior. It's the duty of Jews to bring the light unto the Nations, and I say they begin from the darkest ones first. White Women are incapable of this great feat, only Jewesses can save us from the impending disaster of the ever-rising patriarchy.

The battle must be fought at the source, and Jewish Feminists are obligated to do Tikkun HaOlam.

Sending these over here is to everyone's best interest, them all there, they will be enriched plentifully, and live their ideas.

I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.
Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

It's been on my mind, it's coming soon. All male to female relationships have been ruined, not only in the West, but also in other places, due to the situation with enemy programs in general.
But the way most men act is totally stupid and emotionally immature and suppressed needs to be dealt with some how.
"Also known as VIKING MODE, or in other words, what we can call from now on Feminist Apocalypse"!! This is the abosulte best ever!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

It's been on my mind, it's coming soon. All male to female relationships have been ruined, not only in the West, but also in other places, due to the situation with enemy programs in general.

I was actually wondering if I should ask for some help regarding this topic. Since I started doing the final RTR (right on the first day it was published), my life has changed completely and I feel I'm ready to have a family. Unfortunately I moved to another city for work and I'm basically all alone and don't really know where I could meet girls since at my job 95% are males and I don't have single friends to go out with... Any advice?
It's interesting how I started thinking about it a lot lately after last RTR attack we landed on the enemy. My eyes just opened suddenly. Gods did helped me too to get rid of some dirt we found on my soul and then RTRs..damn, I felt it all around me clearly, all of those curses. My astral senses also became much better for some reason.

I was walking around the city and could easily feel and see energy in people and their aura, I could feel what is troubling them and how enemy programs are shutting them off and making them crazy in a way. Some people were so loud in their mind, it was easy to figure out what were they thinking at the moment, and every single one of them felt barely alive, they somehow felt programmed a lot and I could feel their pain and confusion. I started noticing it more and more after I opened, those thoughts, and then I removed remaining curses from me easily as I could see them in me and which emotions and thoughts they produced..

Dumb people often can't even see things properly, they just function as an animals but as soon as they try to wake up..errors.
-Oh why I'm so alone, why nobody understands me, why everybody hates me... why can't we just stop existing -

I noticed how traumas and curses makes it so hard for them to open their eyes fully, and as soon as they try to they just start feeling more and more like crap until they have to commit a suicide, or do drugs or die in their own vomit after all night drinking because they saw few things and they want to return to complete animal state, but it's hard. Those curses completely crush people, turn them against each other. Situation is far from perfect, people feel lot of dense different emotions and enemy knows that, enemy is using that to create mass hysteria. But only thing that can help is working on the soul and RTRs.

I accidentaly saw a couple having an argue while I was still spamming those RTRs. It was one of the most eye opening things that happened to me while I was still removing those curses. The bitch in front of everybody kissed another man for fun in front of her husband, just to piss him off. Then oh, guess what, she decided to leave him completely after all those years then, because her feelings you know, she is a player after all. Feminine dominance, they gotta crush you know, they must play around to feel good about themselves, slaves to their arrogance and their shallow feelings. I just watched grown up man standing and having his tears running down his cheeks, having his heart and soul shattered forever most likely. I felt so much rage, I wanted to beat her to death, to make her beg for mercy, then I stopped myself. That one is not even a jew it seems, wait, what's going on. How people can be like this? I saw and heard some similar things happening to others but now, now I got really curious. I tuned in and all I noticed traumas and curses in both of them,and enemy pulling strings to create even more pain in everybody.

They want us blind and confused, to fight each other, it's really clear now. Females often become puppets to the enemy because of being blind from all those curses and traumas and males then have their own role in destroying it all.

In most cases people have really bad parents that neglects their most basic needs, so lot of females have father that is not paying enough attention to their male side and male chakras. Girls need someone to teach them how to be balanced, they need a father who will teach them how to control and empower their masculine side and boys need a mother who will teach them how to be more feminine and to take care of their emotions and to learn them communication. Females who never learned properly how to use their masculine side and have hang-ups there will easy start playing around to show to someone how bad-ass they are which creates lot of problems that leads to accept crazy things as modern feminism, and males will become confused, shy and will have it hard to communicate and to understand what to do, often will just create hate for all feminine things and will become detached from it completely.

