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Nov 29, 2023
I discovered a pretty crazy statement from Satan (I think for myself) in it, why does he say it ? : "O men deny me not, but submit. In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me." (PEACE BE UNTO HIM)

This reminds me of Allah/YHWH/Jesus who punishes in a fiery Hell (but with the "Last Judgment") all who are not subject to them...
He says that He is there for us when we accept Him because there are forces and events beyond our control so thus we need Him to help us out. Denying Him would be a hazardous choice to make, not because He will lash out at us, but because we are small and vulnerable (for now). The choice is ours to make.
everyone will be judged either by Nature, or the Enemy, or by Satan.

If you are with Satan, he will guard your soul and make sure you can reincarnate safely. This is a judgement. Examples: every legit Spiritual Satanists, people who are into more ancient paganism, And people like scientists, philosophers, artists who were highly on Satan's side (maybe without knowing it), etc..

If you are without, and you oppose Satan while knowing the truth, you will be judged accordingly. Examples: Spine, higher Rabbis/Jews, OWP(Ancient Africa), etc..

If you are without, and you might oppose Satan, but you don't know the truth, you will be either judged by Nature or the enemy. Even if you are with the enemy, you won't be treated any good, but rather, be a battery for the enemy's plan. Examples: Christians, Muslims, Atheists, etc..
Lucifer en femme said:
I discovered a pretty crazy statement from Satan (I think for myself) in it, why does he say it ? : "O men deny me not, but submit. In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me." (PEACE BE UNTO HIM)

This reminds me of Allah/YHWH/Jesus who punishes in a fiery Hell (but with the "Last Judgment") all who are not subject to them...

Satan doesn't say it. If you read the page on the Yezidis you'll see it says that some of these texts were altered. You just found one passage that was altered to conform to Muslim doctrine to avoid persecution.

The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders; they keep their real beliefs hidden. Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference. The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to Christian beliefs as in the Qu"ret Al Yezid; Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an "archangel."

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.
Henu the Great said:
He says that He is there for us when we accept Him because there are forces and events beyond our control so thus we need Him to help us out. Denying Him would be a hazardous choice to make, not because He will lash out at us, but because we are small and vulnerable (for now). The choice is ours to make.

This is not what is said in this sentence, if we do not submit to him according to Satan, we will be punished after our death, that is clear.

So this poses another question : why would Satan judge souls for the condemned in cases of non-submission like the false gods of Monotheist religions ?
AFODO said:
everyone will be judged either by Nature, or the Enemy, or by Satan.

If you are with Satan, he will guard your soul and make sure you can reincarnate safely. This is a judgement. Examples: every legit Spiritual Satanists, people who are into more ancient paganism, And people like scientists, philosophers, artists who were highly on Satan's side (maybe without knowing it), etc..

If you are without, and you oppose Satan while knowing the truth, you will be judged accordingly. Examples: Spine, higher Rabbis/Jews, OWP(Ancient Africa), etc..

If you are without, and you might oppose Satan, but you don't know the truth, you will be either judged by Nature or the enemy. Even if you are with the enemy, you won't be treated any good, but rather, be a battery for the enemy's plan. Examples: Christians, Muslims, Atheists, etc..

Okay, this is already well explained by your post, but I still don't see why Satan literally asks us for "submission" ?
Invictvs said:
Lucifer en femme said:
I discovered a pretty crazy statement from Satan (I think for myself) in it, why does he say it ? : "O men deny me not, but submit. In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me." (PEACE BE UNTO HIM)

This reminds me of Allah/YHWH/Jesus who punishes in a fiery Hell (but with the "Last Judgment") all who are not subject to them...

Satan doesn't say it. If you read the page on the Yezidis you'll see it says that some of these texts were altered. You just found one passage that was altered to conform to Muslim doctrine to avoid persecution.

The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders; they keep their real beliefs hidden. Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference. The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to Christian beliefs as in the Qu"ret Al Yezid; Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an "archangel."

