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Pay attention to the Israel vaccination

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
Israel is the country with the highest percentage of vaccinated population in the world, as 50% of the population received the first dose while 34.65% received the second one as of today, 25 february 2021, according to Bloomberg and Haaretz

During this week when the 50% was reached, [bthe ]state authorities have been given the power by law to target and identify those who refuse the vaccine[/b], according to CBS News
`Jerusalem — Israel's parliament approved a law this week that will allow the personal information of people who chose not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to be shared with local and national authorities for the next three months. Proponents of the law argue that it will be an effective means of encouraging vaccinations, but many sees it as blatant violation of privacy.

Under the law the Health Ministry can provide the name, national identification number, phone number and address of any citizen who is entitled to be vaccinated but hasn't yet received a shot to the individual's local government, the national Education Ministry and the Welfare Ministry, if any of those authorities ask for the information.`


23 of February, covid passport system is being implemented according to Times of Israel
`Israel lifted coronavirus lockdown restrictions this week with its “green passport” system showing those vaccinated against Covid-19 allowing even indoor facilities such as gyms to reopen.

Vaccine passports are being actively considered by leaders in England and Scotland and all eyes are on the Israeli model following its rapid rollout of jabs meaning that more than half of its population has now received at least one dose.`

All eyes are on the Israeli model
This translates into: `Those who hold the power will implement all over the world the israeli model`.
Therefore, the more people vaccinate, the more the NWO agenda will be pushed and enforced, then the opposition will gradually decrease as those who vaccinated have no reason to protest since most of them are mindless sheeps. Not even to mention how we are repeatedly told by media that mass vaccination will bring humanity back to `normality` when in reality is happening exactly the opposite.
More people vaccinate --> smaller the opposition --> the agenda is being enforced easily
The Alchemist7 said:
Pay attention to the Israel vaccination

Well, didn't you hear ?! The jews want to lead the whole world ... (to disaster / slavery)
Forcing vaccination is part of their agenda

Top rabbi says that while it might seem presumptuous, it is Israel’s destiny to lead civilization forward

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Safed and a member of the Israel’s Rabbinate Council, says that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of America as a superpower, thus paving the way for Israel to take its place in guiding civilization forward
Israel has been at the center of everything in this "Pandemic" of course, from the vaccine and the Pfizer CEO, to the global censorship of all news, to "spearheading" all the reptilian policies and recommendations for other slave leaders to follow and the story goes.

People who have been "Vaccinated" with again contact and distribute Co-Vid, regardless. Have to wear mask, regardless. And can at any point be again objected to the same things in perpetuity over the claim of "mutations". In other words the story never ends with this, until people decide it's time enough. They get or not get the purported universe saving vaccine, they will be slaves regardless.

Anything else aside, this "Co-Vid Passport" and all the related garbage implementations, are part essentially of their first attempt to create a Globalized, World Health Organization database, that will contain all the citizens of the whole "World". For health purposes.

Similar ones already existed for terrorists and other things, but these new lists will include all the world's "Citizens", in a Globalized State. The jews go into lengths that they dream a Jew would lead this globalist world. The World Economic Forum also has "Foreseen" that America will have declined into a sub part country by then.

Reasons like this is why Billy Gates is in close assosciation with the Chinese, because they want the Chinese to be the new slave United States type of Nation for Israel for round two of the oppression Israel plans.

This is one of their first undertakings of creating an organization at a global scale with such a peculiar type of authority. Of course they go for "Health" first and foremost, so they can dictate how humans behave in a day to day basis, for "Health Reasons" first. After that, they may attempt to create another body for supposed "Climate Change" and so on, with even more restrictions and imposed policies.

Eventually what they seek with these bodies is to have authorities and powers superceding any present day "Nation State" or Country, so that they can enforce them through non elected councils. They want to render all governments of all Nations just pointless and powerless.

Nobody will question none of that, since it will be "Global Problems" and therefore beyond "the average goyim's" mind to even comprehend. Their aim is to make it be impossible to even "question" anything of that sort as we saw with the recent purging of all wrongthink.

Of course, the co-operation of abused and/or sleepwalking humans is required of this. As stated, part of this is blindly following these current measures, or simply not caring. Part of this is this whole ritual they are doing now based on the pretext of Co-Vid for subjugation and control purposes and nothing else.

All of it is an implementation and forced trust exercise where the jews just try to wrestle people into hypnosis and submission. None of the "vaccination" Agenda even makes any sense.

It's just a dividing and measuring of the loyal sheep vs the black sheep and those who may think it over, or resist or disagree with all or part of their agenda.

I am personally little worried about the so called "Vaccine" in the greatest spectrum of this. It won't end up with a "jab" as many idiots believe, nor is life going back to normal, let alone by people letting go and accepting blackmail. This is the mentality that rapists and others project to their victims, that only if they just accept everything, it will be better for them. But it will not be.

