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Clean energy exists! Why don't we use it? Jews, that's why.


New member
Oct 23, 2021
Hello everyone, I saw something rather interesting (RexResearch Thorium) and thought it would be good to share with you.

I have gone through and replaced the links in the above site for archive.org links when available as almost every single post, article, or topic, mentioned seems to be taken down. What a cohencedence!

Thorium Plasma Battery Can Power Most Any Car, Truck, Train, Or Boat For 10+ Years Without A Recharge

Thorium Plasma Battery can power most any truck, train or boat for 10 years without a recharge
When we think of EVs (electric vehicles) we usually think of super lightweight tiny one or two passenger cars like we see on the homepage of this forum. In reality however, a somewhat new but suppressed battery technology can change how we think in a hurry. Below is an article from Energy Consultant B.D. McBride that will make you think twice about many things. Although he starts out talking about the Fukishima tragedy, he changes gears to reveal things the U.S. government does not want us to know - about green energy and solutions that have been available to us for years, but have been hidden from us. Anyway, this may make your blood boil so prepare yourself...

"After the Fukishima fiasco many nuclear scientists were quietly asking each other why we continue to use dangerous and obsolete nuclear reactors fueled by uranium when they can be retrofitted to use safer, cheaper, and more powerful Thorium, the only green nuclear fuel which is virtually impossible to have a meltdown or other catastrophic failure. After all, Thorium is not only more abundant, much cheaper to acquire and process, but also yields a 20 to 1 energy yield advantage over uranium. Better still, Thorium cannot be used to make nuclear weaponry so every country on Earth (even Iran and other nations hostile towards the West) could enjoy a nuclear energy option. According to the EPA and CDC, common coal dust is three times more dangerous to people than Thorium. And Thorium nuclear waste is one tenth the volume of uranium nuclear waste. Frankly I cannot find a downside to Thorium. China, Norway, and India have already made the switch to Thorium, but in the West the technology is being conveniently ignored. Why?

Worst still is what has been happening in the nuclear battery development arena. In 1996-1998, Dr. Shimoda (Osaka University of Technology), Dr. Khanna (Harvard), Dr. Eugene Mallove (MIT) and Dr. Aries M. DeGeus introduced the world to the realities of MHD physics and plasma powered energy - the same energy we see in lightning bolts during a thunderstorm. They put forth solid theories that even the U.S. DoE embraced and subsequently sponsored over $40 million of research that resulted in the publication of 5 white papers that were once posted on the internet between 1997-2008, but which all then mysteriously vanished in 2010 without explanation.

Further, at least three, and possibly as many as five inventors including Russian Dimitri Petronov, and Americans Aries DeGeus, Dr. Mallove, and "Daniel" produced working prototypes of a Thorium plasma battery that was demonstrated to dozens of people, and unfortunately both the American, and Russian militaries. With zero emissions, these batteries were scalable and could put out consistent voltage with less than .0002 fluctuation, and could be regulated with an AC/DC converter. They could theoretically put out reliable energy without fission for their entire half-life. In the case of the Thorium 232 isotope, the battery could operate for over a hundred years. The three known prototypes powered an electric scooter, a two bedroom home, and a small four passenger car for over a year without a single recharge. Then word got out.

Since then, two of these inventors were murdered and two others disappeared and nobody knows what happened to the prototypes. Then the Pentagon invoked “National Security” and issued a gag order to the only surviving inventor who has since gone underground. Information at the DoE about Thorium and other nuclear batteries vanished just like related details at over a dozen other links like these were also removed:

Locomotive Power Sources Documentation
$10 Million USD Offered For Thorium Plasma Battery Production Factory - Inventors Please Reply In Confidence to Project Thor

thoriumenergyalliance.com/downloads/China_Independent_article... (Dead link, no archive.org)

No, I am not a conspiracy nut. I am a cum laude graduate of Purdue University. Stop laughing and read these links:

Suppressed Energy Technologies
Thorium Plasma Battery Technology - Wrongly Top Secret?
Plasma Battery Inventors Disappearing Regularly
8 Grams of Thorium Could Replace Gasoline In Cars
Thorium Plasma Batteries Can Safely Power Trans-Continental High-Speed Bullet Trains
EPA.GOV Thorium

Valuable technology which can eliminate coal plants, global warming, and wean the world off fossil fuels is being suppressed by the western governments and their oil industry/national defense puppet masters my friends. Use of a Thorium plasma battery in 50 million American cars would eliminate over $850 million USD every single day in fuel tax revenues at the state and federal levels in America. That income represents about 40% of America's operating capital.

Now since these batteries are scalable, imagine the one the size of about 500 square meters is plugged into a power grid and supplies clean, green electricity to a city of 2 million residents. Even more government revenues are denied. But the technology suppression is not only based on economics, but apparently national security according to this link:

New plasma battery is now restricted to only military applications as DoD robs inventor of fame and fortune.

If plasma battery technology is good enough for the U.S. Navy and NASA, it should be good enough for every citizen whose taxes pay for both of those government agencies to operate! If the batteries are good enough to power an electric tank, they should be good enough to power every family's car. This suppression reminds me of the old Canadian Avro jet fighter plane the U.S. Defense Department demanded be destroyed in the 1950s.
Clearly these batteries are certainly not in the best interests of the $600 Billion oil industry.

How much do you think it costs to bribe,.... er,.... sorry, "lobby" every member of the House and Senate? My wife who is an accomplished lawyer and former U.S. Assistant Attorney, thinks this technology suppression is a classic textbook case of "racketeering" and "organized crime". She directed my attention to this link:

Why disruptive new Thorium Plasma Battery Technology is deliberately being hidden from the public by Uncle Sam...

This is one time I actually agree with my wife!

P.S.For those wanting a crash course on the wonders of Thorium, check out this great primer By Dr. Bob Greene and the attached files:

Thorium Basics PDF

For those of us here, I am sure we really know who's behind the anti-thorium stance. However, if you're still not convinced of who's behind it, here is some more evidence.

Thorium Plasma Batteries – The Disruptive Oil Giant Killer Technology
narutoforums.com/showthread.php?p=37984886#post37984886 (dead link, no archive.org)

Thorium Plasma Batteries – The Disruptive Oil Giant Killer Technology

At the risk of being black-balled and ostracized by my government and peers, I feel compelled to speak out as a plasma physicist. Since 1959 the scientific community has known that Thorium was a better, safer, and more economical option to power nuclear reactors, yet they pursued uranium – why?