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.

Answer leading to a new question : why didn't Satan protect the text from falsification ?
Lucifer en femme said:
Answer leading to a new question : why didn't Satan protect the text from falsification ?

It is already a miracle that so many ancient text survived after a thousand year of Jewish world domination. In so many years, they could have enslaved us completely and remove all information, yet they couldn't because the Gods did not let them.

"O men deny me not, but submit"

This means to accept reality, follow the path of advancement, and became like the Gods.


When I was a lurker around Satanism, and as I read the Al-Jilwah, I got disappointing. My firs impression was that I was reading a text from the Jewish bible. I tought that he says that everyone who is rich is rich because of him, or everyone who is poor is poor because of him. Or that the world leaders(jews) are leaders because Satan wanted.

It comes with knowledge and advancement to understand this text. Satan is insanely powerful, and he is superior. When it comes to his enormous empire, he is the highest authority. There is no God like Satan, He is the God of the Gods.

He says that he can make people rich and poor, ill or well, and this doesn't mean he will make everyone poor or every poor is poor because of him. It's about his power.
Any denial of Satan is denial of your own consciousness, DIRECTLY. Reality by mathematical cause and effect will and always cast Judgements, which is the impersonal intelligence of existence.

To JUDGE, means one is supposed to be acknowledged, and when reality and existence, Satan, judges you, it means you are existing. To not be judged, means to not be counted in existence. Judgement is therefore the proof of one existence, and it is the macrocosms of your own ability of judgement as a consciousness. Satan is the giver of Hope and Life in this equation.

To JUDGE Implies REASONING, MEASURING and these two together equate to PROGRESS AND ADVANCEMENT.

ALL that is, should be judged, we should submit to judgement consciously in face of Satan. We should measure our progress, realistically, everything is for our own good. Not emotional confusion. The teachings lost in time, all order and command you to even judge what cannot be judged directly, to know what is not known, so see what you don't see, relating all to the ethereal nature of existence. The act of existing in itself is the act of Judging.

Who would not want to SUBMIT TO THE HIGHEST BEING. To the Highest God of Gods and Existence?????!!!!!!

Start the mental course of action from the position and assumption that you must find the enabling answer, not the antithesis. That is what makes a difference in getting to know things and being a proper "intellectual".

The day of judgement is not a xian thought, is not a muslim thought, is not a jew thought. It is nature of existence! The Day of Judgement is in itself the concept of Measuring and realistically Manifesting your advancement to the level of Magnum Opus.

To become a God is a judgement in itself, to be given a chance at existence is a matter of judgement in itself, to become anything and to live is a JUDGEMENT in itself. The "Day" becomes the process and the symbol of Realism, of timeline and Saturn. Mathematically, the days are numbered and very precisely important. That's why we exist, the DNA is direct manifestation of this "Day of Judgement", as it is the stored existence in precise perfection.
Lucifer en femme said:
Henu the Great said:
He says that He is there for us when we accept Him because there are forces and events beyond our control so thus we need Him to help us out. Denying Him would be a hazardous choice to make, not because He will lash out at us, but because we are small and vulnerable (for now). The choice is ours to make.

This is not what is said in this sentence, if we do not submit to him according to Satan, we will be punished after our death, that is clear.

So this poses another question : why would Satan judge souls for the condemned in cases of non-submission like the false gods of Monotheist religions ?

You will bear the effect of your own action here, punished by own volition directly or indirectly. We are the activators and the subjects of existence in this dimension, that must approach and touch, not the other way around.

The rest I explained above. You have to become an important being to one self first before having tantrums of being Judged by the Gods. To be Judged by the Gods should be seen a a compliment first and foremost and then you should understand that existence is protected and could be assured.
Lucifer en femme said:
Invictvs said:
Lucifer en femme said:
I discovered a pretty crazy statement from Satan (I think for myself) in it, why does he say it ? : "O men deny me not, but submit. In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me." (PEACE BE UNTO HIM)

This reminds me of Allah/YHWH/Jesus who punishes in a fiery Hell (but with the "Last Judgment") all who are not subject to them...