However it doesn't really go well for them at any front, nor they have the following and numbers they want for it. So the situation remains in a fluctuating mode. In many countries all these implementations seem to be only them speaking alone by themselves. But they will definitely try to enforce these with coercive and other measures, so long people allow it.

We have to have a positive mindset that humanity is not as weak or as retarded to go down this route and accept these blackmailers. We have to do the Rituals because it's the only solution to cause mass effect in the minds of so many people worldwide.

People need to show resistance to these freedom violations worldwide for the enemy to step back, and in such big numbers that it will be a death move for them to continue further.
Syd Silver said:
Well, didn't you hear ?! The jews want to lead the whole world ... (to disaster / slavery)
Forcing vaccination is part of their agenda
Yes we knew from the beginning this was the case. This post was made out of two reasons:
1. To update everybody here on how the agenda is going.
2. To show to the `conspiracy theory` fools that might be wandering around that these `conspiracies` are being implemented in this very moment and they cannot be denied anymore. The jewish media itself has bragged about this `israeli model`.

And HP Hooded Cobra brought a third point, that Israel has been a key player behind this plandemic from its early phases. Firstly an israeli millitary general stated covid is a bioweapon designed for biological warfare, then Israel stated 1-2 months after the pandemic begun that they already have a coronavirus vaccine. Then If I'm not wrong Israel is one of the first states to start the mass vaccination rollout and now in Israel green passport is already being implemented.
From what I read they believe by March or beginning of April to be back in normal operations. That means we probably gotta hit hard on Passover this year even IF since F-RTR was released this stuff, popped the enemy hard.

I have a question on these so-called "Vaccinations".

:arrow: Are the vaccines the Pisraelites using the same as those created by the major manufacturers around the World? ex: Sputnik, Moderna, Pfizer, etc.etc.

Or are they going full Protocols and stating "Some jews should perish for our cause". Like HP.Cobra said the jews on top and even their own elohim anti-gods are probably wanting to borg'em just for shits and giggles.

As for me no fucking way am I taking that vaccine. It doesn't do anything you STILL need a mask and can get reinfected.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
nor is life going back to normal...

No fucking way no not at all. It will never be back to normal it'll never be a cap the bottle of the genie. The genie already escaped long ago last year, 2020.

The JNWO is too damn happy and arrogant whipping everyone with JNWO bullshit. They are on a powertrip and on their high horse.


I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.

Maybe the injection israel is getting is MRNA technology meant to repair their fucked up genetics and try to heal the thousands of genetic diseases that they have.

Then they give gentiles an exact opposite one, designed to create a million genetic diseases.
Ol argedco luciftias said:


I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.

Maybe the injection israel is getting is MRNA technology meant to repair their fucked up genetics and try to heal the thousands of genetic diseases that they have.

Then they give gentiles an exact opposite one, designed to create a million genetic diseases.

I have refrained from posting everything I had in my mind on this post because I am afraid that it could help jews. The following could be a little incomplete below but you will understand me.

Another possible scenario is that it is a vaccine of a different virus that they have not yet unleashed. The Google Translate topic made it a bit clear that they are observing the Gentiles. This Covid is just a test and a decoy imo. I think they have something else in their mind. Message from Lord Azazel in March 2019 also made it pretty clear that Covid is not the only virus/plague/flu/pandemic that we are going to see. There are going to be more of them. They don't care about their own Jews, why the heck would they care about some billion dead Gentiles.

I am not trying to scare anyone but just sharing a very realistic possibility.
I don't think anyone can confirm what kind of vaccine the Israelis are using. They could be using anything, it could be a covid vaccine or a vaccine of some different virus. What happens in israel, stays in israel. Only twisted information is passed out to show themselves as some democratic nation, while in reality they are not democratic at all. They are very much a communist nation. I don't know if this specific thing happens in today's israel but back in 2000s, If you ever landed in Israel, there was always some government official that follows you without your consent to track your activity. Like a spy of some sort. Because of technological advancement, I don't know if this happens anymore. I came to know this by a friend of mine, his dad went to Israel for joint military exercise in the 2000s or somewhere around that year. And his dad spotted that 'one' person in almost 5 different locations they went during their get around/free time[like going to market and tourist attractions], that person was not looking at them but he was there, always following his dad and his mates. That israeli was clearly following them and a government official. His dad never confronted that spy. From this situation you can understand what Israel is.

In today's world that has something like internet, it would have been difficult for even the Israeli government to forcefully immunize their own kind for their biological warfare. I am saying this because I think even the middle and the low tier jews don't know about their reptilians masters. All they are told is that they are "Muh Gods Chosen", they too would question a sudden mandatory vaccination campaign with vaccine IDs.
To do a forceful immunization of their kind, they had to and have to use a Decoy to fool their own and also the people of the world. They needed some kind of distraction which would very gladly help them to immunize their own people first. Covid did that for them, Covid is the decoy in my opinion. Once a good number of jews are immunized to the said virus they have in their labs, then they can unleash a virus depending on their observation. I think they will and are straight up engaging in biological warfare.

