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'Out of Africa" Theory Debunked

Experts recreate the faces of ancient Brits dating back half a MILLION years to reveal the skin tone, eye and hair colour and true identity of our ancestors


© Getty Neanderthal man at the human evolution exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London, England, United Kingdom. The museum exhibits a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history. The museum is home to life and earth science specimens comprising some 80 million items within five main collections: botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. The museum is a centre of research specialising in taxonomy, identification and conservation. (photo by Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images)

Faces of the earliest British residents have been recreated to show what they may have looked like and tell their story.

For the first time, we can see features in these neanderthals faces such as skin tone and eye and hair colour to show what ancestors looked like dating back up to 500,000 years.

The 3D busts are on show at the Elaine Evans Archaeology Gallery, part of Brighton museum, which has just opened.

Experts used a mix of scientific research, technology and DNA analysis to come up with the physical attributes, and how they lived and died.


© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited Faces of the earliest British residents have been recreated to show what they may have looked like and tell their story. For the first time, we can see features in these neanderthals faces such as skin tone and eye and hair colour to show what our ancestors looked like

The exhibition focuses on seven people, five of whom were early residents of Brighton & Hove, who lived from the Ice Age to the Saxons.  

The science behind the facial reconstructions provides an instant understanding of how our ancestors looked over a 500,000 year period.

DNA analysis helped the experts understand the skin, eye and hair colouring.

Forensic artist and sculptor, Oscar Nilsson and Richard Le Saux, have worked for fourteen months to build an accurate and realistic picture of the ancient Britonians.

The stories behind the busts include a woman found with a nail in the back of her skull in an unusual grave and a man buried in a shallow grave among shells.


© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The 3D busts are on show at the Elaine Evans Archaeology Gallery, part of Brighton museum, which has just opened


© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The experts used a mix of scientific research, technology and DNA analysis to come up with the physical attributes, and how they lived and died

They found that different people from a variety of backgrounds and geographical origins have settled in Sussex through history. 

Like Cheddar Man, a bust of a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 unveiled last year, the exhibition reveals the faces of seven more 'locals' who are believed to have lived and died on the south coast of England.

Britain's oldest complete human skeleton, known as Cheddar Man, was unearthed in 1903 in Gough's Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset.

The prehistoric male lived around 10,000 years ago, and a huge hole in his skull suggests he died a violent death


© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The exhibition focuses on seven people, five of whom were early residents of Brighton & Hove, who lived from the Ice Age to the Saxons


© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The science behind the facial reconstructions provides an instant understanding of how our ancestors looked over a 500,000 year period

The curators wanted to make design the exhibition to appeal to children and move away from the more traditional 'glass cases with pots and flints' set-up. 

They wanted to get away from lengthy historical text. 

To tie in with the time period, they recreated the atmosphere of the past using sound, film and images set in a woodland.

One of the seven faces is dark-skinned. Experts now say that people living in Britain before the Bronze Age were dark.

But when fair skinned and blue eyed migrants came to our shores, these people were all but wiped out. 

Richard Le Saux said that his latest theory is that this was because of 'disease and not war that caused the deaths of people with dark skin.

Ditchling Road Man from the Bronze Age

© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited Ditchling Road man was buried in a shallow grave in a crouched position, lying on his left side with a decorated ceramic ¿beaker¿. He lived between 4,287- 4,125 years ago and was between 25 and 35 when he died

Ditchling Road man was buried in a shallow grave in a crouched position, lying on his left side with a decorated ceramic ‘beaker’ on its side by his feet and a barbed and tanged arrow head under his skull.

He lived between 4,287- 4,125 years ago and was between 25 and 35 when he died.

A quantity of snail shells were found opposite his mouth. It seems to have been a basic burial, indicating the man was probably not high status.

Limited DNA results show he probably had light skin, blue eyes, blonde hair. We also know he suffered from loss of teeth and tooth decay. 

Patcham woman from the Romano-British era

© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited Patcham woman was petite and slender with light skin, blue eyes and blond hair and blue eyes. According to research spine shows signs of stress (bending and lifting) and there is joint disease in her right knee and lower spine

Patcham woman dates from the years 210 – 356. She was likely to have been 25 - 35 years of age.

Mystery surrounds the death of Patcham woman whose body revealed a gruesome discovery. This petite and slender woman was found lying on her side with a nail impaled in the back of her skull.

She was likely to have light skin, blue eyes and blonde hair and according to historical research had lived a hard physical life. 

Her spine shows signs of stress (bending and lifting) and there is joint disease in her right knee and lower spine. 

A further mystery is the male skeleton who was also uncovered lying feet to feet with her, looking in the same direction but obviously pointing away from her.

Whitehawk woman from the Neolithic period

© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited Whitehawk woman lived between 5650¿5520 years ago. She was small and slender with dark North African or Southern Mediterranean skin. Her eyes were brown and her hair would have been a light shade of brown. The experts believe she died during childbirth

She  lived between 5650–5520 years ago and lived to age 19-25.

She was small and slender with dark North African or Southern Mediterranean skin. 

Her eyes were brown and her hair would have been a light shade of brown.

Her general health was good but the bones of a baby were found nestling in her pelvis which point to the probability that she died in childbirth.

From tests on the isotope and chemical make-up from her teeth, they think she was not brought up locally and may have come from an area as far away as Hereford.

Slonk Hill man from the Iron Age

© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited Mystery surrounds the life and death of our Iron Age man whose remains were found north of the Shoreham bypass when work was being done on the A27. Researchers say Slonk Hill man probably had light skin, black or brown hair and brown eyes

He  is thought to have lived between 2,413 - 2,226 years ago and he is thought to have died around the age of 24 - 31.

Slonk Hill man probably had light skin, black or brown hair and brown eyes. He was buried in a semi-crouched position at the bottom of a large storage pit. 

This is not unusual in the Iron Age – pits were often filled in and ritual deposits made whilst filling including depositing animal bones and skulls. 

Slonk Hill man’s bones are fully developed showing he was active, strong and healthy. 

The only abnormality is some additional bone growth on the right shin bone which shows that he must have suffered a heavy blow or trauma in that area. 

Researchers say that it could have been a farming accident or a physical attack. 

