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Plagues, Diseases, and Multiculturalism, Ethic-Bioweapons

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I have been 'coincidentally' also reading a lot on viruses, bacteria, and other related things lately, and I wanted to add some input, after HPS Maxine's post on China.

Surely, I know this may not be a beautiful post, but it's quite necessary. Remember also - with meditations, good nutrition, and taking precautions within the normal range [do not become crazy, just become aware], one is protecting themselves. These things have always been around, and these things are nothing new.

We have to be informed and be aware of these things.

There are no stupider people than those who claim that the universe is "Love". The Universe is built on a lot of mass death. These asinine thoughts that the universe is "Love" are only thoughts that can exist on a delusional and temporary standard, in the minds of people who are somewhere on a bench zoned out on weed. The universe isn't love. We are talking about stupidity lower than animals, and big hypocrites who promote these things. They believe that if they continue being blind, this will somehow change the universe, but all we get is the reverse: Things become worse.

Diseases beyond imagination in their ugliness have been heaped on humans for centuries, and plagues were quite frequent in the past. Don't ask me why, this is a question to pose to Jews who have disallowed scientific research for centuries. Maybe if we had 300 or 500 years of progress more without them, our world would be completely secured now, and all of this a joke from the distant past.

Maybe Rife, Tesla, or someone after Flemming would have fixed this for us to look at all of this as if it were a distant historic collective memory. They thought their stupid Jew on the sky was more important. So we spent thousands of years trying to come in terms with this stupid shit, disregarding important progress done in the past, that we could build upon. Our civilizations have hit the reset button again and again, great civilizations that could have progressed, were ruined from within.

In regards to normal plagues, major plagues were direct results of our ignorance of science. People thought it was a better idea to give kiss jewish ass and care about jews, and cockblock science, and the results apparently haven't been quite pleasant on that one. Only for this, the Jews need to be held liable and punished - they have plagued the planet themselves.

Instead of developing scientifically and focusing on our life, the jews enforced on humanity we run around stupid rocks in Mecca, and we read the fairytales of the parasitic race of jews for thousands of years. This hasn't served well.

One example of the price paid for this, was the Influenza that hit humanity a hundred years before than today. Unironically, this, like Ebola, was far more violent and deadly for healthy people on the age of 20 and 40, which were on their "Best time" immunologically. Influenza is just the "Common flu" as known nowadays, but it heftily killed 50 million in a global population of 1.8 billion or so, in a very short period of time.

Since 50 million is not quite understood by many people, around 1 in 6.25 or so people in the modern US population would be dead. Everywhere you went and saw 6 people, one of them, by present day numbers, would be dead.

However, not ALL viruses and related are 'coincidental'. Bio-warfare is a very real thing. However due to the excessive risks involved, world powers refrain from this type of warfare, as it's so easy to essentially ruin one's own self in the process also. If some sort of bio-war broke out, it would be extremely terrible, more than what most people ever understand. This has been planned by many world governments worldwide for decades now.

Israel, China, and even the United States and Russia, do have full plans about this specific case. Israel specifically has been created genetic based bombs [to kill non jews and for jews to remain unaffected] for decades. However, global bio-war is the worst type of war, as at the same time, things are very easy to go in an unexpected way, which will wipe out everyone and not only those who were planned to be taken down. Whole areas may become untreadable by this type of warfare, and worse. Israel has been developing ethnic bioweapons, specifically meant for Arabs and others. Clearly, if they had this, that would be deployed, so it's really dangerous for them to use, given how many of them have a lot mixed genes from the region. It may actually wipe them off too if they used this.



I have seen many people behave very arrogantly, but that is the case of the century. Man believes he has now conquered all, and that all stupidity is now justified.

People forget that some White person named Flemming actually saved our ass for a few decades, and moved us from what was apparently that most people hardly lived past the age of 30. At some places worldwide 30 was the "Top age" number for the majority of people. If someone made it to 50 they were considered some sort of supreme elder. Before that, the situation was a terrible for many people worldwide.

To make matters worse, thanks to the enemy, we seldom understood these diseases to be something that could be scientifically fixed, as there was effectively no science before a few centuries. To add insult to injury, "priesthoods" such as jews and christians, also preached that these were "punishments of god", eventhough they had for century the cures or scientific and health research from Ancient Greeks and others, who had arrayed the causes of many diseases. They used these for themselves, and to the masses they lied this was some sort of myserious cause.

