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[PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
For those on slower connections - there are loads of pictures in this thread. You might want to give them time to load. You can find these pictures, and probably more, from online. These ones I found while checking news; there are multiple threads/articles containing these types of pictures, and they have the general title of "Urban Hell". I also quote some comments with some of the pictures, and add my own.

I was going to put this first one as the final picture, but it would make it easier to see this first-off at the top of the thread, making it easier to find. This is my own personal title for this picture -

A Matter of Perspective
Barcelona, 2022

Landlord Puts Up Advertising On Scaffolding Which Blocks All Light and Air

Address be Like Left Testicle Dick No.7

Mumbai, India

30 People Getting Coffee vs. 30 People Enjoying Coffee

Mumbai, India. The Divide Between the Richest People in India vs One of the Poorest. Extreme Wealth Inequality On Display

Residential Block in Hong Kong

A commenter said about this one, "I'm sure I stayed here when i was 5. The buildings were so tall that I was afraid of trying to escape during a fire".

Vegas, Minus the Neon Glow

View from My Hotel - Tangshan China, Birth of the Chinese Coal Industry!

Los Angeles Train Tracks not Much Better Than India

"This was due to thieves opening the train cars and stealing the packages (and leaving the empty boxes). I thought they solved this problem last year?"

I See Your Sliding Puzzle Going Wrong and I Raise You Sao Paulo!

Cherepovets, Russia


Los Angeles

A Train Engine Passing Through the Bandra Station Tracks of Mumbai, India

Urban Hell in the Making

This is the Longest Traffic Jam Ever Recorded. The China National Highway 110 was Clogged Up for 100 Km for 10 Days


"something about these pictures of huge slowly decaying apartment buildings somewhat terrifies me."

Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand

"i can’t begin to imagine the chaos that would ensue if those were to fall."
Either fall or fail. When I saw this one, I said that is an electromagnetic fire just waiting to happen.

Three Socioeconomic Classes in the Philippines

"This is just sad. These poor folks deserve so much more better homes then these."

Slums of Manila

"I really feel bad for these folks."

American Cookie-Cutter Suburb - Autocentric, Boring, Dystopian, Void of Soul, Void of Culture, Void of Happiness

"But it's preferable to filthy slums"
Void of life.

"Progress" is not Always a Good Thing

"It looked like such a pretty area to sit and relax."

Dhaka Bangladesh

Alleyway in India

"India laughs at California trying to save the planet one straw and one 10 cent plastic bag at a time. :("

Severe Pollution in Delhi NCR, Pictures from Today and September 2022

"Lock down did wonders for the world's pollution."

Gurugram, India. Aqi Over 400 Because of Farm Fires

"i'm just thinking about how bad that's going to be for both human's and animals lungs.. my god"
I think it means AQI, which I presume stands for Air Quality Index. If the air quality had a high number, then it would be healthy air; the way things are are psychological and playing on ignorance and lack of care, etc. - "Air quality index over 400" = bad? I thought a high number of a count of air quality would = good.

Beach Life in Karachi

"It looks so cold here. The man in the water looks to be only wearing trunks. What is he doing? Is he fishing? The waves look dangerous to me. I'd be worried."

Venice Beach California Homeless Encampment

"Portland, Oregon looks like this too. As does a city on the coast. Awful"

A Playground in Tokyo

Mumbai (Bombay)

"Another rich/poor contrast so plain to see."

Falling Asleep, Bangladesh. A Large Number of Homeless People in Dhaka, Bangladesh Have Lost Their Property Due to Natural Disasters. For Them, an Asphalt Street is the Best They Can Hope for; Otherwise, They Have to Sleep On Plastic Rubbish

"I really do hope things go well for Bangladesh"

Dubai, UAE. 1985 v 2016

"People really need to stop breeding."

Was Talking to My Wife About Bakersfield, Ca., and Did a Google Image Search...holy Hell

See all the grasshoppers?

Taroconte, Canary Islands, Spain

"TBH this seems like a really innovative way to save space and doesn't look that bad compared to others on this list."
Having played Sim City games, I actually thought this was a good idea... all the while realising that things are very, very bad.


Pyongyang (North Korea) in 1992, Two Years Before a Famine That Killed Up to 15% of the Country's Population

"This does not look real. It looks like a computer model."

Newly-Built Kid's Playground in Trebišov, Slovakia

"Soooo where's the playground?"

Cairo, Egypt - Wonderful City with Terrible Air Pollution

Somewhere in North Korea

"At least it’s in pastels"

Even the Ocean Can be Hell

I am thinking that that looks so top-heavy.

Penchala Interchange, Kuala Lumpur

I thought the "Spaghetti Junction" here in the UK was bad. There are also other spaghetti junctions, as well.