. I am trying to connect dots, there are many possibilities with the current situation, the above is just one of those but a very real and simple possibility/startegy where officials don't have to engage in much corruption and don't have to manage too many agents. All one can say is take care of yourself. Take precautions such as avoiding crowded areas. Work on your AOP and the most importantly, do the RTRs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has been at the center of everything in this "Pandemic" of course, from the vaccine and the Pfizer CEO, to the global censorship of all news, to "spearheading" all the reptilian policies and recommendations for other slave leaders to follow and the story goes.

People who have been "Vaccinated" with again contact and distribute Co-Vid, regardless. Have to wear mask, regardless. And can at any point be again objected to the same things in perpetuity over the claim of "mutations". In other words the story never ends with this, until people decide it's time enough. They get or not get the purported universe saving vaccine, they will be slaves regardless.

Anything else aside, this "Co-Vid Passport" and all the related garbage implementations, are part essentially of their first attempt to create a Globalized, World Health Organization database, that will contain all the citizens of the whole "World". For health purposes.

Similar ones already existed for terrorists and other things, but these new lists will include all the world's "Citizens", in a Globalized State. The jews go into lengths that they dream a Jew would lead this globalist world. The World Economic Forum also has "Foreseen" that America will have declined into a sub part country by then.

Reasons like this is why Billy Gates is in close assosciation with the Chinese, because they want the Chinese to be the new slave United States type of Nation for Israel for round two of the oppression Israel plans.

This is one of their first undertakings of creating an organization at a global scale with such a peculiar type of authority. Of course they go for "Health" first and foremost, so they can dictate how humans behave in a day to day basis, for "Health Reasons" first. After that, they may attempt to create another body for supposed "Climate Change" and so on, with even more restrictions and imposed policies.

Eventually what they seek with these bodies is to have authorities and powers superceding any present day "Nation State" or Country, so that they can enforce them through non elected councils. They want to render all governments of all Nations just pointless and powerless.

Nobody will question none of that, since it will be "Global Problems" and therefore beyond "the average goyim's" mind to even comprehend. Their aim is to make it be impossible to even "question" anything of that sort as we saw with the recent purging of all wrongthink.

Of course, the co-operation of abused and/or sleepwalking humans is required of this. As stated, part of this is blindly following these current measures, or simply not caring. Part of this is this whole ritual they are doing now based on the pretext of Co-Vid for subjugation and control purposes and nothing else.

All of it is an implementation and forced trust exercise where the jews just try to wrestle people into hypnosis and submission. None of the "vaccination" Agenda even makes any sense.

It's just a dividing and measuring of the loyal sheep vs the black sheep and those who may think it over, or resist or disagree with all or part of their agenda.

I am personally little worried about the so called "Vaccine" in the greatest spectrum of this. It won't end up with a "jab" as many idiots believe, nor is life going back to normal, let alone by people letting go and accepting blackmail. This is the mentality that rapists and others project to their victims, that only if they just accept everything, it will be better for them. But it will not be.

However it doesn't really go well for them at any front, nor they have the following and numbers they want for it. So the situation remains in a fluctuating mode. In many countries all these implementations seem to be only them speaking alone by themselves. But they will definitely try to enforce these with coercive and other measures, so long people allow it.

We have to have a positive mindset that humanity is not as weak or as retarded to go down this route and accept these blackmailers. We have to do the Rituals because it's the only solution to cause mass effect in the minds of so many people worldwide.

People need to show resistance to these freedom violations worldwide for the enemy to step back, and in such big numbers that it will be a death move for them to continue further.

I try and have a positive mind set that humanity is not retarded but if they cannot even see that Christianty is a religion of death and suffering then i have no hope no more, because all they do is say its the Illuminati and the bible predicted this and continue believing Christ is coming to save them because in their mind this is the end times.

I feel we are doomed.. :(
Nikois666 said:
In today's world that has something like internet, it would have been difficult for even the Israeli government to forcefully immunize their own kind for their biological warfare. I am saying this because I think even the middle and the low tier jews don't know about their reptilians masters. All they are told is that they are "Muh Gods Chosen", they too would question a sudden mandatory vaccination campaign with vaccine IDs.
To do a forceful immunization of their kind, they had to and have to use a Decoy to fool their own and also the people of the world. They needed some kind of distraction which would very gladly help them to immunize their own people first. Covid did that for them, Covid is the decoy in my opinion. Once a good number of jews are immunized to the said virus they have in their labs, then they can unleash a virus depending on their observation. I think they will and are straight up engaging in biological warfare

This is gonna sound strange but bear with me people as I explain myself and no this isn't like Nikois666 said that said "Concern with giving the enemy information".