Gallery: Recent discoveries has transformed our entire understanding of human history (Business Insider)

A handful of recent discoveries has transformed our entire understanding of human history

Recent discoveries have revealed that much of the traditional understanding of the human origin story is wrong.
Until the past few years, most anthropologists and archaeologists believed that the first members of our species - Homo sapiens - evolved in East Africa approximately 200,000 years ago.
As that story goes, humanity mostly remained in Africa for the next 140,000 years, then ventured forth as part of a major wave known as the "Out of Africa" migration approximately 60,000 years ago.
In this version of history, those early ancestors took over territories once occupied by less-advanced species, like the Neanderthals. Then humans reached North America about 25,000 years ago.
But this understanding of history has been thoroughly upended by a number of discoveries over the past few years.
There's less certainty now about how long ago modern humans truly evolved, when people spread around the world, and how we co-existed with a number of other hominid species. New findings suggest that many events happened much longer ago in history than researchers previously thought. The process of our own evolution - and our relationships with other co-existent hominin species - are also made messier by many of these discoveries.
Here are some of the recent discoveries that have begun to upend what we thought we knew about the human origin story


The first Homo sapiens seem to have appeared more than 100,000 years earlier than scientists previously thought — and in different locations.
In 2017, two scientific papers published in the journal Nature described an astounding find: the discovery of remains from Homo sapiens that were more than 300,000-year-old.

[My note: That should be "remains from Homo sapiens that were more than 300,000 years old" or "from 300,000-year-old Homo sapiens". Where do they look and what do they focus on when they're interviewing these journalists?]

The bones were unearthed in Morocco, and showed that humans had been around for far longer than 200,000 years. The discovery was also evidence that our earliest ancestors may not have been located in just one area, since this showed that even the earliest members of our species were in North Africa, far from spots often considered the birthplace of humanity.
"There is no Garden of Eden in Africa, or if there is, it is all of Africa," anthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin, who led the expedition to unearth the skulls, said at the time.


These discoveries helped lead to a new idea: perhaps Homo sapiens actually evolved all over Africa in interlinked groups that became more similar over time.
As a team of researchers described in a recent paper, groups of Homo sapiens may have evolved contemporaneously all over Africa, instead of just in one primary location.
Not all of these groups would have looked identical at the start, but they may have been close enough to all be considered Homo sapiens, even if they weren't the same as the modern versions of humanity.
So instead of first emerging in a site in East or South Africa (depending on which version of the traditional origin story you subscribe to) and then spreading from there, distantly related groups of humans across the continent could have become more similar over time.


This idea is known as the "African multiregionalism" theory.
According to this logic, distantly related groups could have all evolved from a widespread ancient hominid relative. In different locations, they may have interbred with and picked up traits from other ancient hominids, as we know Homo sapiens have done over time.
(In general, the term hominid describes great apes, humans, and all our extinct ancestors; the term hominin is a bit more narrow referring only to humans and our more closely related extinct ancestors.)
Ed Yong at The Atlantic wrote that the best way to understand this theory isn't to think of evolution as a tree in which modern humans branched off and became a separate group.
"It's a braided river - a group of streams that are all part of the same system, but that weave into and out of each other," Yong wrote. "These streams eventually merge into the same big channel, but it takes time - hundreds of thousands of years. For most of our history, any one group of Homo sapiens had just some of the full constellation of features that we use to define ourselves."


We've also discovered new hominids that our ancestors may have lived alongside or even occasionally mated with.
In 2013, two spelunkers in South Africa spotted something promising in a cave. They told National Geographic explorer-in-residence Lee Berger of their find. Berger put out an ad searching for scientists who could excavate, go caving, climb, and fit into tiny spaces. He ended up recruiting an international team of six female scientists - later dubbed "underground astronauts" - who made their way into the cave.
Inside, they discovered thousands of bones from an ancient hominid that had never before been seen. The researchers described it in a 2015 paper with the name Homo naledi.
This small hominid may have lived alongside early Homo sapiens. The discovery also suggested that there may have been many other early hominid species that we co-existed with before becoming the one dominant remaining member of the Homo genus.


Some early art that was previously attributed to Homo sapiens was really created by Neanderthals.
We may not have been as different from other hominids as scientists used to think.
Even if Homo sapiens evolved before we thought, Neanderthals were around first, appearing in the fossil record at least 400,000 years back. Many researchers assumed those Homo neanderthalis were far more primitive than their later-evolving relatives. But new discoveries challenge that line of thinking.
Long before what researchers refer to as "modern" humans ever reached Europe, our Neanderthal cousins were creating cultural objects and painting in caves in Spain, according to several recently published studies.
The new research pinpointed when some of the first European art that we know of was created, and it turns out the visual work was happening before many places were settled by Homo sapiens. That indicates Neanderthals and early humans may have been very similar cognitively and culturally.
Some early art that was previously attributed to Homo sapiens was really created by Neanderthals. We may not have been as different from other hominids as scientists used to think.
Even if Homo sapiens evolved before we thought, Neanderthals were around first, appearing in the fossil record at least 400,000 years back. Many researchers assumed those Homo neanderthalis were far more primitive than their later-evolving relatives. But new discoveries challenge that line of thinking.
Long before what researchers refer to as "modern" humans ever reached Europe, our Neanderthal cousins were creating cultural objects and painting in caves in Spain, according to several recently published studies.
The new research pinpointed when some of the first European art that we know of was created, and it turns out the visual work was happening before many places were settled by Homo sapiens. That indicates Neanderthals and early humans may have been very similar cognitively and culturally.


We've also found more genetic evidence that shows ancient humans interbred several times with hominin species like Denisovans and Neanderthals.
We've long known that humans mixed with Neanderthals, since most present-day non-Africans have at least some Neanderthal DNA.
But that wasn't the only other species we mixed with. A 2018 genetic study found that more than once, humans mixed with Denisovans - other hominins that existed when early Homo sapiens were making their way out of Africa.
Up to 5% of the DNA of modern residents of Papua New Guinea show traces of interbreeding with Denisovans. Smaller traces of those ancient liaisons are found across Asia, too, but we still don't know too much about Denisovans and our interactions with them.


The earliest humans left Africa long before we thought, according to recent research.
The first Homo sapiens may have left Africa and started migrating into Asia more than 120,000 years ago - far earlier than scientists previously thought, according to a review of recent research published in the journal Science in late 2017.
"The initial dispersals out of Africa prior to 60,000 years ago were likely by small groups of foragers, and at least some of these early dispersals left low-level genetic traces in modern human populations," Michael Petraglia, an archaeologist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and an author of the study, said in a press release. "A later, major 'Out of Africa' event most likely occurred around 60,000 years ago or thereafter."