Simply put – because Thorium cannot be used to make nuclear bombs or power nuclear submarines – the two driving forces that gave birth to America’s nuclear program. Why is Thorium superior? For Five reasons as follows:

1. Thorium is more stable and contains 20% more energy density than Uranium, thus yielding more energy per ton and dollar.

2. It is impossible for Thorium reactors to have a catastrophic meltdown like we saw with Uranium in Chernobyl. Therefore there is no lethal risk to the community or world.

3. Thorium is more readily available in abundance while Uranium deposits will be fully depleted within the next 10 years, and almost 80% of Thorium deposits are found in the U.S. not in unstable countries.

4. Thorium does not pose the disposal nightmare that we experienced with uranium over the last 3 decades.

5. Since Thorium is not suitable for atomic weapons, we need not worry about emerging nations who really want and need and nuclear energy while we fear a secret nuclear weapons program.

So with all these benefits, why are we still using dangeous uranium that makes every nuclear reactor a ticking time bomb? In simple terms – the military industrial complex, big oil, and all the politicians whose campaigns were funded and supported by both.

In 2004, Thorium plasma batteries made their debut as compact portable devices that could provide reliable power for 3-7 years, non-stop, without a recharge. Three inventors came up with 3 different but similar designs and all three worked flawlessly – providing a green alternate energy source with no adverse safety or environmental concerns.

Since these stand-alone batteries can be manufactured in various sizes consider the following applications:
At the risk of being black-balled and ostracized by my government and peers, I feel compelled to speak out as a plasma physicist. Since 1959 the scientific community has known that Thorium was a better, safer, and more economical option to power nuclear reactors, yet they pursued uranium – why?

Simply put – because Thorium cannot be used to make nuclear bombs or power nuclear submarines – the two driving forces that gave birth to America’s nuclear program. Why is Thorium superior? For Five reasons as follows:

1. Thorium is more stable and contains 20% more energy density than Uranium, thus yielding more energy per ton and dollar.

2. It is impossible for Thorium reactors to have a catastrophic meltdown like we saw with Uranium in Chernobyl. Therefore there is no lethal risk to the community or world.

3. Thorium is more readily available in abundance while Uranium deposits will be fully depleted within the next 10 years, and almost 80% of Thorium deposits are found in the U.S. not in unstable countries.

4. Thorium does not pose the disposal nightmare that we experienced with uranium over the last 3 decades.

5. Since Thorium is not suitable for atomic weapons, we need not worry about emerging nations who really want and need and nuclear energy while we fear a secret nuclear weapons program.

So with all these benefits, why are we still using dangeous uranium that makes every nuclear reactor a ticking time bomb? In simple terms – the military industrial complex, big oil, and all the politicians whose campaigns were funded and supported by both.

In 2004, Thorium plasma batteries made their debut as compact portable devices that could provide reliable power for 3-7 years, non-stop, without a recharge. Three inventors came up with 3 different but similar designs and all three worked flawlessly – providing a green alternate energy source with no adverse safety or environmental concerns.

Since these stand-alone batteries can be manufactured in various sizes consider the following applications:

* Laptop and other PCs
* Electric bicycles & scooters
* Automobiles
* Trucks
* Ships & Barges

But think BIG and one of these plasma batteries the size of a shoebox could power a complete 5 bedroom house and every appliance in it. Or one the size of Hummer could power a complete 300 unit condominium complex without any external power grid connection. But think even bigger still… A battery the size of that same 5 bedroom house could power the City of Dayton – by plugging it into the local power grid. And there would be zero emissions. Thorium plasma power can eliminate every coal plant in the world in less than 5 years. But it gets better still…

If we were to drive electric cars and trucks powered by plasma battery technology, we could reduce global warming by 30% within five years and perhaps 50% within a decade. But what is good for mankind and our grandchildren poses a huge threat of financial loss to others – primarily big oil and politicians. Here is why…

While two-faced politicians talk about greening the world every four years just before they face elections, they are being wined and dined by big oil (Remember the Cheney-Enron affair?) to complicitly keep us addicted to oil. Why?

Because roughly 43% of all revenues paid for gasoline and other fuels are collected by the government in taxes, and these taxes provide more than a third of the nation’s operating budget. Adopting green Thorium plasma battery technology would reduce national oil consumption by more than 85% and how would our pols get by with 33% less tax revenues. Once gotten, graft is no sot easy to surrender as one Senator told me last year – “It would be easier to quit smoking after 10 years of chain smoking!”

So in essence, short term greed obfuscates even the chance of any long term vision or concern for our grandchildren. But if we found a way to use Thorium to make some horrific weapons of mass destruction that could kill millions if people in some foreign oil-rich land 5,000 miles away, Congress would be throwing billions into its development. In reality, those who are supposed to be serving “We the people” are simply serving themselves and the oil giants for as long as they can possibly profit.

Actually, my recent information is that the U.S. and Russian militaries are already using these nifty batteries in their most sacred and secret programs (i.e. unmanned underwater missile launchers, spy drones, super long-range torpedoes, etc). So while Uncle Sam ignores our critical and immediate public need for green energy and clean air, they are preparing for some future war that could be years away, even though we now have enough weapons in our arsenal to destroy every major city in the Eastern hemisphere within 10 hours!

Meanwhile, there are over 100 nuclear plants fueled by dangerous uranium vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorist attack, or targeted in the event of our next war. Each and every time a nuclear accident takes place, we all become potential victims left only at the mercy of the blowing winds. Our fates our left to luck.

Japan’s nuclear fiasco is perhaps the final alarm Mother Nature will sound for us. Those of you with the interest and intelligence to sort fact from fiction need to start doing a little homework about Thorium plasma battery technologies and put the screws to your local pols, and compel them to put commitments in writing before they get your vote. As you may know by now, their ears only listen to us citizens every four years. Afterwards, they let money do all the talking – at our expense and risk.
* Laptop and other PCs
* Electric bicycles & scooters
* Automobiles
* Trucks
* Ships & Barges

But think BIG and one of these plasma batteries the size of a shoebox could power a complete 5 bedroom house and every appliance in it. Or one the size of Hummer could power a complete 300 unit condominium complex without any external power grid connection. But think even bigger still… A battery the size of that same 5 bedroom house could power the City of Dayton – by plugging it into the local power grid. And there would be zero emissions. Thorium plasma power can eliminate every coal plant in the world in less than 5 years. But it gets better still…

If we were to drive electric cars and trucks powered by plasma battery technology, we could reduce global warming by 30% within five years and perhaps 50% within a decade. But what is good for mankind and our grandchildren poses a huge threat of financial loss to others – primarily big oil and politicians. Here is why…

While two-faced politicians talk about greening the world every four years just before they face elections, they are being wined and dined by big oil (Remember the Cheney-Enron affair?) to complicitly keep us addicted to oil. Why?

