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Pewdiepie ADL Blackmail Case

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The situation is that what Pewdiepie is going through right now summarizes only to what every succesful person goes around the moment they make a joke about jews or they start having questions. And when the jews suspect someone is being critical on them, and is in a position of power, the kvetching begins.

First, it's going to be suspicions and endless slander.

Then, it's going to be social warfare done against them.

Then ransoms, blackmailing, assault, the list goes.

The stuff above clearly happens to every prominent figure that doesn't do exactly what jews want, merely over the fact that jews don't exist you silly goyim. That's why the ADL is deciding everything that is online and that is not right now, don't be silly. Pewdiepie just did what he did goyim because he just LOVES the ADL and wanted to show his LOVE to them.

Many people are looking at the question of Pewdiepie superficially. Pewdiepie has 100,000,000 people as his subscribers and everytime he issues something, at least 5 million people respond immidiately. This should show that Pewdiepie has intense influence. Remembering back in 2017, the ADL almost shut him down because he made a joke about killing all jews, and they also have cut his revenue in an attempt to generally deplatform him. The Jewish Press was also behind the general shitfest against him and the endless allegations and witch hunting that was done against him around in the same year, which follows even to this day.

Pewdiepie is clearly the victim of blackmail or some form of extortion here, but due to the size of his channel, and the implications that if he goes down, the jews are going to lose possibly billions, and also, that the enemy will add around at least half of Pewdiepie's subs in their "Eternal Haters List", they are just instead extorting him. Losing billions and also getting like 50 million or even 100 million more haters directly on you, in a planet where one in five people want you gone already by 2008 data, makes the situation counter productive.

But one just cannot stop jewing for the jew hate to subside. No. You gotta do as your Neolithic elders commanded you - hate, censor, and plot to ruin and destroy all Gentiles on earth. This is the red line from where jews can't step behind and stop acting this way, so, one will keep jewing. After all when one is self proclaimed the chosen and only people of "God", superior to all other races of humanoid cattle [Gentiles] you can really do no wrong. There is no point of evaluation of one's behavior or other goyim silly stuff.

You gotta jew what you gotta jew!

How the ADL works is basically like a mafia, that only speaks legalise here and there in order to try to hide itself. Now, we are past the hiding stage, the ADL is running Youtube and a mere statement and false allegations from the ADL, are directly going to shut someone down. People with as little as 1000 subscribers have been affected and persecutred, and unpersoned. Seeing that the Goyim aren't doing much but kvetch and whine, the ADL is only making the new state of things more and more evident, by comment censorship, extortion, bans, blackmail and so forth.

The ADL does the surface stuff while it's members do other stuff like plotting how to legally tie down and destroy their enemies, create false allegations, try to frame important people who dislike them to get them to jail, the list goes. Pewdiepie is one said target and he has been so for years. Due to his personality and character, he is afraid of his losses, which makes sense in his position.

It's not unlikely the jews directly got onto him like Agent Smith on the Matrix, and merely told him how many years he will be doing if they file this or that case against him, at which Pewdiepie caved in. This stuff doesn't need any formalities as the dumb goyim expect, these things happen over by an anon telephone, or an actual professional e-mail. And they may have even went as far as to threaten to kill him, which is not unlikely of many of these insane jews. Pewdiepie is obviously not the type of guy to fill his enemies with lead, so he did what he thought he had to do.

The ADL forced now Pewdiepie into a trial of public humiliation, but this is only working to our benefit and to our side's advantage. Millions of people are being exposed [the total normies of the web who watch only cat videos and believe the 9/11 happened by evil muslims] to the fact that jews do control the internet and all the major platforms publication platforms.

Of course the arrogant jews could care less, they only care to stop this behaviour when everyone has revolted and they are kept on some sort of Auschwitz type of situation. Then, they complain on why said thing happened, and of course, it's the goyim's fault it happened, for the goyim apparently have had basic reasoning skills to understand that they have been enslaved 10 seconds before they died from suffocation from the yoke the jews did put on their neck.