Some researchers even think humans arrived in North America earlier than the traditionally accepted timeline, though this is still controversial.
Most evidence indicates that humans first reached North America 25,000 years ago. But given the upheaval that other recent discoveries have caused, it seems possible that some groups could have arrived before then.
At least one team of researchers thinks humans could have reached the Americas 100,00 years earlier than the traditionally accepted timeline. That ideas is based on the discovery of mastodon bones at a site near what's now San Diego, California. The bones were found to have been broken apart after the death of the animal, and fragments of what appear to be ancient tools were also found at the site.
That indicates that hominids may have stretched into North America early on. However, the findings are still far from certain. And since other early hominids seem to have been more widespread and intelligent than we thought, it's possible these North Americans weren't Homo sapiens but instead some other ancient ancestor.


There's still a lot we don't know about the human origin story.
As all these findings show, there's a lot of the human origin story that we have yet to fully understand. Recent research has called into question traditional narratives about the history of our ancestors and the creatures we co-existed with. The reality seems to be messier and less straightforward than previously thought.
We're still finding traces of history buried away in caves or even in large analyses of our genetic code that weren't possible until recently.
We surely have much to learn.

Part of this article was not very easy to copy, so I apologise if bits of it are messed-up. As for the upside-down question marks (¿ <-- these things), they are from in the article.

They have read where we have said that Satan is about 500 thousands years old and now are trying to show things about Britons, alleging Britain was not White, from around that time. It took them long enough.

A non-White woman discovered(?) in, and named after, Whitehawk? Oh, please don't try to be too blatant, will you?

Which computer games do you think they are plagiarising for these pictures?

I was hoping to share a thread regarding the Brown/Neanderthal-looking "jesus" which an article has said it looked like, but I must have lost the link. I mentioned it here, though.
Fossils of first moving creatures on Earth ‘rewrite history of evolution’


Tubular structures found in black shale from a quarry in Gabon dating from 2.1 billion years ago REUTERS

Fossils dating from 2.1 billion years ago hint that creatures began to move about by themselves – sliming along like slugs – hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously believed.

The fossils – remnants of small tubular structures – were found in rocks in Gabon in West Africa by researchers from Cardiff University.

The fossils are the first creatures believed to have achieved locomotion, with cells grouping together to form something which may have been like slime moulds.

If the team are correct, the find shakes up the history of evolution – as the previous earliest evidence of moving creatures was from just 0.5 billion years ago.

Dr Ernest Chi Fru, from Cardiff’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, said: ‘It is plausible that the organisms behind this phenomenon moved in search of nutrients and oxygen that were produced by bacteria mats on the seafloor-water interface.

‘The results raise a number of fascinating questions about the history of life on Earth, and how and when organisms began to move.

‘Was this a primitive biological innovation, a prelude to more perfected forms of locomotion seen around us today, or was this simply an experiment that was cut short?’


I put this in this thread because it mentions Africa being the place of discovery and also about movement/travel. Is it subliminal messaging regarding movement/travel "out of Africa"? It is, indeed, fascinating that the history of life and movement "out of Africa" is false!
Multiple lines of mysterious ancient humans interbred with us


© Photograph by Joe McNally, Nat Geo Image Collection These piercing eyes belong to a reconstruction of a Neanderthal, an ancient human relative that shared the planet with Denisovans and modern humans. Genetic research suggests that they went extinct before the Denisovans.

Nearly a decade ago, a snippet of pinky bone found in Siberia introduced the world to a baffling new kind of ancient human. Called Denisovans, after the name of the cave in the Altai Mountains where the bone was found, these ancient relatives of the Neanderthals inhabited Asia for tens of thousands of years—yet no fossil trace of them has been found save that finger bone, a few teeth, and a scrap of skull, all from Denisova cave.

A study published today in Cell adds a surprising new twist to their mystery: DNA from a large sampling of living southeast Asians suggests that the ghostly Denisovans may be not one, but three distinct kinds of human, one of which is almost as different from other Denisovans as they are from Neanderthals.

What's more, while the Denisovans lived alongside humans for millennia, one group may have outlasted even the Neanderthals, who disappeared 40,000 years ago. According to the study, these Denisovans co-existed and mixed with modern humans in New Guinea until at least 30,000 years ago—but perhaps as recently as 15,000 years ago—a date that, if confirmed, means Denisovans were the last known humans save ourselves to walk the Earth.


© Photograph by Joshua Irwandi

Members of the Asmat people of West Papua participate in the Jipae resurrection feast. Researchers suggest that the genomes of modern Papuans bear traces of two distinct groups of Denisovan ancestors. A sister group to the Neanderthals, these enigmatic hominins are known only from a few fossils and the DNA they passed along through thousands of generations.

The provocative find joins a number of recent discoveries that continue to point to a stunning diversity of hominins in ancient Asia, including the announcement just yesterday of a new species, Homo luzonensis, in the Philippines.

“Suddenly it’s kind of crystalized that the center of diversity for archaic populations is in Islands Southeast Asia,” says study co-author Murray Cox of Massey University, New Zealand, referring to the Philippines, Malaysia, and the other archipelagos that make up the vast maritime region of the Asian subcontinent.


© Photograph by Joshua Irwandi

Teacher Maria Fransiska (Chika) Danuk, 23, gets ready for her wedding. Originally from the neighboring island of Flores, Chika now lives among the Asmat of West Papua. Researchers hope to learn more about the genetic traces that Denisovans left in the DNA of modern Papuans to help them live healthier lives.

Sharon Browning of the University of Washington expresses both excitement and caution about the results and what they might mean. In 2018, Browning and her colleagues identified two waves of Denisovan interbreeding with modern humans, which the new study expands upon.

“It’s just one little piece of the story,” she says of the new work. “But every little piece we find helps us really fill it out.”

Denisovan predecessors likely split from their Neanderthal relatives at least 400,000 years ago. And while the Neanderthals fanned out across Europe and the Middle East, Denisovans spread through Asia, eventually breeding with ancestors of modern humans of Asian descent. By doing so, Denisovans left their genetic fingerprints in Homo sapiens for generations to come—providing additional clues to learn about their kind.