Enemy programs are ruining modern family. They are making sure that from the beggining we will be emotionally crippled so that curses can sink in deeper. So yeah, they just have to make us fight each other. Males against females, whites against blacks...unicorn people against t-rex people. Lol.

Using empathy for correct things is awesome. To finally meet someone and to be able to see what do they need and what they feel. To have a girlfriend who will be nice to you, and to be nice to her. To help her find her warrior side in her and to feel confident but also loving.. but also for her to hug you and to help you to accept your own feelings, to learn you how to more understanding and intuitive. For friends is similar, to be there for each other, to talk and to support each other.

Almost everytime we feel frustration and pain we gotta do RTRs, so people can open up more and to start acting like a human beings again. It's possible, just enemy has to go away. It takes some maturity and cleaning too, but with the enemy around it's hard.
slyscorpion said:
But the way most men act is totally stupid and emotionally immature and suppressed needs to be dealt with some how.

Are you talking about the forced stoicism, or are you talking about the double standard being presented in feminism nowadays?

Feminists: Men need to express their emotions, its okay to cry and feel sad
Also Feminists: LMAO incel stop crying and man up
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

It's been on my mind, it's coming soon. All male to female relationships have been ruined, not only in the West, but also in other places, due to the situation with enemy programs in general.

It seems all kind of social relationships have been ruined but friendships and romantic relationships probably take the crown for the levels of ruin. The deeper is a relationship supposed to be in nature, the more cultural marxism has twisted them.
probably off topic

The whole idea of sending jewesses to morocco can apply to pretty much any disgrace of human. The typical soyboys who don't like working and getting their hands dirty, manifestations in a principal highway because their coworker cut the tip of his finger. Vegans who "live the life", generally speaking, your typical useless human who criticizes everything from his warm and comfy sofa.

We should send them all. While they redact the typical tweet "This MACHIST SUPREMACIST was staring at a girls ass! In a beach! " , "Humans have been doing it wrong for thousands of years, MEAT IS 100% BAD!" or my fav one, coming from your average feminist-transexual "OUR SOCIETY IS DOOMED, a waiter called me a HE instead of a SHE! My life is so harsh!"

Send all these idiots to a jungle, give them basic instructions and let them survive, just like that bear grylls show, but there's no surrender option. This or send them to a farm far away from the city, working from monday-to-monday just like we do here, no rest, endless shit to be done. There they will find out nature doesnt give a fuck about their feelings.

What will the vegan do when the real hunger kicks in? Oh im pretty sure they won't say "Im a sophisticated human, I don't eat meat, im vegan"
When someone successfully hunt to eat and your mates steal the food from him. You can be certain he wont be happy, but that's communism, their own ideology. The same can apply to any of the aspects these people have.

Not many will finish. Those who do will never stick to bullshit again, not after going through "hell" - because working, studying, or anything that takes blood and sweat is hell for these people.

Society is so dumbed down these days that calling each other names is worth being a national scandal, people so dumb they need everything to be automated, they DESIRE to be spoonfed and stay 24/7 rotting on their beds. This is all jewish planned crap, and its disgusting, really I uninstalled every app, twitter, facebook and barely use instagram/snapchat. The amount of bs and brainwashing going on is way too obvious yet nobody notices.
Since these people consider Western civilization so unwelcome, problematic, worthless, and all they do is virtue signal all day and cause mental biohazards to society, my trolling tones aside in the post, yes, they should consider moving to their dreamlands where they so forcibly try to mention are equal.

This amount of insanity is only tolerated in the West and this is because sane men once upon a time, did decide that other people should have the rights to speech and everything. The result was the soy-lent creatures are weak, retarded, and evil, and they do not respect any of these rights. They want to re-impose a leftist dictatorship, based on arbitrary insanity such as gender politics and whatever else have you, and support a usurping of the Nations from the native people by foreign random invaders, all while being from political office.

I skimmed through a book of a feminist jewess on how suppressed females are. Maybe in Israel, they were. One hundred years ago, girls had issues such as educational ones, but men were dead meat to protect their family in wars that they had no right to not fight, and numerous other tragic things. But hey, men deserve nothing, "evil pig swine incel celibate non lamborghini driving worthless shits" and so forth.