Driving to Huaguoyuan, Guiyang, China

"I know these buildings from Sim City and it was always a clear sign "Your town has some serious problems""
So someone else who realises the same as I.

Alexandria, Egypt

"I would be scared that a strong gust of wind would snap that building in half."

Concrete Island, Hashima, Japan

"Abandoned coal ming town"

Portland, Oregon, USA

"Honestly this looks a lot safer than a lot of the homeless camps I have seen."

Being the Most Sparsely-Populated Country in the World but Still Building Concrete Jungle Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

"Just : why t.f. ??"

North Korea, Keasong

"That's quite the opposite of Sao Paulo - can't decide which road I'd prefer"

Identical Single-Family Mcmansions

I thought these were ugly.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - More than 60% of the Population Do Not Have Plumbing. Instead They Rely On Outhouse Toilets and Communal Wells for Fresh Water. Hardly Any Paved Roads with Stray Dogs Lurking Around

"Most of the population live in rural areas, so this headline is making their independent lifestyle sound like a bad situation. Also, many of those stray dogs are living out in the wild, not in cities."

Tong Lau, Hong Kong

Is it Considered an Urban Hell?

"Some plants and vines to ccver up the bars and for a bit of privacy? If they have access to those ( funds)."

In one comment for one of these pictures that I have not posted yet, where I got them from online, a user said, "It looks like a prison". That indeed is a very interesting way to put it.

As we can see, everything is all the same, or going towards the same way. That sounds like communism to me, and it is a high, yet subtle, yet obvious influence, psychological influence. Where you live is exactly communism. While it might be capitalism at the moment in 'civilised' parts of the World, it is still communism already everywhere; it might just not be official yet because the roots of these problems are not deep and wide enough yet - and if roots are deep and wide, then the thing is planted firmly and is much more difficult to uproot.

I'll end this post in the same vein as I started it -






This is from Futurama. These might look like gravestones, deliberately, but they actually are buildings, in a robot-controlled death facility, not on but in a "Near Death Star", where no-one is supposed to know the location of it.

Literally just being slid in and out, while "living" in a tray, in one of those things in the above picture.

Futurama, series 2 episode 10 - "A Clone of My Own"







No comments are needed, Goy. I won't mention anything about soylent, however...

We're just stacked and packed-in, like meat on a tray in a freezer, waiting to be used for the jew's entertainment, at the jew's pleasure. Like on that pleasure cruise ship above, even in leisure we're stacked the same. Well, "that's the way shit's stacked", says CJ from GTA: SA.

It is a coincidence that HPHC made an RTR thread about the Satanic Church recently. I first saw some of these pictures I am posting on Sunday 20/11/2022, and HPHC makes the thread a mere 1 hour or so later, as per the time of his thread. This is a coincidence (although, as per a user's signature, coincidences happen because someone made them happen) because in preparation for making this thread, and before HPHC submitted the thread "GROUP RITUAL SCHEDULE - Satan's Real Church / Mars Retrograde" (the thread title now being changed) (and more than 8 hours before I saw this thread by HPHC), I had typed this next two-sentence paragraph already, and also the bit at the top with the church picture already -

Stadia/arenas, etc., are mining grounds for Energies. Like... lightbulbs in circuits, where a lot of people go to this one place.

Another coincidence... while I was very nearly 100% ignorant of it - it is the World Cup now. How many people are going to be there/are there already? Notice and remember the picture of the stadium and the car parks above.

It is good for the posting of the "GROUP RITUAL SCHEDULE - Satan's Real Church / Mars Retrograde" thread by HPHC, at this same time. Presumably, HPHC was typing some or all of that thread within the hour before posting it, while I, within that same hour, found these and was looking through some of these types of pictures I am posting here. With so many - and I mean so many - coincidences - and some big, direct and important ones, such as this - I am thinking more and more that 'coincidences' are not accidental, that the word "coincidence" is just used to shrug things off, just like christians who say "miracle", because they can't, and don't want to, explain the event.

There are more pictures in this series. I should be posting them. In the meantime, "enjoy" a matter of perspective, again -

A Matter of Perspective
Barcelona, 2022
Maaaan, that makes me wanna puke. I was born in communism and watched my country transform in many ways, more for the worse than not. I tried to tell people around me that it's the same shit in a different wrapper but all I got was "no, that's not true. you're crazy, delusional and misinformed" so I stopped talking and observed in horror as things got worse. Now is high time we did something about this. The question is what exactly? Aside from the RTRs and individual work on bettering oneself, how do we help this world be less crappy? Or should we do anything, other than the two above mentioned things? For how much longer can this go on? Aaaaargh!!! ...[breathig deeply]... I may not live long enough to see this travesty and abomination of modern urban society fall but trust me, I will return 10000 times if necessary to finish the job, although I really hope it will be just one more.
For Humanity to fight that is an uphill battle. No one gives a shit it's much like people state most state zero give two shits.