Human health to heady history

Cox and his colleagues didn't initially set out to search for Denisovan diversity. Instead, the team was interested improving healthcare in Indonesia and neighboring regions in Island Southeast Asia. A better understanding of the gene variants related to disease in the region could lead to treatments targeted more specifically to those populations.

“It’s very important to us,” says study author Herawati Sudoyo, senior research fellow at Indonesia's Eijkman Institute, which partnered with an international team for this latest work. While Indonesia is a hugely diverse country that hosts many genetically distinct people, she notes that “there was no genetic study being done because…the technology was not [yet] here in Indonesia.”


© Getty Washington, DC - March, 15: The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History is about to open its' new Hall of Human Origins, March 15, 2010 in Washington, DC. Pictured, a row of skulls ending with homo sapiens, foreground. One of the more than 75 skulls on display. (Photo by Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post via Getty Images) StaffPhoto imported to Merlin on Mon Mar 15 14:55:03 2010 The exhibit hall includes more than 75 skulls, including two on loan from the Musee de l'Homme in France: The only Neanderthal skeleton in the United States and the original Cro-Magnon skull, discovered in 1868 in a French cave of the same name. The display shown here features an array of skulls culminating with a Homo sapiens.

Among the genetic differences distinguishing those diverse groups were ones with tell-tale signs that the splits between populations occurred deep in the past. Interbreeding between H. sapiens arriving from their African homeland and other ancient humans inserted tidbits of DNA from those archaic relatives that are passed from generation to generation to the present. Today, non-African populations have up to two percent Neanderthal DNA, some of which is beneficial and help human immune systems guard against infectious disease.

But Neanderthals weren't the only human relative with which H. sapiens interbred after they trekked out of Africa 64,000 years ago. Most people of Asian descent carry some amount of Denisovan DNA, but it's particularly high in Melanesians, whose genomes are up to six percent Denisovan. It's thought that the ancestors of modern Melanesians met and mated with these ancients en route to their island home.

To dive deeper into this legacy, Cox and his team sequenced 161 genomes from 14 island groups across Indonesia and New Guinea. They combined this data with 317 genomes from around the world and compared all of the data to genomes from both Neanderthals and the Altai Denisovan. As they lined up the ancient Denisovan DNA with the Denisovan bits of modern Papuans, the team expected to see just a single spike, where modern Papuan DNA clustered. Instead, it split into two strikingly separate peaks.

“It was either the world’s most boring artifact or it was something that was going to be really, really cool,” Cox says.

Related: A new study suggests that woolly mammoths and Neanderthals may have shared genetic traits (FOX News)


Reading the genetic soup

According to the new study, the double spikes are indeed cool: They likely represent two distinct groups of Denisovans in New Guinea that are genetically quite different from the Denisovans from the Altai mountain cave.

One group, which interbred with modern humans who now live across Southeast Asia and India, split from the Altai Denisovans 363,000 years ago—fewer than 50,000 years after the Neanderthals line likely split from their common ancestor.

“I’m fully on board with that,” says Bence Viola, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Toronto and the leading expert on the little we know of Denisovan fossil morphology. He notes that as far back as 2010, when he and his colleagues first described the Denisovans, scientists noticed that the ancient hominin DNA in modern Melanesians was distinctly different than that extracted from the bone and tooth in Denisova cave. In 2014, he and his colleagues estimated these Denisovan populations split between 276,000 to 403,000 years ago, which brackets the newly proposed date.

But the true head-scratcher of this new study is the proposed third group of Denisovans that seem to have exclusively interbred with the ancestors of populations now in New Guinea, possibly mixing with them thousands of years after both Denisovans and Neanderthals were thought to have gone extinct.

This result is giving some scientists pause. For one, the study authors propose that this means Denisovans found a way to cross deep waters with strong currents—an obstacle scientists have long thought only modern humans with boats could navigate. But a number of finds in our century have challenged this notion: the short-statured Homo floresiensis of Indonesia, who inhabited Flores perhaps as far back as 700,000 years ago; the 118,000 to 194,000-year-old stone-tools on Indonesia's Sulawesi island; and most recently, the newly named 50,000 year old H. luzonensis, in the Philippines.

But whether this is true for Denisovans is still up for debate.


© Getty An employee of the Natural History Museum in London looks at model of a Neanderthal male in his twenties, which is on display at the museum's 'Britain: One Million Years of the Human Story' exhibition which opens on 13th February till 28th September 2014. (Photo by Will Oliver/PA Images via Getty Images)

“The problem is simply that we don’t have any archaeological or fossil evidence for pre-modern humans in New Guinea or Australia,” says Viola. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, he says, but “there’s so much we don't know there.”

Evolutionary geneticist Benjamin Vernot, who developed some of the methods used in this latest analysis, has additional concerns about how the data was analyzed. While the team identified both large and small bits of Denisovan DNA in the modern genomes, they limited their analysis to only the longest DNA segments identified as Denisovan to ensure with the highest confidence that the identification was correct.

While Vernot agrees with this reasoning, he says “I’m always quite suspicious when a result that you have requires you to do some analysis, identify tens of thousands of things, and then take 500 of those and perform your analysis on that.”

Still, Vernot and other researchers are optimistic about what can be gleaned from the new genetic datasets now that others can download and pore over the alphabet soup. “This is how science works,” he says.

For their part, Cox, Sudoyo and their colleagues are currently working to understand how the bits of Denisovan DNA influence modern human health. While a lot more work is needed, they already have a few promising hints that some of the genes play central roles in the immune system and the metabolism of fat. And Cox is excited about what the future holds for Indonesian research.

“My hunch is that there’s a few more interesting stories to come out of this region.”

Editor's Note: Photo captions originally misstated the origins of the Asmat people; they are from West Papua, Indonesia.


Hmmm... How many species of reptile evolved from Whites? Hmmm... Nope, they ain't noffin' racist theyur.
Your blue eyes "are brown"!
HPS Shannon said:
More good additions to put on the BlacksforSatan website.

I hope I can help!
(((DNA suggests))) 10,000-year-old Brit had dark skin, blue eyes
The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory


This is the account of the discovery of a skull that has the potential to change what we know about human evolution, and a suppression and cover-up which followed.

In 1959, in an area called Chalkidiki in Petralona, Northern Greece, a shepherd came across a small opening to a cave, which became visible when a thick covering of snow finally melted. He gathered a group of villagers to help him clear the entrance so they could go inside and explore. They found a cave rich in stalactites and stalagmites. But they also found something surprising – a human skull embedded in the wall (later research also uncovered a huge number of fossils including pre-human species, animal hair, fossilized wood, and stone and bone tools).