Because roughly 43% of all revenues paid for gasoline and other fuels are collected by the government in taxes, and these taxes provide more than a third of the nation’s operating budget. Adopting green Thorium plasma battery technology would reduce national oil consumption by more than 85% and how would our pols get by with 33% less tax revenues. Once gotten, graft is no sot easy to surrender as one Senator told me last year – “It would be easier to quit smoking after 10 years of chain smoking!”

So in essence, short term greed obfuscates even the chance of any long term vision or concern for our grandchildren. But if we found a way to use Thorium to make some horrific weapons of mass destruction that could kill millions if people in some foreign oil-rich land 5,000 miles away, Congress would be throwing billions into its development. In reality, those who are supposed to be serving “We the people” are simply serving themselves and the oil giants for as long as they can possibly profit.

Actually, my recent information is that the U.S. and Russian militaries are already using these nifty batteries in their most sacred and secret programs (i.e. unmanned underwater missile launchers, spy drones, super long-range torpedoes, etc). So while Uncle Sam ignores our critical and immediate public need for green energy and clean air, they are preparing for some future war that could be years away, even though we now have enough weapons in our arsenal to destroy every major city in the Eastern hemisphere within 10 hours!

Meanwhile, there are over 100 nuclear plants fueled by dangerous uranium vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorist attack, or targeted in the event of our next war. Each and every time a nuclear accident takes place, we all become potential victims left only at the mercy of the blowing winds. Our fates our left to luck.

Japan’s nuclear fiasco is perhaps the final alarm Mother Nature will sound for us. Those of you with the interest and intelligence to sort fact from fiction need to start doing a little homework about Thorium plasma battery technologies and put the screws to your local pols, and compel them to put commitments in writing before they get your vote. As you may know by now, their ears only listen to us citizens every four years. Afterwards, they let money do all the talking – at our expense and risk.

Huh, rater interesting, so Thorium is being denied because

1. it can't be used to create weapons of mass destruction like the nuclear bomb invented by a certain race of lizard people


2. because using Thorium instead of fossil fuels would take away a massive amount of revenue from the U.S government in taxes.

Let's break these two reasons down so it's easier to understand.

Which country does the U.S government love to support, even to the extend of helping them in their wars? Oh yea, it's Isreal.

And what do members of Isreal love more than destroying the environment, raping children, mutilating animals, and making humanity suffer? SCHECKLES(money).

Now, when you have a business that not only generates you scheckle but also destroys the environment, kills animals, and makes humanity suffer, what isreal dweller wouldn't LOVE it?

And what business does these four things constantly? Why the oil industry of course!

New plasma battery is now restricted to only military applications as DoD robs inventor of fame and fortune

New plasma battery is now restricted to only military applications as DoD robs inventor of fame and fortune.


Gene Crawford

...Danny is not allowed to tell us very much. In fact, according to the court order he was served by the Pentagon's legal department, he is not even allowed to tell us his real name or anything about the incredible plasma battery that took him almost 12 years to develop. This green energy device (which we learned on our own), operates on radiated isotopes and magnets, puts out a steady and constant charge of AC or DC current for 5 to 7 years, and is very compact. So much so, that one the size of a pack of cigarettes can power a television set or electric scooter, and one the size of a shoebox can, and did power a small car with an electric motor non-stop for 13 months - before Uncle Sam came along and confiscated all of it - in the name of national security. Government agents not only seized his prototype, but all of his notes, drawings, and even his computer's hard drive! To add insult to injury even his patents were ordered to be sealed. As I talked to Dan on the phone for almost twenty minutes, I could hear the angst and frustration in his voice.

You see Danny once worked as an Air Force reservist - one of those "weekend warriors" to pay his way through graduate school. So now our beloved government says that Dan who did some work for the design team of the now famous "Predator" remotely-piloted surveillance aircraft, forfeited his rights to ownership of any patents since he "probably used knowledge acquired during his time in the Air Force Reserves". So instead of helping the world put a final end to coal plants with his cool battery (they can be made as large as a house to power a city of 1 million people), the device is destined for covert military use.

Indeed this is one amazing battery my friends. One the size of a refrigerator could power a 300 room hospital or condo building with no connection to the power grid for several years - all without any noise or emissions. They can even be used to power electric super high speed bullet trains without running miles of power lines.

What became of Dan's battery? It was pirated by the DoD and turned over to Sandia National Laboratories where we learned several prototypes were made and delivered to NASA , U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, and U.S. Air Force for "field testing" about 18 months ago. What kind of tests, we can only guess. But after speaking with a long-time friend and graduate of M.I.T. who works as a consultant to Raytheon, his guesses are probably more realistic and accurate than mine:

1. A long range torpedo for submarines that could travel for many miles to find and destroy its target, since current torpedo ranges are limited only by the duration of their power source.

2. Perhaps a silent tank or armored vehicle powered by an electric motor and a plasma battery that would allow it to traverse and entire continent without ever having to refuel.

3. How about a power source for a satellite or a high altitude surveillance drone - also powered by an electric motor or turbofan and a plasma battery. Such an combination would enable the aircraft to remain aloft for days or even weeks!

But with Global Warming threatening our world, this plasma battery could easily end our addiction to oil and power our automobiles and eliminate 27% of our global emmissions. It could provide reliable power for many remote rural communities and third world countries. It could be used extensively in disaster-relief operations following hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina with on site power generation without the need for fossil fuels to run noisy generators.

Is it fair for the Pentagon to take priority over all new technology - especially one that would benefit our environment so dramatically? We tried to ask them, but of course they had "no comment". It is a sad day in America when our best and brightest inventors are muzzled and their incredible gadgets reserved only for some future war that may or may not take place. Humanitarian needs and benefits need to trump military planning in my humble opinion. If you agree with me, send a copy of this article and say so in a letter to your Congressman and Senator.

Today Danny has yet another great green energy idea smoldering in his brain, but he doesn't dare spend yet another $150,000 and 12 years of his life to develop it, only to have it stolen away by the government. Now his biggest fear is being arrested since he was read the National Security Act warning when served his gag order. Before I hung up the phone with Danny, he told me in a sad voice of surrender,,, "They didn't even say thank you."

