Lightning-Wings said:
I have learned of some bad news in regards to this problem that I've been having. Thanks to my obgyn for sending me to specialist for testing, I have been diagnosed with Polysictic Ovarian Syndrome. It explains everything. The specialist doctor prescribed to me Metformin. The other option was BC, which I refused.
I've been bleeding for about a month now, period wise, but due to holidays I couldn't reach my doctor. I didn't go to the ER, because many times before, I've been told to bring a doctors note with me, otherwise they wouldn't see me. I can't make this up and it's so stupid too, so that is why I've been waiting for a month now to reach my family doctor.
I have done a ritual to Lord Valefor and I have been led to understand that my body is lacking progesterone, but I cannot just get it at the pharmacy as it is a prescription drug.
I've been feeling really weak, nauseous, sleepy and lacking energy. Just doing simple meditation is taking a lot out of me. Munching on something sweet does help a little, but only for a very short time. Like 20 minutes or so.
I don't know what else to do, but wait.
Hey Lightning-Wings,
I am not trained in TCM but this little bit of info might help. I am writing here the western take on this herb as is written in Groot Handboek Geneeskrachtige Planten, Dr. Geert Verhelst. (It is a dutch/flemish book - I am translating. Some words I dont know how to translate properly..) What is written in this book has been proven by lab tests and is not completely copied from previous empiric studies.
Also go over what you are eating and read the labels. I've found that they add soy flour and other stuff made from soy in the bread that you buy from the supermarket in NL, and I am trying to stay the heck away from this. (Soy is rich in fyto-estrogen.) This is a recent change. Other hormone disturbing substances are found in plastics and other kinds of chemicals. Keep this in mind.
Also, if you haven't already, check your transits (astrology). Try to eat as healthy as possible. You could try beets for the iron, green veggies help too, and if you haven't checked if you are deficient in B12 as well, go check that out. Chicken soup perhaps?
I hope this was somewhat helpful to you. Wish you well.
~Lunar Dance 666
Vitex Agnes Castus L. -
Fyto-progestageen - Via indirect cause. Restores with continuous taking the balance between estragen/progesteron back in the direction of progesteron ("progesteron-like") via working on the axis of hypothalamus-hypofyse-ovaries:
-Works as a break on the excessive production of the hormone prolactine produced by the hypofyse and restores the luteal phase
-Luteotrope / Increases the secretion of the LH (Luteïniserend hormone, stimulates the ovaria in the luteal phase to make progesteron) and puts a mild break on FSH (Follikel stimulating hormone, stimulates the ovaria of production of estrogen), by which more progesteron compared to estrogen will be formed in the ovaria
Emmenagoge (Improves the menses).
Mainly: Latent hyperprolactinemie (too high prolactine ..), inproper function of the entire body in the second part of the cycle with a result of progesterondeficiency, PMS, painful breasts, dysmennorrheu (painful menstruation), irregular cycles, infertility, excessive menstrual bloodloss, ...
Mildly: Acné in women, PCOS with cycle disturbances and other, fybrocystic illness of the breast, mild cases of endometriosis with indication of progesteron, post oral birth-control (the pill) amennorrhea (No period after stopping birth control), menopausal issues, reduces sexual impulses with the man that has too high testerone levels, ...
Recommended daily dose would be the equivalent of 1 - 2 grams of berries a day or 30 to 40 mg extract, preferably taken in the morning. Results become apparent after some time (1 - 2 cycli). It has to be taken for 4 to 6 months.
Contra-indications (Do not take if):
Pregnancy (unless prescribed by a doctor), hormone dependend tumors or hormone dependend illnesses like endometriosis and uterine fibroma (unless prescribed by a doctor), procedures for an in vitro fertilisation.
Possibly / theoretically with:
hormonal substances / drugs
oral birth control
drugs that work on dopamin, as the herb binds on the dopamin D2-receptors.
[Source: Dr. Geert Verhelst, Groot Handboek Geneeskrachtige Planten]