Of course the same people who didn't live past the age of 30, are now here to dictate to everyone how they were gods sometime later. No progress made is appreciated. That's to be expected. Typical delusions of the current century.

Everyone was a king on this planet and stuff. Kings that didn't live past 30 years old, and queens that died over into some soil because of some terrifying disease contacted by a rat, until a guy like Flemming came about and shared the knowledge on how to counteract extreme viral infections.

It's a medical fact as well, that sooner or later, there *WILL* be some sort of plague. This doesn't have to be man made either, as the pre-requisites of all of this already are existing. All medical personnel and people studied in that can see it. The question is not IF, the question is only WHEN. And if we will have been prepared adequately before this happens as a planet. Every so often there are new strains of viruses like Ebola, being a prime example, H1N1 before, which were both at least somehow contained and put under control through regional quarantine.

Now how many this can or will kill and how and if it will be contained, that is another subject. Viruses, bacteria, and all infections, see paradise in a multicultural world with what appears to be 20 billion population in a few decades as is the population projection from now. A Virus only has a party in that environment - endless people to infect, endless opportunities to advance, adapt and evolve.

It takes a few people doing the wrong things on a place for a few years, and some genetic mutations, and here goes an extremely powerful virus that cannot be touched by any conventional modern medicine. Ebola is one example here. Supposedly, the news died out on it, because it was "contained", or so they say. But these viruses are never really "contained", it's just the media hype around them dies.

But guess what happens with viruses here again? They evolve, and they can potentially re-emerge.

I know also many people in the "Conspiracy" community like to say stupid stuff like how everything of that is created by someone in a lab in some sort of nefarious plan to wipe out mankind. All it takes to flip a book or look around and you will find, a lot of extremely terrible things have not been built by man, nor some nefarious guys on some lab. A lot of this, gets created by stupidity of humanity, lack of sanitary habits, lack of care, or consequence.

All it takes to develop a lot of these extremely deadly viruses is just a few people who sit by the poop of their cows for a few decades, or some who have become immunized to something deadly, they carry it on a latent form in some invasive boat, and come in a boat into your land somehow. They rape or some dumb broad opens her legs to an invader, then, and they go back home, and they transfer it to their husband. Then, the husband cheats after Sunday School with a random prostitute, and the prostitute transfer something to 10 more men that day. These go back home, transfer to the wife. The cycle goes on and on.

There are Nigerian hookers in Europe now, which are totally unchecked, and they cost 5 bucks for sexual activity. One will see around hundreds of migrants lined up to have full value of their 5 bucks in brothels. And some other married guys along the line.

All I have to say, may the Gods help us really. Many of these things are hanging from invisible forces, and not from human controlled ones.

On the contrary, global news are keeping silent on many of these things, and we aren't told the full truth. For example, the sexual lifestyle humans lead worldwide, with essentially boning anything that has two legs and walks around and of course, without any protection, leads to taking copious anti-biotics to escape from consequences. The consequences of this creates another consequence. Super strains of pathogens such as Super Ghonnorhea and other pathogenics. Now, we are to where two thirds of countries worldwide can't deal with this ghonnhorea doesn't respond to regular antibiotics.

Scientists also know a lot of this has to do with race mixing. Virally, we know and have had incidents before such as the theory of how syphillis came in Europe from the Dominican Republic because people had sexual relations with foreign races there in the 15th and 16th century or so. These things never end up good from a viral standpoint. I mean, one can easily understand with elementary knowledge, that the absolute best thing for a virus, is to find genetic diversity all crammed in one place, as is the case today Different genes, extreme numbers of people, different races, make a virus see this as party time. Literally so many different people to infect, and so many opportunities to evolve in all of them, in different genetic structures.

Don't wait for the medical sector to tell us what this is all deadly and the perfect environment for super plagues, which is what rampant multiculturalism is. The most ancient tribes understood a lot of these rules on a natural perspective level and as such warned against race mixing. Which is perfectly normal, sane, and yes, scientific also.

All we are told instead everyday is how the jews are great, and their idea of mixing all races is nice, and that to welcome never ending millions of possibly deathly sick people in your country, is a brilliant idea. If humanity becomes all "One race", all the enemy needs to do to wipe us out in three weeks is to just throw one bio-virus that will be focused for the human genome of "the one and only human race".

Given differences will seldom exist in the Jewtopia of permanent mixture, by then, we will be wiped out very easily. On the contrary, if there are many species and races on the earth, this may be more difficult to achieve for them, as not everyone may respond the same. Even small genetic changes can be life saving in these circumstances, and even sub-races may hold keys to fending off specific diseases.