Pewdiepie on the other hand is stupid, as he could have ripped them apart by himself, as he is definitely in the tens of millions range right now, and he has a following 10 times the size of Israel. All he needed to to do is get on the screen, do the victim talk which is actually also well founded, and this would set on the future of the enemy's rule becoming history one step closer to fulfilment.

Now all Pewdiepie is doing is pay the mafia in order for it not to kill him, but his swearing of allegience hasn't ended until he probably converts to Judaism. Or gives all his wealth to jews. Or just renames his channel to "Channel Menorah" or "Yeshua is Lurd" or something similar.

For logical reasons however, and because the above route would end up in even worse outcomes, he decided to just pay ransom as one does who lives in a neighborhood of the mafia to keep their house, and go the "Good Goyim" route in regards to this, which is why also he will be further humiliated and eventually ruined. When one enters the list of the jews, they aren't exiting it because of some good gestures. Michael Jackson and many other people greater than Pewdiepie tried to do this the good way, or ignore them, until they found themselves in total ruin.

Pewdiepie just encountered this reality: wherever you go into this world, the jewtrix can pull the plug on you if you are not completely a good goyim. So you got to pay them ransom or do self humiliation rituals to your new jewish "Gods". He cannot even live his life or exist without reading his daily prayers and sending his daily donations to Jews, and this isn't going to change for him. Actually, now that he extended his hand to them, it's only going to probably get worse for him.

It's also obvious how afraid people are to think for themselves, me myself some "GOOD GOYIM LOGIC" in how they say that there is no evidence that Pewdiepie is getting blackmailed. Of course there is no evidence. If there was evidence that he was extorted, Pewdiepie could use it in some court of law, or present it in a video. The dumb fuckery of the system goyim is just beyond comprehension on these subjects, which is why the jews have been doing all these atrocities in the front of their face. Because in the case of jews right now they want to show their power, which is because their power is less than it were a couple decades ago.

There's no evidence that the jews run the world except of every nook and cranny in it, and straight obvious evidence, anyway. When something becomes so mainsream in popular consciousness, such as the air having oxygen, it stops making sense to single it out: This world is so enslaved, that it has escaped some people's brains.

The RTR is making this backfire, which is why people actually got wind of this, and the case is escalating.

If anyone has additional info or feedback, feel free to share.

Its just as it has been said all along. Nothing will change until people are finally backed into corner.
I mean its scary how people are defeatists nowdays. People letting shit like this go on and saying "Nothing will change so why bother" and then they mock and laugh at you when you say you're going to do something about it. FUCK THEM!
Fucking evidence brought before their fucking eyes and denying it "cause that would make them racist nazi".
This is result of jew'd up society on top of shit "religious" programs where laziness is promoted with promises of free stuff to the point people dont even want to get off their fcking couch.


I didn't know that this was happening as I'm not a big follower of him but looking at the coments this is really backfiring on them...why would someone donate to an organization that tried to shut you down? Of course everyone thinks there is something going on.

This is kind off-topic but i didn't want to open a new topic for this so i'm just going to ask here. I'm going to have some days where i can do more Final Rtr than usual and i was wondering what was more powerful doing more of the Final Rtr or to raise before more energy for it?

I thought that i could do the Raum meditation (with doing Raum 108 reps) and then the Final Rtr or is It best to just do more of it?
luis said:
I didn't know that this was happening as I'm not a big follower of him but looking at the coments this is really backfiring on them...why would someone donate to an organization that tried to shut you down? Of course everyone thinks there is something going on.

This is kind off-topic but i didn't want to open a new topic for this so i'm just going to ask here. I'm going to have some days where i can do more Final Rtr than usual and i was wondering what was more powerful doing more of the Final Rtr or to raise before more energy for it?

I thought that i could do the Raum meditation (with doing Raum 108 reps) and then the Final Rtr or is It best to just do more of it?