The skull was given to the University of Thessaloniki in Greece by the President of the Petralona Community. The agreement was that once the research was done, a museum would be opened featuring the findings from the Petralona cave, and the skull would be returned to be displayed in the museum – something that never happened.

Dr Aris Poulianos, member of the UNESCO's IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences), later founder of the Anthropological Association of Greece (https://archive.is/1LRfO) and an expert anthropologist who was working at the University of Moscow at the time, was invited by the Prime Minister of Greece to return to Greece to take a position of a University Chair in Athens. This was due to the publication of his book, 'The Origins of the Greeks', which provides excellent research showing that Greek people didn't originate from the Slavic nations but were indigenous to Greece. Upon his return to Greece, Dr Poulianos was made aware of the discovery of the skull at Petralona, and immediately started studying the Petralona cave and skull.

The 'Petralona man', or Archanthropus of Petralona, as it has since been called, was found to be 700,000 years old, making it the oldest human europeoid (presenting European traits) of that age ever discovered in Europe. Dr Poulianos' research showed that the Petralona man evolved separately in Europe and was not an ancestor of a species that came out of Africa.

In 1964, independent German researchers, Breitinger and Sickenberg, tried to dismiss Dr Poulianos' findings, arguing that the skull was only 50,000 years old and was indeed an ancestor that came from Africa. However, research published in the US in 1971 in the prestigious Archaeology magazine, backed up the findings that the skull was indeed 700,000 years old. This was based on an analysis of the cave's stratigraphy and the sediment in which the skull was embedded. Further research in the cave discovered isolated teeth and two pre-human skeletons dating back 800,000 years, as well as other fossils of various species.

Today, most academics who have analyzed the Petralona remains say that the cranium of the Archanthropus of Petralona belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characterists of all those species and presenting strong European traits. A skull dating back 700,000 which is either Homo sapien or part Homo sapien is in direct conflict with the Out of Africa theory of human evolution.


Also shared below

Further excavations continued in the cave of Petralona with the participation of international researchers (46 specialists from 12 separate countries), which provided further proof of Dr Poulianos' claims, including remarkable findings like fossilized pieces of wood, an oak leaf, animal hair and coprolites, which enabled accurate dating, as well as the almost continuous presence of stone and bone tools of the Archanthropus evolutionary stage, from the lower (750,000 years) to the upper (550,000 years) layers of sediment within the cave.

The research, after an interruption due to the dictatorship in Greece, continued up to 1983. It was then ordered by the government that all excavations at the site were forbidden to anyone, including the original archaeological team, and for 15 years nobody had access to the site or to the findings – no reason was provided by the government. Was this denial of access to prevent the extraction of whatever new scientific conclusions remained hidden within the incredible fossils embedded within the layers of the caves' walls?

After the Anthropological Society of Greece took the case to the courts, 15 years later they were again allowed access to the cave. Since then the Ministry of Culture is trying in any way to overcome the Courts decision and further trials proceed.


Dr Poulianos' findings contradicted conventional views regarding human evolution and his research was suppressed. Dr Poulianos and his wife were physically attacked and injured in their home in 2012 and the culprits were never found. He and his team have been denied further access to the cave to complete their research and study, and the whereabouts of the skull is now unknown.

Today a sign sits outside the cave of Petralona stating that the skull found in the cave was 300,000 years old, and on Wikipedia today you will see references dismissing the evidence and trying to date the Petralona skull within acceptable parameters – between 160,000 and 240,000 years old.

Recently, Professor C.G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor of the University of Cambridge sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture in Greece saying that the correct date of the skull is 700,000 years old and not 300,000. He has also challenged the government's suppression of information regarding this incredible discovery.

The Greek Ministry of Education, Religions, Culture and Sports,

Bouboulinas 20-22,
Athens 106 82,
5 September 2012

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of the European Anthropological Association, which is the umbrella professional and academic association linking all of the national European biological anthropology and human biology societies, to express our concerns about the conservation of the Petralona Cave and Skull, the misinformation of the dating of the skull, as well as the treatment of personnel associated with the conservation of the Cave.

The bases of our concerns are that the skull has been damaged through many scratches and the crown of a tooth (1st molar) cut off. As requested by Anthropological Association of Greece what is required is a detailed description of the present status of the skull, so that no one in future can arbitrarily damage it further. There is also the problem of dating which has been scientifically dated at about 700,000 years ago not 300,000 as is given at the information desk. There is a very detailed record of the excavations and findings which need to receive further public presentation but which have never been catalogued so as to prevent specimens going missing.

It is very unfortunate that the Greek Archaeological Department stopped Dr Aris Poulianos from further work in the Cave without any explanation. It is also very worrying that Dr Poulianos and his wife were physically attacked and injured in their home earlier this year and the culprits have not been found. He was also verbally abused when attempting to give an invited presentation to teachers and school children.

Senior anthropologists and geologists have also been denied access to the Cave and the specimens for further study on a number of occasions without substantive reasons. Earlier this year there has also been misinformation given to the Greek Parliament concerning financial aspects of the Cave.

I look forward to receiving answers to these questions.

Yours faithfully

Professor C G N Mascie-Taylor MA, PhD, ScD (all Cambridge), FSB, FNAS (Hungary)

Professor of Human Population Biology and Health and President of the European Anthropological Association


The most important conclusion of Dr Poulianos' research regards the co-existence of all main anthropological types (African – Kobi, Asian – Beijing and European – Petralona) at the same almost period (700,000, 500,000 and 750,000 respectively). That means: the appearance of the today human main populations (races or even better phyllae - from the Greek language and that's why polyphyletic etc) is tending to almost 1,000,000 m.y.a. and not to only 10,000 or 30,000 years as currently considered world wide.

However, independently if there is a scientific dispute on the above, it is only sad to become aware that research is not allowed to those who are not coordinated to the "standard" knowledge, risking even their lives in front of gun shooters.

Is this a cover up of an incredible discovery that the powers-that-be do not want us to have access to? You be the judge.