Anyways beginning...

You know how the jews kvetch incessantly about anti-semitism. Even with philo/pro-semitic people help they always state something anti-semitic. For those of you who haven't read the book Two Hundred Years together: A Russo-Jewish history by Alexander Solthenizyn(Kolyma Siberian work/extermination camp survivor), it occurs a person very well known kinda like a George Washington of his era Russian statesman wanted to make the jews stop hammering the Gentiles with alcohol and simply return life to a time when jews weren't machinating against Gentiles. What happened to him he was labelled as anti-semite despite all his love of jews simply for wanting them to work properly and have a better life without the expensive of crushing the Gentiles.

In my personal opinion these statements Nikois666 gave in his quoted section are very important. Just as the jew goes "How dare goyim be anti-semitic 'n' sheit!".

Knowing this "How dare the jews be offended at our anti-semtitism and be philo/pro-semitic 'n' sheit!".

Like I said "How DARE the jews be offended at our anti-semitism". The fact of the matter is and it occurs with many members that I've seen. It's not that I'm stating be philo/pro-semitic, no. What I want people to understand is most kikes around the World are just as sheepish as the stupid xtians.

It's like a debate I had with a family member I said most jews are esseness or essenic xtians. Most jews act like christians it's no wonder christians are called judeo-bolshevik in our play books. Most jews don't even reach any level of spiritual progression nor spiritual knowledge as a essene unless they are sabatean.

Do I agree all jews need divine punishment, yes of course no doubt about it. Knowing how much of a death mentality I've had growing up and my hatred is high for a lot of things. I'm not a nice person I might seem like it but I'm not really all that nice I do believe in a lot of negative things kinda like how some Gods like Sourathra(Sorath) doesn't like everyone nor Andras(kills people who summon him if they aren't dedicated). I do agree they need punishment but for the Satan and the empire of Orion to deal with not just ourselves, even if we do it ourselves it's no guarantee some won't survive. Knowing the technology and spirituality of the Gods they can see right to the very soul of the enemy.

But in my opinion jew don't understand that there are other jews besides the jews that LARP and do negative things. There are LARP'ers that do machinations and even IF they aren't spiritually advanced in any way they still do pump the kaballah in the air and do, DO certain machinations. But at the end of the day what jews who most of them seem like schmuck useful idiots in other words they are being Bezmenoved.

What thye don't understand is that there are REAL, heavy hardcore extremist jews that are in some alternative reality like literally they live in some bubble of difference that practice what is known as Real judiasm. Or sabateans as some call them. Basically the whole lurian-zevi-frank-rothschild quadrant of the machinators. There ARE jews that work with nefarious extra-terrestrial hostile forces that are hell bent on a communism so beyond human communism that they will just as well borg their own kikes even the most innocent kike will be borged because why the fuck would they allow subversive hostile species against humans now turn their attention to their gods. Plus all the kvetching and annoyance they must do to their gods asking and requesting for things. If reptards and greytards are annoying immature anti-gods who are all fucked up in the head, the jews must be just as annoying and fucked up in the head annoying their kike gods especially if they know these are their gods they'll just get their choseness up high.

What I'm trying to state is most jews should be glad there is an anti- force against them that is in essence trying to save Humanity or in our case Gentiles. Why, What, and How is it anti-semitic and even if we are anti-semitic like I said before "How dare the jews feign offense at our anti-semitism". IF anything jews should be happy there is anti-semitism and should be like "Yes that is good, it's always good to have more anti-semites it's freedom of speech".

The more anti-semitism the better it is for Gentiles. I'm sick and tired of hearing and reading jews feigning offense simply for us using words. What a pathetic race and species expressing so much pusillanimity IF your Gods chosen and the most powerful unstoppable dominating force in the history of the Universe. If your literally the descendants of Shehameforash the most powerful being in the entire Universe literally GOD in carneth. Then why have you collapsed time and time again. Why the machinations why the evil why the bullshit.

In my personal opinion it's good jews accept all this shit because then people will wake up and go "Wait why is it jews are healthy and our people are sick and being ravaged" "I think I'm becoming an anti-semite."

Again everything jews do all the philo/pro-semitic bullshit will lead to rampant anti-semitism.

I've debated with this family member of mines a sorta jewish cocksucker since he likes the bible even if he's never really read it and even if he's read it which he did years ago not at a kabalistic level neither the enemies kaballah nor our kaballistic intent studying various passages like in exposingchristianity.

But the question always popped up into my head. Jews viciously help and protect jews like the meme the rabbi is kvetching at the 13-14 year old soon to be rabbi stating "You must always put the jewish people ahead". WHY THEM and not EVERYONE.