Feminism is all about empowering jewesses and about the mental problems of jewesses. It's not a Western problem if jewesses lived a life of enslaved donkeys on the hands of their Rabbi daddy. That's their problem. It's not our problem either they are the world's lowest hookers either, one round on porn websites is sufficient evidence to this.

The betrayal of family and all notions of human survival are heaped on sane Gentile women by these angry jew feminist grannies in order to destroy all families and watch the world burn, because they themselves are worthless reptilian offspring without a purpose on the face of this planet.

Not our problem.
Its called Sloth Tales.

Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.
I sat through lecture rants by cultural Marxist feminists in post secondary the point of feminism is to turn women into neurotic, self hating and insecure people for not being men. And then to protect that outwards onto men as violent resentment. The rest of the ideological claims are camouflage for this. People should understand Jewish Marxism is not an ideology its socially induced schizophrenia its psychic damage. This is why the Jews are trying to cause as much psychic damage in the population. It makes it easier to connect people into this Marxist thoughtform. Note most Marxists I knew and have seen are usually drug addicts this goes hand and hand it causes the psychic damage you will find most fanatical christards are former drug addicts and drunks for the same reason psychically damaged people.

The USSR encouraged the population to be drunks the vodka ration was always there even if food was not much. The Jews running the Church ran the alcohol industry and promoted being drunks from the pulpits to the Goyim. That is why alcoholism is part of European culture.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its called Sloth Tales.

Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

When you kick the enemy in the face and huge explosions happen behind you, and you're like walking around Swastika Awesome, without one scratch, it's hard for ladies to not like you...Take notes. LOL
Let us not forget there are thousands of people in America stung out on opium thanks to the Jewish Sackler family.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A plan to revitalize feminism is to understand that feminism is losing the battle in the West, primarily because, the White Western Male is still too aggressive, and micro-aggressive.

Everyday the abuse is becoming more and more. A girl who clearly does not do this for everyone to see, goes in the street with a thong, and these men will actually look at this bum. Indeed, the ancient teaching of "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out", another courtesy of the Jewish People, aside Jewish Feminism, has failed to instill the divine laws that will protect the Goyim from maintaining their existence.

Still, one sees abnormal crimes against the Jewish people [Annuda Shoah] such as a White Family with three White Children. That as all Feminists should understand, is deep cultural violence: the White Male is using seed potency in order to keep his oppressive White Male and Female social stereotype existing. Disregard the thing that Feminists talk about specifically WHITE EUROPEAN WESTERN MALE, after all, races are all stereotypes and stuff.

Due to the above and the impending disaster when the White European Western Male may come out from the slumber, and stop taking the above in consideration [Also known as "VIKING MODE", or in other words, what we can call from now on "Feminist Apocalypse"] and to save the lives of jewish feminists, but also, revitalize feminism and bring it where it's needed most [3rd world], I propose the following recommendation.

All Jewish Feminist leaders and related, should be sent to the bad segments in Bangladesh or Morocco. By bad we mean, the rights of Jewish Women won't be respected as much there as elsewhere. This is a dangerous mission but wholly necessary for the advancement of Feminism, let's call it "Meta-Feminism".

Far from the oppression of the Western Male Oppression and stuff like that, they will proudly take operations to improve the world and do Tikkun HaOlam on these evil patriarchies that live in Bangladesh and Morocco. They can then live in Paradise away from us, and let our neolithic Western civilizations be oppressed and taken over by the evil White Males, as this is a lost cause, apparently White Males will not be subverted. Plus, the jewish feminists, will no longer experience the pain of seeing other women living healthy lives with husbands etc, all of which will be great for the jewish feminist mental health.

It's a lost battle here, as we can see, some White people are still FLIRTING and PROCREATING, and that, the jewish feminist leaders have to stop with this battle, as it's leading nowhere.

As one wise person would have said: "White males are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Jewish Feminism to make, White Males will be resented because of leading role. But without this transformation, Jewish Feminism will not survive." A Jewish Holy Yenta named Barbara Specter would also agree, and it's advisable she joins the forefront for this initiative.

So a plan for the survival in Jewish Feminism is to send all of these creative and positive people to Morocco and Bangladesh. There, their preaching will become very important. If they live out for more than 2 weeks [This is a difficult mission], they will enlighten the locals about male/female relationships.