Satan doesn't say it. If you read the page on the Yezidis you'll see it says that some of these texts were altered. You just found one passage that was altered to conform to Muslim doctrine to avoid persecution.

The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders; they keep their real beliefs hidden. Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference. The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to Christian beliefs as in the Qu"ret Al Yezid; Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an "archangel."

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.

Answer leading to a new question : why didn't Satan protect the text from falsification ?

So that you can have opportunity to think, to judge and do something with your life instead of being spoon-fed the mysteries of the whole Universe on an internet forum in 2023 about what Satan dictated to His disciples hundreds of years ago to people who now are Gods with powers equal to that of Stars and other higher Demons, equal to hundreds of galaxies.
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=477561 time=1702668356 user_id=21004]
Any denial of Satan is denial of your own consciousness, DIRECTLY. Reality by mathematical cause and effect will and always cast Judgements, which is the impersonal intelligence of existence.

To JUDGE, means one is supposed to be acknowledged, and when reality and existence, Satan, judges you, it means you are existing. To not be judged, means to not be counted in existence. Judgement is therefore the proof of one existence, and it is the macrocosms of your own ability of judgement as a consciousness. Satan is the giver of Hope and Life in this equation.

To JUDGE Implies REASONING, MEASURING and these two together equate to PROGRESS AND ADVANCEMENT.

ALL that is, should be judged, we should submit to judgement consciously in face of Satan. We should measure our progress, realistically, everything is for our own good. Not emotional confusion. The teachings lost in time, all order and command you to even judge what cannot be judged directly, to know what is not known, so see what you don't see, relating all to the ethereal nature of existence. The act of existing in itself is the act of Judging.

Who would not want to SUBMIT TO THE HIGHEST BEING. To the Highest God of Gods and Existence?????!!!!!!

Start the mental course of action from the position and assumption that you must find the enabling answer, not the antithesis. That is what makes a difference in getting to know things and being a proper "intellectual".

The day of judgement is not a xian thought, is not a muslim thought, is not a jew thought. It is nature of existence! The Day of Judgement is in itself the concept of Measuring and realistically Manifesting your advancement to the level of Magnum Opus.

To become a God is a judgement in itself, to be given a chance at existence is a matter of judgement in itself, to become anything and to live is a JUDGEMENT in itself. The "Day" becomes the process and the symbol of Realism, of timeline and Saturn. Mathematically, the days are numbered and very precisely important. That's why we exist, the DNA is direct manifestation of this "Day of Judgement", as it is the stored existence in precise perfection.

Very interesting, I think you have been a Satanist for a very long time ?
Lucifer en femme said:
Henu the Great said:
He says that He is there for us when we accept Him because there are forces and events beyond our control so thus we need Him to help us out. Denying Him would be a hazardous choice to make, not because He will lash out at us, but because we are small and vulnerable (for now). The choice is ours to make.

This is not what is said in this sentence, if we do not submit to him according to Satan, we will be punished after our death, that is clear.

So this poses another question : why would Satan judge souls for the condemned in cases of non-submission like the false gods of Monotheist religions ?

There's a few things here which may be quite difficult to understand, but which make complete sense when you understand Satan.

For one, Satan rules over all reincarnation. Every soul on the Earth, and on many other worlds are completely under his jurisdiction, whether the people who these souls belong to believe this or not.

Everyone who reincarnates, goes to Satan, as all people who pass through life into the after life meet Satan and the Gods/Demons, who completely reside over the transmigration of Souls.

The day of Judgement as it is said here, is simply what happens to all people who live and die. After Death, they go to the after life and their karmic accumulation is found and examined by the Gods, the state of the soul, morality and ethics of the person, the actions throughout life, energy levels and especially the lack thereof due to wasting an entire lifetime slavishly worshipping a false god and sending all your energy into a worthless thoughtform without ever meditating.