They state we help humanity and yet turn around and only help jews. Why we are human too. Oh wait of course not we are Gentiles or Goyim. I see, I see the social-marxism is strong with these ones.

Anyways to end it here as I'm rambling don't think of this vaccine as bad. Sure many jews are gonna kvetch take the vaccine, everyone takes the goyim version and jews take the special one to help them. But all this is gonna do is harden the anti-semitism.

EVEN IF anti-semitism people project is pathetic and many times has xtian overtones. Unlike our direct level. Kinda like HP.Cobra said back in March/April of 2020. David Icke named the jews without naming the jews and many watched his videos and connected the dots.

Anyways am I wrong here? Am I sounding a bit crazy or am I just right on the money? They do things, we do things, Gentiles do thing; Boom more anti-semitism!

Plus our rituals the kabalistic intent at least the very intent isn't on their side. Sure physically they are a monster but they don't have the kaballistic intent, foundation, entrance, action, and ending strategies to start, progress, and end the situation. As a matter of fact like my friend said Covid-19 has been the best thing to happen to my life I've had so much stuff I wanted to do and didn't have time with my job and I'm just happy to get a break".

Well funny enough if people used their time wisely we call out and they join us.
Ol argedco luciftias said:


I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.

Maybe the injection israel is getting is MRNA technology meant to repair their fucked up genetics and try to heal the thousands of genetic diseases that they have.

Then they give gentiles an exact opposite one, designed to create a million genetic diseases.

The Pfizer vaccine that they use in Isreal is definitely not the same as the Pfizer vaccine for the rest of the world, even though on paper it's the same vaccine... It is much safer, and has much less side effects that the vaccines for the rest of the world, that's for certain... Everything else is just assumptions, there is no way you can know what exactly this vaccine is, what it contains, what it's really meant to do, and what it will do in the long term. It is top-classified information. The only thing we know is that it will alter your RNA and therefore your DNA... By the way, a few days ago I realized what the name of one of the biggest covid-19 vaccine companies actually means - Moderna is an abbreviation for modified RNA. Mode (modified) + RNA.

Here are some people's experiences with the covid vax (not in Isreal)

Gear88 said:
Are the vaccines the Pisraelites using the same as those created by the major manufacturers around the World? ex: Sputnik, Moderna, Pfizer, etc.etc
As far as I read they are using pfizer vaccines. What is obvious however is that the average jew is also subject to the new world order and he is to be destroyed together with the goyim if it ends in their way.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.
I quite doubt the average jew gets something different than the traditional covid vaccines. If this was the case, there wouldn't have been numerous protests in Israel against this global hoax. As I pointed above in my opinion the average jew is also subject to the jew world order. The higher jews (politicians, rabbis, directors etc) most likely won't have any vaccine.

Nikois666 said:
Another possible scenario is that it is a vaccine of a different virus that they have not yet unleashed.
I heard of one possible scenario related to your scenario. That this covid vaccines will destroy people's immune systems and the next viruses will kill many people because they won't be able to fight anymore against any virus. This is how I heard that they plan to reduce the world population. The remaining ones would be the most healthy and physically fit people, the perfect slaves to work in their corporations.
Gear88 said:
But the question always popped up into my head. Jews viciously help and protect jews like the meme the rabbi is kvetching at the 13-14 year old soon to be rabbi stating "You must always put the jewish people ahead". WHY THEM and not EVERYONE.

I remember HP Cobra or someone wrote something like, 'Jews are like mosquitoes, only a few mosquitoes carry a disease, while other normal mosquitoes make them as whole look like harmless bloodsuckers.' Here, the Rabbis and some selected ones carry all the real knowledge while other jews, indirectly do the work of making jews look normal like Human. But since Jew is a hybrid, an unbalanced creature, many of them behave weirdly, creating a bad image of "Jews" or making themselves look different. Just what we SS need :D
The reptilians are not as good as Satan in genetics, their human replicas are crap and unbalanced.

The above are the reasons for Top tear jews wanting to keep low and middle tier jews alive. Another major reason is, continuation of species. There is already a long list of diseases that only belongs to Jews.
"Those who oppose me, I afflict with disease" ~ Satan

So, for their continuation and reincarnation of Rabbis, they have to keep as many as jews alive. That is why they hardwire their children to stick with their own and Judaism.

Jews only look human but inside they have reptilian souls, the characteristics of a reptilian soul. They and their programs are alien to Earth. New members should refrain from having any kind of mercy on them. I too had a bit of mercy on them before coming to JoS because I saw they look like us but after coming to JoS I realized that the very first and important and the best tactic of infiltration requires you to look like your enemy. If they looked reptilian, do you really think they could have infiltrated and fooled our ancestors? Not at all.