The locals are known to incapacitate females who act like that, and also in particular have a high dislike for jews. But this is to save Feminism and this is a very necessary thing to be done. It's a huge transformation for Feminism to make.

If they survive, that is. But they have to live the adventure, IMO. I mean, YOLO is a necessity, free and liberated women such as jewesses do deserve this, as it's going to be very liberating for them. The glorious jewish lizard women are showing the way again: From being enslaved to a Rabbi, now they will educate people down in Morocco for Jewish Women Rights and other important things.

Why should only White Women experience these feral adventures? After all, these women in the jewish mindset are inferior. It's the duty of Jews to bring the light unto the Nations, and I say they begin from the darkest ones first. White Women are incapable of this great feat, only Jewesses can save us from the impending disaster of the ever-rising patriarchy.

The battle must be fought at the source, and Jewish Feminists are obligated to do Tikkun HaOlam.

Sending these over here is to everyone's best interest, them all there, they will be enriched plentifully, and live their ideas.

I really enjoyed this sermon, written very well. You are an artist Commander.
Lets da bronies hold da beers, Slothz….

Hold da ladies.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Its called Sloth Tales.

Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

When you kick the enemy in the face and huge explosions happen behind you, and you're like walking around Swastika Awesome, without one scratch, it's hard for ladies to not like you...Take notes. LOL
ShadowTheRaven said:
slyscorpion said:
But the way most men act is totally stupid and emotionally immature and suppressed needs to be dealt with some how.

Are you talking about the forced stoicism, or are you talking about the double standard being presented in feminism nowadays?

Feminists: Men need to express their emotions, its okay to cry and feel sad
Also Feminists: LMAO incel stop crying and man up
Siralom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

It's been on my mind, it's coming soon. All male to female relationships have been ruined, not only in the West, but also in other places, due to the situation with enemy programs in general.

I was actually wondering if I should ask for some help regarding this topic. Since I started doing the final RTR (right on the first day it was published), my life has changed completely and I feel I'm ready to have a family. Unfortunately I moved to another city for work and I'm basically all alone and don't really know where I could meet girls since at my job 95% are males and I don't have single friends to go out with... Any advice?

Join a club? A gym? Online dating apps? Tinder? Etc. plenty of ways...

Hail Satan Forever
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I notice there are a lot of young disenfranchised young white males here with could benefit from some kind of relationship guide where they learn how to interact with the fairer sex in a dystopian marxist world.

It's been on my mind, it's coming soon. All male to female relationships have been ruined, not only in the West, but also in other places, due to the situation with enemy programs in general.

Yes please. It would be greatly helpful. I did just come across Jack's post, which is maybe this: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33267
But if there's anything else incoming on this, would be great to have any and all insights on this.
bluebow said:
I was actually wondering if I should ask for some help regarding this topic. Since I started doing the final RTR (right on the first day it was published), my life has changed completely and I feel I'm ready to have a family. Unfortunately I moved to another city for work and I'm basically all alone and don't really know where I could meet girls since at my job 95% are males and I don't have single friends to go out with... Any advice?

Join a club? A gym? Online dating apps? Tinder? Etc. plenty of ways...

Hail Satan Forever[/quote]

Easier said than done for males. Hitting on girls in clubs or the gym can come across as "creepish." Personally, I'd rather save my money and do my working out at home, on my own time, in my own privacy. I'm quite busy and to join a club, or even to go to a gym, seems like a waste of time when I could be using that time for more RTR's and meditation. The whole "work smarter, not harder" thing is what I think is the best option - spend that time at home to remove hangups and do rituals to attract a partner, rather then blindly going out and going guns a blazing, shooting in the dark.

Online dating apps are so fucked... especially with something like Tinder. The likelihood of a male matching with a female on there is so incredibly low, unless you already look like a model. If you live in a smaller town, it won't be long till you've gone through every person on there and the list start recycling. You can swipe all day to the max, every day, and maybe will get one match a week, if you're lucky. Then to actually generate conversation with a girl fast and efficient enough to get her number has low odds as so many women are only there for self-recognition. If you even get her number, once you're at the point of getting her to join you on a date, there's also a likelihood she'll flake out last minute. And even if you do end up getting a date, the chances of actually having a connection where you'd want to meet a 2nd time is also very limited. So many dates I've been on where it doesn't take long for them to say something that just completely turns me off. Try talking to the girl online/text to try and get to know her a bit before meeting and she'll get bored if you've taken too long as now she's matched with 300 other guys in the meanwhile who she may think could be a better choice for her. You have to move quick or you don't get the date. Get the date without knowing who she is, and possibly blow $50 on said date that ends up going nowhere.