The above is true biological diversity, and a true blessing for humanity - to be really diverse. Mixing everyone together raises the risk of our collective extinction by a virus or something similar. People being diverse has a lot of advantages, and less disadvantages.

When you read the article below, an "Adventurer" went to tap some in Thailand, because as we all know, that's a manly goal or something in the 21st century. Apparently he also tapped along the tapping some extreme super Ghonnhroea that was unresponsive to all treatment, when they returned to the United States. What was so difficult to wear a condom? I guess it wasn't, but who cares, YOLO, right? Wrong. This could have ended up in disaster.

Thankfully, this appears to have been contained. But if we didn't have a medical sector and this person hasn't went to be checked, he may have spread this to 20 more people, and these to other 20. And this is how outbreaks tend to happen. Syphillis broke out similarly in the past.


Everyone has seen at least a jewish hollywood movie on that one, where some sort of outbreak happens in New York or something like that. Meanwhile the Jews are highly barring themselves and secluding themselves from everyone else more and more as years go.

A lot of viruses love this environment, one of them being the Jews in a human living form, whom, like a virus, enjoys that the rest of humanity is put at stakes for destruction of their health. The rest of the actual natural viruses in non humanoid form, get increased opportunities to advance in this reckless environment.

What I am trying to say is, that stupidity always somehow finds a way to come back at us. We will be safer, healthier, and happier, if we don't give in to collective stupid whims and random ignorance. We need science, we need research, we need to advance. We cannot afford to waste time on jewish wars, stupid desert cult dreams of jews, and other foolish things.

These rules the Gods have set such as to not defile one's species is not some ethical or moral rule only, it's a really biologically based one also, and for our collective future as a species.

It would be wise and better for us to listen.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It might be interesting to note something,

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has been predicting a viral holocaust for decades, had an event with the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum just a few months before the coronavirus outbreak where they did a scenario called “Event 201” dealing with a virus that spreads through the world and kills millions, and which requires “global coordination” to combat it.

It was called “coronavirus.”





So, that’s a weird coincidence.
It’s also strange that the virus called “coronavirus” was patented.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD.
The Coronavirus PATENT is owned by the Pirbright Institute. #coronavirus


You know from the links from where this information came from.
Also a lot of coincidental incidents are happening before and after. Some 56 million Chinese people have been cordoned in a I am Legend type scenario and the death toll has risen 60%. The world's largest pathogen research lab was Cohencidentally opened in wuhan before the outbreak . This is most definitely some kind of mass genocidal type plan ,with the patents and the jews discussing about it in advance in that john Hopkins center.

Biolab for “Most Dangerous Pathogens on Earth” Opened in Wuhan Before Outbreak
The illness is said to have originated in a seafood market in Wuhan and quickly spread to other areas of China, then Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and the United States. Suspected cases have been reported in Australia and Scotland. However, it is possible that there is more to the story as Chinese authorities have been running a censorship campaign to prevent the spread of information about the virus that deviates from official statements.
One very strange coincidence in the development of this outbreak is the fact that a new biolab, tasked with studying the most dangerous pathogens on earth, recently began operating in Wuhan, where the illness is said to have originated.

Back in 2017, just before experiments at the lab began, the prestigious science journal Nature published an article expressing concerns about pathogens escaping from the new Wuhan lab. The laboratory is a biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) facility, which is the highest level of biocontainment. BSL-4 facilities must meet rigid standards for decontaminating the area as well as workers after every experiment. However, BSL-4 labs remain extremely controversial because critics argue that these measures may not be enough to prevent a virus from escaping.

According to Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, the SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times.

In May of 2019, less than a year before the outbreak began, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a press release that gave an overview of the projects that the new lab was currently working on. The projects included SARS, Ebola, Hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, avian influenza A(H5N1), Rift Valley fever, and others.

Scientists have examined the genetic code of the new virus and have found that it is more closely related to SARS than any other human coronavirus. In BSL-4 labs, researchers can tweak or combine deadly viruses to create mutated strains of the original illness. A 2013 report in Nature indicated that scientists in China were creating hybrid viruses in labs.

“A team of scientists in China has created hybrid viruses by mixing genes from H5N1 and the H1N1 strain behind the 2009 swine flu pandemic, and showed that some of the hybrids can spread through the air between guinea pigs,” the article revealed.

The results of the hybrid virus experiment were published in the journal Science.