Satan and the Gods will decide their fate. And so far I think, the Gods will simply obliterate them into energy, not here on Earth but some other place where the energy of their reptilian soul matches with the energy of the place/planet/star/galaxy. This one is just my theory but this is likely the case. By doing so, their Energies won't interfere with Earth and the beings living on it. Lord Hitler didn't gas or kill them, I am pretty sure him and other SS knew something similar of sort or straight up knew that if they lose the war, the Jews will put such fake allegations like 'gassing' on Nazis.

No mercy for the enemy. We are emotional beings, the reptilians took advantage of this in the past. But not this time.
Wotanwarrior said:
At the beginning of January they were already saying in some countries such as Spain or France that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be put on a list.

In Britain, people have started a petition for citizens and residents, to create a law that prevents discrimination based on vaccine. I suspect they'll compile all the signatures into a list and use it to target people. That idiot, Boring Jewson, has been lying so much to the population, even promising a return to normality by June and speaking against vaccine passports.

People, of course, believe him. I have yet to encounter someone here who does not trust the fakedemic narrative. Some people I argued with even went as far as to state it is a civic duty to take the "vaccine" lol What am I got myself into?! :lol: :roll:
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
At the beginning of January they were already saying in some countries such as Spain or France that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be put on a list.

In Britain, people have started a petition for citizens and residents, to create a law that prevents discrimination based on vaccine. I suspect they'll compile all the signatures into a list and use it to target people. That idiot, Boring Jewson, has been lying so much to the population, even promising a return to normality by June and speaking against vaccine passports.

People, of course, believe him. I have yet to encounter someone here who does not trust the fakedemic narrative. Some people I argued with even went as far as to state it is a civic duty to take the "vaccine" lol What am I got myself into?! :lol: :roll:
We've got magic. So be safe. Unfortunately normies are stupid. This jew is easily contrable by the enemy. I still remember when they said he was like Trump because he is right wing... That was only to get people to vote him I guess.
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
At the beginning of January they were already saying in some countries such as Spain or France that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be put on a list.
Some people I argued with even went as far as to state it is a civic duty to take the "vaccine" lol What am I got myself into?! :lol: :roll:

If those people said that for a 10+ year tested vaccine, I would somewhat be okay with them but for a decade old invention and a vaccine that has been tested and made in a rush, I would never agree with them even if I got billions of dollars.

Gods, wtf is wrong with people :lol:
The Alchemist7 said:
Nikois666 said:
Another possible scenario is that it is a vaccine of a different virus that they have not yet unleashed.
I heard of one possible scenario related to your scenario. That this covid vaccines will destroy people's immune systems and the next viruses will kill many people because they won't be able to fight anymore against any virus. This is how I heard that they plan to reduce the world population. The remaining ones would be the most healthy and physically fit people, the perfect slaves to work in their corporations.

This reminds me of reading Satchive's re-read it. And he has the (((Spanish flu))) sermon whereby Maxine provided a section of a book which shows radiation being used by enemy extra-terrestrials to weaken the immune system of the kids and people who gathered and infect them with a flu far worse than any other flu at the time. Which killed around 12 million or so people World-wide. I still think the Spanish flu exists or is at least contained in a laboratory and experimented on to no end but it's still around and apparently mutagenically capable to our flus of the time.

If aliens did it just for shits and giggles and as a (((korban(sacrifice)))) to start WW1 or make sure it starts. Then expect this with people freaked the fuck out to start dropping like flies on some more worse off ((("pandemic"))).

Either way I agree with Nikois666 and your segmenting of his message The Alchemist7. What one ponders what the JNWO plans on doing next especially as lockdowns have been the GREATEST thing for them and ourselves as well. Both the enemies stupidity in crushing mankind and a decisive move to end them is great. Just recently HP.Cobra mentioned if they do anything to the internet it will be their deathnell as doing something drastic like this would just ruin them. It's from the Great Reset: Internet from a few days ago.

But it also shows you how the enemy operates if they've crushed and destroyed so much business and progress. It shows you what the enemy has done without mass communication and mass internet. Look at people like BCP or Tim Pool who've I've been watching both have stated the jobless claims, job losses, business destruction etc.etc. it seems like if the enemy did this a few decades ago no one would pay attention in a mass level. But with the internet it shows it to EVERYONE AROUND THE WORLD.

If this isn't a wake up call for unity and march-in-step. I don't know what is.
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
At the beginning of January they were already saying in some countries such as Spain or France that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be put on a list.

In Britain, people have started a petition for citizens and residents, to create a law that prevents discrimination based on vaccine. I suspect they'll compile all the signatures into a list and use it to target people. That idiot, Boring Jewson, has been lying so much to the population, even promising a return to normality by June and speaking against vaccine passports.