Pewdiepie is more than likely afraid, and this was a politics move on his behalf to safeguard himself from further defamation, destruction of his livelihood, and ruin. And he is also more than likely directly blackmailed.

Pewdiepie has a very high IQ. I can say with certainty he is above or around the 140 range. The RTR also is propelling the whole incident, with people exposing the jews left and right.

If the jews go after PewDiePie more they will create the whole next generation of most Gentile nations to turn against them as Pewdiepie is like a god to what is coined as the 9 year old army. It's a fact.

The jews are desperate and their desperation and greed is costing them more and more. They will collapse with that shit. The ADL used to be a far more clever and cunning organization, now all they do is just tell all the Gentiles that they are enslaving them, straight in the face.

The same game as above has happened in Weimar Germany, where jews bragged about the rape and destruction of Germany. Guess what happened later...
BlackJackal said:

This argument and also the "BUT I AM A GOOD GOY AND DOING NOTHING WRONG" argument is the argument all these dumb fucks constantly try to bring to the table because they are retarded.

The jews are of the belief that the good goyim is the dead goyim and that the totally enslaved goyim is always a bad goyim, until it becomes a dead goyim. So one is never a good goyim no matter what they try to do. As for the "BUT I DID NUTTIN RONK" argument the NPC's have, the thing is, the Soviet Jew Dictatorship is to decide this, based on it's own Talmudic laws, and not "them".

In the jew's mind the only good Goyim is the extinct goyim, and then then, the goyim is liable to an eternity of slander and cursing just to make sure it remains as good as dead.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
I didn't know that this was happening as I'm not a big follower of him but looking at the coments this is really backfiring on them...why would someone donate to an organization that tried to shut you down? Of course everyone thinks there is something going on.

This is kind off-topic but i didn't want to open a new topic for this so i'm just going to ask here. I'm going to have some days where i can do more Final Rtr than usual and i was wondering what was more powerful doing more of the Final Rtr or to raise before more energy for it?

I thought that i could do the Raum meditation (with doing Raum 108 reps) and then the Final Rtr or is It best to just do more of it?

Pewdiepie is more than likely afraid, and this was a politics move on his behalf to safeguard himself from further defamation, destruction of his livelihood, and ruin. And he is also more than likely directly blackmailed.

Pewdiepie has a very high IQ. I can say with certainty he is above or around the 140 range. The RTR also is propelling the whole incident, with people exposing the jews left and right.

If the jews go after PewDiePie more they will create the whole next generation of most Gentile nations to turn against them as Pewdiepie is like a god to what is coined as the 9 year old army. It's a fact.

The jews are desperate and their desperation and greed is costing them more and more. They will collapse with that shit. The ADL used to be a far more clever and cunning organization, now all they do is just tell all the Gentiles that they are enslaving them, straight in the face.

The same game as above has happened in Weimar Germany, where jews bragged about the rape and destruction of Germany. Guess what happened later...
He could have made this move on purpouse...think about it, just to expose them. And he is not really giving them his own money, i saw the video and his video was sponsored, so he tecnicaly didn't loose anything...
They could have blackmailed him and he thought of this solution to expose them...

By the way about my question, do you think i can just raise more energy for the Final Rtr or do more of it or it's the same? I really want to do more of it in these days that i have more free time >~<
98% of comments come from woke people it seems. A joy to read. This won’t be good for jews, it has backfired already

Awakening Pewdiepie ritual when?

Heh, just kidding. But maybe some of us can take a minute or two out of their day to post thought-provoking comments on his videos. Even if they don't reach Pewdiepie, the fans will surely read. The more people that are aware, the better.
PewDiePie got married recently, and I think that's why he is making shit content currently. He doesn't want media attacks, "controversies" etc right now, he just wants some peace for his wedding, that's why he is being a good goyim for now, but he will probably start making quality content again... His “death to all jews” joke was extremely retarded, the only thing it did is to make the media attacks against him look justified, I wish he made some red pilling joke about the Jews instead...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I was a big fan of him when I was little and never felt/sensed anything wrong with him. It's bad that it happens to him, but eventually, it all will end and these fucking jews are going.

