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Paying Attention, Staying Alert

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.

But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.

I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.

You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.

So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.

You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.

5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.

And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.

Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone :)
Thank you, SS Lydia, for always keeping us on track.

For work, I often drive on roads that in autumn/winter are frequently icy because they pass near a lake. As luck would have it, just today with the onset of Mars Rx, after months of delays, I finally managed to change my car tires and put on the appropriate ones.
Between yersteday evening and today at midday, a little rascal stole 2 little figurines that had been sitting on my window for months.
I immediately thought of Mars Rx !
I hope the curse doesn't go any further 😡

Being in public with headphones on is something I avoid regardless of the current sky. I just have to be aware all the time. It's part of who I am.
People walk around looking at their cell phone, and when you point a chemtrail everyone can see, you are considered a conspiracy theorist :rolleyes:
Thank you High Priestess!!

I have a question, can accidents happen before a planet goes Rx, like with Mars?
Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.

But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.

I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.

You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.

So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.

You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.

5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.

And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.

Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone :)
Thanks for this post !!
The exercises help
Have a great day everyone
Hail Satanas !!!!
Hail the Gods
Thank you High Priestess!!

I have a question, can accidents happen before a planet goes Rx, like with Mars?
Accidents can happen at any time. Look at the world, accidents happen every day regardless of the planets. Especially as most people have dirty auras and curses are flinging about everywhere, with enemy programs as the main religions in the world.

Life will get better for everyone, once we clear the astral of enemy programmings and do more God Rituals.
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for your informations about Mars retrograde.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on.

This is very important. One should always be aware of the environment.
This will sound odd but for me at least when out with a large crowd having headphones on with music going is a must and helps me concentrate more. Especially on the bus as I can focus more on cleaning my aura and drawing in energy from the sun or doing an aop to keep people away. Also on walks having music going helps me be more alert as the music keeps a part of my mins distracted that would pull me into my creative space instead of paying attention to my surroundings. I guess it's because I'm autistic but whatever works for you is best.

Hail Father Satan
Accidents can happen at any time. Look at the world, accidents happen every day regardless of the planets. Especially as most people have dirty auras and curses are flinging about everywhere, with enemy programs as the main religions in the world.

Life will get better for everyone, once we clear the astral of enemy programmings and do more God Rituals.
I should of worded my question better:

I meant accidents relating to Mars Rx. Like how miscommunication happens right before Mercury goes Rx. That sort of thing. But okay.
This will sound odd but for me at least when out with a large crowd having headphones on with music going is a must and helps me concentrate more. Especially on the bus as I can focus more on cleaning my aura and drawing in energy from the sun or doing an aop to keep people away. Also on walks having music going helps me be more alert as the music keeps a part of my mins distracted that would pull me into my creative space instead of paying attention to my surroundings. I guess it's because I'm autistic but whatever works for you is best.

Hail Father Satan

Same here, I have headphones on so people don't annoy me, somehow they do that anyway
Thank you for the advice, HPS!

I completely forgot Sun Salutations exist, and I'll be adding them into my routine.

I'll take this time to update my spiritual routine, tune some things up, and see how it goes.
(Ramses13th Spiritual Tracker site is very good to have a to do list at hand without having to rummage through my journals, fully recommend it)
Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.

But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.

I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.

You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.

So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.

You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.

5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.

And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.

Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone :)
I love this.❤️🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.

But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.

I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.

You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.

So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.

You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.

5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.

And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.

Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone :)
Thank you for the reminder and tips, HPS Lydia!

Being in public with headphones on is something I avoid regardless of the current sky. I just have to be aware all the time. It's part of who I am.
I'm the same way. I feel very uncomfortable when something cuts me off from my environment. It seems like people are always suggesting I do things like this, but ... ugh. It makes one an easy target for thieves and violence anyway.
I should of worded my question better:

I meant accidents relating to Mars Rx. Like how miscommunication happens right before Mercury goes Rx. That sort of thing. But okay.
I am interested in knowing more about this also. I had a very minor accident a few days ago which mostly frightened me. Could this have been serendipitous, so that I am more careful during the Mars retrograde, and avoid a worse accident?
I should of worded my question better:

I meant accidents relating to Mars Rx. Like how miscommunication happens right before Mercury goes Rx. That sort of thing. But okay.
Yes, because Mars was stationed.
Marte este acum retrograd. După cum am scris în firul despre asta , cei mai mulți dintre voi probabil că nu veți avea efecte negative din acest lucru.

Dar, în general, continuă să-ți cureți aura zilnic. Dacă simți vreodată vreun gri, curăță imediat. Dacă ești în preajma altor persoane, poți începe să vizualizezi lumina soarelui pe/în tine, acesta va fi cel puțin de ajutor.

