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paper on why christianity is inhumane


New member
Feb 2, 2012
well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.
very nicely done.
you should get good grades. you would if i was the one grading.
you wrote that well.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@... wrote:

well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.
Awesomely done! Bravo! I wish i could see your teachers face when your story's read :p hope you get A+ kill the lie! HAIL SATAN!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@... wrote:
well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.
DAMN! this is nice! lol let us know the reactions this gets.
one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical
mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the
beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and

People that Kill are not proper xtians

Thou shalt not KIll!!

Its not the religion

Its the people with there free will!

Tell me now how your so sure Satan cannot tempt people who claim they are xtians to murder!
ha ha those motherfuckers got told fuck them all ha ha they are all gonna pay
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "allforenki" <allforenki@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@ wrote:

well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.

nice man ... now i fell like killing them all or at least bringing cristianity down... i wasn't motivated until now but now i am.. and yes tell us the reaction of ure teacher :p
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "yoovlad15" <yoovlad15@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "allforenki" <allforenki@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@ wrote:

well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.

nice man ... now i fell like killing them all or at least bringing cristianity down... i wasn't motivated until now but now i am.. and yes tell us the reaction of ure teacher :p
yeah i didnt feel motivated either until i heard about all of this a while ago, its straight from the exposing christianity website, one quick read through all the torture devices used on ppl who they thought were "witches and heretics" is enough to make you wanna go kill your local preacher. lol, but we dont condone physical murder... thanks for anyone who took the time to read through it, i know its alot but it was intended for school so bear with it if u feel like it.
P.S. since i thought that it would be way too over the top to be anti-christianity and a nazi sympathizer in the same paper for school.. i used a comparison to Adolf Hitler somewhat negatively, i personally really like hitler and nazism in general, just incase anyone felt i used him badly.

Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@... wrote:
well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.
Very good i must say, but at the risk of sounding nerdy (although i have no qualms expressing the fact i am intellectually superior to most) was it worth it putting your academic achievement and thus betterment and progression into a god as Satan intended to prove an obvious point to slaves and mindless lambs?

I know i will get some scathing responses to this, i look forward to their originality.

Ave Satanas.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bblondie321" <bblondie321@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Michael" <mike_da_king1111@ wrote:

well, i recently had to do a journal thing that needed to be 750 words, but the teacher said the topic could be anything. so naturally, i decided to take my knowledge of xianty and all of the bullshit behind it, and put it to good use. i almost tripled the requirements but i think im gonna make my teacher an atheist after this, or at least i can hope she doesnt try to fail me for it. anyways i figured id post it here where it can be appreciated by anyone who feels like a lil reading. enjoy. when i get the grade back ill be sure to tell you guys.