And the great point is, we are not going to threaten them when the time comes, we are just going to do what they have done to our ancestors. .And even more than that. Our revenge time is coming soon, Hail Satan!
HauptSturm said:
This is the ultimate 4d chess move if I ever saw one....

Even if he did not send any amount of checks to them, this only goes to show how him just complaining in a video or giving a word is reverberating on the minds of millions. The news are filled with this today.

It's an OY VEY THE GOYIM KNOW SHUT IT DOWN overall type situation.
That RTR win was fucking humungous. What everyone comments about the comments on his and the related videos is absolutely true.

That is a huge fucking brutal victory right here.

I LIVE for these overt and grand displays of the enemies' utter failure. Our RTRs just get more lit by the day, don't they!? :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That RTR win was fucking humungous. What everyone comments about the comments on his and the related videos is absolutely true.

That is a huge fucking brutal victory right here.


It's having a domino effect on a large scale. Suddenly some individuals are having the guts to go over to the ADL's twitter page and call them out as controllers of thought narrative and most of their recent tweets are getting anti-jewish comments. These comments mostly started as soon as his video came out and they are facing heavy backfire mostly because of the fact that they haven't shown appreciation for his donation. This is honestly a godsend.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I wish Pewdiepie made good videos.

He has videos where he calls out other creators/ public figures for their actions (under an alias like Poppy lol). Few and far between, but they're decent nonetheless. Jake Paul is obviously a frequent guest on these videos.

It seems the general consensus from the normies is what we assumed as even my partner, an avid 9 year old and oblivious atheist, came to this conclusion. I think pewdiepie was genius for his move, he knows his audience better than we do and could probably tell they would smell something fishy. I'd venture to say maybe not all of his followers are effectively retarded, after all.
I remember watching and liking him around the time when he said death to all jews and was still making gameplay. He has always had his lows but when he started to make reaction videos he stopped being good. His reactions are the same forced reactions he uses again and again. The only good thing to see in his videos are what he's reacting to, in the past he was more genuine and put more of himself in his work.
Just checked back on the comments and several tens of thousands of them have been removed. Apparently it doesn't even let you post a comment with "ADL" in it anymore. They also made pewdiepie post a tweet saying he donated out of "goodwill", lmao.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That RTR win was fucking humungous. What everyone comments about the comments on his and the related videos is absolutely true.

That is a huge fucking brutal victory right here.


Kikes are digging their own grave, rn. They are panicking ,so we will see things like this more often.
This video is a MUST SEE. Pewdiepie blatantly states that he would never donate to Jewish charities and doing so would be "The most disingenuous thing ever and only to save your brand". This confirms that the ADL did indeed blackmail him.
Specter said:
This video is a MUST SEE. Pewdiepie blatantly states that he would never donate to Jewish charities and doing so would be "The most disingenuous thing ever and only to save your brand". This confirms that the ADL did indeed blackmail him.

WOW! Nailed it!
Shael said:
Just checked back on the comments and several tens of thousands of them have been removed. Apparently it doesn't even let you post a comment with "ADL" in it anymore. They also made pewdiepie post a tweet saying he donated out of "goodwill", lmao.


Now in his latest video he said exactly the opposite - that he made the donation to ADL not because he is passionate about their cause, but because he was advised to do so, in order to put an end to the alt-right claims. That's exactly what he said in the video. This is literally a practice used by the Mafia... When someone seeks redemption or forgiveness from the Mafia, he makes a 'donation' and promises to be a good boy from now on.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Shael said:
Just checked back on the comments and several tens of thousands of them have been removed. Apparently it doesn't even let you post a comment with "ADL" in it anymore. They also made pewdiepie post a tweet saying he donated out of "goodwill", lmao.