Interesting, you're telling me a man was developing something which would benefit not only the earth, humanity, the plants, and the animals, basically, ALL LIFE on earth, and he had his invention and plans snatched by the U.S government? Well, your average isreal dweller wouldn't want something to exist for the benefit of the world!

So what does the isreal puppet(U.S government) use the invention for if not for the benefit of the world?


Thorium Plasma Batteries Can Safely Power Trans-Continental High-Speed Bullet Trains

Thorium Plasma Batteries Can Safely Power Trans-Continental High-Speed Bullet Trains

High Speed Bullet Trains could be self-powered with Thorium Plasma Batteries – Eliminating route restrictions and need for external electric power lines.

China and Japan are leading the world in development of high speed bullet train routes, but thus far routes have been limited to major metropolitan corridors supported and tethered to local power grids. But new battery technologies would allow a transnational route or even a transcontinental route that would require no external power source. The development of the Thorium plasma battery, a nuclear battery created independently by both U.S. and Russian inventor could power the trains for 5-10 years without a single recharge, and without posing any safety or health hazards.

In fact, a Thorium plasma battery the size of a small refrigerator would be sufficient to power today’s trains with a reliable self-contained power source. Unfortunately, both the American and Russian militaries have seized ownership of the technology from their inventors and promptly confiscated and classified all notes, drawing, and patents related to the device, ostensibly “to protect national security interests”. See these links:

The very same batteries could be used to power cell phones, laptops, electric scooters, electric vehicles, and even entire homes, as was demonstrated by the Russian inventor DiMitri Petronov in 2009. Both the CDC and EPA have reported that Thorium, the only safe green nuclear fuel that can actually be safely handled by humans with no chance of a catastrophic failure, is actually 30 times safer than common coal. Although India, China, and Norway are now using Thorium to power their nuclear reactors, the Thorium plasma battery does not utilize fission, but rather the principles of fusion of radiated isotopes. Only five scientists in the world have confirmed knowledge of the new battery, and allegedly Panasonic is poised to be the first to introduce the technology in a cell phone that will never need to be recharged.

But for now, only the U.S. Navy and Air Force get to use these super high-tech batteries for long range torpedoes and anti-satellite weaponry. Sadly, this same technology if made available for commercial applications could reduce green house gases by 30%-50% and ultimately replace every coal plant in the world since the batteries could be made in large 1-10 megawatt sizes that could be plugged into local power grids to power entire cities.

So for now at least, public transportation, global warming, and clean green energy is forced to take a back seat to weaponry that may never even be used. This questionable rank of priorities by the American and Russian governments makes one wonder if the United Nations is totally devoid of any leadership, ethics, and courage to compel public access to such useful technology.

Finally found with google search:

"Not again with the same thorium hoax, exposed as such repeatedly elsewhere... Again, it's been talked about since the 1950s, so do your own research before you start laughing. Start with Scientific American, especially the comments by readers...

But yes, thorium and unicorns and pixie dust will make all the technical struggles that have persisted since 60 years ago magically disappear. Have I missed all the interim Thorium-powered concept cars at the last 20 years of auto shows, too?"

No wonder the hoaxers can't post at TES!

Something wonderful, life improving, that would benefit the entire world, all of the planets, children, animals, and even the universe being held in the hands of the few.

Sounds pretty similar doesn't it?

It couldn't at all be similar to how all spiritual knowledge in the world has been systematically destroyed, corrupted, and anyone with said knowledge has been tortured, murdered, or had their lives ruined and everything taken from them so that this knowledge could be held in the hands of the few could it?

You might be saying "SLOW DOWN MONARCH! Nobody is being killed over Thorium, they aren't the same at all!"

All I have to say in response to that is, continue reading and YOU tell ME, is anyone being murdered, having everything taken from them, or completely dropping of the face of the earth after pursuing Thorium based energy?

Plasma Battery Inventors Disappearing Regularly

Plasma Battery Inventors Disappearing Regularly

I received this from an MIT alumni of mine and since I personally met Gene Mallove, I have to take this quite seriously. I hope you do too.

In 1998 an American named Stanley Meyer, (probably Ohio’s most famous inventor) was poisoned and died clutching his throat outside a restaurant in his hometown of Grove City just moments after he jumped up from the table and shouted “They’ve poisoned me – I am going to die!” Stan had invented and demonstrated many times for the media and hundreds of people, his now-famous dune buggy with an internal combustion engine that ran only on water. Stan had found a practical and cheap way to produce hydrogen on demand. He was offered millions by Arab investors (well-documented) and declined their offers. The Pentagon had officials meet with Meyer and there were agreements made to fund a research and production facility. Within two months however, Stan was dead at age 45.

Eugene Mallove another alternate energy inventor found a way to use the principles of cold fusion to replace oil as our primary fuel and he was found beaten to death in 2005. In 2007 A.M. DeGeus another American inventor who is one of two American scientists who pioneered the plasma battery was found slumped over in his car parked at an Airport in North Carolina before boarding a plane for Europe where he was expected to ink a multi-million dollar funding deal that would put his invention, another oil replacement on the market. In 2010, Russian Dimitri Petronov, who also produced a plasma battery the size of a shoebox that powered his entire two bedroom house and all the appliances in it for over a year without a single recharge, vanished after being seen enjoying coffee and pastry in Moscow’s Red Staren Coffee Shop. His disappearance took place only a few weeks after giving elaborate demonstrations of his 3 year battery to top Generals at a Russian military base. Yet another American inventor, who we only know now as “Danny” had invented a similar plasma battery that went even longer than Petronov’s, was hustled away by FBI agents after returning from a visit to China where he met with investors and planned to demonstrate his battery. Although he was confirmed to be alive in January of 2011, he no longer resides in his California home and he won’t even tell his own sister where he is living!

For details about Mallove, Petronov, and Danny, visit these links:

New Plasma Battery Technology Can Power Electric Cars For Years. So Why Is The Inventor Now Missing?
Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?
New plasma battery is now restricted to only military applications as DoD robs inventor of fame and fortune.
Eugne Mallove

So why are these energy inventors disappearing or suffering sudden and unusual deaths? Well friends, just stop and consider who makes money from oil and how much money these people make… The petroleum industry is a $600 Billion ANNUAL industry in which less than 2,000 of the world’s most influential people receive 85% of this revenue stream, including the Bush and Cheney families, along with 73 other American, Saudi, British, and Kuwaiti blue-blood families just like them. Further, State, Provincial, and Federal governments in 32 countries derive over 30% of their operating budgets from gasoline and other fuel taxes. Typically 40 cents of every dollar spent on gas, oil, or diesel fuel goes into government accounts. Now imagine, that a new technology comes along that will eliminate this income stream, or at the very least, reduce it by more than half. Those who stand to lose billions of dollars will not think twice about snuffing out the life of an inventor or entrepreneur when the cost of a professional hit man is only $100,000 these days, with amateurs charging only half this amount. Certainly billionaires who own and control 85% of the world’s wealth are not going to let a few innovative scientists threaten to stop their gravy train.