But I do wonder how the Gods are gonna deal with that. Either way 8 billion+ as they stated we recently cross through.

I've often theorized the Gods want to zero out all of Humanities constructions and recreate everything for all the places to live in the World.

But that seems like maybe it'll take a few thousand years.

I've theorized just to get us back to the Golden age would require an entire Sumerian .SAR(3,600 years) to help mankind regain itself.

I wonder what the Gods opinion on this and their plans for it.
I did not intend to post this because I didn't know about it when I made this thread, but here is a video that shows something which is also in this thread quite well.

Morrakiu - The Goyim Know!


See - the jew is the same. It is like a carbon copy, repeatedly, with minor differences. It hates - and also fears - difference. It wants and needs us to be all the same, and not different. If we are all the same, then it is easier for us to be controlled - that would be less things (differences) for the jew to have to focus on. (Wait - the jew doesn't like hard work, doesn't it?!)
FancyMancy said:
I did not intend to post this because I didn't know about it when I made this thread, but here is a video that shows something which is also in this thread quite well.

Morrakiu - The Goyim Know!


See - the jew is the same. It is like a carbon copy, repeatedly, with minor differences. It hates - and also fears - difference. It wants and needs us to be all the same, and not different. If we are all the same, then it is easier for us to be controlled - that would be less things (differences) for the jew to have to focus on. (Wait - the jew doesn't like hard work, doesn't it?!)

Communism is renown for:

1. Bad taste
2. Making people suffer
3. Uniformity without art
4. Killing the human spirit and will through all of the above.

If one wants to see some beauty, go to Vienna, where Hitler the "Evil Dictator" reigned, and you will see how many endlessly beautiful things he made, and you will understand that no evil existed in these people.

Stacking people like pigs in a farm is always a bad living policy. But they couldn't give one shit more in Communism. Klaus is the New Communist and he wants to ensure all the billions of earth must be living in a devastated manner.

The reason why they are against beauty is because beauty makes the soul operate on a higher level.
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.
In Egypt most of the buildings in cities are unfinished so they don't get placed into a higher tax bracket.
This is fucked, glad we are taking action.
More fuel for RTR's wouldn't you say?

I miss the ancient architecture... you look at the old structures that have survived and then back at the "modern" cities, and the contrast is jarring. I've noticed it's the same with music and anything else really. Listen to junk songs with junk lyrics and I get a headache and feel like crap, then I listen to classical orchestra and I can listen to that for hours. Even my ability to think feels improved and lighter.

There's no life in these designs... it's mindless and gross.
Even as a teenager, I knew coincidences were not coincidences in many cases. My parents could not figure it out. Most people just shake their heads and wonder. For those of us that know better,, thank the Gods .
Yeah I have seen lots of this in my travels to India but fortunately in my country of Australia this is not very bad at all people might not kick up a stink about their idiot leaders enough in Australia but atleast they don't like change so parks and recreational areas as well as building and living standards exist even in the most crowded city areas.

If you want to change these things you need better power supply's and then have your government maybe partner with private builders to build some nice mega towers to live in the fact is that we kind of have to live this way now because there are so many of us it's not an option to live 4 by 2 houses in most parts of Asia nowadays and Europe is running out of room same with America Australia has massive living spaces but very hard to live in a desert and good luck getting a government to put money into water catchment systems here to provide a nice terraformed greener desert but I guess it's not an issue yet so it won't be looked into not for the next say 15 years or so right when it's the last minute to do something about it that's when they will go hey you know those massive floods we get in the eastern states what if we made artificial canals and sent the water to ancient river ways.

But the people are also to blame for this to they let the enemy do this to them no one forced them to go along with the Jews and all their garbage but they did so anyway because it was easier because it filled your back pocket because it gave you a bunch of happy false promises at the time or because they didn't think past the next 24hrs as to what direction they should move in or the consequences of allowing such things to happen you reap what you sow if you allow stupidity to sow then you reap stupid shit like this.

There are consciences for being a bunch of sellouts.
Egon said:
Why We Won't Raise Our Kids in Suburbia

The Car-Replacement Bicycle (the bakfiets)

bakfiets :lol: :lol: :lol:. There is a lot of them in NL. I remember when I was there some hajie stole my bike that I had. It wasn't worth a damn but it made me miss a day of work because of it. In NL as well as some other places in European countries, stealing someone's bike is like stealing a car.
Seeing Manila get mentioned here, this helped me pick up sense of what I should be caring for again. I’ve seen our academic grounds slowly changing thanks to us, I can’t wait to know what more will our efforts offer to this fallen world that is just picking itself up again.