People, of course, believe him. I have yet to encounter someone here who does not trust the fakedemic narrative. Some people I argued with even went as far as to state it is a civic duty to take the "vaccine" lol What am I got myself into?! :lol: :roll:

They should already have that im in Australia and my constitution lets me refuse it because its unconstitutional I haven't been affected by any lock down laws mask laws or vaccine laws because I just challenge it in court businesses in Australia have successfully sued the government for shutting down their businesses because it was done in an unconstitutional way if any state try's to pass a law that doesn't coincide with the constitution it can be challenged and you can win.

We have the www.knowyourrights.org group they are great a law society that benefits the people
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:


I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.

Maybe the injection israel is getting is MRNA technology meant to repair their fucked up genetics and try to heal the thousands of genetic diseases that they have.

Then they give gentiles an exact opposite one, designed to create a million genetic diseases.

The Pfizer vaccine that they use in Isreal is definitely not the same as the Pfizer vaccine for the rest of the world, even though on paper it's the same vaccine... It is much safer, and has much less side effects that the vaccines for the rest of the world, that's for certain... Everything else is just assumptions, there is no way you can know what exactly this vaccine is, what it contains, what it's really meant to do, and what it will do in the long term. It is top-classified information. The only thing we know is that it will alter your RNA and therefore your DNA... By the way, a few days ago I realized what the name of one of the biggest covid-19 vaccine companies actually means - Moderna is an abbreviation for modified RNA. Mode (modified) + RNA.

Here are some people's experiences with the covid vax (not in Isreal)


They have been talking about population reduction for a long time. Sterilization could be part of this. RNA plays big role in reproduction. Here's some of the role from an abstract in Pubmed.
microRNAs constitute a large family of approximately 21-nucleotide-long, noncoding RNAs. They emerged more than 20 years ago as key posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression. The regulatory role of these small RNA molecules has recently begun to be explored in the human reproductive system. microRNAs have been shown to play an important role in control of reproductive functions, especially in the processes of oocyte maturation, folliculogenesis, corpus luteum function, implantation, and early embryonic development. Knockout of Dicer, the cytoplasmic enzyme that cleaves the pre-miRNA to its mature form, results in postimplantation embryonic lethality in several animal models, attributing to these small RNA vital functions in reproduction and development. Another intriguing characteristic of microRNAs is their presence in body fluids in a remarkably stable form that is protected from endogenous RNase activity. In this chapter we will describe the current knowledge on microRNAs, specifically relating to human gonadal cells. We will focus on their role in the ovarian physiologic process and ovulation dysfunction, regulation of spermatogenesis and male fertility, and putative involvement in human normal and aberrant trophoblast differentiation and invasion through the process of placentation.
Nikois666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:


I bet a bunch of money that jews have an entirely different injection than what everywhere else in the world is getting.

Maybe the injection israel is getting is MRNA technology meant to repair their fucked up genetics and try to heal the thousands of genetic diseases that they have.

Then they give gentiles an exact opposite one, designed to create a million genetic diseases.

I have refrained from posting everything I had in my mind on this post because I am afraid that it could help jews. The following could be a little incomplete below but you will understand me.

Another possible scenario is that it is a vaccine of a different virus that they have not yet unleashed. The Google Translate topic made it a bit clear that they are observing the Gentiles. This Covid is just a test and a decoy imo. I think they have something else in their mind. Message from Lord Azazel in March 2019 also made it pretty clear that Covid is not the only virus/plague/flu/pandemic that we are going to see. There are going to be more of them. They don't care about their own Jews, why the heck would they care about some billion dead Gentiles.

I am not trying to scare anyone but just sharing a very realistic possibility.
I don't think anyone can confirm what kind of vaccine the Israelis are using. They could be using anything, it could be a covid vaccine or a vaccine of some different virus. What happens in israel, stays in israel. Only twisted information is passed out to show themselves as some democratic nation, while in reality they are not democratic at all. They are very much a communist nation. I don't know if this specific thing happens in today's israel but back in 2000s, If you ever landed in Israel, there was always some government official that follows you without your consent to track your activity. Like a spy of some sort. Because of technological advancement, I don't know if this happens anymore. I came to know this by a friend of mine, his dad went to Israel for joint military exercise in the 2000s or somewhere around that year. And his dad spotted that 'one' person in almost 5 different locations they went during their get around/free time[like going to market and tourist attractions], that person was not looking at them but he was there, always following his dad and his mates. That israeli was clearly following them and a government official. His dad never confronted that spy. From this situation you can understand what Israel is.

In today's world that has something like internet, it would have been difficult for even the Israeli government to forcefully immunize their own kind for their biological warfare. I am saying this because I think even the middle and the low tier jews don't know about their reptilians masters. All they are told is that they are "Muh Gods Chosen", they too would question a sudden mandatory vaccination campaign with vaccine IDs.
To do a forceful immunization of their kind, they had to and have to use a Decoy to fool their own and also the people of the world. They needed some kind of distraction which would very gladly help them to immunize their own people first. Covid did that for them, Covid is the decoy in my opinion. Once a good number of jews are immunized to the said virus they have in their labs, then they can unleash a virus depending on their observation. I think they will and are straight up engaging in biological warfare.