Update from editor 31 December, 2018: Dr Poulianos wrote to Ancient Origins to state that unfortunately the suppression of information regarding the Petralona skull has continued:

"Experiencing the above I am asserting that the prohibition of research regarding human history is due to the following (most obvious, i.e. not exposing political) reasons:

Various (Worldwide) Universities and their state allied forums have the power to influence all of the small range national institutions in order to achieve the aforementioned prohibition. In turn, this is most probably due to the fact that such research is allowed only to some "confidential" persons. Thus, re-righting chapters of human history is only their "right". Whoever does not belong to such clubs and / or forums has to be stopped by all existing means, even by falsifying the truth against well documented evidence (i.e. without providing any scientific contradicting argument). Obviously I am asserting that knowledge is under control, especially what concerns human history. Therefore I agree with Lenie Reedijk's description regarding the "Cover Up", as well as the following comments to her article."

By John Black (https://archive.is/D4GNl)

Related Links
Petralona Cave (GR) (https://archive.is/1LRfO)
Petralona Cave (https://archive.is/CAcYq)
The 40th Anniversary since the discovery of the Petralona Archanthropus' skull (https://archive.is/gZdS8)
Aris Poulianos (https://archive.is/dxbaV)
Homo heidelbergensis (https://archive.is/usQg)
The Petralona hominid Site: Uranium-series re-analysis of 'layer 10' calcite and associated paleomagnetic analyses (https://archive.is/qJEbK)
The significance of the fossil hominid skull from Petralona, Greece (https://archive.is/X1JN9)

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Dr Aris Poulianos συνέντευξη Life and work


John Black

Dr John (Ioannis) Syrigos initially began writing on Ancient Origins under the pen name John Black. He is both a co-owner and co-founder of Ancient Origins.

John is a computer & electrical engineer with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, a lecturer, explorer and researcher.

He has a personal passion for Ancient History, Mythology, Anthropology and Astronomy and in his spare time he investigates these subjects in depth. John currently undertakes expeditions and research in remote areas of Ecuador, where he is currently based, but also throughout South America.

He has recently been involved in explorations of the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador, a legendary vast natural underground network of caves spanning many kilometers, very little of which has been officially explored, as well as La Ciudad Perdida (The Lost City) in Colombia, and is particularly interested in the history and mythology of ancient sites as relayed by the local indigenous people of these regions.


On the 10th of May 1959 was discovered the Petralona cave, which had been accidentally located by Philippos Chatzaridis. One year later (16-9-1960) the fossilized cranium of a prehistoric man, covered by stalagmitic material, was found by Christos Sariannidis. Followed a short report, published on the newspaper of Thessaloniki "Macedonia" (18-9-1960), astonishing the scientific world, because in Greece was never found before a prea- Homo sapiens skull.

The many questions raised were out of the field of the standard archaeological methodology, especially concerning the age of the find. The main tool for providing the answers, is the science of palaeoanthropology in combination with the stratigraphical, palaeolithical, palaeontological and archaeometrical data.

At that time, specialists in the particular subject, did not exist in Greece, and for that reason, Professors of the Thessaloninki University assumed the responsibility of keeping the human cranium. Same Professors, proceeded with surface collecting of animal bones, that were spread on the stalagmitical ground of the cave and invited from abroad two German scientists: the anthropologist E. Breitinger and the palaeontologist O. Sickenberg. At the same time, they also contacted the anthropologist Dr. Ar?s Poulianos at Moscow University, known by his thesis: "The origin of the Greeks" (first edition 1960), which was based on craniological and anthropometrical studies of modern Greek populations from Crimea to South Italy. With these studies, Aris Poulianos demonstrated that the Greek people are autochthonous, and that their roots are common to those of the ancient Greeks. By this thesis, he opposed the previous and widely accepted theories of the German anthropology, which classified Greeks among Slavic and other peoples.

Regarding the fauna and the man of the Petralona cave, Breitinger and Sickenberg (1964), came to the conclusion that they are of about 70.000 years old, while Breitinger affirmed also that, from the anthropological point of view, the cranium is so much similar to some African findings, that can be cosidered as the "first African out of Africa". The Geological Department of Thessaloninki University adopted these conclusions, and furthermore, raised the hypothesis that the human skull drifted inside the cave by some kind of strimwater and thus no palaeontological or stratigraphical setting of the cranium can be sustained.

Aris Poulianos, after 1965 (year of his return from the former S. Union) continued his studies on the cranium and the Petralona cave. Contrary to Breitinger, he stated what today is considered as an established view, that the Petralona man presents a clearly European ancestral morphology, which is developed at the area of the South Eastern Europe. The almost perfect orthognathy, the shape of the dental arch, the construction of the occipital bone, were among others, the basic arguments of Aris Poulianos.

The need for systematic excavations and not only surface collection of findings was imperative. The realization of these excavations, was delayed due to the military coup in 1967, the removal of Aris Poulianos from every state job, but also because of his forced exile for a few months to the islands of Giaros and Leros. Despite all that, and with perseverance, in the spring of 1968, he managed to proceed with the first excavation of a cross-section in the Petralona cave. The excavations were ceased within a month in a dictatorial way, but the scientific conclusions which are announced to the Press (April 18th and 19th of 1968 and published in the journal "Archaeology" in January of 1971), are once again different from the previous studies. I.e., it is ascertained the existence of a cave stratigraphic sequence, which dates back more than 700.000 years and, the human presence in almost every geological layer. A presence that becomes evident from the discovery of palaeolithic tools of the same age and the traces of the most ancient -until today- traces of fire that was ever lit by human hand. These discoveries, revised not only the theories regarding the Petralona cave, but also all the previous beliefs about the exit of man from Africa and his arrival to Europe 200-300.000 years ago.

It was then when Sickenberg, complaining that he didn't have comparative osteological material during the first study of the fossils in Thessaloninki, he asked for the findings to be send to him for a second study. Unfortunately, many of these findings were never returned. His new study (1971-1975) resulted in what he called "revision of the Petralona cave fauna", which was in accordance with the age determined by A. Poulianos in 1968-1971.

The excavation and research continued when the dictatorship fell, basically from 1975 up to 1983, with permits given by the Ministry of Culture and the Archaeological Department. Since there was no other more qualified authority, the permits were edited in the name of Aris Poulianos as President of the Anthropological Association of Greece (A.A.G.). Worth to mention that thanks to his efforts the Department of Palaeoanthropology-Spelaeology of the Greek Ministry of Culture was established, with the hope of functioning in the future as the main institution of protecting the palaeoanthropological findings of Greece.