Majoritatea oamenilor se plimbă visând cu ochii deschiși sau ascultând muzică sau se gândesc la ceva care nu are legătură cu împrejurimile lor. Să te gândești la o ceartă recentă, să te gândești la o emisiune tv și așa mai departe. În cele din urmă, acest lucru nu vă ajută în niciun fel, indiferent dacă există pericole potențiale.

Am avut o revenire solară proastă cu ani în urmă, așa că am luat decizia să nu ascult muzică în timp ce mă plimb și să mă concentrez pe deplin asupra împrejurimilor. Acesta este un exercițiu mental grozav de făcut oricum, vă va ajuta să vă creșteți concentrarea și să vă prelungiți durata concentrării. Rezistența mentală trebuie întărită oricum pentru majoritatea oamenilor. Foarte puțini oameni au rezistență mentală puternică.

Puteți lua acest Mars Rx ca pe o oportunitate de a crește gradul de conștientizare a mediului înconjurător și de a vă crește energia zilnică, ceea ce împiedică manifestarea incidentelor cu vibrații scăzute, cum ar fi ghinionul general.

Așadar, atunci când vă aflați pe jos sau cu mașina, acordați mai multă atenție, cât mai mult posibil, împrejurimilor. Ia notă de orice ciudat. Fiți conștienți de mediul înconjurător, în general.

Puteți face mici practici pe parcursul zilei pentru a vă menține energia .

5 rituri tibetane și salutările la soare sunt, de asemenea, grozave de făcut și rapid. Acestea le puteți găsi online. Întotdeauna am sărit peste cea în picioare în cerc în Riturile Tibetane și doar le-am făcut pe celelalte 4. Exercițiile de respirație sunt rapide și ușoare.

Și ascultă-ți intuiția (avem o vorbă numită „instincte intestinale”) sau orice semn de la Demonul tău Gardian.

Să aveți un sezon de Crăciun fericit și în siguranță, tuturor:)
Mulțumim mult HP Lydia pentru suport și sprijin. Un Yule minunat va dorim
I used to walk around with my earbuds headphones all the time and I was always absorbed in the music. One day a friend told me she couldn't enjoy a walk with music, because you need to take in also the sounds of your surroundings. So I tried that and I was so surprised how the world is so much more when you also take in the sound. Everything improved about my walks and also going around in general. I felt like I was more a part of the world. And also I could enjoy music more when I dedicated special time to it, just enjoying it fully and not while doing other things like walking, cooking or doing household chore. I urge everyone who walks around with headphones to at least try doing it without them. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Mars is now retrograde. As I wrote in the thread about it, most of you likely will not have any bad effects from this.

But in general, keep up cleaning your aura daily. If you ever sense any gray, immediately clean. If you're around other people then you can start visualizing sunlight on/in you, this will be at least some help.

Most people walk around in a daydream or listening to music, or thinking of something unrelated to their surroundings. Thinking about a recent argument, thinking about a tv show, and so on. This ultimately does not help you in any way, regardless of if there are any potential dangers.

I had one bad solar return year, years ago, so I made the decision to not listen to music while out walking, and to focus fully on my surroundings. This is a great mental exercise to do anyway, it will help to increase your focus and concentration, and lengthen the duration of your concentration. Mental endurance needs to be strengthened anyway for most people. Very few people have strong mental endurance.

You can take this Mars Rx as an opportunity to increase awareness of your surroundings, and increase your daily energy, which prevents low-vibrational incidents such as general bad luck from manifesting.

So, when you find yourself out walking or driving, pay more attention, as fully as possible, on your surroundings. Take note of anything strange. Be aware of your surroundings, in general.

You can do small practices through the day to keep your energy up.

5 Tibetan Rites and Sun Salutations are also great to do, and quick. You can find these online. I always just skipped the standing circling one in the Tibetan Rites and just did the other 4. Breathing exercises are quick and easy.

And listen to your intuition (we have a saying called "gut instincts"), or any signs from your Guardian Demon.

Have a happy and safe Yule season, everyone :)
Great Post, thank you very much for the reminder about Retrograde Mars (y)
Will sexual magic work if, instead of the red, orange energies of Mars, I use White-gold, Bright Gold (Color), White (Astral color) energy for sexual and love work during this period?

The same thing happens after the Retrograde Venus period, the green energy of Venus is replaced by a Golden color, which is related to love and its solar aspect.

Gold colour is also associated with Love.

Is it possible to bypass Retrograde Mars in the works of black magic and sexual magic?

Is it possible to bypass Retrograde Venus in the works of love magic and love-sexual magic using aspects of the Sun (Gold), or the colors of the Astral)?