. I am trying to connect dots, there are many possibilities with the current situation, the above is just one of those but a very real and simple possibility/startegy where officials don't have to engage in much corruption and don't have to manage too many agents. All one can say is take care of yourself. Take precautions such as avoiding crowded areas. Work on your AOP and the most importantly, do the RTRs.
I feel the same way and since the beginning I felt like this was something of a small plan that will lead to a much bigger 1. All in all I know the frtr and every shot we throw at them is suceeding I think Satan and the Gods showed me that it actually works it was when i had my doubts about it but now i see that it works. So keep up the frtr tho I wish I could help as well.
Ramses said:
Stormblood said:
Wotanwarrior said:
At the beginning of January they were already saying in some countries such as Spain or France that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated will be put on a list.

In Britain, people have started a petition for citizens and residents, to create a law that prevents discrimination based on vaccine. I suspect they'll compile all the signatures into a list and use it to target people. That idiot, Boring Jewson, has been lying so much to the population, even promising a return to normality by June and speaking against vaccine passports.

People, of course, believe him. I have yet to encounter someone here who does not trust the fakedemic narrative. Some people I argued with even went as far as to state it is a civic duty to take the "vaccine" lol What am I got myself into?! :lol: :roll:

They should already have that im in Australia and my constitution lets me refuse it because its unconstitutional I haven't been affected by any lock down laws mask laws or vaccine laws because I just challenge it in court businesses in Australia have successfully sued the government for shutting down their businesses because it was done in an unconstitutional way if any state try's to pass a law that doesn't coincide with the constitution it can be challenged and you can win.

We have the www.knowyourrights.org group they are great a law society that benefits the people

That domain is for sale apparently and no longer active. Maybe you messed up something in the link?

Unfortunately, if I had to do that, I'd have to look for law societies that work pro bono, as I cannot afford the cost of law in this country and there is no way the government would grant funding for something like this, given how busy they are to keep the psyop active. On top of that pro bono work is quite limited here, with weird regulations about it. But kudos to you for doing that.

One of my dreams is to own a firm with no fixed fees but rather flexible, means-tested rates, after the justice system has been fixed to be more citizen-friendly in cost, rather than being more tailored to the corporate sector.
Yeah I don't know what's up with the link but know your rights is the Australian law society and our constitutions should be near on identical but yeah I have successfully challenged them on multiple occasions now

I don't need
drivers license
Vehicle registration
I don't pay
Speeding fines
Council rates
I don't bend the knee to any council laws actually or state laws that don't follow along with the constitutional laws of the land
Literal quarantine sites have already been set up but they say its not forced but you will be arrested and fined if you don't follow directions and go to the quarantine hotels vOluNtArIlY. Even parents are abusing their kids and locking them away in some countries just because their politician told them to. I'll be making a post on this later today. It's insanity what these monsters are pushing for.
Ramses said:
Yeah I don't know what's up with the link but know your rights is the Australian law society and our constitutions should be near on identical but yeah I have successfully challenged them on multiple occasions now

I don't need
drivers license
Vehicle registration
I don't pay
Speeding fines
Council rates
I don't bend the knee to any council laws actually or state laws that don't follow along with the constitutional laws of the land

I need to look into this. They rape us with taxes, they like to use coverup - culture to hide historical rape claims. They even rape their own members of parliament. An attorney - General who is also a rapist. They rape us with council rates. We are raped repeatedly with their revenue gathering. They then rape us with hiked petrol prices. What? Cause they raped all the small businesses so their big corporations can keep all the cream. By doing so raping it's own economy. They have brutally raped the indigenous people, land and culture also. They have also made it acceptable to allow these rapist filled churches (hill song) continue to rape the economy with 100% tax deductible. And make profits upwards of $100 million every year. Scott Morrison and his Rapist Government. Slowly Raping Aussie Sheila to her knees!!
Go to the know your rights website just put . Org at the end of it and it will come up cant link to it properly on this forum for some reason they are a law society for getting around costs and taxes goto
Operate in the private

They will help you setup
1. Self managed super funds
2. Show you how to use trust funds properly
(Limit your liability) and sell and buy assets without paying stamp duty
3. Private foundations
Private foundation work like charity organisations you get your employer to donate your pay to your foundation and you volunteer your time to them for doing so its a donation and not employment and technically doesn't constitute as a gain or income so you pay no tax.

Private foundations operate with no auditing or supervision they are not obligated to report their activity at all and the do not pay gst on purchases

Play their own game

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