I sometimes question if I will ever be alive or sane to see Satan’s victory against this slime and its psychotic creators.
I feel sorry for the people who have to live in these countries. And I am both very lucky and blessed! To live in the United States! ❤️ and we are going through plenty of problems here as it is. And in some places in the US it looks just as bad as some of these creepy pictures. What this world is going through angers me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Communism is renown for:

1. Bad taste
2. Making people suffer
3. Uniformity without art
4. Killing the human spirit and will through all of the above.

If one wants to see some beauty, go to Vienna, where Hitler the "Evil Dictator" reigned, and you will see how many endlessly beautiful things he made, and you will understand that no evil existed in these people.

Stacking people like pigs in a farm is always a bad living policy. But they couldn't give one shit more in Communism. Klaus is the New Communist and he wants to ensure all the billions of earth must be living in a devastated manner.

The reason why they are against beauty is because beauty makes the soul operate on a higher level.

I heard all planets owned by the reptilians or their monstrositys,were typically commie sh:* holes,were life was practically extinct everywhere,but I'm sure some christards will argue for gods choosen (all life bes evilses worshiping jew in sky all matters jew in sky fix problemses)as xians an Islam let their planet go to sh:!, they don't call xians an Islam npc classic for a reason,
While seeing these an immense feeling of sadness and hopelessness washed over me. Is this how communism would feel like if it came?
FancyMancy said:

Excellent work Fancy! This is such an eye-opener to what the world is truly like.

When you mentioned 'soylent' something came to mind.

There was a 1973 thriller called 'Soylent Green' and it actually featured a synthetic meat of the same name. Here's a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_jGOKYHxaQ
"Soylent Green is introduced as being made of plankton, but as the film unfolds, the main character discovers that it's manufactured from dead bodies."
"Soylent Green assumes the earth would be too overpopulated for sustainable coexistence by 2022, and put the world’s population calculations at a then-frightening 7 billion people. We hit 7.9 billion in 2021."

As you no doubt well know the Matrix touched on cannibalism. On top of that, there's an article titled 'California has Legalized Human Composting:' https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/california-has-legalized-human-composting-180980809/

On top of this there are many articles touching on human synthetic meat:
And so on ad naseum...

The powers that be appear to be serious about this whole cannibalism thing. It just blows my mind how sci-fi reveals so much of their plans. Words can't do justice for how sick and evil this agenda is.

Fuck the jew-world-order and hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

There's a difference between just using a mechanical milking machine and literally trapping a cow into a box and forcing it to stand its entire life until its joints fail while milking it 24/7. I hope you see a problem. Gotta increase them bottom lines 💰💰💰

I don't know if people see the connection, but the way Jews treat animals in factory farms is just a sneak peak, a preview, of how they plan on treating us if communism is fully implemented. It's a window into their mind and how they see Gentiles (and life in general). An utterly hostile, alien species.
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

Hi brother, I don't want to provoke you.
Look at the Futuramas pictures and put them together...
animals should be respected and loved, I have 3 cows myself. they need freedom, free air.
these animals have as much space as they can fit in their whole lives. just to save space. this kind of exploitation is the same as what they want to do to us as "elements".
Besides, even milk tastes different when the animal is out in the mountains, in the open. But it is different for someone who drinks milk than for someone who has been with them all their life, and milk tastes quite different. Like chicken meat when it's free range. V.S 10 to 15 chickens per square metre live their lives close together.
Yes the technology of herding them in and milking them is fine, but many live out their lives where they are milked.
Misikeksz666 said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

Hi brother, I don't want to provoke you.
Look at the Futuramas pictures and put them together...
animals should be respected and loved, I have 3 cows myself. they need freedom, free air.
these animals have as much space as they can fit in their whole lives. just to save space. this kind of exploitation is the same as what they want to do to us as "elements".
Besides, even milk tastes different when the animal is out in the mountains, in the open. But it is different for someone who drinks milk than for someone who has been with them all their life, and milk tastes quite different. Like chicken meat when it's free range. V.S 10 to 15 chickens per square metre live their lives close together.
Yes the technology of herding them in and milking them is fine, but many live out their lives where they are milked.

Usually the Cows are only taken inside to milk them, not all year round.

They roam free during the day on a pasture, then they get taken to the stable at night (or in winter they will be at a stable, with enough space to walk around).

To milk them, the cows are taken to the milking area of the stable, and get milked while they eat food, after which they are send back out to contribute to roam.

That is how it is where I live.

Perhaps there are other places where milk cows are kept locked in tiny stalls like that year round, but that is not the norm as far as I am aware.