At the same time, the land of the cave was expropriated by the Greek Organization of Tourism (G.O.T.) and under special agreement, the scientific utilization (1979) of the cave and the findings were assigned to the Anthropological Association. On the expenses of the A.A.G., the building of laboratories for the needs of the excavations, and the construction of a Museum and several guest houses (1980/1), with a total capacity of 2.000 sq.m. went on.

The new conclusions, which resulted from the second excavating period, produce new evidence which is based on the studies of what is perhaps the biggest international scientific group ever formed for such a scientific topic (46 specialists, from 12 countries). The Ph.D. Professors B. Kourten (Finland), M. Kretzoi (Hungary), M. Ikeya (Japan), I. Horacek (Czech Republic), G. Belluomini (Italy), A. Moigne (France), R. Murrill (U.S.A.), are among the most sonorous names of the associates chosen by the Anthropological Company for staffing the research. From the Greek side the names of G. Maniatis of "Demokritos" (nuclear laboratory), G. Lyrintzis of the Athens Academy, S. Papamarinoppoulos of Patra University and C. Papastefanou of Thessaloniki University, should be mentioned.

Epigramatically, the new conclusions as a whole, apart from confirming, with the use of the most modern methods of absolute chronology, the age originally determined by Aris Poulianos, they also concern the stratigraphical relation of the cranium of the so called Archanthropus with various materials, which date back at about 700.000 years. The application of the most analytical excavating methods led to the discovery of remarkable findings like fossilized pieces of wood, an oak leaf, animal hair and coprolites. These methods also gave the possibility of correlation of various excavating sites from Siberia to England, as well as of the safest age control between them (through their stratigraphical and palaeontological horizons). The almost continuous presence of the stone and bone tools of the Archanthropus evolutionary stage, from the lower (~750.000 years) to the upper (~550.000 years) layers, showed his long lasting presence in the Chalkidiki area. Besides, the pattern of the evolutionary course in the area never stopped, since, anthropologically, Archanthropus' nearest modern descendants was proved (already from 1973 at the 9th International Anthropological Cogress in Chicago by Aris Poulianos) are the nomads of Pindos mountains, known as Sarakatsani and in general, the inhabitants of the S. Balkans.

The author (son of Aris Poulianos) is Ph.D. in Anthropology of the Florence University and member of the International, European and Greek Anthropological Associations, working at the Department of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology of the Greek Ministry of Culture. In his doctoral thesis he proceeded to the research of a part of the Petralona cave findings and to the composition of the up today studies, examining also the opposite opinions that had resulted from time to time. In the preface of the thesis, the Director of the Florence Institute of Anthropology, professor Brunetto Chiarelli, quotes : "... The main evidence for concluding that the inhabitation of Europe amounts to at least 700.000 years, is the human cranium which was found in the Petralona cave ... This work forms an offering of a highly European standard... with many original data about the antiquity, the conditions and way of life of this prehistoric man. Another side is the discerning but impartial presentation of the intense scientific disputes, in which were carried along and implicated even Greek governmental departments...".

As previously mentioned, the excavations of Aris Poulianos continued until 1983. This occurred because they were interrupted for a second time, and obviously for reasons completely irrelevant to science. Any access was denied to the members of his team so much to the excavations, as well as to the findings, something that is opposed to every concept of human and research rights. As a result of this, for 15 years the findings remained inaccessible to study and kept at the mercy of deterioration, inside the Museum. One approach to the reasons caused this situation is the fact that the evident target was: a) to conceal the extend of errors which preceded the A.A.G. excavations and b) to prevent the extraction of whatever new scientific conclusions remained yet hidden, so much in the unpublished findings of the Museum, as well as in the sediments of the cave. In relation to the above, an analytical memorandum was submitted to the bureau of the Ministry of Culture in September of 1994. In this, is reported with clarity that besides the efforts (manifested even in official meetings) of snatching away intellectual work, the Ministry's position after 1983 mainly favored the competitive, mostly foreign, institutions that are involved with relative studies. Because it is perfectly clear that the braking of the research of Aris Poulianos gave the chance to the excavators and researchers from abroad, to reconstruct and reorganize their theories on similar matters. As a result our country was deprived of the advances that was deserved.

In 1997 the Anthropological Association of Greece, after 15 years of trials, was justified by the Supreme Court and was ordered the continuation of its works in the cave. Since then the G.O.T. and the Ministry of Culture are trying in any way to overcome the Courts Decisions (p. ex. by stopping the water and telecommunications supply, or even by changing the low). Such a tactic is not acceptable by the A.A.G. and further trials proceed.

In conclusion, and on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the greatest discovery of the century in the field of Anthropology, one may say that from the Anthropological Association of Greece all means possible for the protection of the findings and for the projection of their great scientific importance were disposed. With or without the help of the state, it is a necessity but also an obligation for this effort to be continued. The anthropologists by the nature of their studies cannot be anything but optimistic. And this, because they are taught and they teach (in spite of some steps backwards) the almost constant biological, social and spiritual evolution of man, and a unique milestone of this evolution is the Petralona Archanthropous.

Note: The above text is here updated, originally published in the magazine "Mandragoras", v. 10-11, January-April 1996.

By Dr. Nickos A. Poulianos, President of the Anthropological Association of Greece

Any mistakes and errors above were done by the respective authours. Most of the archived links above were archived years ago but not by me. Newer content may exist on the respective pages.

On a separate note, if you check those links, you might see something called CEMI -

The CEMI Field Theory (Conscious Electro Magnetic Information Field Theory), to which he supplies significant supporting evidence, shows that the brain's weak but complex EM field allows each cell instant access to the information contained in every other cell in the brain.

That sounds a bit like Quantum Physics and Spiritual/Astral interaction to me.
The father of all men is 340,000 years old
6 March 2013


Dwarfed by the X chromosome, the Y seems more ancient than we thought (Image: Pasieka/SPL)

Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species. It shows that the last common male ancestor down the paternal line of our species is over twice as old as we thought.

One possible explanation is that hundreds of thousands of years ago, modern and archaic humans in central Africa interbred, adding to known examples of interbreeding – with Neanderthals in the Middle East, and with the enigmatic Denisovans somewhere in southeast Asia.

Perry, recently deceased, was an African-American who lived in South Carolina. A few years ago, one of his female relatives submitted a sample of his DNA to a company called Family Tree DNA for genealogical analysis.