All of these aspects are examined, which then, the Gods do not need to punish at all any person, because the true punishment is their own negative karma inflicted upon their soul by the stupid actions and the lack of uplifting and spiritually advancing actions in life.

Then the second "punishment", is the fact that one is without the favor or blessing of the Gods. Satan says here, don't deny me.

He doesn't punish anyone for denying Him, but you punish yourself by denying Him and denying his blessing, as without Him your life is senseless and your existence is unable to advance or even continue on at all, you reach a dead end and your soul will dissipate before long.

The so called punishment is only the natural causes for someone that doesn't practice the teachings of the True Creator Satan, that the person will always remain on a lower octave and that the soul will run dry and dissipate into nothing, the lives they live be miserable and the person always stuck in shit.

Denying Satan is quite the same as dooming yourself. The Gods pity such people more than anything, because from the perspective they have, it is incredibly sad to see a person do completely self destructive things because they don't understand there are real beings there to lead them to the proper path to life and everlasting always uplifting existence.

It is like watching a drug addict destroy themselves. You tell them in order to help them come to their senses, "Don't deny my help".

And you interpret this completely wrong, by assuming the false assumption and the lies by the jews that Satan would punish you for not beleving in him or for denying Him.

The reality is, not knowing Satan is the biggest punishment in it self, inflicted upon the self by the individual in his ignorance and arrogance.

Anyone who knows Satan, does understand there is no greater boon than having Him in your heart and in your life.

If you think this sounds similar to the crap written by the enemy in the biblie and the other abrahamic writings, you must remember where those writings were stolen from in the first place.

Everything the jews have written is stolen and twisted words taken from texts by the Ancients on the Gods, and even texts written by our actual Gods themselves, from beings who lived on the Earth and reached the Magnum Opus in the past few thousand years.

The meanings are twisted, but the originals they were twisted from are True writings by our Ancient ancestors and the enlightened people of the past regarding the reality of our world and our Gods.
Lucifer en femme said:
Answer leading to a new question : why didn't Satan protect the text from falsification ?

Must the Gods spoon feed your life? Or can you live your own life and protect the truth that is given with your own hands? And if not, why again must Satan hold the spear for you, so that you can be weak and feeble and sheltered from all things, if so, how can one ever imagine becoming a God of their own?

We need to live our own existence here, be able to stand up and protect what we have made and what we have received, if we cannot do that, are we worthy of these things? Does it help us grow to be fed by the golden spoon like an infant and be dependent in everything?

No. We must stand on our own feet, provide for ourselves and protect ourselves as well as the Truth, with our own hands.

In dire times, the Gods do indeed use their direct hand to prevent all from being lost due to the weakness and stupidity of the human beings, but a core aspect of Spiritual Satanism (and Life in general), is so learn to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own existence.

The world that we live in, is sort of the tutorial to life. Life doesn't get easier as you grow more, the responsibilities one carries only expand and increase as one becomes more capable to carry greater things.

To be a God, the power and ability required are immense, beyond human ability, that is why they are Gods, and for the human to become a God, one must surpass the human limitations to one's abilities and be able to carry the greater responsibilities that are outside of human reach.

If we as a people cannot even protect what we have received from Them, then what does that make us? We are too pathetic and weak, to allow all this to slip out of our hands and to let life take such a turn. The Gods mostly observe, and see how we all develop, and only interfere with a more direct hand when the stakes are too high and everything is about to be lost here to the degenerate and the weak.

It is however up to us to root out our enemies, and to protect what we receive.

As a simple example, Satan doesn't give us the keys to the national treasury in order to have infinite wealth to build the Joy of Satan as we desire, instead he gives us the keys to knowledge on how to build our own wealth so we can sustain the Joy of Satan by our own hand.