Such experiments are usually intended to teach scientists more about certain illnesses so they can be treated and prevented better, but other research has involved intentionally making certain viruses even more deadly than they already were. Regardless of the motivation, exposing people to these pathogens, even in the most secure of settings, can be risky especially considering the fact that contagions have escaped from secure labs in the past.

It's just too coincidental for these john Hopkins guys to predict a coronavirus that's exactly what's happening in china mass genociding millions of people.
Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation Run 3 Months Ago Predicts 65 Million People Could Die
As of now, the coronavirus outbreak is not a pandemic, but it has been reported in eight different countries.

(ZH) — As of this morning, the deadly coronavirus that originated in China has killed 26 people and infected more than 900.

But according to one simulation run less than three months ago, things could get much, much worse. Less than three months ago, Eric Toner, a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, had run a simulation of a global pandemic involving the exact same type of virus, according to Business Insider.

His simulation predicted that 65 million people could die “within 18 months.”

He commented:

I have thought for a long time that the most likely virus that might cause a new pandemic would be a coronavirus.”

As of now, the outbreak is not a pandemic, but it has been reported in eight different countries. Toner’s simulation said that nearly “every country in the world” would have the virus after six months.

But according to one simulation run less than three months ago, things could get much, much worse. Less than three months ago, Eric Toner, a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, had run a simulation of a global pandemic involving the exact same type of virus, according to Business Insider.

His simulation predicted that 65 million people could die “within 18 months.”

He commented:

“I have thought for a long time that the most likely virus that might cause a new pandemic would be a coronavirus.”

As of now, the outbreak is not a pandemic, but it has been reported in eight different countries. Toner’s simulation said that nearly “every country in the world” would have the virus after six months.

We don’t yet know how contagious it is. We know that it is being spread person to person, but we don’t know to what extent. An initial first impression is that this is significantly milder than SARS. So that’s reassuring. On the other hand, it may be more transmissible than SARS, at least in the community setting.”

China has cordoned 56 million people,this is no joke,
56 Million Under Lockdown as China Suddenly Increases Death Toll by Over 60%

The CDC is monitoring 63 people in the U.S. from 22 states for possible cases of the virus.
UPDATE – 1/25/20: 6:00 a.m. EST — The virus has now left 41 people dead in China, according to CBS News. Yesterday in early hours, the official death toll was 26 and those infected 900. China also confirmed 1,287 cases of patients infected as of January 24th. The first case is confirmed in Australia according to Australian based 7 News. Australia is now reporting 4 confirmed cases, while authorities are saying more are expected. Malaysia has confirmed several cases according to reports.

The three virus patients in Malaysia are all related to a Chinese man who was detected with the virus in Singapore according to Channel News Asia.

Japan has also now confirmed its third case of the Wuhan coronavirus according to Japan’s Health Ministry. China further imposed even more restrictions on other cities across central Hubei province, restricting a total of 56 million people now according to AP. Nationwide throughout Bejing measures to detect the virus on flights, trains, buses were announced as well. The western China province of Qinghai has confirmed its first case of Wuhan Coronavirus, according to the local health authority. 29 out of 34 provincial jurisdictions have activated the highest emergency response. China is also sending in its medical response military to affected areas especially Wuhan, the origin of the virus.

Many other countries are expected to confirm cases over the weekend as this disease is now suspected to be airborne. A leaked meeting yesterday of Senate and Trump officials in U.S. indicates that the Wuhan virus can survive on objects which increases its spreadability rate drastically. As Reuters wrote: “The virus has caused alarm because it is still too early to know just how dangerous it is and how easily it spreads between people. And because it is new, humans have not been able to build any immunity to it.
(As that John Hopkins guy said it's less detectable than SARS ,what a coincidence for him to know that.)

Anthony S. Fauci, the director of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Bloomberg Law that they are working with Cambridge, Massachusetts-based biotech company Moderna Inc. to develop a vaccine.

“We’re already working on it,” Fauci said. “And hopefully, in a period of about three months, we’ll be able to start a phase I trial in humans.“
(Too too late. The virus can supposedly kill millions within six months. )

In just over 72 hours, the number of those infected increased from 200 infected to over 900. According to the Daily Mail, a report written by researchers from England, Scotland, and Florida believe that up to 350,000 people could potentially be infected in Wuhan by the beginning of February.