Geneticists can use such samples to work out how we are related to one another. Hundreds of thousands of people have now had their DNA tested. The data from these tests had shown that all men gained their Y chromosome from a common male ancestor. This genetic "Adam" lived between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago.

All men except Perry, that is. When Family Tree DNA's technicians tried to place Perry on the Y-chromosome family tree, they just couldn't. His Y chromosome was like no other so far analysed.

Deeper roots
Michael Hammer, a geneticist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, heard about Perry's unusual Y chromosome and did some further testing. His team's research revealed something extraordinary: Perry did not descend from the genetic Adam. In fact, his Y chromosome was so distinct that his male lineage probably separated from all others about 338,000 years ago.

"The Y-chromosome tree is much older than we thought," says Chris Tyler-Smith at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, who was not involved in the study. He says further work will be needed to confirm exactly how much older.

"It's a cool discovery," says Jon Wilkins of the Ronin Institute in Montclair, New Jersey. "We geneticists have been looking at Y chromosomes about as long as we've been looking at anything. Changing where the root of the Y-chromosome tree is at this point is extremely surprising."

Digging deeper, Hammer's team examined an African database of nearly 6000 Y chromosomes and found similarities between Perry's and those in samples taken from 11 men, all living in one village in Cameroon. This may indicate where in Africa Perry's ancestors hailed from.

Older than humanity
The first anatomically modern human fossils date back only 195,000 years, so Perry's Y chromosome lineage split from the rest of humanity long before our species appeared.

What are the implications? One possibility is that Perry's Y chromosome may have been inherited from an archaic human population that has since gone extinct. If that's the case, then some time within the last 195,000 years, anatomically modern humans interbred with an ancient African human.

There is some supporting evidence for this scenario. In 2011, researchers examined human fossils from a Nigerian site called Iwo Eleru. The fossils showed a strange mix of ancient and modern features, which also suggested interbreeding between modern and archaic humans. "The Cameroon village with an unusual genetic signature is right on the border with Nigeria, and Iwo Eleru is not too far away," says Hammer.

Chris Stringer at the Natural History Museum, London, was involved in the Iwo Eleru analysis, and says the new Y chromosome result highlights the need for more genetic data from modern-day sub-Saharan Africans. "The oldest known fossil humans in both West Africa at Iwo Eleru and Central Africa at Ishango [in Democratic Republic of the Congo] show unexpectedly archaic features, so it certainly looks like we have a more complex scenario for the evolution of modern humans in Africa."

reptiles being reptiles they were even saying we came from asia for a while, more than likely to throw the goyim off the trail (mixes goyim wes bes from one race bes good goyim an hate race like what we teach in schoolses mix an if you not do yous bes anti semite)
Ancient Human co-evolution | Very ancient/pre-Human species

Sudden appearance of the Cro-Magnon1 40-45 thousand years ago huh?

Apparently the general public never got over the warhammer 40k syndrome but worry not, no one would want to move from a hot and plentiful climate to one of arctic sub-zeroish shortage, the sooner the public gets this, the better.

I have a good lot of Cro-Magnon images/memes on me and I can tell you that all it takes to prove that Nordic people (Humans, obviously) are direct descendants of Cro-Magnons is simply overlapping the transparent image of a Cro-Magnon skull unto a Nordic face, or atleast I hope that's all there is to it but unfortunately, there are jews of all sorts.
Although there is a reason why the Aryan sub-races are generally referred to as Caucasoid/Caucasian.

I have a World War Zero theory if you would like to hear it and guess what, we're still in WW-Zero.
Should I call it WW-Zero or WW40K? Or is it simply an extension of a much bigger, longer war like Hooded Cobra said?

And having scrolled through this, I can tell you several things:
First of all, If you want an accurate depiction of neanderthals, just call them goblins as they al so have similar head shape and even big eye orbits.

Second of all the neolithic age was a debacle to the point where late neolithics look like shit (some of them literally comparable to meso americans!)

Third of all if it doesn't look like a Cro-Magnon, it ain't Human.
Not to say you should discard the pre-human skulls, but referring to them as human will initiate a huge disconnect since hominids are more comparable to monkeys (some literally are monkeys)
But co-evolution? That is a very interesting concept.
The bottom line is while discovering hominid fragments don't extend human history, they most certainly open up possibilities.

A primitive yet effective rapist-army
FancyMancy said:
What are the implications? One possibility is that Perry's Y chromosome may have been inherited from an archaic human population that has since gone extinct. If that's the case, then some time within the last 195,000 years, anatomically modern humans interbred with an ancient African human.

There is some supporting evidence for this scenario. In 2011, researchers examined human fossils from a Nigerian site called Iwo Eleru. The fossils showed a strange mix of ancient and modern features, which also suggested interbreeding between modern and archaic humans. "The Cameroon village with an unusual genetic signature is right on the border with Nigeria, and Iwo Eleru is not too far away," says Hammer.

Chris Stringer at the Natural History Museum, London, was involved in the Iwo Eleru analysis, and says the new Y chromosome result highlights the need for more genetic data from modern-day sub-Saharan Africans. "The oldest known fossil humans in both West Africa at Iwo Eleru and Central Africa at Ishango [in Democratic Republic of the Congo] show unexpectedly archaic features, so it certainly looks like we have a more complex scenario for the evolution of modern humans in Africa."

A most unfortunate thing to hear, some may call mass race mixing an ecological disaster, despite the wording, the monkeys are more likely to be responsible for this. . . .
I believe that neanderthals have been cursing Humans long before their rape-children (jews)

Hoping they consider the Cro-Magnon1 as the anatomically modern human (As they should), this does extend my 40k theory even further down which means that the gods may have created the Humans even earlier than I thought, thus making Cro-Magnons suddenly appear.
I lack understanding of how they made humans so do take some of my words with a grain of salt.

With regards to the origin of the modern negro or even all inferior races, someone knowledgeable has got quite the explaining to do! :lol:
The fact that suggests that the pre historic Humans (For reference, CroMags = human) were actually diverse until WWZero happened. (Unsure about this)


I also believe that 40,000-45,000 was when the "[????] and sorcery" trope was very common since the Cro-Magnon1 was much smarter than it's modern iteration but worry not Nordic people, we will return to our previous intellect!
(Why I call CroMags Humans)

PS: I bet Conan felt like a god when he finished off the last goblin. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