We aren't helpless infants, but conscious beings who are expected to be able to take responsibility for ourselves and our own needs.

The Gods assist us greatly, but more like teachers and Guardians rather than as personal caretakers who feed us with the golden spoon while we sit there lazily and helplessly with our mouth open to be spoon fed on everything.

Since we are capable of it, we are to make our own spoon and cast it in gold, in order to feed ourselves with the golden spoon of our own making.

Only then can you be qualified to step into higher states and move past "the tutorial" of life.
Lucifer en femme said:
Answer leading to a new question : why didn't Satan protect the text from falsification ?

Because he isn't a control freak who monitors everything people do and intervenes. Your question would make sense in Christianity where they believe their god is all-powerful and controls everything, but here it is irrelevant.

Moreover, nobody ever said that we're supposed to follow a book literally. That's again another hang-up from Christianity people have, they are trying to follow and worship the al-jilwah as if it's the bible or something. There's no book where you're supposed to follow in a blind way without using your common sense here. All Yezidi books are inspirational, they are not supposed to be taken in blind faith like their Christians follow their bible.
Voice of Enki [JG said:
" post_id=477646 time=1702700570 user_id=84]

There's a few things here which may be quite difficult to understand, but which make complete sense when you understand Satan.

For one, Satan rules over all reincarnation. Every soul on the Earth, and on many other worlds are completely under his jurisdiction, whether the people who these souls belong to believe this or not.

Everyone who reincarnates, goes to Satan, as all people who pass through life into the after life meet Satan and the Gods/Demons, who completely reside over the transmigration of Souls.

The day of Judgement as it is said here, is simply what happens to all people who live and die. After Death, they go to the after life and their karmic accumulation is found and examined by the Gods, the state of the soul, morality and ethics of the person, the actions throughout life, energy levels and especially the lack thereof due to wasting an entire lifetime slavishly worshipping a false god and sending all your energy into a worthless thoughtform without ever meditating.

All of these aspects are examined, which then, the Gods do not need to punish at all any person, because the true punishment is their own negative karma inflicted upon their soul by the stupid actions and the lack of uplifting and spiritually advancing actions in life.

Then the second "punishment", is the fact that one is without the favor or blessing of the Gods. Satan says here, don't deny me.

He doesn't punish anyone for denying Him, but you punish yourself by denying Him and denying his blessing, as without Him your life is senseless and your existence is unable to advance or even continue on at all, you reach a dead end and your soul will dissipate before long.

The so called punishment is only the natural causes for someone that doesn't practice the teachings of the True Creator Satan, that the person will always remain on a lower octave and that the soul will run dry and dissipate into nothing, the lives they live be miserable and the person always stuck in shit.

Denying Satan is quite the same as dooming yourself. The Gods pity such people more than anything, because from the perspective they have, it is incredibly sad to see a person do completely self destructive things because they don't understand there are real beings there to lead them to the proper path to life and everlasting always uplifting existence.

It is like watching a drug addict destroy themselves. You tell them in order to help them come to their senses, "Don't deny my help".

And you interpret this completely wrong, by assuming the false assumption and the lies by the jews that Satan would punish you for not beleving in him or for denying Him.

The reality is, not knowing Satan is the biggest punishment in it self, inflicted upon the self by the individual in his ignorance and arrogance.

Anyone who knows Satan, does understand there is no greater boon than having Him in your heart and in your life.

If you think this sounds similar to the crap written by the enemy in the biblie and the other abrahamic writings, you must remember where those writings were stolen from in the first place.

Everything the jews have written is stolen and twisted words taken from texts by the Ancients on the Gods, and even texts written by our actual Gods themselves, from beings who lived on the Earth and reached the Magnum Opus in the past few thousand years.

The meanings are twisted, but the originals they were twisted from are True writings by our Ancient ancestors and the enlightened people of the past regarding the reality of our world and our Gods.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