Many people suspect that the Chinese government is covering up the actual number of people who have thus far been infected by the virus. Some are even stating that the virus itself is far more dangerous and is currently mutating, according to posts on social media. One Wuhan patient stated on Twitter in Chinese that the virus that triggered such an epidemic is not a coronavirus but something else that is not included in the official report:

“This is a very aggressive virus, mine is not the coronavirus. The numbers are only covering the coronavirus. Mine is another (type of) viral pneumonia.”

Wang Guangfa, a top medic who contracted coronavirus, says the deadly respiratory disease is so contagious it can be transmitted through the eyes and recommends for people to wear eye protective gear.

One journalist shared a picture on Twitter allegedly showing that all staff at hospitals are forbidden to discuss the latest development of the outbreak with family, relatives, and friends through email, phone calls, texts, WeChat, Weibo, or e-mail. This suggests that China is in fact trying to cover up something about the virus.
Sources in #Wuhan shared the message with me, which allegedly shows that all staff at hospitals are forbidden to discuss about the latest development of #WuhanCoronavirus outbreak with family, relatives and friends through email, phone calls, texts, WeChat, Weibo or e-mail.

A source on the ground told TMU that Wuhan is already running out of medical resources with hospitals and doctors asking for donations of supplies privately.

Last year in December, shortly before the first known case, scientists argued that the global community as a whole was not ready for a disease X in a pandemic preparedness exercise called Event 201. The program was a collaboration between the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Event 201 simulated a fictional coronavirus called CAPS.

Bill Gates previously warned in 2018 about a virus that would cause over 30 million deaths in 6 months.


My guess is that jews in the western world aided the chinese to develop the virus in that wuhan lab and somehow intentionally or unintentionally they released it ,now trying to cover up all tracks how it spread or where it originated. Most probably its some kind of mass genocide plan prophesied by HPSMaxine which has come to pass (the plagues...). However I could also be wrong, just the plethora of coincidences don't add up.
Really good sermon HP.

I don't worry about any plagues or diseases because I make colloidal silver.

Everyone here should have the supplies and know how to use it in case of an emergency outbreak or something.

I wish there was a colloidal silver for multiculturalism and ethnic bio weapons though.

Oh wait...there is...they are called RTR's!
I someimes wonder if at a macrocosmic level planets or constelations or larger astral groups react like an organism somehow. It may sound crazy. Nature is pretty regular and functions in patterns. Laws, equations and all sorts of rules are used to describe those patterns. What if nature has some ways to respond to the attrocities humans do. Like race mixing, wars, pollution, deforestations etc.
Whover studied either medicine or systems and regulators may understand the comparison between the small and big scale. Like a heat regulator that pumps energy when the temperature decreases under a certain value or the human body that uses anticorps and heat when an infection takes place.
This is just a theory don't take my wirds as true.
Great post. I also wanted to say in the other thread in response to a certain ignorant person, the only people who successfully protected themselves from the plague in both the European and Islamic worlds were those with enough knowledge to translate ancient Greek manuscripts about plagues and effective quarantine methods. Meanwhile, 'wise' mullahs and priests instructed people to deliberately infect themselves to be martyrs...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

These rules the Gods have set such as to not defile one's species is not some ethical or moral rule only, it's a really biologically based one also, and for our collective future as a species.

It would be wise and better for us to listen.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful Sermon, thank you very much Commander.
of the true light said:
Really good sermon HP.

I don't worry about any plagues or diseases because I make colloidal silver.

Everyone here should have the supplies and know how to use it in case of an emergency outbreak or something.

I wish there was a colloidal silver for multiculturalism and ethnic bio weapons though.

Oh wait...there is...they are called RTR's!
I found some useful information on colloidal silver. Unlike antibiotics that only kill bacteria, colloidal silver also kills viruses. It is very good but it also destroys bacteria, it is a good thing that destroys problematic bacteria but it also destroys good bacteria and so you have to be careful with the intestinal flora and it would be appropriate to regenerate the intestinal flora with probiotics after treatment with colloidal silver as well as antibiotics. Science has to move forward, we are far behind. One must treat the cause and the problem directly and precisely and not burn the whole body to burn the problem or even worse treat the symptoms. Here is a useful article on the use of colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver is a preparation of positively ionic silver particles suspended in a pure solution. Colloidal silver is a natural remedy much appreciated since the mid 1800's for its antibiotic and antiviral properties, very useful against bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and any microorganism potentially dangerous for man.