Milking cows with technology designed for it, as seen in the particular pictures above I don't see any problem with whatsoever, so long they get to roam free the rest of the time.

Which is also what Aquarius implied through his comment.

Hail Satan!
Misikeksz666 said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

Hi brother, I don't want to provoke you.
Look at the Futuramas pictures and put them together...
animals should be respected and loved, I have 3 cows myself. they need freedom, free air.
these animals have as much space as they can fit in their whole lives. just to save space. this kind of exploitation is the same as what they want to do to us as "elements".
Besides, even milk tastes different when the animal is out in the mountains, in the open. But it is different for someone who drinks milk than for someone who has been with them all their life, and milk tastes quite different. Like chicken meat when it's free range. V.S 10 to 15 chickens per square metre live their lives close together.
Yes the technology of herding them in and milking them is fine, but many live out their lives where they are milked.
My neighbour across the street also had cows.If I remember correctly they also used a milking machine both morning and evening.

As for the taste of milk,is not only influenced by the way cows live, but also by how well they are(cows) kept clean.
In my settlement there were four cowsherds,but I only for 2 managed to taste his dairy products,the other two I didn't taste dairy at all.My neighbour across the street kept them clean(on a daily basis,every day),but the other cowherd not so much and it really came back in the taste.I couldn't even drink the dairy products of those who didn't keep their cows so clean,because it literally takes on the smell of manure.
Anyway, I didn't know at first,that why it has such a strange flavour,and my maternal grandmother tell me,that this cowherd is not keeping the cows so clean,from where the milk is retrieved.
Misikeksz666 said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

Hi brother, I don't want to provoke you.
Look at the Futuramas pictures and put them together...
animals should be respected and loved, I have 3 cows myself. they need freedom, free air.
these animals have as much space as they can fit in their whole lives. just to save space. this kind of exploitation is the same as what they want to do to us as "elements".
Besides, even milk tastes different when the animal is out in the mountains, in the open. But it is different for someone who drinks milk than for someone who has been with them all their life, and milk tastes quite different. Like chicken meat when it's free range. V.S 10 to 15 chickens per square metre live their lives close together.
Yes the technology of herding them in and milking them is fine, but many live out their lives where they are milked.
I'm really just talking about the milking technology, you can't tell from a picture if the cow is 24/7 in a cubicle, and I wasn't implying that this kind of thing is normal, as it's terrible.
Damn! I'm literally glad I made this suggestion for a "specific ritual" on the "What You Want from JoS" post by HPHC:

patrioticgentile_666 said:
Idea #2: Gentiles Regain Control of the Big Cities

As well as everywhere else, but let me delve deeper into this subject. This'll seem contrary to the flag on my profile pic, I like both big cities and rural dwellers since they both contribute to the nation and are a physical manifestation of yin and yang. The difference between SS and other "whistleblowers" (because they're Xian) is their obsessive hatred for urbanites - flaunt up "Remember 9/11" logos on 9/11 and then bitch and whine about how big cities are evil and that "god" will destroy all big cities and force everyone to be pro-rural and live rural lives, which destroys the balance of civilization (either way, ultra-libtards too, wanna create cyborgs out of us and turn the big cities into huge computer networks).

I'm sick and tired of big cities constantly being associated with ultra-billionaire kikes who hold their heinous child-sacrificing rituals underneath their skyscrapers.

So perhaps another good ritual is not to destroy big cities or any of that shit, but to have Gentiles re-conquer them - make New York City no longer Jew York City.

I have a gut feeling that Chicago's got many SS, since that city was among one of the quickest to roll back the stupid "no vaccine no service" policy - something I knew as part of remaining positive, would happen. Had I still been a Xian, and I can imagine Bible prophecy fucktards were all SALIVATING at the destruction they wanted to happen. Look like Lucifer's people go it a middle finger with some good RTR and FRTR action!

May it be done. It will be done. It is done.

Satane Vindice!
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

There's a difference between just using a mechanical milking machine and literally trapping a cow into a box and forcing it to stand its entire life until its joints fail while milking it 24/7. I hope you see a problem. Gotta increase them bottom lines 💰💰💰

I don't know if people see the connection, but the way Jews treat animals in factory farms is just a sneak peak, a preview, of how they plan on treating us if communism is fully implemented. It's a window into their mind and how they see Gentiles (and life in general). An utterly hostile, alien species.

I have zero first hand experience in this yet I've seen enough videos to know that butchers can often be very sloppy with their work, allowing animals to bleed out writhing in pain and fear.
Very few people want to do this work hence why immigrants make up the majority of the workforce, and many of these people are mudslimes.