Now in his latest video he said exactly the opposite - that he made the donation to ADL not because he is passionate about their cause, but because he was advised to do so, in order to put an end to the alt-right claims. That's exactly what he said in the video. This is literally a practice used by the Mafia... When someone seeks redemption or forgiveness from the Mafia, he makes a 'donation' and promises to be a good boy from now on.

"Mission Abort, Mission Abort" -Rabbi Shekelowitz
SerLorars13 said:
It'll be nice If google didn't needed that stupid phone number verification. Now I can't make or login in my fake accounts. I searched for a temporary number but every single one I used didn't worked, joogle already banned them. And obviously I can't use my phone (some android method) to create or login in my fake accounts. That's sad, but I'll search for a solution.

Hail Satan!
Try "Dingtone". It's an app that lets you rent virtual phone numbers for 5$ a year each. I think they ask for your original phone number on signup, but even despite that it's a really easy and cheap way to get more phone numbers if you want to make more youtube accounts for example.
Also look into the warfare subforum, at the very bottom of the main page. I believe that SATchives has posted some stuff regarding youtube accounts specifically. I think he/she bought old youtube accounts from somewhere and used those, or something. I will ping him/her here too just in case I stated something wrong here, as I was only reciting from memory.
SATchives said:
SerLorars13 said:
Specter said:
This video is a MUST SEE. Pewdiepie blatantly states that he would never donate to Jewish charities and doing so would be "The most disingenuous thing ever and only to save your brand". This confirms that the ADL did indeed blackmail him.

This is another clue for people that he's blackmailed. Masive win indeed.
It'll be nice If google didn't needed that stupid phone number verification. Now I can't make or login in my fake accounts. I searched for a temporary number but every single one I used didn't worked, joogle already banned them. And obviously I can't use my phone (some android method) to create or login in my fake accounts. That's sad, but I'll search for a solution.

Hail Satan!

If youre looking for legit phone numbers, try twilio, they give you a free trial. I used it to create emails and any kind of fake account that requires phone verification.
SerLorars13 said:
This is another clue for people that he's blackmailed. Masive win indeed.
It'll be nice If google didn't needed that stupid phone number verification. Now I can't make or login in my fake accounts. I searched for a temporary number but every single one I used didn't worked, joogle already banned them. And obviously I can't use my phone (some android method) to create or login in my fake accounts. That's sad, but I'll search for a solution.

Hail Satan!

They don't require phone numbers anymore, they stopped doing that since a couple years ago so now it's just optional. If you need numbers however, you can look up sms receiving services online but the public ones don't work so might need to buy their service.





He has rescinded the donation. 4d chess? Epic gamer move? A big win in any case, the RTR just keeps on giving.

(((mods))) on 4chan are shoahing all the threads on this topic. Shlomos on Twitter are going full oy vey annuda shoah mode, further exposing themselves. Lots of people are getting informed, this is a fatal blow to the ADL.

Lay back, enjoy the show, have some Hitler ice cream and keep spamming the Final RTR.

"I have an idea, let's extort the most popular person on the internet so when he gib shekels looking like a hostage all his 100k followers will automatically start loving the only real chosen humans.

We did it boys, anti-semitism is no more."

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
When someone seeks redemption or forgiveness from the Mafia, he makes a 'donation' and promises to be a good boy from now on.

"Mission Abort, Mission Abort" -Rabbi Shekelowitz
Shael said:
SerLorars13 said:
It'll be nice If google didn't needed that stupid phone number verification. Now I can't make or login in my fake accounts. I searched for a temporary number but every single one I used didn't worked, joogle already banned them. And obviously I can't use my phone (some android method) to create or login in my fake accounts. That's sad, but I'll search for a solution.