Although the mechanism of action of colloidal silver on harmful microorganisms is not yet fully defined in scientific terms, in essence we can say that when positive ions of colloidal silver meet dangerous organisms such as those mentioned above, they tend to bind to their cell wall interrupting the function of cells and neutralizing harmful organisms. In the specific case of viruses, however, colloidal silver intervenes in a different way, oxidizing the virus and reducing its function.

Unlike in the past, since 2010 in Italy is no longer allowed to take colloidal silver for internal use, although in many countries around the world it can still be safely taken internally. In fact there are those who use it in the form of drops or spray to fight bronchitis, flu and many other diseases for which traditional antibiotics are generally used. This is because, it is good to point out, colloidal silver is absolutely not a toxic substance.
Its antibacterial, antibiotic and antifungal properties make it a kind of natural antibiotic against cystitis, candida and other rather common disorders caused by infectious microorganisms, while its anti-inflammatory properties make it very useful to relieve the pain and discomfort typical of arthritis and arthrosis. But that's not all, as colloidal silver is also useful for:

combat skin diseases and problems such as redness, dermatomycosis, eczema, herpes, itching, psoriasis, rash and the like;
fight and resolve nail mycosis or warts by simple compresses or the application of a few drops on the affected area;
disinfect the throat and relieve inflammation of teeth and gums by simple gargling;
strengthen the immune system, therefore it can be taken as a preventive measure to increase immune defences and fight the first seasonal ailments;
recover energy by detoxifying the body as a tonic;
regenerate the skin, therefore it can be used as a disinfectant, since it stimulates the production of new cells that allow a faster healing of burns, cuts or wounds;
rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté as, when nebulized on the skin, it reactivates the metabolism of the tissues, reducing the first signs of aging;
brush off otitis or colds by applying a few drops of colloidal silver directly into the ears or nose.
Colloidal silver : effectiveness

Numerous clinical studies have shown that colloidal silver is able to defeat over 650 harmful organisms, proving to be infallible even against some rather resistant strains that mainly affect the respiratory tract. In addition, research at UCLA Medical Labs has revealed that colloidal silver is also effective against a large number of live viruses.

Another Italian study in 1992, carried out by the Institute of Microbiology, has shown that colloidal silver is one hundred times more effective than all other forms of silver, as solutions with smaller particles allow a wider distribution of silver particles in the body.

Although it was forgotten for many years, in the early '70s the President of the Washington Department of Surgery received a contribution to develop new treatments for burns and after long experiments came to the rediscovery of the already known properties of colloidal silver, noting also its ability to block the enzymes that allow the survival of pathogens. Since then, several studies in the dermatological field have shown its effectiveness against acne, dermatitis, eczema, wounds, burns and warts.
In case of external use colloidal silver has no contraindications, as it can be safely used on the skin without fear of any side effects, except for individuals allergic to this substance. The situation may change in case of internal use, so it is a good rule to buy a quality product and follow the dosages recommended by your doctor.
More specifically, the only contraindications, in cases where colloidal silver is taken for long periods of time, could be the interaction with some drugs, possible allergic reactions and an imbalance of the intestinal bacterial flora. Another very rare side effect, as it tends to occur only when colloidal silver is taken in large doses and for a period of time beyond that recommended, is argyria, which consists of a bluish coloration of the skin.

Finally it is recommended not to take it during pregnancy and lactation.
To achieve the desired results in complete safety, it is important to distinguish true colloidal silver from other solutions such as ionic or protected silver, but above all choose a quality product.

First of all, therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the size of the particles of silver with positive ionic charge, as the finer they are the better in terms of antibacterial efficacy.

In addition, real colloidal silver has a transparent colouring on straw yellow and a concentration in ppm between 10 and 20. To exceed certain concentrations would significantly reduce the benefits of this natural antibiotic.
Master said:
I found some useful information on colloidal silver. Unlike antibiotics that only kill bacteria, colloidal silver also kills viruses. It is very good but it also destroys bacteria, it is a good thing that destroys problematic bacteria but it also destroys good bacteria and so you have to be careful with the intestinal flora and it would be appropriate to regenerate the intestinal flora with probiotics after treatment with colloidal silver as well as antibiotics. Science has to move forward, we are far behind. One must treat the cause and the problem directly and precisely and not burn the whole body to burn the problem or even worse treat the symptoms. Here is a useful article on the use of colloidal silver.
Probiotics in conjunction...absolutely.
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It would be wise and better for us to listen.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What do you think about German New Medicine?
Invented by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.
He was also said to be anti-Semitic.

Sorry if you misspelled it but I don't speak English well and use Google Translate.

I will check this out, sounds interesting.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