I know online dating can also be a struggle for some women actually looking for something real as they get overwhelmed and stressed out from having to sift through the fluff of getting matched with so many guys. It becomes too much and they too, will also just give up at some point.

Personally, I think the best way is to avoid online altogether. At least until a properly working, non-jewified app becomes readily available. Before this lockdown I made it a goal to approach at least one girl a day while in transit to/from work or on my way grocery shopping, and I wouldn't go home until I'd approached at least one. It's a work in progress, but personally, removing the fear of rejection is the biggest hangup I have - one has to face their fears if they are to overcome that. Hiding behind your screen where you have the time to think and craft something doesn't show how quick you are on your feet in real life. You may get a date via online, but in person, one may still show signs of fear and a lack of self-confidence, which girls can smell from a mile away.

Either way, best of luck to all those who are on the hunt for a partner.
Thank you for your time on this subject. Many gentile women are prone to falling into this brainwashing after experiencing violence or rape as well. A weakness is created on one end and fed an enslaving “cure” as always. The feminists I’ve seen who are jewish typically haven’t been through so much but they literally feed upon the weaknesses of those who’ve experienced real domestic violence, attempted murder or rape. Usually at the hands of their own people, jews. Other times, the hands of men who’ve been abused or indoctrinated with religion or jewish gang shit. These jews try to suck women in who have or haven’t had traumatic events and they try to convince them they’ve been raped for simply regretting bad sex. It goes to an extreme. It’s true that when someone is raped they often don’t initially realize the extent of what they just went through, the damage really sets in years later. They use this as a way to validate their insane ideas of what is or isn’t consent and rape.

I do want all women (and even men) here though to be wary in general of ALL types of degenerates that could cause them harm. This isn’t feminism, just be smart. These people can come from any area. They can have views that may appeal to our side, intentionally or unintentionally. I may be able to make a post here soon on how going through certain things may be used to scare people away from our side, closing their mind off to many ideas before even understanding what it’s about. I know many women who’ve been through some very serious stuff. Fortunately a lot of them are very strong and very smart. As a safety mechanism though, they often set up walls that would block them out of ever learning the truth. They’re prone to getting caught up in bad things. The ones who’ve been attacked the worst are typically aryan females, just that I’ve seen first hand where I am. They’d had a ton of spiritual capability and even power. There’s some fucked up shit out there. The closer someone is to finding out the truth, the worse the attacks get. Attacks come in the form of physical events often. They’re always designed to draw a person further from the truth and further from Satan’s light.
Sundara said:
Thank you for your time on this subject. Many gentile women are prone to falling into this brainwashing after experiencing violence or rape as well. A weakness is created on one end and fed an enslaving “cure” as always. The feminists I’ve seen who are jewish typically haven’t been through so much but they literally feed upon the weaknesses of those who’ve experienced real domestic violence, attempted murder or rape. Usually at the hands of their own people, jews. Other times, the hands of men who’ve been abused or indoctrinated with religion or jewish gang shit. These jews try to suck women in who have or haven’t had traumatic events and they try to convince them they’ve been raped for simply regretting bad sex. It goes to an extreme. It’s true that when someone is raped they often don’t initially realize the extent of what they just went through, the damage really sets in years later. They use this as a way to validate their insane ideas of what is or isn’t consent and rape.

I do want all women (and even men) here though to be wary in general of ALL types of degenerates that could cause them harm. This isn’t feminism, just be smart. These people can come from any area.

I remember Linda Lovelace saying that the radical feminists who used her for their anti-pornography campaigns treated her, threatened her and used her worse than the pornographers and mobsters. By the time they were done with her she had no money or anything left.

Also yes there are a lot of wolves in sheeps clothing that one has to be careful of. If possible (not always with strangers or people who lie about their age) always refer to the synastry to see if someone means you harm. Its especially important for women to not go through this world blind sided. The enemy has made using the feminine side of the brain and intuition a taboo in many respects.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