There are so many problems with the meat/dairy industry. I personally only buy from sources I trust yet even then who can really be certain these animals were killed in the most humane way possible. That said, there is great nutrition in grass-fed organic meat. All these studies sponsored by the industry give partial truths in my opinion as none of them look at diets free from all GM-foods and fluoride. We do get some anecdotal idea though considering the 5 blue zones which largely banned GM-foods, such as Greece and Italy. Japan allows for imported GM-foods but requires labelling. As well, California in general is fairly pro-organic I find.

I might have a bias here but I feel that a carnivore diet is not the best diet unless one is living in a barren landscape like the Eskimos. These people have evolved to much better handle this diet, yet for the majority of us our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. Those are my thoughts anyway and I can't fault anyone for their own preference as diet is a personal choice, not a right versus wrong. The science is next to impossible to navigate even for the most researched of us since there are many conflicting factors in science. I think a big part of diet falls on genetics, intuition and individuality.

I'd recommend checking out these two websites to learn about farming practices in the west.

It's very sad the way the 2nd industrial revolution (1870s-1920s) took away so much humanity for the sake of 'progress'. This was followed by the roaring-20's, a time where people became rebellious and family values started dwindling. It's no wonder Hitler was so strict on things like pornography and media. This wasn't long before the first television (1927) was released. Germ theory also emerged during the 1850's and 1920's which was funded and lead by one of history's most abhorrent creatures, John D Rockefeller. This is what gave rise to allopathy which replaced naturopathy and was the precursor to pharmakeia and pesticides/herbicides/insecticides/fungicides/bactericides. All natural remedies became quackery soon after, yet during the 18th & 19th centuries real quacks outnumbered herbalists (practitioners of ancient medicine) roughly around 3 to 1. This included things like bloodletting, exorcisms, etc; which existed as far back as 880 BCE and it's largely attributed to the Catholics during the time (hardcore anti-science people as you well know).

I don't know for sure about Egypt's reference in the Ebbers papyrus (1550 BCE) yet I'm highly skeptical. These ancient civilizations had an unbelievably vast knowledge of human anatomy and sciences as depicted in their paintings and sculptures throughout the middle-east. Around the same time ancient Egyptians were the first people known to purify their water using an advanced chemical process called coagulation. There are also other etymologies of the word 'blood' that convey a different message:
Bhel - It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Greek phyllon "leaf;" Latin flos "flower," folio, folium "leaf;" Middle Irish blath, Welsh blawd "blossom, flower;" Gaelic bile "leaflet, blossom;" Old English blowan "to flower, bloom."

So much of our history is a lie.

These simple facts alone piss me off beyond belief. My family thinks I've gone off the rails but it's 99+% of the world that's gone insane. I better go do some RTRs before I give myself a stroke or something.

Sorry for the rant. It's hard sometimes to contain the hatred I have towards these kikes and 12 bloodlines behind the scenes creating endless deceptions and their "problem-reaction-solution" mentality. We've been at war with them forever it seems while human consciousness is a mere shell of what it used to be. At the end of the day the only available furthering of our consciousness comes in tandem with spiritual advancement. There's only so much we can learn due to the kosher influence on time and information. It's for this reason this place is the best place in the world without question.
Unfortunatly people didn't know the seriousness of the problems. Going to Paris is like going to Africa. There are more blacks than whites.
There is poverty in every city.
In a recent course of German Economics at my college, we had a course that concluded companies have to stop growing "to save the environment". I've never been as disgusted as that.
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:
holllyy shittttt WTF. :eek:

Are you stupid? Why are you quoting an ENTIRE post that is so long, don't you have any respect for the people here? Do we have to waste time to see you write "holy shit wtfff"?
What actually is an exorcism?

Hail Satan!

sublimestatanist said:
RōmaInvictaDCLXVI said:
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.

There's a difference between just using a mechanical milking machine and literally trapping a cow into a box and forcing it to stand its entire life until its joints fail while milking it 24/7. I hope you see a problem. Gotta increase them bottom lines 💰💰💰

I don't know if people see the connection, but the way Jews treat animals in factory farms is just a sneak peak, a preview, of how they plan on treating us if communism is fully implemented. It's a window into their mind and how they see Gentiles (and life in general). An utterly hostile, alien species.

I have zero first hand experience in this yet I've seen enough videos to know that butchers can often be very sloppy with their work, allowing animals to bleed out writhing in pain and fear.
Very few people want to do this work hence why immigrants make up the majority of the workforce, and many of these people are mudslimes.

There are so many problems with the meat/dairy industry. I personally only buy from sources I trust yet even then who can really be certain these animals were killed in the most humane way possible. That said, there is great nutrition in grass-fed organic meat. All these studies sponsored by the industry give partial truths in my opinion as none of them look at diets free from all GM-foods and fluoride. We do get some anecdotal idea though considering the 5 blue zones which largely banned GM-foods, such as Greece and Italy. Japan allows for imported GM-foods but requires labelling. As well, California in general is fairly pro-organic I find.