No matter how deceptive or well-covered up the murders may be, it is clear to most in academic and energy circles that very evil conspirators have monitors in the scientific community and patrolling the internet for new “threats”. If the new technologies cannot be discredited or outright purchased (only to be locked in a closet), the key people either disappear, suffer some bizarre accident, or become targeted for some phony criminal charges that keeps investors away from funding the technology involved.

Those that merely think I am some “conspiracy nut” are in fact ignorant of reality and need to some homework. For starters they (perhaps even you?) need to stop getting their “news” from the mainstream media that is owned and operated by the same circle of blue-bloods and read the postings at History Of 'New Energy' Invention Suppression Cases, wikileaks, informationclearinghouse.com (dead link, no archive.org), and democraticunderground.com (Dead link, time sensitive info). Or grab a few enlightening books like “Immaculate Deception” by General Russell Bowen or “The Defrauding of America” by Rodney Stitch. Only after you tune into the truth will your realize the general public is just being milked for more and more money by the wealthy, who keep everyone either oblivious, or diverted by one fabricated crisis after another. Americans have truly lost their collective backbone and become complacent sheeple. I believe it was Ayn Rand who said, “Every people get the government they truly deserve”. Start reading America or you will continue to be used and abused!

What do we have here? Gentiles working to fulfill teslas lost dream being assisnated, kidnapped, murdered, or supressed? It's very clear who is behind the supression of this technology. Just like the supression of spiritual knowledge. If you're still unaware, even after reading all that. Ask yourself.

Who are the progenetors of christianity which has supressed not only technology but also spirituality for thousands of years?
Who are the ones who take every step to destroy humanity and do their damndest to prevent anything which actually HELPS humanity from being found out?
Who are the ones who created the bogus medical industry which focuses on treating symptoms and never curing your ailment?
Who are the ones who invented this genome changing vaccine which is destroying immune systems?
Who are the ones who are the cause of all suffering, degenercy, war, famine, and unjustice in this world? Who are the ones responsible for children taking hormones and self mutilating themselves?


There is only one answer to all these questions, it's the same group of "people" as always. Jews.
FuckYu_666 said:
Very interesting, it is probably just one of the many discoveries that are hidden by the jews.

Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

I'll post this hear speaking on implosion-based free-energy.

As for Plasma batteries I don't think we need to get ourselves dirty with nuclear products. Rather a proper plasma battery non-nuclear. Your thorium discussion proves that eventually it discharges so a engine is required to keep it running past the 10 or so years.

I guess we can make the same argument with plasma and free-energy devices. For us humans at our level we may need to keep the engine around to charge it up. But for the Gods they might have a free-energy production device as an emergency backup in case the battery reaches entropy.

Either way a lesser non-nuclear would be a mercury battery similar to Vimana battery cells made of mercury. It's still toxic but at least not radioactive.
Someone once told me that someone else invented a contraption to be able to power his home. He wanted to get it patented, but the (((government))) stepped-in and said it was a threat of terrorism, so he could not have/use it. He was foolish for trying to get it patented. He should have just done it and kept it to himself, and either sold copies of the contraption to others who didn't want to make their own, or given others copies of the blueprints for those who did want to make their own.

For ages I've been interested in either undercutting the (((energy companies))) or making something myself. As I just said above, I would offer blueprints free of charge or charge for my service and the building and delivery of the device to others - customers' choice. Eventually, one would hope, after enough people bought or made their own, the energy companies would go bust.

See also -

Renewable alternative energy - amazing home-made gasifier uses wood pellets to run generator
This is talking about atomic energy, I am not a big fan of or supporting atomic energy for the common people at all.

You have a lot of nuclear waste, using this you would need to use liquified salts like flouride, to prevent everything from turning into an atomic bomb, and high concentrations of salt (the waste salt will be near to 100% pure salt which is molten) is eating through metal like it’s nothing.

I am not a big fan of atomic energy, altho, I am a supporter to use Uranium / plutonium / thorium for spacecrafts.
But not for cars etc.

Oh and btw thorium is decaying into uranium.
They paint everything too nicely, the flouride will eat through the metal and you still get nuclear waste, I don’t want that in my car.

Atomic energy doesn’t create emissions, but nuclear waste.

Hydrogen motors also don’t produce emissions per se, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen creates energy and water...
However, when you want to create hydrogen, you use electricity to separate it from water, and producing electricity creates emissions (coal, gas, etc)

We don’t have clean methods of creating consistent energy yet.

Thorium >> Uranium reactors, but I am sure there are better and safer ways in converting energy.
Monarch said:
FuckYu_666 said:
Very interesting, it is probably just one of the many discoveries that are hidden by the jews.

Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.
NinRick said:
This is talking about atomic energy, I am not a big fan of or supporting atomic energy for the common people at all.

You have a lot of nuclear waste, using this you would need to use liquified salts like flouride, to prevent everything from turning into an atomic bomb, and high concentrations of salt (the waste salt will be near to 100% pure salt which is molten) is eating through metal like it’s nothing.

I am not a big fan of atomic energy, altho, I am a supporter to use Uranium / plutonium / thorium for spacecrafts.
But not for cars etc.

Oh and btw thorium is decaying into uranium.
They paint everything too nicely, the flouride will eat through the metal and you still get nuclear waste, I don’t want that in my car.

Atomic energy doesn’t create emissions, but nuclear waste.

Hydrogen motors also don’t produce emissions per se, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen creates energy and water...
However, when you want to create hydrogen, you use electricity to separate it from water, and producing electricity creates emissions (coal, gas, etc)

We don’t have clean methods of creating consistent energy yet.

Thorium >> Uranium reactors, but I am sure there are better and safer ways in converting energy.

It also needs -170 degrees Celsius to keep hydrogen in cylinders. A more important concern of mine is, if we split water into hydrogen and oxygen in large quantities, will the large quantities of oxygen be retained in the atmosphere?
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.

I suggest you read this sermon https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27433

Also many people think that nuclear power is some sort of miracle energy source, its literally 1700 technology where we boil water to turn a turbine, the only difference is we use highly radioactive fuel instead of coal.