My journal isn't exactly about me, instead I decided to write about my feelings towards a certain subject, one that I feel very strongly about, one that I see and experience everyday, and one that disappoints me. It disappoints me that despite all of the knowledge that the human race has come across, all the science and ability to explain things once unexplainable, and still we have to degenerate ourselves back to one of the most incorrect, outdated, and inhumane creations of man. I am not writing about war, weapons of mass destructions, famines that we can stop, although many are either related to, if not directly caused by this subject that I am writing about, which is religion, or more specifically christianity.
I believe that christianity is a plague upon mankind, one of ignorance and stupidity. It is understandable to create such a thing in the earlier times, back when we humans couldn't quite understand why the sky was blue, or why the giant glowing ball in the sky leaves everyday, or why this person steals and kills people when the rest of us don't. But in this day and age, we can decipher the mysteries of the world, we can us science and knowledge to solve our problems without saying god did it. We can find reasons behind actions without blaming the devil for every bad thing that has happened in the world. I personally feel that keeping a blind faith and indoctrinating our children from birth, at a time where they have no choice, they cannot speak nor decide for themselves, is destroying humanity slowly. Fortunately the church's grip on humanity's fear and guilt is growing weaker with everyday as more and more people are openly and admittedly atheist, but still the world struggles and is bogged down from advancement by the corrupt and change-fearing church during its last dying breaths.
One needs only to look back into the history of christianity to see the mindless and thoughtlessness of it. The church is responsible for more bloodshed and completely illogical and needless wars than any intelligent human being should have ever allowed. The church goes through untaxed in anyway, making billions and billions of dollars, while countries struggle, children go uneducated, and men unfed. The church recently is finally being exposed to the public the terrible acts of child abuse and pedophilia by the "trusted" pastors and preachers, as they are a testament to impossible standards and "moral values" that they unnaturally try to impose upon mankind, using our own guilt against us, forcing you to believe that your "god" who loves you so, who's son died for you, is willing to let you rot, and be tortured for all eternity for even having an impure thought. The pure thought of this is insane and one can only wonder why the world would let such a thing exist.
If you take in all of the history and sickening crimes that religion of christianity has committed against humanity it makes Adolf Hitler look like nice guy. Everyone always looks at the holocaust as one of the most horrific acts against humanity that has occurred, which it was; millions of people were slain because of their religion and race. Of course no one wants to mention the times where the christian churches and popes did nothing less than that. Millions upon millions of people were slain, but for what reason? That reason is the same reason why Hitler slaughtered the Jews, only because they had a different religion. Millions of Muslims as well as many other pagan and non-christians were killed because they decided to follow their own beliefs, over the equally irrational christian beliefs, but the popes and kings declared that they must be killed if they won't submit.
Along with these terrible crimes, there is one that most people don't ever think about, even those who despise and know full well the acts of christianity. The most appalling acts that the church has ever committed are those that murdered, and halted the advancements of human technologies, thinking, and philosophy. This is unspeakable. How many inventors and geniuses were slaughtered only to preserve the lies that the church created. So that they could keep control over the world that they shadowed. Not only did the despicable church kill the new ideas that people had, either literally or by intimidating those who would have such innovated thoughts, but the christian church also destroyed countless items, scrolls, tablets, etc. that held ancient knowledge and truth. The church has been desecrating knowledge and technology for countless years, to preserve their version of the past. Whether the knowledge was of medical practices, history, science, or other questionable information that was known before the church took power, they tried their best to neutralize all the information they could, so that they could keep the world unintelligent, unquestioning and obedient. For in actuality, christianity, in as well as almost all major religions, their sole purpose is to control the public.
It is absolutely no mistake that the time in history where christianity was the most powerful force on the Earth, was also known as the Dark Ages, and was one of the most horrendous times in human history. This was the time that brilliance, innovation, genius, and creation, were all severely punished. For if you created something new, you were a witch! If you had somehow discovered a cure for a disease, you're a witch! If you knew that the Earth revolved around the sun, not visa versa, you're a witch! Because of course if you weren't obedient and sheep-like, going along with the rest of the sheep, led by the pastors off the cliff of rationality, you're against god! You are the devil! How could the church, with the bible that was undoubtedly written by god or jesus, certainly not an ordinary human like you or me, with guidance and the word of god, could ever possibly be incorrect about anything?
The worse part was that the Dark Ages events of witch hunts and inquisitions didn't end then, they continued on up until more recent times. Through the events of the inquisitions and the Salem Witch trials you can find the truly inhumane nature of the church that loves you so. Using inquisitors to rule out "heretics" and "witches" the church used their power to interrogate everyone and anyone who had a single hint of suspicion. No longer were you innocent until proven guilty, under the churches control, you were guilty until proven innocent.
The inquisitors were given permission from the pope and the churches to use sickening torture devices such as The Brodequin, "which was used to crush the legs by tightening the device by hand, or using a mallet for knocking in the wedges to smash the bones until the bone marrow spurted out. People who passed out were further condemned as the losing of consciousness to be a trick from the Devil in order to escape pain." Or like the lovely Wheel, in which "the nude victim, was stretched out, lying face downward on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her arms and legs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The inquisitor then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, taking care not to bring about the death of the victim. There were splinters of smashed bones, blood spurted everywhere and the victim's entire skeleton was crushed and smashed. Thereafter the shattered limbs were "braided" into the spokes of the large wheel. The wheel has to be one of the most gruesome of all torture devices. The idea is, that the victims' limbs are shattered and entwined around the spokes of the wheel, attaching them to it." (http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Inquisition.html)
These are but two ways out of the thousands of horrendous, disgusting torture methods and devices that the christian churches used on victims, that may have been a heretic or witch, in order to force a confession from them, so they could burn them at the stake, in order to intimidate the flock of sheep, incase any others decided to use their minds.
After discovering the grotesque truth about one of the worlds, unfortunately, most popular religions, one can only wonder why anyone, with a sane and logical mind, in today's day and age, could even possible considering following the beliefs of such and irrational, inhumane, and animalistic-like behaviors and practices. Personally I, along with many others, believe it is because many of the unfortunate christians that still follow the beliefs today, were raised and indoctrinated into the christian dogma, from birth. They have not known of anything other than the bible, jesus, and god. They have been told lies and stories from the day they were born, how could they have a chance of discovering truth and other points of views without having an extremely open mind? Even more unfortunately for christians, their religions breeds ignorance, timid, obedient, and very close minded thinking. With these "values" being shoveled down your throat before your first words, its no wonder that the church still has followers in the billions, even with a rap sheet unequalled with terrible experiences to any other force in the world, many still follow because they are too afraid or even incapable of picturing anything besides or without their "god" right beside them.
I hope that my grandchildren, or better yet, children, though unfortunately that is highly unlikely, will be able to see the day, the christian church is held responsible for its crimes, and is finally destroyed and dismembered by the finally logical society that will rise and come to their senses. I would love nothing more than to hear a grand or great grand child ask me in the future, "What is christianity?" or better yet "How could anyone do such a thing?". There will be a time when everyone looks upon the church as the Hitler that was hidden right in front of our faces the whole time, and hopefully, if nothing else, we learn to stop controlling religions from interfering with progression, and to never let something as appalling and inhumane as the christian church and religion, to ever come to be again. I hope that anyone who has read this, will at least consider my point of view, or the, more importantly the points of views of those who were oppressed and died, simply from the fact that they had discovered something new, at a time where intelligence was the worst crime, and to help look into ALL of the aspects of christianity, whether its your religion or not. Don't cover up and ignore the terrible parts and look at only the goodness, the real facts are dark and evil as the devil that christianity has created, do what is right and do research before believing blindly anything that someone has said, and help see and expose christianity for the real evil and public control device that it truly is.

Very good i must say, but at the risk of sounding nerdy (although i have no qualms expressing the fact i am intellectually superior to most) was it worth it putting your academic achievement and thus betterment and progression into a god as Satan intended to prove an obvious point to slaves and mindless lambs?

I know i will get some scathing responses to this, i look forward to their originality.

Ave Satanas.
I get what you mean, but one thing that still amazes me to this day, is that for the mindless slaves and indoctrinated masses, most of that info is not obvious, and if they do know of it they think a handful of people were killed that were called witches and a few ppl were killed in the crusades when in reality its probably 100x what they think. you have to keep in mind, that they are living lies, and that the common information most ppl know on this subject is scarce and out of thought for most of them, unlike us, who know this first hand in some cases, and know a lot about all the terrible history of the church, makes it seem super obvious to us. Like i said i wrote the paper for an overly religious black lady, not us satanists who already know the story, i just felt that itd be most appreciated here than the opinion id get from christians.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