I might have a bias here but I feel that a carnivore diet is not the best diet unless one is living in a barren landscape like the Eskimos. These people have evolved to much better handle this diet, yet for the majority of us our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. Those are my thoughts anyway and I can't fault anyone for their own preference as diet is a personal choice, not a right versus wrong. The science is next to impossible to navigate even for the most researched of us since there are many conflicting factors in science. I think a big part of diet falls on genetics, intuition and individuality.

I'd recommend checking out these two websites to learn about farming practices in the west.

It's very sad the way the 2nd industrial revolution (1870s-1920s) took away so much humanity for the sake of 'progress'. This was followed by the roaring-20's, a time where people became rebellious and family values started dwindling. It's no wonder Hitler was so strict on things like pornography and media. This wasn't long before the first television (1927) was released. Germ theory also emerged during the 1850's and 1920's which was funded and lead by one of history's most abhorrent creatures, John D Rockefeller. This is what gave rise to allopathy which replaced naturopathy and was the precursor to pharmakeia and pesticides/herbicides/insecticides/fungicides/bactericides. All natural remedies became quackery soon after, yet during the 18th & 19th centuries real quacks outnumbered herbalists (practitioners of ancient medicine) roughly around 3 to 1. This included things like bloodletting, exorcisms, etc; which existed as far back as 880 BCE and it's largely attributed to the Catholics during the time (hardcore anti-science people as you well know).

I don't know for sure about Egypt's reference in the Ebbers papyrus (1550 BCE) yet I'm highly skeptical. These ancient civilizations had an unbelievably vast knowledge of human anatomy and sciences as depicted in their paintings and sculptures throughout the middle-east. Around the same time ancient Egyptians were the first people known to purify their water using an advanced chemical process called coagulation. There are also other etymologies of the word 'blood' that convey a different message:
Bhel - It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Greek phyllon "leaf;" Latin flos "flower," folio, folium "leaf;" Middle Irish blath, Welsh blawd "blossom, flower;" Gaelic bile "leaflet, blossom;" Old English blowan "to flower, bloom."

So much of our history is a lie.

These simple facts alone piss me off beyond belief. My family thinks I've gone off the rails but it's 99+% of the world that's gone insane. I better go do some RTRs before I give myself a stroke or something.

Sorry for the rant. It's hard sometimes to contain the hatred I have towards these kikes and 12 bloodlines behind the scenes creating endless deceptions and their "problem-reaction-solution" mentality. We've been at war with them forever it seems while human consciousness is a mere shell of what it used to be. At the end of the day the only available furthering of our consciousness comes in tandem with spiritual advancement. There's only so much we can learn due to the kosher influence on time and information. It's for this reason this place is the best place in the world without question.
greenwall said:
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:
holllyy shittttt WTF. :eek:

Are you stupid? Why are you quoting an ENTIRE post that is so long, don't you have any respect for the people here? Do we have to waste time to see you write "holy shit wtfff"?

Yes, people should refrain from massive quotations, as this disrupts the thread. However, you do not have to be rude about this. You could simply say "Please do not quote the entire post. Instead, substitute it with a placeholder." This is more constructive, yet also shorter than your original reply.
These pictures are insane. It's disturbing to say that the cookie cutter suburbs look the best - but only because the contrast to those toilets is so extreme. I wonder how many years it will take to clean them up.

The most depressing photos are of the communist "apartments" (prison cells).
One of the best ways to persuade people that Nazism is better than communism is just to show East Germany vs Nazi Germany. Suddenly Hitler looks good by comparison, even if you accept all the lies about Hitler.

greenwall said:
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:
holllyy shittttt WTF. :eek:

Are you stupid? Why are you quoting an ENTIRE post that is so long, don't you have any respect for the people here? Do we have to waste time to see you write "holy shit wtfff"?
The real question is, why is phpBB stupid enough to show such long quotes? It would have been easy to put a maximum height on the quote and then an "expand" button. :roll: I'd add the feature myself, if I weren't so busy. Rule #1 of software design is: The user is not being stupid if there is a sensible result for the user's action.
Thanks for making this, Fancy Mancy. Satanic blessings on you (you need to destroy the last of the xianity in your soul).

This is terrible. So many sub-humans who do not get the chance to thrive and advance, because how can they, when they are living like a sub-human with no clear way out? Living in those gigantic communist residential buildings, they are a meaningless ant with no worth.