There are countless stories online of patents seized under national security reasons for supposed free energy devices. Now its impossible to know what these patents are actually for or if every one of them is a claimed "free energy device" but it's a fact that it does happen. If Tesla figured out global energy transfer in the 30s, you have to wonder why we stray further and further away from that technology.
NinRick said:
This is talking about atomic energy, I am not a big fan of or supporting atomic energy for the common people at all.

You have a lot of nuclear waste, using this you would need to use liquified salts like flouride, to prevent everything from turning into an atomic bomb, and high concentrations of salt (the waste salt will be near to 100% pure salt which is molten) is eating through metal like it’s nothing.

I am not a big fan of atomic energy, altho, I am a supporter to use Uranium / plutonium / thorium for spacecrafts.
But not for cars etc.

Oh and btw thorium is decaying into uranium.
They paint everything too nicely, the flouride will eat through the metal and you still get nuclear waste, I don’t want that in my car.

Atomic energy doesn’t create emissions, but nuclear waste.

Hydrogen motors also don’t produce emissions per se, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen creates energy and water...
However, when you want to create hydrogen, you use electricity to separate it from water, and producing electricity creates emissions (coal, gas, etc)

We don’t have clean methods of creating consistent energy yet.

Thorium >> Uranium reactors, but I am sure there are better and safer ways in converting energy.

Nuclear fuel is much more harmful and destructive to the environment and the planet than carbon fuel. Life cannot continue without the cycle.

Stars burn their resources deeply because this is their destiny but this must not be the destiny of planets too.

The European Union recently said it will use nuclear fuel instead of coal to produce electricity.

If you analyse this carefully, you will see that in the long term this is madness. Destroying the hydrogen in our planet's water means destroying the water. I don't know what exactly is involved in destroying the heavy elements on our planet, but I am sure they play a role too. Maybe it will decrease gravity because it will decrease mass. Maybe the planet's electromagnetic field will also decrease.

The jews might propose that we figure out how to burn every element at the nuclear level, since we have such a giant apple at our disposal, but mankind doesn't have that worm mentality. However, things would be a little different if we harvested resources from space, if it was sustainable of course.
Master said:
Monarch said:
FuckYu_666 said:
Very interesting, it is probably just one of the many discoveries that are hidden by the jews.

Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.

Nuclear energy is akin to communist technology it's basically at a highly evolved level reptilian tech. I recall some reptilians use spiritual technologies combined with a nuclear nugget to power the device. At least according to certain UFOlogy information.

Basically the nuclear energy produced by the reptilians is probably cold fusion level technology and it's probably maxed out or near maxed out in what nuclear is capable of for a highly technologically advanced society especially impressive for a slave society that uses mass cloning as a slave driver. Either way whether communist or just a universal basic for of energy it's still impressive to understand the reptilian/grey energy levels of development, it's no surprise how stupid humanity is for adopting it especially for our reptilian offspring friends the jews and their push for some sort of annihilation scenario if they can't enslave.

Funny enough nuclear technology is kinda pointless and many steampunk stories show that humanity doesn't want this. IF nuclear technology is late-1700s, early 1800s technology then funny enough in many steampunk stories the society remains with steampunk it also shows the latent subconscious desire for free or freer energies or outright free-energy implosion technology.

Either way nuclear is dirty, we need it as it powers up a lot and is cleaner to handle than several hundred or several thousand coal plants.

BUT it's basically the technology used by enemy extra-terrestrials though taken and evolved over centuries or millenias of time. Imagine building a society on nuclear and evolving it over long periods of time. It CAN probably reach 100% efficiency but unfortunately it still breaks down, still irradiates, and still produces byproducts hell even cold fusion probably has byproducts or leftover products after breaking down. Supposedly it breaks down slower and releases more power, yes, but non-the less it still breaks down and releases byproducts.

Either way like I said Orion-tech, Satanic technologies and free-energy whether it's the simple devices like solid-state or mercury engines to highly technologically advanced devices pushing the envelope of free technologies. Hell even plasma without the nuclear is probably seen as a proper alternative. Kinda reminds me of Halo apparently the Covenant use plasma technologies without nuclear energy. Something akin to that non-nuclear plasma.

Either way we had multiple chances to use free-freer technologies and all for not. So humanity basically wasted centuries of electrical production using polluting technologies.

Sometimes I wonder if the Gods mine or the Gods taught man to mine the ground. What happened when we ran into coal which at one point was very commonly found. In other words did they tell us this is coal it has these uses and it is also energy product of a lower-level technological society. It CAN be used for energy produces energy and burns but is polluting it's against our wishes you use these technologies and products to power your society.

I wonder what the Gods stated on Oil, as back in the past oil pools formed. I wonder if they straight up told us the application of oil crude oil this fossil fuel is nothing but toxic and deadly bullshit for your society. Even the clean use of this technology for plastics is wholly against the health standards of human lives. It's not that the Gods are against nature but this natural product is usable in manners that go contrary to nature. The very natural and artificial constructs of this product go against the health and safety of Man and Earth.

Kinda makes you wonder what the Gods taught man ages ago. I guess it's the same with nuclear technologies. If we have quantum snoopers some sort of digital, quantum x-ray machine that works far superior than x-rays and MRIs. What is the point of nuclear technology. Perhaps some institute or some sort of research society builds on toxic, negative substances of nature but for education purposes only. Albeit that would be a colossal waste of time and the Gods probably researched this stuff already.

Either way there's much better technology than nuclear, even if nuclear seems like a good option in comparison to other polluting technologies. It's attractive and has positives but eventually it all leads to the same, dirty power technology.
Master said:
Monarch said:
FuckYu_666 said:
Very interesting, it is probably just one of the many discoveries that are hidden by the jews.

Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

It only destroys bacterial flora if used in too high of concentration and can be absorbed through skin or taken intravenously, by a professional. Read one minute cure. It can cure / assisst in curing almost everything from cancers to stds to organ problems the list goes on. Oxygen is fundemental
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.
Stars = fusion
Nuclear reaction = fission

It's a remarkable difference.
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.
Stars = fusion
Nuclear reaction = fission

It's a remarkable difference.