If you look at the official statistics of marriages and successful dates, then they also occur during the periods of retrograde Mars and Venus.
I used to walk around with my earbuds headphones all the time and I was always absorbed in the music. One day a friend told me she couldn't enjoy a walk with music, because you need to take in also the sounds of your surroundings. So I tried that and I was so surprised how the world is so much more when you also take in the sound. Everything improved about my walks and also going around in general. I felt like I was more a part of the world. And also I could enjoy music more when I dedicated special time to it, just enjoying it fully and not while doing other things like walking, cooking or doing household chore. I urge everyone who walks around with headphones to at least try doing it without them. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Life is indeed beautiful when you give it the chance it deserves.
Great Post, thank you very much for the reminder about Retrograde Mars (y)
Will sexual magic work if, instead of the red, orange energies of Mars, I use White-gold, Bright Gold (Color), White (Astral color) energy for sexual and love work during this period?

The same thing happens after the Retrograde Venus period, the green energy of Venus is replaced by a Golden color, which is related to love and its solar aspect.

Gold colour is also associated with Love.

Is it possible to bypass Retrograde Mars in the works of black magic and sexual magic?

Is it possible to bypass Retrograde Venus in the works of love magic and love-sexual magic using aspects of the Sun (Gold), or the colors of the Astral)?

If you look at the official statistics of marriages and successful dates, then they also occur during the periods of retrograde Mars and Venus.
It's not about colors. You can't bypass by using different colors.

Love workings won't work during Venus Rx because of Venus Rx. Not because of green vs gold energy.
Greatly appreciate this post, HPS Lydia!
I have a question: I was wondering for those of us with hyperactive thoughts, such as people with ADHD (I feel like most mental illnesses are spiritual illnesses, in a sense, that manifest within our physical body. Not certain what causes these kinds of things or if this is even the case, but if I was to assume, I'd guess it stems blockages/stagnant energy in the upper chakras? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, as I don't want to be spouting non-sense, lol.)
I was wondering if there are any mudras/words of power/runes we can utilize to help us maintain focus until we can get to the point in training our minds that we can will our mind to be completely silent for periods of time needed for focus, such as during meditations or rituals.
I started taking medication for ADHD about 4 years ago, but I hope to get to a point in my advancement where I can overcome this and hopefully either get off the medication, and/or find a natural/spiritual way to aid my focus and be more efficient.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I also wanted to add that my meditation practice has been aiding me in clearing my thoughts more effectively, I was just curious if there were other spiritual means to aid focus and inhibit the mind from wandering so much.
I've also noticed grounding helps, as well as visualizing the thoughts floating away in the wind, so long as their meaningless thoughts, you know?
Greatly appreciate this post, HPS Lydia!
I have a question: I was wondering for those of us with hyperactive thoughts, such as people with ADHD (I feel like most mental illnesses are spiritual illnesses, in a sense, that manifest within our physical body. Not certain what causes these kinds of things or if this is even the case, but if I was to assume, I'd guess it stems blockages/stagnant energy in the upper chakras? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, as I don't want to be spouting non-sense, lol.)
I was wondering if there are any mudras/words of power/runes we can utilize to help us maintain focus until we can get to the point in training our minds that we can will our mind to be completely silent for periods of time needed for focus, such as during meditations or rituals.
I started taking medication for ADHD about 4 years ago, but I hope to get to a point in my advancement where I can overcome this and hopefully either get off the medication, and/or find a natural/spiritual way to aid my focus and be more efficient.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I also wanted to add that my meditation practice has been aiding me in clearing my thoughts more effectively, I was just curious if there were other spiritual means to aid focus and inhibit the mind from wandering so much.
I've also noticed grounding helps, as well as visualizing the thoughts floating away in the wind, so long as their meaningless thoughts, you know?
Isa rune helps. Howlite crystal is good for quieting the mind and preventing excess thoughts, as is Jet (petrified blackened wood). Black Agate too although that's a bit more rare. There might be more but these are the ones that come to mind now.

Just hold the crystal, keep it in your pocket, or get it in pendant form, and keep it with you whenever, to train your mind to quiet down. And of course hold/wear it when doing void meditation :)
Magnesite is another crystal which works well for calming the mind. I have one I like to hold while doing Gods Rituals and it helps me keep focus when the thoughts drift off 🙂

Isa rune helps. Howlite crystal is good for quieting the mind and preventing excess thoughts, as is Jet (petrified blackened wood). Black Agate too although that's a bit more rare. There might be more but these are the ones that come to mind now.

Just hold the crystal, keep it in your pocket, or get it in pendant form, and keep it with you whenever, to train your mind to quiet down. And of course hold/wear it when doing void meditation :)
Thank you very much for the advice, for some reason I was feeling really bad and my intuition increased 100% like I had never seen before, there is always something alerting me at all times. Now I get it, I was talking to my friend about it ( the bad feeling and she said it could be PMS symptoms but I was sure it was more than that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