Hail Satan!
Try "Dingtone". It's an app that lets you rent virtual phone numbers for 5$ a year each. I think they ask for your original phone number on signup, but even despite that it's a really easy and cheap way to get more phone numbers if you want to make more youtube accounts for example.
Also look into the warfare subforum, at the very bottom of the main page. I believe that SATchives has posted some stuff regarding youtube accounts specifically. I think he/she bought old youtube accounts from somewhere and used those, or something. I will ping him/her here too just in case I stated something wrong here, as I was only reciting from memory.
SATchives said:
( He :) ) Yeah, you've got good memory :p there are several places you can buy old youtube accounts, just search PVA aged youtube accounts, PVA stands for phone verified account, I found a vendor on Ebay that was discrete. Some places offered purchasing with crypto currency if thats your thing, some forums sell it too, via skype or email, this type of service is pretty popular with marketing.
He resigned his donation as merely having 20 million people aka almost 1/5th or 1/4th of your follower base doing the monkey for the jews who tried to end your career numerous times, doesn't in particular sit well with what jews believe is a brainless idiotic mass. The people got wind of this and violently reacted.

If Rosenblatt and the related foul excrement received the money and they went like "Oy vey Pewdiepie our cattle and persecuted anti-semite, thanks for your donation to the Holy Temple, let's chase more goyim now and keep spamming to these 9 year olds to love Israel with their life" type of shit, it would backfire even more.


What remains is the massive exposure and that jews didn't get anything of it but just mass attention and deserved judgement and criticism.

Big fail for jews.

rebis666 said:





He has rescinded the donation. 4d chess? Epic gamer move? A big win in any case, the RTR just keeps on giving.

(((mods))) on 4chan are shoahing all the threads on this topic. Shlomos on Twitter are going full oy vey annuda shoah mode, further exposing themselves. Lots of people are getting informed, this is a fatal blow to the ADL.

Lay back, enjoy the show, have some Hitler ice cream and keep spamming the Final RTR.

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
He has videos where he calls out other creators/ public figures for their actions (under an alias like Poppy lol). Few and far between, but they're decent nonetheless. Jake Paul is obviously a frequent guest on these videos.

It seems the general consensus from the normies is what we assumed as even my partner, an avid 9 year old and oblivious atheist, came to this conclusion. I think pewdiepie was genius for his move, he knows his audience better than we do and could probably tell they would smell something fishy. I'd venture to say maybe not all of his followers are effectively retarded, after all.
I remember watching and liking him around the time when he said death to all jews and was still making gameplay. He has always had his lows but when he started to make reaction videos he stopped being good. His reactions are the same forced reactions he uses again and again. The only good thing to see in his videos are what he's reacting to, in the past he was more genuine and put more of himself in his work.

Honestly, I'm certain his content is the way it is now because of the Jews. I still watch, everyday. I dont care about most of it but his videos helped me through a rough part of my life before SS.. I see what hoops he has to jump through just to please these filthy creatures.. The guy just got hitched, just got 1 mil subs, and all he really wants to do is play minecraft? Bet not, but that's where the views are, doesn't matter if it's fun...

"just bring me my Shekels Mr. Felix, nice and easy, or we'll end you".
It's happening right now and our RTR exposed it and made it backfire for them.

He knows he's peaked, he's just trying to secure his new family's future, against the wishes of the Jewtube and rest of them. This rtr win may open his eyes to the truth if they aren't already. If not, then consider the people weve gained from this already. There are some.

Just thinking, but having an SS with his pull, would either spell our victory, or total and utter defeat. In a perfect world, Pewds would make an incredible SS. I see that perfect day coming closer as each one passes.
I meant that when he was doing more gameplay without anything that could make jews mad he was more natural instead now he's more fake in how he reacts, it doesn't have anything to do with politics. The feud with t series was funny but I couldn't enjoy it because his videos were just cheap reactions.
Still I can't but respect him for this win.
I searched all of his channel but the video about ADL is nowhere to be found, like i thought that he made a video, or it was just that messege on his twitter?
Weassel said:
I searched all of his channel but the video about ADL is nowhere to be found, like i thought that he made a video, or it was just that messege on his twitter?
The 100mil sub special. Around minute 2 he mentions it if I remember right.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