In fact they are opposites, however they are things of nature. Thanks for the correction.
NinRick said:
Master said:
Monarch said:
Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

I would like to see real medical experiments with this.
SATchives said:
Master said:
Monarch said:
Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

It only destroys bacterial flora if used in too high of concentration and can be absorbed through skin or taken intravenously, by a professional. Read one minute cure. It can cure / assisst in curing almost everything from cancers to stds to organ problems the list goes on. Oxygen is fundemental

Oxygen is essential but it cannot be taken that way because that way is destructive. Also, you don't need only oxygen because you are not made only of oxygen.
Master said:
SATchives said:
Master said:
H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

It only destroys bacterial flora if used in too high of concentration and can be absorbed through skin or taken intravenously, by a professional. Read one minute cure. It can cure / assisst in curing almost everything from cancers to stds to organ problems the list goes on. Oxygen is fundemental

Oxygen is essential but it cannot be taken that way because that way is destructive. Also, you don't need only oxygen because you are not made only of oxygen.

you can get oxygen this way, I have been doing it for years, instructed by HPS Maxine Dietrich when she did my astrology chart, because she foresaw future health problems. and have had only beneficial effects from it, no health problems to date. if you do the dosage properly and build up from 1 drop to no more than 20, your body builds up enzymes that rip the oxygen off and give it to the blood, 1-20 drops in 16 oz of warm water, is to dilluted to harm you gut, or your internal bacteria. Only in high concentrations is it dangerous. generally speaking it can be done daily if you want, you do 3-5 for for when you are not sick if you have something you that needs to be cured, you can go up to 20, but do so gradually. I am speaking from experience. for more than one person.
Powerofjustice said:
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.

I suggest you read this sermon https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27433

Also many people think that nuclear power is some sort of miracle energy source, its literally 1700 technology where we boil water to turn a turbine, the only difference is we use highly radioactive fuel instead of coal.

There are countless stories online of patents seized under national security reasons for supposed free energy devices. Now its impossible to know what these patents are actually for or if every one of them is a claimed "free energy device" but it's a fact that it does happen. If Tesla figured out global energy transfer in the 30s, you have to wonder why we stray further and further away from that technology.

Powerofjustice said:
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.

I suggest you read this sermon https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27433

Also many people think that nuclear power is some sort of miracle energy source, its literally 1700 technology where we boil water to turn a turbine, the only difference is we use highly radioactive fuel instead of coal.

There are countless stories online of patents seized under national security reasons for supposed free energy devices. Now its impossible to know what these patents are actually for or if every one of them is a claimed "free energy device" but it's a fact that it does happen. If Tesla figured out global energy transfer in the 30s, you have to wonder why we stray further and further away from that technology.

I read that sermon when it was written and I know how it is with nuclear power. Search this topic, I wrote a post about it.

Master said:
The steam engine is great, isn't it?

For example this is a silly joke, I admit it. The steam engine is really a great discovery and has its value, we need to respect and appreciate the things we have.

Solar panels are essentially photosynthesis, their capacity is lower.

I don't know what Tesla did but many of these you are talking about are scammers. Like the generator made only of magnets, many magnets, that should push each other and rotate infinitely.
SATchives said:
Master said:
SATchives said:
It only destroys bacterial flora if used in too high of concentration and can be absorbed through skin or taken intravenously, by a professional. Read one minute cure. It can cure / assisst in curing almost everything from cancers to stds to organ problems the list goes on. Oxygen is fundemental

Oxygen is essential but it cannot be taken that way because that way is destructive. Also, you don't need only oxygen because you are not made only of oxygen.

you can get oxygen this way, I have been doing it for years, instructed by HPS Maxine Dietrich when she did my astrology chart, because she foresaw future health problems. and have had only beneficial effects from it, no health problems to date. if you do the dosage properly and build up from 1 drop to no more than 20, your body builds up enzymes that rip the oxygen off and give it to the blood, 1-20 drops in 16 oz of warm water, is to dilluted to harm you gut, or your internal bacteria. Only in high concentrations is it dangerous. generally speaking it can be done daily if you want, you do 3-5 for for when you are not sick if you have something you that needs to be cured, you can go up to 20, but do so gradually. I am speaking from experience. for more than one person.

I need to study and verify this.
Gear88 said:
Master said:
Powerofjustice said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm sure that given enough time science can come up with an incredible source of energy based on radiated isotopes, however it is caveman technology compared to other methods that are known and have been used in the past, that do not pose a danger to society by utilising fusion or fission to produce power.

Nuclear is of the enemy.

The thorium batteries meme is kind of like the prototype nuclear cars and planes of the 60s where they proved they were possible with the only downside of a nuclear catastrophe every time one crashed, so yeah it powers your truck for however many years, but its a risk non the less.

No, nuclear power is not just the enemy's, it is a discovery and knowledge that we must have and know too because it is a thing of nature. The stars work in this way.

Nuclear energy is akin to communist technology it's basically at a highly evolved level reptilian tech. I recall some reptilians use spiritual technologies combined with a nuclear nugget to power the device. At least according to certain UFOlogy information.

Basically the nuclear energy produced by the reptilians is probably cold fusion level technology and it's probably maxed out or near maxed out in what nuclear is capable of for a highly technologically advanced society especially impressive for a slave society that uses mass cloning as a slave driver. Either way whether communist or just a universal basic for of energy it's still impressive to understand the reptilian/grey energy levels of development, it's no surprise how stupid humanity is for adopting it especially for our reptilian offspring friends the jews and their push for some sort of annihilation scenario if they can't enslave.

Funny enough nuclear technology is kinda pointless and many steampunk stories show that humanity doesn't want this. IF nuclear technology is late-1700s, early 1800s technology then funny enough in many steampunk stories the society remains with steampunk it also shows the latent subconscious desire for free or freer energies or outright free-energy implosion technology.

Either way nuclear is dirty, we need it as it powers up a lot and is cleaner to handle than several hundred or several thousand coal plants.

BUT it's basically the technology used by enemy extra-terrestrials though taken and evolved over centuries or millenias of time. Imagine building a society on nuclear and evolving it over long periods of time. It CAN probably reach 100% efficiency but unfortunately it still breaks down, still irradiates, and still produces byproducts hell even cold fusion probably has byproducts or leftover products after breaking down. Supposedly it breaks down slower and releases more power, yes, but non-the less it still breaks down and releases byproducts.

Either way like I said Orion-tech, Satanic technologies and free-energy whether it's the simple devices like solid-state or mercury engines to highly technologically advanced devices pushing the envelope of free technologies. Hell even plasma without the nuclear is probably seen as a proper alternative. Kinda reminds me of Halo apparently the Covenant use plasma technologies without nuclear energy. Something akin to that non-nuclear plasma.

Either way we had multiple chances to use free-freer technologies and all for not. So humanity basically wasted centuries of electrical production using polluting technologies.