Beauty is essential. As we advance, this becomes clear. As HP Cobra wrote, "beauty makes the soul operate on a higher level". We SS need to take control, we have much work to do on our beautiful planet. You can't even see the beauty when living in a place like those, is it any wonder the world is in the state it is?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=401865 time=1669451027 user_id=57]Beauty is essential. As we advance, this becomes clear. As HP Cobra wrote, "beauty makes the soul operate on a higher level". We SS need to take control, we have much work to do on our beautiful planet. You can't even see the beauty when living in a place like those, is it any wonder the world is in the state it is?
Oy, vey. Coincidentally (I am starting to get sick of that word!) I saw this one just moments ago. I deliberately searched for the top one. I made this combination photo because seeing those at the bottom reminds me of such a cars comparison photo I saw years ago, but this works well, I think -


I watch the proper Top Gear with the Clarkson, Captain. Slow and Hammond sometimes, but I am not into cars all that much at all. Even so - to me, all of those "different" makes and models look all the same to me. The only one that looks noticeably different to me is the jeep. I am struggling to find the differences between the rest... other than the colours and positioning of the cars/cameras and locations. There is nothing in them, just... well, cookie-cutter, copy-and-paste. It's so bland and distasteful.

Eurgh. The jew has turned beautiful Nature and Mother Earth into bland, grey/beige boring nothing (but not quite nothingness yet, I would say).
Artoria Pendragon said:
What actually is an exorcism?

Hail Satan!
That's a very good question and I'm not sure if I have a full enough answer. Personally I think it's a money grab where priests offer their prayer services and put on a show to placate grieving relatives of a sick person. During the archaic period it was commonplace for people to believe sickness to be the result of 'evil spirits' while at the same time the monarchies in Europe suppressed science and even learning. It was a crime for people to learn to read as literacy was reserved only to people of status.

To think they put such control over people's lives. Today we're mostly made illiterate through television and the idea of instant gratification and information via technology, which is largely monopolized by companies like Google and such. We also have spellcheck/auto-correct which not only makes people lazy but it also has a very poor vocabulary.
Things like Wikipedia can have such lies too, one being that Galileo was never tortured. (Mind you it can have great information other times).
At the time he was 70 and any mention of torture would had resulted in an cry throughout Europe, something the Vatican church wanted to avoid at all costs.

Was Galileo Tortured (1878):
"The two preliminary appeals to terror were described as the "verbal scaring" (territio verbalis), and the "real scaring" (territio realis), while the words "rigorous examination were reserved, strictly speaking, for the final scene of actual agony. It is clear, however, from passages of the "Sacro Arsenale," that in certain cases confessions elicited by the second method of proceeding were described and made under the rigorous examination, though this laxity of expression is explicitly stated not to extend to the first. The text of the sentence against Galileo therefore implies, at the least, that he was carried into the torture-chamber and submitted to some form of territio realis."

Any "rigorous examination" (esame rigoroso) by inquisitors that didn't result in permanently debilitating injury in these terms wouldn't fall under torture even though it was just that.

The way these priests would 'exercise' people was to me a way to either 1.) make things worse and blame it on a malicious spirit, or 2.) have some dumb luck or (in some cases) positive results which further indoctrinated people into faith. Even with the former people would be left with the assurance that the afflicted person wouldn't go to 'hell' as this fear was cemented in people's mind at the time.

It just goes to show when whomever is in power says something, the majority of people follow. This phenomena is called cultural assimilation and it's amazing how much this is exploited. It's the same how animals are social and follow the lead of others, learning from their peers to better adapt to changes in their environment.

There were many videos that show this in humans. One was an elevator prank where several actors would face the wrong way. A confused non-actor would enter and nearly always would turn the wrong way even though they knew it was wrong.

Another example, there was a patio restaurant where 2 joggers ran by followed by a third. After, someone else got up and started running and suddenly everyone else started running as though there was some kind of danger. People are bred and raised as lemmings these days and it takes real courage to go against the flow of society.
Aquarius said:
I don't see a problem with using technology to milk cows, it's much more efficient time wise.
Me neither.
Keeping thousands of cows in unnatural conditions in megafarms, feeding them unnatural diet and then managing the (natural) outcomes of that with antibiotics and other chemicals is a totally different (and a huge) problem.

There was this great documentary Milked.
This is eye-opening to put it mildly.

Also, while at it, a book From Dirt to Soil.

The information there will make you see the jewedness of current agricultural practices and the damage it causes not only to the Nature but also to humans consuming the produce.
xXx-s4t4n-sc3n3-xXx said:

What I just did is how you short hand a long post on here, just delete the interior between the quote header and footer, then replace with "..." . Also, type what you want to say after the "/quote", that will make it easier for everyone else to read your responses. To get extra space between your text and theirs, just click or press below where you see the last "/quote", then hit enter. I do agree that it's a bit cumbersome for long posts, and I would like some way for the software to do it automatically.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
