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Is "israel" using small nuclear weapons in Gaza and South Lebanon?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I found these. I will let others go through it and draw conclusions.

Non-natural levels of enriched uranium have been found in Gaza and southern Lebanon.
Original title: "Israel" has now been confirmed to have been using small nuclear bombs for years against civilians?

This article doesn’t exist!
I decided to take down this article...
And here is an archived version: https://archive.ph/DOdjx

A quick snippet of the link in the quote -
Is 'Israel' using small nuclear weapons in Gaza and South Lebanon?

The American Peace Information Council (APIC) and Green Audit (UK) are conducting an investigation of "Israel's" possible use of small nuclear weapons in Gaza and South Lebanon. Dr. Christopher Busby—Scientific Secretary, European Committee on Radiation Risk; once Member, UK Committee Examining Radiation Risk from Internal Emitters; once Member, UK Ministry of Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board—presents the scientific and social background of the case below.


I think this picture was from the article in the first quote above before it was deleted.

This next is a .pdf I archived it on archive.is but it doesn't work for me, so you might have to open the link itself. That might either open in your browser or download to your device, depending on your settings.

Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon
Since 2003 measurements made by Green Audit in Fallujah, Iraq 2003, Lebanon 2006 and Gaza 2008 have provided unequivocal evidence of Uranium residues which show anomalous Uranium U-238/U235 isotope signature ratios. Results of measurements by independent laboratories in Europe and the UK, using different techniques, revealed the presence of enriched Uranium in biological materials and environmental samples including soil, bomb craters and air (as recorded in vehicle air filter dust). From recent 2021 results published in the Journal Nature, enrichment levels in background samples from Gaza show that enrichment ratios have been increasing markedly since 2008. Since enriched Uranium is an anthropogenic substance which does not exist in nature, the question arises as to the source, in the weapons employed by the USA (Fallujah) and Israel (Lebanon, Gaza). It is proposed that the only logical answer is that a Uranium-based weapon exists that produces U-235 by neutron activation and has been deployed. Such a weapon must be some kind of neutron bomb.

I hope that my continued use of adding these ("") around "israel" has influenced others to also do so, or at least others have also 1) realised that "israel" doesn't exist, and 2) realised how to use them in this manner of using them and is doing so in regards to "israel". Either way, I'm happy to see others spelling "isreal" with them around it, even though I spell the name without the capital initial.

The following search phrases might yield further results -

Non-natural levels of enriched uranium have been found in Gaza and southern Lebanon.
Is 'Israel' using small nuclear weapons in Gaza and South Lebanon?
Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