Sometimes I wonder if the Gods mine or the Gods taught man to mine the ground. What happened when we ran into coal which at one point was very commonly found. In other words did they tell us this is coal it has these uses and it is also energy product of a lower-level technological society. It CAN be used for energy produces energy and burns but is polluting it's against our wishes you use these technologies and products to power your society.

I wonder what the Gods stated on Oil, as back in the past oil pools formed. I wonder if they straight up told us the application of oil crude oil this fossil fuel is nothing but toxic and deadly bullshit for your society. Even the clean use of this technology for plastics is wholly against the health standards of human lives. It's not that the Gods are against nature but this natural product is usable in manners that go contrary to nature. The very natural and artificial constructs of this product go against the health and safety of Man and Earth.

Kinda makes you wonder what the Gods taught man ages ago. I guess it's the same with nuclear technologies. If we have quantum snoopers some sort of digital, quantum x-ray machine that works far superior than x-rays and MRIs. What is the point of nuclear technology. Perhaps some institute or some sort of research society builds on toxic, negative substances of nature but for education purposes only. Albeit that would be a colossal waste of time and the Gods probably researched this stuff already.

Either way there's much better technology than nuclear, even if nuclear seems like a good option in comparison to other polluting technologies. It's attractive and has positives but eventually it all leads to the same, dirty power technology.

If we can find better ways for electricity then why not use them. Certainly nuclear is needed for weapons.
NinRick said:
Master said:
Monarch said:
Indeed it is, one of the many many discoveries. Such as H202 therapy(you can literally cure all disease at home for cents a day). It's really fucking crazy man, there's so many things we(gentiles) have developed which has been stolen from us or completely destroyed.

I mean, look at big jew edison, running around using his jew mommys money to steal patents from the true inventors. All of those patents edison has were stolen, what he would do is come to an inventor and say "either I sue you and ruin your life as you won't be able to keep up with the court fees, or you give me the rights and ownership to your invention".

Luckily, people were actually able to learn that this happened with Tesla, but what about the other hundreds of people this disgusting kike stole from? And it's this "Edison", the jewish thief, who is preached and praised to the heavens in school. Just like how the holohoax is preached to the heavens. It's fucking disgusting man.

H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

Read the "One Minute Cure" book in Satan's Library and you will find out. Many of us have used it to exceptional results and with no damage. Why would we pick it over colloidal metals? Because increasing oxygenation in the body is more effective, especially when modernly we are oxygen-starved due to pollution, diet, rubbish-grade medical knowledge, and other factors.

I am not surprised if in the future we found out that oxygen peroxide and ozone play a dramatical role in speeding up limb regeneration, helping stem cells or something like that. But, no, the enemy has decided that unsightly prosthetics are better than funding proper medical research into regeneration, because they hate human so much they want to turn us into machine so they cannot see our glorious appearance anymore.
Stormblood said:
NinRick said:
Master said:
H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

Read the "One Minute Cure" book in Satan's Library and you will find out. Many of us have used it to exceptional results and with no damage. Why would we pick it over colloidal metals? Because increasing oxygenation in the body is more effective, especially when modernly we are oxygen-starved due to pollution, diet, rubbish-grade medical knowledge, and other factors.

I am not surprised if in the future we found out that oxygen peroxide and ozone play a dramatical role in speeding up limb regeneration, helping stem cells or something like that. But, no, the enemy has decided that unsightly prosthetics are better than funding proper medical research into regeneration, because they hate human so much they want to turn us into machine so they cannot see our glorious appearance anymore.

What amazes me is that hydrogen peroxide is highly reactive with most substances. If H2O2 touches virtually anything it rips electrons away, thus destroying the molecular structure into smaller components. If this happens to your body, your tissue gets destroyed basically.

But I guess small destruction sites are actually good, so the body can repair itself bit for bit, if I make sense here?
This is the only reason I could think of why it would work.

I will check out the book you recommended.
Master said:
NinRick said:
Master said:
H2O2 as a medicine for everything is not possible. If it passes this peroxide in the intestine, it destroys the intestinal bacterial flora and maybe even tissues and in the blood I don't know what it does but look what it does to the skin. There are no simple solutions for complex problems.

H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

I would like to see real medical experiments with this.

Well, we would need to do it ourselves, as the jew would just lie and say it doesn’t work, even if it does work.

Maybe making a thread where SS would share their experiences using this would make it clearer for us for example.
NinRick said:
Master said:
NinRick said:
H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

I would like to see real medical experiments with this.

Well, we would need to do it ourselves, as the jew would just lie and say it doesn’t work, even if it does work.

Maybe making a thread where SS would share their experiences using this would make it clearer for us for example.

You cannot do experiments properly without the necessary means, resources and knowledge, it can be dangerous. I will not experiment recklessly and blindly on myself.
https://www.analyticaltechnology.co...e=What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do to the Body?
NinRick said:
Stormblood said:
NinRick said:
H2O2 is a highly reactive chemical (radical) that basically reacts with everything it comes in contact with. All parasites, bacteria, viruses and yes also any and all tissue it touches makes a chemical reaction with it and gets destroyed.

Idk why people would pick that above colloidal silver tbh

Read the "One Minute Cure" book in Satan's Library and you will find out. Many of us have used it to exceptional results and with no damage. Why would we pick it over colloidal metals? Because increasing oxygenation in the body is more effective, especially when modernly we are oxygen-starved due to pollution, diet, rubbish-grade medical knowledge, and other factors.

I am not surprised if in the future we found out that oxygen peroxide and ozone play a dramatical role in speeding up limb regeneration, helping stem cells or something like that. But, no, the enemy has decided that unsightly prosthetics are better than funding proper medical research into regeneration, because they hate human so much they want to turn us into machine so they cannot see our glorious appearance anymore.

What amazes me is that hydrogen peroxide is highly reactive with most substances. If H2O2 touches virtually anything it rips electrons away, thus destroying the molecular structure into smaller components. If this happens to your body, your tissue gets destroyed basically.

But I guess small destruction sites are actually good, so the body can repair itself bit for bit, if I make sense here?
This is the only reason I could think of why it would work.

I will check out the book you recommended.

I understand where you come from and I appreciate that you have a knowledge of important scientific fields like chemistry. I think the key to avoiding damage is in the concentration. I'm sure you'll agree that diluting a few drops of food-grade (40%) peroxide into a glass of water will make it too weak to damage anything.

Also, I don't see why it cannot be used together with colloidal silver but at a separate time during the day. This would probably have greater results than using either or, especially couple with energy-work.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
